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Karakoram International University

 Department of Modern Languages

 Modern Century Literature, Poetry, Novel
and Stream of consiousness
Presentation Group 3
 Hajat Hussain (Group Leader)
 Haseena Jan
 Haseen Zehra
 Aien Shah
 Shaheena Bano
 Raja Zubair Hassan
 Shamsullah
Modern Age
 Started from beginning of 20th Century

Political History
 World War 1 (1914-1918)
 Emergence of new Nations
 Women Rights Issues

Prepared by Hajat Hussain

A Major Literary Movement
 Started in Early 20th Century
 Influenced by Charles Darwin
and Karl Marx Theories
 Psychoanalytic Theories
 No Connection With History
 When Writers felt they required new
form of writing

 Dissillusionment of Victorian
ideas,belief and their way of writing
 The age of Dissillusionment
 The age of Machine
 The age of innovations
 The Age of Interrogations
 The Age of War
 The Age of Disintegration
 Irony and satire as a tool of point out
faults, problems within society

 Important characteristic of Modern

literature is that it is oppositon of the
Victorian writers

 At the end of Victorian era There was

felt the need of a change in the sphere of
 The modern writers could no longer write in
the old manner

 Writers of the twentieth saw the coming

future of the ‘Golden age’

 Artistic experiment
 This Victorian idea of permanancy was
replaced among the twentieth century
writers by the sense that nothing is fixed
and final in the world.

 The Victorians believed in the sanctity of

home life, but in twentieth century the
sentiments of family life declined
 Science and Arts really influenced the
modern man.

 Psychology also influence

 The Psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund

Frued became more popular and widely
 T.S Eliot was dominant figure

 The Waste Land His famous Poem

 Totally Against Victorianism and


 The twentieth century poets who were in

revolt against Victorianism
 In the nineteenth century poetry the main
characteristics was preoccupation with a
dream world

 Under the new conditions modern poets

could not take dream habit seriously.
 Arnold was not qualified to give a new
direction to the poetry

 Browning had no aptitude to

understand the complexities of modern life

 It was essential that a new techniques of

communicating meaning
be discovered
 Which brought about the movements
known as Imagism and Symbolism in
modern poetry.

 Modern Poets excercise to get a freedom in

choice of new themes

 Use new and wide range of subjects ,

themes and issues.
Features of Modern Poetry....
 Totally against the Victorian and
Romantic poetry
 The disappearance of religious faith
 regular metre have been discarded
 no regular rhyming scheme
 Juxtaposition of ideas
 Use of free verse
 Use of irony
 Use of metaphors
Movements in Modern Poetry.....


 Literary movement in early 20th century

 This Movement was Active for 10 Years

 First revolt against the Victorian and Romantic


 The Imagists rejected the 19th century poetic

form and language.

 The imagists rejected the sentiments of

Victorian and Romantic Poetry
 They use the Common language

 They used exact words instead of

decorative words

 They create new rhythms

 According to them poems are works of art
and not pieces of emotional

 A revolutionary impact on English-

language writing for the rest of the 20th

 Leader of Imagists was Ezra Pound. Other

poets were F.S Flint, James Joyce etc.
 First started in France

 Representing things by means of symbols.

 The symbolists found beauty in every detail

of normal day by day life
 The symbolists doesnot consider any
particular topic, diction or rhytm to be used
in poetry

 The technique of the symbolists is

impressionistic not representational
 The Symbolists poetry in England came
into prominence with the appearance of

 Yeats, Joyce etc were Symbolists.

Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888-1965)
 Born in USA
 Chief representative and a dominant figure
 Great critic
 Classicist
 A social philospher
 Educated at Harvard University
His Work....
he poet surveys the desolate scene of the
 Other Poems
 The Love Song of J.Alfed Prufrock
 Burnt Norton
 East Coker
 The Dry salvages
William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)

 An Irish
 He was anti-rationalist
 Founder of Celtic Movement
 A symbolist
 Due to World War 1 Yeats wrote in
realistic Direction
 The Wanderings of Oisin
 The Poet Pleads with the Elements powers
a symbolism poem
Other Poems
 The Shadowy Waters
 The Winding Stair
 The Tower
 The Wind at Coole
Trench Poets or War Poets
The poets who wrotes about war

 Siegfried Sassoon
 Wilfred Owen
 Robert Bridges
 G.M Hopkins
 A.E Houseman
 Ezra Pound
 Satirical
 War
 Social Injustice
 Arts
 Human Rights
 Life
 Dissatisfaction
 Futurism
Modern Novel....
 Most important and popular literary

 Only literary form which can compete for

popularity with the film and the radio.

 Only literary form which meets the need of

the modern world
 The modern man also under the influence
of science, is not particularly interested in
the metaphorical expression which is the
characteristic of poetry.

 The modern man prefers the novel form

 The modern scientific discoveries, the new

 The development of psychology

 The stream of consciousness technique,

became an important part of novelist
technique in the twentieth century.
 The modern novel is realistic. Realistic
opposed to idealistic

 The modern novel is Psychological

 Under the influence of Sigmund Frued

theories the modern novel tends to reveal
the hidden inner motives behind people’s
 This term was introduced by William James.

 Used in Novels

 A technique that reveals the character

completely historically as well as

 Used by Virginia Woolf and James Joyce

1. The Ancestors

2. The Transitionalists

3. The Moderns
Novelists who dominated the earlier part of the
20th century
Herbert George Wells (1866-1946)
 Most intellectual

 insisted that classical humanism should be

discarded in favour of science and biology

 No loyalty to the past.

His Work...
Their novels divided into three parts

1. Scientific romance

2. Domestic novels

3. Sociological novels
 Unrivalled
 Masterpieces of imaginative power
 The Time Machine –hero invent time
machine and accelerate the and project
himself into the future.
Other Novels...
 The Island and Dr. Moreau (1896)
 The War of the Worlds’ (1898): Theme of
the invasion of Earth by Mars.
 When the Sleeper Wakes (1899)
 The First Man in the Moon (1901)
 The Food of the Gods (1904)
Domestic novels ....
 familiar with the life in London.
 Kipps (1905): Comedy of class instincts, full
of satire and humour
 Tono Bungay (1909): Disintegration of
English society,
 Anna Veronica (1909):
 Love and Mrs. Lewisham (1910)
 The History of Mr. Polly (1910)
Social problems confronting the men of his
 The New Machiavelli (1911): Story of political
and sociological creeds.
 Mr. Britling sees it Through (1916): Reaction
of people to World War I.
 The Undying fire (1919): Religious and
satiric fantasy.
Other Ancestors...
 Arnold Bennett
 Henry James
 Joseph Conard
 Kiplings
 the new forces resulted from the war which
broke the old tradition.
James Joyce (1822-1941)
• An Irish
• Unique and extraordinary genius
• symbolist
 born linguist
 highly gifted
 worked in the ‘stream of consciousness’
His Work....
 Ulysses (1922): Masterpiece, epic,
counterpart of Homer’s Odyssey, speech not
action-a token of humanity, does not present
to life. Used stream of consiousness
 The Dubliners (1914)
 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
 Exiles (1918)
 Woman writer
 Used ‘stream of consciousness’ technique
 Impressed by Ulysses
 Gifted with poetic temperament
Her Novels....
 The Voyage Out (1918): Meaning of life.
 Night and Day (1919)
 Jacob’s Room (1922): first serious
experiment in the stream of consciousness
 Mrs. Dalloway (1925)
 To the Lighthouse (1927)
 Orlando (1928): Liveliest, fantasy.
 The Years (1937): Simpler form of fiction
Other Transitionalists...

 Aldous Huxley

 D.H Lawrence
The Moderns
 William Somerset Maugham (1874-1965)
 He was Novelist
 Dramatist
 Short story writer
 Naturalistic
 Liza of Lambeth (1897): Naturalistic,
Picture of life.
 Of Human Bondage (1915)
 The Moon and Sixpence (1919)
 Cakes and Ale (1930)
 The Razor’s Edge (1944): Maugham
seeks the meaning of life.
Other Moderns...

 J.B Priestly

 Charles Morgan

 Graham Greene

Woman right

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