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1. As the fabric face mask producer we will face competition from :

 Other manufacturers of face masks for example Toga in Zimbabwe
manufacturers also face fabric mask .The reason because of similarity of
 Also face competition from detergents manufacturers those who produce
hand sanitizers since it’s a similar product category used to prevent the
spread of corona
 As the marketing manager I will face competition from other retailers for
example OK Zimbabwe since they provide products or services that satisfy
the same spending power of our customers
 Competition will be faced from those who produce surgical face mask which
are used in clinics or hospital since both mask satisfy the same need .
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2. Slice of life shows how a group of teenagers enjoying the music they are listening
to, from the music streaming service in a normal setting.
3 .Testimonial evidence or endorsement by providing a highly credible source for
example Neutrogena: Dermatologist recommended

4. Personality symbol because Taylor Swift, is depicted writing a song while sipping
on a can of Diet Coke.

6. Fantasy the woman is seeing an imaginary perception wearing 3D glasses

Reprimanding a dinosaur in her living room and sending it back into
Her Panasonic television.
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7. price bundling

Since its offering customers the Canon products in a ‘starter package’. Which
includes Canon camera, camera bag and memory card at a lower price than when
purchasing the canon products individually

8. using odd pricing basing on the belief that a price ending with R299
for the Milex Nanotec wall plug Heater will be more appealing to the customers .

9.Skimming pricing – Apple is setting the price high 699 dollars to appeal to the
innovators who are least price sensitize .The price of the iPhone will start to
decrease 599 dollars as the iPhone is moving along the product life cycle .

10 . Price lining –Dstv is setting different prices for different packages Premium
,lite,compact and compact plus .The customers pays for a Dstv package he affords
according to his income .

11. Premium pricing -Christian Louboutin are using premium pricing to show quality
of the since footwear incorporates shiny, red lacquered soles that have become his
signature. That is why the foot wear costing R10 400, the price tag
communicates the brands exclusive image
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Section 4

12. Product

The Twelve Apostles Hotel is providing room service ,breakfast lunch and dinner
.Anyone booking the room must be hand sanitised and must be wear a face mask
and his temperature checked the door .The room must be disinfected each day to kill
the covid bacteria


The amount Twelve Apostles Hotel is charging for booking a room and order
breakfast .Different room must have different prices to accommodate customers from
different backgrounds. Since it is world-famous luxury resorts its pricing will be a
premium one charging around 10000 rands at night . Twelve Apostles Hotel pricing
must include amount for hand sanitizers and masks which are going to be given to
patrons .


Twelve Apostles Hotel must advertise its world famous luxury resorts on
International newspapers such as financial times and other international magazines.
Twelve Apostles Hotel can take advantage of google ads and using personal selling
contacting customers who had visited them some time ago. When advertising
Twelve Apostles Hotel on we must remind customers to wear their mask, sanitizer
.They must be a banner at the wall at the entrance educating customers about covid
19 and how to prevent its spread


Twelve Apostles Hotel must be accessible to both local, regional and international
tourists The tourism must be assured that the Twelve Apostles Hotel Is also taking
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care of their healthy by preventing the spread of covid 19. Twelve Apostles Hotel is
placed near a beach/port


Twelve Apostles Hotel must ensure that customers get high quality customer service
starting at the reception area for example good day sir how can we assist. Waitress
must know the importance of high customer service. All staff at Twelve Apostles
Hotel must wear a mask at all time .


The process of booking a room at Twelve Apostles Hotel using a telephone, mobile
app or face to face must be efficiency and trying to avoid long queues .If enquires
arises must be dealt with promptly. The hotel must encourage people to book online
to avoid crowding people in order to prevent the spread of corona virus

Physical evidence

All Twelve Apostles Hotel must have the same appearance .The furniture must be
keep clean ,at the reception area they must be an air conditioner to cool the area.
They must be a place for customers to seat whilst waiting to be served .All the
Twelve Apostles Hotel building must be disinfected regularly to avoid the spread of
covid 19.

13. five (5) levels of a product for Twelve Apostles hotel

Core product

The core product for Twelve Apostles hotel is a memorable and comfortable sleep.

Generic Product

The bed, sheets, room appearance ,painting and decoration in the room is the
Twelve Apostles hotel generic product.

Expected product
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Once a customer has booked a room he expect it the room to be clean ,to have a
television with DStv .The sheets and blankets to smell good

Augmented product for the Twelve Apostles hotel it include a price reduction by 5%
on your next visit to Twelve Apostles hotel .And also insurance covers if you get hurt
in the Hotel.

Potential product- the customers expects in the future they will book Twelve Apostles
hotel rooms which will be located inside the ocean with class at one corner so that
the customer will also feel the nature.
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Section 5

14 . Lululemon could further segment this market using the five bases
of segmentation

 Geographic segmentation-Lululemon will segment the market focusing on

where the customer live. It will segment the market as regions such as Cape
town and Gauteng under those regions it will further split it to cities for
example in cape town it will further segment wynberg as a different market
with different needs and wants from Muizenberg .
 Demographic .Lululemon segmentation here will be based on
age,gender,income and eduction.On gender it will target only professional
females between the age of 25 to 45 years with a diploma who earns are
minimum of 10000 Rands
 Psychographics –Lululemon will segment the market basing on how the target
audience think by focusing with the mid class to upper class who can afford
has has a personality related to yoga.
 Behavioural –Lululemon will group customers according to the benefits they
are seeking from Lululemon for example physical aspects of healthy living and
others just for fun.
 Geodemographic –Lululemon will combine the two aspects of geographic
segmentation with demographic segmentation for example a grouping
customers living in Wynberg targeting professional females between ages 25
to 45 years with a diploma who earns a minimum of 10000 rands .

15 Lululmon must target using Differentiated marketing using a different marketing

mix in their two segments of cape town and Gauteng .Cape town(western cape) and
Gauteng ate two different provinces meaning customers in these segment will have
different needs when buying Lululemon products.Undifferentiated targeting is not
appropriate which we will be targeting the whole market with a single product (yoga,
running, cycling, training and sweaty pursuits for women and men) leading to
wastage of resources.Wheresas with concentrated differentiation will be focusing on
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a single segment whereas Lululemons has identified cape town and Gauteng as
having different needs. Micro marketing is not appropriate since its expensive and
time consuming to target a single person .

16 Positioning by benefits and attributes

Lululemon is positioning basing on the physical aspects of healthy living and
mindfulness and living a life of possibility

Positioning by quality - Lululemon has core values of quality meaning they

positioning their services and product by quality leading to high price

Positioning by competitors – on the case study Lululemon mentioned the word

greatest trying to explain their design studio by day and yoga studio are greater than
those of competitors.

Positioning by user - Lululemon is a yoga-inspired, technical athletic apparel

company for women and men.
Positioning use – Lululemon is positioning by use using the following words “where
people could learn and discuss the physical aspects of healthy living”

Positioning by product category- “sweat-minded people” from the case indicates that
it’s in the sporting industry.

18. Strengths
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Popular established brand specialising in sporting.


Target millennial females within the Gauteng and

Cape Town regions who are interested in yoga


Covid 19 pandemic which is on the rise in South Africa meaning South African
government can return to stage 1 lockdown


The rise of customer who care more about their healthy.

19. Lululemon should use selective distribution intensity in South Africa. Targeting
a limited number outlets in cape town and Gauteng ,and also making sure
Lululemon products are stocked only by those outlets that are to give lululemon
products the attention they deserve . Other distribution intensities would not be
applicable to Lulu lemon because intensive distribution is suitable for convenient
products whereas Lulu lemon products are shopping products .Exclusive distribution
to suitable for specialty products such as jewellery.
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Question 5
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Question 6
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