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UE18EC305: Computer Organization Laboratory (0-0-2-1-1)

Using Rapberry Pi3 kit



1. Part (a) programs demo will be given in the class.

Videos also will be available for the same.

2. Part (b,c,d) programs are assignment programs

3. Students should execute all the programs .

4. Pdf of scanned handwritten copy should be uploaded in the

Spreadsheet .
Experiment 6: Programming using GPIOs as output Pin
a) Program to blink a LED continuously.
b) Program to blink LED for N times using for looping statement.
c) Program to blink array of LEDs continuously using looping statement.
d) Program Raspberry Pi to display binary Counters (Binary, Ring, Twisted Ring) on LEDs

Experiment 7:Programming GPIOs as Input and Output Pin (Use of Switches,

LED, Buzzer and Relay)
a) Program to read status of switch & operate a LED based on status
b) Program to read status of switch & operate a Buzzer/Relay based on status.
c) Program to realize Boolean function using switches and LEDs.

Experiment 8: Programming to interface OLED device with Raspberry Pi kit

a) Program to display a message on specified Line & Position of OLED Display.
b) Program to Read status of Switch, Operate LED/Relay/Buzzer& Display the status of switch on
c) Program to display image on OLED
Experiment 9:Programming to interface Servo motor with Raspberry Pi kit
a) Program to interface Servo motor.
b) Program to interface Servo motor to rotate based on Sensor/switch status
Experiment 10: Programming On-chip ADC (Sensors like temperature, LDR)
a) Program to read analog input and compare the measured value with reference value. If
measured value is > Reference Value then turn ON a buzzer and Trigger a relay.
b) Program to read analog input from on-board Potentiometer & Operate a relay if Measured
Value crossed Threshold Value as well as display Relay status on OLED.

Demo Expt:

Experiment 11: Programming for inter device/system communication using

a) Program to control LED On/OFF from server to client
b) Program to establish duplex communication between two devices/system by exchange of string
of message

Contents to upload for class and Assignment programs:

Aim /Title

Block Diagram

Procedure for execution

comments (along with program)

Calculations if any and Tabulated Results.

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