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Create Your Own World Presentation

A: Content

5 4 3 2 1
You deal with all of the areas—
rules/punishments, education,
Your project deals with most of Your project deals with many of Your project deals with some of Your assignment is incomplete
choosing leaders/running of
Completeness government, raising families,
the areas listed in the assignment the areas listed in the assignment the areas listed in the and lacking the required
instructions instructions assignment instructions content.
social life—listed in the
assignment instructions
Your ideas show little You have not created a world
Your ideas show originality and Your ideas show some originality; Your ideas fulfill the requirements
originality or boldness; your which differs in substantial or
thought; they work together, don’t they are presented completely of the assignment without any
New World generally re-creates creative ways from our own
Details & “Sense” contradict each other, and are with few extra ideas or details; extras; there are some flashes or
our own world with few major world; you have not shown a
“fleshed out” in detail clearly and your ideas may show some originality and creativity; ideas
changes; ideas often contradict creative approach; your ideas
completely, often including extras contradictions contradict each other
each other are contradictory
B: Organization

Your New World shows a Your world demonstrates that you Your ideas are often linked, but Your ideas sometimes seem
Your ideas don’t have a
consistent approach which comes thought of a philosophy behind sometimes show there is no good on their own, but together
Consistent Philosophy from a consistent philosophy of your ideas and tried to carry out consistent philosophy behind show no real consistency of
philosophy individually, or in a
way that holds them together
life, society, or government that philosophy them philosophy

Your format and ideas are Your format and ideas are There is no clear link between
presented with thorough presented with substantial Your project’s format does not The format of your project does the format you’ve chosen and
Format organization; the format brings organization; the format shows interfere with your ideas, but not allow your ideas to be your ideas; the format even
out the ideas in your New World your ideas clearly, showing shows no real creativity expressed clearly makes your ideas harder to
in a clear or creative way occasional creativity understand

C: Presentation Skills and Language Usage

Presenter engages the audience Presenter rarely engages the Presenter does not engage the
Speaking, Eye Presenter consistently engages the Presenter engages the audience, audience, speaks with a low audience, does not make eye
sometimes, speaks audibly once in
audience, speaks clearly, makes speaks audibly, makes eye contact volume, rarely makes eye contact and always reads from
Contact, & Audience frequent eye contact and rarely and occassionally reads from the
a while, makes some eye contact
and often reads from the slides or contact and frequently reads the slides or notes. Speaking is
Impact reads from the slides or notes. slides or notes.
notes. from the slides or notes. difficult to understand and hear.
Errors in spelling, grammar, Errors in English spelling,
Errors in English spelling,
Few or no errors in English Some, but no major, errors in punctuation, paragraphing, or grammar, punctuation,
grammar, punctuation,
spelling, grammar, punctuation, English spelling, grammar, mechanics are frequent; paragraphing, or mechanics are
Language Use paragraph form, or mechanics; punctuation, paragraph form, or
paragraphing, or mechanics affect
interfere with clarity and too frequent, interfere with
the meaning or clarity of your
good self-editing of work mechanics; shows self-editing meaning; show a lack of clarity or meaning, and show a
work; should edit more
editing lack of editing or care

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