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Unit Operation 1

By: Dr. Amer Aziz

Lect. No. 1 Part 2
2- Algebraic method for determining the number of equilibrium stages:

Graphical methods for determining equilibrium stages have great educational value because of
fairly complex multistage problem can be readily followed and understood. Furthermore, one
can quickly gain visual insight into the phenomena involved.

When the flow rate of L and G are constant and the process is countercurrent and the
equilibrium line is a straight line and can be presented by the relation y = m* x, also if the
operating line is a straight line (i.e. dilute solution), a simplified analytical equation found by
Kremser et al. can be used to find the number of theoretical plates as follow:
N: Theoretical number of plates.

y*  m * x (Equilibrium relation for dilute solution)


A: absorption factor which is the ratio of slop of operating line ( L G ) to the slop of
equilibrium line (m), then:

m *G

Note: if LT not equal to LB and GT not equal to GB

m. G T m. G B

A = √ AT . AB
3- Kresmer chart
Tray - efficiency

• An ideal stage provides quite an efficient contact between the phases,

so that they attain equilibrium, or the phases leaving an ideal stage
are at equilibrium irrespective of the inlet concentration. However,
the performance of a real stage will expectedly be different from that
of an ideal stage.
• The tray efficiency is an indicator of how closely the performance of a
real tray approaches that of an ideal tray.
• We will consider three kinds of efficiency:-
1- Point- efficiency (E ): OG

The tray efficiency is likely to vary from one location to another on a tray. •


• Where NTUOG= Ky . a- . Z /G
• For the high efficiency , it must:
• Ky =large M.T. coefficient.
• a- = large interfacial area.
• Z = depth of the froth on the tray.
2- Murphree- efficiency (EMG):
There is a relation between 1 &2 in two certain cases:-

1- if the liquid well mixed then: EMG= EOG

2- if the liquid is in plug flow, then: EMG= A. [e(EOG/A)-1]

3- Over all tray- efficiency (Eo):

𝑁𝑜.𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑦𝑠
Which is define as:- Eo=
𝑁𝑜.𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑦𝑠

ln[1+EMG −1 ]
Eo= 1
ln( )
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