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CODE: 1099365901









INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3

OBJETIVES .................................................................................................................................... 4

General ........................................................................................................................................ 4

Specific ....................................................................................................................................... 4

WORK DEVELOPMENT .............................................................................................................. 5

Profile update screenshot ............................................................................................................ 5

Social Interaction forum participation screenshot ...................................................................... 5

Skype group participation ........................................................................................................... 5

Article Review ............................................................................................................................ 6

CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................................. 8

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 9

To successfully achieve a learning process, especially in the virtual modality, the

induction and familiarization activities constitute a valuable method that will allow to advance

and get the best out of the knowledge that is offered, however, the disposition is also required,

the time and commitment of the students, where integration and teamwork are encouraged, to

achieve the objectives set for the Technological Assessment and Negotiation course, which is

one of the knowledge that will allow us to assertively manage our profession as industrial


In this case we will analyze as a first aspect the article called "A hothouse for Genius",

from which we will begin to give a better interpretation about the valuation and technological

negotiation in our country Colombia, where we can identify a clear example of how development

and constant teamwork and the use of talents and skills of people has led to the generation of

successful software that have been welcomed both in the national and international environment,

helping to improve their processes and procedures through systematization, this is where

technology takes on an important value for the success or crisis in the world economy, and much

more valuable for a country like ours that continually seeks to develop..


Recognize the protection of intellectual property as a key tool to develop technological

innovation within companies.


1. Develop teamwork as a strategy that facilitates learning and the required skills are


2. Familiarize the English language as a second language necessary for the development of

the daily activities of professional staff

3. Internalize concepts about the importance of intellectual property in a company.

4. Integrate the learning process with the use of technological tools and innovative means of

communication among the work group.


Profile update screenshot

Social Interaction forum participation screenshot

Skype group participation

Article Review

How does the article demonstrate the importance of technology innovation to

promote development in Colombia?

Another of the riches and treasures of our country is clearly the intelligence, talents and

skills that Colombians have, an invaluable and necessary resource that is often unknown and

little valued, however, there are prodigious minds that with a little initiative converge in

successful projects such as the one mentioned in the article “A Hothouse for Genius”,

highlighting the leadership of Orlando Rincón, a Colombian who has promoted and sustained a

technological innovation project called Parquesoft, recognized nationally and internationally in

the industry Software, is here a clear example of how a person has managed to exploit the talent

and skills of hundreds of Colombians dedicated to programming, leading them to position

themselves as a benchmark in different environments of the economy.

Sadly, in the Colombian territory there is no clear, forceful and ambitious policy that has

a focus aimed at giving value to youth and all those talents and abilities, since a generation open

to knowledge and technology is not being combined, since the different Educational centers have

turned education into a business, limiting thousands of Colombians in their purposes of being

professionals or acquiring an academic degree that accredits them as suitable to be able to access

a company or organization, in which the requirements and demands each time become more

rigorous, preventing each person from being able to perform and constantly exercise their


From this perspective, we can say that we have the highest quality input to be able to

promote the economic and social development of the Colombian population, where it is

important that the State does not limit itself to just saying that resources have been injected for
technology and innovation, but that There is also evidence of a management towards the

consolidation of innovative projects in science and technology which can be patented and

consolidated as intellectual property that contributes to the growth of the industrial, business and

commercial sector, since our country currently lags somewhat behind other countries from South

America like Argentina, Brazil and Chile1.

To monopolize innovation within the daily life in our country, it is necessary that there be

an articulation between the State, the Companies, the Educational Centers and the Colombian

Society, in such a way that it is possible to break down the barrier that exists between the public

and the private In addition, put aside political interests and power, which have fractured the

general interest, promoting the particular, since we must all go towards the same goal, achieve

the competitiveness of our economy and social policy towards different world needs, seek to be

an alternative, since as Sofia González says in her article, there must be a “direct correlation

between the government's commitment to innovate and its fiscal policies in R&D and its ability

to attract and retain innovative organizations.”2.

Article the innovation as a source of development, por Sofía González Valencia. Recovered from:
Article the innovation as a source of development, por Sofía González Valencia. Recovered from:

The methodology required to carry out this course, we consider it successful in the face

of the requirement that is determined for the students, allowing to deepen and apply the language

as a necessary element to carry out or interpret the assessment and technological negotiation

processes, and that if at any time the need arises to attend to texts, arguments or dialogues in

another language such as English, the fundamental bases are in place to maintain fluency and


It is important to recognize that our country has great intellectual attributes in its people,

which could undoubtedly be determined as an alternative with a high competitiveness index in

the environment of science and technological innovation, which is a reference for a solution to

the crises that hit the economy and the low rates of social development that our Colombian State

seeks to achieve.

It is clear to indicate that to achieve better development in technology and innovation

there must be a series of correlations between the different sectors of the country, in which work

is done in an articulated way in order to strengthen the economy and guarantee competitiveness

in the national and international context.


Gonzalez S. Article the innovation as a source of development. Recovered from:

Velázquez, A. F. (2006). A Hothouse for Genius. Latin Trade (English), 14(4), 37. Recovered



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