E Sea: Going Once, Going Twice: G.T.S. & Brodsky To Close On 2, 3, 4

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Brent teaches our intrepid reporter to box — p. 13


Chelsea Flatiron
Coalition spars with

city over BRC shelter

BY WINNIE McCROY drug-addicted people seeking
Even as the Bowery mental health — will once
Residents’ Committee contin- again square off before the
ues construction and outreach Chelsea Flatiron Coalition,
for a spring opening of their represented by attorney
new 12-story homeless shel- Daniel Connolly of law firm
ter at 127 West 25th Street, Bracewell & Giuliani. Justice
a group of concerned prop- Joan Madden’s office con-
erty and business owners pre- firmed that oral arguments
pares to argue before a state would be heard on a pre-
Supreme Court Justice that liminary injunction motion on
this construction violates city February 7.
codes and zoning resolutions. Among the allegations
The BRC — a nonprofit made in the 127-page lawsuit
that provides housing and
counseling to homeless and Continued on page 3

Jets out — local

G.T.S expects the sale of 2, 3, 4 Chelsea Square to be the first step towards financial well-being.
Photo by Winnie McCroy

Going once, going twice: G.T.S. sports bars still in

the game
& Brodsky to close on 2, 3, 4 BY MATT DRAPER
With the Super Bowl in
Kitchen neighbors) boasts
a number of pubs and
BY WINNIE McCROY needed on our dormitories before the The second phase is leveraging the scoring distance, sports fans restaurants with a focus
Chelsea’s General Theological students now living in the apartment Seminary’s $30 million investment in throughout Chelsea should on sports — including a
Seminary prepares this week to close building at 422 West 20th Street can the Desmond Tutu Center by bringing start preparing for the big couple of new venues that
on the first piece of property to be move in. The funds will also allow us to in partners and increasing the school’s game — at least in terms cater to those looking for
sold to a luxury housing development begin working to fit out our new library endowment. The Seminary said they of scouting local options finer dining options and
group. In a move to eliminate the as well as providing operating expenses would retain a “buy-back option” on to watch the nation’s most lounge aesthetics when
Seminary’s $41 million in debt, restore for the next 18 months.” all of the sales. They hope that in the popular sporting event. cheering on their favor-
the school’s endowment and balance “It seems as if we are ready to close. future, they will ultimately be able to While not typically ite squads throughout
their budget, G.T.S. trustees voted in The only issue is the Attorney General’s afford to buy back the property for associated with the city’s the NFL playoffs, March
October 2010 to sell several of their approval, which looks like it will be G.T.S. use. sports scene, Chelsea Madness and beyond.
buildings to the Brodsky Corporation. coming along next week, and a few This plan raised many concerns (along with its Flatiron,
Pending the approval of the New York technical things,” echoed Dean Amro, for Chelsea residents, including co- Meatpacking and Hell’s Continued on page 11
State Attorney General, a represen- a partner at Brodksy Corporation. presidents Justin Hoy and Lesley Doyel
tative from G.T.S. said they would The sale of the G.T.S.’s residential of Save Chelsea. In an effort of good
close on the building known as 2, 3, 4 properties, which includes the West faith, Rev. Lowrey agreed to meet with
Chelsea Square. Building and an apartment building the two after the New Year. According EDITORIAL,
“The next step in our plan is to at 422 West 20th Street, will lever- to Doyel, a “long and fruitful” meeting LETTERS
close with the Brodsky Organization age the Seminary’s assets, eliminate took place last week at Moran’s (146 PAGE 8
on the building, but first we require nearly all of their debt and balance the Tenth Avenue at 19th Street).
approval from a regulatory agency. budget within the next two years. The “We had a far-reaching conversa-
This is expected any day now,” said sale is the first step in a three-phase tion that addressed many issues,” said STRAIGHT
G.T.S. Interim President Rev. Lang strategy the G.T.S. calls “The Plan to Doyel. “They seem to be really plan- PRIDE BEGINS ON
Lowrey. “The proceeds from this sale Choose Life,” named after a passage in PAGE 9
will allow us to begin the renovations Deuteronomy. Continued on page 3


2 Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011

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Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011 3

Seminary, Brodsky Corp. to close on Chelsea 2, 3, 4

the company, Amro did return calls requesting comment,
Continued from page 1 during which he outlined their plans.
“As you know, all of the properties we are purchasing are
ning for the long haul in terms of both fiscal health and their located in the Chelsea Historic District, which is governed “We understand the need for it,
mission. This conversation also marks the opening of an by the Landmarks Commission, so anything we would
open, candid and more frequent dialogue between the com- want done to the exteriors would need to be approved by but we are very concerned that the
munity and the Seminary.” them,” said Amro. “There are several properties in ques-
In a December 7 presentation to the community, Rev. tion: Chelsea 2, 3, 4 are existing townhouses for which all Brodsky Corporation now owns so
Lowrey outlined the timeline for building. Renovations on we will do is restore the damaged façade, which is leaking.
Dehon and Pintard Halls will begin this winter and spring. For 422 West 20th Street, we will do some cleanup to the much landmarked property in the
New construction on the library, situated next to the Chelsea façade…and we will ask Landmarks to consider taking
Enclave, will also begin. down an old fire escape on the exterior because it will look heart of a historic district,” said
better, but if they say no, we will keep it.”
Amro furthered detailed that the historic West Doyel.
Building would remain as is, with the exception of
Pending the approval of the New Brodksy Corporation replacing the rotten wood and
chipping paint around the windows and patching up the
York State Attorney General, a leaks. In his timeline, Rev. Lowrey noted that this would “We understand the need for it, but we are very
not begin until November. concerned that the Brodsky Corporation now owns so
representative from G.T.S. said they “The properties will all be restored; we are not taking much landmarked property in the heart of a historic
down any of these buildings, just restoring and cleaning district,” said Doyel. “One thing Justin and I discussed
would close on the building known them up so they are functional and safe,” said Amro. is that because Save Chelsea is composed of people from
The Brodsky Corporation will construct their only many block associations and preservation organizations,
as 2, 3, 4 Chelsea Square. new building on the property currently occupied by preservation is a key issue here, and a very serious con-
tennis courts. Amro said that this residential building cern.”
would, with the approval of the Landmarks Commission, “The reason we are interested in it is that the Seminary
be consistent with the brick, brownstone and glass struc- is beautiful property,” said Amro. “These old buildings
During that meeting, Chelsea residents expressed addi- ture they built at the Chelsea Enclave. are beautiful, and restoring them will only improve them
tional concern that the Brodsky Corporation would alter “I think at the end of the day that building was well and make them better, instead of letting these old buildings
the façades of the buildings or compromise the Seminary’s received,” he said. “There were some issues about how fall down…To restore all of them will be great.”
historic Close in some other way. At that time, Rev. Lowrey tall it should be, but once we built it, the community Members of Save Chelsea were heartened by the efforts
noted, “We are a seller in a distress situation. I will ask seemed to like how the Enclave turned out.” both the Seminary and Brodksy Corporation had made in
them to meet with you, but I cannot assure you that Dan Amro said that although they have not yet completed addressing their concerns, with Doyel saying, “Everyone is
[Brodsky] will do that.” the designs for that new building, it would be an as-of- being much more open, and that is all we can hope for. It is
Although Chelsea Now did not seek a direct meeting with right building, requiring no zoning variances. a very good way to start the New Year; it is very convivial.”

BRC shelter still opposed by CFC

the zoning issues before the BSA. is that that the city was in the process of conducting a Fair
Continued from page 1 But Justice Madden did rule in favor of the other Share Assessment, even as construction is underway. When
issues CFC raised, including the city’s failure to follow construction is complete, BRC will file for the certificate of
filed in October 2010 against the BRC and the City of New ULURP procedures, SEQRA and CEQRA environmental occupancy. Once they obtain this, they will begin moving
York, Connolly alleges that the Department of Buildings reviews, as well as various contract requirements within the into the new building, sometime in April.
approved the project in violation of zoning resolutions for Administrative Code. In response to concerns about safety, Rosenblatt said they
the area, that no ULURP (Uniform Land Use Review “Justice Madden ruled for us on those points and ordered will work with the DOT to install bulbs of increased watt-
Procedure) analysis, Fair Share assessment or state and city that our preliminary injunction hearing on those issues age in the streetlights on West 25th Street, and they have
environmentally mandated reviews had been made. should go forward — and that is what will be heard on already lowered the lights in the rear of the building so as not
In an effort to sidestep the CFC’s litigation, the BRC February 7,” said Connolly. In the meantime, the CFC to disturb neighbors. The shelter will also have staff patrol the
filed an injunction against the CFC’s efforts to stop con- will address zoning issues before the BSA, at a hearing
struction, saying they had failed to exhaust their admin- that should take place sometime in mid-February. Continued on page 20
istrative remedies in their claim that the shelter violated Looking toward a late March/early April opening,
city zoning resolutions. In a November 5 hearing, both the BRC and its executive director Muzzy Rosenblatt
Connolly and BRC’s legal council, Randy M. Mastro of continue with both construction and community rela- /ƚ͛ƐƚĂdžƚŝŵĞ͕'ƵŶǁĞůŝƐŚĞƌĞƚŽŚĞůƉ͊
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, pled their cases before Justice tions efforts.
Joan Madden, who decided not to give a ruling on the At a January 19 BRC Community Advisory Committee
stay at that time. meeting for 127 West 25th Street, a group of about 17

Early in January, Justice Madden rendered her decision concerned citizens, local security and police officers and 
on BRC’s motion to stay the CFC’s motion for a preliminary
injunction. According to Connolly, The BRC had argued that
representatives of community organizations gathered in
a Midtown office building to discuss the state of events.
before the CFC could sue them over zoning violations, they Although confidentiality agreements prevent Chelsea
must first go to the Bureau of Standards and Appeals (BSA), Now from reporting verbatim on the events, some issues
the city agency that reviews the issuance of Department of
Building permits.
that were discussed included an update on street out-
reach efforts and an agreement to both share the train-
“We argued that inasmuch as BSA does not have the ing curriculum with other organizations (such as Penn >ĞƚƵƐǁŽƌŬƐŵĂƌƚ
power to issue an injunction against the construction — and
an injunction is necessary — we are not required to go to
South), as well as a decision to increase existing street
outreach to include weekend hours.
the BSA,” said Connolly via email. “There is a fair amount Some concerned community members requested an VW
( 6W‡
of case law to support that argument.” update on shelter construction and an outline on how opera- *XQZHOFRP
During that January hearing, Justice Madden agreed with tions would proceed after the shelter opened. Rosenblatt
the BRC, and ruled against the CFC, ordering them to bring said his best understanding of the new 200-bed contract 
4 Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011

Ellen Stewart, 91,

doyenne of La MaMa
OBITUARY just in English; all wrapped around a
directorial style which the audience was
immersed in, surrounded by or an actual
BY WICKHAM BOYLE part of the show. The world stage is now
Ellen Stewart — the mercurial, magi- chockablock full of these techniques; you
t Value
tion • Bes
cal, inventive, prescient founder and see them in commercials, in Broadway
rt Instruc
longtime artistic director of the famed shows, in circus and in school plays. But

uthentic Facilities • La MaMa Theatre died in New York City when La MaMa began in 1961 all of this
A on Jan. 13. Stewart was my mentor, my was uncharted territory.
boss, my partner, the grandmother to my Ellen Stewart prided herself on never
children — and to generations of us who reading scripts and picking plays, opera
worked in New York City or American or or art shows by a series of reactions she
world theater, she was our mother. called her “beeps.”
Everything about Ellen Stewart is “Baby, if it beeps to me, MaMa will
swathed in mystery and wonder. Even know, and if it doesn’t, I don’t care what
The New York Times, bastion of fact, the words say and who your real MaMa
attributes three possible dates for her is, it is not for La MaMa!” I would see
birth, from 1917 to 1919. Her birthplace her on the phone to Bogotá or Brooklyn
was Chicago, but her accent morphed. or Belgium with artists and giving notes
It was different when she spoke to the via her beeps: “Look at pages 5, 23 and
press, her adoring audiences or to her 91, that is where the trouble lies.” And
bad “babies,” and it could range from time after time, artists told me that infor-
Geechee Louisianan, to across the world mation was salient to redoing the work.
or become the grittiest street-corner If it all sounds magical, voodoo crazy,
banter. Like the theatrical form she woo-woo incomprehensible, then so does
spawned, global, multicultural, cross- the fairy tale Stewart spun in the East
disciplinary and just damn undeniably Village and around the world. La MaMa

The Best Sports Programs,

La MaMa, Ellen Stewart herself was a will celebrate its 50th anniversary this
hybrid before anyone else envisioned October and it boasts two buildings on
that possibility. East Fourth Street alone. In fact, La MaMa

Hands Down!
Stewart came to New York City with a Theatre really was the linchpin on which
carpetbag jammed full of dreams to be a the East 4th Street Cultural District was
fashion designer. She was going to study anchored. In these two buildings are three
With 10 different sports and over 300 classes a week, at Parsons, but lack of funding saw her theaters, an office, Stewart’s private resi-
land as a porter in Saks Fifth Avenue. dence and amazing archives containing
the Field House offers Manhattan’s best sports Stewart so often told this story: every script, mask, piece of Mylar, check
programs for children of all ages. “The coloreds, for back then that stub, video and photograph ever to ema-
is what we were, coloreds, wore blue nate from the halls of La MaMa. On East
smocks and carted the goods everywhere First Street is La MaMa’s La Galleria,
Little Athletes (12 months – 5 years) in the store. One day as I was leaving which holds down the funky distaff side
Soccer | Gymnastics | Dance | Micro-Sports
SPRING for lunch, wearing one of my own cre- of an East Village now resembling noth-
Tee-Ball | Flip-N-Kick | Flip-N-Twirl
SEMESTER ations, sewn in my little garret, a fancy
patron stopped me and inquired where
ing of its gritty roots.
The roll call of legends who began,
Youth Sports Development (5 – 16 years)
REGISTRATION Soccer | Gymnastics | Baseball | Basketball
I had bought my dress. When I told her returned or graced La MaMa include (but
IS ON-GOING honestly that I myself had made it, she beware this list could never be exhaus-
Dance Flag | Football | Rock Climbing marched me to my boss to be dressed tive, or it would encompass pages):
Martial Arts | Youth Fitness down for insubordination.” Instead, the Harvey Keitel, Liz Swados, Andrei
wise head of Saks gave Stewart her own Serban, Diane Lane, Harvey Fierstein, Al
line of dresses, Miss Ellen. “And that, Pacino, Bette Midler, Bob Wilson, Philip
Chelsea Shears Hair Salon for Kids baby, is how MaMa made good on a Glass, Sam Shepard, Adrienne Rich,
NEW CP Building Blocks (18 months – 5 years) promise to my brother Freddy [Lights] and Tom O’Horgan, Peter Brook, Robert De
AT THE his friend Paul [Foster] to make a little play- Niro and even Joe Papp himself before
FIELD HOUSE Enrichment program for children with
house for them,” she said. he founded the Public Theater. As a
developmental needs.
In the early years the police constantly wonderful, and deserved tribute, the
raided Stewart and La MaMa because, as Public sent out a press release saying
The Field House at she said, “The police saw a Negress in a
basement and lots of white men traipsing
that their season would be dedicated to
Ellen Stewart.
down the stairs and they thought — Ahhhhh, And the list of awards bestowed upon
brothel. Well, baby, it was only theater.” her is equally august. Stewart won a
And yes, theater it was, but never Tony in 2006 for theatrical excellence,
only theater. The theatrical style that countless OBIE awards, the Human
23rd Street & Hudson River Park was developed and championed by Ellen Rights Award from the government of
212.336.6520 | www.chelseapiers.com/fh Stewart and La MaMa literally changed the Philippines, the Sacred Treasure
the face of every piece of live perfor- Award from the emperor of Japan and
mance, video and film that modern view- the Les Kurbas Award from Ukraine, and
ers take for granted. La MaMa pioneered she was an officer in the French Ordre
Multi-Sport | Gymnastics | Ice Skating | Golf | Bowling | Toddler Play
shows that crossed over and married des Arts et des Lettres.
www.chelseapiers.com/birthday swirling stages, bespoke films, live music,
electronic accoutrements, words and not Continued on page 5
Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011 5

La MaMa’s loss felt by many

Continued from page 4

Ellen Stewart was a MacArthur Genius

(MacArthur Fellowship) grantee in 1985
and she took her subvention and pur-
chased a former monastery in Umbria,
Italy, in the shadows of the renowned
Spoleto Festival. Here, Stewart and La
MaMa created a summer institute for
international artists of stature and aco-
lytes. When Stewart first proposed this
idea to then business manager, James
Moore, he exclaimed, “Oh, my God, what
will she do with that pile of rocks?” As
with everything she touched, Stewart’s
alchemy spun it into artistic gold.
Even with all these honors, Ellen
Stewart could still be seen sweeping
the sidewalk in front of the theaters.
When I interviewed with her to be the
executive director back in the 1980’s she
asked me, “Well, Miss Wicki [we were
all Miss or Mr. and our first name], you
have gotten a fancy education since first
working here at MaMa’s since you were
19. Are you too big to clean a toilet or
sweep with me?” I wasn’t then and it was
always an honor to do whatever it took
to light up the stages and watch Mama’s
silver locks shake as she rang her bell File photo

and sang out in that complicated lilt, Ellen Stewart, founder of La MaMa, at City Hall in September 2004 for the announcement of the Fourth Arts Block deal with the
“Welcome to La MaMa, dedicated to the city. Seven properties on E. Fourth St. between Bowery and Second Ave., plus several vacant lots, were sold for $1 each to Fourth
playwright and ALLLLLLLLL aspects of Arts Block, a.k.a. FAB. Under the deal, the properties were permanently dedicated for use by cultural, nonprofit organizations,
the theater.” assuring that the theaters, dance studios and other artistic uses on the block would not disappear.

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6 Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011

Jan. 25 in front of the Federal Bureau of

IDENTITY THEFT: Check… Investigation offices in Lower Manhattan
— protesting a Chicago grand jury’s sub- The 10th Precinct
please? poenas issued to 14 people (including Arab- Deputy Inspector Elisa Cokkinos ARRESTED for Fulton
From Dec. 21 through Dec. 23, 2010, a Americans, Palestinian solidarity activists / Located at 230 W. 20th St. (btw.
person representing himself as an employee and three Minneapolis women supporting Seventh & Eighth Aves.) / Call 212-741- Houses rape
of Manhattan Motorcars (207 11th Ave.) the Muslim targets of the investigation). 8211. For Community Affairs, 212-741- Police arrested Christopher Grant,
ordered products from Intuit — including The group was planning to gather on 8226. For Crime Prevention, 212-741- 25, on Sat., Jan. 15, and charged him
company checks which were sent to the Broadway in front of 26 Federal Plaza at 8226. For Domestic Violence matters, with raping a woman at gunpoint on
complainant (but at the time of purchase was 4:30pm and march to the Justice Department 212-741-8216. For the Detective Squad, Dec. 3 in the Fulton Houses on W. 17th
changed and payment was denied to Intuit). offices at 1 St. Andrew’s Plaza on the east 212-741-8245. St. at Ninth Ave. Police said the suspect
The product, with Manhattan Motorcars side of Foley Sq. The group said the subpoe- On the last Wed. of every month, at encountered the victim, an acquain-
information, was sent to perpetrator. The nas were “an attempt to criminalize solidari- 7pm, the Community Council Meeting tance, in an elevator around 8:30pm,
complainant does not have any report of ty with the Palestinian people” and promised gives you the opportunity to express pulled a gun and said, “If you don’t come
these checks being used. to continue working for an end to U.S. aid quality of life concerns. Call 212-741- upstairs with me, I’m going to put two in
to Israel. The subpoenas were issued in Dec. 8226 for info on the location, which may your chest.” He forced her to the roof of
demanding testimony in Chicago on Jan. 25 change from month to month. The next the building, raped her and threatened
ASSAULT: Hit a man…with regarding an FBI criminal investigation. The meeting takes place on Feb. 23. to kill her if she reported the attack. The
14 activists have signed a letter pledging to suspect was arrested after an unrelated
glass(es) invoke the Fifth Amendment and refusing to assault and charged also with the rape,
On Sun., Jan., 16 at approximately 12:30am testify before the grand jury. The 13th Precinct police said.
— inside of the bar/nightclub Son Cubano Deputy Inspector: Ted Bernsted /
(405 W. 15th St.), a victim was struck in Located at 230 E. 21st St. (btw. Second
the head with a drinking glass, which caused GRAND LARCENY: Mind & Third Aves.) / Call 212-477-7411. CRIME STOPPERS
lacerations to the head. The victim was also For Community Affairs, 212-477-7427. If you have info regarding a crime
struck in the face with a closed fist — causing that lock(er), citizen! For Crime Prevention, 212-477-7427. committed or a wanted person, call
pain and swelling to the right side of the face. On Fri., Jan. 14, at approximately For Domestic Violence matters, 212- Crime Stoppers at 800-577-TIPS,
8:35pm, a patron of the New York Sports 477-3863. For the Detective Squad, text “TIP577” (plus your message) to
Club (270 Eighth Ave.) put his wallet and 212-477-7444. “CRIMES” (274637). Or, submit a tip
PROTESTS: Calling out FBI cell phone in a locker — then left the imme- At 6:30pm on the third Tues. of online at nypdcrimestoppers.com. A
diate area without putting a lock on it. When every month (at the 13th Precinct sta- $2,000 A reward is offered for anony-
actions he returned, the wallet and cell phone were tion house), the Precinct Community mous info that leads to the arrest and
A group calling itself the New York missing. The wallet contained three credit Council meets. indictment of a violent felon.
Committee to stop FBI Repression was cards, which were cancelled before they
planning a demonstration on Tues. evening, could be used. Case Status: Open.

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Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011 7

Community contacts & activities

COMPLILED BY SCOTT STIFFLER & Senior Program is at 351 E. 74th St. (212-
535-5235). Visit burdencenter.org.
Call 212-337-5912 or visit villagechelsea. Visit pennsouth.coop. The Penn South
com. Program for Seniors provides recreation,
On Fri., Feb. 11, 8:30-10am, the education and social services — and wel-
“Marketing Seminar: Social Media” explores comes volunteers. For info, call 212-243-
the most effective ways to utilize Facebook, 3670.
Twitter and their ilk. Learn how to use social
media sites to expand your customer base, FULTON YOUTH OF THE FUTURE
develop relationships and drive sales. Venue Email them at fultonyouth@gmail.com
to be announced. Free for members. Non- or contact Miguel Acevedo, 646-671-0310.
members: $20. RSVP to lauren@villagechel-
sea.com or call 212.337.5923. WEST SIDE NEIGHBORHOOD
Sat., Feb. 12: Show your support for Visit westsidenyc.org or call 212-956-
the businesses affected by the closure of St. 2573. Email them at wsna@hcc-nyc.org.
Vincent’s by shopping in the Village. Spend
a minimum of $10 at any three businesses FRIENDS OF HUDSON RIVER PARK
located within the designated area (see the Visit fohrp.org or call 212-757-0981.
GVCCC’s website for a map). Bring your
receipts to the LGBT Community Center at HUDSON RIVER PARK TRUST
208 W. 13th St. (10am to 3pm). The first 100 Visit hudsonriverpark.org or call 212-
people receive a prize! For every $10 spent, 627-2020.
receive a ticket for a raffle of amazing items
from local businesses (including Magnolia SAVE CHELSEA
Bakery, Murray’s Cheese Shop, Whole Foods Chelsea Now file photo Contact them at savechelseanyc@gmail.
and Chelsea Piers). Businesses interested in CGC cares about our tree pits. com.
having a booth at the LGBT Center to sell
products, food or offer samples (as well as THE CHELSEA GARDEN CLUB MANHATTAN BOROUGH PRESIDENT
those interested in donating raffle items) Several neighbors in West Chelsea, concerned that the new avenue bike lane SCOTT STRINGER
should contact lauren@villagechelsea.com or tree pits have turned into dog patches, have joined together to form this new orga- Call 212-669-8300 or visit mbpo.org.
call 212-337-5923. nization — which hopes to lobby the city to allow residents to plant and maintain
the pits along Eighth and Ninth Avenues. Anyone is welcome to join this informal CITY COUNCIL MEMBER SPEAKER
LoCal — LOWER CHELSEA group, at any level of involvement. There are no fees and no formal meetings CHRISTINE QUINN
ALLIANCE (maybe a garden party toward the end of the summer & a few short get-togethers Call 212-564-7757 or visit council.nyc.
This group is committed to protect- in between). For more info, check out their blog: chelseagardenclub.blogspot.com gov/d3/html/members/home.shtml
ing the residential blocks of Chelsea from or email them at cgc.nyc@gmail.com.
overscale development. Contact them at STATE SENATOR TOM DUANE
LowerChelseaAlliance@gmail.com Call 212-633-8052 or visit tomduane.
2011. The BRC is currently conducting from adolescence to adulthood. Main head- com.
COMMUNITY BOARD 4 (CB4) outreach to homeless people in our area. If quarters: 224 W. 35th St., Suite 1102. Call
CB4 serves Manhattan’s West Side neigh- you know of anyone who is in need of their 212-222-3427. The Ali Forney Day Center ASSEMBLY MEMBER RICHARD
borhoods of Chelsea and Clinton/Hell’s services, call the Homeless Helpline at 212- is located at 527 W. 22nd St., 1st floor. Call GOTTFRIED
Kitchen. CB4’s boundaries are 14th St. on 533-5151, and the BRC will send someone 212-206-0574. Call 212-807-7900 or email him at:
the south, 59/60th St. on the north, the to make contact. This number is staffed GottfriedR@assembly.state.ny.us.
Hudson River on the west, 6th Ave. on the by outreach team leaders 24 hours a day. GAY MEN’S HEALTH CRISIS (GMHC)
east — south of 26th St., and 8th Ave. on Callers may remain anonymous. For more At 119 W. 24th St. btw. 7th and 8th
the east — north of 26th St. Call 212-736- info, visit brc.org. Aves. Visit gmhc.org. Call 212-367-1000 or AT 147 W. 24TH ST. (BTW. 6TH &
4536. Visit manhattancb4.org or email them 1-800-243-7692. 7TH AVES.)
at info@ManhattanCB4.org. THE 300 WEST 23RD, 22ND THE SYLVIA RIVERA LAW PROJECT
& 21ST STREETS BLOCK HUDSON GUILD works to guarantee that all people are free
COMMUNITY BOARD 5 (CB5) ASSOCIATION Visit them at hudsonguild.org. For the to self-determine their gender identity and
Community Board Five represents the Contact them at 300westblockassoc@ John Lovejoy Elliott Center (441 W. 26th expression without facing harassment, dis-
central business district of New York City. It prodigy.net. St.), call 212-760-9800. For the Children’s crimination or violence. Visit srlp.org.
includes midtown Manhattan, the Fashion, Center (459 W. 26th St.), call 212-760-
Flower, Flatiron and Diamond districts, as THE MEATPACKING DISTRICT 9830. For the Education Center (447 W. FIERCE (Fabulous Independent Educated
well as Bryant Park and Union Square Park. INITIATIVE 25th St.), call 212-760-9843. For the Fulton Radicals for Community Empowerment)
The district is at the center of New York’s Visit meatpacking-district.com or call Center for Adult Services (119 9th Ave.), builds the leadership and power of bisexual,
tourism industry. The Theatre District, 212-633-0185. call 212-924-6710. For the Beacon Office transgender and queer youth of color in
Times Square, Carnegie Hall, the Empire (333 W. 17th St.), call 212-243-7574. Email NYC. Visit fiercenyc.org.
State Building and two of the region’s trans- THE LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL them at info@hudsonguild.org.
Penn Station) fall within CB5. Call 212-465- CENTER THE CARTER BURDEN CENTER FOR is a progressive organization committed to
0907. Visit cb5.org or email them at office@ At 208 W. 13th St. (btw. 7th and 8th THE AGING promoting economic justice in a context of
cb5.org. Aves). Visit gaycenter.org or call 212-620- This organization promotes the well- sexual and gender liberation. Visit q4ej.org.
7310. being of individuals 60 and older through
THE BOWERY RESIDENTS direct social services and volunteer pro- THE AUDRE LORDE PROJECT is a
COMMITTEE: HOMELESS HELPLINE THE ALI FORNEY CENTER grams oriented to individual, family and lesbian, gay, bisexual, two spirit, trans and
Construction is ongoing at The BRC’s Visit them at aliforneycenter.org. Their community needs. Their central office is gender non conforming people of color cen-
127 W. 25th St. vertical campus facility mission is to help homeless LGBT youth be located at Central Office, 1484 First Ave. ter for community organizing. Visit. alp.org.
— with a projected opening date of March safe and become independent as they move (212-879-7400), and their Luncheon Club
8 Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011


advocates “There are…55 units of affordable housing
La MaMa’s mama Chelsea Coalition on Housing at 180 W. 20th Street….” The untold numbers of our
Chelsea neighbors who have lost their homes due to the
The theater world and the East Village lost a true luminary remembers Susan Cohen process of “gentrification” would make this number seem
last week in Ellen Stewart. She may have been 91, for like miniscule.
much of her early life, her exact date of birth was a bit of a To The Editor: Chelsea Now’s article, however, serves as a wake-up
mystery. But what’s clear is that she was an extraordinary indi- Re “Susan Cohen never rested so others could have peace” call to the many housing advocates’ in Chelsea who have
vidual who revolutionized modern theater and the performing (Dec. 29): fought for low and moderate income homes, not just
arts, in general, through her pioneering La MaMa E.T.C. As a decades-long member of the Coalition’s Core Group high-priced condos…or astronomically high-rent hous-
(Experimental Theatre Club). of organizers, I worked with and knew both Jane Wood and ing that has been typical of recent construction.
Stewart’s life is a true New York story. She arrived in the Susan Cohen very well. How about teachers, firemen, policemen…or even
Big Apple in 1950, dreaming of becoming a fashion design- The loss of Susan, when so many of us were out of the city those who are out looking for a job! How about artists…
er. She overcame prejudice, first working at tony Saks Fifth for the holidays, is not unexpected but so very difficult. The aspiring actors.
Avenue, then later on gritty East Ninth Street at La MaMa’s work that she did, for over 40 years — encompassing specifi- There’s less and less. We need more. This is an oppor-
first location. Incredulously, initially, the venue was even cally the fight for the rights and protections for low-income tunity that won’t come again soon.
beset by police raids after it was mistaken for a brothel. tenants; the support for women with breast cancer and its
But there was no holding back Stewart and her passion aftermath; the real commitment to social justice on so many Gloria Sukenick
for cultivating great theater. She started La MaMa to help levels — was unmatched as far as I could see.
two fledgling playwrights — one, her foster brother. Along The work of the Chelsea Coalition on Housing does and
the way, La MaMa aided the early careers of such stars as will indeed go on. We meet every Thursday night, 7pm, at the
Sam Shepard, Harvey Keitel, Diane Lane, Robert De Niro, Hudson Guild (119 Ninth Ave. btw.17th & 18th Sts.). There Proposed park article: “Nice job”
Philip Glass and Liz Swados. are also always ongoing plans to address mutual citywide
Productions incubated Off Off Broadway at La MaMa issues: Rent Guidelines, tenant problems and conflicts that To The Editor:
have gone worldwide. Among her many honors, Stewart are worsened by ineffective agencies, Housing Preservation I am writing to say nice job to Bonnie Rosenstock for her
received a Tony for theatrical excellence, many OBIE’s and and Development being just one. article on the proposed park at 136 W. 20th. Thank you for
awards from governments around the globe. We wish to thank you for your article and your apparent taking the time to cover this story in your pages. The issue is
She was a true original, an inspirational figure who understanding that this advocate was a wonderful example not a simple one of affordable housing vs. green space.
forever enriched the arts and culture of Downtown of a life of service. Given the success of CB4 nearly meeting their afford-
Manhattan — and the world. May her beautiful spirit live able housing goals, this land needs to be reconsidered for
on in the Fourth Arts Block that she helped found, in the Linda Riera green space. Any building has the potential to be turned into
many performers and playwrights who were mentored by Tenant Advocate and Organizer, Chelsea Coalition on affordable housing. This plot of land represents a very unique
her and flourished under her guidance and, of course, in La Housing opportunity to create a new green space. This sort of thing
MaMa itself. For all Ellen Stewart did to nurture the arts, does not happen very often and certainly will not happen
and for a life lived with purpose that made a difference, we again.
say — Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! There is no other potential space for a pocket park or park
Proposed park article was “com- of any nature in this neighborhood. This is our last hope.
Black must now lead pletely one-sided” The community would benefit so tremendously from this
proposed park. The facts and figures around the issue speak
Much was made of new Schools Chancellor Cathie Black’s volumes in support of getting it built. It would provide that
offhand birth control joke at the School Overcrowding Task To The Editor: needed respite from asphalt and car fumes, to sit and read a
Force meeting she attended, and for good reason. The I read with interest the January 12 issue “park vs. afford- book, let your child throw a ball or sit and ponder the city
school overcrowding crisis is no laughing matter. able housing” lead article! Most disturbed that the entire sounds. It is a rare opportunity indeed.
That being said, we don’t wish to further elaborate on article appeared to be completely one-sided. The park advo- Let’s make it happen!
Black’s poor choice of words. Who hasn’t said something cates presented their point of view…but where were the com-
they regret? munity voices speaking up for housing for the “not-rich”? Dawn Eig
It must not go unnoticed, however, that she showed But, better late than not at all. As one who has fought
up to Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver’s task force meet- long and hard to keep our neighborhood rich and diverse
ing unprepared. That it was her second week on the job with room for folks of all income brackets, I found this E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to scott@
is no excuse. When someone starts at a new position, it piece shortsighted. chelseanow.com or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to Chelsea
should be a no-brainer to bone up on all issues and con- As we see almost all of New York City becoming a Now, Letters to the Editor, 145 Sixth Ave., ground floor, NY,
cerns related to it. haven for only those with deep pockets, the opportunity NY 10013. Please include phone number for confirmation
We do commend the new chancellor for at least to build new and affordable housing in this neighbor- purposes. Chelsea Now reserves the right to edit letters for
attending the task force’s meeting. Her predecessor hood will not come again soon. To quote one of the park space, grammar, clarity and libel.
declined numerous invitations during his tenure. We’ll
give Black a pass, at this early juncture, on her words.
Her actions in quickly addressing Lower Manhattan’s dire
school situation will be what count. Find it in the archives www.CHELSEANOW.com
Member of the
John W. Sutter Vera Musa Troy Masters Stephanie Buhmann
Newspaper Francesco Regini Mark Hassleberger Bonnie Rosenstock
Trav S. D.
Chelsea Now is published biweekly by Community Media REPORTERS SR. MARKETING CONSULTANT GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jerry Tallmer
Published by COMMUNITY MEDIA, LLC LLC, 145 Sixth Ave., First Fl., New York, N.Y. 10013 (212)
229-1890. Annual subscription by mail in Manhattan and Jason Sherwood
Brooklyn $75. Single copy price at office and newsstands is 50 Lincoln Anderson Jamie Paakkonen Stephen Wolf
Gay City

cents. The entire contents of newspaper, including advertising,

are copyrighted and no part may be reproduced without the
express permission of the publisher - © 2010 Community Albert Amateau ADVERTISING SALES
145 Sixth Ave., NY, NY 10013 Media LLC, Postmaster: Send address changes to Chelsea
Now, 145 Sixth Ave., First Fl., New York, N.Y. 10013. Allison Greaker CIRCULATION SALES MNGR. PHOTOGRAPHERS
Phone: (212) 229-1890 • Fax: (212) 229-2790 The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or
Colin Gregory
typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an
On-line: www.chelseanow.com advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or
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E-mail: news@chelseanow.com limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent

© 2010 Community Media, LLC

Bonnie Rosenstock Julio Tumbaco Cheryl Williamson Jefferson Siegel
Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011 9

Loyal readers know that Chelsea Now pays a

tremendous amount of lip service, so to speak,
to our LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgen-
der and questioning) demographic. And why
not? While not the gay ghetto it once was, our PAGE 1
dense little patch of diversity and tolerance still Don’t say Chelsea Now doesn’t give prime
retains a citywide reputation as a place where real estate to “straight” news. Matt Draper’s PAGE 15
neighborhood sports bar roundup feature Hey, straight person! You deserve a break
someone can walk hand in hand with anyone today — and Chelsea Now gives it to you
starts on page 1. Draper, by the way, is a
without reasonable fear of retribution. straight fellow — who’s currently on his (in the form of discounts to local straight
honeymoon — with a woman! destinations).
But long before swarms of queers swished onto
Eighth Avenue and set up shop, our straight
brethren were planting the seedlings that gave Beth Fischgrund, Ph.D., says that until Do YOU have what it takes to solve the
us the tall, tree-lined side streets of today — all female Viagra arrives, the shortcut to plea- Straight Pride Crossword Puzzle? We hope
the while going about their business without the sure is all in your head. so, because NO ANSWER KEY will be
need to have their mating habits validated by provided!
rainbow fl ags and drunken tea dances! PAGE 13
Straight woman Bonnie Rosenstock ferrets
Come June, those LGBTQs get a whole month out the difference between the sexes by tak-
devoted to the concept that their sexual orien- ing a crash course in boxing, pistol shoot-
tation is something to be proud of. But what ing and rock climbing.
about the silent majority — the heterosexuals?
Where’s their parade? Where’s their sense of…
10 Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011

Spending Large Sums of Money Out of Pocket?


For those folks covered by health care insurance (private or government-
Medicare) yet find yourself spending large sums of money out of pocket, we
are here to help you. NY-HOPS, an organization now just 3 years old, offers
its members large discounts from responsible and ethical organizations and
providers of health and social service products and services.
NY-HOPS, which stands for Home Organized Personal Services, functions
like a buyer’s coop; it is non profit. The first such program started at the
Penn South Coop in Chelsea more than 15 years ago. We have now spread
throughout New York City in many local HOPS programs. For those people
living in Chelsea, the West Village and Clinton, the Penn South Program would
be your home base.

NY-HOPS Most health care insurance doesn’t

cover: hearing aids; legal services; personal
emergency response system (PERS); home
and auto insurance; home health aides;
individual & family counseling; financial Photo by Laura Boyd

advisory service and banking; eyeglasses and Kate Dawson has big problems upstairs, in “The A**hole in My Head.”
more. Providers will give you discounts for
these products and services. THE A**HOLE IN MY HEAD manage to link Dawson’s internal struggle
After wowing them at Birdland and the with songs from shows including “The Light
Triad, Kate Dawson brings her one-woman in the Piazza,” “Thoroughly Modern Millie”
Membership dues amount to $35 year – less than $3 a month. musical show Downtown so Village denizens and “Wicked.” Keeping a reasonable rein on
You can save hundreds of dollars. You can count on us! can see what’s been shocking — and amus- the insanity of “The A**hole in My Head”
ing — the Uptown swells. Fun, entertaining is director Don Amendolia (a veteran actor
NY-HOPS 321 8th Ave. NY, NY 10001 and hilarious (according to her otherwise seen in Broadway’s “33 Variations”). Sun.,
212-255-3570 – Call for an Application hype-free press release), songstress Dawson Jan. 30, 7pm, at The Duplex (61 Christopher
performs this musical exploration of that St. at 7th Ave.). $10 cover, two-drink mini-
annoying inner voice we all combat on a mum. For tickets, call 212-255-5438 or visit
daily basis. That exploration will somehow theduplex.com.



Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011 11

Go Team: Local sports bars

must have cost some major dough. While it is
Continued from page 1 first and foremost a hockey bar — the recent
“Winter Classic” packed the place with fans
SPORTS BARS & PUBS — the Puck shows all other major sports on
Like most neighborhoods in Manhattan, seven TVs. One of the smaller sports bars in
the greater Chelsea area has plenty of Irish the area, it certainly doesn’t lack in design,
pubs where fans can toast a pint of Guinness given the skylights, dark wood booths and
or Smithwick’s during a game. Starting in vintage tile floor. The Flying Puck doesn’t
the northern reaches of the neighborhood,
the Molly Wee Pub (themollywee.com. 402
Eighth Ave. at 30th St.) boasts seven plasma
TVs and ten beers on tap with daily happy Labeled the “Cheers of
hours that include select $4 pints. The Molly
Wee is a Rangers and Knicks bar, according Chelsea” by manager Roy
to Manager Alicia Sheppard — who added
that they show most major soccer match- Savelli, Flight 151 has a
es, drawing large crowds for the English
Premier League. number of regulars who
Why stop by the Molly Wee? “The food
here is very good,” she said. “And we’re a line up for its all-star Photo by Scott Stiffler
comfortable bar.” Very comfortable if you’re Peter McManus Cafe (152 Seventh Ave. at 19th St.) has football on tap.
a hockey fan, as Rangers jerseys and other specials throughout the
memorabilia line the walls. As far as the Two doors down from The Triple Crown the Big East basketball tournament is the
Super Bowl, Sheppard said customers can week. is Mustang Sally’s (mustangsallysnyc.com. busiest week of the year, said bartender Mike
expect beer specials and T-shirt giveaways. 324 Seventh Ave. at 28th St.) — a long, Seaman. Sally’s will offer drinks specials and
Around the corner is The Parlour (thepa- narrow bar/restaurant that expands to a a team-themed menu for the Super Bowl;
rlour.com. 247 W. 30th St. btw. 7th & 8th seated eating area. Sally’s includes 15 TVs last year they dished up po’ boys and gumbo
Aves.), a large Irish pub/restaurant with two have any happy hour to speak of, but does and 16 tap beers, many of which are dis- when the New Orleans Saints played.
Manhattan locations. Looking for a massive carry 20 tap beers, a full bar and a plentiful counted during happy hour, which runs Speaking of the big easy, Dewey’s Flatiron
TV screen and lots of beers? Then this is menu of pub fare if you’re seeking a low-key during the week from 3pm to 6pm. Like (deweysflatiron.com. 210 Fifth Ave. btw.
the place for you. The Parlour features 27 Super Bowl location. many of its sports bar neighbors, Sally’s 25th & 26th) is all about laid-back atmo-
TVs (all recessed into the walls for optimum Looking for a sports bar with a horserac- features just about every viewing package, sphere. “We’re pretty casual here,” said Alex
viewing), including a nine-foot-projection ing theme? Continue south and you’ll stum- including all NFL games, the ESPN college Santana, general manager, adding that the
screen and 25 beers on tap. Happy hours ble upon The Triple Crown Restaurant & Ale game plan and live rugby matches. St. John’s
run until 7pm daily and include $4 domestic House (triplecrownnyc.com. 330 Seventh basketball games bring in large crowds, and Continued on page 16
beers and $12 beer/burger combos. Owner Ave. btw. 28th & 29th Sts.), which features
John Kelly said the bar fills up for most 13 TVs, 14 beers on tap and plenty of horse
sporting events going on at nearby Madison racing and sports decor. Yes, it shows each
Square Garden, and draws large crowds for Triple Crown horse race live, but during the
Jets games, St. John’s basketball and soc- rest of the year football, baseball and soccer
cer matches. On Super Bowl Sunday, The reign supreme. In fact, Manager Rich Todd
Parlour is offering $4 domestic beers and and his team recently hosted Jets game-day
$9 food specials — as well as the opportu- parties and stationed a giant inflatable bal-
nity to make some major money. (The bar loon in the shape of a Jets player in front of
will operate a box pool encompassing the the bar during the playoffs. Officially titled
NFL conference playoffs and Super Bowl an “Ale House,” The Triple Crown serves
with a $100,000 payout, said Kelly. You’ll up a full menu that includes an outstanding
just need to pony up a $1,000 entry fee to Sheppard’s Pie, according to Todd. Happy
participate.) hour runs weekdays from 4pm to 8pm and
Speaking of money, the stained-glass includes $4 domestic beers and $6 mixed
hockey skylights at The Flying Puck (thefly- drinks. For the Super Bowl, the bar is giving
ingpuck.com. 364 Seventh Ave. at 30th St.) out T-shirts and party favors.

Photo by Scott Stiffler

New kid on the block SNAP is “a throwback lounge with classy sports décor
12 Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011

Until there’s a pill, “female Viagra” is all in your head

BY BETH FISCHGRUND, PH.D. and similar treatments for low sexual desire are sexual arousal and physiological sexual arousal/
Imagine if there was a magic pill — an available in Canada and Australia. However, the vaginal lubrication after as few as three sessions
FDA-approved Spanish-fly “female Viagra” that U.S. government has not yet approved a testos- This fantasy might of mindfulness-based psychoeducation group
would increase a woman’s sex drive and psy- terone-based treatment for women due to a lack therapy. Their comprehensive group therapy
chological arousal. Women could choose if and of research on the side effects. In comparison, become a reality sooner sessions included exercises which challenged
when they wanted to be sexual and aroused, non-hormonal drugs are presumed to increase the woman’s thoughts towards sexuality, taught
increasing their feelings of sexiness and self- a woman’s sex drive by altering brain chemical than you think. But until communication skills, assigned behavioral exer-
confidence. This fantasy might become a reality pathways. The most promising non-hormonal cises for homework and demonstrated mind-
sooner than you think. But until then, the best drug is Flibanserin, a German drug originally then, the best hope is fulness techniques such as body awareness
hope is offered by exciting new psychotherapy being researched as an antidepressant. Clinical exercises, reflection and practices in everyday
approaches which have been found to increase trials found that sexual desire among women offered by exciting new increased awareness. Participants reported that
a woman’s libido. taking Flibanserin increased over 60% and the mindfulness exercises were most helpful in
Low sexual desire is an extremely common showed a greater increase in sex drive than for psychotherapy approaches increasing their sexual desire and arousal.
complaint by women. The medical and psy- women taking a placebo. Dr. Rachel Needle, a licensed psychologist
chological community has even recognized low Although researchers were very optimistic which have been found to and certified sex therapist, explains that mind-
sexual desire as a separate disorder: Hypoactive about the introduction of this drug, in June, fulness can be an important tool in treating low
Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD). 2010, the U.S. FDA rejected Flibanserin. The increase a woman’s libido. sexual desire among women. She describes,
HSDD, or low sexual desire in general, can FDA concluded that the drug’s benefits were “It is hard for people to be sexual with their
have negative effects on a woman’s self-percep- not large enough and did not outweigh the partners when they are distracted during sex
tion, confidence and quality-of-life — as well numerous side effects, which included fatigue and thinking about work tomorrow or lists that
as have detrimental effects on her relationship and depression. In October, 2010, research on include short-term, cognitive-behavioral-focused they have to do.” Dr. Needle stresses the impor-
quality and satisfaction. Flibanserin was ceased as a result of the FDA therapy. However, in the past couple of years, an tance of staying in the moment during sexual
Current pharmaceutical trials are underway to recommendations. innovative technique, mindfulness, has shown activity, not getting distracted and thinking sexy
find hormonal and non-hormonal treatments to Not surprisingly, finding a “female Viagra” great success in increasing sexual desire among thoughts. When a person is distracted or preoc-
increase a woman’s libido. Hormonal treatments is particularly difficult because female sexual women and is paving the way for how this con- cupied during sexual activity, the sexy thoughts
work by increasing testosterone levels, the “sex- desire is much more complicated and complex dition can be approached in sex therapy. are pushed to the side and replaced with an
drive” hormone. Among women, testosterone than male sexual desire. For women, causes for Mindfulness stems from Buddhist medita- internal dialogue that is often judgmental, non-
levels decline with age and are negatively affect- low sexual desire vary considerably and include tion and incorporates an active, non-judgmental erotic and self-critical.
ed by certain birth control pills and by medical interpersonal relationship difficulties, hormonal awareness of the present moment. Mindfulness Mindfulness helps to quiet the busy mind by
procedures, such as the removal of the ovaries. changes, depression, medication side effects, has been shown to be an effective treatment focusing on the “here and now” of the sexual
Testosterone is commonly prescribed off-label to history of trauma and many more. Because approach for many mental health conditions, experience, and it teaches people how to not
treat low sexual desire among post-menopasual of the intricacies of female libido, low sexual such as depression, anxiety and eating disorders. respond to the negative, judgmental thoughts.
women in the U.S. Similarly, Intrinsa — a testos- desire has been the most challenging female Researchers Brotto, Basoon and Luria (2008)
terone patch — is legally prescribed in Europe, sexual problem to treat. Typical treatments found that women reported increased feelings of Continued on page 18


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Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011 13

Jab, aim, climb: The way of the urban warrior

BY BONNIE ROSENSTOCK third is breathing, which I forget to do and
Lifting weights is weighing you down like wind up lightheaded.
a stone. The treadmill is becoming a symbol Malcolm is wearing padded mitts on his
of your life. Yoga, while arguably calming, hands so that I can hit them. There’s a lot
is too static and tame. Herewith are three to remember: Right jab, twist your body to
alternate activities to stretch your mind and the left, by pivoting your right foot. Left jab,
body in more dynamic ways. straight on, don’t twist. Focus, concentra-
tion, breathe, balance, posture, get loose,
ROUND #1: BOXING eliminate useless movement. It’s beginning
When I walked into Crunch on Lafayette to feel like locomotion yoga. Malcolm is
Street for my boxing lesson, my eyes wid- incredibly light and fast on his feet, as he
ened at the regulation-size boxing ring that I dances around the ring.
would soon step into through the red ropes. I try to keep up with him to make con-
As it turned out, there were a lot of things I tact, not getting too close, but close enough
didn’t expect. For one, my personal trainer, to land that jab on the mitts. It seems strange
Brent Malcolm, was a soft-spoken 30-year- to get permission to hit another person, not
old Midwesterner who wasn’t an over-mus- what women are taught to do. I am slow
cled jock. “I’m not that macho,” Malcolm, a and tentative at first, but then my thwacks
former model, acknowledges, “but boxing is get louder and crisper. Being physically
decisive strengthens one’s mental acuity and
resolve. “You were spinning into it. You
were listening,” said Malcolm, encouraging
I am slow and tentative at me. “Awesome.”

first, but then my thwacks Photo by Bonnie Rosenstock ROUND #2: TARGET SHOOTING
Samantha and Brent work it out in the ring. As I walk along the narrow basement cor-
get louder and crisper. ridor, past photographs of the original “Law
more muscular or lose weight. Most of my spread-out fingers and wrists — so bones and Order” cast (filming sometimes took
Being physically decisive clients are artistic, intelligent people who don’t break when punching — and I put on place here) and Robert De Niro in “Taxi
want to box — only one wanted to fight the boxing gloves, I am Ready for Rocky Driver,” I come upon a long rectangular
strengthens one’s mental somebody.” Perhaps it’s the make-up of the Time. First and foremost, explains Malcolm, wooden plaque on a narrow wall, the NRA
East Village neighborhood, I ponder, and is to place your gloves against your cheek- mantra. It’s the text of the Constitution’s
acuity and resolve. “You Malcolm considers it a possibility. bones, so you don’t get hit in the face. The
His clients range in age from 20 to 40, second is balance, center of gravity. The Continued on page 14
were spinning into it. and at the moment there are more men
than women, but that isn’t always so. One
You were listening,” said of Malcolm’s prize students is his girlfriend
Samantha, a 24-year-old from Texas who is Peter McManus
Malcolm, encouraging me. small of stature and broad of shoulders. It is
evident from their sparring session that she
“Awesome.” can give as good as she gets. She relates that
when she started training seven months
ago, she was “skinny fat,” and has since
gained more solid muscle. Samantha thinks
Bar & Grill
still a macho thing, and I like it. It’s fun to of boxing as not only good fitness, but also @B=2? /<D9 @B;1.F  32/ #A5
be tough and I like making people tough.” as protection on those mean streets, like a
In his calm, relaxed manner, he explains martial art, which is how most of Malcolm’s Will Pittsburg Steel-Away The Super Bowl or will
why his clients choose this pugilistic outlet. women students view boxing. “If I am
“None of them want to be a fighter,” he says. attacked, I don’t have to run,” she says. “I Greenbay Get a Cheesy Win?
“Many first start on the punching bag and feel confident and have a high level of com-
become interested in going further. They fort with myself.” Serving Fine Food & Drinks For Four Generations
don’t want to lift weights; some want to get After Malcolm wraps red tape around my 152 Seventh Avenue (at 19th Street)
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Capable Crunch personal trainer Brent Malcolm.
14 Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011

Bullets, boxing gloves and rope

which is not my usual feeling; it was a sense
Continued from page 13 of power.” She saw it as “something almost
spiritual.” Concentration, focus, letting go,
Second Amendment regarding “a well-reg- letting the bang happen.
ulated Militia” and the “right of the people At Westside, in Chelsea since 1964, they
to keep and bear Arms.” Welcome to the not only train hobbyists and hunters, but also
Westside Rifle & Pistol Range. security officers (police, FBI). Rich said they
After showing my ID at the registration teach to Article 35 of the New York State
desk, I enter a classroom, where Rich, the Penal Code, which ennumerates the judicial
NRA-certified Range Safety Officer, is giving use of deadly force. He has been a police
the required beginner safety course in the officer for many years, and his father before
use and handling of the Ruger 10/22 semi- him, and neither of them has ever fired their
automatic rifle we will be using for target weapon, and he hopes it remains that way.
practice. To fire a pistol here or own one, a At the same time, he believes that ordinary
NYC pistol license is required. Applications citizenry, “who do the right thing,” should
go to 1 Police Plaza for a criminal back- have guns. Leung notes that lately more
ground check. “We highly enforce that,” says women than men are coming to the range.
owner Darren Leung. “Young single women living alone want to
It’s January 12 (the day after the second
snowstorm), and there are only four of us,
two men and two women — an unusually
small group. Rich is surprised that none of Typical macho swagger,
us know each other. He said that most
people come in couples or groups. target I’m thinking. But then he
practice is popular for date night, birthdays
and bachelorette parties. tells me he is a vegetarian
We learn never to point the rifle at
anyone, how to lock and unlock the gun, and does not intend to
load and unload the magazine, which will
contain five rounds, and the proper shooting shoot any sentient being.
stance. Then we go to sit at a table in the
main room and are handed a box of bullets “You can’t stereotype me.
and ten empty magazines to fill, five rounds
in each. It makes the experience more real, Photo by Rich
It’s just target shooting.
more involving (more Zen?) instead of being Chelsea’s Angel in training? Our intrepid Bonnie Rosenstock takes aim.
It’s a skill practice, like
given ready-made magazines and sent into
7KH&KLOGUHQ·V0XVHXPRIWKH$UWV the shooting point (alcove). Like knowing playing the piano,” and he
where your food comes from.
+$,7,$1&+,/'5(1·6 Rich is patient and hands on. He goes struts out.

from person to person, checking our form,
reiterating his instructions. “The gun can’t

  6DW 6XQ
 move itself. You are doing it. Keep the gun
still. Don’t anticipate. Use the tip of your fin- protect themselves, and it’s reassuring to be
ger and slowly pull the trigger, let the bang able to use firearms,” he says. “They also

SP happen, don’t make it happen.”
The paper target is about ten feet away
have good eye/hand coordination and a good
temperament. Many guys are full of bravado
at first. The better you get, the farther away and want to play cops and robbers.” I may
it can be moved, up to 50 feet. The sound not agree about arming America, but shoot-
attenuators, those big earmuffs, not only ing at a paper target or a clay pigeon or at a
serve to prevent deafness, but they also insu- carnival duck and hitting dead center is quite
late you from the outside world and increase thrilling. Reporter by day, one of “Chelsea’s
your concentration; it’s just you, the gun Angels” by night.
and the target. Three of us are novices; the
fourth, a tall, well-built 30-year-old blond ROUND#3: ROCK CLIMBING
South African, has shot before and hits the The Rock Wall at Chelsea Piers is the larg-
center every single time at a long distance. “I est indoor rock climbing gym in the city and
wanted to see if I could still shoot straight,” a vigorous, challenging activity. The “easi-
he says. “I still got it.” Typical macho swag- est” main wall is an awesome 46’ high by
-RLQWKHXVIRUDFHOHEUDWLRQRI+DLWLDQDUWVDQG ger, I’m thinking. B’ut then he tells me he is a 100’ wide; my section was around 35’ high.
FXOWXUH7KH)HVWLYDOZLOOIHDWXUHKDQGVRQDUWLVW vegetarian and does not intend to shoot any “This is a difficult wall, even for beginners,”
sentient being. “You can’t stereotype me. It’s understates my instructor, Kathy Alcoba, a
OHGZRUNVKRSVDQGWUDGLWLRQDOGUXPPLQJVLQJLQJ just target shooting. It’s a skill practice, like lithe 30-something, a Vassar graduate with a
 playing the piano,” and he struts out. major in sports and developmental psychol-
Ellen is a petite, soft-spoken Brooklyn ogy. But she assures me that it’s easier for
)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHYLVLWFPDQ\RUJ College student, majoring in French. She women to catch onto climbing than men.
RUFDOO works in a library in Bay Ridge. “Librarian “Women’s center of gravity is lower,” she
by day, hunter by night,” she quips. She says, patting her hips, “and they are used to
bought 150 rounds (three boxes) and hit the using their lower body. Men use their upper
bull’s-eye a good many times, more than me body strength. Climbing is all about the
/DID\HWWH6WUHHW (when you miss the center, it’s “anticipation,” legs.” Brian Kim, the wall route setter, who
7KLVSURMHFWLVVXSSRUWHGLQSDUWE\DQDZDUGIURPWKH1DWLRQDO explains Rich). “I wanted to do something is considered one of the best outdoor com-
&LW\'HSDUWPHQWRI&XOWXUDO$IIDLUV FPDQ\RUJ out of character and expand my horizons
and sense of self,” she says. “I felt in control, Continued on page 19
Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011 15

Straights: You deserve a (price) break today!

As a straight person, you populate the planet and there- Marriage requires one to be flexible — but this is ridicu-
fore ensure the survival of our species. Your male/female lous! It’s also admirable, kinda cute and more than a little
romance dynamic single-handedly justifies the careers of hot. At Kinected Pilates Center, the brainchild of hus-
Jennifer Aniston, Meg Ryan and Julia Roberts. Jonas Salk band-and-wife team Carrie McCulloch, M.D., and Matt
was apparently straight as an arrow, so give yourselves credit McCulloch, they believe that to look and feel your best,
for the polio vaccine, too. Well done! your body needs a balanced blend of fitness and health;
But for all those contributions and more, what has the a mix of movement and medicine; a partnership between
world done for straight people — lately? We here at Chelsea your Pilates instructor and your physician.
Now want to formally thank you. And what better way to do Kinected recently announced the launch of a brand new
so than with a few discounts to area stores that cater to your in-house physical therapy program. “PT-2-Pilates” combines
unique hetero proclivities. Sure, our lavender-leaning readers physical therapy with Pilates training under one roof to
can participate — but if doing so, it wouldn’t hurt to bring a reduce health care hassles and maximize healing, strength
straight ally along. That being said, let’s go shopping! and flexibility. The program dovetails nicely with Kinected’s
vision to provide an integrative fitness experience.
NOTE: To claim these discounts, just call or walk in Their February workshop — “Partner Pilates” — lets
between now and February 8. Say you heard about it in you learn how to use balls, bands, blocks and your part-
Chelsea Now. ner’s body weight to spice up any fitness routine and
strengthen any bond. The class will take place on Thurs.,
Feb. 17, at 6:30pm. The cost is $20. Chelsea Now read-
JUST CALM DOWN SPA ers will receive $5 off the class. Additionally, if any Chelsea
Do you bristle when people tell you to “relax” without Now readers choose to purchase a 10-pack of mat or
offering any concrete advice as to how to accomplish that reformer classes, they will get one class of the same type
seemingly easy task? Just Calm Down Spa (“All beauty needs FREE.
for hire”) has a couples-friendly way to de-stress. At 151 W. 19th St., 2nd floor (btw. Sixth & Seventh
Their Valentine’s Day James Bond Extravaganza (called Aves.). Phone 212-463-8338 or visit kinectedcenter.com.
“Shaken Not Stirred — OO7” will send you to heaven, with Hey, sweet stuff: Sugar Cookies has good taste.
a license to enjoy yourself. Bond with your special significant See page 19 for more discounts!
other while relaxing on heated waterbeds that will have your tionship-minded, engaged, married, pregnant or with kids.
bodies toasting all the way from Russia — with Love. Their Back in 2008, proprietor Susanne Alvarado ignored the
“Drs. of No-How” will knead your muscles while the Bond naysayers and went with her gut — which told her there
movie music of your choice plays. Vodka-infused heated was both a market and a demand for what Sugar Cookies
towels will soothe “The Living Daylights” out of you — stocks.
and just as “Diamonds Are Forever,” so too shall this be a In a short time, Sugar Cookies has evolved from the
Valentine’s Day to remember. Regular price: $185. new boudoir on the block to a Downtown destination with
At 30 W. 18th St. (btw. Fifth & Sixth Aves.). Call 212- a loyal following. The shop’s name is a nod to the slang
337-0032 or visit justcalmdown.com. term for a woman’s most intimate part. Clever and smart
20% off “Shaken Not Stirred.” where others are crude and dumb, the people behind the
counter know how to make both female and male shoppers
SUGAR COOKIES comfortable while browsing.
This smart idea for a store speaks to the ever-growing At 203 W. 19th St. (off Seventh Ave.). Call 212-242-
demographic of women who call Chelsea home — many 6963 or visit sugarcookies.com.
of whom rely on Sugar Cookies for appropriate intimate 15% off regular priced merchandise. 40-70% off Winter
apparel for whatever phase of life they’re in: single, rela- Clearance Sale items, through January.

Photo by The Light Mill

Bonding: James Bonding. See “Just Calm Down.” This husband and wife are well-Kinected.
16 Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011

Food, drink, sports: Get your fix

sign up to be a card-carrying member of the
Continued from page 11 club. Named after the four-member club of
baseball players who have hit 40 home runs
food and variety of games draw in steady and stolen 40 bases in one season, The 40/40
streams of sports fans, most in their mid-20s Club offers ten different Super Bowl packages
to early 40s. for groups who want a private room. Packages
Dewey’s boasts 17 TVs and more than 20 start at $132 per person and include food,
tap beers along with food and drink deals all snacks, a two-hour open bar and a gift bag.
football season. Happy hour includes $4 Bud Moving south to 248 W. 14th St. (btw. 7th
Light drafts and $5 well drinks on weekdays & 8th), SNAP Sports Bar (snapsportsbar.
from 4:30pm to 7pm and, for those really look- com) represents the newest kid on the block
ing to go on a bender, a $25 open bar (beers, in the sports-gastro pub scene. Labeling
wines and well drinks) from 9pm to midnight itself a “sports bar for the rest of us,” this
on Fridays and Saturdays. In addition to cater- throwback lounge is accented with classy
ing to fans of local sports teams like the Giants sports décor throughout, including bar stools
and Yankees, Dewey’s is a popular gathering topped with recycled game ball leather, base-
spot for Patriots fans and is the official New ball bats that serve as door handles, and a
York viewing location for University of Utah 20-foot-long LED ticker built into the top of
games. Santana said to expect giveaways and the bar to keep fans continuously updated
drink specials on Super Bowl Sunday, includ- with the latest scores. The vibe is more Ivy-
ing $3.50 Pabst Blue Ribbon pounders (16 oz. league clubhouse than locker room, said
cans) and pub fare priced under $10. Owner Matthew Isaacs, adding that you
Flight 151, located at, you guessed it, 151 Photo by Scott Stiffler won’t find any autographed jerseys adorn-
Eighth Ave. (btw. 17th & 18th) has been The Triple Crown: 13 TVs, 14 beers on tap and plenty of horse racing. ing the walls. Flat screen TVs (16 of them)
serving up cheap drinks and quality food for surround patrons who have their choice of
20 years. A relatively small bar/restaurant, sports bar at 757 Sixth Ave., at 25th St. The Ainsworth packs in fans for NFL games eight tap beers and a daily happy hour from

4C Flight 151 has a large Jets following — and

is decorated with various flight-related sig-
nage throughout the bar, dining area and
bathrooms (which play audio of an airplane
(roguenyc.com). Featuring eight plasma TVs
and a large projection screen, Rogue packs
in fans for local teams and Michigan State
University sports. Weekday happy hours
and March Madness, during which time it
partners with colleges to become their official
New York viewing destination, complete with
color-coordinated drinks and waitresses sport-
5pm to 8pm at SNAP. DJs spin at night —
and during commercials while games are
on. Though SNAP has only been around
for a few months, it recently launched a
pilot talking to passengers). When it comes to are supplemented by seasonal promotions, ing school uniforms. Patrons tend to be of the funky menu of high-end food, following the
games, Flight 151 shows most major sports such as drinks specials and giveaways dur- older, more mature variety, according to Matt trend of new sports stadiums, such as Citi
on eight flat screen TVs, and draws crowds ing March Madness. And while Rogue puts Shendell (president of PAIGE Management, Field, that offer gourmet food options, said
for the Yankees, Mets, Georgetown hoops the volume on for big games, it has DJs that which owns The Ainsworth). When there’s Isaacs. Looking to compete yourself? SNAP
and Michigan football. Labeled the “Cheers occasionally play game-time sets, muting com- not a big game, TVs are turned off to create a makes available chess boards, backgammon
of Chelsea” by manager Roy Savelli, Flight mercials with music. more intimate dinner setting. The Ainsworth and video games. SNAP has done its pre-
151 has a number of regulars who line up Rogue goes festive for big sporting events, will roll out a number of specials on Super game planning for the Super Bowl. A special
for its all-star specials throughout the week. said Vanessa Cardone, general manager. They Bowl Sunday, such as a price-fixed meals menu is in the works that will involve “locker
Monday is margarita night with Mexican food had drink specials throughout the NFL play- featuring wings, ribs and beer. And like last combinations” of food, beer and liquor, and
specials; Tuesday is flip night, where custom- offs and partnered with beer companies to year — when they offered Hurricanes in honor visitors can also expect a high-profile athlete
ers who guess the right coin toss get a free hand out free samples and T-shirts. Expect of the New Orleans Saints — patrons can to make an appearance (possibly an NFL star
drink; Wednesday is spin-the-wheel night with more of the same for the Super Bowl, such as expect team-themed drinks, jersey-clad wait- not competing in the big game), along with
shot prizes; and Thursday’s trivia night gives themed drink specials and raffle prizes, includ- resses and separate sections for each fan base, beer giveaways, promotions, and a raffle for
patrons free drinks for correct answers. For ing a snowboard. said Shendell. tickets to a major sporting event.
the Super Bowl, Flight 151 will offer up $3 One of the latest sports lounge offerings The area’s original lounge-infused sports While not exhaustive, the above list can
pints of beer and free bar snacks. is The Ainsworth (ainsworthnyc.com. 122 bar, The 40/40 Club (the4040clubn.com. 6 W. serve as a playbook to help diagram your
W. 26th St. btw. 6 & 7th), a chandelier-clad, 25th St. btw. Sixth & Broadway) — co-owned Super Bowl plans. And if you stay home,
SPORTS-FOCUSED RESTAURANTS & state-of-the-art sports bar with high-end eats by Jay-Z — adds an element of exclusivity to remember to stock up on beer early and, if
LOUNGES and more than 40 TVs angled so that anyone the Chelsea sports bar experience. Not that you’re considering ordering a pizza, you’ll
Straddling the line between sports lounge — located anywhere in the venue — can watch there’s a guest list, but not all areas of the probably want to phone it in the night before
and restaurant is Rogue, a gastro-pub-meets the on-screen action. Busy throughout the year, lounge are accessible, and you can actually — or, better yet, right now.

Photo by Scott Stiffler

First and foremost a hockey bar, The Flying Puck’s TVs make room for other major Photo by Scott Stiffler

sports. Where everybody knows your name: Flight 151 is Chelsea’s “Cheers.”
Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011 17

Photo courtesy of The Metropolitan Playhouse

Catch a vegetable — and this show — if you can. EACH


Once upon a time, composer/librettist Michael Kosch and choreographer/costume
designer Rachael Kosch created a suite of savory vignettes designed for children and their
families. Sometime later (the present day to be exact), “The Festival of the Vegetables” is
poised to return for its fifth annual production. Metropolitan Playhouse presents, proudly
we’re assured, this music-dance-poetry-theater piece in which a troupe of dancers and actors
(ages 5 to 45) perform a series of lighthearted poems and dances that reveal the secret life
of vegetables. It is set in a vast supermarket where a toddler, shopping with mom, nods off
to sleep. The child dreams of vegetable adventures — each story introduced by a couple
of bumbling yet eloquent produce clerks. Vegetable-people of all varieties jump and whirl
in a whimsical salad. Duncan Broccoli dances a Scottish reel; King Potato holds vegetable
court; lithe String Bean Fiddler twirls and trills; Colonel Corn stalks the scary SpinWitch;
Arugula weds ravishing Radish; and Rotund Rutabaga perches on pointe. If your kids won’t
eat their vegetables after this show, maybe they’ll at least appreciate the entertainment value
supplied by all that stuff that grows in the ground, helps you grow and is very, very, very
good for you! Sats. and Suns., 11am, Feb. 6-20 (with a special opening evening perfor-
mance Feb. 5, at 7pm). At the Metropolitan Playhouse (220 E. 4th St., btw. Aves. A & B).
Tickets are $10 for children 12 and under; $15 for adults. For reservations, call 212-995-
5302 or visit metropolitanplayhouse.org.

Find it in the archives

18 Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011

Boosting sexual desire +H\WKHUH 

Continued from page 12

So until a magic pill is
In her assessment of a client’s low sexual
desire, Dr. Needle explores if the problem has invented, the encouraging
been lifelong or a recently acquired condition.
If the decreased libido is a new condition, Dr. news is that the real
Needle helps her clients to get in touch with
what used to turn them on and to incorporate
those sexy thoughts back into their lives.
“female Viagra” might ,Q%R["

So until a magic pill is invented, the encour-
aging news is that the real “female Viagra”
already be within every 
might already be within every woman, hidden woman, hidden beneath 6LJQ8SIRU\RXU)5((%L:HHNO\
beneath the busy minds and constant self-
judgments. Mindfulness may provide the map the busy minds and
to unlocking each woman’s sexual tiger.
Here’s a simple mindfulness exercise to
get you started. Eating Mindfulness: unwrap
a chocolate/sweet and hold it in your hand.
Feel the weight. Examine its features. Smell
Mindfulness may provide WZRDW6PRUJDV5HVWDXUDQW
it. Place the chocolate in your mouth and let it the map to unlocking each :HVWWK6WUHHW1<&
melt. Notice all the tastes and textures in your
mouth. to focus on nothing besides the choco- woman’s sexual tiger. \RXUFRPPXQLW\\RXUQHLJKERUKRRG\RXUQHZV
late. If your mind wanders, and it will, without
judgment try to bring your thoughts back to the
chocolate. Daily practice of this one mindful-
ness technique can increase your ability to stay Research (sstarnet.org/directory.cfm) and the
in the present moment. Next, try to apply mind- International Society for the Study of Women’s
fulness to other aspects of your life, including Sexual Health (isswsh.org/resources/provider.
your sexual life. Remember, these exercises are aspx ).
supposed to be fun — what sensations do you Enjoy!
experience when you masturbate?
To learn more mindfulness exercises and Beth Fischgrund, Ph.D., is the Women
to find a licensed clinical sex therapist in your Veteran’s Program Manager of VA Pacific
area, visit the Society for Sex Therapy and Islands Health Care System, in Honolulu, HI.
Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011 19

Box, climb and shoot!

Continued from page 14

petition climbers, says, “Women are natural

climbers. Those with big muscles, there’s
a lot to carry up. It’s a wake-up call when
those big guys try their first climb.”
It’s as easy as climbing up a ladder,
Alcoba coaxes, step right, step left. “Try to
relax your grip,” she says, as I reach to find
that next faraway bump to hold on to. I know
I am not going to fall because of the secure
harness around my waist, but I instinc-
tively grab for the holds anyway, exerting
more energy than required. “Focus more
on pushing down with the feet rather than
pulling up. Keep your weight on your feet,
more toes on this wall.”
I am doing rainbow climbing, touching
whatever color I can reach rather than one
color, coded for level of difficulty. The wall
also has indentations for holds, which is

Climbers at Chelsea Piers

Photo by Kathy Alcoba
range in age from nine to Because it’s there: Bonnie Rosenstock conquers the Chelsea Piers rock wall.

the upper 60s and come wall, in which you are upside down with Boxing, target practice and rock wall physically stronger, to get you through those
ropes. The 14’ high by 73’ wide bouldering climbing all provide Zen-like moments. inevitably difficult life moments. According
from all backgrounds, says wall and the adjacent 16’ high by 18’ wide Boxing is the only one of the three with an to the instructors, most men and women
bouldering cave have over 11,000 square opponent, yet when push comes to shove, seem to approach these activities differently
Les Pawlak, the Rock Wall feet of sculpted, three-dimensional imprint you are still competing against yourself — bravado versus braining it out. However,
climbing surface — and you don’t use ropes. — the ultimate goal, to be mentally and both sexes are aiming for bravura.
coordinator. “It’s very Zen “Cave bouldering is harder, and you need
more upper body strength to even start with
after a stressful day. You it,” explains Alcoba. “When you get to the
top, you jump down onto the landing pad.”
have a different perspective When I reach my top, huffing and puffing,
I hold onto the rope and slide down effort-
when you are hanging lessly along the wall. I am keen to go up
again. I make it a third of the way, but my
upside down.” arms begin to shake. It’s all in the legs.
For now, more men than women climb.
However, it’s gaining popularity with both
sexes, says Alcoba. Climbers at Chelsea
different from other climbing walls. I am Piers range in age from nine to the upper
distracted somewhat by watching Willie Lai, 60s and come from all backgrounds, says
the human fly, as he seamlessly goes from Les Pawlak, the Rock Wall coordinator. “It’s
one hold to the next, performing feats of very Zen after a stressful day. You have a
levitation on the formidable walls. There is different perspective when you are hanging
the over-hung 90-degree angle competition upside down.”

CRUNCH Call ahead to schedule an appointment. From

404 Lafayette St. (btw. Astor & East Jan. 26 to Feb. 8, mention Chelsea Now and
Fourth St.) get a half price special.
Packages available for personal training CHELSEA PIERS SPORTS &
sessions. Get a free one-week guest pass ENTERTAINMENT COMPLEX
online to any Crunch gym at crunch.com Rock Wall at Pier 60 across from the
(specifically, www.crunch.com/Crunch/ West Side Highway along the river and
Try%20Us%20Out.aspx?offer=7). 19th St.
212-336-6666 or chelseapiers.com
WESTSIDE RIFLE & PISTOL For info or to schedule an appoint-
RANGE ment, call 212-336-6083. Email scrock-
20 W. 20th St. (btw. Fifth & Sixth Aves.) wall@chelseapiers.com. Become a mem-
212-929-7287 ber of the Sports Center at Chelsea
Visit westsidepistolrange.com to register Piers with our Off Peak (or regular)
online. Fee: $65, which includes instruction, membership, and get a free semi-pri-
rifle, 50 rounds, targets. You must be 21 years vate rock climbing lesson for you and
of age or older and a permanent U.S. citizen. a friend.
20 Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011

DWaVO`O DWVO\¸a CFC, city disagree on BRC

DWRS] 2D2>OZOQS Continued from page 3

block every hour, will mount multiple surveil-

Rosenblatt said his best
;S\¸a1ZcP ;S\¸a1ZcP lance cameras and will work on streetscape
beautification, said Rosenblatt.
understanding of the new
"V`a%ROga "V`a%ROga
Rosenblatt said the shelter will also keep
a minimum of 16 security officers on site at
200-bed contract is that
>`WdObS >`WdObS all times, set up a 24/7 admissions program
that the city was in the
to prevent clients from loitering outside of
DWRS] DWRS] the building, and institute a planned day of
0]]bVa 0]]bVa programming for all clients. He said that
process of conducting a
this programming would be comprised of
either off-site meetings with housing, wel-
Fair Share Assessment,
3\b`O\QS 3\b`O\QS fare or job counselors, or in-house programs
such as their art therapy program, with
even as construction
2D2 2D2 Rosenblatt noting that a BRC client, Shawn
T., recently won the New York State Office
is underway. When
DWRS] DWRS] of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services
<]dSZbWSa <]dSZbWSa (OASAS) Seventh Annual Recovery Fine
construction is complete,
Arts Festival 2010 award for photography.
The Chelsea resident who had initially
BRC will file for the
raised concerns about the bright lights dur-
ing the January 19 meeting confirmed that
certificate of occupancy.
her concerns had been resolved. Another
community member noted, after the CAC
%'%&bV/dS #' &bV/dS meeting, that her children anticipated the
opening of the shelter as a clearinghouse for happy when they have another resource for
0Sb"&bV"'bVAb 0Sb!&bV!'bVAb positive, humanitarian effort. Rev. Glenn those who are really struggling for their
 #&  $  !#"$& Chalmers, rector and executive director of
the soup kitchen at the Church of the Holy
lives. I think it’s a great thing for Chelsea
and the City of New York.”
Apostles, echoed this sentiment, saying,
“At Holy Apostles we serve about 1,200 The BRC continues to urge those in need
from Monday through Friday. The amount to contact them via their 24-hour homeless
of homeless is really epidemic, so I will be helpline, at 212-533-5151.

Pittsburgh Steelers
Sunday Feb 6th 2011 Vs. Green Bay Packers

M1-5 Lounge
52 Walker Street – Between Church and Broadway – New York, NY 10013
Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011 21

Do YOU have what it takes to solve the

Straight Pride Crossword Puzzle?

3 = If gays are 1 in 10, then straights are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
13 = The morning after (abbreviation) _ _
18 = It’s the answer “no” guy wants to hear _ _
27 = Hey good-looking, what’s your _ _ _ _
45 = She’s looking for _ _ Goodbar
53 = For him, a call. For her, a commitment _ _ _ _
61 = If men are from Mars, then women are from _ _ _ _ _
69 = Number of people in a nuclear family _ _ _ _
85 = A homo’s term of contempt for heteros _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
109 = Yearly monogamy milestone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1 = Mom and _ _ _
7 = _ _ like Flynn
8 = She shoots him down: “I am _ _ _ interested.”
10 = Cyberspace place where creepy straight people meet _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
27 = Mother’s little helper (Mary Poppins was one) _ _ _ _ _
29 = If women are from Venus, then men are from _ _ _ _
48 = You and me and baby makes _ _ _ _ _
86 = A mad dash, to avoid that creep across the bar _ _ _
92 = ABBA sang: “So when you’re near me, darling can’t you hear me _ _ _


Registration is
Community Media, which publishes the award-winning weekly newspapers
Gay City News, The Villager, Downtown Express, Chelsea Now, and a senior-focused Ongoing
newspaper Thrive NYC and their very popular corresponding websites, seeks outstanding and
self-confident advertising sales pros.
Summer Camp
You: articulate, never give up, persuasive, ready Programs Available
with a message, smart, road warrior, organized,
energetic, a graduate of an accredited 4-year college or
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Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011 23


La MaMa’s loss (of Ellen Stewart) is ours, too
Show goes on, at Stewart’s place and elsewhere
BY TRAV S.D. directing the late Williams play “Vieux
I started out the new year with a Carrè” with her company the Wooster
veritable junket of show going, most of Group, running February 2-27. In the
which pleased my cantankerous taste buds. this production, this most experimental of
The sole exception was “Gob Squad’s ensembles will be taking on an autobio-
Kitchen” — an empty interaction between graphical work of American realism, con-
a handful of hipster improv comedians and cerning Williams’ earliest days as a writer
the static mid-60s films by Andy Warhol’s in the New Orleans French Quarter. It’s
Factory. If there was an idea to be found in not the first time the Wooster Group has
this tedious exercise, I’ll eat my Leopard- dared to monkey with a Great American
Skin Pillbox Hat. Other than that, though, Playwright. They’ve done it with Eugene
I pretty much hit the jackpot — catching O’Neill more than once, so the answer to
“Spalding Gray: Stories Left to Tell” at the obvious question “Is nothing sacred?”
P.S. 122 (featuring a surprise visit from has already been answered and it’s a flat
David Strathairn); “Too Late!” in the no. Tickets and info may be obtained at
Under the Radar Festival; “Green Eyes,” thewoostergroup.org.
an obscure, late Tennessee Williams one- In the vaudeville/ burlesque category
act presented in a midtown hotel room; this month: “Female female-impersonator”
Theater for the New City’s “Age Out” World Famous *BOB* will be reviving
(about some unhappy waitstaff); and “The “One Man Show: The True Story of Miss
Continuing Story of Carla Rhodes” — World Famous *BOB*” at Wild Project,
an autobiographical rock opera presented 195 East 3rd Street February 3-5. I caught
monthly at Arlene’s Grocery by a multi- this show on its original run at Joe’s Pub
talented ventriloquist. All recommended. a few months back, and can testify that it
Either someone has put mood enhancers in mixes Bob’s patented exhibitionism with
my Yoo-hoo or I’m walking under a lucky revelations of a deeper sort. Find out more
constellation. at thewildproject.com.
At Clemente Soto Velez Cultural &
Educational Center, February 4-20 Flux
Photo by Kirsten Kay Thoen Theatre Ensemble will be presenting Liz
Getting Ready to “Purge”: Jillian Lindig (top) and Larisa Polonsky (bottom). Duffy Adams’ “Dog Act.” While that may
We seem to be sound like a mere circus or vaudeville turn
Aristophanes’ “Lysistrata,” mixed with quantity for quality, priding itself on a well- featuring trained poodles, we learn from
somewhat in the midst “actual present-day accounts of sex strikes.” run machine featuring 30-odd shows at its the release that it’s really one of those
Why, it’s un-American! In addition to three-space the Kraine, the Red Room and post-apocalyptic things, one in which a
of a Tennessee Williams masks and body suits inspired by ancient Under St. Marks. Standouts this year to character undergoes “a voluntary species
Roman circus comedians, the production these jaded old eyes include: “The Bitter downgrade.” But, really, aren’t we all doing
revival at the moment, as boasts the music of way out experimental- Poet: Looking for Love in All the Wrong that at this stage in evolutionary history?
ist Sxip Shirey. Also of note is “Purge.” Black Box Performance Spaces” starring Tix and info at fluxtheatre.org.
directors and producers The American premiere of a #1 best seller the hilarious leather-clad Downtown per- February 6 through March 6, the Irish
in Finland, it tells the story of a couple of formance veteran Kevin Draine; “My Pal Repertory Theatre Company will be pre-
exhume countless obscure Estonian women forced to make choices Izzy: The Early Life and Music of Irving senting “My Scandalous Life” — a play
as the country makes the tough transition Berlin”; “Hi, How Can I Help You?” about Lord Alfred Douglas, Oscar Wilde’s
works ignominiously from totalitarian communism to criminal — which shows how a house of domi- lover who indirectly brought about the
capitalism. Finnish-Estonian playwright nation copes with the Great Recession; celebrated author’s downfall. Normally his-
scorned in the genius Sofi Oksanen was “Estonia’s Person of the “Yippie!” (about the eponymous radical tory remembers “Bosie” (his nickname) as
Year” in 2009 and is hailed in her country political party which once ran a pig for a superficial, unfeeling character, but the
playwright’s lifetime. as one of the most important voices of her President); and “You Shouldn’t Be Here” blurbs about the current show seem to
generation. The show promises to be an by self-described “mock star” Killy Dwyer. indicate that (in this play at least) there
important cultural event. It runs February For a full schedule and ticket info, go to was more to him than that. How true it is,
11-20. Also this month at La MaMa, the FRIGIDnewyork.info. I can’t say, but at least it will be something
The major news to report this month is movement ensemble Witness Relocation We seem to be somewhat in the midst new! More info: irishrep.org.
the sad passing of Ellen Stewart, founder presents the premiere of a new work fea- of a Tennessee Williams revival at the Lastly, Theater for the New City’s 8th
and artistic director of La MaMa E.T.C. turing text by playwright Chuck Mee. The moment, as directors and producers Annual Love ‘N’ Courage benefit will take
The theatre she founded turns 50 years content is unclear but the personnel is exhume countless obscure works ignomini- place at the National Arts Club on February
old this year, and the Off Off Broadway impressive. The show runs from February ously scorned in the genius playwright’s 28. This year’s guest of honor will be the
movement she helped launch is stronger 17 through 27. For info on these and all lifetime. Not only has there been the lovely Marian Seldes, with a wealth of
than ever. Indeed, most of the showfolk shows at La MaMa, go to lamama.org. above-mentioned production of “Green presenting stars from both the Uptown and
who generally wind up in this column owe Meanwhile, across the street at Horse Eyes” by director Travis Chamberlain, Downtown theatre scenes, including Eli
something to her. She will be missed, but Trade Theater Group, it is time once but last year saw an entire festival of Wallach and Anne Jackson, Tammy Grimes,
her legacy is ubiquitous. Several shows again for that company’s annual and (aptly such works by Target Margin, as well as a Jean-Claude Van Itallie, and many others.
happening at her theatre this month strike named at the moment) Frigid New York series of revivals by White Horse Theatre A great way to close out an action-packed
me as particularly exciting. February Festival (February 23–March 6). Smaller Company, and the film version of “The month, even though this Valentine’s Day-
3-13, award-winning puppeteer Theodora in scale than most of the summer the- Loss of a Teardrop Diamond.” And, now, themed event will be two weeks too late for
Skipitares presents her own version of atre festivals, Frigid New York substitutes of all people, Elizabeth LeCompte will be Cupid. See you next month!
24 Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011

Photo courtesy of The Carter Burden Center for the Aging’s Gallery 307

Eva Deutsch Costabel with her artwork.

GALLERY 307: ARTIST TALK WITH survivor, I found focus in my art. I lost my
EVA DEUTSCH COSTABEL community, but art saved my mind,” says
During its short time in the neighbor- Costabel.
hood, Gallery 307 has consistently deliv- Costabel will speaking about her cur-
ered exhibits, which provoke, challenge and rent exhibit “Paintings: 1950–2010.” It’s
amuse — all while making us contemplate a retrospective which includes a sampling
what it means to grow, and be, old. Now, of her paintings and drawings. Costabel’s
The Carter Burden Center for the Aging — work and style flow between realist, semi-
the organization behind Gallery 307’s cur- abstract and abstract. “Much of my work
tain — hosts an event which lets the artist is abstract and reflects an expression of my
(not the art) do the talking. emotions and state of mind in the moment,”
“Artist Talk” features 86-year-old Eva she says. “The colors I use are instinctive
Deutsch Costabel. Born in Yugoslavia to and expressive. Anyone can learn how to
a Viennese family, Costabel fled her native draw, but understanding color is a sense that
Zagreb in 1941 during the Nazi occupa- is inherent.”
tion. Following the capture and subsequent “Artists Talk” takes place Thursday,
murder of her father, Costabel, her mother February 10 at 2pm. At Gallery 307 (307
and sister began a flight that included Seventh Ave., Suite 1401). Tickets are
imprisonment in an Italian concentration $10. Space is limited. RSVP to cinellij@
Studios to three-bedroom homes from $625k camp in Croatia. After the Italian capitu- burdencntr.org to reserve a spot. Payment
Priced from $879 per square foot lation in 1943, she joined the Yugoslav may be made at the door. Eva Deutsch
resistance — first as an army nurse, then Costabel’s one-person show, “Paintings:
· Spacious, Beautifully · Private Storage Units as a staff artist for the resistance publi- 1950-2010,” can be seen at Gallery 307,
cations. She often created drawings of Tuesdays through Saturdays, from 11am to
Landscaped, Private · Balconies & Rooftop resistance fighters and peasants, which she 5pm. (through February 17). For more info,
Courtyard Cabanas with Select Units presented to them as gifts. “As a Holocaust visit burdencenter.org.
· Fitness Center · Full Service Building

Wendy Triffon 212.732.0372 | griffincourtcondo.com

Photo courtesy of The Carter Burden Center for the Aging’s Gallery 307
Eva Deutsch Costabel’s “All That Jazz.”
Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011 25

A riot of revivals in London

Jacobi’s “Lear” tops list — and is New York-bound
BY ANDY HUMM just revived in New York, and “Play with-
What’s old is new on the London stage. out Words,” “Cinderella” brings out all
I saw a lot of revivals among nine plays at the darkness, humor and joy he’s famous
Yuletide in the West End, most of which for in this fairy tale choreographed to
were like fine wines –– a 1603 Shakespeare, Prokofiev’s magnificent score.
an 1895 Wilde, a 1938 J.B. Priestly and Kerry Biggin as Cinderella and Sam
a 1980 Aykbourn, along with a few new Archer as her RAF ace beloved shine, as
plays. I even saw Sheridan’s “The Rivals” do Lez Brotherston’s breathtaking sets
(1775) at the very Theatre Royal Haymarket and costumes. There are even several
where it was revived in 1821 to open the sweet tributes to gays in the military.
“new” building of what started as the “Little This show should become a perennial.
Theatre in the Hay” in 1721. Written in 1938 and set 30 years
The oldest and greatest in the lot, “King earlier, J.B. Priestly’s “When We Are
Lear,” made my trip to “Frozen Britain” –– as Married” (at the Garrick to February
the BBC blared for days –– worth it. Seeing 26; whenwearemarried.com) concerns
“Lear” in the intimate, 250-seat Donmar three upright, uptight, upper middle
Warehouse (to February 5; donmarware- class couples on the verge of celebrating
house.com/pl114.html) was like having a their mutual 25th anniversaries in small-
volcanic domestic dispute erupt in a living town England. But instead of cutesy
room. With a furious and riveting Derek nostalgia, the characters get twisted in
Jacobi in the lead, a splendid supporting cast hilarious knots by the revelation that
and brisk direction by Michael Grandage, unknowingly they may never have been
it was almost too much to bear witnessing legally married.
–– the true test of a great “Lear.” (A very Under Christopher Luscombe’s direc-
good recent vintage Lear, Sir Ian McKellen, tion, it’s a fun send-up of marriage
was in the audience.) Grandage, the artistic with a great ensemble including Michele
director of the Donmar who gave us the Dotrice, Maureen Lipman and Rosemary
Tony-winning “Red” last season, continues Ashe as the wives and comic great Sam
his run of excellence. Kelly as one of the husbands.
This dark tale is brightly lit on a bare Marriage is also center stage in Oscar
stage surrounded by sloppily whitewashed Wilde’s “An Ideal Husband,” getting Photo by Johan Persson

walls. The kingdom is in transition and the a worthy revival at the Vaudeville (to Derek Jacobi offers a furious and rivetingly unforgettable King Lear.
bad relations are moving in. February 26; vaudeville-theatre.co.uk)
The intensity and truth with which these directed by Lindsay Posner, with sump-

players interacted and drove the story for- tuous sets by Stephen Brimson Lewis.
ward made me forget that I was watch- Alexander Hanson, so good as Frederick
ing a 17th-century tragedy in verse. It felt Egerman, the male lead in the Broadway
as if it were really happening, not just revival of “A Little Night Music,” is
being declaimed — though the incomparable
Shakespeare poetry comes through. And I
was blown away by the unique and subtle
equally fine as Sir Robert Chiltern,
whose successful life in business and
politics is upended by a shady request
way of handling the storm scene. I’ll let that from Mrs. Chevely (Samantha Bond, in 37)--).',%33/.3 OPEN HOUSES
be a surprise because there are ways you can a deliciously malevolent turn), his own &/2#(),$2%.!'%3!.$50 3ATURDAY &EBRUARY  !-TONOON
see it soon. past and being put on a pedestal by his #!-002/'2!-3 3ATURDAY -ARCH  !-TONOON
This production is being telecast world- noble wife (Rachel Stirling). &/2#(),$2%.!'%3¯ 3ATURDAY !PRIL  !-TONOON
wide as part of the NT Live series (nation- The drama is compelling, the comedy
altheatre.org.uk/61172/venues-amp-book- a bit less so, as Wilde’s aphorisms were
ing/usa-venues.html#list) around the world, not landing with the shock and laughter
including NYU’s Skirball on February 3. they ought to. Not sure if that’s due to
This cast will appear in the flesh at BAM Elliot Cowan — who is an able actor —
(bam.org/view.aspx?pid=2653) from April as the Wilde stand-in Lord Goring, to the
28 to June 5. direction or to the fact that the play is
How Jacobi’s ferocious performance will more than a century old.
play on a flat screen and in the larger BAM I had never seen Sheridan’s “The
Harvey Theater time will tell, but he’s the Rivals” (at the Royal Haymarket to
best Lear I’ve ever seen. Gina McKee’s oily February 26; theatre-royal-haymarket.
Goneril, Gwilym Lee’s tender Edgar, and com) and was happy to be introduced
the Earl of Gloucester of Paul Jesson (who to it by this stellar production led by
played the bluff dad of a gay son in “Cock” at the delightful Penelope Keith (as Mrs.
the Royal Court last season) were exception- Malaprop) and Peter Bowles (as Sir
ally fine, but there wasn’t a wrong note in a Anthony Absolute), who were co-stars
taut three hours. of the old popular BBC comedy “To the 3UMMER!CADEMIC0ROGRAM„3UMMER%XPERIENCE$AY#AMP
Still another tale of a screwed-up fam- Manor Born.” Directed by the legendary 3WIMMING,ESSONS„0ERFORMING!RTS#AMP„4ECH#AMP
ily gets a new twist in Matthew Bourne’s Peter Hall, “Rivals” has lavish sets by 3PORTS#AMPS"ASKETBALL#AMP ,ACROSSE#AMP 3QUASH#AMP "ASEBALL#AMP 3OCCER#AMP
“Cinderella,” his dance version at Sadler’s Simon Hughes. Heterosexual romance
Wells (to Jan. 19; sadlerswells.com/show/ has been touted as normative for cen-
Matthew-Bourne-Cinderella) set in the turies, but Sheridan makes us see how 0/,902%0#/5.429$!93#(//,
London blitz of 70 years ago. Bourne first difficult it can be to negotiate. Tam 3EVENTH!VENUE "ROOKLYN .9
produced this show in 1997, but it is said to Williams also shines as Absolute’s son 4OREQUESTABROCHURE CALL   EXT ORVISIT
be substantially revised. 7770/,902%0/2'
While I’m partial to his “Swan Lake,” Continued on page 26
26 Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011

th :
30 SE
PM ry OU
- 4 ua H
12 , Jan PEN
ay O
nd UR

JOIN FOR YOUR HEALTH. Photo by Nobby Clark

STAY FOR YOUR WELL BEING. Samantha Bond, deliciously malevolent as Mrs. Chevely, and a fine Alexander
Hanson as Sir Robert Chiltern in Oscar Wilde’s “An Ideal Husband.”
London calling —
all revivals
Continued from page 26

Jack, who tries to win the woman for

whom he is intended by pretending to
be someone else so that she will really
JOIN BY JAN. 31ST AND PAY NO JOINER’S FEE. love him. It’s complicated, as they say
on Facebook.
Finally, the Tricycle Theatre took a
break from the trenchant political the-
YMCANYC.ORG TO GET A PASS TO “TRY THE Y FOR FREE.” ater for which it is known and staged
“Midsummer (a play with songs)” (to
MANHATTAN January 29; tricycle.co.uk), a two-hander
about unlikely early middle-aged lov-
Chinatown (212) 912-2460 Vanderbilt (212) 912-2500 ers, written by David Grieg and Gordon
Harlem (212) 912-2100 West Side (212) 875-4100 McIntyre and performed amiably by Cora
McBurney (212) 912-2300 Bissett as Helena and Matthew Pidgeon
as Bob. It was a hit at the Edinburgh
BROOKLYN Festival and has considerable charms,
Bedford-Stuyvesant (212) 912-2280 North Brooklyn (212) 912-2230 yet could do with some judicious trim-
ming –– but please not the priceless chat
Dodge (718) 625-3136 Park Slope Armory (212) 912-2580 Bob has with his penis!
Flatbush (718) 469-8100 Prospect Park (718) 768-7100 Coming up in the West End: For those
Greenpoint (212) 912-2260 of you planning trips to London later in
the year, here are a few noteworthy pro-
QUEENS ductions coming up. You can read more
about them and others at londontheatre.
Cross Island (718) 479-0505 Long Island City (718) 392-7932 co.uk.
Flushing (718) 961-6880 Ridgewood (NOW OPEN!) (212) 912-2180 Penelope Wilton is in Albee’s “A Photo by Somon Annand

Jamaica (718) 739-6600 Delicate Balance” at the Almeida (May Kerry Biggins shines in the title role of
5-July 2); Matthew Bourne’s “Cinderella.”
Danny Boyle is directing “Frankenstein”
STATEN ISLAND at the National (February 5-April 17), Kane;
Broadway (718) 981-4933 South Shore (718) 227-3200 with Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny “The Lord of the Flies” is set for the
Lee Miller alternating as the doctor and Open Air in Regent’s Park (May 19-June
BRONX (718) 792-9736 the monster and choreography by Bill T. 18);
Jones, whose “Fela!” opens there January Shakespeare’s Globe is offering “All’s
13 (both will be telecast in New York by Well that Ends Well,” “Much Ado about
NT Live); Nothing,” “Doctor Faustus” and “Anne
FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL Peter Hall is directing “Twelfth Night,” Boleyn,” among others, including a cov-
with Simon Callow as Sir Toby Belch and er-to-cover reading of the King James
(212) 630-YMCA OR VISIT YMCANYC.ORG Rebecca Hall as Viola at the National’s Bible for its 400th anniversary!
Cottesloe (January 11-March 2); “War Horse,” which I saw in 2009
Ian Rickson is reviving “The Children’s and loved, is still running at the New
Hour” at the Comedy Theatre (January London Theatre and is finally coming to
*Message and data rates may apply. 22-April 2), with Keira Knightley, Lincoln Center on March 15. Not to be
Elizabeth Moss, Ellen Burstyn and Carol missed.
Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011 27

Just Do Art!
Sadhus — the mystics, ascetics, yogis and
wandering monks of South Asia — renounce
worldly life, earthly possessions and social
obligations. Instead, they devote their lives
to religious practice and the quest for spiri-
tual enlightenment. The tradeoff for all that
self-denial? They look damn good (not that
they need the ego boost). Good thing for us,
though, that Thomas L. Kelly’s exhibit “Body
Language” is brimming with photographs
documenting the enigmatic, vividly decorated
(or nude) ascetics of Hinduism. Hot bods
and life at a level of discipline and dedication
that’s utterly foreign to most of us is reason
enough to get you through the door — but
the contemplative folks at the Rubin Museum
of Art hope you’ll emerge from this and other
exhibits with more doors open than the one
that’s just let your libido out. Maybe you’ll
find enlightenment, illumination and tran-
scendence of the physical body by looking
(and leering?) at these Sadhus — whom Kelly
Photo courtesy of the New York Public Library describes as “disturbing, annoying, inspiring,
Music you can think to. exasperating, irrational, wise and powerful.”
Jan. 28 through May 30, at the Rubin
NYPL: SUFI MUSIC WITH RUMI tic sounds of Sufi, which include the kanun Museum of Art (150 W. 17th St.). Call 212-
It’s got a beat, and you can think to (a string instrument found in Near Eastern 620 5000 or visit rmanyc.org. Admission is
it — and while the sounds are pleasurable, traditional music); the ney (an end-blown $10 for adults; $5 for seniors and students
Sufi music is not the stuff of bubble gum flute); and the def (a frame drum). The (with ID) — free for seniors the first Monday
pop diversion. Instead, it’s a reflection of music will be accompanied by the poetry of of every month, and free for children under
Sufism views on the afterlife. This unique Rumi. Light Turkish food will be provided. 12 and for museum members. Gallery admis-
performance is a programming event accom- FREE. Sat., Feb. 5 at 1pm. At the Jefferson sion is free to all on Fridays between 6pm
panying the NYPL’s insightfully curated and Market Library (425 Ave. of the Americas, and 10pm. The museum is open Mon., 11am
philosophically sound “Three Faiths” exhibit at 10th St.). For info, call 212-243-4334 or to 5pm; Wed., 11am to 7pm; Thurs., 11am Photo by Thomas Kelly
(on display at the 42nd St. & Fifth Ave. visit nypl.org. This event is fully accessible to 5pm; Fri., 11am to 10pm; Sat. & Sun. Who said a life of contemplation means
branch through February 27). Hear the mys- to wheelchairs. from 11am to 6pm (closed on Tues.). you can’t look fabulous?

Photo by Paula Lobo

Abby Silva Gavezzoli, Eric Bourne and Sarah Braverman get with the (Parsons)

Photo by Rick Stockwell

PARSONS DANCE AT THE JOYCE by the flash of a strobe light, to create a
Welcome back: Tenor Daniel Rodriguez. THEATER breathtaking illusion of flight. “Caught”
Parsons Dance returns to The Joyce has been performed thousands of times,
BENEFIT: CHELSEA OPERA Rodriguez will be joined by soprano Marla Theater with three programs. Their typi- worldwide, for more than 27 years (and
After several years living out of the Kavanaugh and mezzo soprano Leonarda cally busy and ambitious schedule includes shows no signs of slowing down). Parsons
country, “America’s Tenor” makes his long- Priore. Their eclectic repertoire will range three world premieres, two new pieces Dance performs Jan. 26 through Feb. 6
awaited return to New York — and Chelsea from pop standards to Broadway favorites by David Parsons and one by Monica at The Joyce Theater (175 Eighth Ave. at
Opera (home of his operatic debut as Canio to heart-wrenching operatic arias. See it Bill Barnes. All three programs include 19th St.). Tues., Wed. & Sun. at 7:30pm.
in “Pagliacci,” circa 2006). The return is with someone you love…and bring tis- Parsons’ “Caught.” That 1982 work — Thurs., Fri. & Sats at 8pm. Sat. & Sun. at
made all the more sweet given that the sues! Sun., Feb. 13, 3pm, at Christ & St. an internationally renowned stroboscopic 2pm. Tickets begin at $10. To order, call
program has a notable February holiday on Stephen’s Church (120 W. 69th St.). For dance masterpiece — features a solo danc- 212-242-0800. For a full schedule of the
its mind. “Daniel Rodriguez — A Valentine tickets, go to chelseaopera.org/events or er performing more than 100 leaps in less featured pieces in Programs A, B & C, visit
Homecoming” is a benefit concert at which call 866-811-4111. than six minutes. Each leap is “caught” joyce.org and parsonsdance.org.
28 Januar y 26 - Februar y 8, 2011

Where Traditional and Conventional Live HEALTHily Ever After

NOW OPEN on 7th Ave & 14th St!

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