The Adventures of The Blue Eyed Man - by Braydan

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The Adventures of the Blue Eyed Man – By Braydan

It is the future, 2034. It is summer in New

York city. There is a lot of evil going on in the
city. Lawlessness is everywhere. Robberies
happen all the time in this city with so much
evil. All the people feel helpless against so
much madness. Fortunately super hero Blue
Eyed Man is the New Yorkers’ only hope to
restore order. He is ready to help. Blue eyed
man is very tall and strong with huge muscles,
long blond hair and he has special armor. His
belt can make him fly and go through the walls
to get the bad guys, his boots can make him
walk on the walls. Blue Eyed Man ’s favorite
weapon is the mighty sledge hammer because
he can make all of the bad guys go back to jail.
He can receive emergency signals from his
fellow New Yorkers by his magic wrist watch
and fly in his special jet. Blue Eyed Man has an
evil brother that sometimes works against him
to help villains

Another break in occurs in the city of New York and the police are overwhelmed and overworked.
They need super hero help. They contact Blue Eyed Man though their phone that can send a signal to
their favourite super hero. Blue Eyed Man quickly flies into the jewelry
store and comes through the wall. The two robbers hear the jet and they quickly hide in the locked
storage room. Blue Eyed Man knows they are somewhere in the store so he hides behind the counter
until they think he is gone. They come out of the storage room with their loaded machine guns. They
start shooting everywhere. The super hero Blue Eyed Man grabs the bad guys and takes them out side
and then they run from the store. The super hero runs and jumps to get them. They get his gun and start
shooting at Blue Eyed Man with his own gun and their rocket launcher. He gets very hurt. The bullets
are so powerful they damage his armor. The robbers think they had finally killed the mighty super
hero. They are surprised when he gets up and gets his guns and shoots the bad guys. He soon realizes
that one of the enemy is his brother Dark Eyed Man. Blue Eyed Man forces himself to be strong and
not think about his pain because he has to defeat his evil brother for the last time. Dark Eyed Man
breaks his hand punching his brother in the chest but he only hits the armor. The other robber got his
foot sliced off by Blue Eyed Man’s sledge hammer.

Blue Eyed Man handcuffs the two burglars and calls the police to take them to jail. Dark Eyed Man
and his partner say they are sorry to all New Yorker and return the money and the jewelry. They still
go to jail for a long time. New York City is safe once again.
The Adventures of Super Woman – By Mackenzie

Super Woman went to the purple planet galaxy during the summer time of 1999. That’s where she
came from. She is going to her home. She has her own house. She wanted to move away from her
mother and father and went to the blue planet to see a couple friends that’s a mom and dad.

She heard from her friends that evil villains were causing trouble and she went to fight crime at the
purple planet galaxy. She can protect herself from the evil villains that attack super women. She has
the sword to save her from the bad guys it helps her stay alive in purple planet galaxy. She sends them
to jail for a long time, for his whole life. The bad guys never got out of jail. It was hard to get out of
jail because its metal jail had metal bars. Super women had a party because the bad guys are gone for
their whole life. Super Women is stronger then the bad guys. She also has a space ship that goes in
space. It’s a mustang space ship, its a hot rod car she rides in it everyday. It has a shield on the car so
the bad guys couldn’t shoot the car or else it will smash in space bits. She has a necklace to put them in
a bubble it was the best bubble ever, a big bubble. She hits people in the head, it’s got to hurt. Super
Women saved the day. The team got a break off from fighting. They had a celebration from fighting
crime so that’s how the bad guys got in jail. They died in jail, so that was sad for their mother and
father. Super Women saved the Purple Planet Galaxy. Now people can live in Purple Planet Galaxy.
There are lots of houses in that planet. It’s the best planet in the whole wide would. The bad guys sent
a letter saying sorry to the team. Super women also said the bad guys will never come back again, and
they will stay in jail forever. Super Women has a skull on her chest, like punisher. She fights bad guys
in space.

That’s the end of the super women story. She is done fighting bad guys her team is taking a break also
the planet is saved by super women and her team. They said the bad guys are in jail they went to a
place called South America it was a hot place to go. They went there for 15 days and said they had fun
in hot South America.
The Adventures of Ben Rock Man – By Mathew

It was the year 1913 and it’s very cold on the

Mars. Ben Rock Man lives there with his body
guards. Ben Rock Man is a good super hero. He
is made of brown rock, he is very strong and he
fights crime all over the galaxy. Ben Rock Man
does not need any weapons, just his rock
strength. When he hears the words “I need
help” he is quick to respond. He has super
powerful hearing. His only weakness is a spot
on his forehead that is not made of rock, only

Bad things are happening, the evil guys are invading the moon. Ben Rock Man hears many screams for
help coming from the moon. He and his guards hop in their rocket ship and zoom to the moon. As soon
as they land, there is fighting and all of Ben Rock Man’s body guards are taken by surprise and
captured by the evil villains on the moon. Our wonderful super hero’s super hearing hears the evil plan
to blow up the moon with a time bomb. Ben Rock Man only as five hours to restore order or the entire
galaxy including Mars will be severely damaged by the huge explosion. As he is trying to figure out a
plan he is captured by the most evil of all villains. This villain tries to torture Ben but nothing can hurt
Ben Rock Man except a direct hit to his sensitive forehead only covered by skin. Unfortunately this
delicate spot is known to the evil boss and Ben Rock Man is gravely injured. Ben Rock Man’s guard
escape because their captors leave them alone while they watch Ben Rock Man die. The first thing the
good guards do is dismantle the bomb and then rescue Ben Rock Man. His number one guard always
carries a special potion to heal Ben Rock Man and help him regain his strength. His injury can only be
cured by a special drink. Five seconds after drinking the potion Ben Rock Man is as good as new and
he and his men quickly capture and wound all the evil villains. The evil villains had no idea that Ben
Rock Man would ever be able to regain his strength so instead of guarding him they were laughing at

Ben Rock Man, super hero and his men again save the day. They load all the evil guys from the moon
into the rocket ship and take them back to Mars where the moon villains apologize but still go to jail
for twenty years. Ben Rock Man and his guards live happily ever after on the Moon until the next
galaxy crises.
The Adventures of Running Red Ryan – By Rachel

In the summer of 1722, people lived in the

clouds. In the clouds it was really warm and the
houses were made out of clouds. Running Red
Ryan is a super hero. He is friendly, and kind
but not a very good sharer. He looks a bit like
Spider Man but with a difference. He has wings
that let him fly. Running Red Ryan has a long,
thick dragon tail for whipping the evil guys.
His belt buckle is very special because it can
electrocute bad guys from five meters away.
His most important super power is his hearing
which is amazing. He likes living in the clouds.
It is fun walking on them and he likes it
because he could travel in space. The clouds
are called the white puff clouds.

On this particular day Running Red Ryan was walking on the clouds when his magic ears were
ringing, he heard a boy screaming from space. Running Red Ryan flew to space using his powerful
wings to fly there. Then something awful happened. The air in space became too thin and Running Red
Ryan could no longer fly, he could just slowly float in space. This was because of too little gravity, less
than he needed. Running Red Ryan had to make an emergency secret call for a space ship from earth to
come give him more gravity. The boy is still stuck in space and his screaming is getting louder.

Finally the spaceship arrived and sprayed the air to help restore the proper level of gravity and
Running Red Ryan was able to save the little boy and he didn’t see any bad guys so he didn’t need to
use his electrocuting belt that was just for emergencies. . Now the boy walks in the clouds with his best
friend, Running Red Ryan and they both like sharing the clouds,
The Adventures of Dragon Fire – By Logan

A long, long time ago, about 125 year in the

past lived the super hero named Dragon Fire.
He is a person with amazing super powers. He
fights evil with his shield and his tail. Dragon
Fire is made of medal so he can’t get wounded
or killed. His magic shield is so powerful it can
shoot lava at the enemy. His two swords are
made of steel and the tips are made of deadly
poison. His twenty meter long, sharp tail is
used as a whip and a rope to capture the bad
guys and hold them for questioning. Dragon
Fire’s powers and strength were needed in the
Black Hole one dreadful day. Fifteen ninjas and
ten of the universe’s worst and evil super heros
had been existing in the Black Hole for 500

Dragon Fire is the leader of the planet Mars where he and his people live a happy life. On one horrible
day everything changed when Mars got sucked into the Black Hole where evil lived. The Black Hole is
very dark. Hiding out in the Black Hole for years are two lovely but very scared good dragons. When they
learn that Mars and Dragon Fire are also in the Black Hole they breathe out smoke signals to let the super
hero know they needed help. Dragon Fire can’t believe what is happening. He is trying to fight off the
ninjas and the bad super heros, protect his people and answer the distress smoke signals. He uses his tail
to tie up the ninjas, his shield to protect himself and his people and his sword to poison the very evil super
heros because they were too evil even for jail. With the help of his people who kept guard of the ninjas,
Dragon Fire rescued the gentle dragons.

Evil is no longer in the Black Hole, only good. The Black Hole spits out Mars back to in the galaxy. The
ninjas are put in jail in Mars for a very long time because they said they will never say sorry for what they
did, and the two gentle dragons now live happily on Mars with all the other good creatures and people.
The Adventures of Gina – By Kara

It was February 16, 2000 when Gina’s super hero mom passed away. When she died her powers were
passed on to her teenage daughter. Gina now can read minds and cast spells from her hand. She is pretty,
very tall with long purple hair in braids. She wears an outfit to match her hair. Her armor covers her body
but her neck, face, and upper thigh are bare. Her mom’s necklace that she proudly wears around her neck
provides her with connection to her mother in heaven. These powers helps her on that scary day in her
home in Manitoba.

Gina’s dad is human with no super powers. He lives in Alberta and probably doesn’t know that his ex-
wife is dead. Gina wants to send him an email to let him know that she died in a battle. As Gina is typing
the letter, a burglar breaks in to her house and begins to smash her computer to steal important parts. His
plan is to get 1220 different computer parts to make a super computer. He has no idea that Gina is a super
hero. Gina uses her powers to read the bad man’s mind and finds out his very evil plan to destroy good
and have only bad in the world. She lift him up and threw him on the ground and tied him up until the
police got there.

Eleven police cars zoom to Gina’s home with their sirens flashing. At 1:00 she put him in a police car
pushing him in with her powerful tail. She is a hero to everyone.
The Adventures of the Invincible Man – By Zachary

It was the year 2053, it’s summer and the darkest, darkest, darkest, coldest day in Cambridge. Our super
hero’s name is THE INVINCIBLE MAN. His super powers are his super sonic hearing and his spider
monkey tail. It spins a silky web to fling bad guys around. Invincible Man wears super protective armor
with power jets to help him fly. His super hero boots are thick and have rockets for flying.

First a scream from space is heard by The Invincible Man when he is flying to outer space. When The
Invincible Man gets to space there is a ship getting shot at by bad guys. The bad guys had escaped from
jail. The two evil guys are brothers, one of them is named King and the other is Kane. The evil pair are
going to put a bomb on a NASA rocket ship. The Invincible Man needs to capture the bad guys before
they get the bomb on a ship. The bomb has only a thirty seconds time delay before it blows up. Invincible
Man overhears the plan and he flies over to the bomb. With his protective armor he is invincible to the
lasers being shot at him. He grabs the bomb and throws it far into space. With his spider monkey tail her
captures King and Kane and flies them to the NASA station in Cambridge.

King and Kane are arrested and sent to trial where they are given a life sentence in jail. These villains are
just evil and do not feel badly about what they planned to do to the NASA rocket ship. Invincible Man
goes on to use his super powers to save the Earth from evil.
The Adventures of Knuckles – By Austin
It is the summer of 2019 in Galt, Cambridge,
Canada. A super hero named Knuckles is the
most powerful of all super heros. He is very
strong with a whole bunch of muscles, he is
part of the army, and also the leader of the
army team. Knuckles and his team are living a
happy life and are always available to help out
in an emergency. Knuckles has a special belt
that keeps his powers strong, without his belt
he has no power except for his muscles.
Knuckles always carries his ball and chain to
help fight evil if his powers are gone. His
powers give his long, thick tail incredible
strength to whip and lift the evil villains. His
huge feet have retractable claws for wounding
people or creatures. Knuckles wears a black
mask when fighting evil so the enemy doesn’t
know who he is in real life. His best friend is
Bob. Bob is the leader of the Army Team’s
back up support. He is human with no super

On this particular day the Army Team is practicing outside shooting at their targets. All of a sudden an
evil group named the Dirt Team shows up and starts attacking the Army Team, because when the
Army Team was practicing outside on a field, the shaking on top of the ground made the Dirt Team
who live under ground angry. They started attacking the Army Team but the Army Team was stronger
because they have Knuckles and his powerful belt. The Dirt Team’s members were getting hurt and
they were losing the fight badly but then Knuckles’ belt got knocked off in the battle and all he had is
his ball and chain and his own very tired muscles. Next the Dirt Team took Knuckles’ belt into the
ground where they live and Knuckles really wants it back. So Knuckles’s friend and his back up army
leader Bob come to Knuckles’ rescue. Bob’s team attacks the Dirt Team but the Dirt Team is too good
for them just because they are the back up team. The Dirt Team is taking over the city. Every one is
calling the police to put them in jail and they are wondering where Knuckles is. The Dirt Team is using
their transformer suits to give them extra strength, so they are too powerful for the cops. The people in
the city are not safe. Knuckles is tired and helpless without his powers. He needs his belt. His Army
Team attempts to get the belt back for him but there are body guards guarding the Dirt Team’s house.
The Army Team has to go a different way to get the belt back. Bob and his back-up team go through a
different hole in the ground, then the Dirt Team discovered them going in the different hole so they
fight again. Knuckles wants to help Bob so he joins the team and acts as a distraction so Bob can get
his belt back. There plan works and they get the belt back for Knuckles.

The Army Team was able to over power the Dirt Team because Knuckles’ super powers were restored.
The Dirt Team was really weak. They didn’t say sorry but they said they would come back next time
for revenge. They were really mad! So the Army Team was victorious. They went back to their
practicing outside on the field. The Dirt Team did not get their revenge because the police brought
them to jail for a very long time.

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