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Clubsport Wheelbase V1/V2 quickguide to

Force Feedback and Settings in Assetto Corsa.

Rev 0.2


This guide is ment for the simracer, that has purchased Assetto Corsa and the Fanatec Clubsport Wheel
V1/V2, but are in doubt how to get a reasonable and realistic force feedback. This is in some cases
subjective, but surely there are some tricks that will most likely improve your overall experience, if you
haven´t had the time or know-how to set it up yourself. The guide is made with reference to the current
state of AC v.1.0.1 and Fanatec firmwares, but has applied well over the time of AC early access, so the
information is gathered and tested through the last 2 years. None of it is “the truth”, as is it not guaranteed
that the settings you end up with using this guide, are the best possible for you. At least it will get you
going, to experiment and alter to your likings. Hopefully this guide will put you with better settings than
default, that is the goal.

Be aware, this guide is not intended to help you through correct installation, driver or firmware updates
and such.


1. Basic setup
2. Assetto Corsa: menues and settings
3. Fanaleds or not?
4. Out of Sync
5. CSW base settings
6. Optimum force feedback

1. Basic setup

If you haven´t already installed the Fanatec drivers and wheel firmwares, go to:

The Fanatec Wheel Property Page update-tab will automatically tell you if there´s new drivers/firmware for
This guide was written and tested with the latest 64bit v205 driver and base firmware 065 for the V2 base.
Everything in the guide will apply to older drivers/firmwares, as well for the V1 base, but you might
experience alternate results, for instance - with centering force feedback, oscillations and general effects.

After you have successfully installed your wheel, open up the Fanatec Wheel Property Page settings-tab
and make sure that your Wheel angle (degree of rotation/DOR) is set to 900, which is full lock-to-lock on
the CSW. Also, set the Dampening strength to 100%. This is to insure that you have maximum range
available, even though we will be changing these ingame and on the wheel itself later on.
Clubsport Wheelbase V1/V2 quickguide to
Force Feedback and Settings in Assetto Corsa.
Rev 0.2

Next, you might be more comfortable with the Force Feedback anti-clipping tool, than the ingame pedal-
app, so go get it here:

You will be able to adjust the force feedback gain with the pedal-app ingame, but the clipping tool will help
you to get a more consistent and average gain across all the cars.

Finally, I strongly recommend that you download Fanaleds software, get it here:

For the moment, this program will make your LEDs work on your wheel, but more importantly, it will give
you softlock on all cars listed as well as slighty improved force feedback, explained later in chapter 3.

2. Assetto Corsa: menus and settings

Start up the game and go to Main Menu > Options > Controls. Use the configuration wizard to quick setup
your wheel/pedals/gears. The configuration wizard might suggest a degree of rotation (DOR) other than
900, so when you´re done with the configuration, feel free to manually adjust Steering slider to 900 in the
Controls menu. It can be difficult to precisely hit 90 degree rotation in the configuration wizard, along with
the possibility that your wheel is not yet center calibrated correctly. Setting Steering DOR manually will
assure every parameter is synced up.

Now, if you chose to install and use Fanaleds, you must set Steering DOR to 40 degrees for it to work

This is the minimum setting ingame, from here Fanaleds will handle the rest.

Assumed you have setup your pedals and shifters, go to the Advanced tab.
Set Force Feedback as followed (leave invert option unticked):
Gain 100%
Filter 0%
Damping 99%
Minimum Force 2%

Kerb effects can be set for your liking, as well can Road and Slip effects. For the moment, try Kerb at 60%,
both Road and Slip at 0%.
Steering Settings to the right should be default for wheels, Gamma 1, Filter and Speed Sensitivity at 0. Pedal
Settings set accordingly to loadcell (Brake Gamma 1.00) or non-loadcell (Brake Gamma 2.40).
Clubsport Wheelbase V1/V2 quickguide to
Force Feedback and Settings in Assetto Corsa.
Rev 0.2

3. Fanaleds or not?

Without this software, the cars in AC with lower DOR than 900 will not have steeringlock when you turn
your wheel to the car´s full lock.
For instance, the Ferrari 458 has 720 DOR. When you turn your wheel, you´ll have force feedback all the
way to maximum lock (left 360 degree – center – right 360 degree), but as soon as you reach maximum, the
force will shut off and you´ll be able to continue turning the wheel till the full 900 degrees of the CSW itself.
So, AC has automatic DOR for each car, but no softlock at full steeringlock. There also seems to be some
range of available force lost in the ‘leftover’ degrees after passing the full lock, so when using Fanaleds
instead to get softlock, this force range is tuned for the correct DOR as well. This will tighten up the force
feedback slightly, so I recommend using Fanaleds for obvious reasons.

4. Out of Sync

Small but essential: if you use Vertical Sync in your graphic settings, there´s a good chance you´ll be getting
a slower response from the force feedback. It is the truth for many, although some has reported no change,
so it may depend on your PC system and screen(s). Feel free to try the difference though, and if you feel
any difference, the best setting will be the one suggested here. I will not try to explain what happens in
detail, please google if you´re interested.

At the Windows desktop, by default installed game, go to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\system\cfg

Open the file ‘graphics.ini’ with notepad. In the line MAXIMUM_FRAME_LATENCY=0, change the value to 1,
then save/Ctrl+S and close the file.

You can always set it back to = 0, try both. For me, the only right choice is = 1. The force feedback becomes
more responsive and alive.

5. CSW base settings

Enter your wheel settings on the rim, by pressing the menu button. The default settings will do fine for
some, but you´ll be getting full damper and spring effects, resulting in a unintuitive force feedback, most
Clubsport Wheelbase V1/V2 quickguide to
Force Feedback and Settings in Assetto Corsa.
Rev 0.2

likely not realistic either. The first thing you do is turn off you SPR setting to OFF. We do not need a helping
centerspring for use with AC physics when everything is set up “properly”. Second, drop DPR setting to 020.
This will be our new reference point, you might want to go lower/higher from here, depending on car
and/or your likings. FOR V2 WHEELS ONLY: Next, set DRI from off to 003. The drift assistance goes from off
to 5, off being full damper (resistance based on velocity), to 005 being full active assistance to turning the
wheel. The 003 seems to be the most natural setting on the V2, leaving your DPR setting to handle damping
more linear. With these settings, we have roughly in theory 020 damping going on, virtually no assistance.
This gives the individual car FFB and gainsettings a good natural starting point, the rest is minor tweaking
from here.

Lets just look one time at the final CSW settings:

SEN OFF (fanaleds), 900 if not using Fanaleds.

FF 100 (use this to lower your overall strength)
SHO 100
DEA OFF or 010
DRI 003
FOR 090 up to 150 (chapter 6)
DPR 020 or personal pref.

6. Optimum Force Feedback

Use FOR setting to compensate steering weight of the cars.

Whatever car you use and track you drive, gain will change for optimum FFB. It is not recommended to
change the overall Force Feedback gain setting in the Options>Controls>Advanced menu, depending on car
used. Keep this Gain at 100%, along with the set 99% Damping, as we did in the beginning of the guide.
Then adjust on track, in the pit menu, to appropriate gain with the FFB clip app.
This introduces another problem: loss of steeringweight and weight differences between cars.
Some time ago, I posted how I solved this in the ffb clip-thread when using the V1 base, and the trick very
much apply to the V2 base as well, infact with even better results.
You simply add FOR level on your wheel, the goal being 200% when adding gain and FOR:
So, 80% gain, you put FOR at 120.
60% gain, FOR at 140, etc.
If the clip-app suggest a number not dividable by 10, as 57%, just pick the closest FOR value, in this case
140%. Or, if it suggest like 72%, put the gain down to 70%, FOR at 130, to get an even number.
Clubsport Wheelbase V1/V2 quickguide to
Force Feedback and Settings in Assetto Corsa.
Rev 0.2

This method lets you keep the weight of the car with optimum gain settings, and not only that, it also keeps
the steeringweight differences between cars. If you don´t do this and just alter the gain to what the app
tells you, all cars will have the same steeringweight. Not good for the overall AC experience.

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