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Understanding Lipedema
Guenter Klose, CI, CLT-LANA, and Roman H.K. StrofienreutheJ; MD

e term "lipedema" was first used in lipedema do not yet exist. There is no evidence
97 4 by ALLEN and HINES. Their publica- of a specific genetic disorder or incidence
on is regarded as "the classical related to race 128 .
description" of the syndrome 5 ' P- 18' :
"We wish to describe a clinical syndrome,
/ \ 'Ijlp ical distribution pattem
lipedema of the legs, which is frequently 1
of the increased fat masses:
very distressing. In our experience it af-
1 =hip cushion; 2=proximal
fects solely women. The chief complaint
thigh bulge; 3 =medial knee
is of swelling of the legs and feet ... On
bulge; 4 =fatty cuff at the
questioning, the physician may elicit that
Vol.19, No.1 January-March 2007 malleoli; 5=local pre- or
enlargement of the limbs has always been
retromalleolar lipoma 22
ISSN 1065-9951 generalized and symmetrical. The swell-
Editor: EMI\1A VICTORIA G. BLANCO ing below the knees is accentuated when
Numerous impairments result
Managing patients are on their feet much and in
Editor: SASKIA R .J. THIADENS, RN from the abnormal patho-
warm weather. Aching distress in the legs
Graphics: MARCIA KRUSE physiology of the tissues. The
Cathedral City, CA is common ... Occasionally, a patient feels,
epidermis and subcutaneous
Editoria l that her large legs have 'ruined her life.·
Committee: JANE ARMER, RN, PHD tissues of the lipedematous
MARCIA BECK, RN, cs, CM LDT Many are 'ashamed' of their legs. "
legs show a decreased elasticity 5A2 -66 -67-12a
BONNIE B. LASINSIU , MA, PT This describes the patient's problems very Aging causes furthe r loss of skin elasticityl 8·80
well , but it is difficult to define lipedema pre- and progression of the condition 5-38.4 1.4 .l2a
NATIONAL LYMPHEDEMA NETWORK cisely because the definition depends mainly Problems with normal ambulation (walking)
Latham Square
1611 Telegraph Avenue, Suite 1111
on subjective findings. There are no medical lead to secondary orthopaedic deformities of
Oakland, CA 94612-2138 or laboratory tests to distinguish locallipohy- the knees and feet 16·17 ·22 ·33 ·36·38·' 2 . The tissue
Telephone 510-208-3200 pertrophy (local fat tissue increase) of the legs resistance to the contracting calf muscles (calf
or hips from lipedema or general obesity. muscle pump) is too low and results in passive
Consequently, lipedema is not generally hyperaemia and an increase infiltration of water
accepted as a real disease. We will attempt to through blood capillaries, resu lting in increased
describe the current knowledge on the patho- lymphatic water load. Swelling occurs when this
physiology and treatment of lipedema. fluid load exceeds the transport capacity of the
Lipedema is a metabolic disorder of the lymphatic system 4266 ·67 ·80 Blood capillaries are
adipose (fat) tissue with unknown etiology, fragile and even insignificant trauma (e.g. , hitting
affecting almost exclusively females. The fol- the leg on a table corner) can cause the devel-
lowing clinical and pathophysiological findings opment of small haematomas and a further
are of importance fo r differential diagnosis. increase in lymphatic load 5·33·42 ·59 ·12a Blood
The term "lipedema" was chosen by ALLEN Continued on page 2
and HiNES5·128 to describe a symmetrical swell-
ing of both legs, extending from the hips to
the ankles and excluding the feet, caused by
an abnormal amount of subcutaneous adi-
pose tissue. Typically, bu lging masses can be
In This Issue
found in the proximal thigh region and at the PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE ................ 4
medial aspect of the knees. Occasionally,
large, overhanging and hypersensitive fat-
lobes develop in these areas 5·22 ·32·33 ·36·3a In 7th NLN CONFERENCE REVIEW :.. . 7
others , contours of the legs are more funnel - CASE
shaped, with a decrease of the adipose tissue
noted below the knees . Some individuals
present with similar changes in the arms
especially when patient is also obese 33·38·95 •
Most patients report slow onset of symp-
toms , often in connection with beg inning of
puberty33·35 ·36 .4 9·86 ; in other cases, there is no
specific time of onset 5 ·36.4 2 ·48 ·12a Some patients
report that other fema les in the family also
suffer from lipedema' 2·59 ·132 . ALLEN and H1NES 128
found a positive family history in 20%(n=119),
but epidemiologic studies concerning
Understanding ... of the legs for a longer period or over-
Continued from cover page
Scintigraphy of the lymphatic system 2·
93·116·117·118·124 shows contradictory results.
coagulation tests for this condition are
typically normal. It is not surprising that Sometimes, a reduced outflow in com-
many patients develop an emotional disor- parison to normal persons is described 17·
117·123 and other times, normal results
der considering the physical appearance
of the legs ALLEN and HINES pointed out: were found 21·124 The decreased transport
"Patients with lij:Jedema ordinarily are capacity of the lymphatics due to aging
very sensitive about the appearance develops faster than in healthy legs 42 . Tj;p ical shape of uni- and bilateral
of their legs; they wear long skirts, Unfortunately, there are no universally lymphedema a11d lipedema (l to 1) .
avoid appearance in swimming suits accepted guidelines for diagnosis of
and stand behind chairs at parties lipedema and, in some cases, the differ- are identified , the real cause of the dis-
... They are likely to be mirror peep- entiation between lipedema and lipo- ease remains unknown. Therefore,
ers, searching repeatedly in mirrors lymphedema is difficult47·119 The typical therapy is predominantly symptom ori-
for evidence that the appearance of progression of lipedema is as follows: ented. The goal must be to improve the
their legs is not actually as bad as it • In the first stage of the disease, the disturbed lymph transport, the patho-
seems to be 128: P 1245• Evidence of skin of the legs appears soft, smooth physiological changes in microcirculation
neurosis is likely to be found. Occa- and regular. But palpation reveals in the enlarged adipose tissue and a
sionally, a patient feels that her large changed structures of the adipose reduction of pain and the fat masses.
legs have 'ruined her life .' Many are tissue that have a resemblance to The most common therapeutic inter-
'ashamed' of their legs 1o. pss. " "small Styrofoam balls" 112 . vention for lipedema is Complete Decon-
• In the second and third stage, the gestive Therapy (CDT)34,37.42.126.m. The
One patient described her situation: tissue structure becomes more and main constituents of this therapy concept
"When you become older, you also more nodular and tough, developing are Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) 144,433
become a little more overweight and large deforming fatty lobes 35 ·123 , espe- and compression therapys.15.42.99,1D8,12s.
your legs 'go through the roof. ' You cially at the inner side of the thighs, the Diet, skin care and remedial exercises
develop constant rubbing between knees and above the ankles 22·42. are also very important.
your thighs; in summer it is itching At the Lymphologica 1999 in Marburg/
and becomes sore. With age you DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Germany, BRENKE reported, a volume
also become more lazy-and, be- The diagnosis of lipedema can be
reduction of 3.2 liters after a 3-week in-
cause of this constant itching and difficult in the early stage or if a combina-
tensive therapy (mean initial volume of
pain, you don 't see any possibility for tion form exists. Differential diagnosis of
23.3 liters; the average volume reduction
doing exercises. As the obesity wors- LE and lipedema is, in most cases, pos-
at the thighs was 2.85 liters). In our De-
ens, lower back pain develops, the sible by taking the medical history and
partment of Lymphology (Freiburg/Ger-
joints begin to hurt and your friends evaluation of the STEMMER's sign. Distinc-
many) , the mean volume reduction after 2
make silly jokes about your shape- tion between primary bilateral lower ex-
weeks of COT is 14 % on average.
and finally you rest at home, your only tremity LE and lipedema can be difficult,
After initial decongestion through MLD
consolation is the chocolate in your although bilateral LE usually presents
and compression bandages, the patients
nightstand and you will be unable to asymmetrically in contrast to symmetrical
presentation of lipedema•.22,42.a9.94.113 are fitted with custom-made compress ion
get out of this vicious circle!" stockings. Permanent compression ther-
After some years, in cases of coexist- TREATMENT OF LIPEDEMA apy causes significant reduction of adi-
ing general obesity, lipedema can trans- While some of the pathophysiological pose tissue 15·35 , has a positive influence
form into lipo-lymphedema (STEMMER's tissue changes contributing to lipedema on the disturbed vena-arteriolar response
sign is now positive) in which fatty tissues FIGURE 2: and improves relative insufficiency of the
begin to hold fluid 143 . Furthermore , there
turbances of vascular edema protective Sex almost exclusively women more women than men
reflexes9.24, ot, which Beginning often with the menarch often with the menarche
leads to additional lymphatic water load. Development simultaneous begins at the whole legs usually distal beginning
Edema is always the result of lymphatic Extent from the iliac crest to the ankle ; no whole leg, involvement of the dorsum
insufficiency and, indeed, the lymphatic involvement of the dorsum of the feet the feet
system shows typical pathological Stemmer's sign negative positive
changes. The pre-lymphatic channels are Distribution symmetric asymmetric
widened; lymphatic capil laries have Pain/hypersensitivity yes no
aneurysm-like changes62 and we find an Skin temperature decreased normal
irregular corkscrew-like course of the Skin color normal, sometimes pale or cyanotic norm al
lymphatic vessels 42·107·1H The increased Haematoma yes,even after minor injury no
adipose tissue and the enlarged ad ipo- Tissue consistence for a long time very soft tiss ue; progressive lymphostatic fibrosclerosis
cytes most likely deform these thin lym- later development of fibrosclerosis
phatic structures 42 ·m Edema pitting edema of the lower legs only pitting in stage I, later fibrosclerosis
When lipo-lymphedema is present, after prolonged orthostasis

pitting (indentable) edema in the lower Dorsum of the feet no edema edema in most cases
legs can be noted when the person is Hyperkeratosis no yes
upright or walking. This edema causes an Cellulitis no often
uncomfortable feeling of tension. A rever- Influence of posi- only decreases the orthostatic edema significant decrease only in state I
sal of the edema is possible after elevation tioning on edema

It ::1,
problems with wound healing. Moreover,
the cosmetic results are not always satis-
factory6a In recent years, the technique of
liposuction has improved, and complica-
tions are fewer. Experience with a small
number of patients indicates that the
combination of surgical techniques with
COT may help to improve the results of
liposuction. (Schmeller et al: Disch
Arztebl2005; 102:A 1061-1067 [Heft
15]). No defin itive studies are available to
confirm this finding.
Left 2 photos: Patient with lipo-rymphedema; before treatment and after 4 months of
in-patient Phase- I CDT given within one yem: Weight reduction was 60 kg and leg volume CONCLUSION
reduction of 21 liters. Right 2 photos: Same patient, posterior view. Lipedema must be differentiated from
local lipohypertrophy, primary LE of both
and improves relative insufficiency of the lymphedema may develop particularly in
legs and general obesity. Until the real
venous pump of the lower legs. patients who are also obese 36 . There are ,
cause of lipedema is known, treatment is
Exercise and sport activities are recom - however, no specific dietary recommen -
symptomatic. With adequate treatment
mended, but the effect on ad ipolys is or dations for lipedema.
and optimal patient adherence, good
the loss of leg and hip fat is often disap- Additional therapy with external pneu-
results can be achieved, progression of
pointing. Nevertheless, some younger matic compression is sometimes recom-
lipedema can be halted and additional
patients report an improvement when mended126. Some patients report positive
health problems prevented.
working out 4-5 times a week, a minimum results with pneumatic compression, but
of 45 minutes and with an exertion rate of control led studies do not exist. ALLEN und
75% (related to the maximum heart fre- H1NES 5 and others consider the use of Guenter Klose, CI, CLT-LANA
quency). This recommendation may be diuretics a mistake. Klose Training & Consulting, LLC,
unrealistic for some women. Some pa- In some select cases , liposuction has Boulder,
tients feel a positive effect after KNEIPP been recommended for the treatment of Roman Strii)Jenreuther, MD
(hydrotherapy) applications; currently lipedema. Surgeons have shown good Bavaria, Gennarry
there is no research available concerning resu lts, but problems also exist. After
this therapy method. liposuction , some patients develop .
Weight reduction is absolutely essential chron ic lymphedema40 .123· 127 , lymphatic References available through the NLN
if patients are overweight because lipo- cysts or large haematoma63 and have office or at ~


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