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ISSN 1478-7911

Leatherhead Food International

Food Industry Updates

Monthly Market Digest
August 2006

Your food, our world

Charmaine Holmes
reports on the latest in August

+44 (0)1372 822 276

Lion Tucks Into Snacks ............................................................................ 2
Nestlé Delights in Turkish Deal.................................................................. 2
Emmi Strikes Production Deal in the US ..................................................... 2
Ebro Buys Minute Rice in North America ..................................................... 3
Casino Cashes in its Chips in Polish Retailing .............................................. 3
Dark Lights the Way for Chocolate Growth.................................................. 3
Oats – A Superfood Creating Super Interest ............................................... 5
Goodbye Trans Fats ................................................................................. 6
Campina and Vitalus Join Forces ............................................................... 6
Cargill Acquires Final Stake....................................................................... 6
CSM Sugar’s Sweet Plan........................................................................... 6
Worldwide .............................................................................................. 7
Selected companies ................................................................................. 9


Selected NPD in the International Dark Chocolate Category, 2005-2006 ...........................4

Selected NPD in the UK Oat-based Foods Category, 2006 ...............................................5
Selected Companies – Financial Results ........................................................................9


Lion Tucks into Snacks

Private equity investors under the Kettle brand. It In the US, the Kettle
Lion Capital have pur- has annual sales of around brand is market leader
chased the Kettle Foods USD150m and has manu- with a 37% share of the
premium snack foods facturing facilities in Ore- natural crisps category, a
business, in a deal re- gon (US) and Norwich sector that is far outpacing
ported to be worth be- (UK). the overall crisps or ‘chips’
tween USD280m and market. In the UK, Kettle
USD320m. Recently Lion Crisps is the tenth largest
has also partnered with bagged snack brand.
Premier Foods and Dutch
company NPM Capital to Under its new ownership,
make a bid for the biscuits Kettle Foods finds itself in
and snacks operations of Lion’s stable of established
the UK’s United Biscuits. food operations, including
the Orangina soft drinks
Kettle Foods is a leading activities, the Weetabix
force in the premium cereals business and the
snacks markets in the US Materne jams and com-
and UK. It is best known potes company.
for its premium Kettle
Chips crisps brand, but it
also produces and sells
nuts, nut butters and tor-
tilla products in the US

Nestlé Delights in Turkish Deal

In Turkey, Nestlé Waters’ ters entered the Turkish deal remains subject to
bottled water operations water market in 2001 and competition approval.
are merging with those of its Pure Life is now the
local firm Erikli, to further number three brand. It
consolidate Nestlé’s posi- has sales of USD30m a
tion as the world leader in year in Turkey and two
bottled water. Erikli oper- production plants. Follow-
ates three production sites ing the merger, 60% of
generating sales of the business will be owned
USD55m a year, operating by Nestlé Waters and 40%
in both the retail and by Erikli’s current presi-
home and office delivery dent Hasan Aslanoba. The
water sectors. Nestlé Wa-

Emmi Strikes Yoghurt Production Deal in the US

Swiss dairy company operative dairy business, for Emmi, which will then
Emmi has signed a part- based in Buffalo, NY, USA. be distributed and mar-
nership agreement with The deal will lead to Up- keted by Emmi’s existing
the Upstate Farms co- state producing yoghurt local US subsidiary.

2 Food Industry Updates – Market Digest, August 2006

Ebro Buys Minute Rice from Kraft

Only two ute Rice brand and assets number of brands and ac-
months from Kraft Foods in a deal tivities to be divested.
after worth USD280m. Thanks to a number of ac-
buying Minute Rice is quick- quisitions, in just three
the New preparation cooked rice years Ebro Puleva has
World sold in US and Canada. It grown from a strong Euro-
Pasta had sales of USD90m in pean rice company and
business 2005. However, it is con- dominant market leader in
in the sidered a non-core prod- Spain to the market leader
US, uct in the diverse Kraft in the overall European
Spanish group Ebro Puleva portfolio and as part of the and US rice markets and
has made a further acqui- company’s refocusing, has number one in the global
sition in North America, become the latest in a rice industry rankings.
this time buying the Min-

Casino Cashes in its Chips in Polish Retailing

French retailer Casino had turnover (excluding petrol sales of around EUR245m
exited the Polish grocery station sales) or EUR529m in 2005 and employed
retail market with the sale in 2005. This operation 2,200 people.
of two separate busi- was sold to the Real busi-
nesses to Metro of Ger- ness (part of Germany’s
many and Tesco of the UK Metro group) for a sum of
in deals worth a combined EUR779m. The deal in-
EUR884m. Poland was cluded 19 hypermarkets
considered a non-core and 7 outstanding devel-
area of business, standing opment projects. The sec-
as an isolated Casino op- ond deal saw the sale of
eration in Eastern Europe. 220 Leader Price conven-
The first of the two deals ience and discount stores
involved the Géant hyper- to Tesco for a sum of
market chain, which had a EUR105m. The chain had


Dark Lights the Way for Chocolate Growth

despite relatively static late bars category is val-

chocolate markets overall. ued at GBP160m and
growth stood at 13% in
In the US, sales of dark 2005. An increase of a fur-
chocolate bars totalled ther 48% is forecast by
USD700m in 2005, having the year 2010. Dark
risen 11.2% on the previ- chocolate accounts for
ous year. This equates to over 20% of the total
around 4-5% of the total block chocolate market in
chocolate confectionery the UK and around 5% of
Dark chocolate represents market in the US, which the total chocolate confec-
a strong growth market in grew less than 1% overall. tionery market.
both the UK and the US, In the UK, the dark choco-

Food Industry Updates – Market Digest, August 2006 3

Consumers are increas- four-finger bar and Cad- ready a stronghold for
ingly seeking more pre- bury announcing the up- high-quality dark choco-
mium and gourmet choco- coming launch of Flake late. Here, dark versions
late products as well as Dark. Both are based on of certain boxed choco-
more healthy products, established milk chocolate lates (e.g. Ferrero Rond-
and dark chocolate covers countlines and are hoping noir in Italy) and chocolate
all of these criteria, having to capitalise on this brand- countlines (e.g. Tokke
a higher cocoa content ing as well as on growing Black in Spain) have ap-
and health credentials. consumer interest in peared on the market.
darker chocolate.

Selected NPD in the International Dark Chocolate Category, 2006

Date Company Product Comments


Oct 06 Cadbury Flake Dark A dark version of the Flake chocolate countline is to be launched in Octo-
Trebor Bassett ber.

Sep 06 Nestlé KitKat Dark A dark version of the four-finger KitKat countline. It has 52% cocoa solids
Rowntree content in the chocolate coating. There is already a dark version of the
two-finger chocolate wafer bars available.

Aug 06 Bendicks Bendicks Dark 125-g dark chocolate bars comprising five individually wrapped pieces in
Chocolate each pack.


Aug 06 Masterfoods M&Ms Dark/ After the success of its limited edition dark M&Ms, Masterfoods has now
Snickers Dark/ launched a permanent dark chocolate version. The company is also trial-
Snickers ling dark versions of its Snickers and Snickers Almond countlines.
Almond Dark
Apr 06 Ghirardelli Ghirardelli Four gourmet, dark chocolate bars. Varieties have either 48%, 60% or
Chocolate Co. Intense Dark 72% cocoa.

Mar 06 Masterfoods Dove Sugar A range of three sugar-free dark chocolate bars in Double Chocolate
Free Dark Creme, Raspberry Creme and Mint Creme varieties.

Mar 06 Hershey Hershey’s Singly wrapped sticks of Hershey’s chocolate bars, sold in boxes of nine.
Sticks Includes Rich Dark Chocolate Sticks and Mint Dark Chocolate Sticks.

Jan 06 Masterfoods Dove Dark Both dark and milk chocolate covered almonds were added to the Dove
USA Chocolate chocolate range in the US in January 2006.

Source: LFI’s FoodlineProduct database

In both the US and the In the US, companies such With double-digit growth
UK, there has been high as Hershey and Master- for dark chocolate way
levels of NPD in the dark foods have also been in- ahead of traditional milk
chocolate category, with troducing dark chocolate products it is no surprise
many mainstream milk versions of popular count- that leading players are
chocolate brands now ap- lines e.g. Hershey-, Dove- taking note. However, it
pearing in a dark format. and Snickers-branded remains to be seen if con-
products. sumers will accept dark al-
In the UK, both Nestlé and ternatives to everyday
Cadbury have recently an- The trend has even milk chocolate countlines
nounced new dark choco- stretched to some extent with the same enthusiasm
late lines, with Nestlé in- into the Continental Euro- that they are according to
troducing a KitKat Dark pean market, which is al- premium bars.

4 Food Industry Updates – Market Digest, August 2006

Oats – A Superfood Creating Super Interest

With growing consumer health for some time and a recognised ‘superfood’.
awareness of the heart many oat-based products ‘Superfoods’ are becoming
benefits of certain whole already make heart health increasingly popular
grains, oats have emerged claims or feature heart- among health-conscious
as the cereal of choice for related imagery on their consumers as they repre-
many food manufacturers packs. Heart health is not sent a natural way to
seeking to target the heart the only benefit of oats, health.
health foods category. The which are also recognised
beta-glucan soluble fibre as a slow-release energy
found in oats, works by food, making them popu-
trapping cholesterol during lar with consumers follow-
digestion and keeping it ing a low-GI diet. This,
out of the blood stream. coupled with the heart
This has meant oats have health message, has
been associated with heart helped to establish oats as

Selected NPD in the UK Oat-based Foods Category, 2006

Date Company Product Comments


Aug Tesco White Bread This is a white, sliced loaf that makes a direct cholesterol-lowering claim. Three
06 with Oat Bran slices of the bread contain 0.75 g of beta-glucan or a quarter of the RDA.

Aug Kellogg Optivita Optivita cereals (Berry Oat Crisp and Raisin Oat Crisp). Both contain oats, brown
06 rice, wholewheat, fruit and oat bran. Cereal bars are also set to join this range at a
later date.

Jul 06 Weetabix Oatibix Cereal made with 100% wholegrain oats instead of wheat, come as standard biscuits
or Sultana & Apple Bitesize variants. All products feature the wholegrain ‘for Heart
Health’ logo.

Jul 06 Kellogg All-Bran All-Bran Crunchie Oat Bakes comprise small squares of bran and oat cereal.
Crunchie Oat
Jul 06 Kellogg Special K Bliss The Special K cereals range was extended with a new Bliss product, containing oats
and rice.

Jun Jordans Superfoods The Superfoods range includes Breakfast Flakes, Muesli and a Bar, all of which con-
06 tain a selection of powerful natural nutrients from ingredients such as cranberries,
almonds, blueberries, wholegrain oats and pumpkin seeds.

Jun Handmade Oatrition Oat Cereal bars developed under the Oatrition brand, a joint venture between Handmade
06 Bakery Group/ 3ars Bakery Group and omega-3 consultancy Market Intelligence. They are fortified with
Market omega-3 in addition to their oat content.
Jan Quaker Oat Crisp/ A range of oat-based cold cereals.
06 Oat Crunch/
Oat Granola/
Oat Hoops

Source: LFI’s FoodlineProduct database

Food Industry Updates – Market Digest, August 2006 5

Although breakfast cereal gory, including bread the oat breads market in
products continue to products and cereal bars. the US, with the launch of
dominate the market, Quaker Oats (PepsiCo) in- Oroweat Wholegrain &
there are signs that the troduced its Oatmeal to Oat. The bread also con-
oat trend is extending out Go brand in March 2006. tains the cholesterol-
to new areas, including The Oatmeal to Go bars lowering plant sterol in-
cereal bars and bread. are squares of oatmeal in- gredient Corowise and is
For example, Tesco in the tended as breakfast bars. said to be the first bread
UK’s recent launch of In June 2006, Van’s Inter- to be made with this type
White Bread with Oat Van’s International Waffles of ingredient.
Bran. launched a selection of
waffles made with oats,
In the US, there continues sold under the Hearty
to be interesting NPD in Oats brand. This month,
the oat-based foods cate- Bimbo Bakeries added to


Goodbye Trans Fats

Following continued pres- tail group Sainsbury has occur naturally. Mean-
sure from health experts recently announced that it while, Kellogg has also
and a similar trend that is is to remove trans fats committed itself to the
having a major impact on and flavour enhancers removal of hydrogenated
the US food industry, vari- from 15,000 own-label vegetable oils from is ce-
ous UK food and drink food and drink products real bars by the end of the
companies are now mak- that it sells. The excep- year. Its cereals are al-
ing moves to remove trans tions are dairy and meat ready free from hydrogen-
fats from their foods. Re- products where trans fats ated vegetable oils.

Campina and Vitalus Join Forces

Dutch dairy and ingredi- gredients operations in will capitalise on Vitalus’

ents firm Campina has North America. The ven- existing customer base in
formed a joint venture ture hopes to generate the US. It will focus pri-
with Canada’s Vitalus in sales of USD10m a year. marily on dairy protein in-
order to expand its func- It will operate as DMV- gredients, such as whey
tional and nutritional in- Vitalus Ingredients and protein concentrates.

Cargill Acquires Final Stake

In China, Cargill has ac- long Bioengineering Huanghelong Group in

quired the remaining stake Group, a business that it 2003. The Zibo Cargill
it did not already own in established as a joint ven- company produces xan-
the Zibo Cargill Huanghe- ture with Shandong than gum.

CSM Sugar’s Sweet Plan

Dutch company CSM is in CSM Sugar division with in the Netherlands, em-
detailed negotiations re- Cosun. CSM Sugar oper- ploys 300 people and has
garding the merger of its ates two production plants sales of EUR250m a year.

6 Food Industry Updates – Market Digest, August 2006


BAKERY CAD400m. Sleeman has two Quincey’s outlets,

been seeking a buyer from Punch Taverns. The
CSM of the Netherlands since May. deal is valued at GBP26m.
has expanded its CSM
Bakery Supplies busi- Australia’s Foster’s Yum Brands has bought
ness in the US through the Group has completed its out Whitbread’s 50%
purchase of CGI Desserts exit from the Asian brew- stake in UK pizza restau-
for USD70m. CGI supplies ing market with the sale of rant chain Pizza Hut for a
thaw and serve fully deco- its Indian and Vietnamese sum of USD183m and as-
rated cakes and desserts operations. This comes sumption of debt and li-
for in-store and foodser- shortly after the sale of its abilities worth USD25m.
vice sale in the US. It op- Chinese business to Ja- Pizza Hut operates 541
erates one plant in Texas pan’s Suntory and the sale restaurants in the UK.
and employs 400 people. of the Foster’s brand in
Europe to Scottish & New- Mitchells & Butlers has
BREAKFAST CEREALS castle. The Indian and expanded its pub restau-
Vietnamese businesses rant chain with the acqui-
The Sugar Puffs breakfast have been sold for a com- sition of 239 new sites
cereal brand has been bined sum of USD225m. from Whitbread for a
bought from PepsiCo by The Indian operations sum of GBP497m. The pub
Big Bear for a sum of have been bought by restaurants, which mainly
GBP30m. The brand will SABMiller for a sum of operate as Brewers Fayre
now form part of a brand USD120m, taking its local or Beefeater outlets, have
group that also includes chain to 11 breweries, been sold to allow Whit-
Fox’s Confectionery, while the Vietnamese in- bread to focus on expan-
bought by Big Bear as a terests, including two sion of its hotel and coffee
management buy-in in breweries, local brands shop chains. It is planning
2003. and the rights to the Fos- to build 100 new hotels
ter’s brand, have been ac- and double the Costa Cof-
BREWING quired by Asia Pacific fee chain by 2010.
Breweries for USD105m.
China Resources Snow CONFECTIONERY
Breweries, which is a In Australia, Coca-Cola
joint venture owned by Amatil and SABMiller Tangerine has acquired
SABMiller (49%) and have joined forces to cre- the confectionery arm of
Hong Kong-listed China ate the Pacific Bever- Burtons Foods for an un-
Resources Enterprise ages 50:50 joint venture. disclosed sum and is now
(51%), has acquired Chi- This business will focus on claiming to be the largest
nese brewing businesses the import and distribution independent sugar confec-
Zhejiang Yinyan Brew- of premium beers in Aus- tionery producer in the
ery Company and Anhui tralia and will handle many UK. The deal includes such
Huaibei Xiangwang of SABMiller’s international brands as Burton’s Liquo-
Brewery Company. The beer brands, including rice Allsorts and Dolly Mix-
first has been acquired for Peroni Nastro Azzurro, ture, plus the plant at
a sum of RMB338m Miller Genuine Draft and Blackpool and 180 staff.
(USD42.3m) and the sec- Pilsner Urquell. The deal will increase Tan-
ond for RMB81m gerine’s annual sales from
(USD10.1m). GBP45m to nearly
Canadian brewer Slee- RESTAURANTS
man Breweries has been DAIRY
bought by Japanese com- Regent Inns has acquired
pany Sapporo Breweries 31 restaurants, including Dairy Crest has become
in a deal worth around the Old Orleans chain and the largest doorstep milk

Food Industry Updates – Market Digest, August 2006 7

business in the UK with clear what will happen to cal refocusing of the com-
the purchase of the Ex- Danone’s 20% stake in pany.
press Dairies Depot this business following the
home delivery operations merger. RETAILING
of Arla Foods. The deal is
valued at GBP33m and in- Greek dairy company UK supermarket retailer
cludes two dairies, 77 Delta Holdings is acquir- Somerfield is to close 27
small distribution depots ing a 45.8% stake in Cyp- of its stores with the loss
and around 390 million li- riot firm Christies Dair- of 650 jobs following a re-
tres of milk business per ies. The shares are being view of each store’s profit-
year. It is not certain if the bought from Shakolas ability. The closures
Express Dairies name will Group and Cyprus Trading mainly involve former
be kept. With Arla’s exit Corp. Delta Holdings will Kwik Save stores that
from this sector, the cate- change its name to Vivar- were converted to Somer-
gory will now be domi- tia following the conclu- field earlier this year after
nated by Dairy Crest and sion of its merger with the remainder of the Kwik
the Dairy Farmers of Brit- snacks company Chipita. Save business was sold.
ain co-operative. The deal
remains subject to ap- Nestlé has announced Seven & I Holdings,
proval by the competition plans to build a new con- owner of the 7-Eleven
authorities. densed milk plant at convenience chain, has
Palmeira das Missoes in acquired US convenience
America’s Dean Foods the Rio Grande do Sul re- operator White Hen Pan-
has announced plans to gion of Brazil. An invest- try in a deal worth
sell its Iberian dairy op- ment of over USD32m will USD35m. White Hen Pan-
erations, which comprise be made in the plant, try, which operates 206
the Leche Celta business which will operate as part stores in the Chicago area,
in Spain and Portugal, to of the Dairy Partners has been bought from the
Portuguese firm Lactogal America joint venture with hedge fund group Angelo
Productos Alimentares, New Zealand’s Fonterra. Gordon & Co.
a leading dairy business in The plant will process 1
Portugal. Leche Celta op- million litres of milk each In the US, online retailer
erates four production day. Nestlé already oper- has begun
plants in Spain and one in ates 26 production plants to sell groceries. Its gro-
Portugal. in Brazil. cery offering covers 1,200
brands in the dry grocery
In China, the state-owned DISTRIBUTION market, many of which are
parent of market-leading natural/organic products.
dairy business Shanghai Chilled foods company
Bright Dairy & Food has Northern Foods has SOFT DRINKS
merged with three other completed the sale of its
local operations to form a NFT chilled distribution Cadbury Schweppes has
new significant food business for a sum of acquired the Seven-Up
group. The other partners GBP51.2m. It has been Bottling Company of San
are Shanghai Sugar bought by a new company Francisco for a sum of
Cigarette & Wine formed through a man- USD48m, thus expanding
(Group), Jinjiang Food agement buy-out and its soft drink bottling ac-
and SAICG. Combined backed by Phoenix Eq- tivities in the US. The bot-
with Shanghai Bright Dairy uity Partners. The new tling business, which op-
& Food, these will create company will be known as erates in Northern Califor-
the new Bright Foods NFT Distribution Holdings nia, was acquired from the
(Group) Co Ltd, which Ltd. Its sale is part of Easley Family. It operates
will have annual sales of Northern Foods’ wider dis- ten warehouses and one
RMB40.6bn. Shanghai posal programme, an- manufacturing plant and
Bright Dairy & Food is the nounced earlier this year, employs 600 people. Sales
largest dairy products which is leading to a radi- were USD140m in 2005.
supplier in China. It is not

8 Food Industry Updates – Market Digest, August 2006

In the Australian bottled
water industry, Coca-Cola
Amatil has extended its
home and office delivery
business through the pur-
chase of Palm Springs
Ltd for a sum of
USD7.4m. Palm Springs
will be integrated into
CCA’s existing Neverfail
Springwater Co, which
was acquired by CCA in
2003 and is the largest
home and office water de-
livery firm in the country
with 158,000 customers.
Palm Springs is second in
the market with 25,000
customers and sales of


Company Activity Period Turnover % Pre-tax %

Change profits Change


ADM Commodities Year to USD36.6bn +2 USD1.3bn +26

(US) & ingredients 30 June (net)
manufacturer 2006

Pernod Ricard Wines & Year to EUR6.06m +68 na na

(France) spirits 30 June
Manufacturer 2006

Sara Lee Food & Year to USD15.9bn -1 USD555m -23

(US) non-food 1 July
Manufacturer 2006

Woolworth Retailer Year to AUD37.8bn +20 AUD1.01bn +24

(Australia) 25 June

Food Industry Updates – Market Digest, August 2006 9

Taste Trends – Meeting Innovation, Indulgence and Health Challenges

This one-day conference, to be held at Leatherhead Food International on 3 Octo-

ber 2006, will look at taste and flavour trends in the international food and drink
industry. While consumers are increasingly looking for convenience and health
benefits from their food, it is essential that manufacturers do not compromise on
flavour or taste and that they also recognise the growing demand for more fresh
and natural flavours. For brands to tick all the boxes and push the right sensorial
buttons at the same time is a tough challenge and the pressure is on to provide
consumers with healthy, tasty foods from "safe" origins.

The conference aims to:

 Update delegates on the latest trends and innovation in flavours in the global
 Show how Taste can adapt to nutritional demand and how growing awareness
and healthy choices can drive Taste and boost Flavour innovation
 Discuss how to design flavours for children and other specific consumer
 Guide the audience through the interaction process between the brain and
taste perception and how this is already shaping the taste of the food of to-
 Showcase best practice examples of products that have successfully achieved

The programme of the conference includes the following topics and speakers:

Chairman’s Opening Remarks – Setting the Scene

Professor Anthony Blake, International Flavourist
Global Flavour Trends and Perspectives – Market Data
Jonathan Thomas, Principal Market Analyst, LFI
Health and Nutrition Impact: Reformulating Products While Preserving
Dr Tristan Robinson, Company Nutritionist and Legal Labels Manager, HJ Heinz
Company Ltd (UK & Ireland)
The Future is Healthy – Creating Value Through Innovation
Sally Green, Marketing Innovations Manager, WILD
Adapting to the Consumer: Customising Taste
Bryan Urbick, CEO & President, Consumer Knowledge Centre
Consumer Sensory – Modifying the Structure of Salt to Reduce the Im-
pact on Health Whilst Retailing Taste Properties
Corneel den Ridder, Consumer Sensory Science, LFI
Molecular Gastronomy – Exploring the Science of Flavours
Professor Anthony Blake, recently retired VP for Food Science at Firmenich SA
Investigating Innovative Flavours from a Leading Manufacturer’s NPD
Speaker to be confirmed
Case Study – Spicy? Indulgent? – Always Upping the Ante
Speaker to be confirmed
For further information, please contact Catherine Laughton, Market Intelligence
Section, Tel: +44 (0)1372 376761 or email:

10 Food Industry Updates – Market Digest, August 2006

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