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A-list yogis, p.


Volume 1, Number 27 FREE East and West Village, Lower East Side, Soho, Noho, Little Italy and Chinatown January 27 - February 2, 2011

Non-artist residents
feel like ‘criminals’
in Soho, lawyer says
BY ALINE REYNOLDS ists began populating the
Two of the city’s trendi- area, requires at least one
est neighborhoods have a member of households to
regulation in their zoning be a “creative” artist. They
law that some loft residents must prove their status in
say is outdated and want the an application to the city’s
city to do away with. Department of Cultural
Other area residents, Affairs.
however, might be displaced Soho and Noho’s special
if the regulation is abol- zoning allows for residential
ished. use in artists’ joint work-
The artist certification living quarters — in keeping
for residents of Soho and with the neighborhoods’ his-
Noho, established in the
early 1970’s, when art- Continued on page 16

Funeral director,
Photo by J.B. Nicholas
firefighters help
A Lower East Sider aired her views Monday about SPURA.
‘angel’ take wing
In historic vote, C.B. 3 O.K.’s BY ALBERT AMATEAU
Fire Department offi-
cials and former Mayor
Rudy Giuliani were among
them all escape death.
Cardinal Edward Egan
celebrated the Mass of
Resurrection at St. Joseph’s

SPURA redevelop guidelines those attending the Jan. 21

funeral in Greenwich Village
of 9/11 survivor Josephine
Church, at Sixth Ave. and
Washington Place, for
Harris, who died at her
BY LESLEY SUSSMAN Committee voted almost unanimously by members of the committee. The Harris, whose story was one home in Brooklyn Wed.,
A long and bitter 43-year stale- to approve a set of general guidelines approval of the guidelines signaled to of the most miraculous of the Jan. 12, at age 69. Her steel
mate over future development of a that would pave the way for action on the Bloomberg administration that area World Trade Center attack. coffin — with “Josephine
7-acre parcel of land at the foot of the long-dormant Seward Park Urban residents and stakeholders have finally On Sept. 11, 2001, Harris Harris Guardian Angel of
the Williamsburg Bridge came to a Renewal Area, or SPURA. reached some kind of consensus and was rescued from the W.T.C. 9/11” engraved on its lid
successful conclusion this Monday The historic 20-to-1 vote marked the are now ready to get down to details North Tower by six firefight- — was borne by firefighters
when Community Board 3’s Land Use, end of two years of contentious debate ers from Chinatown’s Ladder
Zoning, Public and Private Housing over details of the general guidelines Continued on page 13 Co. 6, miraculously helping Continued on page 12

Jan. 28/29
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2 Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011

Shots bar comes under fire

for alleged ‘racist’ door policy
Monday night, a group of activists dem-
onstrated in front of the Continental, on
Third Ave. at St. Mark’s Place, to condemn
what they claim is the bar’s door policy
of racist and discriminatory behavior that
denies entry to blacks and gays.
However, the bar’s owner, who identi-
fied himself as Trigger Smith, denied the
accusations. Most know him simply as
“I do have a dress code, I don’t have a
color code,” Trigger said in an interview on
Wednesday morning.
Trigger’s denials come despite accusa-
tions of racism by the ANSWER (Act Now
To Stop War and End Racism) Coalition
and by numerous complaints on Web
There is even a Facebook page criticiz-
ing the bar, Boycott Continental Bar in Photo by Jefferson Siegel
Shaniqua Pippen, who says she was
denied entry to the Continental, picketed
Some of the comments by the page’s
the bar Monday.
131 members include one from August
2010, when Robert Cabassa wrote, “Last group sent a letter to Dominic Pisciotta,
year I was turned away for ‘baggy clothing’ chairperson of Community Board 3.
while caucasian kids with flip flops, shorts Jinnette Caceres, a community organiz-
and t-shirts were being let in without a er with ANSWER, said C.B. 3 forward-
second look. Racist, without question. The ed the complaint to the New York City
bouncer admitted it, as well, but said there Commission on Human Rights.
was nothing he could do about it, since it Trigger said the longevity of the
was his job to do what the owner says.” Continental, which he has owned almost
-69(33;/05.:(773, Web posts on, Yelp. 20 years, can be traced to its door policy.
com and New York magazine’s Nightlife “Within six months, these flash-in-the-
site have also charged racist treatment by pan new clubs are closed when there’s no
the bar’s staff. door policy,” he said. “We probably turn
“There are a lot of people up in arms away more people than these hot, trendy
over my door policy,” Trigger said. “I’m Meatpacking clubs.” Until a few years
paying New York rents. I’m not going to ago, the Continental was a live-music club
let anyone else run my business.” known for punk rock. But Trigger said only
In the bitter cold last Monday night, now that he has transformed it into a bar is
Shaniqua Pippen, 25, from Brooklyn, stood he finally turning a profit.
quietly with other protesters while holding “I don’t have a racist bone in my body,”
a sign reading, “Stop Racial Profiling.” Trigger said, adding he even took out an
Last June, Pippen said she and three ad in a local paper celebrating Barack
friends, after eating at a nearby restaurant, Obama’s 2008 victory. Trigger, who grew
V]LYTPSSPVU ISHJRJOYVTL¶ decided to cap their Saturday night with up in Brooklyn, said Caceres wanted him
JVSVYZZ[HY[PUN HUK[OLYLHYL some drinks. Walking by the Continental to meet with Pippen in the ANSWER
H[  SV[ZVMJVSVYM\S and its prominent sign declaring, “5 Shots office. Trigger suggested a neutral location
JHZLZZ[HY[PUN of Anything $10,” they tried to enter. but ultimately the meeting didn’t happen.
H[  Although Pippen noticed the bar was “There are people, black, brown, in my
nearly empty, she said a bouncer told her bar seven nights a week. I’m very offended
and her friends that they were not allowed by all of this. I’m not giving in,” Trigger
to enter, “because we had to be a regular vowed.
(WWSL;=Ž <YIHULHYZ or they had to know us.” Wednesday afternoon Pippen was
KVLZU»[SL[ /LHKWOVULZ Pippen asked the bouncer about the scheduled to meet with an attorney from
JHISLJVSVY JVSVYZ  handful of people who had entered just the Commission on Human Rights. Betsy
`V\YQ\KNLTLU[ before them. Herzog, a commission spokesperson, noted
 “If you know all these people, why there is already one complaint outstanding
are you still checking their ID’s?” Pippen against the Continental.
asked, saying the bouncer replied that he “The bar is under investigation,” she
0DF6DOHV_6HUYLFH_L3DG_L3RGV_$FFHVVRULHV_'DWD5HFRYHU\_5HQWDOV didn’t make the rules. said.
2Q6LWH6HUYLFH_3URIHVVLRQDO6\VWHPVIRU9LGHR$XGLRDQGWKH*UDSKLF$UWV “Do we need to be regulars or do we The commission’s investigation could
just need to be white?” Pippen pressed result in fines, the awarding of damages
on, saying the bouncer, who was black, or mandating a policy change. If an issue
 >9+:;5@*  ;,2:,9=,*64 replied, “Your people don’t know how to can’t be settled by the commission, the
act.” next step is court.
(WWSL[OL(WWSLSVNV(WWSL;=P7VKP7VK[V\JOHUK4HJ)VVRHYL[YHKLTHYRZVM(WWSL0UJYLNPZ[LYLKPU[OL<: Pippen told a friend about her experi- ANSWER plans to picket the Continental
ence, who referred her to ANSWER. That this Sat., Jan. 29, at 8 p.m.
Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011 3

for a New Village Hospital, speaking before C.B. 2’s full
board meeting last week. A few days before, Kurland had
put out an e-mail blast trumpeting the “victory.” However,
C.B. 2 member Lois Rakoff took exception, saying she

NOTEBOOK had read the East Side community board’s resolution on

St. Vincent’s, and that nowhere in either C.B. 2 or C.B.
6’s resolutions does the word “land lock” appear. Stark
SHOWING LOVE FOR SHOPS: Extremely concerned shrugged. Jo Hamilton, followed up Rakoff, emphasizing,
about the plight of small businesses that have been dev- “We never used that word [land lock]. No, we don’t know
astated by the closing of St. Vincent’s Hospital last April, that word. Our resolution was to preserve zoning that
Assemblymember Deborah Glick and other local elected allows hospital and healthcare uses at the site.” (According
officials are teaming up with the Greenwich Village-Chelsea to the Department of City Planning, there is no such term
Chamber of Commerce to sponsor a “Love the Village” event as “land lock” in New York City zoning. Also, to say that
on Sat., Feb. 12. Starting at 10 a.m., “Love the Village” will only hospital uses are allowed at the St. Vincent’s site
be a daylong scavenger hunt that will encourage the public to would actually represent a change of the zoning, since the
shop at businesses hurt by St. Vincent’s closure. Participants site does currently allow other uses.)
will be given a map of businesses on Greenwich, Sixth and
Seventh Aves. and, after shopping at these businesses, will PLAZA PLANS: In other C.B. 2 news, the Greenwich
have an opportunity to exchange their receipts for raffle tick- Village / Soho community board last week unanimously
ets and the chance to win prizes donated by local businesses backed the city’s Astor Place / Cooper Square reconstruction
at a raffle held at the Lesbian and Gay Center on W. 13th plan. C.B. 2 in its resolution, however, did support members
St. In a show of Valentine’s Day appreciation, giveaways will of C.B. 3, the East Village / Lower East Side community
include specially designed “Love the Village” T-shirts for all board, who had expressed strong opposition to open seating
who take part. “I envision this will be a fun, community- areas in what would be called “Village Plaza,” to the south
building day for everyone involved,” Glick said. “In these of the current Peter Cooper Park. “Therefore it is resolved
distressed times it is important for all of us to unite together that C.B. 2 approves this reconstruction as proposed if Photo by J.B. Nicholas
and pitch in to help the community.” More details about seating opportunities that cannot be locked or removed at Bundled up in a long down coat with a big hood in the
“Love the Village” will follow. night are eliminated from the areas below Seventh St.,” the frigid weather, on Sunday Maggie Gyllenhaal arrived
board’s affirmative resolution stated, in part. A representa- at the Classic Stage Company, near Union Square,
STILL LOCKED IN ‘LAND LOCK’ DEBATE: Speaking tive of Grace Church School, which plans to open a new where she is appearing in the Chekhov classic “Three
of St. Vincent’s, Yetta Kurland and her allies continue to high school on the west side of Cooper Square, announced Sisters.”
insist that Community Board 2 has “land locked” the for- at the meeting that they have “an agreement” with the city
mer Greenwich Village hospital campus so that it can only “to maintain” Village Plaza. “We will use it as a teaching moving forward, they hope to get more information on
be used as a hospital in the future. Plus, they now claim, spot,” she said. “We will have our life sciences kids down whether some sort of business improvement district (BID)
Community Board 6 has also gotten onboard the “land lock” there.” (We’re not sure what sorts of wildlife species they’ll will be overseeing the open plaza areas that are to be created.
bandwagon, having recently passed a resolution of support. be studying on the plaza; hopefully, not “drunken hooligans,” Meanwhile, Jim Power, the East Village’s “Mosaic Man,”
So said Evette Stark, a member of Kurland’s Coalition for C.B. 3 members’ sake.) A Noho representative said that, called us several times, simply beside himself at the idea of
Astor Place being closed between Fourth Ave. and Lafayette
St. as part of the pedestrianization plan. This is nothing but
a blatant land grab by the new building to the south of “The
Alamo” cube sculpture, Power fumed. Plus, he added, agitat-
edly — what would happen to all his mosaic-tile planters and
lampposts that dot the intersection?

CORRECTION: Clearly, new Schools Chancellor Cathie

Black went a bit too far when, addressing the issue of Lower
Manhattan’s exploding population, she quipped at a School
Overcrowding Task Force meeting two weeks ago, “Could
we just have some birth control for a while? It would really
help us all out.” Unfortunately, we, in turn, went a bit farther
still in our article’s headline, which referred to Black’s having
IN THE HEART OF GREENWICH VILLAGE made an “abortion remark,” which she did not do. While birth
— Recommended by Gourmet Magazine, Zagat, Crain’s NY, Playbill & The Villager — control and abortion obviously both have to do with repro-
“Gold Medal Chef of the Year”. — Chefs de Cuisine Association duction, they are obviously not the same thing at all. Our only
.ORTHERNITALIAN#UISINEs#ELEBRATING/VER9EARS explanation for the gaffe is some combination of brain lock
69 MacDougal St. (Bet. Bleeker & Houston St.)   s   and the rush to meet the deadline. We regret the error.


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4 Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011

NYCHA officials say 6 percent of units have bedbugs

BY LESLEY SUSSMAN Roeder noted, however, that the Housing
In an effort to prevent the type of bed- Authority was somewhat short-staffed in
bug epidemic that swept the city in 2009, pest control inspectors and exterminators.
the Department of Housing Preservation “We only have 20 exterminators in
and Development and the New York City Manhattan,” he said. “That’s one of our
Housing Authority joined forces last week drawbacks. We only have two teams assigned
with Councilmember Rosie Mendez, who every day just for bedbugs.”
co-sponsored two community forums on The deputy director said his agency was
how to prevent and combat such infestations working to correct the problem by hiring
in one’s home. more outside contractors.
The first forum was held Tues., Jan. 18, “This will help free up our own exter-
at Health Professions High School, 345 E. minators who are busy with rat and roach
15th St., and focused on residents living control,” he said.
in private housing. The second forum, on Mendez called the staffing short-
Thurs., Jan. 19, was held at P.S. 188, 442 age understandable because, she said, the
E. Houston St., and was geared to NYCHA Housing Authority was “still going through
residents. a chronic fiscal crises.” The councilmember
Mendez, whose district includes the East added, however, that she would look into
Village, Gramercy, Union Square and part the staffing issue both in Manhattan and the
of the Lower East Side and reaches up to other boroughs and see if there is any way
E. 35th St., said she was somewhat disap- to increase the number of inspectors and
pointed with the small turnout at both exterminators.
forums, but blamed inclement weather for
the poor showing.
The councilmember said she initiated the
series of forums because in the past year her ‘At NYCHA, we’re not
office had been receiving a greater than nor-
mal amount of complaints about bedbugs. calling it an epidemic yet.’
“Just looking at what’s happening in the
city and with all the news about bedbugs, I Joseph Roeder
thought it was important to do these forums Photo by Lesley Sussman
and bring in housing experts from the pri- Councilmember Rosie Mendez checked out a captive Cimex lectularius, otherwise
vate housing stock and public housing stock known as a bedbug, at last Thursday’s forum.
Earlier in the forum, Jamal Rashid, tech-
to talk about procedures on how to identify nical services adviser for NYCHA’s Technical
them, what you can do on your own and, if Services Department, discussed ways for
The Academy of St. Joseph you live in public housing, how to get man- residents to prevent bedbug infestation and
at Washington Place offers agement involved to do something about the how to safely get rid of the pests.
problem,” she said. Rashid reassured public housing resi-
• Outstanding private education rooted in The councilmember said that while she dents that while the dreaded, blood-
Character, Competence and Compassion was “very happy” with the city’s participa- hungry bedbugs are a nuisance, they are
• Low student-teacher ratios tion in both forums, it was unfortunate not known to spread disease. He said
• Gorgeous, spacious classrooms there wasn’t a greater showing by resi- bedbugs can enter homes by latching onto
• Nurturing, delightful environment dents. used furniture, luggage and clothing, and
“The most important thing here is educa- by traveling along connecting pipes and
• Inspiring rich education
tion — people have to know how to prevent wiring.
• Talented New York State certified teachers and combat bedbugs,” she said. “And once “Never bring bed frames, mattresses,
• Arts, music and movement programs they know, they can pass that information box springs or upholstered furniture found
• Daily Spanish instruction on to their neighbors. So I was hoping for a on the street into your homes,” he cau-
• Enriching after hours programs larger turnout.” tioned residents. “You should also avoid
• Active Parent Association At the Thursday night forum, which was buying refurbished and used mattresses
attended by 15 residents — mostly from the and furniture. And if you suspect you
Bernard Baruch, Lillian Wald and Samuel have bedbugs, call your management office
Accepting applications for Preschool
Gompers developments — Joseph Roeder, immediately”
3’s, 4’s, Kindergarten, First, Second, deputy director of NYCHA’s Manhattan Rashid strongly cautioned residents
Third and Fourth Grade. Borough Office, said there was no evidence against trying to treat the problem on their
of an epidemic of bedbugs in public housing. own. The pest control expert said that
Please call (212) 243-5420 to join us for “This infestation is happening all across excessive use of pesticides could lead to
our Open House on Tuesday, March 8, the city,” Roeder said. “But at the New York poisonings.
starting at 9:00am. City Housing Authority, we’re not calling it Some signs of bedbug infestations, he
an epidemic yet.” explained, include bloodstains on linen,
He read off a list of NYCHA-run devel- dark stains on mattresses from bedbug
opments and the numbers of bedbug com- waste, musky odors and bite marks. He
plaints received from each. He said that, said that bedbug bites can be very itchy
in general, the number of such complaints and irritating and, in some cases, cause
were low. skin rashes and allergic reactions.
Roeder cited the Baruch Houses as an Mendez told residents to contact her
example. He said there are 2,391 dwelling office if they did not get a swift response
units in that development, but that only 152 to their bedbug complaints from their
The Academy of St. Joseph bedbug complaints were received last year. management office.
“That’s about 6 percent and the figures for “We’ll follow up on it,” she said. “The
111 Washington Place, New York, NY 10014
the rest of the developments in Manhattan New York City Housing Authority doesn’t are pretty much the same,” he said. want this to become an epidemic.”
Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011 5

Effort to shorten San Gennaro Fest falls short

BY LINCOLN ANDERSON age price of San Gennaro wares is “$5 and karaoke, no booths selling or playing CD’s caused by the festival.” Yet stopping the
A push was made last Thursday night made outside this country,” she said. — unless the music is directly related to festival at Kenmare St. wasn’t a deal-
to get Community Board 2 to recom- The festival “becomes an 11-day bar- the festival’s theme — and no vulgar or breaker for the board’s granting its advisory
mend reducing by half the footprint of ricade to the stores,” stated another shop mafia T-shirts for sale, either. approval for the event.
the famed San Gennaro Festival, but the owner. In 1996, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani
motion failed by a vote of 20 to 13. Giving them a newfound sense of com- brought the formerly corruption-plagued
Traditionally, the feast, which lasts a munity empowerment, however, Nolita festival under tight control, and its activi-
full 11 days in September, has stretched residents last year successfully organized Out for this year’s festival: ties are still monitored. The event’s orga-
along Mulberry St. between Canal and to defeat Danny Meyer’s plan for a Shake nizers note it has given out about $2
Houston Sts. However, new designer bou- Shack at Prince and Mulberry Sts. Lacking ‘Dunk the Clown,’ million in charitable donations in the past
tique owners, restaurateurs and residents sufficient seating, the sure to be wildly 15 years.
in stylish Nolita, at Little Italy’s northern popular hamburger takeout would have karaoke, mafia T-shirts — Vivian Catenaccio, a San Gennaro
end, have grown increasingly opposed to overwhelmed the neighborhood, they board member, noted that Old St. Patrick’s
the event. They say the neighborhood has argued, before Meyer ultimately pulled and no live baby tigers. Cathedral, between Prince and Houston
changed. And the 85-year-old festival isn’t out due to their opposition. Sts., was only just recently designated a
authentically Italian anymore, they say, The recent petition effort to shorten basilica. To think of excluding this block
but is just like other generic street fairs the San Gennaro Festival at Kenmare St. from the festival, “it’s an insult to the
and, most of all, is a major disruption for was an outgrowth of this positive expe- Figli di San Gennaro has also agreed basilica,” she said.
the neighborhood for close to two weeks rience fighting Shake Shack, said two to strict guidelines on shutdown times Emily DePalo, another San Gennaro
each year. Nolita denizens, Kim Martin and Sharon for each night and will rotate the sound- board member, also noted the festival’s
Unfortunately for Nolita’s boutique Gary. stage’s location so as to spread the noise religious foundations.
owners, the feast also coincides with “You can only take so much after impact around equitably. Also under the “We have two religious processions.
Fashion Week and Fashion’s Night Out, awhile,” said Gary, a physical therapist, stipulations, no building of structures will It’s a grueling three-to-four-hour pro-
keeping fashionistas away during what and a Prince St. resident for more than take place overnight. cess,” she said. “One of them they walk,
should be a highpoint of the year. 20 years. The community board, in its resolution, one of them they float.” On Sept. 19, the
The Charlotte Ronson boutique, near Through the work of its Street recognized that the festival “is an impor- cathedral is packed for a big Mass for San
Spring St., owned by hip music producer Activities & Film Permits Committee, tant and symbolic annual event.” At the Gennaro feast day, she added.
Mark Ronson’s sister, simply closes for C.B. 2 did succeed in getting a number of same time, the resolution states that C.B. Catenaccio added she sees few actual
two weeks during the festival, said assis- concessions from Figli di San Gennaro, 2 “strongly urges [the city] to consider customers in the Nolita fashion bou-
tant manager Jessica Pimentel, speaking the nonprofit board that runs the festi- cutting back the size of San Gennaro by tiques.
the day after the C.B. 2 meeting. val. The group has agreed that, at this stopping the street fair at Kenmare St. so as “I feel sorry for them,” she said, noting
“The average price of our goods is year’s festival, there will be no “Dunk not to disturb the emerging business com- they pay high rent.
$100 and made in America,” one boutique the Clown,” since people complained it munity in Nolita who expressed significant
owner testified at the meeting. The aver- was too raucous. Also, there won’t be any concerns about lost profits and disruptions Continued on page 10

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6 Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011

to the complaint. Both suspects had previ-
Dealers ‘in’ the news ously served time for federal drug convic-
tions, according to sources. Guzman, identi-
Police arrested two men in the early fied as a former Ohio State football player in
hours of Thurs., Jan. 20, and charged them a Daily News item, was carrying 16 grams
with running a 24-hour cocaine and marijua- of cocaine, more that $1,600 and four cell
na business catering to New York University phones when he was arrested. Zenon had
students, patrons of East Village and Lower more than $600 on him and a stash of 20
East Side bars and Tribeca residents. bags of marijuana inside a coffee thermos in
The arrests were the result of a three- his car when he was arrested, the complaint
month Police Department investigation and says.
sting operation that was uncovered when a One N.Y.U. student told the Daily News
court employee told police he found business that one of the suspects offered him cocaine
cards offering coke and pot for sale that were outside the 10th St. dorm and handed him
tucked in the pages of The Village Voice in a card with a cell phone number and the
a box in front of an N.Y.U. dorm on Third words, “Blow your Mind.”
Ave. at E. 10th St. The drug-pushing cards
had also been shoved under the apartment Photo by Jefferson Siegel

doors of Independence Plaza in Tribeca, Miguel Guzman, center, and Thomas Zenon, right, were arraigned in Manhattan
according to the complaint. Burglary-series arrest Supreme Court last Friday. They are charged with advertising drug sales by inserting
The defendants, Thomas Zenon, 49, and business cards into The Village Voice.
Miguel Guzman, 43, were arraigned on Police on Thurs., Jan. 6, arrested a sus-
Fri., Jan. 21, and were being held in lieu pect in connection with a series of 13 Lower former Bronx address were included in the not know that he is cleared in the case.
of $1 million bond or $750,000 cash bail, East Side and Chinatown burglaries and N.Y.P.D. call for help issued to the media, A spokesperson for the Manhattan
according to the office of Special Narcotics home invasions between Oct. 12 and Nov. had moved away a decade ago and was in a district attorney said the Irving Walker
Prosecutor Bridget Brennan. 15. But the suspect, Irving Walker, 31, who doctor’s office in Virginia Beach, Va., during who was arrested Jan. 6 has admitted
Undercover police had made 12 buys admitted to three of the burglaries, was not one of the incidents. Although he received a being involved in three of the robberies
from Zenon and Guzman between Oct. 19 the Irving Walker, 41, whom police thought letter from a detective that he was no longer with another suspect, Kenneth Harden-
and Jan. 20, including two $1,110 buys of they were looking for in November. a suspect, he said he is afraid to visit his old
more than a half-ounce of cocaine, according The innocent suspect, whose name and Bronx neighborhood, where residents might Continued on page 7



Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011 7

Fla., and not a policeman, was charged with
Continued from page 6 criminal impersonation of a police officer
and possession of a fraudulent instrument.
Smith. Harden-Smith, arrested earlier, is
charged with committing all 13 burglaries
n • Best V
on Madison, Catherine, Eldridge, Forsyth,
Police assaulted st ructio
Monroe and Henry Sts. and East Broadway
xpert In
during the four-week period last autumn.
hentic Fa cilities • E
Police who were arresting Louis Navarro, Aut
28, of the Bronx in front of 179 W. Fourth St.
between Barrow and Jones Sts. at around 12:37
Steal a flashlight! a.m. Thurs., Jan. 20, had a hard time subduing
the angry defendant. The 6-foot-1-inch, 220-
Two burglars who entered a ground-floor pound suspect punched the arresting officer sev-
apartment on E. Seventh St. near Avenue eral times and resisted handcuffing, police said.
A around 11:30 p.m. Wed., Jan. 5, acciden- Around 4:40 a.m. Mon., Jan. 17, a woman
tally set fire to the place with a lighter that threw an unidentified missile at a passing police
they were using as a flashlight, police said. car at the corner of Bleecker and Sullivan Sts.
Firefighters who responded to the blaze, and then threw several punches at the two offi-
which was confined to the apartment, had cers who got out to arrest her. She then fled to
the fire under control in a half-hour. Two a deli, where she grabbed a bottle of beer and
firefighters sustained minor injuries. The tried to hit an officer who chased her in the
images of the burglars, who made off with face with it. He blocked the blow with his arm.
two laptop computers and jewelry, were During the arrest the suspect flailed her arms
recorded on a surveillance tape. to resist being handcuffed. Joslin Mota, 24, of
the Bronx, was charged with assaulting a police
officer, larceny and resisting arrest.
Arrest in shooting
Sway glass bash
The Best Sports Programs,
Hands Down!
On Tues., Jan. 18, detectives arrested Daniel
Claudio, 31, a resident of 225 E. Second St.,
and charged him with attempted murder and A man visiting from Peoria, Ill., was in
first-degree assault in a shooting in front of the Sway, the bar at 305 Spring St. between
location six days earlier. Police had responded Greenwich and Hudson Sts., during the With 10 different sports and over 300 classes a week,
to the location at 9 a.m. on Jan. 12, where the early hours of Sun., Jan. 23, when a woman the Field House offers Manhattan’s best sports
victim was found wounded with a gunshot
to the abdomen. The victim, 33, was taken
hit him in the face with a drinking glass,
police said. The woman, Casey Tatum, 24,
programs for children of all ages.
to Bellevue Hospital in stable condition. The was arrested and charged with assault.
shooter and victim are reportedly cousins. Little Athletes (12 months – 5 years)
Soccer | Gymnastics | Dance | Micro-Sports
Tee-Ball | Flip-N-Kick | Flip-N-Twirl
Roofer fatal fall Marc Jacobs lifters Youth Sports Development (5 – 16 years)
REGISTRATION Soccer | Gymnastics | Baseball | Basketball
Police found a man lying on the ground A man and a woman entered the Marc IS ON-GOING Dance Flag | Football | Rock Climbing
unconscious next to Gouverneur Hospital Jacobs boutique at 163 Mercer St. around 2 Martial Arts | Youth Fitness
at 227 Madison St. across from the Alfred p.m. Fri., Jan. 21, and walked around for a
E. Smith Houses around 11:26 p.m. Wed., while until the man grabbed a handbag val-
Jan. 19. An Emergency Medical Service team ued at $1,295 from a mannequin and passed Chelsea Shears Hair Salon for Kids
declared Richard Smith, 46, dead at the it to the woman, who put it in her bag. The NEW CP Building Blocks (18 months – 5 years)
scene. He was working for a roofing contrac- couple then left, undetected by the electronic AT THE
tor at the hospital and apparently fell to his anti-theft system, although the store’s secu- FIELD HOUSE Enrichment program for children with
death. There was no criminality involved in rity camera recorded them on tape. developmental needs.
the incident, police said.

Cuts out with iPod The Field House at

Phony officer
A man who got on an E train at Roosevelt
A motorist who approached another Ave. in Queens at 4:30 a.m. Sat., Jan. 15, fell
driver at the curb at the southeast corner of asleep, missed his stop and woke up at Canal 23rd Street & Hudson River Park
Sullivan and W. Third Sts. around 5:30 p.m. St. to discover that his right front pocket
Sat., Jan. 22, said, “I’m a cop. Move your had been cut and his iPod stolen. The victim 212.336.6520 |
car,” and flashed a police shield. But Sixth didn’t report the theft to police until he was
Precinct police who arrested the driver dis- notified that a suspect carrying his iPod had CELEBRATE YOUR BIRTHDAY AT CHELSEA PIERS!
covered the shield belonged to a captain in been arrested at Stillwell Ave. in Brooklyn. Multi-Sport | Gymnastics | Ice Skating | Golf | Bowling | Toddler Play
the Dade County Sheriff’s Office in Miami.
Dino Doda, 42, a resident of Boca Raton, Alber t Amateau
8 Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011

Lynne Stewart tries to make

OPEN best of Texas; Chow’s better
Lynne Stewart — the onetime Downtown
FEBRUARY 9, 2011 radical civil rights lawyer, convicted of
materially aiding international terrorism
6:00 PM — began 2011 in a sprawling Fort Worth,
CALL FOR APPOINTMENT Texas, prison complex called Carswell.
It’s the only medical facility for women in
the federal Bureau of Prisons and houses
about 1,400 female inmates.
Stewart, 71, and her supporters had
hoped she would be transferred to the
s 3 and 4 year old full day program federal lockup in Danbury, Connecticut,
s Early Childhood through Grade 8 to be close to family and friends.
But her husband, Ralph Poynter, said
s Quality education based on Catholic values. B.O.P. “unilaterally and bureaucratically”
disregarded their pleas and flew Stewart to
s Middle States Accreditation Carswell last month. She had been detained
s Child centered, creative environment since November 2009 at the Metropolitan
Correctional Center in Lower Manhattan
s Dedicated, experienced faculty after a panel of Second Circuit judges
from the U.S. Court of Appeals upheld her File photo
s Diverse, multicultural setting 2005 conviction, revoked Stewart’s bail Lynne Stewart at a rally for her in Foley
and ordered her to begin serving jail time
s Creative after school programs immediately.
Square before her sentencing in October
s Convenient entrance on 14th Street and 1st Avenue The appellate panel also ordered U.S.
District Judge John G. Koeltl, who had tion, explanations, supplies, etc.)”
s Registration Ongoing presided at Stewart’s nine-month trial, She noted that one drawback is “not
to reconsider the 28-month sentence he having a bathroom in the room — have to
imposed on her in 2006, calling it too go about 75 yards at all hours of the day
Immaculate Conception, a Middle States Accredited school is light. During an emotional hearing at and night — clean though.”
dedicated to achieving excellence in learning. From the Early Foley Square last August, Koeltl sharp- Before her imprisonment, Stewart was
ly increased her sentence to 10 years derided in some press accounts for being
Childhood Program through grade eight, Immaculate Conception for helping the imprisoned Omar Abdel- chubby and un-chic in her courtroom
Rahman, a.k.a. “The Blind Sheik,” com- appearances. Poynter said she has “lost
School provides a caring, well-run, high-performance foundation municate with his militant Islamic fol- weight” behind bars and tries to eat only
for children of all faiths and cultures. Well-equipped classrooms lowers in Egypt through press releases. In one meal a day at Carswell because of
resentencing her, Koeltl claimed Stewart the difficulty she has walking up several
offer technological innovations in learning and committed had shown a “lack of remorse.” flights of stairs to a dining hall in a sepa-
Stewart’s allies feared she would die in rate building. In her letter, Stewart noted
educators create a safe and inspiring environment in which to prison sooner rather than later, given her the jailhouse grub at Carswell is far better
grow. poor health (she’s a cancer survivor) and than the eats at M.C.C.
the generally bad food and lack of exercise “Food is vastly improved,” she wrote in
Our dedicated Computer Lab, Science Lab, Art Studio, and at many jailhouses in the U.S. Poynter, late December. “Just had Sunday Brunch
Music Room as well as our early childhood and upper grade however, who visited his wife over New real scrambled eggs, PORK sausage,
Year’s weekend, said Carswell is a “mixed Baked or home fried potatoes, Butter
libraries support our comprehensive curriculum. Our spacious bag.” He said conditions there are an (sweet whipped M’ God!!) Grapefruit
improvement over M.C.C., “where she juice Toast, orange. I will probably regain
auditorium hosts both school and parish functions as well as slept on a steel bunk. She now has a real the weight I lost at MCC! Weighing
District wide events such as the annual High School Fair and mattress,” he noted. against that is the fact that to eat we
He added, “She’s in a hospital room on need to walk to another building (about
Speech Bee. Intensive after-school programs are available to the first floor and it’s across from a lake. as far as from my house to the F Train)
She gets one telephone call a day. She’s Also included is 3 flights of stairs up and
assist busy parents. been in worse places...and she’s not going down. May try to get an elevator pass and
Registration at ICS is ongoing. Please contact us if you would to let this get her down” while her case is try NOT to use it.”
on appeal. She would also welcome “commis-
like further information or to schedule a school tour. Please visit Stewart, in a recent “letter” posted on sary money” to pay for the phone and
our website, her Web site, described her prison room e-mail and for other items and foods that
as having “four bunks” amid two tiers of the prison doesn’t supply, like “pens!”
similar rooms with an “atrium in the mid- Stewart concluded her letter on an excep-
dle with tv sets and tables and chairs.” She tionally upbeat note, stating that at
estimated there about 500 inmates in her Carswell she enjoys views of “gorgeous
Immaculate Conception School unit. “Lots are doing long bits, victims
of drugs (meth etc) and boyfriends,” she
sunrises and sunsets. The place is very
open and outdoors there are pecan trees
419 East 13th Street, New York, N.Y. 10009 wrote. “We wear army style (khaki) pants and birds galore.... The full moon last
with pockets tee shirts and dress shirts night gladdened my heart as I realized it
long sleeved and short sleeved. When one was shining on all of you I hold dear.”
212-475-2590 of the women heard that I hadn’t ironed Stewart’s mailing address is Lynne
in 40 years, they offered to do the shirts Stewart, Federal Medical Center, Carswell, for me. (This is typical of the help I get — 53504 -- 054, Unit 2N, P.O. Box 27137,
escorted to meals and every other protec- Fort Worth, Texas 76127.
Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011 9

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10 Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011

Effort to shorten San Gennaro Fest falls short

drunkenness at the festival. But Catenaccio gling from their hand, say, “Hey, what do “They were there for 10 minutes,”
Continued from page 5 countered there is “no tolerance” for it. you think of my hair?” she said. said Figli di San Gennaro’s Bob Marshall.
The day after C.B. 2’s vote, Julie Dickson said that while the street fair A local resident had been given control
If the storeowners want to participate Dickson, owner of Fox & Boy hair salon seems nice and authentically Italian down over the concessions on that block and
in the festival, they can set up vending on Mulberry St. between Prince and thought a “petting zoo” would be fun,
tables on the sidewalk, at a reduced rate, Houston Sts., said she’d love it if the fes- he said.
to sell their merchandise, she said. tival wasn’t outside her store. “We thought it was going to be lambs
In addition, she said, “We welcome “That would be awesome,” she said. ‘You can only take so or sheep,” Marshall said. “When we saw
them to do a fashion show on the stage.” “It’s kind of dangerous, the element it what it was, it was immediately shut
Reducing the festival’s space would be attracts. We don’t have any walk-ins that much after awhile.’ down. No one was ever in danger.”
a safety hazard, according to Catenaccio, week.” Nicolas Dutko, a co-owner of Tartinery,
with the same amount of people packed Instead of walk-in customers, drunk Sharon Gary a new French restaurant at 209 Mulberry
into fewer blocks. guys from the feast will stick their heads St. at Spring St., said he supports stop-
Opponents complained about public into the salon, and with a cigarette dan- ping the festival at Kenmare St.
The restaurant had to pay $3,400 to
where the old-style restaurants are, north reserve the sidewalk space in front of it,
of Prince St. the vendors are, well, pretty and put tables out, but the smoke from
ECONOMY Best Vision INC. schlocky.
Last year, she said, “There was a card
food vendors was so bad, no one wanted
to eat outdoors. Meanwhile, festival-
table outside and a guy on a microphone goers passing by would keep asking if

$10 off screaming. … There was a clown-dunking

tank a year ago, and that guy was scream-
they could buy beer at the outdoor
tables, he said.
with this ad! ing insults at people, like, ‘You belong “And the people are very rude that
on Christopher St.’ — I mean what year come” to the festival, Dutko added.
is this? — or ‘Hey lady, you’re not ugly, “It’s one thing to celebrate your Italian
EYES EXAMINED EYE GLASSES you’re just fat.’ ” heritage. Up here north of Broome St.,
Told “Dunk the Clown” and karaoke they’re just doing it to make money. It’s
CONTACT LENSES HEARING AIDS were definitely out this year, she said affecting us a lot.”
with relief, “That’s fantastic.” Les Schechter, who does the festival’s
Optometrist will be in for eye exams every Weds. from 11 - 6 p.m. There were even live baby tigers at P.R., said the street fair is essential for
223 WEST 14th STREET 212-243-4884 San Gennaro last year, at least briefly, Little Italy’s restaurants.
Bet. 7th & 8th Avenue Hours: Monday — Friday 10 - 6 p.m. Saturday 10 - 3 p.m. she said. Her understanding was they “Oh yeah, definitely,” he said. “They
were quickly removed after it was found depend on that every year. Those 11 days there weren’t proper permits. bring them a lot of income.”


215 East 6th Street, New York, New York 10003


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Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011 11

Lady of Vilna appeal goes to state’s highest court

BY ALBERT AMATEAU the appeal because one judge on the five- Vilna appeal are similar to those in the long grants, many of whom were longshoremen
The faithful and stubborn former parish- member appellate panel found in favor of court fight to save St. Brigid’s Church on who worked on the nearby Hudson River
ioners of Our Lady of Vilna, the Lithuanian the group. Kresky filed a 33-page brief on Avenue B, said Kresky, who also represented piers, erected the church. Another wave of
Catholic church closed by the New York the appeal on Jan. 12, which was within the the parishioners of that East Village church. Lithuanian immigrants came around World
Archdiocese nearly four years ago, are still 60-day filing deadline. But St. Brigid’s legal issues were not settled War II, and a third Lithuanian immigration
hoping to win a permanent injunction barring because the court cases were withdrawn after wave came after 1991 when the country
demolition of the building, located right near an unidentified “angel” donated $20 million to became independent from Russia.
the entrance to the Holland Tunnel. Should the archdiocese to restore the badly deteriorat- Blaudzinas recalled that in April 2007,
they prevail, it would represent a stunning Plaintiffs say the Church ed 1849 building, revive the parish — which the president of Lithuania issued a statement
precedent under which parishioners — and had been disbanded in 2004 — and endow the after a visit with Pope Benedict XVI, noting
not the Catholic Church — would have the is flouting the Religious parish school. that Lithuanian immigrants in Manhattan
ultimate power to determine the fate of their “Our angel is still not imminent,” said built Our Lady of Vilna Church with their
church buildings. Corporations Law. Blaudzinas. So the legal issues remain to be own money “to have a place for worship and
A core group of men and women who still thrashed out in the Our Lady of Vilna case witness their love and faith in God.” With
hold 1 p.m. Sunday vigils on the steps of the before the Court of Appeals. time, the church also became a center foster-
1910 church on Broome St. are basing their The question is whether the state’s Religious ing Lithuanian culture and national identity,
hope on their petition to the Court of Appeals A Court of Appeals hearing on the matter Corporations Law, on the books since the turn the statement said.
in Albany, the state’s highest state, to reverse is not likely before May, after lawyers for the of the 20th century, prohibits demolition of a Asked whether the congregation would sue
lower court and appellate rulings affirming the archdiocese reply to the brief and Kresky has Catholic church building without the approval to compel the archdiocese to reconstitute the
archdiocese’s right to demolish the building. an opportunity to respond. of the parishioners, says Kresky’s brief. The Our Lady of Vilna parish, as well, Blaudzinas
“We are energized that the Court of In February 2007, Cardinal Egan, then archdiocese and the lower court held that said, “Down the line it might be a next step,
Appeals in Albany considers our issue an archbishop of New York, decided to disband demolition does not require parishioners’ but there is no precedent for that.”
important one and decided to look into it,” the parish and demolish the building because approval. Instead, Blaudzinas said the congregation is
said Mindaugas “Gus” Blaudzinas, a member of the roof, which was found to be unsafe, and Indeed, the courts and the archdiocese looking into “the possibility of starting a new
of Our Lady of Vilna parish for the past 15 because church functions like weddings and held that submitting such a question to a civil dialogue.” Leaders of the congregation met
years. funerals had not been held there for a year. trial would involve a court in “matters that are with New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan
Despite the fact that the congregation But Blaudzinas said this week that the ecclesiastical in nature,” and run afoul of the and hope that he finds favor with their cause,
lost in two courts, they were able to stop the Masses, held in the church’s basement after First Amendment. Another issue, according Blaudzinas said.
demolition because the courts issued a tem- the main sanctuary was closed for roof repairs, to Kresky’s brief, is whether the parishioners A spokesperson for the archdiocese said
porary restraining order against demolishing were crowded with parishioners. have any right to sue after the archdiocese there would be no comment while the matter
the building. “Of course no one would have a wed- disbanded the Our Lady of Vilna parish. The is the subject of a court action.
Harry Kresky, attorney for the congrega- ding in a church where the roof was being court and archdiocese lawyers say no, but the The church is named for the Virgin Mary,
tion, received permission from the Appellate repaired,” Blaudzinas observed. Our Lady of Vilna congregants say yes. who appeared in visions 400 years ago in
Division on Nov. 4 last year to continue The issues involved in the Our Lady of Blaudzinas noted that Lithuanian immi- Lithuania.






Feb 7th, March 8th, April 5th

12 Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011

Photo by Albert Amateau

After the service, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani gave Peter DeLuca, owner of Greenwich Village Funeral Home, a grateful pat on the back. DeLuca covered all the funeral
expenses for Josephine Harris, who had filed for bankruptcy before her death.

Funeral director, firefighters help ‘angel’ take wing

Continued from page 1

who honored her memory.

Found unconscious by an Emergency Medical Service
team who could not revive her, Harris was declared dead of
an apparent heart attack during the early hours of Jan. 12.
The story of her rescue from the World Trade Center nine
years ago was the subject of a History Channel documentary
in 2006, “The Miracle of Stairway B.”
A bookkeeper for the Port Authority, Harris was making
her way down stairway B from the 73rd floor in the North
Tower and was near exhaustion at the 15th floor. Ladder
Co. 6 firefighters, who had climbed to a higher floor before
being ordered to go back down, were descending when they
encountered Harris and decided to help her to safety.
At the fourth floor, Harris collapsed and yelled at the
firefighters to leave her but they stayed on. It was then that
the tower around them collapsed leaving Harris and the
six firefighters alive in stairway B, which did not collapse
between the fourth and first floors.
“You could say that if she were not there for us to save her
we probably would not have made it,” said Deputy Chief John
A. Jonas, who was the captain of the Ladder 6 crew at the time.
The Ladder 6 firefighters dubbed Harris their guardian angel.
More recently, however, she had been unemployed for
several years. She was subsisting on disability assistance, had
unpaid bills and had filed for bankruptcy before her death,
according to her sister, Thelma Johnson.
Her body was unclaimed at the morgue for two days until
Peter DeLuca, owner of Greenwich Village Funeral Home,
learned from Johnson that there were no funds for a funeral.
He then pledged to provide a funeral free of charge.
DeLuca said he was moved by Harris’s plight because
his 13-month-old son had been killed in the collapse of his
building on Sullivan St. in 1987.
A viewing for Harris was held at the funeral home, at 199
Bleecker St., and the funeral, with firefighters as pallbearers, Photo by William Alatriste / NYC Council
was at St. Joseph’s on Friday morning Jan. 21. Burial was in Cardinal Edward Egan, archbishop emeritus of New York, celebrated the Mass of Resurrection at St. Joseph’s
Cypress Hills Cemetery on the Brooklyn-Queens border. Church for Josephine Harris last week, as former Mayor Giuliani, seated to the left of the coffin, listened.
Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011 13

In historic vote, C.B. 3 O.K.’s SPURA guidelines

of housing options that meet the needs of the
Continued from page 1 community as a whole.”
In her statement, Mendez said, “Although
about the site’s development. the Seward Park Urban Renewal Area is
Tuesday night, the measure went before not in my Council district, I want to add
C.B. 3’s full board at its monthly meeting, my voice to the many others in praise of a
and was passed unanimously. But first, mem- process that has resulted in guidelines for the
bers of the housing advocacy group Good land’s redevelopment. Anyone who has been
Old Lower East Side (GOLES) and other involved in the Lower East Side community
activists protested the previous day’s vote during almost half a century was aware of the
and blasted board members for “not repre- controversy that left a huge parcel of highly
senting low-income people” and “selling out valuable land standing idle for far too long.
the community.” Over the years, very disparate opinions have
The guidelines next get sent to various sometimes been expressed with anger and a
city agencies for further tweaking. Under the lack of respect, and it was not easy for all of
guidelines, about 1,000 housing units would
be built at the site, roughly half of which
would be allocated to middle- and low-
income individuals, along with retail shops,
green space and, possibly, a new school and ‘With this plan we have a
nursing home for the elderly.
Over the years, various city adminis- compromise — and it’s a
trations had shied away from developing
the empty swath of land because of the good one.’
fierce disagreement that has surrounded it.
Currently used as open-air parking lots on Photo by J.B. Nicholas David McWater
the south side of Delancey St., it is the larg- Lower East Siders packed the Henry Street Settlement’s Youth Gym Monday night
est site of undeveloped city-owned land in at C.B. 3’s Land Use Committee for the vote on the SPURA guidelines.
Manhattan south of 96th St. The property
fell idle more than 40 years ago after the the years, has been perceived as oppos- In his written statement, Squadron said: that to be overcome. But the process which
wholesale razing of blocks of residential ing developing the site for predominantly “The community board vote is a huge win Community Board 3 began, and which was
buildings by the city for a never-completed low-income housing, state Senator Daniel for the community. It is appropriate that open to broad participation by all aspects of
urban renewal plan Squadron, City Councilmembers Margaret after 43 years, a community-driven pro- the community, and was aided by city agen-
The committee’s Monday night action Chin and Rosie Mendez and Congressmember cess has moved SPURA forward. Over the cies and facilitated by a skilled urban planner,
drew immediate praise from several political Nydia Velàzquez. last few months, I was honored to work has resulted in a compromise. I join with
leaders and strong condemnation from one In his written statement, Silver said: with members of the committee, community many others who wish we could get even
public member of the committee, Damaris “I want to commend the leadership and members and my colleagues in government more affordable housing from the site, but
Reyes, executive director GOLES. members of the Community Board 3 Land — Speaker Silver, Councilmembers Chin salute all who were able to agree to find a
GOLES has been demanding that 70 per- Use, Zoning, Public and Private Housing and Mendez and Mayor Bloomberg — to middle ground to move a process forward.”
cent of the new units be allocated for afford- Committee for their effort to achieve, at long support an open and productive process that In a statement of her own, Congress-
able housing for low- and moderate-income last, a true consensus about the future of will lead to real results.” member Velázquez said, “The Lower East
families and for senior citizens. Seward Park. From the outset, this process Chin, whose district also includes SPURA, Side has always drawn its strength from
But the new guidelines, worked out by issued the following prepared statement: the neighborhood’s diversity. It is therefore
committee members and local residents — “I applaud the SPURA Development Task fitting that the Seward Park area’s future
who for the past two years have been strug- Force [committee] for reaching a consensus is being determined through an open and
gling to come up with an income-mix formula ‘The guidelines strike on the proposed guidelines for the develop- inclusive process which takes into account
for any housing to be built on the site — calls ment of the Seward Park Urban Renewal the views of local residents. These guide-
for only 50 percent affordable housing and, an appropriate balance Area. After 43 years, I am pleased to say lines represent a big win in the fight for
the rest, to be market-rate units. that the guidelines that will shape the future affordable housing and true compromise
Reyes told reporters after the marathon between the needs development of the area were derived, in that balances the community’s many com-
three-and-a-half-hour meeting — during large part, from the surrounding community. peting needs.”
which committee members continued argu- and concerns of all Community Board 3 members and residents The standing-room-only Monday evening
ing until the last minute over the proposal’s spent countless hours envisioning what type meeting, at the Henry Street Settlement’s
language and other details — that she was stakeholders.’ of development would be the most beneficial Youth Gym, 301 Henry St., was attended
“deeply disappointed” by the committee’s for such a diverse community. This process by nearly 300 residents, along with a large
vote. Sheldon Silver not only brought the community together contingent of GOLES supporters, who, at
“There are a lot of good points to this but laid the groundwork for the near unani- times, demonstrated their displeasure with
plan and a lot of strong efforts were made,” mous vote achieved yesterday. I want to committee members by extended clapping of
she said. “But in the end, I think we should thank the chairperson of Community Board hands, cheers, jeers and catcalls.
have seized this opportunity to restore the was conducted openly, transparently and 3, Dominic Pisciotta, and C.B. 3 District Before the members got down to their his-
units of affordable housing that have been fairly and went to great lengths to give voice Manager Susan Stetzer, and in particular toric vote, more than a dozen local residents
lost in this neighborhood over the last 40 to the broad range of views that make up our Task Force Chairperson David McWater. … addressed the committee, most of them advo-
years. extraordinarily diverse community. This vote has shown both the diversity of the cating for more affordable housing units on
“I’m not disappointed that we’re finally “While there were, at times, deep and Lower East Side and the strength of unity in the site rather than market-rate, for the devel-
doing something with this land, but I’m principled disagreements among stakehold- this neighborhood.” opment of parks and open space, and the
deeply disappointed by the percentages,” ers, I believe that ultimately this process Chin added, “I would also like to com- preservation of the Essex St. Market, which is
Reyes added. “They’re not reflective of the brought our community together,” Silver mend my colleagues in government for their being included in the SPURA redevelopment
needs of this neighborhood. They’re not said. “The final guidelines that were approved support of the process, and in particular, plan and is at risk of being razed.
reflective of what a majority of the people by the committee tonight strike an appropri- Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver for his Ed Delgado, a former SPURA resident
who spoke tonight wanted.” ate balance between the needs and concerns prompt statement of support last night. I will whose family lived there 43 years ago and who
Also issuing statements — but in strong of all stakeholders and will result in a devel- continue to work on behalf of the commu- hopes to be allowed to move back when the
support of the new guidelines — were opment that will ensure our neighborhood nity to obtain the resources that will move
Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, who, over continues to thrive.” this project forward while ensuring a variety Continued on page 23
14 Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011


Seward Park success Time for progress at SPURA! lected on the creation of new jobs and housing.
After more than four decades of frustrating Why, as some suggest, would we want to sell this land
inaction at the Seward Park Urban Renewal Area, for maximum profit and build housing in the outer boroughs
Monday night’s vote at Community Board 3’s Land Use To The Editor: when that money and infrastructure can be invested right
Committee, at last, smashed through all the inertia. Re “Time for justice at Seward Park Urban Renewal here in our neighborhood? Also worth noting are studies
Now, finally, this long-vacant eyesore of dirt can be Area” (talking point, by Joel Feingold, Jan. 20): that have demonstrated how mixed-income developments
redeveloped with new housing and community ameni- The saga of the Seward Park Urban Renewal Area has come like the one proposed on SPURA have a neutral-to-positive
ties, and put back on the tax rolls, generating jobs and to a climax with Community Board 3 voting this Monday night effect on nearby property values.
revenue for the city. on guidelines for a mixed-use development that would replace We should feel satisfied that the process of arriving at these
Of course, the board’s passing the guidelines is just the dilapidated parking lots with multi-income housing, retail prop- guidelines included community input every step of the way.
first step; the Bloomberg administration next will refine erties, green spaces, cultural/educational institutions and more. The wants and needs of our diverse community were consid-
the plan — all the while, hewing to C.B. 3’s guidelines — The future of SPURA impacts everyone on the Lower East Side. ered in the formation of these balanced and sensible guide-
an environmental impact statement (E.I.S.) will be done; As a Grand St. resident and founder of SHARE (Sustainable lines, and we will continue to have a hand in influencing the
requests for proposals (R.F.P.’s) will be issued to develop- Housing and Retail Expansion), I believe the guidelines will design and character of SPURA as this process unfolds. If the
ers. SPURA’s redevelopment will be years in the making. prove most beneficial to our neighborhood and therefore warrant option existed to simply sell the SPURA land to the highest
Monday night’s committee vote, followed by Tuesday the community’s support. bidder, do we really think that the developer would consider
night’s unanimous full-board vote, were the result of hard The empty SPURA sites were once a community of the community’s input in such a meaningful way?
work and many hours logged over two years by key C.B. diverse residents and shops. The guidelines envision a future The opportunity to finally develop SPURA means the Lower
3 members, local residents and area stakeholders. From where an active neighborhood exists once again. However, East Side will gain vibrant, new neighborhood assets for all to
the outset, committee chairperson David McWater said some are opposing the development guidelines for allocating use, rather than us having to endure more years of blighted lots.
he intended to make this process inclusive, so that all half of the housing for affordable units by invoking images of Just as the Grand St. co-ops themselves advanced a 19th-century
stakeholders felt invested in the process. Previous efforts to failed public housing projects. This concept is not what the neighborhood into the 20th century, so too can a dynamic SPURA
redevelop SPURA had crashed and burned. The disconnect guidelines propose. Housing for low-, moderate- and middle- development bring the Lower East Side into the 21st century and
between advocates for affordable housing, on one hand, income levels is included, reminiscent of the multi-income create a more prosperous future for all of our residents.
and co-op residents who feel the area already has enough residents that make up the Grand St. co-ops — plus, a full
affordable housing, on the other, created paralysis. 50 percent allocation for market-rate units. Also, the way Brett Leitner
McWater and Dominic Pisciotta, C.B. 3’s chairperson, affordable housing is built today is vastly different from how Leitner is founder, SHARE (Sustainable Housing and Retail
made sure that everyone was onboard. With McWater it was built years ago. Nowadays, developers take advantage Expansion)
ever pushing the process forward and Pisciotta acting as a of tax benefits to erect “80/20” buildings, a co-existing mix
conciliator, they were a persuasive and effective team. of 80 percent market-rate and 20 percent affordable units,
The nearly unanimous 20-to-1 committee vote is a tes- which would be the template for a SPURA development.
tament to the process. The lone No vote was by Damaris We should note that while a 50 percent affordable hous- Commends Mendez
Reyes, executive director of Good Old Lower East Side, ing allocation is too little for some residents, for others
who to the end fought for more affordable housing. In a who see the neighborhood as already containing significant To The Editor:
constantly gentrifying Lower East Side, one can’t criticize amounts of affordable housing, this number is too high. The Re “Mendez’s asthma-free act is law” (Your Health
her or GOLES for advocating for their belief that more debate over how much affordable housing should be built on article, Jan. 20):
affordable housing is sorely needed. SPURA has been argued for decades now. If we want to con- Congrats to the councilwoman! I used to live in Greenwich
Yet, we feel the approved guidelines are the right com- tinue this argument for decades more, that is an option. But Village, and I hope that this kind of legislation takes hold all
promise. Fifty percent of the housing will be market rate, it will not do anything to address the real and varied needs over the country. These types of places are why childhood
which will, in turn, subsidize moderate- and low-income of our community in the near term, and will definitely cause asthma is so prevalent in the U.S., and shady landlords are
housing, including senior housing. Forty percent of everyone to lose out for the foreseeable future. The current definitely part of the problem.
SPURA will have welcome retail and commercial uses. mix of housing is fair to all parties and politically realistic.
This new housing and its population, coupled Let’s not make the perfect the enemy of the good. Nick Smith
with retail and commercial uses, will revitalize this Some have argued that selling the SPURA lots at any-
part of the Lower East Side, which has basically been thing less than market value is reason alone to oppose the E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to
“offline” for the past 40 years, and is currently used as guidelines. However, the SPURA sites adjacent to Grand St. or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to the
a gigantic open-air parking lot. That the area is crying are owned by the Department of Housing, Preservation and East Villager, Letters to the Editor, 145 Sixth Ave., ground
out for revitalization was recognized by the new co-op Development, whose mission is to build housing, not maxi- floor, NY, NY 10013. Please include phone number for
residents’ group SHARE, which strongly supported the mize income from city-owned property. The city’s overall confirmation purposes. The East Villager reserves the right
guidelines and played an important advocacy role. goal would realize enormous economic benefits for the city to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. The East
C.B. 3 and its leadership deserve immense credit for and the Lower East Side in the long term from taxes col- Villager does not publish anonymous letters.
defying the naysayers and pulling this off. For McWater,
this is his second coup, having spearheaded the East
Village / Lower East Side rezoning a few years ago that
capped building heights and eliminated the community-
facility bonus that allows monster-sized dorms.
Plaudits are also due the Bloomberg administration,
which believed in C.B. 3 and nurtured and facilitated
this “bottom-up” planning process.
Our elected officials also added to the momentum
behind the guidelines’ passage. Notably, Assembly Speaker
Sheldon Silver quickly came out in favor of the guidelines
— in fact, he issued his “e-mail blast” support statement
two hours before the committee even voted! Similarly,
support by state Senator Dan Squadron, Councilmembers
Margaret Chin and Rosie Mendez and Congressmember
Nydia Velázquez was also critical and appreciated.
But Silver’s endorsement was key. With his voter
base on Grand St., where he lives, and as the state’s
second most powerful elected official, he has always
had the power to make or break any SPURA proposal.
We’re grateful he was able to balance all the competing
interests and endorse this plan wholeheartedly. Governor Cuomo is trying to cut the fat out of Albany.
Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011 15

Scared by political violence? Stop violent politics

“Such a senseless and terrible act of violence has no place in Bush found the W.M.D.’s in Iraq and trickle-down economics.
TALKING POINT a free society,” chimed in President Obama — who was either
coming from or en route to a meeting with Pentagon generals
Typical liberal Americans think it’s perfectly fine to give tril-
lions to bankers while millions lose their jobs and get no help
BY TED RALL to discuss America’s wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, or whatsoever.
The shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and perhaps the occupation of Haiti, or expanding the new concen- The Tucson gunman is accused of an act of “senseless vio-
11 other people is tragic. But it is not shocking. It isn’t even tration camp at Bagram. How many assassination orders have lence.” Here, too, he is just another face in the crowd. We all pay
surprising. you signed so far, Barry? How many extraordinary renditions? our taxes. None of us loses a minute of sleep as those taxes are
What is surprising — weird, even — is the response of the How many torture memos? used to make bombs and hire men and women to drop them on
corporate-owned political and media establishment. They’re As I recently explained to an interviewer: “The reason I innocent people, who then blow into bits of flesh and bone.
coming out against violent rhetoric. Not real violence. They oppose this particular regime is because it is so aggressively Then there is the covert violence all around us: the tens of thou-
want to stop talk about violence. violent.” sands of Americans who die annually because they can’t afford
Liberals accuse right wingers of creating an atmosphere of And I’m not talking about gun violence. to pay for a doctor’s visit; the millions of children who go to bed
hatred that fuels incidents like the Arizona shootings. I’m talking about the wholesale over-the-top violence of hungry every night; the millions evicted from foreclosed homes
“We need to put the gun metaphors away, and permanently,” neocolonialism abroad, fueled by a cult of militarism here at (tell them it’s not an act of violence); the hundreds of thousands
urged Keith Olberman on MSNBC. If he gets his way, a lot home. U.S. forces are currently engaged in combat opera- who sleep outside, and the millions who couch-surf with friends
of people in Hollywood are going to be out of work. “Violent tions and propping up puppet regimes in Afghanistan, Iraq, and relatives because shelter is too expensive. We don’t even think
rhetoric causes actual violence” is a liberal meme. Colombia, the Philippines, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen and many about getting serious about solving these problems.
“Mission accomplished, Sarah Palin,” tweeted Markos other countries. They are hated and reviled there. Here every Like terrorism, political violence is a relatively minor issue.
Moulitsas of DailyKos after the Tucson shootings. Moulitsas other car’s bumper urges us to “Support Our Troops.” And as guys named Lincoln and Garfield and Charles Sumner —
noted that the Web site for Palin’s PAC featured an image of Rep. We kill so many civilians we can’t be bothered to count who was nearly beaten to death by a fellow member on the floor
Giffords’s district with crosshairs over it. There is, however, no them; not even America’s wimpy phony left opposes the kill- of the U.S. Senate in 1856 — could attest, it is not a new one.
evidence that the accused gunman ever saw Palin’s Web site. ing of “enemy” uniformed soldiers who die defending their The brutality being carried out by the political system and its
Righties counter that the really inflammatory rhetoric homelands. Military action is America’s default response to corporate sponsors is responsible for the equivalent of tens of
comes from the left. From, for example, the likes of me: “Left- every major news story. The 9/11 attacks? Kill them all — even thousands of Tucson-level shooting sprees each year in the U.S.
wing cartoonist Ted Rall’s most recent book calls for a violent if we’re not sure who “they” are. Hurricane Katrina? Send in alone. For example, a peer-reviewed scientific study published
response from the left against the right,” Erick Erickson of the troops — not help. Indian Ocean tsunami, earthquakes in in 2005 found that the death toll directly attributable to income
RedState whined after Giffods was shot. “The point of all of Pakistan or Haiti — anything and everything is an opportunity inequality is “comparable to the combined loss of life from
this is not to blame Ted Rall,” he then backtracked. Like hell. to invade, corrupt, pillage and murder. lung cancer, diabetes, motor vehicle crashes, H.I.V. infections,
The cognitive disconnect between reality and self-perception The young man accused of shooting Rep. Giffords is suicides and homicides.”
in American society and politics is bizarre and frightening. portrayed as sick, deranged and fond of oddball conspiracy But the ruling classes don’t want us to think about reality.
Whenever there’s a school or workplace shooting spree, theories. In these things, he is a typical American. “Typical” They want to make us shut up. Thus their calls to ramp down
Americans act shocked! shocked! shocked! To hear media com- Americans, after all, believe in angels and creationism and that high-octane political speech.
mentators, you’d think this was a peace-loving nation of Dalai
Lamas rather than a bunch of brawlin’, trash-talkin’, gun-totin’,
foreigner-bombin’ yahoos who drive around Iraq shooting
people while listening to death metal.
“Violence, or the threat of violence, has no place in our
democracy,” said Keith Olberman. Does he live in America?
Americans worship violence. Kicking ass is our national
religion. “Violence and threats of violence” are part of our
daily lives. As a kid, I got beaten up by bullies. As an adult,
I collect death threats in response to my cartoons. When I
ride my bike, motorists try to run me off the road. Most of
my female friends have been raped.
When I served jury duty in New York prospective jurors
were asked whether they or someone close to them had ever
been the victim of a violent crime. Down the line they went, 50
at a time. They went through 150 people. Every New Yorker
there had suffered the effects of a brutal assault or the murder
of a loved one.
The first time I felt any self-respect was when I sent a high
school bully to the hospital.
Sorry, Keith. Violence has plenty of place in our lame excuse Photo by Tequila Minsky
for a democracy. Remember how Bush became president in
2000? He hired goons to assault Florida election workers and SCENE Sure, everyone rooted for the Jets. But Sunday on Thompson St. in Soho, “The
Jetsons” also had a fan.
had a representative threaten a coup on national television.

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16 Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011

Attorney: Non-artists feel like ‘criminals’ in Soho

The Broome St. resident has artist certifi-
Continued from page 1 cation, but deems the law archaic and hypo-
critical, in that many current Soho residents
toric light-manufacturing character. aren’t artists and live there illegally.
Section 12-10 of the New York City Some residents, he said, go as far as to
Zoning Resolution refers to individual lofts assemble a phony artist’s portfolio.
in Soho and Noho as “arranged and designed In some cases, others who are legitimate
for use by…not more than four nonrelated artists and would presumably fit into the
artists,” including “adequate working space “creative” category, still are not granted
reserved for [each] artist.” certification. David Carlin, who has lived
The rule is “a stopgap measure designed on Wooster St. since 1978, was recently
to appease both artists and building owners denied certification because he didn’t pres-
who did not want the violations for illegal ent enough artwork as evidence to prove
occupancy,” according to Margaret Baisley, a being an artist is his primary vocation. He
Soho-based real estate lawyer who strongly described the application procedure as “kind
opposes the zoning law’s artist-in-residence of rough.”
provision. “They wanted me to submit more pictures
Residents who apply for artist certifica- of my work from shows — more than I was
tion must submit a “professional fine arts” able to,” he said. It wasn’t worth his time or
résumé, two letters of recommendation and energy, he said, to appeal the decision. He isn’t
other material that demonstrates at least five required to have artist’s certification, though,
years of commitment to a particular fine-art since he and some other longtime tenants in
genre. his building were grandfathered into the spe-
Photo by Aline Reynolds
Successful applicants are permitted to cial zoning when it was amended in 1986.
have commercial jobs in the arts or side jobs Attorney Margaret Baisley thinks the artist-certification requirement for Soho and Carlin, a sculptor by trade who is now
in other fields, but must exhibit a “profes- Noho residents should be lifted. semi-retired, ran a sculpture shop at The
sional,” noncommercial involvement in the Cooper Union, on E. Seventh St., for 30
creative arts, according to the application. One attorney she represented didn’t want are more wary about giving loans to resi- years. He feels offended the city doesn’t
Interpretive artists, such as musicians, actors the stigma of living illegally in Soho, so she dents in the area, according to a New York consider him to be part of the Soho artists
moved elsewhere. Times article last November, since they fear community.
“We don’t think you should make crimi- that lofts that foreclose would be difficult “It seems like an elite club that’s got its
nals of people who want to come into to resell. own kind of standards,” he said.
‘It seems like downright this area,” Baisley said. The Buildings “It’s very tough to find buyers who com- Like many Soho residents, Carlin believes
Department, she continued, should focus ply with the statute, and can pay the price, or the requirement is unrealistic and should be
greed that they just want on collapsing cranes and other hazardous who want to assume the risk of moving into reconsidered.
issues, rather than hire “artist police” to this area and living illegally,” said Baisley. Other residents, however, depend on the
to change the rule.’ penalize Soho and Noho residents who lack As a result, elderly Soho and Noho resi- law in order to avoid being evicted from
artist certification. dents looking to sell their homes and move their lofts. One couple — the wife is a film-
Crosby St. resident Baisley also objects to the moral impli- to warmer climates or into retirement homes maker, and the husband is a television direc-
cations of a zoning requirement that sets will get the short end of the stick, accord- tor — said the zoning is designed to protect
occupational parameters. ing to a Broome St. resident who requested artists who have lived in the neighborhood
“Are we going to have a protected class of anonymity. for decades.
and dancers, are generally ineligible for zoning for every profession?” she said. “We “The only asset they have is their home,” The couple, who live on Crosby St.,
certification. D.C.A. claims not to aestheti- don’t zone for butchers, bakers or candle- he said. “Because of this law, they’re going requested anonymity for fear of retaliation
cally judge the applicants’ artwork. A D.C.A. stick makers.” by their landlord.
spokesperson did not respond to questions Some Soho residents, however, like Sean “I understand that all these people want
by press time. Sweeney, director of the Soho Alliance, to move here, ’cause it’s a hot neighbor-
In 2009, the city rejected half the artist- appreciate the law’s restrictions. A non- ‘We’re not interested hood now, but isn’t it unethical?” the wife
certification applications it received. profit community organization overseeing said of non-artists living in Soho. “It seems
The administration has recently stepped the neighborhood’s quality of life, the Soho in throwing artists out like downright greed that they just want to
up enforcement of the law, which it ignored Alliance would be influential in any potential change the rule, and put the people living
for several years, according to Baisley. The effort by the city to rezone Soho and Noho. on their ear.’ here at risk.”
Department of Buildings now denies cer- Sweeney said the law discourages aggres- The couple’s landlord has tried to evict
tificates of occupancy for buildings until sive landlords from taking over the area and Margaret Baisley them and their neighbors every year since
each residential unit has an artist certificate. hiking maintenance fees in an effort to evict the 1980’s, when they moved in. The land-
D.O.B. also requires proof of certificate for longtime artist residents. lord, who owns a grocery store on the
Soho and Noho loft occupants who apply to “It’s really an affordable housing ques- ground floor, purchased the building in
renovate their spaces. tion,” said Sweeney. “By maintaining the to take less money, when it’s desperately 1990, thinking he got a great bargain and
Nevertheless, many residents violate the zoning, you’re maintaining the ability of needed? It’s ridiculous.” would be able to drive out the artist tenants,
rules, and occupy their lofts illegally, accord- artists — of whom there are thousands — to Echoed Baisley, “They should be able to according to the wife.
ing to various sources. live here.” sell them at a fair price, not at an artificial, “What has protected us is that we have
Baisley said only about 20 to 30 of her But, conversely, artist residents who have depressed price because a statute from 40 artist’s certification, and he doesn’t,” said the
Soho clients per year make the effort to certification and wish to leave the area are years ago is suddenly being enforced.” wife. This is why, she explained, the landlord
comply with the zoning rules. About half of bearing the financial burden of an outdated The artist-in-residence rule, Baisley said, is denied the right to vacate the building
them get approved, while the other half get law, according to Baisley. is also financially damaging to the city, which every time he tries to evict his tenants.
denied. Several others sell their lofts rather Their lofts, often their biggest invest- loses millions of dollars in transfer taxes The wife works at Christie’s, the well-
than bother hunting down artist tenants to ments, are now tricky sells. Buyers are from fewer sales at lower prices. known fine-arts auction company, as an
occupy them. cautioned by lawyers and financial advisers In response, a spokesperson for the art historian and producer, but gained her
Baisley helps her clients avoid fines and instead to look at other desirable neighbor- Department of City Planning, said, “As was artist’s certification from her side work in
appointments at the agency administrative hoods, like Tribeca, to avoid the risk of recognized at the time the Soho zoning was independent film production.
court by gathering together every bit of violating the zoning law. established, creative communities are criti- Becoming certified, she recalled, was
evidence attesting that they are, indeed, And since the city began cracking down cal to the city’s future and are an important
creative artists. on illegal residents in the mid-2000’s, banks component of our economic base.” Continued on page 23
Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011 17

Henry James and Old New York
Lowe’s lecture charts cultural current set in motion
visits to the new Central Park — from 14th Street and
LECTURE Fifth Avenue down to his grandmother’s house along
Washington Square.
The home of Doctor Sloper was actually the home of
HENRY JAMES, A CHILD OF THE VILLAGE James’s grandmother. This small section of the city (14th
down Fifth Avenue to Washington Square) had a refined,
A Lecture by David Garrard Lowe
established, prosperous air. It provided a sort of buffer to
Presented by the Greenwich Village Society for Historic the crowded, miasmic ghettos far downtown.
Preservation and the Beaux Arts Alliance When James writes of New York at this time, he
states it is “small, warm, dusky” and, ideally, “homog-
Thurs., Feb. 3, 6:30-8:30pm enous.” But James was born into a New York undergoing
At the Church of the Ascension (12 W. 11th St. at 5th Ave.) enormous and rapid change. At the time of his birth the
city’s population was 391,114 — but with the arrival of
Free (reservations required) many thousands of Irish fleeing starvation and Germans or 212-475-9585, ext. 34 escaping political repression, the city swelled to almost
two million when “Washington Square” was published
Visit and in 1881.
And James was horrified.
He despised the destruction of so much of the city
BY STEPHEN WOLF in its ramped expansion Uptown. The demolition of the
Few of us back in grad school could tolerate Henry home where he was born had the effect, James wrote, “of
James. His tedious, twisting sentences were too long having amputated half of my history.” But he especially
and filled with many commas and compound-complex loathed the unending swarm of filthy immigrants who
phrases within each other — and his sluggish, compli- turned New York into what he called a “terrible town”
cated characters certainly didn’t seem like New York. with its horrid discord of accents, their lack of good
Not when we’re strolling over to Ginsberg’s on East manners, the “denizens of the New York Ghetto, heaped
7th or spotting James Baldwin or Cummings in the as thick as the splinters on the table of a glass-blower,”
Village. That was New York: The Stork Club and Scott how the tenement fire escapes had become “perches and
Fitzgerald, Whitman and Langston Hughes, Holden in swings for human squirrels and monkeys,” and the city
a cheap hotel and anything about the Brooklyn Bridge. itself was festering with “the swarming…ant-like popula-
Certainly Henry James was not New York. But of course tion [that] darted to and fro.”
he was, and both his work and some of that world are Photo courtesy of The New York Public Library ( and The Miriam and Ira D. That James hated what New York had become per-
among us every day. Wallach Division of Art (Prints & Photographs, Print Collection). haps explains why he set “Washington Square” 40 years
At 6:30pm on February 3, the eminent author and Henry James in 1889, from the portrait by Mrs. Anna earlier than when he wrote it — back to the time of his
lecturer David Garrard Lowe is speaking at the glori- Lea Merritt. birth, before the surging waves of untidy, often unedu-
ous Church of the Ascension, at Fifth Avenue and 11th cated immigrants, before the destruction of so much of
Street. Lowe is a brilliant New York architectural histo- “Washington Square.” The novel — at 198 pages, short the city’s glorious architecture, before the loss of his
rian, and his lectures are as richly rendered as his books. compared to most of his other novels — is set in a own youth. Though he had tried capturing a portion of
He is the author of, among others, “Beaux Arts New Greenwich Village of the 1840s, 40 years earlier than the his beautiful, irretrievable past, perhaps he realized he
York” and “Art Deco New York.” Lowe’s book “Stanford time James wrote it. The central character is Catherine had failed to do so (which may explain why he omitted
White’s New York” was the favorite of its editor, Jackie Sloper — the dull, unattractive daughter of a renowned “Washington Square” from a collection of his New York
Kennedy Onassis. physician. At a party, Catherine meets Morris Townsend stories).
The event is co-sponsored by the Beaux Arts Alliance, and is enthralled by him. Catherine’s father disapproves Whatever David Garrard Lowe speaks to us about
of which Lowe is the president. A New York organization of the relationship. Believing that Townsend only courts on the evening of February 3 will be enlightening. He
that “celebrates the cultural links between the United his daughter for his money, he declares he will leave lectures widely in the U.S. and Europe. At New York’s
States and France,” the Alliance proudly boasts that it nothing in his will for Catherine if she insists on mar- Metropolitan Museum of Art, he is its most popular
“found New York a city of sooty brownstone and left it rying Townsend. Catherine breaks with her father, but lecturer, selling out audiences — weekly — of over 500
one of bright marble, furnished it with palaces and gal- Townsend rejects Catherine when she tells him of her people.
leries, caravansaries and public monuments.” father’s ultimatum. Despite two other offers of marriage His lecture will conclude with commentary on the
“It was the Beaux Arts style,” Lowe declared, “that during her lifetime, Catherine becomes that antiquated renovation of the Church of the Ascension, where the
made New York dare to be extravagant and also to be vision of an unmarried woman: a spinster. Fearing the event is held. The first church ever built on Fifth Avenue,
beautiful.” Dedicated to celebrating French creations, return of Townsend, when the doctor dies, he leaves his it was consecrated in November 1841 just prior to the
the wit of Molière, elegant boulevards and Burgundy daughter but a small piece of his fortune. The story ends time in which James’s “Washington Square” is set. Some
wine, the Alliance also is concerned about the “cultural with Catherine, lonely and aged, sitting in a parlour with of New York’s richest and most powerful citizens once
current set in motion by American writers like Henry her knitting “for life, as it were.” sat in its rented pews, August Belmont and William
James” — who is the topic of Lowe’s lecture, “Henry James was born into a wealthy, prominent and educat- B. Astor among them. When poet and Revered Percy
James: A Child of the Village.” ed family residing at 21 Washington Square, perhaps the Stickney Grant was appointed as rector in 1893, he
Henry James is one of those rare writers claimed by city’s most elegant neighborhood of its day. Soon after- would accept the position only if use of the pews was
both the United States (he was born in New York City wards the family moved to 11 Fifth Avenue and, in 1848, free. The church agreed though strongly encouraged
in 1843) and England — to which he claimed citizenship to 58 West 14th Street. It was this home that “became voluntary donations.
in 1915 owing to the reluctance of the U.S. to enter The to me,” wrote James, “for ever so long afterwards a sort The New York writing of Henry James, like the stately
Great War. of anchorage of the spirit,” and though traveling through architecture created then, preserves a portion of some of
In the advertisement for Lowe’s approaching lec- much of Europe in his youth (then educated in Newport New York’s most elegant and refined times. No one will
ture, one of James’s works, cited from his many vol- before entering Harvard to study law), his world of New present to us this time and that work better than David
umes of writing (24 volumes when issued in 1918), is York was generally confined — save for a few pleasant Garrard Lowe.
18 Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011

A riot of revivals in London

Jacobi’s “Lear” tops list — and is New York-bound
What’s old is new on the London stage.
I saw a lot of revivals among nine plays at
Yuletide in the West End, most of which
were like fine wines –– a 1603 Shakespeare,
an 1895 Wilde, a 1938 J.B. Priestly and
a 1980 Aykbourn, along with a few new
plays. I even saw Sheridan’s “The Rivals”
(1775) at the very Theatre Royal Haymarket
where it was revived in 1821 to open the
“new” building of what started as the “Little
Theatre in the Hay” in 1721.
The oldest and greatest in the lot, “King
Lear,” made my trip to “Frozen Britain” –– as
the BBC blared for days –– worth it. Seeing
“Lear” in the intimate, 250-seat Donmar
Warehouse (to February 5; donmarware- was like having a
volcanic domestic dispute erupt in a living
room. With a furious and riveting Derek
Jacobi in the lead, a splendid supporting cast
and brisk direction by Michael Grandage,
it was almost too much to bear witnessing
–– the true test of a great “Lear.” (A very
good recent vintage Lear, Sir Ian McKellen,
was in the audience.) Grandage, the artistic
director of the Donmar who gave us the
Tony-winning “Red” last season, continues
his run of excellence.
This dark tale is brightly lit on a bare
stage surrounded by sloppily whitewashed Photo by Johan Persson
walls. The kingdom is in transition and the Derek Jacobi offers a furious and rivetingly unforgettable King Lear.
bad relations are moving in.
The intensity and truth with which these 28 to June 5. be substantially revised. wives and comic great Sam Kelly as one of
players interacted and drove the story for- How Jacobi’s ferocious performance will While I’m partial to his “Swan Lake,” the husbands.
ward made me forget that I was watch- play on a flat screen and in the larger BAM just revived in New York, and “Play with- Marriage is also center stage in Oscar
ing a 17th-century tragedy in verse. It felt Harvey Theater time will tell, but he’s the out Words,” “Cinderella” brings out all the Wilde’s “An Ideal Husband,” getting a wor-
as if it were really happening, not just best Lear I’ve ever seen. Gina McKee’s oily darkness, humor and joy he’s famous for in thy revival at the Vaudeville (to February
being declaimed — though the incomparable Goneril, Gwilym Lee’s tender Edgar, and this fairy tale choreographed to Prokofiev’s 26; directed by
Shakespeare poetry comes through. And I the Earl of Gloucester of Paul Jesson (who magnificent score. Lindsay Posner, with sumptuous sets by
was blown away by the unique and subtle played the bluff dad of a gay son in “Cock” at Kerry Biggin as Cinderella and Sam Stephen Brimson Lewis. Alexander Hanson,
way of handling the storm scene. I’ll let that the Royal Court last season) were exception- Archer as her RAF ace beloved shine, as do so good as Frederick Egerman, the male
be a surprise because there are ways you can ally fine, but there wasn’t a wrong note in a Lez Brotherston’s breathtaking sets and cos- lead in the Broadway revival of “A Little
see it soon. taut three hours. tumes. There are even several sweet tributes Night Music,” is equally fine as Sir Robert
This production is being telecast world- Still another tale of a screwed-up fam- to gays in the military. This show should Chiltern, whose successful life in business
wide as part of the NT Live series (nation- ily gets a new twist in Matthew Bourne’s become a perennial. and politics is upended by a shady request “Cinderella,” his dance version at Sadler’s Written in 1938 and set 30 years earlier, from Mrs. Chevely (Samantha Bond, in a
ing/usa-venues.html#list) around the world, Wells (to Jan. 19; J.B. Priestly’s “When We Are Married” (at deliciously malevolent turn), his own past
including NYU’s Skirball on February 3. Matthew-Bourne-Cinderella) set in the the Garrick to February 26; whenwearemar- and being put on a pedestal by his noble wife
This cast will appear in the flesh at BAM London blitz of 70 years ago. Bourne first concerns three upright, uptight, (Rachel Stirling).
( from April produced this show in 1997, but it is said to upper middle class couples on the verge of The drama is compelling, the comedy a
celebrating their mutual 25th anniversaries bit less so, as Wilde’s aphorisms were not
in small-town England. But instead of cutesy landing with the shock and laughter they
Beverage Delivery to Your Home or Office nostalgia, the characters get twisted in hilari- ought to. Not sure if that’s due to Elliot
Over 2,000 Conventional, Unique and Hard to Find Varieties! ous knots by the revelation that unknowingly Cowan — who is an able actor — as the
they may never have been legally married. Wilde stand-in Lord Goring, to the direction
Under Christopher Luscombe’s direc- or to the fact that the play is more than a
THE VILLAGER tion, it’s a fun send-up of marriage with a
great ensemble including Michele Dotrice,
century old.

READER SPECIAL! Maureen Lipman and Rosemary Ashe as the Continued on page 19


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Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011 19

London calling — all revivals


Samantha Bond, deliciously malevolent as Mrs. Chevely, and a fine Alexander

Hanson as Sir Robert Chiltern in Oscar Wilde’s “An Ideal Husband.”

from the trenchant political theater for which

Continued from page 18 it is known and staged “Midsummer (a play
with songs)” (to January 29;, a
two-hander about unlikely early middle-aged
I had never seen Sheridan’s “The Rivals” lovers, written by David Grieg and Gordon
(at the Royal Haymarket to February 26; the- McIntyre and performed amiably by Cora and was happy to Bissett as Helena and Matthew Pidgeon as
be introduced to it by this stellar production Bob. It was a hit at the Edinburgh Festival and
led by the delightful Penelope Keith (as has considerable charms, yet could do with
Photo by Somon Annand
Mrs. Malaprop) and Peter Bowles (as Sir some judicious trimming –– but please not the
Anthony Absolute), who were co-stars of priceless chat Bob has with his penis! Kerry Biggins shines in the title role of Matthew Bourne’s “Cinderella.”
the old popular BBC comedy “To the Manor Coming up in the West End: For those
Born.” Directed by the legendary Peter Hall, of you planning trips to London later in the “Fela!” opens there January 13 (both will be Air in Regent’s Park (May 19-June 18);
“Rivals” has lavish sets by Simon Hughes. year, here are a few noteworthy productions telecast in New York by NT Live); Shakespeare’s Globe is offering “All’s
Heterosexual romance has been touted as coming up. You can read more about them Peter Hall is directing “Twelfth Night,” Well that Ends Well,” “Much Ado about
normative for centuries, but Sheridan makes and others at with Simon Callow as Sir Toby Belch and Nothing,” “Doctor Faustus” and “Anne
us see how difficult it can be to negotiate. Penelope Wilton is in Albee’s “A Delicate Rebecca Hall as Viola at the National’s Boleyn,” among others, including a cover-to-
Tam Williams also shines as Absolute’s son Balance” at the Almeida (May 5-July 2); Cottesloe (January 11-March 2); cover reading of the King James Bible for its
Jack, who tries to win the woman for whom Danny Boyle is directing “Frankenstein” Ian Rickson is reviving “The Children’s 400th anniversary!
he is intended by pretending to be someone at the National (February 5-April 17), with Hour” at the Comedy Theatre (January “War Horse,” which I saw in 2009 and
else so that she will really love him. It’s com- Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller 22-April 2), with Keira Knightley, Elizabeth loved, is still running at the New London
plicated, as they say on Facebook. alternating as the doctor and the monster Moss, Ellen Burstyn and Carol Kane; Theatre and is finally coming to Lincoln
Finally, the Tricycle Theatre took a break and choreography by Bill T. Jones, whose “The Lord of the Flies” is set for the Open Center on March 15. Not to be missed.

155 1st Avenue at East 10th St.

Reservations/Info 212-254-1109 Buy Tickets Online at
Written & Directed by MATT MORILLO Directed by JONATHAN WEBER
Wed - Sun, January 26 - 29 Thursday - Sunday, January 27 - 30
Thu-Sat 8pm, Wed & Sun 7pm Thu - Sat 8pm, Sun 3pm
All Seats $20/tdf All Seats $15/tdf


Annual Dance Concert & Pow-wow
Directed by SUSAN EINHORN Friday - Sunday, Jan 28 - Feb 6
Thurs - Sun, Jan 27 - Feb 13 Fri-Sat at 8pm, Sat-Sun at 3pm
Thu-Sat 8pm, Sun 3pm $15/tdf All Seats $10/Children under 12 $1
(Matinee performances only)
20 Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011

Just Do Art!

Red Fern Theatre Company’s latest project charged several
playwrights with the task of exploring the “different truths” sur-
rounding the gentrification of New York’s neighborhoods. The
short plays of “Gentrifusion,” we’re assured, will reach beyond
the clichéd ideas of gentrification to explore how imposed
changes on the place where you live both improves and dimin-
ishes the community. What they’ve found out already is that
“both long-time residents and the new crop of gentrifiers ben-
efit and suffer in different measures and different ways.” The
roster of short plays are supported by projections created from
photojournalist and documentary filmmaker Dennis Ho (dwho.
com). Jan. 27 through Feb. 13. Thurs. at 8pm, Fri. at 8pm,
Sat. at 8pm, Sun. at 3pm (Super Bowl Sun., Feb. 6, at 2pm).
Additional performance on Mon., Feb., 7 at 7pm. Running
Time: 120 minutes, with intermission. At LABA Theatre at the
14th Street Y (344 E. 14th St. btw. First & Second Aves.). For
tickets ($25), visit or call 866-811-4111.


“Culturally deprived?????” asked the terse but accurate
letter we received in the mail this week because of last
week’s silent film star SNAFU. A photo we ran incorrectly
Photo by Dennis Ho
referenced Buster Keaton when the gentleman in question
was Harold Lloyd. An anonymous letter-writer took us to Don’t go gently: See “Gentrifusion.”
task for the mistake — with a clipping of the photo taped to
custom-made black cat stationary. DAVID AMRAM 80TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION of Sufi, which include the kanun (a string instrument found in
We were wrong, of course, and we’re sorry. So we’re run- Wish legendary composer and performer David Amram a Near Eastern traditional music); the ney (an end-blown flute);
ning the photo again with an amended caption, and hoping it happy 80th birthday — and many more — when you attend and the def (a frame drum). The music will be accompanied by
draws an audience to the deserving event listed directly below. this celebration in his honor. Amram first performed on the the poetry of Rumi. Light Turkish food will be provided. FREE.
See page 21 for that photo. Bowery at The Five Spot, along with Charles Mingus and Sat., Feb. 5 at 1pm. At the Jefferson Market Library (425 Ave.
Arts World Financial Center’s “Silent Films/Live other noted jazz greats, in 1956. He wrote the music for, of the Americas, at 10th St.). For info, call 212-243-4334 or visit
Music” series (Feb. 2-4, 7pm each night) features some of and acted in, 1959’s “Pull My Daisy.” For more background This event is fully accessible to wheelchairs.
Hollywood’s greatest physical comedians — backed by the on his formidable list of achievements, spend five minutes
sounds of found percussion and state-of-the-art electronics on Google and emerge sufficiently impressed and inspired.
(courtesy of the three-man ensemble, Alloy Orchestra). The $10 admission fee will go to support writing programs BODY LANGUAGE: YOGIS OF INDIA AND NEPAL
Wed., Feb. 2, 1920’s “One Week” stars Buster Keaton; for elementary school children. Amram will be performing Sadhus — the mystics, ascetics, yogis and wandering
1919’s “Back Stage” stars Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle; and with his quartet, as well as with friends (including John monks of South Asia — renounce worldly life, earthly
1917’s “Easy Street” stars Charlie Chaplin. Thurs., Feb. 3, Ventimiglia of “The Sopranos”). Sun., Jan. 30, 8pm, at The possessions and social obligations. Instead, they devote
1928’s “Speedy” features Harold Lloyd as the eponymous Bowery Poetry Club (308 Bowery). their lives to religious practice and the quest for spiritual
hero who attempts to save the last horse-drawn trolley bus enlightenment. The tradeoff for all that self-denial? They
from greedy railway magnates. It was shot on location in look damn good (not that they need the ego boost). Good
NYC and features several landmarks including Yankee NYPL: SUFI MUSIC WITH RUMI thing for us, though, that Thomas L. Kelly’s exhibit “Body
Stadium, Luna Park, Columbus Circle, and the Brooklyn It’s got a beat, and you can think to it — and while the Language” is brimming with photographs documenting
Bridge. Fri., Feb. 4, 1926’s “The Black Pirate” has Douglas sounds are pleasurable, Sufi music is not the stuff of bubble the enigmatic, vividly decorated (or nude) ascetics of
Fairbanks as a man who, bound by honor, vows to avenges gum pop diversion. Instead, it’s a reflection of Sufism views on Hinduism. Hot bods and life at a level of discipline and
the death of his father at the hands of a pirate gang. the afterlife. This unique performance is a programming event dedication that’s utterly foreign to most of us is reason
FREE. At World Financial Center (220 Vesey St.). For accompanying the NYPL’s insightfully curated and philosophi- enough to get you through the door — but the contempla-
info on these and other events, call 212-945-0505 or visit cally sound “Three Faiths” exhibit (on display at the 42nd St. & tive folks at the Rubin Museum of Art hope you’ll emerge Fifth Ave. branch through February 27). Hear the mystic sounds from this and other exhibits with more doors open than the
one that’s just let your libido out. Maybe you’ll find enlight-
enment, illumination and transcendence of the physical
body by looking (and leering?) at these Sadhus — whom
Kelly describes as “disturbing, annoying, inspiring, exasper-
ating, irrational, wise and powerful.”

Continued on page 21
Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011 21

Just Do Art!

No photo credit Photo by Paula Lobo

Know your silent film stars: Harold Lloyd checks out his reflection, in 1928’s Abby Silva Gavezzoli, Eric Bourne and Sarah Braverman get with the (Parsons)
“Speedy.” See “We Bustered.” program. See “Parsons Dance.”

Continued from page 20

Jan. 28 through May 30, at the Rubin

Museum of Art (150 W. 17th St.). Call 212-
620 5000 or visit Admission is
$10 for adults; $5 for seniors and students
(with ID) — free for seniors the first Monday
of every month, and free for children under
12 and for museum members. Gallery admis-
sion is free to all on Fridays between 6pm and
10pm. The museum is open Mon., 11am to
5pm; Wed., 11am to 7pm; Thurs., 11am to
5pm; Fri., 11am to 10pm; Sat. & Sun. from
11am to 6pm (closed on Tues.).


After several years living out of the country,
“America’s Tenor” makes his long-awaited
Photo by Thomas Kelly
return to New York — and Chelsea Opera
Photo courtesy of The Metropolitan Playhouse
(home of his operatic debut as Canio in Who said a life of contemplation means
“Pagliacci,” circa 2006). The return is made all you can’t look fabulous? See “NYPL.” Catch a vegetable — and this show — if you can.
the more sweet given that the program has a
notable February holiday on its mind. “Daniel by David Parsons and one by Monica THE FESTIVAL OF THE VEGETABLES people of all varieties jump and whirl in a
Rodriguez — A Valentine Homecoming” is Bill Barnes. All three programs include Once upon a time, composer/libret- whimsical salad. Duncan Broccoli dances
a benefit concert at which Rodriguez will Parsons’ “Caught.” That 1982 work — tist Michael Kosch and choreographer/cos- a Scottish reel; King Potato holds veg-
be joined by soprano Marla Kavanaugh and an internationally renowned stroboscopic tume designer Rachael Kosch created a suite etable court; lithe String Bean Fiddler twirls
mezzo soprano Leonarda Priore. Their eclectic dance masterpiece — features a solo danc- of savory vignettes designed for children and trills; Colonel Corn stalks the scary
repertoire will range from pop standards to er performing more than 100 leaps in less and their families. Sometime later (the pres- SpinWitch; Arugula weds ravishing Radish;
Broadway favorites to heart-wrenching oper- than six minutes. Each leap is “caught” ent day to be exact), “The Festival of the and Rotund Rutabaga perches on pointe.
atic arias. See it with someone you love…and by the flash of a strobe light, to create a Vegetables” is poised to return for its fifth If your kids won’t eat their vegetables after
bring tissues! Sun., Feb. 13, 3pm, at Christ & breathtaking illusion of flight. “Caught” annual production. Metropolitan Playhouse this show, maybe they’ll at least appreciate
St. Stephen’s Church (120 W. 69th St.). For has been performed thousands of times, presents, proudly we’re assured, this music- the entertainment value supplied by all that
tickets, go to or call worldwide, for more than 27 years (and dance-poetry-theater piece in which a troupe stuff that grows in the ground, helps you
866-811-4111. shows no signs of slowing down). Parsons of dancers and actors (ages 5 to 45) perform grow and is very, very, very good for you!
Dance performs Jan. 26 through Feb. 6 a series of lighthearted poems and dances Sats. and Suns., 11am, Feb. 6-20 (with a
at The Joyce Theater (175 Eighth Ave. at that reveal the secret life of vegetables. It is special opening evening performance Feb.
PARSONS DANCE AT THE 19th St.). Tues., Wed. & Sun. at 7:30pm. set in a vast supermarket where a toddler, 5, at 7pm). At the Metropolitan Playhouse
JOYCE THEATER Thurs., Fri. & Sats at 8pm. Sat. & Sun. at shopping with mom, nods off to sleep. The (220 E. 4th St., btw. Aves. A & B). Tickets
Parsons Dance returns to The Joyce 2pm. Tickets begin at $10. To order, call child dreams of vegetable adventures — are $10 for children 12 and under; $15 for
Theater with three programs. Their typi- 212-242-0800. For a full schedule of the each story introduced by a couple of bum- adults. For reservations, call 212-995-5302
cally busy and ambitious schedule includes featured pieces in Programs A, B & C, bling yet eloquent produce clerks. Vegetable- or visit
three world premieres, two new pieces visit and
22 Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011


DEADLINE WEDNESDAY 5:00 PM MAIL 145 SIXTH AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10013 TEL 646-452-2485 FAX 212-229-2790


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Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011 23

A plague of fire
strikes a Lower
East Side block
In an eerie coincidence, fires have
broken out in two different spots on the
same Lower East Side block this month.
On Jan. 7, Claudette Rivera, 72, died after
her clothes caught fire as she was trying
to keep warm by the heat of her stovetop
burners in her first-floor apartment at 124
Ludlow St. near Rivington St., near right.
Last Thursday at 8:11 p.m., a blaze struck
at The Three Monkeys, a restaurant on the
ground floor of 99 Rivington St. at the
corner of Ludlow St. The fire was under
control in a half-hour and the cause was
under investigation. Photos by Clayton Patterson

Historic vote to develop SPURA Artists and non-artists in Soho

director of the United Jewish Council of the valid certificate of occupancy. The buildings’
Continued from page 13 Lower East Side, previously had spoken in sup- Continued from page 16 doormen, Baisley said, would laugh them out
port of more market-rate — rather than afford- the door, telling them the statute hasn’t been
site is redeveloped, told the jampacked meet- able — housing on the site. But on Monday straightforward and painless. enforced in 25 years.
ing that he was pleased by the guidelines. night he backed the consensus guidelines. “I told them I had a job, but also showed But when the inspectors returned with the
“I never thought a day would come when Kaplan told this newspaper after the them footage and projects I had produced proper paperwork, she said, they would start
we could sit down and speak to each other,” meeting that the vote was “a victory for independently that were nonprofit,” she said. doling out violations to anyone living there
he said. “If we don’t speak to each other, the everybody. I think the overwhelming vote in Peter Reginato, a sculptor who rents a loft illegally.
only ones who will have a voice in the devel- favor of the guidelines was indicative that on Greene St., agreed that the artist’s certifica- Baisley stressed that she and others who
opment of this site are people with money.” most people felt this was the best way to tion requirement protects artists from predatory wish to see the certification law repealed don’t
However, Luther Stubblefield, vice move forward,” he said. tactics by landlords, like his own, who has tried want longtime artists to lose their lofts.
president of the Baruch Houses Tenants After the vote, Pisciotta praised the commit- to evict him several times in the last 30 years. “We’re not interested in throwing artists
Association, sounded a more angry note. tee members’ for the process and historic vote. “I’d be completely vulnerable myself to out on their ear,” said Baisley. “We just want
“It was a shame that the city and the “It’s been more than 42 years in trying to having my landlord take back the loft,” he everyone to live in peace in their own homes.”
mayor are constantly focusing on money and find a compromise,” Pisciotta said. “I want to said, were the artist residency requirement In order for rezoning to occur, a group of
high rents,” he said. “If that happens to this acknowledge the hard work committee mem- revoked. Soho and Noho residents might have to band
site, even retired police officers and firefight- bers have put in the past two years. This is a Like in the Crosby St. couple’s situation, together to create a 197-c rezoning plan, a
ers couldn’t afford to live here.” tremendous first step. Now we need to take the the arbitrator in Reginato’s case continues to time-consuming and costly endeavor. Hiring
After residents had their chance to speak, next step and get down to more details.” dismiss it because the landlord isn’t a certified a private consulting firm to compile demo-
John Shapiro — the hired facilitator for the At Tuesday night’s full board meeting, artist. graphic data, Baisley said, would cost about
committee’s SPURA process — and com- McWater said, “Last night was a monu- D.O.B. began enforcing the artist-in-res- $1 million.
mittee members got down to business. They mental night I never thought I would see. idence law in the mid-2000’s, according to Trying to tally the total number of artists in
heard from committee chairperson Dave Twenty-two people on our committee repre- Baisley, when Patricia Lancaster was appointed the area by knocking on doors or otherwise,
McWater, who said that while this was a senting different groups and different agen- Buildings commissioner. would be a useless venture.
“watershed moment” in the development of das found out that we had more in common “Lancaster developed a system of rotating “No one will put their hand up and say, ‘I’m
the SPURA site, “it’s not the final moment.” than we didn’t have in common.” inspectors from borough to borough every living here illegally, please rezone the neighbor-
McWater noted there is still a long way to go McWater added he was well aware that few months so they wouldn’t develop close hood,’” she said.
before the dream of development comes true. advocates for more affordable housing on relations with the developers whom they were The Bloomberg administration recently said
“Right now, we just want to make sure the site were disappointed, but that what’s inspecting,” Baisley said. it would only consider rezoning Soho if there
our basic tenets are here,” he said. “We still most important is that “the neighborhood Soon enough, the inspectors were knock- was a communitywide campaign behind it.
have to hear from various city agencies.” showed it could work together and that it ing on the doors of Soho lofts and demand- And, until Sweeney receives a groundswell of
McWater said the site’s development now expects results from the city.” The next ing to see certification, which was also complaints about the current zoning, he said,
would result in affordable housing for 1,500 step, he said, will be for C.B. 3 to ask the city required back then for the building to gain a there will be no such campaign.
people, jobs for 600 to 700 local residents to conduct an environmental impact state-
and opportunities for home ownership, more ment (E.I.S.) for the SPURA site.

Sound off!
open space and even a new school. At the end of Tuesday’s meeting, Madelyn
“With this plan we have a compromise — Wils, an executive vice president at the city’s
and it’s a good one,” said McWater, who is a Economic Development Corporation, spoke
former chairperson of the community board. briefly. She praised and thanked the board
Current C.B. 3 Chairperson Dominic for all its work in drafting the guidelines and Got something to say?
Pisciotta also spoke in support of the con- for its process, and pledged that the city will
sensus guidelines. now be working closely with the community E-MAIL LETTERS TO NEWS@THEVILLAGER.COM
Committee member Joel Kaplan, executive in the ongoing redevelopment of SPURA.
24 Januar y 27 - Februar y 2, 2011


210 Avenue A (at 13th St.)








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