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Speaking: ___/10
MODULE 9 REVIEW Grammar: ___/10

Name: José Cárdenas      Date:  14/12/2020     Test grade:      /44

A. Listening. Listen to a conversation. Then check 2. Jack didn`t call me back. He must have been
(✓) true or false. (5 points)
True False 3. I didn’t do well on the exam. I shouldn’t have
1. Ellen wanted to go to the party. / gone out the night before.

2. Ellen’s friend met a shy girl at / D. Combine the sentences. (3 points)

the party.
3. Carla knows a lot of people that / Example:
Ellen’s friend knows. Bulgaria is a small country. Bulgaria is cheap to travel
in by bus.
Bulgaria is a small country that is cheap to travel in by bus.
4. Carla works in an office. /
1. My hometown is a popular tourist destination.
5. Ellen will join her friend and / My hometown gets crowded in summer.
Carla for lunch.
My hometown is popular tourist
destination that gets crowded in
B. Combine the sentences. (3 points) summer.    
2. Istanbul has great shopping. Istanbul is the
Example: I have a large family. The great thing is I home of the Grand Bazaar.
have Istanbul has great shopping where is
many cousins my own age.
The great thing about having a large the home of the Grand
family is I have many cousins my own age.__
1. I have a full time job. The hard part is I don´t 3. Florence is easy to navigate on foot. Florence is
have enough time for my family. a small city.
Florence is easy to navigate on foot
The hard part of having a full time job is I don’t
Have enough time for my family. because is small city.     
2. I’m the youngest child. One cool thing is I get to E. Put the words in order to complete the sentences.
(3 points)
wear all my sister’s clothes.
One cool thing about being the youngest child is I 1. I enjoy vacationing in  lovely coastal
get war all my sister’s clothes. towns    .
(coastal / lovely /
3. I share a room with my cousin. One 2. Most big cities with skyscrapers    intimidate
disadvantage is he’s very messy. me.
One disadvantage of being share a room with my (big / with skyscrapers / cities)
3. I’d like to retire in a quaint mountain
cousin is he’s very messy.
village     .
      (village / quaint / mountain)

C. Choose the words that best complete each F. Choose the words that best complete each
sentence. (3 points) sentence. (5 points)

1. Stephanie was late. She could have been 1. my alarm goes off, I get in the shower.
stuck in traffic. After my alarm goes off, I get in the shower.
2. taking a shower, I make coffee.
Before taking a shower, I make coffee.
3. eating breakfast, I watch the news on TV.
While I eat breakfast, I watch the news on TV.
4. leaving for work, I take the dog for a walk.
Whenever I leave for work, I take the dog for a walk.
5. I’m late, I take a taxi instead of the train.
Ever since I was late, I take a taxi instead of the train.

G. Choose the correct expression. (5 points)

1. In the winter, I love to. Always in my big

armchair by the fireplace.
2. I have an important appointment today, so I’d
better call you after lunch.
3. I didn’t hear you come in. I must have been slept
4. The opera is so long I’m afraid I’ll take a nap
during the performance.
5. I feel great! After that long hike, I know that I’m
going to tonight.
H. Match the sentences. (5 points)

I can fall asleep easily most night unless, I start thing

about problems at work.
I sleep soundly all night, as long as It’s dark in my
I feel pretty good today, considering that I only got
four hours of sleep last night.
I keep a glass of water by my be in case that I get
thirsty at night.      
I always go to bed at 10 p.m., even if I don’t have to
get up early the next day.      

a. I don’t have to get up early the next day.

b. I get thirsty at night.
c. I only got four hours of sleep last night.
d. I start thinking about problems at work.
e. it’s dark in my room.

I. Choose the correct words. (3 points)

1. When someone gives you a gift, it’s good to say

“thank you”.
2. It’s hard to talk about your personal problems at
3. Asking a woman her age can be rude in many

J. Complete the sentences. Use the past perfect or

simple past. (5 points)

1. As soon as I got to class, my teacher   

gave    us a pop quiz. (give)
2. I got a dog last year. Up until then, I   have
had    any pets. (never have)
3. Sam and Sue got married on Sunday. The next
day, they went     on a trip. (go)
4. My Chinese class went out for dim sum. Before
that, I never have tasted    it before. (never
5. Lara bought a car this summer. Until that time,
she  didn't know     how to drive. (not know)
K. Read the e-mail. Then check (✓) true or false.
(4 points)

Dear Anita,
I’ve got to tell you about what happened to me
the other night. At the dorm, we have theses fire
drills from time to time. So what happened was,
I was exhausted from studying for a test, and I
was fast asleep in my bed, and in the middle of
the night, we had a fire drill. Even though the
alarm was loud, my roommate Ling had to wake
me up.
So we went downstairs and out of the building
to wait for the rill to be over. Everyone else in
the dorm was outside too. I was so tired, and I
really wasn’t paying attention. The next thing I
knew, everyone was laughing hysterically. I
didn’t know what they were laughing about.
To make a long story short, I had gone
downstairs wearing my pajamas with little pink
cats all over them. And the other thing was, I
was carrying my teddy bear! I was so
Write soon and tell me what you’re up to.
Love your big (embarrassed) sister,

True False
1. Maria’s dorm had a fire. /
2. Ling had to wake Maria up for /
the fire drill.
3. Maria was wearing pajamas /
with bears on them.
4. Maria was embarrassed because /
she was carrying a teddy bear.

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