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Department of Computer Science Time: 3 hours

Final Term Exam (50 Marks)

Instructor: Mudassir Khalil BS-CS 6th Semester

Q. 1 (a) Draw a timing diagram of following instruction in 8085 Microprocessor. (10)

Address Mnemonics Opcode

11FF IN 23h 0Ah
1200 23h

Q. 2 (a) What is interrupt, Explain Hardware, Software, Vector and Mask-able interrupts in 8085
Microprocessor. (10)

Q. 3 (b) Solve the following problems with all steps involved. (2x5=10)

i. What will be the bits of flag registers of 8086 Microprocessor after processing these
Mov Al, 100
Add AL, 50
ii. Write Assembly Language program to divide two variables having values 300 and 100 and
display result in binary.

Q. 4 (a) Explain how 8086 Microprocessor can achieve multiprocessing and how priority is define
between processors. (4)

(b) Explain why 8086 Microprocessor have separate Execution unit and Bus interface unit. (4)

(c) What is Pipelining and how Pipelining is achieved in 8086 Microprocessor. (2)

Q. 5 (a) Explain all bits of flag registers in 8086 Microprocessor? (10)

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