ENV 107 Course Outline Summer 2020-Mdo

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North South University

School of Health and Life Science

Department of Environmental Science and Management

Course Name:
Introduction to Environmental Science
Course Code
ENV 107, Sec 1 and 2
& Section No:
Semester: Summer 2020


I. Instructor: Dr. Mohammad Moshiur Rahman, Assistant Professor and Chair, ESM
II. Office Room SAC 711
III. Online Office Hours: ST and MW: 11.30am - 4.00pm; RA: 11.30am-02.30pm

IV. Office Phone: 55668200, Ext: 2050, 2063

V. Email Address: mohammad.rahman@northsouth.edu (Preferred method of
VI. Department: Environmental Science and Management
VII. Course Website:


Course None
Course Credit 3
Course Man and environment. Major components of the environment. Basic
Description population dynamics. Bio-geo-chemical cycles. Biosphere: ecological
concepts and ecosystems; the flow of matter and energy through an
ecosystem; biodiversity. Lithosphere: agriculture and environment;
urbanization; solid and hazardous waste management. Atmosphere:
chemistry of air; urban air pollution; acid rain; global warming; ozone layer
depletion. Hydrosphere: water chemistry; water pollution and treatment;
wetland and coastal management. Renewable and non-renewable energy.
Environmental health and toxicology.
Course The overall objective of this introductory course is to give students a
Objectives background in environmental science. The course will include basic concepts
of living and non-living processes, ecosystem, biodiversity, pollution,
resources, climate change, toxicology, and environment at various details.
An interactive, participatory student-driven instruction method will be used
in teaching the course.
Students 1. Understand the Basic Issues and Values of Environmental Science.
Outcomes 2. Ability to identify the reasons and consequences of Major Environmental
Problems facing the earth such as human population growth, the impact
of agriculture, air and water pollution, climate change, global warming,
depletion of natural resources, etc.

3. Ability to find and recommend basic solutions to prevent/reduce/manage

major environmental issues (water, land and air pollution, waste
management, and natural resources degradation).
Edition &
Author Title Publisher ISBN
Botkin and Keller Environmental Science, Earth 8th Ed, JOHN WILEY 978-0-470-
as a Living Planet 2012 & SONS, 91781-7
Extensive lectures will be given on every topic followed by real-life examples. Students are
highly encouraged to take notes carefully. The lectures will be highly interactive. Cases will be
analyzed in class discussion encouraging students to participate and share their ideas
regarding case problems.

Course Contents
Classroom Lecture Series
Lecture 1 Basic Concepts
Lecture 2 Fundamental Concepts of Ecology and Biodiversity
Lecture 3 Environmental Cycles
Lecture 4 Human Population and Environment
Lecture 5 Water Resources
Lecture 6 Air and Climate
Lecture 7 Sustainable Agriculture
Lecture 8 Solid Waste management
Lecture 9 Alternative Energy Resources
Lecture 10 Environmental Research and Organizations


Grading tool Points
Midterm Exam 1 20%
Midterm Exam 2 20%
Final Exam 30%
Class Quiz (2 out of 3) 15%
Group Task 10%
Class Attendance & Participation 05%
Total 100%
The above Assessment and Grading scheme is tentative. The course instructor reserves the
right to modify the above scheme at any time.

 Quiz 1: On Class note 1.
 Quiz 2: On Class note 2
 Midterm 1: On Class Notes 1, 2, & 3
 Quiz 3: On Class Notes 4 and 5
 Midterm 2: On Class Notes 4, 5, & 6
 Quiz 4: On Class Notes 7 and 8
 Final Exam: On Class Notes 7 to 10
All of the above examinations are required. The purpose is to allow the students to
demonstrate an understanding of the course material. These exams may consist of MCQs
(multiple choice questions), short and essay type questions. The exam process and topics will
be discussed throughout the classes.
The exam formats mentioned above are tentative. The course instructor reserves the right to
modify the above scheme at any time.

Other Resources
PPT Slides, Notes, and Case Articles: Available to the student in the course Website
Other Reference Materials: Instructor will provide in class as needed.
Class Performance and Attendance
Every student is expected to attend every class. However, just attending the class will not earn
class performance points. Students have to actively participate during discussion sessions to
earn participation points. Students are also required to finish all in-class assignments to earn
class performance points.

Exam Formalities
Students will be notified about the exam date in advance and points break down. It could be
straight short and broad questions or it can be of multiple-choice questions or a combination of
both. The instructor will make those decisions in duly fashion and notify the students. Students
must take the exam on the due date. There is NO opportunity of makeup exam except for very
serious causes for which student has to provide solid proof. Also, special permission will be
required from the Chair of DESM verifying the cause of the makeup exam.

Grading Scale
NSU standard grading scale will be followed.

ClassRules of Conduct
 You must keep your camera on at all time during the lecture sessions and exams
 Show respect to your course instructor and your peers.
 Do not miss deadlines. All your hard works could mean nothing if you are not serious
about due dates.
 Cheating in any form will result in a “Fail” grade.

Terms and conditions regarding online classes

 Note that the summer 2020 semester will be predominantly or even entirely conducted
on “online” mode, in which the lectures, exams (including quizzes), assignments,
presentations, reports, and similar activities will be conducted mostly online.
 If there is any direction for going to an in-class mode at any point of the semester from
Government, University Grants Commission, or NSU, the remaining portion of the
semester may be conducted through in-class mode.
 You must use your authentic NSU email address in all online communications related to
your academic matters, including logging into all NSU Google Classrooms and Google
Meet Conferences.
 You must agree to participate in all the activities of your online classes via NSU’s
Google Class and Google Meet portal as would be instructed by your course instructors.
 You are not allowed to do anything that can potentially disturb the online classes,
including lectures, exams, presentations, etc., related to the course.
 You are not allowed to record and/or make videos of the online classes without the
consent of your course instructor.
 You are not allowed to share the classroom and the class/conference links without the
consent of your course instructor.
 You are not allowed to manipulate the class video or other course materials without the
consent of your instructor.
 You are not allowed to share the class video, any pre-recorded video, and other course
materials with others, and you are also not allowed to post any of these in any social
media without the consent of your course instructor.
 Please note that breaching any of the above-stated terms and conditions from your end
may result in moderate to severe disciplinary actions against you (depending on the
severity of the case).

Students with Special Needs

North South University will provide educational opportunities that ensure fair, appropriate, and
reasonable accommodation to students who have disabilities/special needs that may affect
their ability to participate in course activities or meet course requirements. Students with
disabilities are encouraged to contact their instructors to ensure that their needs are met. The
University through its Special Need section will exert all efforts to accommodate special needs.
Final Comments
Please understand that your instructor is here to help you, to be with you, and to walk you
through the difficult steps as long as you co-operate. The instructor of this course will be
available for all of you. Feel free to stop by when something bothers you and we will try our
level best to help you out. You may contact me through email, SMS, or by making an
appointment in addition to the office hours mentioned in this outline.

Good Luck!

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