The Scientific Disaster

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ROLL #: 938-BH-BAF-2018






The Scientific Disaster

The story is on the idea of scientific inventions, its intervention in nature and human’s
preconceived notions and attitudes in particular. A scientist named Robiea works day and night
for the invention of a chemical that alters the behavior of sexual hormones in particular
dopamine but also testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin, and vasopressin released
after perceiving an appealing physical appearance. The idea behind her this invention was to
eradicate the prejudices and disgusting behavior of people towards those who are
handicapped, have annoying birthmarks, melted faces due to acid attacks etc. In December she
requested to have a group the research laboratory to provide her at least 30 people for
experiment. After injecting serum in their bodies. The results were amazing. The people who
were scared of or had strange perception regarding acid victims, handicapped etc. presently
regardless of their preconceived notion were having a healthy relationship with all of those.
This news spreads like fire, everyone started discussing about it. Many people were in its
favour while some were not. But we know there is always a “blessing in disguise”.
Some people from Human Rights stood against it and a discourse started. They pointed out a
number of bad effects it had on human body. They say that it caused a massive destruction to
human body and chemical releasing system and also the nature that have been a part of this
world. Physical appearances in one sense may be a biased approach for having relationships
but rather than seeing things totally in black or white we have to see the grey shade that exists.
The deprived people will definitely have faced disgusting attitudes but the whole world is not
the same. There are many people who embrace them in their original form. People do have
relationships or marriages with these people. We can train people or make them aware, for the
sake of eradication of this biased mind set and behavior. But this chemical who have more
harms than one good idea behind it is not a solution to any problem.

On her consent a cabinet was arranged including some scientists and phycologists. After having
counter questions with Robiea they came to know that she is having a serious mental disorder
and is a victim of self-depreciation. She was always bullied by her friends and fellow-beings and
was never in relationship with any one because she was very strange and introvert. For taking
revenge from her friends and selfish people she made this chemical and presented it as a liquor
by God which have every solution in it. Robiea was sent to a mental asylum for rehabilitation
after this. You know the best thing she had is her memory because she never forgot her

The room is very dark and suffocating like grave, only a central
wall hanging fluorescent lamp is lighted. Beneath which we can
see a table, on which many chemical’s bottles and equipment’s
are placed in a very disordered form: but it can be observed
that some type of experiment is going on. The voice of a
chemical popping out of the conical flask is heard with non-
vibrant colours. A SCIENTIST ROBIEA is hovering there with his
head down and covered with a big cap, along with a bottle and
dropper in his hand. He is hovering for the sake of storing that
chemical for some experimental purposes. The SCIENTIST ROBIEA
appearance is very rough, non-appealing and dirty.
(by lifting her face up in the light
which has scars, she laughs loudly)
Now! Get ready you have to taste the fruit
of your evil deeds and acts.
The scientist changes her appearance a bit in the morning and
then calls a group of 30 people in her laboratory for the
experiment of that chemical: she has made a day before. In her
experiment, there are disables, people having black, brown or
white skin, fat, lean, attractive male and female models.
(He is a government researcher.
He questions ROBIEA very bluntly)

What is this actually for?
(She stares at that researcher and then replies in a
very dull tone)
It seizes the flow of chemical called DOPAMIN in the
human body: which is released due to the sexual appealing
and also due to attractive appearances of people.
(Reluctantly asks her)
But why are you doing this experiment? There are many other
problems to be treated and eradicated from this world. And
surely, they are of more importance… than this!
(her face goes red and she angrily replied)
More than anything else this… to me it is of greatest
importance! whether you understand or not? We all think to
save the life of those who are dying but what about those
who are going to live in this world but are actually
“WORST” than those who are dead. This is because the people
have hatred and prejudices against them due to their
uniqueness or probably you can say weirdness. No-one thinks
of them, they are actually the need of this world. They are
the survivors.
(Now he tries to wrap up the harsh discourse and said)
OK! Mam now I get it. This is really commendable. I think I
should help you in injecting this serum to their bodies. (He
then escapes from the laboratory. And she carries on what she
was doing without further interruption.

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