Mechatronics Ass.

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Introduction to Mechatronics
individual assignment
Section: A

Submitted to: Mr. Vennishmuthu.V

Submitted By: Samuel Bizualem

ID: 0801199

Submission Date: 21/09/2012 E.C

Solution for Assignment

1. Various Mechatronics equipment which are bonded with industries, hospitals

and regular day to day life.

 Mechatronics equipment which are bonded with industries:

 robotics
 machines
 Processes
 climate control
 antilock brake
 suspension

 Air bags
 engine management
 safety
 Mechatronics equipment which are bonded with hospitals:
 implant-devices
 assisted surgery
 Hepatic
 Monitoring
 X-Ray device
 Mechatronics equipment which are bonded with regular day to day life:
 home security
 camera
 microwave oven
 Toaster
 Washer
 laundry washer-dryer
 climate control units
2. The design process will follow to implement automatic welding robot system are:

The mechatronic automatic welding design process consists of three phases:

 modeling and simulation,

 prototyping
 Deployment

All modeling, whether based on first principles (basic equations) or the more
detailed physics, should be modular in structure of the welding. A first principle model is a
simple model which captures some of the fundamental behavior of a subsystem. A detailed
model is an extension of the first principle model providing more function and accuracy than the
first level model. Connecting the modules (or blocks) together may create complex models. Each
block represents a subsystem, which corresponds to some physically or functionally realizable
operations, and can be encapsulated into a block with input/output limited to input signals,
parameters, and output signals.

3. The simulation techniques that will follow to control the flow of liquid in a soft drinks
manufacturing plant:

There are three stages in Simulation of Mechatronics system

Step-1: Model-in-the-loop(MIL)
Step-2: Software-in-the-loop(SIL)
Step-3: Hardware-in-the-loop(HIL)
Step-1: Model-in-the-loop(MIL)
 Model exist entirely in native simulation tool. Example Simulink block
 Good for control algorithm development

Step-2: Software-in-the-loop (SIL)

 Part of the model exist in native simulation tool (Simulink) and part as executable as
 Good for testing controller implementation in C-Code
Step-3: Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL)
 Part of the model runs in a real time simulator, Example: GUI and LABVIEW and
part may exist as physical hardware, Example: Controller or ECU
 Good for testing interactions with hardware

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