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AZ5C Relaunch

Highnoon is relaunching its concept of the AZ5C at a date that is TBD. They first launched in 2018 for
Arizona’s 100-year celebration to show the changes that have taken place in Arizona since the original 5
C’s were adopted in 1918. The AZ5C had an Instagram, Facebook and a very developed website.
However, the concept launch took a backseat in 2019. This is a strategic plan and campaign designed by
the Cronkite School’s Public Relations Lab created for the relaunch of the AZ5C on February 14, 2021,
Arizona’s birthday (and Valentines, the perfect day to show the love).

Culture, Commerce, Connectivity, Charity and Community

Our objectives include increasing awareness of Arizona’s commercial value in community, culture,
connectivity, commerce and charity. Another objective is to drive top talent, business, tourism and
residents to Arizona through the efforts of 5C’s.

1. To generate surface level awareness of what the 5C’s are in Arizona and then eventually reaching
a larger audience elsewhere

2. To build an affinity around the concept of the 5C’s within the communities and citizens of

The audience for the AZ5C concept theoretically could be everyone but as a starting point we have
chosen to target two. First, local businesses who would be willing to partner with the 5C’s in order to help
promote and spread the word of the 5C’s to their customers, employees and their business partners. The
other is the citizens of Arizona. We need Arizonans to be extremely familiar with the concept so that after
the launch it can be marketable outside of Arizona in order to attract and encourage people and businesses
to move to Arizona.
CAMPAIGN IDEA & CALL TO ACTION: What’s to like about
Arizona? Talk about it.
When hearing “what’s to like/love about ____?” it is usually posed in a negative connotation, but in this
case, it’s a prompt meant to get people talking positively about the state and all of their favorite things
about Arizona. It encourages conversation and will generate the awareness and the affinity outlines in
goals one and two.

To launch the AZ5C website and social media presence, Arizona residents would be asked to share
what’s to like about Arizona as a gift for the state’s birthday: February 14, 2021.

The AZ5C would be a content hub for all things Arizona. This would include anything from stories,
photos, captions, infographics, data, charts, and more. The AZ5C would serve as a hub for anyone
looking for any type of information about Arizona, in addition to the content and information it currently

In promotion of 5C’s, we would inform people of all positive facts and figures on Arizona in order to
spread word-of-mouth knowledge about the 5C’s. For example, a business looking to recruit out of state
employees, could look to 5C’s for information and helpful facts and figures to put in their presentation,
attributing the information and thereby increasing traffic and awareness.

The5C’s would attract the content for the hub through social media platforms which would spread the
awareness of the hub through promotion of the call to action. The conversation would begin and would
entice residents to leave their name, bio and possibly a website link where users can best find them and
their work to earn recognition.

● Create brand consistency, purpose and recognition from the audience.

○ Consistency is key. Having a consistent schedule on posting keeps followers from

forgetting that the 5C’s exist. It also reminds them how great the 5C’s are and that they
too should be proactive with telling people why they love their state.

● Incentivize audience engagement in person and virtually.

○ The more you incentivize the content hub and the C’s as a whole, the more people will
engage in posting on it. People are most proud of work that they have created which
would lead to them sharing their content that they will post on the hub or featured on
social media.

● Develop a relationship with traditional media.

○ The more journalists that know these resources are available, they will be able to produce
content and link back to the content hub and spread awareness of the hub. Also, on
slower news days, they can pull from the stories posted on the website and have a bigger

● Engage business leaders to help them spread the message.

○ Business relationships that can be mutually beneficial. With the help of business leaders,
they can spread the messages to their employees, colleagues and potential employees that
may reside in other states to relocate here.

Social Media
● Re-establish social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram and create a Twitter and
VSCO account.

● Have an active and consistent presence on social media. This would give a constant reminder to
the followers to actively think about why they love Arizona, repost the content to their Instagram
stories or on their Facebook pages and increase engagement overall.

● Post at least 4 times per week but not necessarily consecutive days

○ Facebook timelines quick

● Don’t post without multimedia more than once a week

● Videos with mild frequency

○ once a week or even every other week

● Content must be engaging within first 5 seconds

● Primarily post in the evening after work and commutes

● Appealing to those aged 25-34

● Post 4-5 times a week

○ Most brands post almost daily, sometimes multiple times a day to stay on their followers’
timelines frequently. However, the kinds of brands that post multiple times a day often
are selling something tangible and have sales/products to promote. This kind of strategy
can grow bothersome from a brand like The AZ5C. The brand will likely not start with
tons of content to push. This is why The AZ5C should aim for 4-5 times a week at the
start to remain relevant and not be forgotten, but ensure that every post is worthwhile and
not too promotional.

● Varying content

○ Beautiful sunset/scenery

○ Human event or human faces/interaction

○ Business wares

■ Such as food or other merchandise

○ Lunch hour + after completed work commute are best times.

○ Wednesday lunch hour, Monday after commute

● Appealing to recent college graduates

○ Influencer Demi Bang – self-proclaimed “Arizona Blogger” may be a good college-aged

influencer to partner with in leading a conversation

■ Current ASU/UA/NAU Student

■ Possibly graduates this semester

■ Arizona native

■ Partners with brands to do promotional posts, does Instagram TV interviews with

AZ business owners, highlights places to see and activities her peers may be
interested in around Arizona

● @AZfoodie may be a good page to do a partnered post or giveaway with (potential to partner
with small business restaurant)

○ Her page is exclusively food – either she cooked or she purchased at a local eatery

○ She consistently highlights places to eat in Arizona that many people may not have heard

○ Gift card giveaway to a restaurant facilitated via @AZfoodie page

○ #EatLocal scavenger hunt – in the style of a bar crawl hosted by The AZ5CxAZFoodie

● Look to @ArizonaHighways @LocalfirstAZ @Phxmagazine for overall grid/timeline (aka

homepage) inspiration
○ Perfect mix of human-interest stories and highlights about influential natives, scenery,
and aesthetically pleasing food/business images

● @VisitMesa @VisitArizona @Instagramaz

○ Beautiful scenery images, primarily about natural sights AZ has to offer and ‘cool’ things
to do.

○ Draw inspiration for gasp-worthy images of Arizona landscape

● Hashtags!

○ Use where necessary and seamless but NOT wherever possible

○ Should be on hashtags that are recognizable and populated

○ #WhyIChoseAZ #WhyILoveAZ #AZ5C #DiscoverLocalAZ

● Opened ended questions to engage conversation through comments and retweets.

● Polls! Start with questions about favorite landmark in Arizona or favorite elements of a certain
city – brainstorm from there

● Post every week day, respond frequently, engage with tweets from other brands and mediums

● Targeting businesses and professional community

● Share stories of local owners and community

● Promote job postings and companies and locations that are hiring

● Heavily promote why businesses and companies should move to Arizona

● Post 2-3 times a week

● Not necessarily as much original multimedia content unless fitting

● Original editorial stories on Arizona residents are the exception

● If post is about an upcoming job fair or open market and the company does not have an image
you can use or there is no link to add

● Primarily share other companies’ stories and add comment to spark conversation
Paid social campaigns
In order to increase awareness and build affinity for the AZ5C’s concept, a paid social media campaign is
the first place to start. It would expose all users to the AZ5Cs and the content hub. The AZ5C would
launch their campaign just before Arizona’s birthday and anyone who has searched anything Arizona,
would get an ad prompting them to participate in the campaign to give their state a gift for its birthday by
telling Arizona what they love about Arizona. Having a paid campaign is the fastest and quickest way to
establish engagement and awareness of the AZ5Cs to target audiences. Utilizing a paid campaign is the
best way to push the AZ5Cs brand in the hands of Arizonans and why they should utilize all the resources
that AZ5Cs has to offer.

The website will live as the content hub. It will morph into a place where people can go and post their
information, photos, infographics, businesses etc. It will be interactive where people can download
content, upload content and see all that is going on with all things Arizona.

● Implement Social media ticker “Stay up to date with our latest posts”
● Each ‘C’ will have their own tabs on the website with stories that people can read and relate to
○ Getting an emotional response and connection from the “C” stories, emotions build
stronger relationships between people and their memories.
■ The stronger the emotional connection, the better they are about remembering
something (a ‘C’ in this case) and sharing it with a friend, family or colleague.
● Include a pop up to sign up for “updates” on the content hub
○ What the updates will look like:
■ Featured photography
■ Featured stories of the week/month
■ A fun fact about Arizona “Did you know…”
● Each piece of the content hub will have its own tab that people can scroll through, like the stories.
○ Businesses
○ Photography
○ Data
■ Graphs and charts
○ Infographics
○ News articles

Business Outreach
● Pitch businesses via email template in Dropbox to see if they would be willing to promote the
5C’s and help get the conversation started about “What’s to love about Arizona? Talk about it.”

○ There are different templates for different industries (local, out of state, residents)

● Send business mailer to list of businesses in appendix

○ Business mailer to include:

■ AZ5C swag items such as T-shirts, stickers, pop sockets, etc.

■ AZ5C brochure

■ AZ5C decal for front of business

● Create video tutorials that can be sent to all businesses showing them how they can utilize the
AZ5C’s content hub to their advantage and engage in it by posting what’s to love about AZ
content in it for Arizona’s birthday.

● Monthly newsletter content to keep businesses engaged with new content

○ Best infographic about commerce

○ Best story about commerce/community

○ Photography

○ Staying connected through networking events

● Contact recruiters and HR teams to help engage employees with the content hub

● Develop case studies with local businesses to share success stories and how they contribute to the

Media Relations
● Connect businesses with local media to promote the “giving a gift” to Arizona for its birthday

● Media Kit - Develop a kit to show journalists what information is housed on the content hub and
how it can be best used to promote Arizona.

○ What to include in it?

■ Short introduction summarizing how to use the toolkit

● This will show companies and partners how they can get the most out of
this content hub

■ Updated data and statistics about Arizona

● New businesses developing

● Growth increases in Arizona cities

● Economic impact from increasing in residents and businesses

■ Photo & Video attribution

● Compile a database of files that can be easily distributed by a Dropbox

platform for easy access

■ Partner stories

● Stories of businesses that are currently living on the AZ5C website

■ List of hashtags relevant to objective

● Hashtags media can use as buzzwords for any post promoting a business
or AZ5C

● #WhyIloveAZ, #AZ5C, #WhyIChoseAZ, #DiscoverLocalAZ

■ Logos of AZ5C

● Logos to be provided by Highnoon for promotional effort

■ Graphics to use on social media

● Infographics to engage conversation

● Examples could be about each of the different C’s, the different cities,
how fast Arizona is growing etc.,

■ Email templates to spread awareness of the content hub to businesses

■ FAQ about AZ5C

● Create media list with the best contacts relevant to objective and different industries including:

○ News Stations

○ Magazines

○ Tech

○ Food

○ Healthcare

● Have content and pitches tailored to each different industry with examples and content that would
be useful to the specific reporter in each industry.

● Send template email attached to this document or in Dropbox to the PR person, HR or recruiters
at the business.
● Assign one designated person with Highnoon who owns the project who can be available for any
requested interviews.

Grassroots Efforts
● Tabling at local festivals and events

○ Utilize existing events and festivals to engage people with the brand to provide face to
face contact in order to spread the message at local events and festivals. Tabling can
reach a bigger audience who might not be on social media or who might not have heard
of us before. Below is a list of current annual events that occur and attract great crowds of
tourists and residents.

■ Sidewalk egg frying challenge

● Arizona’s signature event of frying an egg on the sidewalk in Oatman,


■ Arizona Balloon Classic

● Arizona is one of the few states that can host a hot air balloon festival

■ Arizona Beer Week

● AZ5Cs purpose is to share the stories of local businesses, Beer week

invites all local breweries and distilleries of Arizona

■ Great American BBQ and Beer festival

● An event that focuses on BBQ style food, local Arizona brewed beers
and some good ‘ol country music

■ Phoenix Pride festival:

● Tabling at this event would broaden the community that the 5Cs are
trying to create

■ Scottsdale Culinary Festival

●This is the longest running Culinary festival in the nation. Guests should
share and post their food and tastings on the 5Cs content hub.
■ Country Thunder

● The biggest country music festival that comes to Arizona each year.

○ Catering to different ethnicities through cultural festivals and food festivals will really
give that community feel in the content hub.
● Entice people to post on the content hub, make it a conversation from residents rather than a task
for an employee

○ Ask questions on social posts and prompt followers to share their experiences and love
for Arizona in the comments/replies

1. Increase social engagement by 20%

2. Increase the traffic and visit to content hub by at least 10%

3. Have 20 posts in the content hub by non-employees within the first two weeks of launching

4. Gain 5-7 media articles on the content hub and AZ5C as a concept.


Mock Content for Hub

A. Infographic Example:
B. Brochure Example:
C. Story Examples:

**More examples of stories can be found in the Dropbox**

D. Business List


Business Reasoning

Experience Scottsdale Experience Scottsdale is a tourist website that

has all the things to do in Scottsdale, how to
plan a visit to Scottsdale, and most
importantly, stories about golfing, eating like
a local, what to do after dark, relaxation and
adventuring. The content on the stories are
similar to what 5C’s would like to have in
content on their hub.

Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce The Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce

advocates for quality development and
redevelopment, a business-friendly
environment, high capacity transportation,
economic and job growth, community
improvements, and enhancements to quality of
life. (pulled from website). They also have
programs that the 5C’s can participate in to
spread their message.

Choose Scottsdale (City of Scottsdale Economic The city of Scottsdale Economic Development
Development) website has almost everything we want 5C’s
to be for Arizona, minus the fun elements of
photos and interactiveness. You can find data
reports, existing businesses, local and state
incentives, community demographics and
more. This would be a great business to work
with because of all the information they offer.

Scottsdale Convention and Visitors Bureau Although there was no website found for the
Scottsdale CVB, this would be a great
working relationship for 5C’s because events
would be easier for locals and visitors to find,
the CVB could use the content hub to attract
bigger and better conventions.

Talking Stick Resort A very prominent well known casino in

Scottsdale that can attract people to come here
and either gamble or check out the areas in
Scottsdale that aren’t Old Town or put on by
the city. It could be the part that promotes the
5C’s and content hub for their guests.

The Scott Resort &Spa The Scott is also very well known and
prominent in Scottsdale, offering relaxation
and is very aesthetic, which is something that
the 5C’s are trying to attain. It would be a
great sell to older couples, like snowbirds,
looking to move to Arizona.

TPC Scottsdale Home to the Phoenix Open, one of the biggest

tournaments of the year, this would be a great
addition to the 5C’s businesses due to the high
volume of tourism it brings to Arizona every
year. Advertising there would be a great

Scottsdale Fashion Square Growing bigger and bigger each year, Fashion
Square is a staple to Scottsdale and has a
multitude of restaurants from Nobu to
Culinary Dropout and stores like Gucci,
Windsor, and Morphe. Fashion Square is one
of the most popular places to shop for tourists
and visitors in Maricopa County.

Harkins Harkins is a locally owned chain of movie

theatres. It is well known and established with
34 locations in 5 different states. Providing a
commercial to be used before or after
promotions come on the movies would be a
great outcome of a partnership with Harkins.

Square One Concepts This Arizona restaurant group holds some of

Scottsdale’s most well known restaurants
including Cold Beers & Cheeseburgers and
Bootlegger. The 8 restaurants could be used to
promote content sharing like people enjoying
food and drinks at all their locations, maybe
even which restaurant is their favorite, etc.
E. Social Media Mockups

F. AZ5C’s as a Content Hub

Arizona 5C’s purpose would be a content hub for all things Arizona. This would include anything
from stories, photos, captions, infographics, data, charts, and more. The AZ5C’s would serve as a hub for
anyone looking for any type of Arizona information, in addition to the content and information it
currently houses.
In promotion of 5C’s, we would inform people of all positive facts and figures on Arizona in
order to spread word-of-mouth knowledge about the 5C’s and ultimately Highnoon as collateral. For
example, a journalist looking for facts on the growth of Arizona could use AZ5C’s for facts, charts, and
local business by attributing the website, thereby increasing traffic and awareness.
To get the idea out, 5C’s should advertise by posting aesthetically pleasing photographs
concerning Arizona on Instagram with captions that would say something about the state. Samples can
include: Arizona facts followed by “Want to learn more about Arizona? Click the link in our bio.” On
Twitter, they would post facts that are relative to current news and use #az5c. The bios for all social
media platforms would say:
“Sharing the love of Arizona and its people.
To learn more about Arizona or access our free photo library,
Click the link below.”
The 5C’s could create a Pinterest account that would have packaged information on activities in Arizona
and a VSCO account for photos of Arizona and when you choose those packages, it would link back to
the website.
The landing page would still be about the 5C’s. This is how people would learn about them as
well as their promotion on socials, through stories about people/places/businesses and ideas that fall under
one or more “C” categories. AZ5C’s should post short tease videos or photos on Instagram and Facebook
of the people/places/businesses and caption the posts with a teaser of their testimonials. (See
@humansofny on Instagram for example.) On Facebook they can post the link to the story that lives on
their website to “read more about _____’s story.” Ideally, the subject of each story would have given full
consent to run their story including quotes and photos so that AZ5C’s has full ownership and can reuse or
repurpose the content later.
The content would give purpose to Arizona other than sharing your love and appreciation for all
things Arizona. This would give people a reason to talk about 5C’s, share 5C’s message and put the
concept out there.
G. Business Email Pitch MOCKUPS


Dear [business owner],

[Intro Sentence(s)]

The AZ5Cs concept is an online content hub where users can use this website to find everything and
anything regarding the state of Arizona. The AZ5Cs website will serve as a content hub for Arizona
residents and lovers to congregate and as a resource center.

Through the social media campaign, "What's to like about Arizona? Talk about it!”

Users are encouraged to share all of the reasons why they love this state or why they have chosen to live

Local Arizona CEO of Highnoon Joe Pizzimenti created The New AZ5Cs when he realized how much
Arizona has changed from being known for five things: cattle, cotton, citrus, climate and copper.
Pizzimenti decided to modernize the new Cs as: Culture, Community, Commerce, Connectivity and

We would love your help in promoting this initiative in the future because the small businesses of
Arizona are so plentiful and important to the state! Businesses housed in Arizona are a large part of the
vibrant Commerce and Community in Arizona.

This is a launch planned for 2021. We just wanted to make you aware of this and give you some time to
consider joining us and the conversation.

For more information go to and follow us on @theaz5c to start your adventure now. For
any questions please contact Ray Artigue,

Arizona looks forward to your photos, content and ideas.

Thank you,

Pitch Emails:
1. Bashas’ Inc. Grocery Stores; Angle: Community

Intro Sentence:
AZ5C prides itself on enhancing and building a community in Arizona. Bashas’ is a local
multigenerational grocery store that serves and connects with the community in more ways than one.
They provide groceries to residents all over the state. AZ5C wants to share their concept with Bashas
because of all the community work and outreach that Bashas’ initiates. Your corporate social
responsibility highlights everything that the AZ5Cs wants to showcase and share with all Arizonans.
2. 12 West Brewing Co.; Angle: Culture

Intro sentence:
The culture of AZ5C stems from the culture of Arizonans, which is influenced by all the local businesses
here. No one knows the culture of Arizona more than the largest local brewery in the state, 12 West
Brewing Co. AZ5C wants to share Arizonans culture with visitors and newcomers of the state. An
affiliation with AZ5Cs would provide information on the reasons why people move there rather than just
visiting. AZ5Cs prides itself on telling stories of accredited community influencers.

3. Phoenix Children’s Hospital; Angle: Charity

Intro sentence:
The state of Arizona is known as a very charitable state. Phoenix Children’s Hospital is an extraordinary
organization that has built a reputation of creating miracles and drives charitable acts throughout the state.
PCH’s mission is to help and provide services for families and children which aligns with AZ5C’s value
and concept. The AZ5Cs want to share and further their concept with PCH’s stakeholders and

4. Isagenix; Angle: Commerce

Intro sentence:
Isagenix Arizona has driven business and new residents to Arizona for over 17 years. Throughout these
17 years they have driven among Arizonans and out of state residents with a healthy life of supplement
products. Isagenix is an international corporation and Arizona is lucky to house your world headquarters,
which brings a lot of connections and the culture of healthy living to Arizona. The AZ5C wants to share
Isagenix’s story of why you chose Arizona but also to introduce your customers to the wonderful things
Arizona; culture, community, commerce and climate. The AZ5Cs want to share their concept with
Isagenix Arizonans in order to further spread awareness of this concept.

5. Honeywell; Angle: Connectivity

Intro Sentence:
Honeywell’s Human Resources Departments can benefit from the AZ5Cs concept by sharing it with your
employees and families. As an international company, Honeywell has many moving parts that make them
so successful, which is why the AZ5Cs want to share their concept with your employees as your
Aerospace Global Headquarters is located in Arizona. Reaching out these employees and newly relocated
employees would help spread, share and show how connected Honeywell is with Arizona.

Out-of-State generic emails

a. Travel magazines
b. Architectural digest
c. Real estate offices
d. Phoenix relocation magazine
e. Travel influencers
H. Press Release Mockup


May 15, 2020
Contact: Ray Artigue
Phone: (602) 540-8595

Highnoon Launches AZ5C “A Birthday Gift for Arizona”

‘Everything you need to know about Arizona’

ARIZONA -- Highnoon Marketing Agency is proud to reintroduce the new Arizona 5 C’s: a vehicle to
drive business, top talent and tourism to Arizona. The AZ5C is a one-stop-shop for information about the
whole state as well as for Arizona lovers to congregate and share why they love Arizona. This content
hub is equal parts information hub and social hub.

The concept will launch on January 31, 2021, two weeks prior to Arizona’s birthday, Feb. 14, 2021.
Highnoon should start the campaign by asking residents, “What can you give Arizona for its birthday?”
To answer that question, AZ5C wants to know “What’s to love about Arizona? Talk about it.”

The AZ5C social media accounts also offer local photographers and artists a place to have their art shared
in exchange for attribution and brand exposure.

“When I moved back from New York, I realized that Arizona is one of the best places in the country,” Joe
Pizzimenti, partner of Highnoon, said. “I wanted to create a campaign that would let everyone see the
amazing things about Arizona. Through AZ5C, we hope that everyone can participate in the conversation
and show others through the content hub what they love about Arizona.”

The information hub houses everything from a cost of living calculator to an active job board and local
events happening all over the state. The hub is primarily targeting students, researchers, prospective and
current residents, and prospective or current business owners.

Founded in 2018, is a place that shares stories of those in our communities. With a new
remodel, it can be used by any and everyone looking for information on Arizona. The mission of AZ5C is
to drive business, top talent and tourism to the state of Arizona.

Highnoon Digital Marketing Agency

117 E 5th St, Floor 2 Tempe, AZ 85281

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