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4) Hardening Soil model with Small-Strain Stiffness CWS Small) csls Hardening soil model (Hs) En A oh past 5 ped) te Shffness (E) <8 bl Hb) Bob AN Cm » IL pe Brel At bw stron levels, most Sail exhibit a Wighr stiffness than af engineering strain levels, oud tWis stiffness varies Non ~\inearly with strain. MS small model ques dels of Bho oF Hod) 128 This is by using an additional Strain-Wistory Parameters omd two additional material Payameters ref (a § 8). co t- Small-Strain Shear modulus, 1- The Strain level at which the shear Modulus has veduced ty about To of the small - Strain Shear modulus, 3) 7 ‘oy, bo Sad (HS meclel omd WS- Small) 227 phd ee Jad HS- Small model 3S bs 555) vial vias boxe ov} Cup es SLE | & bo co ob pe ST veliahle displacement o2v (NS model ) r- The incre ment of Stiffness / unit of } depth | r- We depth of stiffness morement x E- inc * Ze (Aap) ee et EY Galled eA WW ot Fn eso li Gee stiffness (E) alo zi j BOS ee MS eee (25) Goby poet fie BANS [gs Woof ai (S.) wel ack Cohesion factr (C) 257 ine Considered nw Wook’s law * Elasticity Tk e 3» oT =AC.LE * Plasticity : Considered I Mohr- Coulomb Failure Criterion ee eres (v4) [ONO {Tsetraeie ond Anisotropic} AE eee | Isotropic AB G2 Sb) Nui Chas Call v P fat cs eels a lal sf ojos) Sb, 1G let) apse Ged Sb a5 bye sil - 1 Aaa cys bipst ii "J ow sfob ped ede pF by | ue ow ¢ EE Gs oll AL nt pd bed WS 5G i Ce ~~ forty) op) ell 209! Cre Wa) pee (EF) e@ Jb oP ILS Bll os yest | fe ~ aa oe Bb Bene EN gay oa BE Siok Su Tee p of Tat ofaai tai 5 fey Moy mal : TE (T) 208d) Ss bs shear medulus —: (G) er lye (vy) C La psy (GSE) ne ce SYS Sb wos Poisson’s Ratio 29 E (4%) % apt Ly a 4S 4g G( * SS Sy ( %y) Fe 7; Ss i el * (15) - & Ty a % CYBY lee Snd)) gbay poet | yi Cie ol ly a i es bls ov) wl oled lay lis Gey [ASR ca pcy esl] _peiss\a &% Ce) mH “fJ- oy (E) - ene 2 (E2) psf a alae ool What ce wf wets CYL) Cab chew pes se SAH Ws ep Je _8 i uly a lA pho Joi bes @® Anisotropic (Alo8 ae KE) op los) poe ne 91 Ce nF 20 PEA Se es SLI 5 aJ0 I) poe dy BAI BS Yel! SPW SE pe SMe bs (E) Was] _ples 6 CWP nests Wop pls cby obs )y (% E78) £ (% SESE) oes Judy @)) ortho troPiC : / ~D AnisotroPtC ps Spd Hl CS) pl wo PE) 248 03 _F Sil apo ps FEWE jboss a vleay) Less _ wy Al ow Wl (a Say) 3b 4, (€,) Zit ov pie we At} et! phases whist bis ios fie (a, 4 5) slpb Sit) of ~A AM of PHlad] Gy AL 2 SES Jue cae Consolidation = SS) cs A JEM os Seal as) orthetrPic sy, secs Jae Vek (major \ (ai) 4 ay HICe AM fib ley oes (miner ) Cory a Dde 253s com LI ’ > JI \% >a, =o se Alli a8 Gr + => Fo >e, i 7 ode Q@ Strength Anisotropy im clay The unconseliddled - undrained (UU) Shear strength of seme Saburaled Clay Can vary, depending on the direction of load applications this variation is referred fro as anisotropy with respect ta strength. Anisotropy is Caused Primarily by the nature of the deposition of Cohesive Soils, aud Subsequent Consolidakion mekes the Clay particles orient perpendicular to tne direction of Yhe Majer Principal Stress. Parallel onientution of the Clay Particles Com Comse the strength of Clay to Vary with direction. Figure 2-42 in Das shows am elemeit of Satavcted Clay im a dePosit with the major Printipal stress making an angle («) with respect sto the hori zortal . a for anisotropic Clays, the magnitude of (Cu) is afunetion of («) Qased on several laboratory test results, Casagrande and Carville (1944) Proposed the Following yelationshiP Fer the divectismal variation of undramed Shear strengh . _ «Jd &, (2.40) CL ay = Comers F (Sata 298) Cures a] sin « For Ily consolidated ch normally Consolidaked Clays, C 92) 2 Caceres. For overconselideled Clogs » Coweysy < Cries). Figure 12.43 Shows the directional variation Cor Ce) based on £4, (12.40). The anisotropy with respect Ao strength Por Clays Can have on important effect on various stability Calculahions Morwallys consolidated anisotropic Clay sverconsolidated anisotropic clay a 4 Asotreple clas = 3 v Figure 12-42 strength Sata edy anisotropy in Clay Figure \2.43 Graphical vepresentakion of £4 (12-40) Cohesion undrained Sflocde Jes of Sal Chuo te in (uu) test Shev'f Term Param, J Jeol 50 (UU) , Lidl (Cla rctes thst) ter S55 doick 2 Joi) Sid) VA) ee SAI) aie (18) Gls Cy S809 Gow splay 9 ¥OCR *- over Consolidation ratio material moclel 32 ths Porameter 95 Je Sut BAN cana gs Goth! = Hardening sal model Cus) = Hardening soil with small - strain stiffness (ns smal) — Soft Seil model (55) — Seft soil Creep model ($5C) — Modified Com-Clay medel (MCC) IWkol Button ch Initial stress stabs pi pbs ci LJ) Material models — vets! o :- The maximum Past effective overburden Pressure to which he soil Was heen Subjected, 5 .- Whe Present effective overburden Ovessure (13) Pre-overburden Pressure or stress * PoP :- Wie SHH! ud sick Sov py 3 overconsolidakion ratio —™ Plaxis += mnitial Button Fer (WS) Ff (WS small) 6 639) (ssc) $ (mcc) Plaxis Default ocR a4 PoP =0.0 Plaxis Default when »- PoP = value ya.0 kK, Is Automatically not Considered But Manually You Cam enter Kk by Because that Ko i5 the normal Consolidation Se, Adding Value for PoP Yo You give the sample overcenselidatian Case on Plaxis. (20) is tts Drainage ‘se ) Uels? cauo sy LoS) SEI gd Jibd He (2 ou eo Mderial model Je} 3 o505 pds Plaxis & & WI Plaxis 2 Flow Caleutabions Hep pe wisi x? Texel Consoidadion test 5 Loar cho tel dell abs * Dramed * Umdrained (A) * undrained (8) * undrained (C) x Nan — Porous . ve ee ee foe oe . Sait Permeability MALL Bet p Tmo bd VB Droines type adPlies ts Plastc Calculation only Drained or long-term Scil behavior in which Stiffness ond strength ave delined in teyms of effective properties . (21) (cordiinat ay) = SS undraned or Short-term material behavior in which stiffness and strength ove delined in terms of effective Praperties . A larg bulk shCfness for water i's automatically, BS oyoy Lb as gsi yd ews applied to make the Sal as a whale \nComPre ssible and (excess) Pare pressures ave Calculated even Above thereatic Ssurfae (water levelmsal

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