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Waste Management 71 (2018) 115–121

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Waste Management
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Treatment of smuggled cigarette tobacco by composting process in

facultative reactors
Rosimara Zittel a,⇑, Cleber Pinto da Silva a, Cinthia Eloise Domingues a,
Tatiana Roselena de Oliveira Stremel a, Thiago Eduardo de Almeida a, Gislaine Vieira Damiani b,
Sandro Xavier de Campos a
Research Group on Environmental and Sanitary Analytical Chemistry (QAAS), Ponta Grossa State University (UEPG), PO Box: 992, Av. General Carlos Cavalcanti, 4748 Ponta
Grossa, PR 84030-900, Brazil
Federal Institute of Paraná, Department of Health Sciences, CEP 82530-230 Jaguariaiva, PR, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents a study on the degradation of smuggled cigarette tobacco combined with domestic
Received 30 March 2017 organic waste and sawdust or wood chips, using facultative reactor. Four reactors with different amounts
Revised 8 August 2017 of residue were assembled. For the study of the quality of the compost obtained, physicochemical, phy-
Accepted 17 October 2017
totoxicity and microbiological analyses were carried out. The mixture with wood chips presented the best
Available online 6 November 2017
temperature conditions and pH variation optimizing the degradation. The final germination index (GI)
values of all treatments were above the recommended GI value (50%) and the final C/N ratio between
8 and 13 indicated a mature compost. The concentration of metals under study was below the limit
Smuggled cigarette tobacco
allowed for the commercialization. The composting carried out in all facultative reactors provided ideal
Facultative reactor conditions for the total sterilization of the final compost. Therefore, the treatment of smuggled cigarettes
Composting through facultative reactors was efficient to produce stable and mature compost.
Stable Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction carbons, among others (Eldridge et al., 2015; Novotny and

Slaughter, 2014).
Considering the increasing generation of organic waste, a great Tobacco is an organic residue, which can be treated and trans-
volume of tobacco residue is produced during and after the tobacco formed into a compost of commercial and agricultural interest
plant harvest up to its processing in the cigarette industry (Szwed and Bohacz, 2014; Wu et al., 2015). Moreover, the mature
(Ćosić et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2015; Silva et al., 2016a,b). In addition, compost can promote nitrogen immobilization in the soil, reducing
significant quantities of smuggled cigarettes are seized annually all NH+4 and increasing NO 3 (Cayuela et al., 2009). The composting of
over the world generating tons of waste. organic waste through piles is considerably developed and studied,
The seizure of smuggled cigarettes is estimated to have reached being widely reported in the literature (Bernal et al., 2009; Fialho
600 billion units in 2015 (BAT, 2015). In Brazil, the volume of et al., 2010). However, studies on composting in reactors from
smuggled cigarettes sized has increased lately reaching over 14 bil- the technical and scientific viewpoint are scarce (Hu et al., 2009;
lion cigarettes in 2015 and 18 billion units in 2016 (BFR, 2016). Iyengar and Bhave, 2006; Kopčić et al., 2014).
Such a high number of seizures turns this material into an environ- The composting in reactors is a promising technology, when
mental liability, which requires proper treatment. Up to now, the compared to conventional technologies of open systems such as
most used treatment is incineration (Portal Planalto, 2015; Silva windrows and presents advantages, since it does not require
et al., 2016a,b). The process of incinerating cigarettes is not the revolving the composting mass and provides sufficient aeration
best alternative, since it results in emissions of CO2 and other toxic to the mixture (with or without mechanical injection of air) to pro-
substances such as: ammonia, phenol acetate, aromatic polyhydro- duce mature final compost (Campos et al., 2014). Also, it provides
the control of physical and chemical parameters such as tempera-
ture and moisture, and can be used in different climatic seasons
(Campos et al., 2014; US.EPA, 2016).
⇑ Corresponding author. Composting in reactors is an efficiency technology when com-
E-mail addresses: r_roseuepg@hotmail.com (R. Zittel), campos@uepg.br pared to the anaerobic digestion or incineration, for resulting in
(S. Xavier de Campos).

0956-053X/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
116 R. Zittel et al. / Waste Management 71 (2018) 115–121

compost able to improve the physical and chemical conditions of 240 L and 120 mm from the lid height. In the system, the oxygen
the soil, preventing the emission of greenhouse effect gases (CO2, flow occurred through 120 holes of 1.0 mm each distributed sym-
NO, CH4) and provides the control of leachate and of odor metrically on the lid (Campos et al., 2014). The four facultative rec-
(Campos et al., 2014; US.EPA, 2016; Gutiérrez et al., 2017). Some tors have the same structure and dimensions.
research has demonstrated that tobacco waste originated in cigar-
ette factories (powder, leaves, stems, residue, etc.) can be com- 2.2. Experiment
posted through reactors (Briski et al., 2012; Kopčić et al., 2014,
2013). The reactors were filled with smuggled cigarette tobacco resi-
However, no research presents data on the treatment of tobacco due smuggled cigarette tobacco (SCT), domestic organic waste
used to produce smuggled cigarettes. Due to the lack of quality in (DOW), sawdust (Sa) and wood chips (WC). The waste of DOW
irregular factories, smuggled cigarettes are highly harmful to the and SCT was shredded to achieve between 1 and 30 mm particles
human health and the environment, with excess of toxic sub- size for better aeration and moisture control. The residue was
stances such as: cyanide, ammonia, arsenic and heavy metals homogenized and distributed in layers in the reactor. The filling
(Shen et al., 2010; Silva et al., 2016a,b, 2014). Therefore, this study was carried out daily and homogeneously for 4 weeks and the mix-
main aim was to verify the viability of treating smuggled cigarette ture was matured. The material was analyzed in different phases
tobacco through facultative reactors by adding four different com- through physicochemical parameters (temperature, pH, C/N ratio),
binations of waste materials (smuggled cigarette tobacco, domestic heavy metal concentration, germination index and pathogenic
organic waste, sawdust and wood chips) and to evaluate chemical microorganisms. The idea was to have an aerobic type reactor ini-
and biological parameters in the maturity of the composts. tially, which would eventually become anaerobic at the bottom
layers when the depth of load increased. If the top layers were aer-
obic, they would contribute to capture odorous compounds and
2. Materials and methods also to accelerate the compost stability via nitrification of the sys-
tem (Campos et al., 2014).
2.1. Assembling facultative reactors The facultative reactors provide controlled conditions of tem-
perature, moisture, homogenized mixture and aeration during
Four facultative reactors were prepared (R1, R2, R3 and R4) the process, without requiring air injection or shaking the mixture
(Fig. 1), made of bronze metallic alloy (Cu/Zn) with a cylindrical (Campos et al., 2014). The waste material initial characterization is
vertical shape, 570 mm diameter, 870 mm height, volume around given in Table 1.

Fig. 1. Facultative reactor.

R. Zittel et al. / Waste Management 71 (2018) 115–121 117

Table 1 was determined in triplicate. The digestion process was carried

Initial characterization of waste materials. out according to the method 3050B (US.EPA, 1996). A flame atomic
SCT DOW Sa WC absorption spectrometer (FAAS), brand Varian, model 240 FS was
pH 7.2 5.5 6.2 6.0 used for the analysis.
Moisture (%) 15.3 65.4 12.5 13.2
Electric conductivity (mS cm1) 15.12 2.86 0.25 0.21 2.5. Germination index (GI)
C (%) 36.85 36.15 44.1 44.1
N (%) 3.20 3.04 0.28 0.28
C/N ratio 11.15 11.89 157.5 157.5 Phytotoxicity was evaluated according to the method proposed
Particle size (mm) 2.20 10.0–30.0 1.30 3.60 by Mari et al., (2003). The germination index (GI) was determined
Bulk Density (g/cm3) 0.65 1.39 0.52 0.21 in the sample with 105 days as follows: 20 g of dry weight compost
SCT: Smuggled cigarette tobacco; DOW: Domestic Organic Waste; Sa: Sawdust; were extracted with 200 ml of distilled water stirred for 2 h and
WC: Wood chips. then centrifuged at 9000 rpm.
Ten Lepidium sativum seeds were evenly distributed on filter
paper in Petri dishes (10 cm diameter) and moistened with 5 ml
Table 2 of the compost extract. Three replicate dishes for each sample were
Initial combination of waste materials and initial characteristics of the mixtures.
incubated at 25 °C for three days. The number of germinating seeds
Waste composition R1 R2 R3 R4 was measured. As a control, 5 ml of distilled water was replaced
SCT (kg) 2.62 10.1 1.69 6.7 with the extract at every treatment. The GI was calculated accord-
DOW (kg) 157.2 86.3 105.6 57.6 ing to the following formula:
Sa (kg) 8.7 8.3 0 0
WC (kg) 0 0 2.9 2.8 GI ð%Þ ¼ ðSGT  RLT=SGC  RLCÞ  100
Total weight of mixture (kg) 168.52 104.7 164.89 67.1
C/N ratio 19.6 18.3 18.9 17.2 where SGT = seed germination of treatment in percentage; RLT =
pH 5.8 5.1 5.8 6.2 root length of treatment; SGC = seed germination of control in per-
Moisture content (%) 65 62 56 53 centage; RLC = root length of control.
SCT: Smuggled cigarette tobacco; DOW: Domestic Organic Waste; Sa: Sawdust;
WC: Wood chips. 2.6. Pathogenic microorganisms

The microbiological analysis of thermotolerant coliform analy-

The compost was prepared with four different types of organic
sis, helminth viable eggs and Salmonella spp. was carried out for
waste mixtures according to the quantification presented in Table 2.
the all reactors. The samples were prepared according to the meth-
Those amounts were used to ensure optimal carbon/nitrogen ratio
ods described by Hoffman et al., (1934) and Ritchie (1948), modi-
and in this study the C/N ratios were 17 to 20 and initial moisture
fied. The tests used 5 g samples of the compost.
content between 50 and 65%. Bulking agents were mixed with the
substrates to give required open structure and to ensure suitable
aeration. In reactors 1 and 2, Sa was added, while in reactors 3 3. Results and discussion
and 4 wood chips were added. The SCT, DOW, Sa and WC waste
were mixed in the ratio 1:7:2 (R1 and R3) and 2:2:1 (R2 and R4). 3.1. Humidity, temperature, pH and C/N ratio
The initial C/N ratio of each mixture was calculated based on carbon
and nitrogen values given in Table 2 (Caricasole et al., 2011). At the beginning of the process, the reactors presented 50–65%
moisture. This content is within the 50–70% band, which is the ger-
C=N ¼ AðaÞ þ BðbÞ=AðcÞ þ BðdÞ mination index considered ideal for the biodegradation. At the end,
the reactors presented 50–60% moisture, without the need for any
where A = C rich material mass, B = N rich material mass; a = per-
manipulations. Thus, Fig. 2 presents the temperature values
centage of C in the C rich material; b = percentage of C in the N rich
obtained throughout the composting time.
material; c = percentage of N in the C rich material; d = percentage
Fig. 2 shows that all reactors reached thermophilic temperature,
of N in the N rich material.
given that the maximum peaks of temperature reached 45 °C,
Sampling was determined according to the method US-EPA,
52 °C, 49 °C and 52 °C for reactors R1, R2, R3 and R4, respectively.
300-R3 (US.EPA, 2014).
The thermophilic phase is important for the decomposition of
organic matter and destruction of pathogenic agents and toxic
2.3. Humidity, temperature, pH and C/N ratio composts. In this phase, the mass temperature in the middle and
at the bottom of the reactor resulted in smaller peaks. The varia-
In order to control the humidity, readings of the mixtures in the tion temperature peaks for reactors 3 and 4 were between 40 to
reactors were carried out fortnightly. A digital thermo hygrometer 49 °C and 40 to 52 °C, respectively and were maintained for a
was used for this analysis. The temperature was verified daily in longer period when compared to reactors 1 and 2, which may be
the reactor with a digital thermometer. The pH value was deter- due to particle size (3.60 mm) and structure (bulk density of
mined fortnightly, according to the methodology proposed by 0.21) of the WC used as a bulking agent. On the other hand, the
Fialho et al., (2010). The elemental chemical analysis to determine highest temperature peaks were reached in reactors 2 and 4 in
the C/N ratio was carried out in the periods 1, 60 and 120 days, which a higher proportion of SCT waste was added. Although the
using the equipment elemental analyzer TruSpec CN Analyser temperature did not reach 55 in a short period, it remained above
(LECOÒ). 40 in a longer period. However, the minimum temperature for the
destruction of pathogenic organisms depends on the duration of
2.4. Determination of metals in the final compost the exposure and the characteristics that the microbial groups pre-
sent in the waste (Strauch, 1991). Higher temperatures for a short
The total concentration of the metals nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co), period or a lower temperature for a longer period is equally effi-
cadmium (Cd), chrome (Cr), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and cient in inactivation and death of pathogens in organic waste
manganese (Mn) in the final compost obtained in the 4 reactors (Haug, 1980; Strauch, 1991).
118 R. Zittel et al. / Waste Management 71 (2018) 115–121

Fig. 2. Temperature variation at the top, in the middle and at the bottom of the reactors.

The time and temperature parameters required for the elimina- fatty acids through a biological process, lowering the pH of the
tion of human pathogens vary and the optimum temperature is compost (Sudharsan Varma and Kalamdhad, 2014).
considered in the range 40–65 °C for composting and the period Acceptable pH ranges should be within tolerable levels to
of one week is considered sufficient for complete elimination of microorganisms: bacteria need a pH range of 6.0–7.5, fungi can tol-
pathogens as a result of different microbial communities (Bhatia erate a range of 5.5–8.0 and actinomycetes 5.0–9.0 (Gómez-
et al., 2013; Chan et al., 2016; Kopčić et al., 2014; Rich and Brandón et al., 2008). The increase in pH after 30 days might have
Bharti, 2015). In addition to the heat generated during composting, resulted from the decomposition of acid organic compounds,
the elimination of pathogens is often a consequence of the interac- ammonia formation and mineralization of organic nitrogen
tion of several factors, such as: presence of toxic compounds (Nadia et al., 2015; Nobelen et al., 2016). In addition, the cause of
(ammonia and organic acids), microbiological competition for this increase may be due to the additives of nitrogen compounds
nutrients, parasitism and production of the antimicrobial sub- (ammonia and phenolic compounds) added to tobacco in the cigar-
stances (Millner et al., 2014; Nartey et al., 2017; Shepherd et al., ette manufacturing process (Nobelen et al., 2016). These pH values
2011). Temperature at 38 °C in a period of 3 days is considered suf- favor the composting process and the quality of the compost, since
ficient to inactivate salmonella spp. (Millner et al., 2014). organic nitrogen is transformed into NH3 and NH+4 (ammonifica-
These variations might have occurred due to an aerobic pro- tion) and in the nitrification phase it is transformed into elemental
cess at the top of the reactor and the predominance of anaerobic forms (NO 
2 e NO3 ) that might be used by the plants (Awasthi
processes in the lower portions of the reactor with temperatures et al., 2014; Nakasaki et al., 2005).
closer to 40 °C, agreeing with results obtained in similar surveys The composting in facultative reactors showed pH variation in
(Campos et al., 2014; Iyengar and Bhave, 2006; Kopčić et al., the three portions of the mixtures. This may be attributed to the
2013). After the thermophilic phase, the four reactor composts existence of different microbial groups at different combinations
reached room temperature. This stability is associated to the of temperature and pH ranges, optimizing the degradation process.
low microbial activity and the compost stability (Bernal et al., The final value pH was 7.4, 9.0, 7.3 and 8.0 for reactors R1, R2, R3
2009). and R4, respectively and is in agreement with others studies
Therefore, the temperatures obtained in the facultative reactors (Kalamdhad et al., 2009; Kopčić et al., 2014).
revealed that this system can contribute to the degradation of sev- Fig. 4 shows that the initial C/N ratio was 19.6, 18.3, 18.9 and
eral compounds present in the waste that provided ideal conditions 17.2 for reactors R1, R2, R3 and R4, respectively. However, these
for microbiological activity and the total sterilization of the values are inside the range of 15/1 and 30/1 recommended for
compost. composting process and recently some researchers have success-
From the results presented in Fig. 3, the pH was seen to fully carried out composting in reactor at lower initial C/N ratios
decrease in the three portions under analysis in the first few days (Kalamdhad et al. 2009; Kopčić et al., 2014; Sudharsan Varma
of the experiment. Changes in pH may be indicative of biological and Kalamdhad, 2014). These initial conditions of carbon and
activity. Decrease in pH can be caused by volatilization of sub- nitrogen low for large amounts of organic solid waste to be treated
strates rich in ammonia (NH+4-N) with release of H+ in the mixtures, and the process to develop rapidly and excess nitrogen to be
resulting from the nitrification process by activity nitrifying bacte- released as ammonia, resulting in self-regulation of the C/N ratio
ria, carrying out the production of organic and inorganic acids due (Rodríguez et al., 2012; Zhu, 2006). Fig. 4 shows that the final
to microbial decomposition of waste organics (Wang et al., 2014; C/N ratios values of 12.32, 9.10, 8.20, 9.80 for reactors R1, R2, R3
Karak et al., 2013). The composition of food waste is rich in carbo- and R4, respectively produced mature compost. This is related to
hydrate and protein content and can be converted into volatile the loss of organic carbon to an increase in the proportion of total
R. Zittel et al. / Waste Management 71 (2018) 115–121 119

Fig. 3. pH variation in the reactors.

nitrogen. A C/N ratio below 15 is considered an indicative of a the wood chips used as a bulking agent provided conditions for the
mature compost (Kopčić et al., 2014). maturity in shorter composting time and that high SCT did not
affect the process. The GI for all the composts showed absence of
3.2. Germination index (GI) phytotoxicity, with values above 50%, suggested that the time of
120 days was sufficient to produce mature compost.
The GI is a significant parameter to evaluate the compost phy-
totoxicity and maturity, and is known to increase with the decom- 3.3. Determination of metals in the final compost
position of toxic materials such as fatty acids in the compost
(Bernal et al., 2009). The concentration of metals Ni, Co, Cd, Cr, Pb, Cu, Mn and Zn
The results in Fig. 5 revealed that the GI increased during the was evaluated in the composts obtained from all reactors and the
evolution of the composting and within 180 days reached 91%, results are presented in Table 3. It was seen that the total concen-
64%, 93% and 88% for reactors 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. It has been tration of metals Ni, Co, Cd, Cr, Pb, Cu, Mn and Zn was below the
reported that a GI of more than 50% was an indication of a values established by the Brazilian MAPA, (2014), American
phytotoxic-free compost (Bernal et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2014). USDA, (1980) and Canadian CCME, (2005) norms, indicating that
This low GI value for the reactor R2 might be ascribed to the the compost can be used, pursuant to this parameter, as an organic
higher proportion of high toxicity compounds in the smuggled fertilizer.
cigarettes that might be toxic to the plants (Silva et al., 2016a,b, These agencies regulate the use of organic composts obtained
2014). Cigarette tobacco is composed of very fine particles and from the composting process. Therefore, despite the studies having
when mixed with Sa (1.29 mm), the spaces between the mass demonstrated that smuggled cigarettes present high values of
can be reduced due to its bulk density (0.52), reducing the diffusion heavy metals, the mixture proposed for the composting process
of oxygen (Kopčić et al., 2013). Fig. 5 shows that the compost of R3 enabled the reduction of these metals through the dilution effect,
and R4 reached GI of 79% within 90 days. These results suggest that reaching values below the limit established (Kulikowska and
Gusiatin, 2015; Moretti et al., 2016; Silva et al., 2014).
Initial Final
90 days 120 days 150 days 180 days
18 100

15 90
C/N (w/w)

Germination Index %

12 80
0 30
R1 R2 R3 R4 R1 R2 R3 R4
Reactors Reactors

Fig. 4. Variation of C/N ratio in the reactors. Fig. 5. GI for the reactors in the periods 90, 120, 150 and 180 days.
120 R. Zittel et al. / Waste Management 71 (2018) 115–121

Table 3
Concentration of metals in the four reactors in the period 180 days and the maximum limits permitted.

Metals Concentration (mg kg1)

Ni 0.822 1.479 2.492 3.58 25 200 62
Co 2.658 3.211 6.014 8.788 – – 34
Cd 0.975 0.971 1.034 1.757 0.7 10 3
Cr 3.525 2.195 7.655 10.939 70 1000 210
Pb 7.484 6.956 5.789 7.009 45 250 150
Cu 8.775 11.866 18.074 18.643 70 1000 400
Mn 95.766 183.1 161.6 331.88 – – –
Zn 117.86 65.08 78.422 116.8 200 2500 700

Table 4
Results of pathogenic microorganism analyses in the final compost.

Item Unit R1 R2 R3 R4 MLC

Thermo-tolerant coliforms MLN/1g DM N N N N 1000
Salmonella spp. MLN/10g DM A A A A A
Helminth viable eggs MLN/4g of TS <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 1.0

MLC = maximum limit of contaminants; MLN = most likely number; DM = dry matter; TS = total solids; N = negative; A = absence.

3.4. Microbiological analyses Cigarette tobacco can be treated through composting in facultative
reactor, resulting in toxicity free and stable compost.
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