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may be created over a right (as long as it is not

strictly personal or intransmissible, and as long as it
has an independent existence).
Art. 562. Usufruct gives a right:
Art. 563. Usufruct is constituted:
to enjoy the property of another with the obligation of
preserving its form and substance, o by law,
o by the will of private persons expressed in acts
unless the title constituting it or the law otherwise inter vivos or in a last will and testament, and;
provides. o by prescription.

Classification of Usufruct as to ORIGIN

1. Usufruct is a “real right, of a temporary nature, which
authorizes its holder to enjoy all the benefits which
result from the normal enjoyment (or exploitation) of 1. LEGAL (created by law). (Example: Usufruct of
another’s property, with the obligation to return, at parents over the property of their unemancipated
the designated time, either the same thing, or in children. (Art. 321.) Such usufruct cannot, because of
special cases, its equiva- lent.” family reasons, be mortgaged or alienated by the
Reasons for CONSERVING Form and Substance
1.  to prevent extraordinary exploitation; will of the parties INTER VIVOS (as by contract or
donation). (Example: when an owner sells or
alienates the usufruct.)
2.  to prevent abuse, which is frequent;
3. Created MORTIS CAUSA (as in last will and
3.  to prevent impairment. testament).

Elements of Usufruct – Art. 564. Usufruct may be constituted on the:

– whole or a part of the fruits of the thing, in favor
ESSENTIAL characteristics (those without which it can- not be of one or more persons,
termed USUFRUCT): – simultaneously or successively, and
– in every case from or to a certain day, purely or
1.  It is a REAL right (whether registered in the Registry conditionally.
of Property or not). – It may also be constituted on a right, provided it is
not strictly personal or intransmissible.
2. It is of a temporary nature or duration (not
perpetual, otherwise it becomes emphyteusis). Art. 565.

NATURAL characteristic or element (that which ordinarily is The rights and obligations of the usufructuary shall be
present, but a contrary stipulation can eliminate it because it is those provided in the title constituting the usufruct; in
not essential). default of such title, or in case it is deficient, the
provisions contained in the two following Chapters
shall be observed.
The obligation of CONSERVING or PRESERVING the
FORM AND SUBSTANCE (value) of the thing.
Rules Governing a Usufruct
Object of Usufruct
1. First, the agreement of the parties or the title giving
1. may be real or personal property. (Thus, there can be the usufruct (thus, by agreement, the usufructuary
may be allowed to alienate the very thing held in
a usufruct over an automobile or over money). (See
usufruct although generally, this alienation is not
Alunan v. Veloso, 32 Phil. 545).
allowed by the codal provisions).

2.  may be sterile or productive (fruitful things). (Thus,

there can be a usufruct over sterile animals.) (See Art.
2. Second, in case of deficiency, apply the Civil Code.
Rule in Case of Conflict
In case of conflict between the rights granted a usufructuary Art. 568. If the usufructuary has leased the lands or
by virtue of a will, and codal provisions, the former, unless tenements given in usufruct, and the usufruct should
repugnant to the mandatory provisions of the Civil Code, expire before the termination of the lease, he or his heirs
should prevail. and successors shall receive only the proportionate share
of the rent that must be paid by the lessees.
XPN in Rural Lands in which the lease is entitled
Art. 566. The usufructuary shall be entitled to all the to finish the lease.
natural, industrial and civil fruits of the property in
usufruct. the usufructuary not having the jus disponendi over the
property. (See 4 Manresa 397-398). A contrary agreement
With respect to hidden treasure which may be found on among the three of them will of course be allowed.
the land or tenement, he shall be considered a stranger. Nevertheless, the usufructuary, instead of the naked owner,
would be entitled to the rents for the duration of the usufruct.
(See Art. 566).
Products Which Diminish the Capital
Art. 569. Civil fruits are deemed to accrue daily, and
Generally, products which diminish the capital (like stones belong to the usufructuary in proportion to the time the
from stone quarries) cannot, for that reason, be considered usufruct may last.
fruits, unless a contrary intent between the parties is clear.
Art. 570. Whenever a usufruct is constituted on the right to
Art. 567. Natural or industrial fruits growing at the time receive a rent or periodical pension, whether in money or
the usufruct begins, belong to the usufructuary. in fruits, or in the interest on bonds or securities payable to
Those growing at the time the usufruct terminates, belong
to the owner. each payment due shall be considered as the
proceeds of fruits of such right.
In the preceding cases, the usufructuary, at the beginning
of the usufruct, has no obligation to refund to the owner Whenever it consists in the enjoyment of benefits accruing
any expenses incurred; from a participation in any industrial or commercial
but the owner shall be obliged to reimburse at the
termination of the usufruct, the date of the distribution of which is not fixed,

from the proceeds of the growing fruits, such benefits shall have the same character.

the ordinary expenses of cultivation, for seed, and other In either case they shall be distributed as civil fruits, and
similar expenses incurred by the usufructuary. shall be applied in the manner prescribed in the preceding
The provisions of this article shall not prejudice the rights
of third persons, acquired either at the beginning or at the Therefore, considering that the usufruct was supposed to last
termination of the usufruct. for 10 years (though it actually lasted for only 5 years), it is
fairer to give half of the total profits to the heirs of the
(Thus, if the fruits had been planted by a possessor in usufructuary, and half to the naked owner.
good faith, the pending crop expenses and charges
shall be pro-rated between said possessor and the Art. 571. The usufructuary shall have the right to enjoy
usufructuary). any increase which the thing in usufruct may acquire
through accession,
the servitudes established in its favor, and, in general, all
no necessity of refunding owner for expenses the benefits inherent therein.
incurred, (for the owner gave the usufruct evidently
without any thought of being reimbursed for the Increases in the Thing Held in Usufruct
pending fruits, or because the value of said fruits
must already have been taken into consideration in
fixing the terms and conditions of the usufruct, if for Aside from the right to the fruits (already discussed), the
instance, the usufruct came about because of a usufructuary has the right to the enjoyment (use, not owner-
contract); ship) of:
1. accessions (whether artificial or natural), (b)  BUT at the end of the usufruct, he must

2. servitudes and easements, 1)  pay the APPRAISED value (if appraised

when first delivered)

3. all benefits inherent in the property (like the right to 2)  Or, if there was no appraisal, return
hunt and fish therein, the right to construct rain water same kind, quality, and quantity OR pay the
receptacles, etc.). price current at the termination of the
usufruct (therefore not at the original price
Art. 572. The usufructuary may personally enjoy the thing or value).
in usufruct, lease it to another, or alienate his right of
usufruct, even by a gratuitous title; Art. 575. The usufructuary of fruit-bearing trees and
shrubs may make use of the dead trunks, and even of those
but all the contracts he may enter into as such cut off or uprooted by accident, under the obligation to re-
usufructuary shall terminate upon the expiration of the place them with new plants.
usufruct, saving leases of rural lands, which shall be
considered as subsisting during the agricultural year. RIGHTS

He may pledge or mortgage the usufructuary right (be- cause The usufructuary can use (even for firewood, though he is
he OWNS said right) BUT he cannot pledge or mortgage the NOT the naked owner) the following:
thing itself because he does not own the thing. (See Art.
2085[2]). Neither can he sell or in any way alienate the thing
itself, or future crops, for crops pending at the termination of (a)  dead trunks
the usufruct belong to the naked owner.
(b)  those cut off or uprooted by accident
Art. 573 Whenever the usufruct includes things which,
without being consumed, gradually deteriorate through BUT he must REPLACE them with new plants (for in- deed,
wear and tear, the usufructuary shall have the right to he was not the naked owner).
make use thereof in accordance with the purpose for which
they are intended, and shall not be obliged to return them Art. 576. If in consequence of a calamity or extraordinary
at the termination of the usufruct except in their condition event, the trees or shrubs shall have disappeared in such
at that time; but he shall be obliged to indemnify the considerable number that it would not be possible or it
owner for any deterioration they may have suffered by would be too burdensome to replace them, the
reason of his fraud or negligence. usufructuary may leave the dead, fallen or uprooted
trunks at the disposal of the owner, and demand that the
Art. 574. Whenever the usufruct includes things which latter remove them and clear the land.
cannot be used without being consumed,
If it is slightly burdensome to replace them, the usufructu- ary
the usufructuary shall have the right to make use of them MUST replace them (whether he uses the dead trunks or not),
under the obligation of paying their appraised value at the and he cannot demand clearance of the land by the owne
termination of the usufruct, if they were appraised when
delivered. Art. 577. The usufructuary of woodland may enjoy all the
benefits which it may produce according to its nature.
In case they were not appraised, he shall have the right to
return the same quantity and quality, or pay their current If the woodland is a copse or consists of timber for
price at the time the usufruct ceases. building, the usufructuary may do such ordinary cutting
or felling as the owner was in the habit of doing, and in
Thus, this is really a SIMPLE loan. It has been included default of this, he may do so in accordance with the custom
however in the title on usu- fructs because in what are called of the place, as to the manner, amount and season.
UNIVERSAL USUFRUCTS, both non-consumable and
consumable properties are included. While we seldom find In any case the felling or cutting of trees shall be made in
usufructs on consumable properties alone, it is a fact that they such manner as not to prejudice the preservation of the
indeed exist. Thus, the Supreme Court has held that even land.
money may be the object of a usufruct.
In nurseries, the usufructuary may make the necessary
RULES for this ‘QUASI-USUFRUCT’ thinnings in order that the remaining trees may properly
(a)  The usufructuary (debtor-borrower) can use them
(as if he is the owner, with complete right of pledge With the exception of the provisions of the preceding
or alienation). paragraphs, the usufructuary cannot cut down trees unless
it be to restore or improve some of the things in usufruct, – recover real property or a real right, or any
and in such case he shall first inform the owner of the movable property,
necessity for the work. – has the right to bring the action and to oblige the
owner thereof to give him the authority for this
Special Usufruct over a WOODLAND purpose and
– to furnish him whatever proof he may have.
This is not a common or frequent usufruct because: – If in consequence of the enforcement of the action
he acquires the thing claimed, the usufruct shall
(a)  natural resources (including forest or timber be limited to the fruits, the dominion remaining
lands) belong to the State (Regalian Doctrine under with the owner.
Art. XII, Sec. 3 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution);
What the Usufructuary Can Demand
(b)  a license is generally essential if one desires to
gather forest products. To bring the action, the usufructuary can DEMAND from the
Obligations of the Usufructuary
1. authority to bring the action (usually a special power
In the enjoyment of the usufruct, the usufructuary: of attorney).

1. must bear in mind that he is not the owner, and 2.  proofs needed for a recovery.
therefore, in the exercise of the diligence in caring for
the property (required under Art. 589 he must see to Art. 579. The usufructuary may make on the property held
it that the wood- land is preserved, either by in usufruct such useful improvements or expenses for mere
development or by replanting, thus he cannot pleasure as he may deem proper,
consume all, otherwise nothing would be left for the
owner. (See 4 Manresa 439). provided he does not alter its form or substance;

2. in the cutting or felling of trees, he must — but he shall have no right to be indemnified therefor.

1. follow the owner’s habit or practices; He may, however, remove such improvements, should it be
possible to do so without damage to the property.
2. in default thereof, follow the customs of the
place (as to MANNER, AMOUNT and Useful and Luxurious Improvements
SEASON) (Art. 577) — all without
prejudice to the owner, for while he can The usufructuary has the RIGHT (not the duty) to make:
USE, he cannot ABUSE. (See 4 Manresa
439). (a) useful improvements;
(b) luxurious improvements (for mere pleasure).
[NOTE: The rule above is applicable if the
wood- land: BUT —

1. is a COPSE (thicket of small trees), 1. He must not alter the form or substance of the
property held in usufruct (he cannot build a house if
2. or consists of timber for to do so would destroy an orchard, if the usufruct is
BUILDING.]. on an orchard, unless the owner consents).

3. if there be no customs, the only time the 2. He is NOT entitled to a REFUND (otherwise he
usufructuary can CUT DOWN trees will be might improve the naked owner out of his property)
for REPAIR or IMPROVEMENT, but here (Castan), but he may —
the owner must first be informed (the owner,
thus, does not need to consent). 1) either remove the improvements if no substantial damage to
the property in usufruct is caused (Art. 579);
3. cannot alienate the trees (for the trees are not
considered fruits) unless he is permitted, expressly or 2) OR set off (compensate) the improvements against damages
impliedly for which he may be liable.

– Art. 578. The usufructuary of an action to Registration of Improvements

Improvements made by a usufructuary belong to him, and may Aside from the right of the naked owner to alienate the
therefore be registered, not independently, but in the reg- property, he may also —
istration proceedings of the land held in usufruct. The purpose
of the registration is to protect him against third persons, for 1. construct any works
while he cannot obtain a refund therefor, still he may remove
them or set them off against damages chargeable to him. (If
the property is sold to an innocent purchaser for value, the 2. and make any improvements
right to remove the useful improvements since NOT
REGISTERED can not be enforced against said third person 3. or make new plantings thereon if it be rural BUT
always, such acts must not cause:
Art. 580. The usufructuary may set off the improvements
he may have made on the property against any damage to - a decrease in the value of the usufruct;
the same.
- or prejudice the right of the usufructuary.
1. If damage exceeds the value of the improvements,
usuf- ructuary is still liable for the difference. Art. 582. The usufructuary of a part of a thing held in
2.  If the value of the improvements exceeds the
damage, the difference does not go to the shall exercise all the rights pertaining to the owner
usufructuary, but accrues instead in the absence of a thereof with respect to the administration and the
contrary stipulation in favor of the naked owner, collection of fruits or interest.
otherwise, it is as if the usufructuary would be
entitled to a partial refund in cash. Should the co-ownership cease by reason of the division of
the thing held in common, the usufruct of the part allotted
Art. 581. The owner of property the usufruct of which is to the co-owner shall belong to the usufructuary.
held by another, may alienate it, but he cannot alter its
form or substance, or do anything thereon which may be Effect of Partition
prejudicial to the usufructuary.
1.  If there be a partition, the usufructuary continues to
(1) Alienation by Naked Owner
have the usufruct of the part allotted to the co-owner
concerned. (Art. 582).
Since the jus disponendi and the title (dominium di- rectum)
reside with the naked owner, he retains the right to
ALIENATE the property BUT — 2. If the co-owners make a partition, without the
intervention of the usufructuary, this is all right, and
the partition binds said usufructuary. (Pichay v.
1. he cannot alter its form or substance; Querol, 11 Phil. 386). Necessarily however, the
naked owner must also respect the usufruct.
2. or do anything prejudicial to the usufructuary (as
when he should illegally lease the property to an- OBLIGATIONS OF THE USUFRUCTUARY
other, since this right ordinarily pertains to the
The usufructuary has obligations:

(2) When Buyer Must Respect the Usufruct

1. before the usufruct (like the making of inventory)
A purchaser of the property must respect the usufruct in case it
is registered or known to him (See Art. 709), otherwise, he can 2. during the usufruct (like taking due care of property)
oust the usufructuary, who can then look to the naked owner
for damages. (See Art. 581). 3. after the usufruct (like the duty to return and
indemnify in the proper cases).
(3) Rule in Case of Succession
Art. 583. The usufructuary, before entering upon the
If the naked owner bequeathes (if personal property) or enjoyment of the property, is obliged:
devises (if real property) to another thru a will, the legatee or
devisee should respect the usufruct. (1) To make, after notice to the owner or his legitimate
representative an inventory of all the property , which shall
Other Rights of the Naked Owner contain an appraisal of the movables and a description of
the condition of the immovables;
(2) To give security, binding himself to fulfill the 5. When there is a caucion juratoria, which takes the
obligations imposed upon him in accordance with this place of a bond, and is made by taking an oath to
Chapter. fulfill properly the duties of a usufructuary, BUT this
is available only under the conditions prescribed in
Art. 587 (promise under oath).

Expenses are to be borne by the usufructuary, since the duty is Art. 584. The provisions of No. 2 of the preceding article
his. (4 Manresa 451-452). shall not apply to the donor who has reserved the usufruct
of the property donated, or to the parents who are
usufructuaries of their children’s property, except when
1. Effect of not making inventory (except when the parents contract a second marriage.
excused) — same as when the security is not given.
(See Arts. 586 and 599; see also 3 Sanchez Roman
575-576). Art. 585. The usufructuary, whatever may be the title of
the usufruct, may be excused from the obligation of
making an inventory or of giving security, when no one
2. When inventory is not required. will be injured thereby.

1. When no one will be injured thereby (as in The law says “may,” therefore the usufructuary is not always
the case of usufruct over a periodical excused, the exemption being dependent on the naked owner.
pension or incorporeal right) (See Art. 570)
provided the naked owner consents, for the While ordinarily, it is the naked owner who grants the
law says “may.” (Art. 585). (See 4 Manresa exemption, the grant may be made by somebody else
464-467). authorized by said naked owner.

2. In case of waiver by the naked owner or the Art. 586. Should the usufructuary fail to give security in
law (See 4 Manresa 464-467), or when there the cases in which he is bound to give it, the owner may
is a stipulation in a will or contract. demand that

Security Purpose: To insure faithful compliance of the duties the immovables be placed under administration,
of the usufructuary (whether required during or at end of the
usufruct — like the duty to return) that the movables be sold,

When Security Is Not Required: that the public bonds, instruments of credit payable to
order or to bearer be converted into registered certificates
1. When no one will be injured thereby (NO or deposited in a bank or public institution, and
PREJUDICE). (See Art. 585). Example: in the
usufruct over a periodical income or life annuity. that the capital or sums in cash and the proceeds of the
Provided naked owner consents for the law says sale of the movable property be invested in safe securities.
“may.” (Art. 585).
The interest on the proceeds of the sale of the movables
2. When there is waiver by the naked owner (See 4 and that on public securities and bonds, and the proceeds
Manresa 464-465), or there is a stipulation either in a of the property placed under administration, shall belong
will or by contract. to the usufructuary.

3. When the usufructuary is the donor of the property Furthermore, the owner may, if he so prefers, until the
(who has reserved the usufruct). (The naked owner usufructuary gives security or is excused from so doing,
should be grateful enough not to require the secu- retain in his possession the property in usufruct as
rity). (Art. 584). administrator, subject to the obligation to deliver to the
usufructuary the net proceeds thereof, after deducting the
sums which may be agreed upon or judicially allowed him
4. When there is a parental usufruct (that is, in the case for such administration.
of parents who are usufructuaries of their children’s
property, except when the parents contract a second
Retention of Property by Naked Owner
or subsequent marriage, PROVIDED that each
child’s property does not exceed P50,000 in which
case, the parents have to file a bond (See Art. 225, the Although the owner may demand the sale of movables (public
Family Code) not as usufructuary, but as guardian or or private sale), still he may want to retain some of them for
administrator. their artistic worth or sentimental value, in which case, he
may demand their delivery to him provided he gives security
for the payment of legal interest on their appraised value.
Interest on Cash Proceeds of Sale entitled to all the proceeds and benefits of the
usufruct from Jan. 3, 2003.
Note that if the movable be sold, the cash belongs to the naked 3. Art. 589. The usufructuary shall take care of the
owner, but the interest thereon (6% per annum) belongs to the things given in usufruct as a good father of a
usufructuary. family.

Art. 587. If the usufructuary who has not given security Art. 589. The usufructuary shall take care of the
claims, by virtue of a promise under oath, the delivery of things given in usufruct as a good father of a family.
the furniture necessary for his use, and that he and his
family be allowed to live in a house included in the In the exercise of prudent care, the usufructuary is required to
usufruct, the court may grant this petition, after due make ORDINARY repairs (Art. 592) and
consideration of the facts of the case.
to notify the naked owner of urgency of EXTRAORDINARY
The same rule shall be observed with respect to REPAIRS (Art. 593), and
implements, tools and other movable property necessary of any acts which may prove detrimental to ownership. (Art.
for an industry or vocation in which he is engaged. 610).

If the owner does not wish that certain articles be sold Damage to property caused by the fault or negligence of the
because of their artistic worth or because they have a usufructuary is demandable right away, and therefore the
sentimental value, he may demand their delivery to him naked owner need not wait for the end of the usufruct before
upon his giving security for the payment of the legal bringing the proper action for indemnity.
interest on their appraised value.
The usufructuary is not entitled to reimbursement for ordinary
repairs (Art. 592) but may retain the property till he is
(1) ‘Caucion Juratoria’ reimbursed of extraordinary expenses, which he may have
been compelled to do.
The “promise under oath” is called a “caucion juratoria” — a
sworn duty to take good care of the property and return same Art. 590. A usufructuary who alienates or leases his right
at the end of the usufruct. It takes the place of the bond or of usufruct shall answer for any damage which the things
security and is based on necessity and humanity as when a in usufruct may suffer through the fault or negligence of
poor family acquires by inheritance, the usufruct of a badly the person who substitutes him.
needed house.
Art. 591. If the usufruct be constituted on a flock or herd
Requisites Before the Caucion Juratoria Is Allowed of livestock,

1. proper court petition the usufructuary shall be obliged to replace with the young
thereof the animals that die each year from natural causes,
2. necessity for delivery of furniture, implements or or are lost due to the rapacity of beasts of prey.
house included in the usufruct
If the animals on which the usufruct is constituted should
all perish, without the fault of the usufructuary, on
3. approval of the court account of some contagious disease or any other
uncommon event, the usufructuary shall fulfill his
4. sworn promise. obligation by delivering to the owner the remains which
may have been saved from the misfortune.
Art. 588. After the security has been given by the
usufructuary, he shall have a right to all the proceeds Should the herd or flock perish in part, also by accident
and benefits from the day on which, in accordance and without the fault of the usufructuary, the usufruct
with the title constituting the usufruct, he should have shall continue on the part saved.
commenced to receive them.
Should the usufruct be on sterile animals, it shall be
Retroactive Effect of the Security Given considered, with respect to its effects, as though constituted
on fungible things.
1. Notice that once the bond is given, there is

2. Hence, if the usufruct commences Jan. 3, 2003 but (a) Where there is obligation to REPLACE —
security is given Mar. 3, 2003, the usufructuary is
1.  if some animals die from natural causes; them; but he shall have a right to demand of the owner, at
the termination of the usufruct, the increase in value which
the immovable may have acquired by reason of the
2. or if some animals are lost due to rapacity of beasts repairs.
of prey.
Kinds of Extraordinary Repairs
(b) Where there is NO obligation to replace —

1. those caused by natural use but NOT NEEDED for

1. if there is a total loss of the animals because of some preservation. (4 Manresa 485; see Art. 592 — by
UNEXPECTED or UNNATURAL loss (like some implication).
contagious disease or any other uncommon event,
provided the usufructuary has NO FAULT).
2. those caused by ABNORMAL or EXCEPTIONAL
circumstances and needed for preservation (as when
2. if there is a partial loss (under the same conditions). an earthquake renders the stairs of a house unsafe, or
when lightning splits a table into two).
Art. 592. The usufructuary is obliged to make the ordinary
repairs needed by the thing given in usufruct.
3. those caused by ABNORMAL or EXCEPTIONAL
circum- stances but are NOT NEEDED for
By ordinary repairs are understood such as are required preservation. (See 4 Manresa 485; see also 2nd
by the wear and tear due to the natural use of the thing paragraph of Art. 594 — by implication
and are indispensable for its preservation. Should the
usufructuary fail to make them after demand by the
owner, the latter may make them at the expense of the  Requisites Before Usufructuary Is Allowed to Make
usufructuary. Ex- traordinary Repairs

Duty to Make Ordinary Repairs 1. There must be due notification to naked

owner of ur- gency.
They must have occurred DURING the usufruct (because
those occurring before and after the end of the usufruct should 2. The naked owner failed to make them.
be borne by the naked owner). (4 Manresa 487).
3. The repair is needed for preservation.
They must have happened with or without the fault of the
usufructuary. Art. 595. The owner may construct any works and make
any improvements of which the immovable in usufruct is
[NOTE: If he was at FAULT, the usufructuary must pay susceptible, or make new plantings thereon if it be rural,
indemnity for damages.]. pro- vided that such acts do not cause a diminution in the
value of the usufruct or prejudice the right to the
Can usufructuary exempt himself from the duty to make or usufructuary.
pay for the necessary repairs by RENOUNCING the usufruct?
Art. 596. The payment of annual charges and taxes and of
ANS.: those considered as a lien on the fruits, shall be at the
expense of the usufructuary for all the time that the
(a) If he had NO fault—yes, but he must surrender the usufruct lasts.
fruits received.
(b) If he was at FAULT — no. He would still be liable 1. Art. 597. The taxes which, during the usufruct,
for damages. (See 4 Manresa 487). may be

Art. 593. Extraordinary repairs shall be at the expense of imposed directly on the capital, shall be at the expense of
the owner. The usufructuary is obliged to notify the owner the owner.
when the need for such repairs is urgent.
If the latter has paid them, the usufructuary shall pay him
Art. 594. If the owner should make the extraordinary the proper interest on the sums which may have been paid
repairs, he shall have a right to demand of the in that character; and, if the said sums have been
usufructuary the legal interest on the amount expended for advanced by the usufructuary, he shall recover the amount
the time that the usufruct lasts. thereof at the termination of the usufruct.

Should he not make them when they are indispensable for Rules
the preservation of the thing, the usufructuary may make
 If paid by naked owner, he can demand Art. 600. The usufructuary of a mortgaged immovable
legal interest on the sum paid. (Reason: The shall not be obliged to pay the debt for the security of
usufructuary is enjoying the property). which the mortgage was constituted.

If advanced (in the meantime) by the Should the immovable be attached or sold judicially for
usufructuary, said usufructuary the payment of the debt, the owner shall be liable to the
usufructuary for whatever the latter may lose by reason
should be REIMBURSED the amount paid without legal thereof.
interest is entitled to RETENTION (till paid).
How Liability of the Naked Owner May Be Extinguished
Art. 598. If the usufruct be constituted on the whole of a
patrimony, and if at the time of its constitution the owner Liability of the naked owner may be extinguished:
has debts, the provisions of Articles 758 and 759 relating to
donations shall be applied, 1. by constituting a usufruct over an equivalent estate;
both with respect to the maintenance of the usufruct and to
the obligation of the usufructuary to pay such debts. 2. or by payment of a periodical pension equivalent to
the loss;
The same rule shall be applied in case the owner is obliged,
at the time the usufruct is constituted, to make periodical 3. or in any other similar way. (See 4 Manresa 508-
payments, even if there should be no known capital. 509).

Art. 599. The usufructuary may claim any matured credits Pledge of a Movable
which form a part of the usufruct if he has given or gives
the proper security. It is believed that although Art. 600 speaks only of a mort-
gaged immovable, it can also apply, by analogy, to a pledged
If he has been excused from giving security or has not been movable, provided that the movable is in the usufructuary’s
able to give it, or if that given is not sufficient, he shall possession, since in the law of pledge, it is essential that “the
need the authorization of the owner, or of the court in thing pledged be placed in the possession of the creditor, or a
default thereof, to collect such credits. third person by common agreement.”

The usufructuary who has given security may use the Art. 601. The usufructuary shall be obliged to notify the
capital he had collected in any manner he may deem owner of any act of a third person, of which he may have
proper. The usufructuary who has not given security shall knowledge, that may be prejudicial to the rights of owner-
invest the said capital at interest upon agreement with the ship, and he shall be liable should he not do so, for
owner; in default of such agreement, with judicial damages, as if they had been caused through his own fault.
authorization; and, in every case, with security sufficient to
preserve the integrity of the capital in usufruct. `When Notification by the Usufructuary Is Required
Rules on Usufruct of a Matured Credit A.  if a third party commits acts prejudicial to “the rights
of ownership” (both rights of the naked owner and
1.  If usufructuary has given security, collection and rights of the usufructuary, in the latter case, insofar as
invest- ment can be done without the approval of the the naked owner is also affected — as in the case of a
court or of the naked owner. disturbance to the possession) (See 4 Manresa 516-
2.  If usufructuary has NOT given security, or when he
is EXEMPTED or when there was only a CAUCION B.  if urgent repairs are needed (Art. 593);
JURA- TORIA, collection and investment can be done
only WITH the approval of the court or of the naked C.  if an inventory (at the beginning of the usufruct) is to
owner. be made. (Art. 583).

Failure to Collect Due to Usufructuary’s Fault or Effect of Non-notification


The usufructuary shall be liable if the credit that has matured

1. In (a), the usufructuary is liable for damages, as if
(due and demandable) is not collected because of his fault or they had been caused thru his own fault. (Art. 601,
negligence last part).
2.  In (b), the usufructuary cannot even make the (b)  Another example: A testator gave a parcel of land to his
extraordinary repairs needed. (See Art. 594). son (in naked ownership) and to a friend (in usufruct as long
as the son remained the owner of the land). If the son sells the
land to another, the usufruct in favor of the friend is
3. In (c), the inventory can go on, but the naked owner extinguished. (TS, Oct. 1, 1919).
may later point out discrepancies and omissions in
the inventory.
(c)  If the usufruct is on real property or on real right over real
property, the resolutory condition must be registered to bind
Art. 602. The expenses, costs and liabilities in suits third persons. (Art. 709).
brought with regard to the usufruct shall be borne by
the usufructuary.
Termination of the Right of the Person Constituting the
Liability for Expenses and Costs
(a)  Example: A thought he was the owner of a parcel of land.
This article particularly applies only when the usufructuary A gave its usufruct to B for 5 years. If at the end of 2 years, C,
has LOST the case. the real owner gets the land, it necessarily follows that B’s
usufruct is extinguished, without prejudice of course to B
Defense of the Naked Ownership being allowed to continue by C. (See 4 Manresa 531).

The defense of the naked ownership is naturally chargeable to (b)  If the usufructuary has a sub-usufructuary, the sub-
the naked owner. usufruct ends at the time the usufruct is extinguished, because
by that time, the right of the usufructuary to constitute the sub-
usufruct has ended. If the sub-usufructuary dies ahead of the
usufructuary, the sub-usufruct ends, unless a contrary intention

Death of the naked owner does not extinguish the usufruct for
the rights of the naked owner are transmitted to his own heirs.


Art. 603. Usufruct is extinguished: (a)  This refers to acquisitive prescription by a stranger either
of the usufruct (here, the usufructuary is no longer entitled to
(1) By the death of the usufructuary, unless a contrary the usufruct) or of the naked ownership (for here, the right of
intention clearly appears; the person constituting the usufruct has been terminated or
resolved). (See No. 6, Art. 603).
(2) By the expiration of the period for which it was
constituted, or by the fulfillment of any resolutory (b)  Mere non-user by the usufructuary of the usufruct does
condition provided in the title creating the usufruct; not terminate the usufruct, unless it is also a renunciation.

(3) By merger of the usufruct and ownership in the same Acquisitive prescription is when one acquires
person; ownership and other real rights through the lapse of
time in the manner and under the conditions laid
(4)  By renunciation of the usufructuary; down by law. It is also known as adverse
possession. It must be enough that the possession
(5)  By the total loss of the thing in usufruct;
should be in the concept of an owner, public,
peaceful, uninterrupted and adverse. Adverse
(6)  By the termination of the right of the person
constituting the usufruct; possession has two kinds namely:

(7) By prescription. Ordinary Acquisitive Prescription which requires

possession of things in good faith and with just title
Fulfillment of the Resolutory Condition for the time fixed by law which is 10 years.

(a)  Example: A is the usufructuary of land unless he marries Extraordinary Acquisitive Prescription which is the
X. Marriage to X ends the usufruct. acquisition of ownership and other real rights
without the need of title or of good faith or any If in the example given, B was made the usufructuary only
other condition and would prescribe in 30 years. because he had to support C, it follows that the usufruct was
expressly constituted only in consideration of the existence of
C. Thus, on C’s death, the usufruct ends.
Other Causes for the Extinguishment of Usufruct
Art. 607. If the usufruct is constituted on immovable
1.  annulment property of which a building forms part, and the latter
2.  rescission should be destroyed in any manner whatsoever, the
3. mutualwithdrawal usufructuary shall have a right to make use of the land and
4. legal causes ending legal usufruct, as when the materials.
attainment of the age of majority extinguishes
parental usufruct. (See 4 Manresa 534). The same rule shall be applied if the usufruct is constituted
on a building only and the same should be destroyed. But
[NOTE: in such a case, if the owner should wish to construct
another building, he shall have a right to occupy the land
and to make use of the materials, being obliged to pay to
1. ABUSE or MISUSE of the usufruct does not the usufructuary, during the continuance of the usufruct,
extinguish it, unless by virtue of such abuse the interest upon the sum equivalent to the value of the
or misuse, the thing has been totally lost. land and of the materials.
(See Art. 610).
2. Non-fulfillment of a suspensive condition Usufruct on a Building And/Or the Land Concerned
does not extinguish usufruct, for the simple
reason that the usufruct never came into
This article distinguishes between:
(a)  a usufruct constituted both on the building and the land
Art. 604. If the thing given in usufruct should be lost only
in part, the right shall continue on the remaining part.
(b)  and a usufruct constituted only on the building.

Usufruct on BOTH building and land (but the building is

destroyed in any manner whatsoever before the expiration of
Art. 605. Usufruct cannot be constituted in favor of a town,
the period of the usufruct):
corporation, or association for more than fifty years.

If it has been constituted, and before the expiration of 1. The usufruct on the building is ended, but the
such period the town is abandoned, or the corporation or usufruct on the land continues. (See also Art. 604).
association is dissolved, the usufruct shall be extinguished 2. Therefore the usufructuary is still entitled to the use
by reason thereof. of the land and the use of whatever materials of the
house remain.
Art. 606. A usufruct granted for the time that may elapse 3. Therefore, also, if the naked owner wants to rebuild
before a third person attains a certain age, shall subsist for but the usufructuary refuses, it is the usufructuary
the number of years specified, who prevails for the use of the land is still his for the
remainder of the period.
even if the third person should die before the period
expires, Usufruct on the building ALONE (but the building is
destroyed before the termination of the period):
unless such usufruct has been expressly granted only in
consideration of the existence of such person. 1.  The usufruct on the building ends, but the
usufructuary can still make use of whatever materials
Example: of the house remain.
2. Also, the usufructuary is entitled to the use of the
A gave B his land in usufruct until C becomes 40 years old. A land. (Why? Because although there was no usufruct
constituted the usufruct when C was only 20 years old. This on the land, still it cannot be denied that in using the
means that the usufruct should last for 20 years, even if C dies building before, he was also automatically using the
before attaining the age of 40. If therefore C dies at the age of land.)
30, the usufruct in B’s favor generally continues. 3. But precisely because there was no usufruct on the
land, the naked owner has preferential right to its use.
Example of the Exception (Thus, if the naked owner wants to rebuild, but the
usufructuary refuses, it is the naked owner who
should prevail). [Thus also, the law states that if the
owner wants to construct another building (or to
rebuild), he (the naked owner) shall have a right to 2.  or to pay to the usufructuary legal interest on the
occupy the land and to make use of the materials, indemnity. (OPTION [2] requires SECURITY given
being OBLIGED to pay to the usufructuary, during by the naked owner for the payment of the interest.)
the continuance (remaining part of the period) of the (Art. 609).
usufruct the interest (legal interest) upon the sum
equivalent to the value of the land and of the IF BOTH the naked owner and the usufructuary were
materials.]. separately given indemnity, each owns the indemnity
given to him, the usufruct being totally extinguished.
[NOTE: There should be interest —
 If usufructuary alone was given the indemnity, he must give it
on the materials — because the usufruct was on the building to the naked owner and compel the latter to return either the
(including its materials); interest or to replace the property. He may even deduct the
interest himself, if the naked owner fails to object.
on the land — because although there was no usufruct on the
land, still use of the building necessitated automatic use of the [NOTE: Receipt by the usufructuary of the expropriation
land.]. indemnity (in whole or in part) should not be considered proof
of adverse possession, since after all, he is entitled to either the
Person At Fault Must Indemnify interest thereon or to a replacement. (See Quirante v.
Quirante, {CA} {40 O.G.} 4th Supplement, No. 8, p. 242).].
NOTE the phrase “destroyed in any manner whatsoever”
(whether thru fault, deceit, or fortuitous event). [NOTE: In said Quirante case, the Court of Appeals
made an error in stating that the usufructuary was
Should the destruction be due to the fault of the naked owner, entitled to the WHOLE of the indemnity if no
usufructuary, or a third person, the person at fault must replacement is made. The correct rule is, he is
indemnify. entitled only to the legal interest (fruits) on the
indemnity, if no replacement is made.].

Art. 610. A usufruct is not extinguished by bad use of the

thing in usufruct; but if the abuse should cause
Art. 608. If the usufructuary shares with the owner the considerable injury to the owner, the latter may demand
insurance of the tenement given in usufruct, the former that the thing be delivered to him, binding himself to pay
shall in case of loss, continue in the enjoyment of the new annually to the usufructuary the net proceeds of the same,
building, should one be constructed, or shall receive the after deducting the expenses and the compensation which
interest on the insurance indemnity if the owner does not may be allowed him for its administration.
wish to rebuild.
Effect of Bad Use of the Property Held in Usufruct
Should the usufructuary have refused to contribute to the
insurance, the owner insuring the tenement alone, the
latter shall receive the full amount of the insurance 1. BAD use — which does not cause considerable
indemnity in case of loss, saving always the right granted injury to the naked owner.
to the usufructuary in the preceding article.
Rules: Usufruct continues; naked owner cannot de-
Art. 609. Should the thing in usufruct be expropriated for mand administration by himself.
public use, the owner shall be obliged either to replace it
with another thing of the same value and of similar con- 2.  BAD use — which causes considerable injury to the
ditions, or to pay the usufructuary the legal interest on the naked owner (not necessarily to the thing).
amount of the indemnity for the whole period of the (Examples: No security; no other property of
usufruct. If the owner chooses the latter alternative, he usufructuary.)
shall give se- curity for the payment of the interest.
Rules: Usufruct continues; but naked owner can DE- MAND
COMMENT: delivery to and administration by him, but he will be obliged
to pay NET PROCEEDS to usufructuary (that is, naked owner
Rules in Case of Expropriation gets administration fee and administra- tion expenses).

If naked owner alone was given the indemnity, he has the [NOTE: Being administrator merely, he cannot sell or
OPTION: alienate the right to the usufruct, though he may still alienate
the property, without prejudice to the usufruct.].
1.  to replace with equivalent thing
(2) Intervention by the Court
Court will determine whether or not there is considerable EXTRAORDINARY REPAIRS or
injury to the naked owner. (See 4 Manresa 548-549). EXPENSES (inso- far as there has been an
increase in the value). (See Art. 594, second
Art. 611. A usufruct constituted in favor of several per- paragraph).
sons living at the time of its constitution shall not be 3. to remove removable improvements (Art.
extinguished until the death of the last survivor. 579) or set them off against damages he has
caused. (Art. 580).
(1) Rules in Case of a Multiple Usufruct [NOTE: The removal may be done either
during or after the usufruct.].
 If constituted simultaneously, it is evident that all the
usufructuaries must be alive (or at least conceived) at the time On the Part of the Naked Owner
of constitution. Here, it is the death of the last survivor which,
among other causes, terminates the usufruct. must cancel the security or mortgage (provided the
usufructuary has complied with all his obligations). (Art. 612).
must in case of rural leases, respect leases made by the
If a usufruct is constituted in favor of 14 usufructuary, till the end of the agricultural year. (Art. 572).
usufructuaries, and 3 of them die, will 3/14 of the
usufruct (corresponding to the share of the 3 dead make reimbursements to the usufructuary in the proper cases.
usufructuaries) accrue to the naked owner or will they (See Arts. 597 and 594).
accrue in favor of the surviving 11 usufructuaries?

ANS.: They will accrue in favor of the 11 surviving

usufructuaries for the simple reason that the usufruct
continues up to the death of the last survivor.

 If constituted successively (one after the other). Art. 611 also
applies. [However, to constitute successive usufructs, it is
essential that —

If the successive usufructs were constituted by virtue of a

DONATION, all the donees-usufructuaries must be living at
the time of the constitution-donation of the usufruct. (See Art.

If the successive usufructs were constituted by virtue of a last

WILL, there should only be two successive usufructuaries; and
both must have been alive (or at least conceived) at the time of
the testator’s death. (See Arts. 863 and 869).].

Art. 612. Upon the termination of the usufruct, the thing in

usufruct shall be delivered to the owner, without prejudice
to the right of retention pertaining to the usufructuary or
his heirs for taxes and extraordinary expenses which
should be reimbursed. After the delivery has been made,
the security or mortgage shall be cancelled.

Rights and Obligations at the Termination of the Usuf-


On the Part of the Usufructuary

1. must RETURN the property to the naked

owner, but he has the rights —
2.  to RETAIN the property till he is
reimbursed for TAXES ON THE CAPITAL
(which had been ad- vanced by him) (Art.
597, par. 2) and indispensable

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