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Mo Brooks’ Rebuttal to Scurrilous Allegations of Improper Speech

As one of America’s most effective conservative leaders, I defend my

honor & reputation against scurrilous, George Orwellian, 1984, Socialist
Democrats Politics of Personal Destruction, the same attack strategy used
in 2012 against then-presidential candidate Mitt Romney, and nonstop
against President Trump with false Russian Collusion charges and the
2019 sham impeachment effort.

Let’s be clear, this entire smear campaign is about intimidating,

censuring and suppressing the ability of American citizens to fight at the
ballot box the efforts of Socialist Democrats to seize control of the United
States of America.

So that I am unambiguously clear, American citizens recourse is at

the ballot box (maybe this comment will deter Socialist Democrats and
Fake News Media from again shrilly shouting false claims of violence

As you read these remarks, I ask that you consider two quotes.

First, as Jesus said in the Bible, John 8:32, “And ye shall know the
truth and the truth shall make you free”.

Second, I quote the words of American patriot Martin Luther King,

who stated in 1958 that, "True peace is not merely the absence of tension;
it is the presence of justice."

I ask the Members of Congress, the citizens of the great State of

Alabama, and the citizens of America, to bear these words in mind, set
their political stridency aside, and strive for justice.

Before I get into the meat of my remarks, let me add that January 6
was supposed to be a day of great debate on the floors of the House and
Senate about voter fraud and election theft that is supposed to propel
America to more honest or accurate elections.

Instead, our message was hijacked by people whose illegal breach of

the Capitol did a great disservice to our cause and America.

Those who engaged in illegal conduct should be ashamed of
themselves because their attack on the U.S. Capitol destroyed two months
of debate and work.

Those who engaged in the illegal breach of the U.S. Capitol could not
have done more damage if they had followed any script written by the
Democrat National Committee.

I take great offense at anyone who suggests I am so politically

inexperienced as to want to torpedo my honest and accurate election
system effort I spent months fighting on.

Mo Brooks Background

Let me share a little about myself. My long-time acquaintances and

family would describe me as a straight arrow or a “square”.

I have never smoked tobacco.

I don’t consume alcohol.

I have never taken illegal drugs.

I have never been accused or convicted of any felonies or


In half a century of driving, I have never had a DUI, a reckless driving

ticket or even a speeding ticket.

I did once misjudge a traffic light and deservedly got a ticket, but that
is it.

I have never had a vehicle wreck in which anyone claimed I was at


My parents raised me to be a good, self-supporting citizen and I have

strived to be just that.

My parents also encouraged me to participate in government if the

opportunity arose, as this was a part of my ancestry.

On my mother’s side, we have a North Carolina ancestral history that
includes a county sheriff, a state legislator, a board of education member, a
road commissioner, and the like.

In fact, the first rest stop you come to on I-40 when you enter North
Carolina from Tennessee is named after my grandfather, D. Reeves

I am proud of that ancestry. I have tried to follow it.

As such, I have served the public for 36 years as a Tuscaloosa

assistant district attorney, an Alabama legislator, the Madison County
District Attorney, a county commissioner, and U.S. Congressman.

In my 36 years as a public servant, I have a perfect ethics record,

having never been found guilty of an ethics violation, large or small.

I am proud that, in 1982, I was the first Republican legislator ever

elected in Alabama House District 18.

I am proud that, in 1983, I was the first Republican legislator ever

elected in Alabama House District 10.

I am proud that, in 2010, I was the first Republican elected in

Alabama Congressional District 5 in more than 130 years.

I am proud that, in the history of the State of Alabama, no person has

successfully carried the Republican banner in general elections more than I

You can imagine my dismay upon learning that Socialist Democrats,

without ever even bothering to first discuss this matter with me to discern
the truth, and without any substantive and connective evidence, so
viciously besmirch my good name and character that took 66 years to build.

It is with that as a background, that I will address how misplaced and

malevolent the motives are of those who falsely accuse me of bad conduct.

Accusation Flaw #1:

Mr. Malinowski, in his Censure Resolution, alleges that
“Representative Mo Brooks addressed a rally in Washington, DC, attended
by numerous members of known extremist and anti-government groups,
including the Proud Boys, QAnon, Boogaloo Boys, and Oathkeepers, who
would shortly thereafter march to seize the United States Capitol”

That statement is meaningless because it omits a key fact. Mr.

Malinowski fails to allege I knew any of that!

Why? Because I did not know any of that.

For the record, I have never knowingly associated or communicated

with any of those groups in my life and I certainly had no inkling any of
these groups were a part of the Trump rally at the Ellipse. Perhaps, at
some political event, I have had a photo with one, or a five second
conversation with another, but, if so, I don’t recall it and paid no attention to

Per my cell phone records, on Tuesday morning, January 5, I had a

telephone call with Brian Jack, White House Political Director. He asked
me to speak at the Trump rally the next day, Wednesday morning.

I had never attended a Trump rally in my life but had seen many on
TV, and thought it honor for the White House to invite me to address Trump
volunteers and supporters, so I readily agreed.

Due to lack of time, I did not draft my speech from scratch.

The bulk of my January 6 White House Ellipse speech comes from

my often-used “America is Great” political speeches that I have given
dozens of times, perhaps hundreds of times, in my 34 years of public
service as a Tuscaloosa assistant district attorney, an Alabama legislator,
the Madison County District Attorney, a county commissioner, and U.S.

Further, I very early in the political rally. There was music, there was
my speech, there was more music, then there was some number of
speakers, then a couple hours or so later, President Trump began

I ask this question, if my remarks were as inspirational were as
violence inspirational as the Socialist Democrats and their Fake News
Media allies want the public to believe, why didn’t the Trump rally
participants, after my remarks, immediately get up and storm the Capitol?

Why not indeed! The answer is simple. No one at the rally

interpreted my remarks to be anything other than what they were: A pep
talk after the derriere kicking conservatives suffered in the dismal 2020

As I will prove later, my remarks were clearly designed to reinvigorate

people for the 2022 election cycle that had already begun two months ago
and is now only a year away.

Accusation Flaw #2:

Mr. Malinoski’s Censure resolution alleges, “Whereas,

Representative Brooks then exhorted the audience: “Today is the day
American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass”.

While I did utter those words, what is deceitfully omitted is the

immediately preceding sentence, that begins with, “But let’s be clear,
regardless of today’s outcome, the 2022 and the 2024 elections are right
around the corner.”

This preceding sentence, clearly and unambiguously confirms that

my “take names and kicking derrieres” remarks refers to fighting to win
elections in 2022 and 2024 and had absolutely nothing to do with the illegal
breach of the Capitol that occurred later in the day.

Notably, Mr. Malinoski’s Censure Resolution deceitfully omits the key

introductory clause of the “take names” sentence that confirms what I just
said. After focusing on winning the 2022 and 2024 elections, the beginning
of the next sentence is “As such”. “As such, today is the day American
patriots start taking down names and kicking as.”

The phrase “As such” confirms that my “take names” sentence is in

the context of the preceding 2022 and 2024 sentence and that I was
encouraging people to join our fight to win the 2022 & 2024 elections

I was not encouraging anyone to engage in violence. I was
encouraging people to begin a 2022 and 2024 election fight!

Accusation Flaw #3.

Mr. Malinoski’s Censure Resolution alleges I “encouraged and incited

violence against his fellow Members of Congress, as part of an assault on
the United States Capitol.”

That statement is utterly false and beyond contempt.

In addition to the foregoing rebuttals, consider the following:

1. I was in the House Chamber when the attack began! The idea that I
would encourage and incite violence” on myself, my friends, and my
colleagues is absurd.

2. The Censure resolution (and the Fake News Media) conveniently and
deceitfully omit the action I asked rally attendees to undertake: take
WORDS (not violence) to the Capitol!

At the start of my speech, I tell the audience quote, “I’ve got a

message that I need you to take to your heart, and take back home,
and along the way stop at the Capitol.”

My message is NOT violence, it is WORDS. Only the most

malevolent or partisan of people would construe my speech

At the very end of my speech, I emphasize that:

“What are the simple words we must shout to the heavens and carry,
the message, to Capitol Hill? What are the words that cause
Socialists and weak-kneed Republicans on Capitol Hill to shake in
their boots and cower in their foxholes?
What are the words that scare the hell out of Socialists and weak-
kneed Republicans alike?

Join with me! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! Washington!
America! Heed those words, because we’re going to carry them right
to you.

That is right. I exhorted the Trump rally attendees to bring words,

NOT VIOLENCE, to the U.S. Capitol.

And those words are USA, USA, USA.

3. Mr. Malinowski and the Censure Resolution deceitfully attributes to

me things that are absolutely false. It asserts, with no credible
evidence, a linkage between my words and the illegal breach of the

Let me emphasize something in that regard. I have proudly served

the people of the Great State of Alabama for 34 years.

I have given hundreds if not thousands of political speeches. I have

given dozens if not hundreds of political rally speeches. Not once in
those 34 years of speech-giving has anyone been incited to violence.
Not once!

As far as I knew, the Trump rally attendees were patriotic Americans

who wished to exercise their Constitutional right to freely assemble,
freely speak, and freely exercise their Constitutionally guaranteed
right to protest.

Certainly, as far as I am aware (and granted I have never previously

attended one), no prior Trump rally resulted in violence.

4. I made my speech in front of a bank of TVs. The notion that I would

give a recorded speech calling for riots and violence is the height of
arrogance and stupidity. I called for fighting in the 2022 and 2024
5. The growing evidence is that various Militant groups came to
Washington, DC on January 6 to engage in violent acts regardless of
speech content.

For example, Mr. Malinowski’s Censure Resolution claims that

militant, “extremist and anti-government groups, including the Proud

Boys, QAnon, Boogaloo Boys, and Oathkeepers”, helped “seize the
United States Capitol”.

Other information suggests fascist ANTIFA should also be added.

One or more of these groups brought pipe bombs, firearms, and other
explosive devices with them.

This level or preparation is evidence that violent actions were planned

long before my remarks. Ergo, my remarks had nothing to do with
the ensuing violent acts.


The reckless, defamatory, deceitful nature of the Censure Resolution

begs the question of why would Socialist Democrats go to such lengths to
deceitfully slander and defame the reputation of an honorable member of
the opposition party?

Perhaps I can share a few very plausible motives.

Motive #1: Hypocrisy.

There is no end to the hypocrisy of Socialist Democrats who are so

often willing to condemn what they themselves do!

I submit the following quotes, and the absence of any Censorship

efforts regarding them, evidence how hypocritical this Censure Resolution

In 2019, Congressman Joaquin Castro stated, “We’ll also fight him

[Trump] … in the streets!”

In 2020, Congresswoman Maxine Waters stated, “And if you see

anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a
gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back
on them. Any you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

In 2018, former Attorney General Eric Holder stated, “Michelle [Obama]

always says that, you know, ‘When they go low, we go high.’ No. When

they go low, we kick them. That’s what this new Democratic Party is

In 2020, Vice-President Elect Kamala Harris encouraged

people to help post bail out for violent protestors in
Minnesota when she posted, ““If you’re able to, chip in now
to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those
protesting on the ground in Minnesota.”

In 2020, Congresswoman Cori Bush stated, “We DISRUPT PEACE

because lives are on the line. NO, I won’t coddle you or baby you by
giving you a peaceful protest. Get a backbone- get some fight in you!
We’re putting our lives on the line because black people are <the

If Socialist Democrats were really concerned about stopping the

violence, then why do they encourage, rather than discourage, the
violence, the looting, the arson, the killings by Black Lives Matter or fascist

Socialist Democrats are not motivated by justice. They are motivated by

political advantage.

Socialist Democrats acquiesce to violence they believe helps them at

the polls and engage in fake, manipulative politics when they believe the
violence hurts them at the polls.

In contrast, I oppose all violence of the kind we saw last week at the
U.S. Capitol and have, as such and on numerous occasions, called for
aggressive prosecution of every person who illegally breached Capitol
security, regardless of their political motivation for doing so.

Motive #2:

I have evolved into a national leader in the:

Fight against dictatorial Socialism and fight for free enterprise and
the freedom and liberty on which freedom is based.

Fight against the killing of unborn babies and fight for life.

Fight against unsustainable deficits that threaten America’s
solvency and fight for financial responsibility that threatens to cut
off a reliable Socialist Democrat block vote: those people on
welfare who prefer to vote for a living rather than work for one.

Fight against Big Tech censorship and Socialist Democrats’

suppression of free speech and fight for freedom of assembly,
freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the right to bear arms.

Fight against the voter fraud and election theft so many Socialist
Democrats rely on to get elected and fight for honest and accurate

The burden of being a national leader in the fight for the foundational
values that have combined to make America the greatest nation in world
history is being a target of deceitful Socialist Democrat politics of personal

But know this, I am from the Great State of Alabama, where our
motto is “We Dare Defend our Rights”.

Socialist Democrats and their Fake News Media Allies won’t get an
apology from me because my remarks were not wrong. Conversely, the
Socialist Democrats and their Fake News Media Allies should be
apologizing to the public for the egregiously and manipulative way they
have deceived the public on this issue.

Rest assured; I will never apologize for fighting to win our causes at
the ballot box. That is the American way!

I conclude with two famous quotes.

The first is from Jesus, in the King James Bible, Chapter 7, Verse 2:
“For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what
measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.”

I recommend everyone take these words to heart and very carefully

consider them.

The second is from American patriot Martin Luther King, in his Letter
from Birmingham Jail, April 16, 1963:

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught
in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of
destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly."


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