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Executive Summary 



How much of our solid waste is plastic? The Environmental Protection Agency reports
plastic made up 12% of the 254 million tons of waste generated in 2007. That’s more than 30
million tons of plastic in one year. Some reports state plastic materials can take hundreds of
years to break down in a landfill. When you take part in our plastics recycling program, you
join a network of Green-minded people and companies who recycle millions of tons of
plastics across the United States annually.

And, for every 1 ton of plastic that’s recycled, reports estimate that 7 yards of landfill space is
saved. By recycling, you can also help conserve the additional 80% of energy that’s typically
used when making new plastic bottles, containers and other items instead of recycling. It’s
easy to see why recycling plastic is so important.

Baled plastics, specifically plastic bottles, have a high scrap value per ton. In fact, the only
other recyclable that’s more lucrative is aluminum cans.


We will create a PET (polyethylene terephthalate) cleaning and refining plant located in
Mogadishu, Somalia. Its initial capacity will be 6 million pounds, and it will utilize post-
consumer bottle feed stock presently scattered all over the city, which if collected is over 50
million pounds per year. The Company will be vertically integrated, and use almost all of its
recycled material in its Packaging Division. Any surplus materials (clean flake) produced will
be sold to outside companies. The extruded sheet may then be sold to manufacturers, who
will thermoform it into high-visibility packaging or use it in other high value added
manufacturing operations. The strapping will be sold to companies who ship large packages
or pallets in china or in other Asian countries.


Currently there is no direct competition in any production in the trading area remains captive
and not available to our target market.

The ability of the Company to obtain a source of post-consumer bottle stock is an integral
component of the strategy to vertically integrate operations and manufacture products in
demand by consuming industries. Without the cleaning and refining division, it would be
difficult to source sufficient RPET flake resin at costs that would allow the Company to be


There has been a strong demand (sellers’ market) for our products for several years.
Traditional buying patterns in this industry are based on quality, price, reputation of
manufacturer, freight costs, delivery times and proximity to markets. During such a sellers’
market, buying patterns are often more influenced by availability.

Why Us?

Our manufacturing company will be dedicated to converting waste plastic materials into
commercially viable products, utilizing environmentally friendly recycling and
manufacturing methods. We intend to make enough profit to generate a significant return for
our investors and to finance continued growth and continued development in quality
products. We will also maintain a friendly, fair, and creative work environment, which
respects diversity, new ideas and hard work


After a couple month start-up period to build the recycling and packaging facilities, buy
equipment, and incorporate the business, Replay Plastics will begin a quick turnaround of

Financing Needed

Our Founders will put up a total of $ 100, 000 dollars. We will also have a group of investors
that will put up the 1 million dollars. This will give our plastics recycling plant the 1.1
million that it needs to start. 

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