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Suggestions for the week:

There are two exercises that can help you support yourself in
your freedom and in good health. First, allow yourself to recognize
that you are not the body. The more you identify with your body,
the more you will feel disturbed by anything that appears to happen
to it. You can follow Lester’s suggestion of saying to yourself, “I am
not the body.” You can also allow yourself to be both as identified
with the body as you are and as free of the body as you are by using
a polarity while focusing on a particular physical problem. “I am the
body–I am not the body” is a good one.
The second exercise is to allow yourself to see the problem as
just a memory that you are constantly recreating in this moment,
thereby missing your underlying perfection. You can explore
this possibility by using these questions: “Can I allow myself to
remember how I used to have this problem (whatever the apparent
physical problem is)?” As best you can, allow yourself to see it as a
memory. Then ask yourself: “Could I let go of wanting to have that
problem again?” As you catch on to this way of working with any of
your problems, they will easily start to dissolve.
You can also use any of the following polarities:
􀁴􀁴I am the body–I am not the body.
􀁴􀁴The body is the all of me–The body is the least of me.
􀁴􀁴There is a body–There is no body.
􀁴􀁴That is my body–That is the body of God.
􀁴􀁴I have a body–There is only one body: God.
Record your experiences with these exercises in your journal
or diary of progress. Did you remember to write down your gains
and realizations as you did this session?

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