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Lester: I’ll give you a clue to it.

You went to sleep, and you had

a dream, and you dreamed that you were born into a little infant
body, and you went through one year, two years, three years, into
youth, middle age and old age, all the way up to ninety years. And
it took ninety years to get up to that old body. It was a long, long
time, right? Ninety years? Until you woke up and then realized it
was a dream and it might have taken a second or two. The dream
lasted a few seconds, and in that time you went through a ninetyyear
period! And it seemed like ninety years while you were in the
dream. It wasn’t until you woke up that you realized it was only a
few seconds. Some day you’ll see that creation is instantaneous,
with the mental concept of time in it.
Q: How do you equate our effort in trying to create that which
we might desire with the statements, “Seek ye first the kingdom of
God and all good things will be added unto you,” and, “Think not
of what you shall eat and where you shall sleep?”
Lester: Well, it fits in. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God”: God is
the essence of our very beingness. If we see that and discover it, we
find the secret of everything. So, seek ye first the kingdom of God:
go within, discover who and what you are, then you have the secret
to everything, not only to creating, but to everything.
But, you see, that’s been part of several years of what we have
been going through as a group: how to go within and discover
this infinite Being that we are, which is the God part of us. And
when this infinite Being is discovered, everything is known–how to
create and, more than that, how to uncreate. And still more
important, how to get beyond creating and uncreating, which is the
ultimate state. Then you will not think of what you shall eat and
where you shall sleep. Did I connect it for you?
Q: Until you reach the higher state, I wonder if it isn’t possible to
get caught up in still trying to create before you become aware of
the higher state?
Lester: Yes, I say that you are caught up in trying to create. You now

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