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12/02/2010 Dwelling Details Report Page 1 of 16

Property Details
Dwelling type Semi-detached house Type of BER Rating Existing Dwelling Has a rating been previously submitted Yes
Year of construction 1998 BER Number 101328490
Address line 1 4 Woodville
Date of assessment 28/11/2009 Your Ref.
Address line 2 Killala Road
Date of Plans 28/11/2009 MPRN No. 10017565581
Address line 3 Ballina
Planning reference Is MPRN shared with another dwelling? No
County Co. Mayo
Building Regulations None Shared BER Number
Post code

Comment Before and After Certificate, Home Energy Saving Grant

Owner name Noel Gallagher

Address line 1 17 Woodville Phone

Address line 2 Killala Road Email
Address line 3 Ballina
County Co. Mayo
Post code

Assessor name Martin Cooney

Assessor reg. no. 101658

Developer name
Development name
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Dimension Details

Area [m²] Height [m] Volume [m³]

Ground floor 54.89 2.46 135.00

First floor 51.35 2.69 138.00
Second floor 0.00 0.00 0.00
Third and other floors 0.00 0.00 0.00
Room in roof 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total floor area 106.24 273.16

Living Area [m2] 21.87 Living area percentage 21.00

No of Storeys 2
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Ventilation Details

Number Air change rate [ac/h]

Chimneys 1 40
Open Flues 0 0 Is there a draught lobby on main entranc No
Fans & Vents 6 60 Draught lobby air change [ac/h] 0.05
Gas Fires 0 0 Openings infiltration [ac/h] 0.42

Has a permeability test been carried out? No

If Permeability Test is No:

Structure type Masonry Infiltration rate due to structure [ac/h] 0.50
Is there a suspended wooden ground floor? No Intermediate infiltration rate 0.92
Percentage windows/doors draughtstripped [%] 100 Number of sides sheltered 2
Adjusted infiltration rate 0.78

Ventilation method Natural ventilation Effective air change rate [ac/h] 0.80
Ventilation heat loss [W/K] 72.00

Manufacturer and model name

Specific fan power [W/(l/s)] 0.00
Heat exchanger efficiency [%] 0.00
Electricity for ventilation fans [kWh/y] 0.00
Heat gains from ventilation fans [W] 0.00
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Building Elements
Description U-Value [W/m²K] Area [m²] Heat Loss Number of
Front Door Timber 3.00 1.85 5.55 1

Rear Door 40% Glazing 2.52 1.85 4.66 1

Type Description U-Value [W/m²K] Area [m²] Heat Loss Underfloor
Ground Floor - Solid 0.44 54.89 24.15 False

Type Description U-Value [W/m²K] Area [m²] Heat Loss Insulation Thickness

Pitched Roof – Insulated on Ceiling Main Roof 0.13 51.35 6.68 >= 300 mm

Pitched Roof – Insulated on Ceiling Roof over Utility 0.40 3.54 1.42 Unknown

Type Description U-Value [W/m²K] Area [m²] Heat Loss Semi Exposed

300mm Cavity Front Elevation 0.27 26.19 7.07 No

300mm Cavity Rear Elevation 0.27 32.07 8.66 No

300mm Cavity Left Side Elevation 0.27 44.62 12.05 No

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Ref Description Orientation Frame type FrameGlazing type Eff. collecting Solar Area [m²] Adj. u-value User defined Gap Roof UValue Overshading
Factor area [m²] transmit. [W/m²K] u-value Window Desc

1 Front West Wood/PVC 0.70 Double-glazed, 2.53 0.76 6.86 2.52 No 12mm N 2.80 Average or
Elevation air filled Unknown
2 Rear East Wood/PVC 0.70 Double-glazed, 3.02 0.76 8.19 2.52 No 12mm N 2.80 Average or
Elevation air filled Unknown
3 Left Side North Wood/PVC 0.70 Double-glazed, 0.25 0.76 0.67 2.52 No 12mm N 2.80 Average or
Elevation air filled Unknown
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Heat loss details

Total glazed area [m²] 15.72 Glazing ratio 0.06

Total glazed heat loss [W/K] 39.60 Summer solar gain [W/m²] 0.00

Total effective collecting area [m²] 5.80

Total element area [m 232.08

Total plane heat loss [W/K] 110.00

Thermal bridging factor [W/m²K] 0.15

Fabric heat loss [W/K] 145.00
Total heat loss [W/K] 217.00 Per m² 2.04
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Water heating

Are there distribution losses Yes I supplementary elctric immersion used in summer No
Are There storage losses Yes Is there a combi boiler No
Is there a solar water heating system No

Standard number of occupants 3.10

Daily hot water use [Litres/d] 109.00 Total hot water demand [kWh/y] 2,313.00
Hot water energy reqs. at taps [kWh/y] 1,966.00
Distribution losses [kWh/y] 347

Water storage volume [Litres] 80 Temperature factor unadjusted 0.60

Temperature factor multiplier 0.90
Is manufacturers declared loss factor available No

Manufacturer name and model

Declared loss factor [kWh/d]
Insulation type Factory Insulated Hot water storage loss factor [kWh/l d] 0.14
Insulation thickness [mm] 0 Volume factor 1.15
Combi boiler Type
Keep Hot facility None
Combi-boiler loss [kWh/y] 0.00 Combi-boiler electricity consumption [kWh/y 0.00

Storage loss 2,572.00 Adjusted storage loss [kWh/y] 2,572.00

Primary circuit loss type Boiler with uninsulated primary pipework and with cylinder thermostat
Adjusted primary circuit loss [kWh/y] 541
Primary circuit loss [kWh/y] 610
Heat gains from water heating system [W] 390.00
Output from main water heater [kWh/y] 5,426.00

Annual Heat gains from water heating 3,419.00 Output from supplementary heater [kWh/y] 0.00
system [kWh/y]
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Solar water heating

Solar panel manufacturer

Solar panel model
Aperture area of solar collector [m²] Dedicated storage volume [Litres]
Zero loss collector efficiency Solar storage combined?

Collector heat loss coefficient [W/m²K] Total Volume of Cylinder (Litres)

Collector performance ratio[W/m²K] Effective solar volume 14.00

Daily Hot water usage 108.60
Annual Solar Radiation [kWh/m2] 0
Volume ratio
Overshading factor 0.00
Solar storage volume factor
Solar energy available [kWh/y]
Solar to load ratio
Solar Hot water input [kWh/y]
Utilisation factor
Is there a cylinder stat?
Adjusted utilisation factor
Collector performance factor

Is solar water heating pump solar

Electricity consumption of SWH pump
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lighting and internal gains

Basic energy consumption for lighting [kWh/m²y] 9.30 [kWh/y] 988.00

Percent low energy fixed lighting outlets [%] 0

Annual energy used for lighting [kWh/m²y] 1,006.00

Internal gains from lighting during heating season [kWh/hs] 769.00 In watts [W] 132.00

Lighting 132.00
Appliance and cooking 223.00
Water heating 390.00
Occupants 155.00
Mechanical ventilation 0.00
Heat loss to the cold water network -42.00

Net internal gains 859.00

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Net space heat demand

Req temp during heated hours 21
Req temp rest of dwelling 18
Living area percentage 21.00

Required mean internal temperature [C] 18.62

Thermal mass category of dwelling Medium

Utilisation factor Intermitent heating

Internal heat capacity of dwelling [per m2] 0.20 0.11
Internal heat capacity [MJ/K] 21.00 12.00

Length of one unheated period [h] 8

Unheated periods per week 14

Heat use during heating season [kWh/y] 5,936.00

Heat use for full year [kWh/y] 6,178.00

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Space heat demand details

Month Mean External Adj Internal Heat Loss Heat Use [kWh] Gain/Loss Utilisation Heat Use [W] Useful Gains
Temp [C] Temp[C] [W] Ratio Factor [W]

January 5.30 16.62 2,456 1,143 0.39 0.96 1,536 920

February 5.50 16.65 2,419 950 0.44 0.94 1,414 1,005
March 7.00 16.87 2,142 778 0.57 0.90 1,046 1,096
April 8.30 17.07 1,903 529 0.73 0.84 734 1,168
May 11.00 17.47 1,405 239 1.10 0.70 321 1,084
June 13.50 17.85 944 77 1.64 0.54 108 836
July 15.50 18.15 575 18 2.61 0.37 25 550
August 15.20 18.10 630 27 2.28 0.41 36 594
September 13.30 17.82 981 119 1.33 0.63 165 816
October 10.40 17.38 1,515 423 0.75 0.83 568 947
November 7.50 16.95 2,050 813 0.48 0.93 1,129 921
December 6.00 16.72 2,327 1,061 0.41 0.95 1,427 900
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Dist. System Losses and Gains

Temperature adjustment [C] 0.60

Heating system control category 1
Heating system responsiveness category 1
Mean internal temperature during heating hours [C] 20.17
Mean internal temperature [C] 18.28
Additional heat emissions due to non ideal control
and responsiveness [kWh/y]

Gross heat emission to heated space [kWh/y] 7,606

Boiler controlled Electricity consumption Heat gain

Number present Inside dwelling
by thermostat [kWh/y] [W]

Central heating pumps 1 Yes 130 10

Oil boiler pumps 1 No Yes 130 10
Gas boiler flue fan 0 0
Warm air heating system No 0 0

totals 260 20
Gains from fans and pumps
associated with space heating system

Average utilisation factor, October to May 0.88

Useful net gain[kWh/y] 103
Net heat emission to heated space [kWh/y] 7,503

Is there underfloor heating on the ground floor? No U-Value of ground floor [W/m²K] 0.00
Fraction of heating system output from ground floor 0.67
Additional heat loss via envelope element 0.00
Annual space heating requirement [kWh/y] 7,503
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Energy Requirements : Individual

Efficiency of main heating system [%] 85.40

Manufacturer name Unidare
Model name Jetmatic( White-
Efficiency adjustment factor 0.95
Adjusted efficiency of main heating system [%] 0.00
Fraction of heat from secondary system 0.10
Efficiency of secondary system [%] 30.00
Energy required for main heating system [kWh/y] 8,324
Energy required for secondary heating system [kWh/y] 2,535

Efficiency of main water heating system [%] 85.40

Manufacturer name Unidare
Model name Jetmatic( White-
Efficiency adjustment factor 0.95
Adjusted efficiency of main water heating system [%] 0.00
Energy required for main water heater [kWh/y] 6,689
Energy required for secondary water heater [kWh/y] 0
Primary energy
conversion factor

Main space heating system Heating Oil 1.10 0.272

Secondary space heating system Solid Multi-Fuel 1.10 0.369
Main water heating system Heating Oil 1.10 0.272
Supplementary water heating system None 0.00 0.000
Pumps, fans 2.70 0.643
Energy for lighting 2.70 0.643
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Comment Type Part L Total Delivered Primary energy
Contribution Energy conversion factor

Energy produced or saved 1 Renewable Thermal 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Energy consumed by the technology 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
Energy produced or saved 2 Renewable Thermal 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Energy consumed by the technology 2 0.00 0.00 0.00
Energy produced or saved 3 Renewable Thermal 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Energy consumed by the technology 3 0.00 0.00 0.00

Do renewable resources meet the main space heating need? No

Do renewable resources meet the main water heating need? No
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Summer internal gains

Dwelling Volume [m²] 273.16

Effective air change rate for summer period [ac/h] 0
Ventilation heat loss coefficient [W/K] 0.00
Fabric heat loss coefficient [W/K 145.00
Heat loss coefficient under summer conditions [W/K] 145.00
Total Solar Gains for Summer Period 0.00
Internal gains [W] 859.00
Total gains in summer [W] 859.00
Temperature increment due to gains [C] 5.90
Summer mean external temperature [C] 15.00
Heat capacity parameter 0.20
Temperature increment related to thermal mass [C] 0.60
Threshold internal temperature [C] 21.50
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Delivered energy Primary energy CO2 emissions

[kWh/y] [kWh/y] [Kg/y]

Main space heating system 8,324.00 9,156.00 2,264.00

Secondary space heating system 2,535.00 2,789.00 936.00
Main water heating system 6,689.00 7,357.00 1,819.00
Supplementary water heating system 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pumps and fans 260.00 702.00 167.00
Energy for lighting 1,006.00 2,715.00 647.00

Renewable and energy saving technologies

Energy produced and saved 0.00 0.00 0.00
Energy consumed by the technology 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 18,813.00 22,719.00 5,833.00
Per m² floor area 177.08 213.85 54.90

Energy Rating C3

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