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 Who needs to be involved to achieve a goal?

 What do I want to accomplish? / What are you trying to accomplish?

 Why do I want to accomplish? / What is the reason/purpose accomplish the goal?
 When will the goal be achieved? (time frame or a specific time)
 Which
- What are the requirement (if a bakery shop, u need machines, you have to learn how
to baked before open a bakery shop if you dunno how to bake .. etc)
- What are the constraints? (need to get licence to sell food for example)
 Where do I want to accomplish? (a location / place – where are you allowed to sell for
example or you can give specific place)

 How will I measure my progress? (the bakery store will be ready to open within 6 months
for example / keep track how much make each time when sell what u baked)
 How will I know when the goal is accomplished? (Your goal will be achieved once you
earned more than $100 / or by when you will accomplished)

 How can the goal be accomplished? (set up in a trendy location with enough foot traffic
and parking for vehicles / find 3-5 places to sell cotton candy)
 What are the logical steps / actions I should take to achieve my goal? (I have to buy
necessary equipment)
 Have a goal to sell how much (coffee for example) every hour
 Promotion and build relationship with (customers for example) – create nice sign
promoting (coffee for example) / social medias such as FB..etc
 Research regulations on selling (coffee for example) in public areas (if like road side is
your location)
 Hardworking and actually go out and sell your (coffee for example)

 Is my goal important? (for example important because give clarity on what we truly want
to achieve / give confident to own a business for example / keep motivated / then stay
ahead of the competitors)
Reasonable  Is my goal worthwhile? (for example, I enjoy my career and want to continue to grow
within this company / because I can earn at least $10 per hour compared for example
working at the campus only $4 per hour)
 Can the goal be realistically accomplished? / Is the goal realistic to reach?
 How long will it take to accomplish your goal?
Timetabled  (Coffee house for example) will be profitable at the end on the first year or end of this
June (maybe) / Mobile app for example will be launches by the end of June

Examples of smart goals

 Bad example of a SMART goal:

“I want to have a lot of money”.

 Good example of a SMART goal:

“I want to make one million within 10 years by starting an internet marketing business selling personal

development products all over the world and by providing life coaching consultancy and conducting live


 Bad example of a SMART goal:

“I want to lose weight”.

 Good example of a SMART goal:

“I want to lose 20 lbs by April 15th 2008. I will perform a half hour of cardio and half hour of strength

training per day, 5 times a week and I will only eat starchy carbohydrates 3 times a week.”

 Bad example of a SMART goal:

“I want to write a book”.

 Good example of a SMART goal:

“I want to write a work book on “How to add 10 years to your life” that is at least 150 pages in length and

get it completed by June 30th 2008. I will write at least 4 pages every weekday until I complete the book.”

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