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A. Contact Information
 NIM : 12/335994/SV/01689
 Address : Tenglik RT 4 RW 5, Watubonang, Tawangsari, Sukoharjo
 Cell phone : +6285647420095
 Email :
B. Personal Information
 Date of Birth : 5th December 1992
 Place of Birth : Bandung
 Citizenship : Indonesian
 Gender : Male
 Marital status : Single
C. Education Background
Universitas Gajah Mada September 2012 - Present
SMAN 1 Sukoharjo Juli 2008 - Juni 2004
SMPN 1 Tawangsari Juli 2004 - Juni 2008
SDN 3 Kedungjambal Juli 1999 - Juni 2004
D. Academic Position
Student of Electrical Engineering, Vocational School of Universitas Gajah Mada
E. Research
2012 Extract Mangosteen Peel as an Alternative to Treat Dismenore
2013 Breadfruit Leaf Tea (Artocarpus altilis) as an Alternative to Lowering
Blood CholesterolbLevels (2013)
F. Key Skills and Competencies
 Success and result driven.
 Good listener.
 Attention to detail.
 Adaptable to new situations.
 Enjoy a competitive environment.
 Problem solving.
 Confident outlook.
 Flexible, open to ideas and willing to learn.
 Ability to work as part of a team.
G. Employment History
Employer of CV Global Multi Teknik as technician (January 2012-Juni 2012)
H. Interest
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 Sport : Volley, Football, Swimming

 Art & Literature : Design graphic.
I. Training
 Participant of First GMT (Great Muslimah Training’s) “Dare to be a SMART
women, Solutif, Mandiri, Aktif, Responsible, and Tangguh”, condueted by
FOSIMMIK in UNDIP Semarang, on September 10, 2011.
 Participant of DISREG ”Peningkatan Mutu Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi
terhadap Pencapaian Uji Kompetensi Perawat Indonesia,” condueted by
HIMKA, in Semarang, October 2012
 Participant of Table Manner Course, in Patra Semarang Convention Hotel,
condueted by Nursing Science Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University, on
March 2, 2012.
 Participant of ESQ Basic Training, “Future Leader First Batch Diponegoro
University”, in Gedung Serba Guna AKPOL Semarang, on June 9, 2013.
 Participant of Training Rohis “Membangun Kader Berjiwa Khulafa ‘urrasyidin”
in Sisemut Ungaran-Semarang, condueted by FOSIMMIK, on December 9-
11, 2013.
 Participant of LKMM PD School of Nursing Diponegoro University, condueted
by HIMKA in Semarang, on September, 2011.
J. Certification & Accreditation
 Committee of TOEFL TRAINING 2012
 Committee of PMB, LKMM-PD, OPEN HOUSE PSIK 2012
 Committee of TR1 FOSIMMIK 2012
 Committee of Diskusi Regional 2012
K. Computer Skills
Ms. Word (Good)
Ms. Excel (Good)
Ms. PowerPoint (Good)
Ms. Corel Draw (Good)
Photoshop (Good)
Eagle (Good)
Proteus (Good)
Crazy (Good)
L. Professional Membership
 Staff Minat Bakat of BEM KM Vocational School of Universitas Gajah Mada
(November 2013 - Present)
M. Language Skill
 English (Spoken: Fair)
(Written: Fair)
 Indonesian (Spoken: Good)
(Written: Good)
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Dwi Yulianto

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