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Mapua University PROJECT # 1

Department of Mathematics MATH146 SET E

1st Quarter SY2018 – 2019
Name: _____________________________________________________
Section: ______________________________ SEAT NO. _____________

I. ALTERNATIVE RESPONSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect. (1 pt. each)
____________ 1. If 3 x =9 y and 22 x +1=8 y +2, then the value of x is 5.
d n
____________ 2. The [ u ] is n un−1 du where u is a differentiable function of x .
dx dx
−1 x dy 1
____________ 3. The derivative of the function y=tan is = .
4 dx 16+ x2
d2 y
____________ 4. If y=x 3−2 x 2 +3 x−1, then =3 x−4.
dx 2
____________ 5. If f ( x )=e−x+1, then the value of f ' (1) is ∞ .
II. COMPLETION TEST:Fill in the blank with the correct answer. (1 pt. each)
1. The line x=a is __________________ of the graph of a function if lim ¿.
x→ a f ( x ) =−∞ ¿
2. If f (x) does not exist at x=a , f (x) is __________ at x=a .
3. The __________ of a function f (x) exists at a if and only if both of the one – sided limits exist at a and have the
same value.
4. A function is _____________ at x=c , if f (c ) is defined, lim f (x ) exists and lim f (x ) is equal to f (c ).
x →c x →c

5. A discontinuity at c is called ______________ discontinuity if f (c ) is defined, lim f ( c) exists, and

x →c
lim f (x )≠ f (c).
x →c

III. State whether the limit exists. Evaluate the limit if it does exist. (10 pts. @)
sin 2 x
1. Is lim f ( x ) exists if f ( x )=
x →3 {42+x−xx , if, ifx<3x >3
2. lim
x →0 3x

dy 2 y3 dy
of y=( 3 x +1 )2 x
3 x+ y
a. Find of ln e = 2 b. Find
dx x dx
dy d2 y
c. Find of y=( 4 x +2 )3 ( 3 x−2 )4 d. Find given that 4 xy=32.
dx dx 2

e. Find y ' of cot xy + xy=0 f. Differentiate and simplify: f ( x )=cos−1 ¿

Sketch the graph. Determine whether or not the function is continuous at the indicated point and classify the discontinuity (if
any) as being removable or essential. If the latter, state whether it is jump discontinuity, an infinite discontinuity, or neither.
f ( x )= x−3 , x ≠ 3 ;
0 , x=3
(10 pts.)
Mapua University PROJECT # 1
Department of Mathematics MATH146 SET E
1st Quarter SY2018 – 2019
Name: _____________________________________________________
Section: ______________________________ SEAT NO. _____________

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