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32001 32nd Ave S.

Suite 100
Federal Way, WA 98001
253-952-3435 (Fax)


City of Snohomish
Wastewater Treatment

12 July 2013

Prepared for

City of Snohomish
116 Union Avenue
Snohomish, Washington 98290

K/J Project No. 0797020.04

Table of Contents

List of Tables ...............................................................................................................................v

List of Figures..............................................................................................................................v
List of Appendices ...................................................................................................................... vi

Chapter 1: Introduction ..............................................................................1-1

1.1 Organization of the Amendment ........................................................ 1-1
1.2 Purpose and Intent ............................................................................ 1-1
1.2.1 Purpose of Treatment Facilities .............................................. 1-1
1.2.2 Background on Existing Facilities ........................................... 1-2
1.2.3 Purpose and Organization of this O&M Manual ...................... 1-3
1.3 General Description of Facilities ........................................................ 1-3
1.3.1 Collection System and Service Area ...................................... 1-3
1.3.2 Treatment Facilities ................................................................ 1-4 Headworks ........................................................... 1-6 Aerated Lagoons with SFF Media ........................ 1-6 Effluent Filtration System...................................... 1-7 Chlorination / Dechlorination Facilities .................. 1-7 Chemical Building................................................. 1-7 Blower Building .................................................... 1-7 Laboratory / Office Building .................................. 1-7
1.4 Process Flow and Design Criteria ..................................................... 1-7
1.5 Wastewater Characteristics ............................................................. 1-11
1.6 Staffing Requirements ..................................................................... 1-12

Chapter 2: Collection System, Headworks, and Preliminary

Treatment .................................................................................2-1
2.1 Introduction and Chapter Organization .............................................. 2-1
2.2 Collection System ............................................................................. 2-1
2.2.1 Description ............................................................................. 2-1
2.2.2 Combined System .................................................................. 2-3
2.2.3 Separated Sanitary System .................................................... 2-3
2.2.4 Pump Stations ........................................................................ 2-3
2.2.5 Telemetry ............................................................................... 2-4
2.2.6 Emergency Operation ............................................................ 2-4
2.3 Grit Decant Structure ........................................................................ 2-5
2.3.1 Description and Operation ...................................................... 2-5
2.3.2 Maintenance .......................................................................... 2-8
2.3.3 Safety..................................................................................... 2-8
2.4 Grease Interceptor ............................................................................ 2-8
2.5 Headworks ........................................................................................ 2-8
2.5.1 General Description ............................................................... 2-8

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP i

Table of Contents (cont’d)

2.5.2 Influent Flow Measurement .................................................. 2-10 Description and Operation .................................. 2-10 Troubleshooting and Maintenance ..................... 2-10
2.5.3 Screw Pumps ....................................................................... 2-11 Description and Operation .................................. 2-11 Troubleshooting and Maintenance ..................... 2-13
2.5.4 Jib Crane.............................................................................. 2-14
2.5.5 Preliminary Treatment .......................................................... 2-14 Description and Operation .................................. 2-14 Maintenance and Troubleshooting ..................... 2-17
2.6 Emergency Operation ..................................................................... 2-18
2.6.1 Portable Pump ..................................................................... 2-18
2.6.2 Manual Bar Screen .............................................................. 2-18
2.7 Safety.............................................................................................. 2-19

Chapter 3: Dual-Power Aerated Lagoon System with Submerged

Fixed-Film Media.......................................................................3-1
3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Purpose and Intent ............................................................................ 3-1
3.3 Theory of Operation .......................................................................... 3-1
3.4 Description and Operation of Facilities .............................................. 3-3
3.4.1 Lagoon Volumes .................................................................... 3-3
3.4.2 Surface Aerators .................................................................... 3-7
3.4.3 Submerged-Fixed Film Media ................................................ 3-7
3.4.4 Media Air Blowers and Control Valves ................................. 3-10
3.4.5 Supplemental Alkalinity Dosing System................................ 3-11
3.4.6 Liner System ........................................................................ 3-14
3.4.7 Flow Routing and Structures ................................................ 3-16
3.4.8 Scum Removal System ........................................................ 3-18
3.4.9 Dewatering Systems ............................................................ 3-18
3.5 Normal System Operation ............................................................... 3-20
3.5.1 Surface Aerators .................................................................. 3-20
3.5.2 SFF Media and Nitrification .................................................. 3-20
3.5.3 Media Air Blowers and Control Valves ................................. 3-20
3.5.4 Supplemental Alkalinity Dosing System................................ 3-20
3.5.5 Flow Routing ........................................................................ 3-21
3.6 Alternate and Emergency Operation ............................................... 3-23
3.6.1 Seasonal Anoxic/Oxic SFF Media Aeration Mode ................ 3-23
3.6.2 SFF Media Air Scour Mode .................................................. 3-24
3.6.3 Loss of Power ...................................................................... 3-24
3.6.4 Low Flow Aeration with Surface Aerators ............................. 3-24
3.6.5 Low Flow Routing ................................................................. 3-25
3.7 Maintenance and Troubleshooting .................................................. 3-25
3.7.1 Surface Aerators .................................................................. 3-25

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Table of Contents (cont’d)

3.7.2 SFF Media ........................................................................... 3-26

3.7.3 Blowers ................................................................................ 3-29
3.7.4 Actuated Valves ................................................................... 3-29
3.7.5 Dissolved Oxygen, pH, and Temperature Instruments ......... 3-30
3.7.6 Air Flow Meter ...................................................................... 3-30
3.7.7 Alkalinity Dosing Pumps ....................................................... 3-30
3.7.8 Alkalinity Storage Tank and Mixer ........................................ 3-30
3.7.9 Lagoons ............................................................................... 3-31
3.7.10 Gates ................................................................................... 3-31
3.7.11 Dikes .................................................................................... 3-31
3.8 Sludge Accumulation ...................................................................... 3-33
3.9 Safety.............................................................................................. 3-33

Chapter 7: Electrical Power and Controls ..................................................7-1

7.1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Power System Description ................................................................ 7-1
7.2.1 Electrical Services .................................................................. 7-1
7.2.2 Emergency Generator ............................................................ 7-1
7.2.3 Laboratory/Office Building Motor Control Center .................... 7-2
7.2.4 Chlorine Building MCC ........................................................... 7-2
7.2.5 Panel Boards ......................................................................... 7-3
7.3 Power System Controls Description .................................................. 7-3
7.3.1 Power Fail Detection and Indication System .......................... 7-3 Automatic Transfer Switches (ATS) ...................... 7-3 Maintenance (ATS) .............................................. 7-3
7.3.2 Phase Fail Protection ............................................................. 7-4 Maintenance (PFR) .............................................. 7-4
7.3.3 Power Factor Correction System ............................................ 7-4 Maintenance (PFCS) ............................................ 7-5
7.3.4 Emergency Generator ............................................................ 7-5 Maintenance (Generator) ..................................... 7-7
7.4 Control System Description ............................................................... 7-7
7.4.1 General Overview .................................................................. 7-7
7.4.2 WWTP Communications Network ........................................ 7-10
7.4.3 SCADA System .................................................................... 7-10
7.4.4 Laboratory/Office Building PLC ............................................ 7-11
7.4.5 Chlorine Building PLC .......................................................... 7-11
7.4.6 Chemical Building PLC......................................................... 7-12
7.4.7 Blower Building PLC and Control Panel ............................... 7-12
7.4.8 Screen PLC and Control Panel ............................................ 7-13
7.4.9 Alarm Annunciation .............................................................. 7-13
7.4.10 Miscellaneous Indication and Alarms ................................... 7-13
7.4.11 General Alarm and Failure Programming ............................. 7-14

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Table of Contents (cont’d)

7.5 Individual Equipment Controls ......................................................... 7-15

7.5.1 Influent Screw Pumps .......................................................... 7-15
7.5.2 Mechanical Screen and Washer/Compactor ........................ 7-19
7.5.3 Alkalinity Dosing Pumps ....................................................... 7-22
7.5.4 Alkalinity Storage Tank and Mixer ........................................ 7-25
7.5.5 Surface Aerators .................................................................. 7-27
7.5.6 Media Air Blowers and Control Valves ................................. 7-28
7.5.7 Filter Pump Station ............................................................... 7-34
7.5.8 Compressed Air System....................................................... 7-36
7.5.9 Filter and Disinfection Chemical Addition Systems ............... 7-38
7.5.10 Reject Pump System ............................................................ 7-40
7.5.11 Emergency Generator System ............................................. 7-42
7.5.12 Scrubber .............................................................................. 7-45
7.5.13 Building Monitoring and Alarm Systems ............................... 7-46
7.5.14 Miscellaneous Building HVAC Operation.............................. 7-49
7.6 Telemetry and Alarm Notification System ........................................ 7-49
7.6.1 Lift Station Telemetry System............................................... 7-49
7.6.2 Alarm Notification System Operation .................................... 7-55

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP iv

Table of Contents (cont'd)

List of Tables

Table 1-1: Current NPDES Permit Effluent Limits

Table 1-2: Influent Wastewater Characteristics in Snohomish Wastewater Treatment
Facilities in 2012
Table 1-3: Effluent Wastewater Characteristics in Snohomish Wastewater Treatment
Facilities in 2012
Table 2-1: Existing Pump Station Summary
Table 2-2: Screw Pump Design Criteria
Table 3-1: Hydraulic Retention Time for Design Flows
Table 3-2: General Lagoon and Dam Information
Table 3-3: Design Influent Wastewater Flow and Quality Data(a)
Table 3-4: Design Performance Requirements

List of Figures

Figure 1-1: Plant Layout

Figure 1-2: Process Flow Schematic and Design Criteria
Figure 1-3: Hydraulic Profile
Figure 2-1: Existing Collection System and Service Area
Figure 2-2: Grit Decant Structure
Figure 2-3: Grit Decant Structure – Section
Figure 2-4: Headworks Layout
Figure 2-5: Screw Pump Appurtenance
Figure 2-6: Mechanical Screen Appurtenance
Figure 3-1: Area Curves
Figure 3-2: Submerged Fixed Film Media System
Figure 3-3: Media Air Blower System
Figure 3-4: Supplemental Alkalinity Dosing System
Figure 3-5: PVC Liner Bedding
Figure 3-6: Lagoon Valving
Figure 3-7: Alternate Flow Routes
Figure 3-8: Photograph of Desired Biofilm Growth
Figure 7-1: SCADA System

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP v

Table of Contents (cont'd)

List of Appendices

Appendix H NPDES Permit

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP vi

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Organization of the Amendment

This Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual Amendment for the City of Snohomish (City)
Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) updates the 1998 O&M Manual prepared by Vasey
Engineering to address upgrades included in the WWTP Near-Term improvements project
completed in 2013. Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 7 of the 1998 O&M Manual have been updated and
this O&M Manual Amendment replace those chapters. Additionally, Chapter 1 addresses
staffing requirements for the WWTP, which were not included in the 1998 O&M Manual. The
beginning of each chapter discusses the sections of that chapter that have been updated or
replaced and those that remain unchanged. This first chapter of the amendment includes
updates to all sections.

1.2 Purpose and Intent

1.2.1 Purpose of Treatment Facilities
The City is responsible for the collection, treatment, and disposal of wastewater generated from
its sewer service area. The City is entrusted with the protection of health in the Snohomish area
and of the quality of water in the Snohomish River. The purposes of the Snohomish wastewater
treatment facilities are: (1) to remove suspended and floatable material; (2) to treat
biodegradable organics; (3) to reduce ammonia nitrogen; and (4) to eliminate pathogenic
organisms from the wastewater. The facilities must meet secondary effluent criteria and total
maximum daily load (TMDL)-based limits specified in the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) Waste Discharge Permit No. WA-002954-8, effective 1 November
2012 through 1 November 2017. The NPDES permit also sets limits for influent flow and
loading capacities. The WWTP has a permitted maximum month influent flow of 2.80 million
gallons per day (MGD) and permitted maximum month influent load of 3,960 pounds per day
(lb/day) for 5-day carbonaceous biological oxygen demand (CBOD5) and 4,400 lb/day for total
suspended solids (TSS). Table 1-1 presents a summary of the effluent limitations. The entire
NPDES permit is included in Appendix H.

Table 1-1: Current NPDES Permit Effluent Limits

Parameter Effluent Limits

Monthly Average 25 mg/L , 85% removal of influent CBOD5
/ 584 lb/day (effective November – June only)
Weekly Average 40 mg/L / 934 lb/day (effective November – June only)
(b) (c)
Monthly Average 146 lb/day (effective July – October only)
Daily Maximum 301 lb/day (effective July – October only)
Monthly Average 30 mg/L, 701 lb/day, 85% removal of influent TSS
Weekly Average 45 mg/L, 1,051 lb/day

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 1-1

Parameter Effluent Limits
Fecal Coliform Bacteria
Monthly Average 200 cfu/100 ml
Weekly Average 400 cfu/100 ml
Daily Minimum 6.2
Daily Maximum 9.0
Total Residual Chlorine
Monthly Average 83 μg/l
Daily Maximum 209 μg/l
(a) mg/L = milligrams per liter
(b) NBOD = nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand
(c) NBOD+CBOD is calculated using the following equation: NBOD+CBOD (lbs/day) = (2.1 * total ammonia-N
(lbs/day)) + CBOD5(lbs/day). Calculate total ammonia-N and CBOD5 using measurements from the same
composite sample.
(d) cfu/100 ml = colony forming units per 100 milliliters
(e) μg/l = micrograms per liter

1.2.2 Background on Existing Facilities

The first sewage collection systems in Snohomish were installed in the early 1900s and
operated as a combined sanitary and storm sewer system with various outfalls to the
Snohomish River. The combined sewer system was expanded to meet the needs of population
growth and currently consists of approximately 40,000 lineal feet of pipe ranging from 6 to
24 inches in diameter. The remaining sanitary collection system consists of approximately
130,000 linear feet of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and concrete sewer pipe, most of which has been
installed beginning in the late 1950s. There are 14 sewage pumping stations serving the sewer
system, three of which pump flows generated from the combined sewer system area.

In 1958, the City constructed a facultative stabilization lagoon sewage treatment facility. The
facultative lagoon was located in the southwestern corner of the City. In 1989, a chlorination
facility was constructed consisting of a 138,125-gallon (at 19.5 NGVD), two-chambered, chlorine
contact tank and a chlorine feed and mixing equipment. In 1995, the facilities were upgraded to
a dual-powered, multi-cellular, aerated lagoon system with a new headworks consisting of three
influent screw pumps; a rotary screen; and a manually cleaned bar screen, effluent filtration,
and dechlorination. In 2005, a General Sewer Plan and Wastewater Facilities Plan (Plan) was
prepared Tetra Tech/KCM to address requirements of the Consent Decree entered into by the
City in 2003. However, it was never implemented due to significant changes in the public works
staff, priority to first address combined sewer overflows (CSOs), and initial plans for expansion
of its urban growth area boundary. Due to these developments, the City decided to pursue
regionalization of the wastewater treatment in conjunction with the City of Everett. The City will
plan and design a conveyance system that will transport all wastewater collected at the WWTP
into the City of Everett’s collection system. Because the amount of time required to plan and
design the conveyance system and secure funds to finance the project was expected to be
extensive, the City completed near-term improvements to the existing WWTP to comply with the
Consent Decree and a subsequent Agreed Order with the Washington State Department of
Ecology (Ecology).

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 1-2

The primary system improvements in this near-term improvements project include:

 Removing the existing screen with ½-inch bar spacing and installing a new multi-rake bar
screen with ¼-inch bar spacing to expand the screening flow capacity and meet the 2007
biosolids rule by Ecology.

 Installing submerged fixed-film (SFF) media modules in the lagoons to enhance nitrification
and soluble CBOD5 removal.

 Installing supplemental alkalinity feed system to the lagoons to provide sufficient amount of
alkalinity for nitrification and maintain a neutral pH for the growth of nitrifying bacteria.

1.2.3 Purpose and Organization of this O&M Manual

This O&M Manual Amendment and the 1998 O&M Manual describe the operations and
maintenance procedures at the City WWTP. The purpose of these manuals are: (1) to acquaint
personnel responsible for operation of the treatment facility with the overall capabilities of the
plant, (2) to outline responsibilities of the O&M personnel, (3) to instruct personnel on the
purpose and intended operation of each treatment process, and (4) to provide personnel with
the information required for the proper O&M of the treatment facility under normal and
emergency situations to protect the quality of state waters. Thus, these manuals serves as a
reference and guide for the efficient and economic operation of the WWTP.

The presentation of material in these manuals is directed to personnel who are familiar with
wastewater treatment and process theory. It should be emphasized that the manuals cannot be
substituted for experience, nor is it intended to cover all of the operational possibilities available.
Limited information relative to the general theory and principles of biological treatment of
wastewater has been included. Reference publications that may provide additional pertinent
information desired by personnel are provided in the appendices of the 1998 O&M Manual. It is
intended that these manuals and related material provide the basis for an expanding WWTP

The 1998 O&M Manual is organized into seven chapters, each providing summary descriptions
and instructions of specific processes, services, or functions. In addition, appendices are
included at the end of the 1998 O&M Manual and include applicable safety rules, emergency
plans, and maintenance program. Also, a key for abbreviations and symbols is provided after
the Table of Contents in the 1998 O&M Manual. It is recommended that all personnel become
familiar with both the 1998 O&M Manual and this amendment. Copies of this amendment and
the 1998 O&M Manual have been provided with complete sets of equipment operation,
maintenance, and repair instructions prepared by the manufacturers.

1.3 General Description of Facilities

1.3.1 Collection System and Service Area
The collection system serving the Snohomish WWTP covers over 1,850 acres and is currently
serviced by over 32 miles of pipe and 14 sewage pump stations. The wastewater flows can be
divided into three flow components; sanitary sewage flow, groundwater infiltration, and storm
water inflow. Sanitary sewage flows constitute the wastewater discharged to the sewers from

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 1-3

residences, commercial, industrial, and institutional establishments. Groundwater infiltration
consists of groundwater seeping into the sewer system through leaky joints and cracks in pipes
and manholes. Storm water inflow is water entering the sewer system through leaky manhole
covers and connections of roof drains and storm water inlets to the sewer system.

The City operates a combined sanitary and storm sewer collection system that services the
older part of the City. The CSO project, completed in 2011, increased the conveyance capacity
of the collection system and is expected to reduce combined sewer overflows to no more than
one event each year, based on a 5-year average. The intercepted flow is conveyed to the
Snohomish WWTP via a new CSO Pump Station and a newly constructed 18-inch force main.
As of 2010, the U.S. Census sewered population within the service area is 9,098.

1.3.2 Treatment Facilities

The Snohomish wastewater treatment facilities consist of various conveyance and treatment
systems which provide the following basic functions: influent pumping and flow measurement,
preliminary treatment, secondary treatment, effluent filtration, and disinfection followed by
dechlorination. Figure 1-1 presents the plant layout, showing the relative locations of the major
unit processes. This section provides a brief description of these processes which are
explained in more detail in subsequent chapters.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 1-4

Figure 1-1: Plant Layout

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 1-5

\\fwy01\wp\2007\0797020.04_snohomish\2013\o&m_manual_amend_jul\snohomish_wwtp_om_manual_amendment_final.docx Headworks
The headworks facility provides three separate functions; influent flow measurement, influent
pumping to the lagoons, and preliminary treatment. The facility also provides directional flow
routing to different areas of the lagoons. Flow through a 30-inch gravity sewer line is measured
with the use of a Parshall flume. Three Archimedes type screw pumps are used for influent
lifting. In addition, wastewater flows through the new 18-inch sewer force main from the CSO
Pump Station and enters the upstream of the screen. Wastewater flow carried by the 18-inch
force main is measured by a 16-inch magnetic flow meter located near the CSO Pump Station.
A multi-rake bar screen, downstream from the screw pumps, removes plastic and other floatable
material. Waste removed by the screen is dumped into a washer/compactor and washed and
dewatered prior to being discharged to a dumpster for removal from the site. Supplemental
alkalinity is injected into either one or both of the lagoon inlets at the downstream end of the
headworks facility before it enters Lagoon No. 1 Grit Decant Structure.

The grit decant structure acts as a settling basin for storm water waste collected by the City’s
vactor trucks. The waste collected is typically from storm water catch basins. The structure
allows grit and other settleable material to be separated from the liquid. The decanted liquid is
routed into the lagoons for treatment. Aerated Lagoons with SFF Media

A series of four aerated lagoons are used for secondary treatment. These lagoons were part of
a hybrid lagoon process called a dual-powered flow-through lagoon system, which combines
aspects of suspended growth and facultative treatment before upgraded with the SFF system.

The first lagoon is completely mixed and has a normal volume of 10 million gallons and is
aerated by 18 floating surface aerators. The three remaining lagoons are partially mixed by
three floating surface aerators in each, and provide a normal volume of 3.5 million gallons each.
Eighteen SFF modules were placed in each of these three lagoons during the 2012 upgrade for
the following purposes:

 Enhance nitrification by allowing for an increased population of nitrifying microorganisms

through the use of SFF media installed in the lagoons.

 Allow for an increased population of heterotrophic microorganisms by utilizing SFF media

located in the first lagoon cell to contribute to removal of soluble CBOD5.

 Provide a level of denitrification by utilizing SFF media in the intermediate lagoon cells,
promoting an increased population of heterotrophic microorganisms and facilitating anoxic

The water body surrounding each SFF is aerated using the diffuser system integrated in each
SFF module. The upgraded lagoon system with SFF media will reduce the availability of
nutrients due to increased uptake from the fixed biomass, so it may reduce algae formation in
the final effluent and thus, improve CBOD5 removal. However, it may not completely address
issues with algae, and the Operator should consider additional means of controlling algae
growth, as it can have a significant impact on effluent CBOD5 and TSS. The details of this
improvement are explained in Chapter 3.

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\\fwy01\wp\2007\0797020.04_snohomish\2013\o&m_manual_amend_jul\snohomish_wwtp_om_manual_amendment_final.docx Effluent Filtration System
The effluent filtration system consists of a continuous backwash, upflow, and deep bed sand
filter. Treatment through the filter reduces effluent TSS and subsequently effluent CBOD5. This
additional reduction helps maintain compliance with the NPDES permit during the critical
summer months (July through October), in particular. Chlorination / Dechlorination Facilities

The chlorination/dechlorination facilities consist of chlorine and sulfur dioxide gas feed
equipment, mixing equipment, and a chlorine contact tank which provides the hydraulic
residence time needed for adequate disinfection. After the treated effluent is disinfected, the
chlorine residual is measured and sulfur dioxide is added to the chlorinated effluent to remove
the residual chlorine. The treated effluent is then conveyed through a 30-inch-diameter outfall
and discharged into the Snohomish River. Chemical Building

A supplemental alkalinity feed system including two peristaltic hose pumps is located in the
chemical building with a chemical storage tank placed outside of the building. The feed system
is designed to feed magnesium hydroxide slurry as supplemental alkalinity, with the flexibility to
accommodate use of caustic soda, which the City used before the 2012 upgrade. The feed
system draws chemical from the storage tank and delivers it to the dosing points at the
headworks. A work bench with a manual monorail system is also provided in the building for
maintenance of small equipment. Blower Building

The Blower Building contains a blower room and an electrical room. Three blowers are installed
in the blower room and supply air to the diffuser system of the SFF module. Adjustable
frequency drives (AFDs) for the blowers are placed in the electrical room along with an SFF
control panel, power, and light panels. Laboratory / Office Building

The Laboratory/Office Building functions as the treatment facility control center, office, and
laboratory. The laboratory provides facilities required for NPDES monitoring and process
control. The building also houses systems for the monitoring and control of the plant’s
equipment including the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) computer system, a
main control panel, and motor control centers.

1.4 Process Flow and Design Criteria

Wastewater enters the influent lift station through a 30-inch gravity sewer pipe and is lifted
approximately 21 feet by the screw pumps. Additional wastewater flows to upstream of the
screen through a 18-inch sewer force main from the CSO Pump Station. Under normal flow
conditions, wastewater is mechanically screened and then fed by gravity to Lagoon No. 1. From
Lagoon No. 1, the wastewater travels through each of the Lagoon Nos. 2, 3, and 4 where the
SFF modules are placed. As the wastewater travels through each of the lagoons, the
wastewater is detained for biological oxidation of organic matter and ammonia, and subsequent
settling of biomass.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 1-7

The wastewater exits Lagoon No. 4 through the outlet structure into the effluent control
structure. The filters are used to reduce effluent TSS, and subsequently effluent CBOD5,
particularly during the critical summer months (July through October). The filters can treat
effluent flow up to 0.8 MGD, which is conveyed by the filter pump station. The effluent from the
filters flows to the chlorine mixing manhole and mixed with the remaining flow from Lagoon
No. 4, if present. Any flow not treated through the filters is conveyed directly to the chlorine
mixing manhole. At the chlorine mixing manhole, chlorine gas is added for disinfection. From
the chlorine mixing manhole, the effluent flow proceeds to the chlorine contact tank where a
sufficient contact time is provided to reduce the fecal coliform count. Sulfur dioxide gas is
added at the end of contact time in the contact chambers for the removal of the residual

After leaving the chlorine contact tank, the treated effluent is conveyed through an outfall pipe to
discharge in the Snohomish River. A process schematic which includes unit process design
criteria is presented on Figure 1-2. The hydraulic profile through the treatment plant is
presented on Figure 1-3.

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Figure 1-2: Process Flow Schematic and Design Criteria

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Figure 1-3: Hydraulic Profile

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1.5 Wastewater Characteristics
Five major parameters commonly used to describe wastewater characteristics and set effluent
discharge criteria under the NPDES are CBOD5, NBOD+CBOD, TSS, pH, and fecal coliform
bacteria. A summary of the influent and effluent characteristics of the wastewater at Snohomish
for 2012 are presented in Tables 1-2 and 1-3.

Table 1-2: Influent Wastewater Characteristics in Snohomish Wastewater

Treatment Facilities in 2012

Total Flow CBOD5 TSS

MGD mg/L lb/day mg/L lb/day
December 2.73 94 1922 90 1846
November 1.87 139 1774 136 1920
October 1.09 226 2000 140 1246
September 0.72 252 1467 140 818
August 0.81 251 1737 139 972
July 0.88 223 1571 166 1234
June 1.47 161 1949 121 1481
May 1.46 172 2045 133 1583
April 1.48 156 1793 126 1481
March 2.29 121 2266 93 1728
February 2.04 119 1842 95 1462
January 1.81 155 1777 121 1402
Average 1.55 172 1845 125 1431

Table 1-3: Effluent Wastewater Characteristics in Snohomish Wastewater

Treatment Facilities in 2012

Total Flow CBOD5 TSS Ammonia-N

MGD mg/L lb/day mg/L lb/day mg/L lb/day
December 3.04 0 174 12 304 3.1 63
November 1.84 7 169 22 384 0.1 1
October 0.95 6 55 22 181 0.1 1
September 0.53 3 16 7 32 0.4 2
August 0.62 4 21 6 34 2.4 13
July 0.82 6 39 11 79 1.6 11
June 1.40 10 120 11 133 1.0 11
May 1.44 7 82 6 70 11.8 151
April 1.46 8 94 7 82 14.3 167
March 2.11 7 110 7 115 9.8 171
February 2.02 6 105 6 129 10.0 190
January 1.67 10 133 17 222 14.5 182
Average 1.49 6 93 11 147 5.8 80

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 1-11

1.6 Staffing Requirements
The 2006 Wastewater Staffing Evaluation Report prepared by Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
examined staffing levels of the WWTP and for the collection system and standby personnel.
The evaluation included a comparison with staffing of other WWTPs and collection systems with
similar characteristics and recommendations for appropriate staffing. The evaluation also
included evaluation of staff responsibilities, technical expertise, communications among staff
and organizational structure.

Recommended staffing levels were evaluated by comparing with the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines as documented in the EPA publication “Estimating Staffing
for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities” (March 1973) and by comparing with O&M
information gathered from the Cities of Cashmere, Ferndale and Marysville. All of these
comparisons indicated that the City of Snohomish WWTP was understaffed at the time. It was
concluded that there was sufficient staff to operate the WWTP, but the level of staffing at that
time was not sufficient to perform all necessary maintenance activities. It was recommended
that an additional full-time equivalent be hired to primarily assist with maintenance duties at the
WWTP. In accordance with the recommendations, the City hired another employee for the
WWTP, bringing the total full-time equivalents at the WWTP up from two to three, which was
consistent with staffing at Ferndale and Cashmere.

The City continues to have three full-time employees staffing the WWTP. Although the recently
completed near-term improvements project added some equipment to the WWTP, it did not add
any new unit processes. The added maintenance for the new equipment (i.e., blowers,
alkalinity storage tank mixer and alkalinity feed pumps) is largely offset by reducing some of the
routine operational requirements and challenges. For instance, the larger alkalinity storage tank
reduces the frequency of chemical deliveries, the automated alkalinity feed pumps reduces the
frequency that the dose settings are adjusted, and the operation of the submerged fixed-film
media system with the blowers eliminates the seasonal challenges of nitrite lock and having to
routinely seed the lagoons with nitrifying bacteria. Therefore, the recommended staffing
requirements for the WWTP remain unchanged at three full-time employees.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 1-12

Chapter 2: Collection System, Headworks, and Preliminary

2.1 Introduction and Chapter Organization

This chapter presents a description of the sewage collection system, grit decant structure, and
headworks. The purpose and operational procedures of these facilities are described within this
chapter. All electrical power and controls associated with these facilities are described in
Chapter 7.

This chapter of the amendment includes significant updates to the collection system, headworks
influent flow measurement, and headworks preliminary treatment (screening). There are no
significant updates to the remaining sections of this chapter.

2.2 Collection System

2.2.1 Description
Wastewater generated within the City is collected and conveyed to the WWTP by both gravity
and force main sewer systems. The overall system is comprised of approximately 40,000 lineal
feet of combined sanitary/storm sewer pipe and approximately 130,000 lineal feet of sanitary
sewer pipe. The collection system includes 14 sewage pump stations, three of which pump
flows from the combined sewer area. The collection system has two CSO outfalls that
discharge untreated excess combined sewage into the Snohomish River during the wet weather
season. The existing collection system and service area are presented on Figure 2-1.

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Figure 2-1: Existing Collection System and Service Area

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In general, the majority of the gravity sewer system flows from north to south (toward the
Snohomish River) and east to west (toward State Highway 9) following the natural topography
of the area to the treatment facility.

2.2.2 Combined System

The combined system is confined to 325 acres of the historic downtown area The majority of
these sewer lines are clay pipe with mortar joints ranging in size from 6 to 24 inches in diameter.
The combined sewer has two CSO outfalls which discharge into the Snohomish River. CSO
outfall No. 1 discharges upstream of the State Route 9 Bridge near the Public Works Shops site
and CSO outfall No. 2 discharges downstream of the Avenue D bridge.

During the 2011 CSO project, a new 18-inch gravity PVC main was installed from the CSO
No. 1 overflow control structure at Avenue H and Second Street, to the entrance of the WWTP,
which runs parallel to the existing 18-inch main running along the same route. The two mains
connect to a 30-inch main that runs to the WWTP from Second Street. This improvement
conveys peak flows up to approximately 7.4 MGD without causing an overflow. Also, the
existing CSO No. 2 overflow control manhole was replaced with a series of manholes and a
30-inch gravity sewer line was added from one of the manholes to the new CSO Pump Station.
This modification will accommodate a peak flow of approximately 9.4 MGD before overflowing.

The sanitary/storm water flows from the area east of Avenue E are conveyed to the old
Ironworks Pump Station at the intersection of First Street and Avenue E and then flows to the
new CSO Pump Station by gravity. The flow is then pumped into a metered 18-inch PVC force
main running along First Street to the headworks at the WWTP, downstream of the plant’s
screw pumps. The sanitary/storm water flows from the area west of Avenue E are conveyed
through the two 18-inch mains and then the 30-inch main to the headworks at the WWTP,
upstream of the plant’s screw pumps.

2.2.3 Separated Sanitary System

The remainder of the City's sewer system, lying outside of the combined sewer system area,
consists of approximately 130,000 lineal feet of PVC and concrete sewer pipe ranging in
diameter from 6 to 24 inches. Flow from the Covington Addition just north of the Snohomish
WWTP flows through an 18-inch main directly to the treatment plant by gravity. The remaining
separated system either flows by gravity or is pumped by one of 10 pump stations to the Rainer
Pump Station. The flow is then pumped to the Snohomish WWTP.

2.2.4 Pump Stations

Locations of the City's sewage wastewater pump stations are shown on Figure 2-1. Pump
Station No. 1 (CSO), No. 4 (Commercial), and No. 11 (Kla-Ha-Ya Park) serve the downtown
combined sewer system area. The remaining 11 pump stations provide service outside the
combined sewer service area. All of the pump stations have been constructed since 1957.
Pump Station No. 4 (Commercial), No. 5 (Pilchuck), No. 6 (Hill Park), and No. 7 (Champagne)
were upgraded to an aboveground, package-type station during the late 1990s. Pump Station
No. 9 (Stone Ridge) and No. 10 (14th Street) are also aboveground, package-type stations
constructed in 1993. Pump Station No. 11 (Kla-Ha-Ya Park) was upgraded in 1996 and serves
four commercial properties and a couple of storm drains. Pump Stations No. 12 (Rainbow),

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 2-3

No. 13 (Eden Farms), and No. 14 (Lakemount Drive) were constructed during the late 1990s.
Pump Station No. 13 (Eden Farms) was decommissioned and a new Pump Station No. 13
(Clarks Pond) was constructed in 2008.

One of the City's two major pump stations, Rainier (No. 2), underwent extensive upgrades of
pumps and controls in 1988; pumps were rebuilt and a third pump was installed in 2005. There
are direct storm sewer connections into Rainier Pump Station that are planned to be replaced
with gravity connections to a new separated storm pipe planned in a future stage of the CSO
improvements. The old Ironwork Pump Station, which had served as the other major pump
station along with the Rainer, was replaced by the new CSO Pump Station during the 2011
CSO project. Overflow from the Ironworks Pump Station flows to the CSO Pump Station. The
CSO Pump Station can convey up to 9.4 MGD of combined sewer flow to the Snohomish
WWTP. As the City progresses with separating the sanitary and storm sewer systems from the
single combined system, it will convey sanitary sewer flows and storm sewer flows separately.
Table 2-1 summarizes some of the specific data for each of the City's pump stations.

Table 2-1: Existing Pump Station Summary

Pump No. of Motor Pump Capacity Drainage

Station No. Pump Station Name Pumps Horsepower GPM Service Area
1 CSO 4 50 6500 Combined
2 Rainier 3 40 1500 Combined
3 Lincoln 2 6.2 280 Separate
4 Commercial 2 5 150 Combined
5 Pilchuck 2 7.5 75 Separate
6 Hill Park 2 5 225 Separate
7 Champagne 2 10 243 Separate
8 Ferguson Park 2 3 75 Separate
9 Stone Ridge 2 7.5 125 Separate
10 14 Street 2 7.5 140 Separate
11 Kla-Ha-Ya Park 1 2 50 Combined
12 Rainbow 2 7.5 125 Separate
13 Clarks Pond 2 10 200 Separate
14 Lakemount Drive 2 7.5 162 Separate

GPM = gallons per minute

2.2.5 Telemetry
All pump stations, except No. 11 (Kla-Ha-Ya), are connected via telemetry to the Master
Telemetry Unit (MTU) located in the Laboratory/Office Building at the City's treatment plant.
High-level alarms, low-level alarms, check valve failure alarms, pump failure alarms, and pump
run status are transmitted to the MTU. Chapter 7, Electrical Power and Control, provides a
complete breakdown of the City's telemetry system.

2.2.6 Emergency Operation

In the event of excessive peak flows, the combined sewers can overflow from the CSO No. 1
overflow control structure through CSO outfall No. 1 or an overflow manhole located near the

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 2-4

site of the old Ironworks Pump Station through CSO outfall No. 2 into the Snohomish River.
Combined sewer overflows occurred 55 times 2010 through 2011, but there was only one such
event in 2012. With the CSO project completed in 2011, the overflow frequencies is anticipated
to be no more than one discharge per year, based on a 5-year average, per outfall for a storm
with a recurrence frequency of 1.01 years.

Permanent backup power generators were installed at four pump stations: Pump Station Nos. 6,
7, and 8 adjacent to Blackmans Lake and the new CSO Pump Station facility. The remaining
pump stations have the ability to connect to a portable generator during power outages.

2.3 Grit Decant Structure

2.3.1 Description and Operation
The grit decant structure is essentially a settling basin which serves to separate the solid and
liquid portions of the waste collected from the City's vactor trucks. The waste from these trucks
primarily consists of storm water runoff, sand, grit, and other debris collected in catch basins
and other areas of the City's storm water system.

As illustrated on Figure 2-2, the grit decant structure consists of an open reinforced concrete
structure with a 20-foot wide by 45-foot long ramp allowing trucks to back in and unload. The
ramp is sloped at 10 percent to provide rapid drainage of the waste. Operation of this structure
is relatively simple and primarily involves operating two weir gates to gradually decant or spill
the liquid portion of the waste, after the solids have settled. Two adjustable weir gates
(WG-1001 and WG-1002) and eight 2-inch-diameter drain ports are connected to two 2-inch
gate valves to allow the liquid portion to drain into a 5-foot by 4-foot sump vault. A 3/4-inch steel
plate with openings for the drain ports is fastened to the back wall of the structure to protect the
concrete wall from the metal bucket of the front loader during routine cleaning of the structure.

Operation of this structure involves operating the two weir gates and lower drain ports.
Combined operation of the two weir gates will allow decanting of the water surface from
elevation 28.00 to elevation 23.00 as shown on Figure 2-3. During unloading procedures of the
vactor waste, both the weir gates and the drain ports are kept in the completely raised position.
In the raised positions, the weir gates retain the waste within the structure to provide time for
solids to settle. When the solids have settled, the Operator can decant the liquid without
disturbing the solids by lowering the weir gates gradually starting with the upper weir gate,
WG-1001. The lower weir gate, WG- 1002, is used to obtain complete drainage of the upper
portion of the solids. Additionally, liquid can be drained from the solids by opening the lower
drain ports. If weather conditions allow, significant drying of the remaining solids can be
achieved through air drying or evaporation. When the solids are dried to the extent desired,
they can be removed with a small front-end-loader.

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Figure 2-2: Grit Decant Structure

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Figure 2-3: Grit Decant Structure – Section

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The solid portion may be disposed of in a municipal solid waste landfill provided that testing
proves the material is not a dangerous waste as defined by WAC 173-303 and passes the paint
filter test [U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) test 9095].

2.3.2 Maintenance
The majority of the maintenance on the grit decant structure will be associated with keeping the
structure clean. A standard yard hydrant with hose and hose rack are located next to the
structure for this purpose. The interior of the structure, as well as the sump vault, should be
hosed down after removal of solids to prevent odors. Periodically, the drain ports should be
back flushed to prevent plugging. This can be accomplished by connecting the hose from the
yard hydrant to one of the two standpipes connected to the drain port header. Before flushing,
the gate valves to the sump should be closed, while the valves on the drain ports to be cleaned
are opened. The weir gates should also be periodically lubricated and adjusted in accordance
with the manufacturer's recommendations (see Golden Harvest O&M Manual).

Structural integrity should be inspected at least twice a year. A good opportunity to examine the
structure is after it has been drained and cleaned. If a crack is serious, have it inspected by a
structural engineer for a recommended repair solution. Small, non-leaking cracks can be sealed
with a non-shrinking, watertight grout. Inspect the grating, grating braces, and handrails for
structural stability.

2.3.3 Safety
The Operators should take necessary steps to protect themselves and others from known and
unknown dangers while working in or near the decant structure. Care should be taken
whenever personnel are working near moving equipment such as the vactor truck and front-end

2.4 Grease Interceptor

A grease interceptor vault is located next to the grit decant structure (Figure 2-2). The vault is
intended for separation of oil and grease that is collected during scum removal procedures
within the lagoons (refer to Section 3.4.5). The discharge from the skimming process can be
removed by a vactor truck and discharged to the grease interceptor. The grease interceptor
vault traps floating grease and oils within the vault through a baffle system. Liquid beneath the
trapped scum layer is allowed to drain to Manhole 2. Grease and scum should be periodically
removed from the upper surface with a strainer net and disposed of with the mechanical

2.5 Headworks
2.5.1 General Description
The headworks facility provides three principal functions; influent flow measurement, pumping,
and preliminary treatment. These functions are accomplished by an 18-inch Parshall flume,
three screw pumps, and a multi-rake bar screen with a washer/compactor, respectively. This
equipment is installed in a large concrete structure that is collectively referred to as the
"Headworks". A plan view of the Headworks Facility is presented on Figure 2-4.

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Figure 2-4: Headworks Layout

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2.5.2 Influent Flow Measurement Description and Operation
As shown on Figure 2-4, sewage enters the headworks through a 30-inch-diameter sewer line
and an 18-inch sewer force main.

The 30-inch sewer line feeds into a 5'-6" wide open channel that directs the flow through a
fiberglass Parshall flume with an 18-inch throat which produces a differential head that can be
related to discharge. The Parshall flume is an open channel flow measuring device which
measures the liquid level within the flume by an ultrasonic level sensor. The ultrasonic level
sensor sends a 4-20 mA signal to the Main Control Panel No. 1 (MCP-1, located in the
Laboratory/Office Building) where the flow rate is calculated and displayed on the SCADA in the
Laboratory/Office Building and relayed to the Chemical Building Programmable Logic Controller
(PLC) where it is used for flow pacing of chemical.

The Operator can manually measure the influent flow when the ultrasonic level sensor is down
by reading the depth of the wastewater at the gauge strip located on the inside of the flume
(Figure 2-4). The measured depth of the wastewater and the known size of the flume is
converted into a flow rate by using conversion tables provided in Appendix J of the 1998 O&M
Manual (Table 12.6 for the 12-inch flume; ISCO Flow Measurement Handbook).

The influent flow through the 18-inch force main is measured by a 16-inch magnetic flow meter
located near the CSO Pump Station. CSO flow measurements are transmitted to the WWTP
SCADA system for use in tracking and monitoring total influent flow. Troubleshooting and Maintenance

Inaccurate flow measurements within the Parshall flume can be caused by incorrect
measurements taken by the Milltronics ultrasonic level sensor or obstruction of the Parshall
flume throat by debris. If debris obstructing the Parshall flume is found to be the problem,
remove the debris.

The accuracy of the Milltronics ultrasonic level sensor is very dependent on the correct
calibration. The level or flow displayed by the instrument should agree with the actual/visual
flow in the flume. Proper instrument calibration as detailed by the instrument instruction manual
should always be followed. If the instrument cannot be correctly calibrated, the instrument
should be repaired by a manufacturer’s technician.

The Parshall flume has no moving parts and no maintenance should be required under normal
operation. The white gel-coat finish on the wetted surfaces and the colored gel-coat on the
exterior are resistant to water, chemicals, and the effects of weather. It is important that the gel-
coat finish is intact on all surfaces. Ultraviolet (UV) exposure and water can with time,
deteriorate raw fiberglass.

The Parshall flume is self-scouring in design and the smooth fiberglass surface aids in the
cleaning. If algae or debris accumulates, it can be removed with brushes, water, and household
or industrial cleaners suitable for fiberglass surfaces.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 2-10

See Chapter 11 of the 2011 Operation and Maintenance Manual CSO Pump Station for
maintenance requirements for the 16-inch magnetic flow meter. Both the flow meter and the
ultrasonic level sensors should be calibrated at least once per year and the calibration records
should be maintained for at least 3 years as required per the NPDES permit.

2.5.3 Screw Pumps Description and Operation
Downstream of the flow measuring channel, the wastewater flow enters a rectangular flow
control basin (wet well) just prior to the lower end of the screw pumps. There are three
manually-operated slide gates within this basin which allow isolation of any of the screw pumps
(SG 2001, SG 2002, and SG 2003). Of the three screw pumps, two have an outer diameter of
72 inches and are powered by 100 horsepower (hp) electric motors. The center screw pump is
42 inches in diameter and is powered by a 25 hp electric motor. The screw pump shafts are
mounted at an angle of 38 degrees and the pumps provide a lift of over 20 feet. Table 2-2
summarizes the design criteria for the screw pumps.

Table 2-2: Screw Pump Design Criteria

Description Motor Size

100 hp 25 hp
Number of Pumps 2 1
Pump Capacity, GPM (MGD) 10,750 (15.5) 2,447 (3.5)
Lift, feet 20.90 20.90
Pump Diameter, inches 72 42
Maximum Rotational Speed,
33 48
Slope, degrees 38 38

The screw pumps convey the wastewater to the upper flow control basin where the flow is
routed to one of three channels. These include mechanical screen, manual bar screen, and an
emergency by-pass channel. Under normal operation, the flow is controlled by a slide gate
(SG 2004) and routed through the center channel where a mechanical screen is installed for
preliminary treatment.

The screw pump capacity is regulated by the submergence of the inlet end of the pump and will
match the incoming flow rate provided the water level in the flow control basin is at or below the
pump "fill point". The "fill point" is that point which the water just begins to cover the top of the
torque tube at the lower end (Figure 2-5). When the water level is at the "fill point", the
maximum pumping rate is obtained. As the incoming water rate decreases below the maximum
pump rate, the water level at the inlet will drop, thereby decreasing the inlet submergence which
reduces the pumping rate accordingly.

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Figure 2-5: Screw Pump Appurtenance

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Whenever the incoming flow rate exceeds the maximum pumping rate of the screw pump, the
water level at the inlet will rise above the fill point. Through the use of level controls, alarms, or
visual observation, this increase in water level signals the need to put additional pumps into
operation to handle the flow. The pumps are operated from the electrical control panel that is
fastened to the handrail located adjacent to the pumps (see Figure 2-4). Starting alarm horn
and beacon are located adjacent to the pump motors.

In "AUTO" mode, the pumps will be called to run according to the level in the influent flow
control basin as signaled by the five output relays (R1 through R5) of the Milltronics level
transmitter. The output relays of the Milltronics level transmitter have been programmed to
open or close at independent level measurements. This feature is also used to turn the screw
pumps on and off in a manner that prevents run cycling. The programming of the Milltronics
output relays and pump status is presented in Chapter 7 (Section 7.4.1). The screw pumps
operate on an alternating LEAD-LAG basis and start in the sequence of 25 hp, 100 hp LEAD,
and 100 hp LAG after adjustable time delays that are currently set at 20, 60 and 120 seconds.
In general, as the water level rises, the 25 hp screw pump will be the first pump called to run
(@ 1.7 ft. elevation, R1 closes). If the level rises further, a 100 hp pump will be called to run
and the 25 hp pump will shut down (@ 2.1 ft. elevation, R2 closes). If the level continues to
rise, then the 25 hp pump comes back on (@ 3.2 ft. elevation, R3 closes). If the level continues
to rise, the second 100 hp pump comes on and the 25 hp pump shuts down (@ 3.4 ft. elevation,
R4 closes). If the level continues to rise, the 25 hp pump is called back on so that three pumps
will be running (@ 3.6 ft. elevation, R5 closes). When the water level decreases, the screw
pumps shut down in reverse order.

With a total of three pumps installed, the individual operation should be sequenced so that no
pump remains idle or in a standby position for any long period of time. It is recommended that
the operating sequence be changed weekly or more often to ensure that each pump is run a
minimum of 8 hours per week.

An emergency stop, "ESTOP", button is located on the local control panel of the screw pumps.
A pull cord is also provided near the railing surrounding the pump screws. When the
emergency stop circuit is de-energized by the "ESTOP" push-button or the pull-cord, the screw
pump power circuit is disconnected and the pumps stop immediately. This alarm condition
sounds an audible horn and is displayed locally in the SCADA system. The pump controls must
be physically reset to "OFF" at the local control panel before they can be restarted.

The Operator must NOT shut down all pumps unless the portable pump is online and
operational (see Section 2.5 for operation and maintenance of the portable pump). Troubleshooting and Maintenance

All operators and maintenance personnel should become thoroughly familiar with the
information contained in the manufacturer's service manual (Lakeside Equipment Corporation),
especially the recommended maintenance requirements and lubrication of the screw pumps. It
is recommended that a firm lubrication schedule be prepared in accordance with these manuals
to ensure that all points are given proper care.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 2-13

Figure 2-5 shows the main screw pump appurtenance that will need special care and lubrication
to maintain proper operation of the pump. These include the submersible lower bearing
assembly, grease line, shaft, torque tube, upper bearing assembly, coupling, gear reducer, and

The maintenance of the pumping system includes daily observation of the screw pump for any
unusual accumulations and unusual noises or abnormal operating temperatures of reducers,
bearings, and motors. The Operator should also check daily to verify that the lower bearing
grease system, grease pumps, and associated grease lines are operating at each screw pump
and that the grease reservoir is filled above the minimum level. If the grease discharges into the
maintenance system, the Operator knows the system is functioning properly. However, if no
grease is observed, the Operator can take corrective actions. It is very important to maintain a
continuous lubrication of the lower bearing to prevent it from rusting which may eventually cause
a pump failure as it is invariably under water. The manufacturer's "Lubrication Drawing" should
be consulted for proper way of filling lower bearing grease lines and journal bearing.

All bearings (except motor bearings) must be kept full of grease to keep moisture and other
contaminants out. The upper bearing should be greased at least once a month. Check oil level
and condition of oil in the main drive gear reducer and the gear reducer on the grease pump
and change the oil on a regular basis as recommended by the manufacturer. Motor bearings
and couplings must be lubricated as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

The manufacturer's O&M manual should be consulted for screw pump troubleshooting (Section
SPD-304 in the Lakeside Manual).

2.5.4 Jib Crane

The jib crane is located by the upper end of the screw pumps and is used to remove any parts
of the screw pumps for maintenance or replacement. The operation of the crane shall only be
by qualified personnel as specified in the manufacturer's O&M manual. All controls shall be
tested by the Operator before operation of the crane. The Operator should inspect the crane
every 3 months for wear or stretch and bending of the chain, proper suspension and application
of the load, and proper and safe operation with easy movement of all rotating, swiveling, and
swinging parts.

For detailed information on the crane operation, safety practices and maintenance procedures
the manufacturer's O&M manual should be consulted.

2.5.5 Preliminary Treatment Description and Operation
Mechanical Multi-Rake Bar Screen and Washer/Compactor

A new multi-rake bar screen with ¼-inch opening and a washer/compactor have been installed
and replaced the old mechanical screen with ½-inch opening during the 2012 upgrade to
increase the treatment capacity, provide better performance in the removal of rags, and conform
to the new biosolids rule adopted by Ecology in 2007 which requires screening through
equipment with a maximum aperture of 3/8 inch prior to beneficial use of biosolids.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 2-14

The purpose of the upgraded preliminary treatment is to remove solid particles greater than
1/4 inch from the influent wastewater at the projected peak hour flow of 23.5 MGD and reduce
damage and ragging of downstream process equipment including surface aerators and SFF
modules. The preliminary treatment consists of a HUBER RakeMax® multi-rake screen with a
ROTAMAT® WAP screening wash press. Wastewater from the screw pumps and the CSO
Pump Station flows through the screen by gravity and a mat of screenings builds up on the
screen bars. A new rock pocket is placed just upstream of the screen to capture large rocks
that may damage the screen. A new slide gate was installed downstream of the screen in
addition to the existing upstream slide gate, so the screen channel can be isolated easily for

The RakeMax® is a mechanical multi-rake bar screen that traps materials greater than the
1/4-inch screen opening size. The bar rack is cleaned by a series of rakes attached to a
peripheral chain system. When the difference between the water level upstream and
downstream of the screen measured by level transducers reaches a set point, the rake
mechanism is automatically activated and cleans the front side of bar rack. The rake tines
penetrate through the openings between bars and remove debris. The rakes scrape screenings
off the bar rack and carry them out of the channel along the apron placed after the bar rack. A
hinged wiper pushes the screening from the rake shelf over a discharge chute. The chains are
driven by a pair of sprockets mounted on a drive shaft. The drive is connected with the frame
through a spring. If the torque exceeds a certain value due to any obstruction in the bar rack, a
switch is pushed and the movement is reversed back and forth until the obstruction is loosened.
An alarm is triggered if the obstruction persists after several reversals.

The ROTOMAT® WAP is a washer/compactor that washes, dewaters, and compacts the
screenings for disposal. The screenings from the bar screen fall into a feed trough of the
washer/compactor. A stainless steel screw transports the screenings into a wash zone. In the
wash zone, service water washes the screenings and separates organic materials. The
washing intensity and cycles are individually adjustable. The washed screenings are then
conveyed to a press zone where they are pressed and dewatered by a compacting screw.
Finally, the compacted screenings are pushed through a conical discharge pipe into a dumpster.
The wash water and filtrate is collected in a collection pan underneath the washer/compactor
and returns to the wastewater stream in the screen channel. Figure 2-6 shows the
appurtenance of the multi-rake bar screen and the washer/compactor.

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Figure 2-6: Mechanical Screen Appurtenance

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The screen and the washer/compactor are controlled by a local control panel mounted on the
handrail near the screen. Control of the washer/compactor is synchronized with control of the
screen. During normal operation, the screen and the washer/compactor are in “AUTO” mode.
Manual operation of the screen and the washer/compactor is normally used only during
maintenance operations. The plant network only monitors run status, “AUTO” status, and alarm
conditions for the headworks screen and washer/compactor. Maintenance and Troubleshooting

The screen and washer/compactor are designed to be self-cleaning without requiring the use of
water or brushes to remove the captured materials from the screen surface which minimizes
maintenance requirements. Below is a recommended maintenance and inspection schedule of
the screen and washer/compactor.

Element Frequency Description

Multi-rake bar screen
Level sensors Weekly Clean and inspect.
Bar rack, rakes, apron, and
Weekly Clean and inspect.
Rake bolts and chain Weekly Check for loose bolts and chain.
Check adjustment of rake towards bar rack
Rake Monthly
and apron.
Chain Quarterly Check chain tension.
Check all screwed connections if they are
Screwed connection Annually
Top bearing 50 operating hours Lubricate with five grease gun strokes.
15,000 operating hours,
Lubricant for drive motor Replace.
and 2-3 years
Screening Wash Press WAP
Self-aligning roller bearing Weekly Lubricate with two grease gun strokes.
Wash manually if no automatic washing takes
Pan Weekly place. Open the valve and wash for at least
30 seconds.
Check including the solenoid valves and wash
Water supply system Weekly water pump. If required, clean the water
supply line.
Hose down and clean with high pressure
Complete unit Monthly
Water collecting trough Monthly Check for sediment, clean if necessary.
Check pollution degree and clean with high
Dewatering holes Monthly
pressure device.
Oil seals of main bearing Monthly Check for leakage, replace if necessary.
Compacting screw/brush* Semi-annually Check for wear, replace as needed.
Guide bars* Annually Check for wear, replace as needed.
Upmost screw flight* Annually Check and replace if worn.
15,000 operating hours ,
Lubricant for gear motor Replace.
and 2-3 years
* Recommended to be done by manufacturer service technicians or at manufacturer’s service shop.

In addition, the screen channel shall be cleaned periodically to remove settled grit and clean out
collected rocks from the rock pocket.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 2-17

When a screen high torque condition occurs, the screen will run in reverse and move forward to
clear the fault. If the fault condition still persists, the screen will return to the home position and
activate a screen fault alarm. In this case, the wastewater is diverted over stop logs (SL 2002)
to the manual bar screen. An emergency by-pass channel is also available in the event the
manual bar screen becomes plugged and will not pass enough flow. Other alarm conditions
and further troubleshooting of the screen and the washer/compactor are described within the
manufacturer's O&M manual (Section 3 and 6 in the Screening Equipment O&M Manual),
provided separately from this manual.

2.6 Emergency Operation

2.6.1 Portable Pump
During the normal course of operations, a single pump may be down for maintenance. Logic
has been included within the PLC to call to run the next available pump in the "AUTO" mode.

If all three screw pumps fail, the Operator must initiate the portable submersible pump. The
portable submersible pump is a Flygt Model CS-3127, 10 hp submersible non-clog wastewater
pump with an 8-inch discharge hose. Prior to startup of the submersible pump, the Operator
must close the three slide gates (SG 2001, SG 2002, and SG 2003; Figure 2-4) that are located
immediately before to the lower end of the screw pumps. The discharge end of the hose must
be placed in the upper flow control basin prior to startup of the pump.

The operation of the portable pump includes the following steps:

1. Assemble the portable gantry adjacent to the influent flow control basin.

2. Connect lifting cable from gantry to the portable pump.

3. Position gantry with portable pump over influent flow control basin.

4. Position discharge hose in upper flow control basin. Caution must be taken to secure
the discharge hose prior to startup.

5. Plug the motor connection into the receptacle.

6. Lower portable pump into the influent flow control basin.

7. With portable pump controller in hand, turn switch to "HAND" position and activate the
RUN button. The portable pump is now in operation.

8. To shutdown, with portable pump controller in hand, turn switch to "OFF" position.

2.6.2 Manual Bar Screen

The existing emergency generator does not provide power to the mechanical multi-rake bar
screen or the washer/compactor if there is loss of power. A manual bar screen is provided as a
standby unit in the channel, parallel to mechanical screen. This manual screen is to be used
when the mechanical screen is not in operation or when high flows require the use of additional

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 2-18

screening. The stop log (SL-2002) at the entrance of the channel must be pulled out to allow
the wastewater to enter the channel. When the bar screen is full and flow through the screen
begins to become impeded, the screen must be cleaned. After removing the grating over the
channel, the bar screen must be raked and the screenings pulled upward onto the drain plate.
Screenings are disposed of in the disposal bin after drying.

2.7 Safety
The Operator should take necessary steps to protect himself and others from known and
unknown dangers at the headworks. The wastewater within the influent lift station is highly
infectious and the Operator should use all precautions necessary to avoid contracting disease:
(1) wash hands with soap and wear gloves when working on or near sewage equipment;
(2) never smoke, eat, or drink when working near wastewater; (3) report and log any unusual
motor noise, vibrations, etc.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 2-19

Chapter 3: Dual-Power Aerated Lagoon System with
Submerged Fixed-Film Media

3.1 Introduction
This chapter contains a description of the dual-power aerated lagoon system with SFF media
and associated appurtenances at the City WWTP. Treatment facilities described include one
completely mixed lagoon (Lagoon No. 1) and three partially mixed lagoons (Lagoon Nos. 2, 3,
and 4), surface aerators, SFF media, media air blowers and control valves, supplemental
alkalinity dosing system, lagoon liner, inlet/outlet structures, scum removal system, dewatering
system, valves, and distribution manholes. The purpose and operational procedures of these
facilities are described within this Chapter, including normal operation, alternate and emergency
operation, equipment control, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

This chapter of the amendment includes significant updates to all sections with the exception of
sections pertaining to the surface aerators, previously existing components of the lagoons (i.e.,
liner system, flow routing structures, scum removal system, dewatering system, gates, and
dikes), and sludge accumulation. Several new sections were added including SFF media,
media air blowers and control valves, and supplemental alkalinity dosing.

3.2 Purpose and Intent

The aerated lagoons at Snohomish WWTP were originally designed to remove organic material
through all four lagoon cells and retain settleable solids in the three partially mixed lagoon cells,
and meet CBOD5 limit. After a new NPDES permit was issued in 2006, the plant had issues
complying with the permit, especially TMDL-based limits on ammonia and CBOD5 during July
through October. In order to comply with the permit limits, 54 SFF media modules were added
in 2012 to lagoon cells 2, 3, and 4 to enhance CBOD5 and ammonia removal along with a new
aeration system for the SFF media and a supplemental alkalinity dosing system. With these
improvements, the final effluent from the lagoon is expected to meet both concentration and
mass limits for CBOD5 and combined nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand (NBOD) and
CBOD (NBOD+CBOD) in the new NPDES permit issued in November 2012 (Appendix H
NPDES Permit), assuming algae growth in the lagoons is not excessive.

3.3 Theory of Operation

The City WWTP consists of a dual-power, multicellular (DPMC) aerated lagoon system which
includes a completely mixed aerated basin (Lagoon No. 1) followed by three equal volume
partially mixed settling basins (Lagoon Nos. 2, 3, and 4). In order to enhance the performance
of the DMPC lagoon system, 54 SFF media modules were added to partially mixed lagoon cells
with a media aeration system and a supplemental alkalinity dosing system during the 2012
upgrade. Supplemental alkalinity dosing provides pH buffering for the enhanced nitrification to
avoid a significant drop in pH, which could inhibit nitrification.

The essential function of the DPMC treatment process is to biologically remove the
biodegradable organic matter (CBOD5) in the wastewater. The aerated power levels in the
completely mixed lagoon are such that all settleable solids are maintained in complete

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-1

suspension and adequate dissolved oxygen concentrations are provided to the bacteria to
sustain their metabolic activities. As the wastewater is mixed, bacteria that are in suspension
within the mixture decompose the biodegradable organic matter in the wastewater and convert it
into either low-energy compounds necessary for growth (respiration) or new cells (growth) that
produce ammonia (NH3), water (H2O), and carbon dioxide (CO2). This process removes
majority of the soluble CBOD5 concentration.

The aeration power intensities in the partially mixed lagoons (Lagoon Nos. 2, 3, and 4) are such
that only the non-settleable fraction of the suspended solids is maintained in suspension. These
settling basins are dedicated to: (1) gravity sedimentation of the settleable suspended solids,
(2) biological stabilization of the settled solids, (3) sludge storage, and (4) to remove CBOD5 in
the effluent of the first basin. By dividing the settling basin into three equally sized lagoons in
series, it further enhances the removal of the soluble CBOD5 concentration.

The main purpose of the SFF media is to enhance ammonia removal in the WWTP by
increasing the solids retention time (SRT) in the process to allow nitrifying bacteria to proliferate.
Because nitrifying bacteria are not free-swimming microorganisms (as is the case with
heterotrophic bacteria that are responsible for CBOD5 removal), they must attach to a medium
in order to grow. Unlike a conventional activated sludge facility, lagoons do not contain a large
mass of solids to which the nitrifying bacteria can attach. Knitted polyester web attached on the
SFF module provide additional surfaces where nitrifying and heterotrophic bacteria can attach
and form a biofilm.

Organic material, ammonia-N, and other nutrients are removed as wastewater flows past the
biofilm, and microorganisms use these substances for growth. By attaching to the media, a
relatively high inventory of microorganisms is maintained within the process, rather than having
most of the microorganisms wash out with the effluent or settle in the lagoons. The higher
concentration of biomass not only benefits nitrification, but also increases biological treatment
capacity to provide improved CBOD5 removal, particularly during CSO events when the
hydraulic retention time (HRT) in the lagoons is reduced significantly. Excess biological solids
that accumulate on the media are sloughed off during routine air scouring and settle in the
lagoons where they are anaerobically digested.

The media blowers provide supplemental air for bacterial growth on the SFF media and
scouring of the media to remove excess biomass and strip away trash and debris that may have
collected on the media.

The supplemental alkalinity dosing system is designed to maintain optimal pH through the
system for nitrifying bacteria and reduce the potential for nitrite lock. Nitrifying bacteria are more
sensitive to pH than typical heterotrophic bacteria used for CBOD5 oxidation. Alkalinity
consumption that occurs during nitrification can cause the pH to drop if insufficient alkalinity is
present for buffering, which inhibits nitrification. Nitrifying bacteria achieve optimal performance
at a pH between 7.5 and 8, but may function adequately at a pH as low as 6.5. Nitrification is
normally completely inhibited at a pH below 6. The DPMC lagoon system at Snohomish WWTP
was designed to promote 1.25 days retention for each partially mixed lagoon and 3.6 days
retention for the completely mixed lagoon, which provides a total of 7.35 days retention based
on permitted maximum month flow of 2.8 MGD. Table 3-1 shows the current range of flows at
the Snohomish WWTP and their respective HRTs based on the design volume of 10 MG for
Lagoon No. 1 and 3.5 MG for each of the partially mixed lagoons.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-2

Table 3-1: Hydraulic Retention Time for Design Flows

Flow Hydraulic Retention Time (Days)

Flow Condition (MGD) Total Lagoon 1 Lagoon 2, 3, and 4
Design (November through June)
Average Annual 1.67 12.3 6.0 6.3
Maximum Month Average 1.32 15.5 7.6 8.0
Maximum Month Dry Weather (Jul-Oct) 2.75 7.5 3.6 3.8
Peak Day Dry Weather (July-Oct) 2.8 7.3 3.6 3.8
Permitted Maximum Month Flow 2.8 7.3 3.6 3.8

3.4 Description and Operation of Facilities

3.4.1 Lagoon Volumes
Design procedures for the four lagoons are based on first order kinetics which relate the
hydraulic detention time in the complete-mix first lagoon to the hydraulic detention times in each
of the partially mixed lagoons. Table 3-2 provides general lagoon and dam information. (Refer
to Appendix J for detailed information on the design parameters.)

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-3

Table 3-2: General Lagoon and Dam Information

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Under Phase 1 design conditions, Lagoon No. 1 was sized at 10 MG, which results in a peak
month detention of 3.6 days. The partially mixed lagoons were sized at approximately 3.5 MG
each, which results in a peak month detention of 1.25 days for each partial-mix lagoon.
Figure 3-1 shows the area capacity curves for all lagoons combined and each lagoon,
respectively. These curves enable the Operator to estimate the current lagoon capacity and
surface area for a known water surface elevation.

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Figure 3-1: Area Curves

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-6

3.4.2 Surface Aerators
The aeration system has been designed to: (1) satisfy the biochemical oxygen demand of the
microorganisms; (2) maintain a minimum dissolved-oxygen concentration of 1 to 2 mg/L
throughout the lagoons; and (3) provide adequate mixing. Careful monitoring of the dissolved
oxygen concentrations within the lagoons will ensure proper treatment performance.

Dissolved oxygen concentrations in the lagoons should be maintained between 1 mg/L and
4 mg/L. Excessive aeration, as characterized by dissolved oxygen concentration in excess of
4 mg/L, could cause foaming and other related problems. Too little oxygen is also not ideal.
Turning off the aerators for extended periods will cause dissolved oxygen concentrations in the
wastewater to drop below 1 mg/L. This will kill the aerobic microorganisms that are providing
the biological treatment of the wastewater. CBOD5 removal efficiencies will be significantly
decreased and the anaerobic conditions will increase odors. Proper maintenance of the
dissolved oxygen concentrations is essential to achieving the predicted CBOD5 removal

Oxygen and mixing is provided to Lagoon No. 1 by eighteen 15 hp floating surface aerators
providing 27 hp per million gallon(MG). Lagoon Nos. 2, 3, and 4 are each equipped with three
7.5 hp floating surface aerators providing 6.4 hp/MG. Each of the units consists of a motor, a
float, a propeller, and an intake tube.

3.4.3 Submerged-Fixed Film Media

Fifty-four SFF media Webitat modules provided by Entex Technology, Inc. (Entex) have been
added to the three partially mixed lagoons to improve nitrification of ammonia-N and contribute
to CBOD5 removal. They are evenly distributed among Lagoon Nos. 2, 3, and 4, so each
contains 18 modules.

The SFF media system was designed to meet performance requirements on nitrification and
enhanced CBOD5 removal under design flow conditions as presented in Tables 3-3 and 3-4
(also in the Technical Memorandum included in the 27 September 2010 Engineering Report).
Entex has determined the number of SFF media modules to meet the most stringent ammonia
removal required under the design Peak Day Dry Weather Flow (PDDWF) condition with
additional 30 percent safety factor. The required media surface area was calculated based on
the following equations with a nitrification rate of 3.53 lbs ammonia/1,000 square feet (ft2)/day
that Entex estimated under the PDDWF.

Peak Day Dry Ammonia Reduction Required:

620 lb/day, influent – 99 lb/day, effluent = 521 lb/day, removed

Ammonia Reduction Required with 30% safety factor:

1.3 * 521 lb/day, removed = 677.3 lb/day, redundancy

Required media surface area:

677.3 lb/day, redundancy / (3.53 lb/day/1,000 ft2/day) = 191,646 ft2

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-7

Number of modules required:
191,646 ft2 / (3,549 ft2 / module) = 54 modules

Table 3-3: Design Influent Wastewater Flow and Quality Data(a)

Max Month Dry Peak Day Dry Max Month

Weather Flow Weather Flow Flow
Parameter Units (Jul – Oct) (Jul – Oct) (Nov – Jun)
Influent Flow MGD 1.32 2.75 2.80
Influent CBOD5 lb/day 2,740 5,320 2,740
Influent CBOD5 mg/L 249 232 117
Influent filtered CBOD5 mg/L 124 77 59
Influent Ammonia-N lb/day 290 620 290
Influent Ammonia-N mg/L 26 27 13
Influent TKN mg/L 40 41 20
Influent TSS mg/L 348 338 164
Influent pH 6.5 – 8.5 6.5 – 8.5 6.5 – 8.5
Minimum Temperature °C 13 12 7
Average Temperature °C 20 20 13
(a) Wastewater flows are based on the most recent projections for 2020 from the Technical Memorandum included
in the 27 September 2010 Engineering Report. Concentrations of constituents in the wastewater are calculated
from projected flows and waste loads for 2020.
(b) Assumed typical range for filtered to total CBOD5 ratio of 0.5 for max month and 0.33 for peak day.
(c) Based on historical loading from 2009.
(d) TKN = total Kjeldahl nitrogen
(e) Estimated by assuming a typical ammonia-N to TKN ratio of 0.65.
(f) Sufficient supplemental alkalinity will be added to maintain influent pH within this range.

Table 3-4: Design Performance Requirements

Max Month Dry Peak Day Dry Max Month

Weather Flow Weather Flow Flow
Parameter Units (Jul – Oct) (Jul – Oct) (Nov – Jun)
Lagoon #4 Effluent Filtered CBOD5 mg/L <3 <3 < 15
Lagoon #4 Effluent CBOD5 lb/day 58 93 584
mg/L 5.3 4.1 25
Plant Effluent Ammonia-N lb/day 29 99 NA
mg/L 2.6 4.3 NA
(a) Assumed filtered to total CBOD5 ratio of 0.5.
(b) The performance parameters for CBOD5 are a design objective, but are not part of the process warranty.
Although effluent filtration is available, it can only treat a portion of the effluent flow. For the design objective
associated with CBOD5 removal, assume there is no effluent filtration.
(c) CBOD5 and ammonia-N are tested twice per week from a 24-hour composite sample.
(d) The performance parameter for ammonia-N is included in the process warranty.
NA = not applicable.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-8

The SFF module consists of knitted polyester BioWeb™ media attached to a stainless steel
frame, a shroud surrounding the module, integral air diffusers, and a flat plate on the bottom of
the module. Filaments used to create the knitted media form loops that stand out from the
fabric, providing numerous growth sites for attached biomass. The material, geometry, and
design are arranged to increase substrate distribution and oxygen diffusion.

The shroud around the module contains the air from the diffusers to provide high shear of the
attached biomass, which is intended to keep the biofilm thin and aerobic for healthy nitrifier
growth and control growth of predatory red worms. The integral diffusers are coarse bubble to
reduce the potential for fouling and provide sufficient scouring to clear trash from the media.
The bottom plate provides stability for the module and has upturned edges to prevent damage
to the lagoon floor. The modules are expected to settle into the existing sediment in the lagoon
as they re-suspend and treat the nearby sediment.

The modules are placed into Lagoon Nos. 2, 3, and 4 as fully assembled units without any
anchoring wires. Each lagoon contains 18 SFF media modules as shown on Figure 3-2. Two
extractable SFF media samples are provided for a SFF media module near the inlet structure
and the other near the outlet structure in each lagoon to check the level of bacterial growth on
the media. An air-line is connected to each module to supply air for bacterial growth and
scouring. Dissolved oxygen and pH probes and meters are placed at the effluent structure in
Lagoon No. 1 and Lagoon No. 4 to monitor whether sufficient amount of alkalinity and oxygen is
provided for the whole SFF system.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-9

Figure 3-2: Submerged Fixed Film Media System

3.4.4 Media Air Blowers and Control Valves

The media blowers provide air for growth of microorganisms on the SFF media and scouring the
media to remove excess biomass and strip away trash and debris that may have collected on
the media. Three positive displacement blowers (Aerzen Generation 5 Delta) are placed in the
Blower Building, complete with motors, variable frequency drives (VFDs), couplings, guards,
filters, silencers, relief valves, controls, and accessories. Two blowers operate continuously and
one is standby. Each blower supplies 800 standard cubic feet per minute (scfm) of air at
standard conditions. Total air flow is measured by a thermal mass flow meter in the discharge

The air is supplied through 12-inch air headers running along the berm at both sides of Lagoon
No. 3. The air header along the northern side of Lagoon No. 3 supplies air to all 18 SFF
modules in the Lagoon No. 2 through nine laterals and eight SFF modules in Lagoon No. 3
through four laterals. The other air header along the southern side of Lagoon No. 3 supplies air
to the remaining 10 SFF modules in Lagoon No. 3 through five laterals and all 18 SFF modules

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-10

in Lagoon No. 4 through nine laterals. Each lateral has an electrically-actuated air flow control
valve followed by a quick connect and ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) hose. The
hose is branched off to each SFF module at the center. During the installation in 2012, the level
of the sediment throughout the lagoons appeared to vary significantly. Therefore, a ball valve
was added at the end of each branch to balance the air flow between two SFF modules. Air is
introduced through the integral coarse bubble diffusers at the bottom of the Bioweb frame.
Figure 3-3 below shows the overall air line connection from the air header to each SFF module.

Figure 3-3: Media Air Blower System

Upon start up, an Entex field service representative measured air flow through each lateral
using a portable thermal anemometer and programmed each valve’s position to correspond with
one of three specific set points and flow rates for Full-Aerobic Mode, Anoxic/Oxic Mode, and Air
Scour Mode. Full-Aerobic Mode is the default operating mode. The other two operation modes
are discussed later in this section.

3.4.5 Supplemental Alkalinity Dosing System

The supplemental alkalinity dosing system is designed to: (1) maintain optimal pH through the
system for nitrifying microorganisms, (2) reduce the potential for nitrite lock, and (3) maintain a
neutral pH in the final effluent to meet the NPDES permit. The whole system contains the
supplemental alkalinity feed system in the Chemical Building and the storage tank outside the
building as shown on Figure 3-4. The whole system was designed to feed magnesium

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-11

hydroxide slurry, with the flexibility to accommodate use of caustic soda which the City used
before the 2012 upgrade.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-12

Figure 3-4: Supplemental Alkalinity Dosing System

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-13

Two peristaltic hose pumps (Watson Marlow, one duty and one standby) equipped with VFDs, a
calibration column, pressure relief valves, pulsation dampeners, and other accessories are
located within a containment area in the Chemical Building. A leak detector is provided for both
pumps and the containment area. The pumps are equipped with VFDs to pace the chemical
dose with the influent flow. A flow switch is placed on the discharge piping to verify that the fluid
is moving forward when the pump is operating. A pH probe installed in the Lagoon No. 4 to
monitor the effluent pH will help determine the proper dose of supplemental alkalinity. However,
it is not tied into the control loop for the chemical feed pumps due to the extremely long lag time
within the lagoons.

A double-contained tank (PolyProcessing) constructed of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) with

an active tank volume of approximately 5,400 gallons is placed outside the Chemical Building to
store the chemical. The tank is equipped with a ultrasonic level transducer for monitoring the
level of the content in the tank and a leak detection system in the interstitial space between the
double walls, along with a fill connection, vent, and drain. The tank is also heat-traced and
insulated for freeze protection. A tank mixer (Lightnin16Q3) is provided to maintain the
magnesium hydroxide slurry in suspension. The mixer operates intermittently to avoid
overheating the magnesium hydroxide slurry. If the mixer is operated continuously, the mixing
of the slurry will generate frictional heat that will evaporate water from the slurry, causing it to
thicken over time and become too viscous to pump.

The chemical is drawn from the storage tank by the metering pump and delivered to one of two
24-inch lagoon inlets at the end of the headworks. The associated piping is constructed of
polyvinyl chloride and all piping outside the containment area is double-contained to provide
safety, especially if caustic soda is used in the future, and to minimize the potential for a
significant loss of chemical. The lagoon inlet at the southern side of the discharge box connects
the existing Manhole No. 3 to Lagoon No. 1 and the other at the northern side connects the
influent structure to Lagoon No. 1.

3.4.6 Liner System

All four of the lagoons are lined with a 30-mil PVC impermeable liner which prevents leakage
from the aerated lagoons. The 30-mil PVC liner system was chosen for the lagoons due to its
resistance to chemical and biological degradation, ease of installation, cost effectiveness, and
low permeability. A typical cross-section showing the liner's bedding and protection is shown on
Figure 3-5.

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Figure 3-5: PVC Liner Bedding

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-15

3.4.7 Flow Routing and Structures
Routing of flow throughout the facility is controlled by the inlet/outlet structures, lagoon piping,
and distribution manholes (MH-4 through MH-9) as illustrated on Figure 3-6. A total of five
inlet/outlet structures control the direction of the flow between each of the four lagoons. Each
inlet/outlet structure consists of two separate structures and a bypass line. The first structure
houses one 72-inch by 24-inch weir gate and one 30-inch-diameter canal gate. This structure
controls the flow and elevation of wastewater between the lagoons. The second structure
houses four 30-inch-diameter canal gates.

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Figure 3-6: Lagoon Valving

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This second structure receives the flow from the first structure and conveys the flow of
wastewater to the receiving lagoon. The two structures are connected by a single 24-inch PVC
pipe. A second 24-inch PVC pipe associated with the first structure bypasses the second
structure and conveys wastewater to the receiving lagoon. This second 24-inch PVC pipe can
be used to bypass a lagoon during times of maintenance.

Two outlet structures divert the flow out of Lagoons Nos. 3 and 4 to the effluent control
structure. The outlet structures each house one 72-inch by 24-inch weir gate and two 30-inch-
diameter canal gates. The weir gates control the wastewater elevations between 19.00 and
21.00 feet. Elevations above 21.00 feet cascade over the weir gates. Elevations below the
19.00 feet are detained until the wastewater elevation rises. The operating position of the gates
determines which outlet structure conveys the wastewater to the effluent control structure.
Under normal flow conditions, the outlet structure within Lagoon No. 4 is operating. The outlet
structure within Lagoon No. 3 will only be used when Lagoon No. 4 is being bypassed, during
routine exercising of the gates, or during low flow conditions.

The facility incorporates a series of 24-inch PVC interconnecting piping between the four
lagoons. The interconnecting piping maximizes the detention time within each lagoon. When it
is deemed necessary to bypass a lagoon, the interconnecting piping conveys the wastewater
from one lagoon to the receiving lagoon. Figure 3-6 provides a plan view of the interconnecting
piping within the lagoons.

3.4.8 Scum Removal System

A Skim-Pak Floating Skimmer System Model No. 4200 has been provided to aid in the removal
of floating particulate matter. The skimmer is equipped with a self-adjusting flow control that
eliminates the need for manual adjustments. The operation of the Skim-Pak is straightforward
and is described within the manufacturer's O&M manual, provided separately from this manual.

The Operator needs to use the existing 4-inch portable diaphragm pump, used for the
dewatering of the chlorine contact tank, in conjunction with the Skim-Pak. The Operator
manually places the Skim-Pak at the desired location. The Skim-Pak has a 2-inch-diameter
25-foot length suction hose. The diaphragm pump has a 4-inch suction hose that has a 4-inch
by 2-inch reducer with a 2-inch female coupler which is connected to the 2-inch male coupler
from the Skim-Pak suction hose.

The discharge from the skimmer is emptied into a vactor truck which delivers the collected scum
to the grease interceptor that is located next to the grit decant facility.

3.4.9 Dewatering Systems

Two lagoon drain structures used for the dewatering of the lagoons are located between Lagoon
Nos. 1 and 2, and Lagoon Nos. 3 and 4 (see Figure 3-6). The drain structures are essentially
7-foot-diameter manholes at an invert depth below the lowest elevation of the adjacent lagoons.
Each lagoon drain structure houses three plug valves; two 8-inch and one 6-inch.

The lagoon drain structure has two main functions; (1) to receive drain water from the lagoon
underdrain and (2) to receive wastewater during periodic draining of the lagoons. Once the

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-18

water or wastewater is received within the lagoon drain structure, it is pumped to an adjacent

Water from the lagoon underdrain is conveyed to the lagoon drain structures through a 6-inch
perforated PVC pipe located within the fine sand layer under the lagoon PVC liner. The 6-inch
plug valves within the lagoon drain structures should be in the closed position at all times. Prior
to draining the lagoon, the 6-inch plug valve associated with the lagoon to be drained should be
opened to drain water that has accumulated under the lagoon liner.

The lagoon should never be drained during times of high groundwater. The piezometer located
next to the chlorine contact tank should be used to find the elevation of the groundwater. If the
elevation of the groundwater is greater than elevation 9.00, no attempt should be made to drain
the lagoons.

A 10 hp portable submersible wastewater pump is used to drain the lagoon(s). During the
draining of a lagoon, the following procedures need to be followed within the lagoon drain

1. Check maintenance records. Verify that all maintenance on the 10 hp portable

submersible pump has been performed.

2. Check drain structure wet well and remove debris and maintenance equipment.

3. Using the portable gantry, position the portable 10 hp submersible pump directly above
the lagoon drain structure access hatch.

4. Lower submersible pump into lagoon drain structure. Caution must be taken not to
damage the three plug valves while lowering pump into position.

5. Locate the pump’s 50-foot discharge hose to an adjacent lagoon. Caution must be
taken to secure the discharge hose prior to startup.

6. Open the 6-inch plug valve. If lagoon drain structure receives water from the lagoon
underdrain, turn pump "ON" and pump water to adjacent lagoon. Never run the pump
dry. Monitor the elevation of water within the lagoon drain structure. When receiving
flow has stopped, shut "OFF" the pump.

7. Close the 6-inch plug valve and open the 8-inch plug valve associated with the lagoon to
be drained. The lagoon drain structure wastewater elevation will match that of the

8. Turn pump “ON” to drain the lagoon drain structure. Never run the pump dry. Monitor
the elevation of wastewater within the lagoon drain structure. When receiving
wastewater flow has stopped, shut “OFF” the pump.

9. Close the 8-inch plug valve and remove the submersible pump.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-19


1. Never operate the portable submersible pump when an operator is within the lagoon
drain structure.

2. A minimum of two operators must be present at all times during the operation of the
portable submersible pump.

3.5 Normal System Operation

3.5.1 Surface Aerators
Under normal flow conditions, all aerators within Lagoon Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are to be operating.
As discussed earlier in this chapter, the mixing that accompanies the aeration prevents algal
growth by removing stagnant zones and provides suspension for microorganisms. The
Operator may experiment by alternating the aerators ON and OFF to reduce power
consumption based on the measured dissolved oxygen. If the dissolved oxygen concentration
decreases towards 2 mg/L, all aerators should be turned ON.

3.5.2 SFF Media and Nitrification

Under normal operating conditions, the SFF media modules are operated under Full Aerobic
Mode. Each SFF module receives 30 scfm of air continuously except during the Air Scour cycle
which is described later in this chapter. Aerobic conditions are maintained through all 54 SFF
modules and nitrification of ammonia will occur continuously. In addition, soluble CBOD5
present in the wastewater, either from the effluent of Lagoon No. 1 or re-suspended sediment,
will be removed.

3.5.3 Media Air Blowers and Control Valves

Under normal flow conditions, two media blowers are run continuously to provide about
1,600 scfm of air under the Full Aerobic Mode and Air Scour Mode. Under the Full Aerobic
Mode, all electrically-actuated valves are open to the defined set point position so that air flows
continuously to each unit. Under the Air Scour Mode, four of nine valves at each lagoon are
opened to the defined set point position for Air Sour and the remaining five valves are closed.
After that, the five valves at each lagoon are opened to the defined set point position for Air
Scour and the remaining four valves are closed. There are similarly different set points for the
Anoxic/Oxic Mode, which cycles aeration like under the Air Scour Mode, but at a lower aeration

3.5.4 Supplemental Alkalinity Dosing System

During the normal operations, one of the chemical feed pump is run to supply alkalinity to the
wastewater before it enters Lagoon No. 1. There are two dosing points to the 24-inch lagoon
inlets at the end of the headworks. The Operator shall close the isolation valve at the end of the
dosing line if the connected lagoon inlet is not used to avoid adding chemical into an empty

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-20

The Operator selects the source of alkalinity, either magnesium hydroxide or caustic soda. The
pumping rate will be calculated based on the influent flow or an Operator-entered value will be
used. The speed of pump is adjusted to match the pumping rate by comparing the pumping
rate with the entered pump curve. The level in the chemical tank is measured by an ultrasonic
level transducers. If magnesium hydroxide slurry is used, the tank will need to be mixed
intermittently to maintain the slurry in suspension. However, the slurry should not be mixed
continuously to avoid generating frictional heat that will raise the slurry temperature and
evaporate water from the slurry causing it to become too viscous to pump. The mixer will be
capable of operating as long as the level in the tank is above a minimum level set point. Leak
monitoring is provided for the chemical storage tank, the containment areas around the pumps,
and pumps themselves.

3.5.5 Flow Routing

During the normal course of operations, bypassing any of the four lagoons may be required.
Typical reasons for bypassing a lagoon include cleaning, regular scheduled maintenance, and
unscheduled maintenance, such as removing line blockages or materials that have been
dropped into the lagoons.

Bypassing involves more than simply shutting off flow. Several questions must be resolved and
plans must be formulated prior to any action being taken. Examples include:

1. How long will the affected lagoon be out of service?

2. What adjustments or changes in operations must be made?

3. What is the longest time period that a unit can be out of service without significantly
affecting treatment?

4. What other alternatives are available?

5. What precautions must be taken for safety of equipment and personnel?

6. What precautions must be taken when placing the lagoon back into service?

Flow directions during normal flow routing and during bypassing of any of the four lagoons are
illustrated on Figure 3-7. The Operator can divert the flow from entering one or more of the
lagoons by arranging the valve settings in correct operating position. The location of these
valves is shown on Figure 3-6.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-21

Figure 3-7: Alternate Flow Routes

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-22

3.6 Alternate and Emergency Operation
3.6.1 Seasonal Anoxic/Oxic SFF Media Aeration Mode
During wet weather conditions (from November through May), the SFF media system is set by
default to operate under the Anoxic/Oxic Mode in all three lagoons. Under this mode, air supply
to 10 SFF modules in the lagoon is ceased for the set anoxic/oxic duration and about 30 scfm of
air is supplied to the remaining eight SFF modules. After set time interval, air supply is initiated
to those 10 SFF modules and air supply to the remaining eight SFF modules in the lagoon is
ceased. The default for the anoxic/oxic duration is set at 1 hour, but can be adjusted by an

The number and speed of the blowers are adjusted to match the calculated air demand. When
two blowers are running, the speed of both blowers will be adjusted in tandem. One media
blower will run continuously to provide about 800 scfm of air if all three lagoons are set to
operate under the Anoxic/Oxic Mode. During the Anoxic/Oxic cycle, four of nine valves
supplying air to the SFF modules in the lagoon are opened to the defined set point position for
the Anoxic/Oxic Mode and the remaining five valves are closed. After the set time interval, the
five valves that were closed are opened to the defined set point position for the Anoxic/Oxic
Mode and the remaining four valves are closed.

It is beneficial to operate all three lagoons under the Anoxic/Oxic Mode during the wet weather
months (November through May) to save energy and reduce chlorine demand. Cycling aeration
will cut the air demand and subsequent power use in half. Although operating all three lagoons
in the Anoxic/Oxic Mode will reduce nitrification and increase effluent ammonia, complete
nitrification is not necessary during the wet weather months. Furthermore, having higher
concentrations of ammonia in the effluent allow formation of chloramines, which are an effective
disinfectant. Utilizing chloramines for disinfection reduces the chlorine dose, which is beneficial
during the wet weather months when flows are higher and chlorine use is higher. With complete
nitrification, very few chloramines are formed and disinfection must rely on dosing enough
chlorine to achieve breakpoint chlorination. Breakpoint chlorination requires oxidizing organic
matter in the effluent before a free chlorine residual can be achieved to provide disinfection. As
a result, when the WWTP is completely nitrifying, a higher dose of chlorine is required to
achieve the same level of disinfection.

During the drier months (June through October), it may be beneficial to operate Lagoon 2 and/or
Lagoon 3 under the Anoxic/Oxic Mode. As stated above, this would reduce the aeration
demand and subsequent energy use. Alternating aeration in this mode of operation may also
produce intermittent anoxic conditions that will result in occurrence of some denitrification. If the
City wishes to utilize the Anoxic/Oxic Mode during the drier months, it is recommended that
initially only one lagoon (Lagoon 2 or 3) be placed into Anoxic/Oxic Mode and that performance
be assessed in May and early June to verify that complete nitrification is achieved with one
lagoon operating in this mode. This allows sufficient time to switch the lagoon back to Full-
Aerobic Mode and establish complete nitrification before seasonal NPDES permit limits take
effect in July, if operating the lagoon in the Anoxic/Oxic mode did not support complete
nitrification. The subsequent year, the City could operate both Lagoons 2 and 3 under the
Anoxic/Oxic Mode to further reduce power consumption and attempt to increase denitrification.
Again, it is recommended that this be evaluated during May and early June to allow sufficient
time to switch back to Full-Aerobic Mode and establish complete nitrification prior to July. It is

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-23

recommended that Lagoon 4 always be operated in Full-Aerobic mode to ensure complete
nitrification of effluent leaving the lagoons.

3.6.2 SFF Media Air Scour Mode

Under the Air Scour Mode, air supply to 10 SFF modules in each lagoon is ceased for the air
scour duration and about 60 scfm of air is supplied to each of the remaining eight SFF modules
as scouring air. After an interval of time, air supply to those eight SFF modules in each lagoon
is ceased for the air scour duration and the scouring air is supplied to the remaining 10 SFF
modules. The defaults of the air scour duration and interval are set at 20 minutes and 1 week,
but can be adjusted by an Operator.

Two media blowers are run continuously to provide about 1,600 scfm of air under the Air Scour
Mode. During the air scour cycle, four of nine valves at each lagoon are opened to the defined
set point position for Air Scour and the remaining five valves are closed. After an interval of
time, the five valves at each lagoon are opened to the defined set point position for Air Scour
and the remaining four valves are closed.

3.6.3 Loss of Power

The existing emergency generator does not have sufficient capacity to power the supplemental
aeration blowers. Historically, the longest period of time the WWTP operated on emergency
power was 15 hours. The biofilm on the SFF media modules would not be adversely affected
by loss of aeration for such a period of time. Therefore, supplemental blowers are not operated
during loss of power.

3.6.4 Low Flow Aeration with Surface Aerators

As shown in Table 3-1, the low flow (dry weather) season is from May through October. During
these months, the average hydraulic retention time for Lagoon No. 1 is 16.7 days. For Lagoon
Nos. 2, 3, and 4, the average hydraulic retention time is 5.8 days.

During low flows, the Operator has the option to turn OFF one or more of the aerators. The only
significant value to turning OFF one or more of the aerators is to save power consumption and
prolong the life of the aerator. If the Operator chooses to turn OFF one or more of the aerators,
several questions must be addressed. Examples are:

1. What adjustments or changes in operations must be made?

2. What is the longest time period that an aerator can be non-operational without affecting
the performance of the lagoon?

3. What precautions must be taken prior to turning the aerator on?

If aerators are turned OFF, the Operator must continually monitor the dissolved oxygen level
within the lagoons. If the dissolved oxygen level is found to be less or approaching 2 mg/L, the
Operator should turn ON those aerators that have been turned OFF.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-24

3.6.5 Low Flow Routing
As mentioned above, low flows increase the detention time within the lagoons. To decrease the
detention time during low flow, the Operator can either bypass one or more of the lagoons or
place curtains oriented north to south down the center of the lagoon. This will decrease the
detention time within the lagoon by decreasing the total volume.

The lagoon piping provides the Operator with the option to bypass one or more of the lagoons.
Bypassing a lagoon will decrease the total detention time of the wastewater and reduce the
possibility of algal growth during the low flow months. Figure 3-7 shows the various flow routing
that can be arranged. Arranging the gates in the correct operating position, the Operator can
divert the flow from entering one or more of the lagoons.

3.7 Maintenance and Troubleshooting

3.7.1 Surface Aerators
Each aerator consists of a motor, a float, a propeller, and an intake tube. Proper maintenance
of the aerators is necessary, to ensure that the aerated lagoons provide the treatment
efficiencies that are necessary for a correct plant operation. All debris should be removed from
the lagoons as the aerators are designed to operate in an environment free of debris such as
sticks, bags, plastic, weeds, etc. Cold weather operation of the aerators requires special
operational procedures to prevent icing as specified in the manufacturer's O&M manual.

To prevent mechanical failure of the aerator, it is necessary to maintain a regular lubrication and
maintenance schedule. The motor is the only item on the aerators which requires lubrication.

The Operator is recommended to follow frequency and procedural instructions for lubrication of
the aerators as recommended by the manufacturer.

The aerators are fixed in position by stainless steel cables. The stainless steel cables create a
spider web configuration that may hinder the removal of the aerators within Lagoon No. 1. The
aerators can be removed within the cable configuration by lifting the cables over the
maintenance boat or sliding the maintenance boat over the cables and lifting the motor up to
allow the cable to pass under. Due to the small number of aerators within Lagoon Nos. 2, 3,
and 4, the removal of the aerators will not be hindered by the stainless steel cables.

Because the aerators operate in liquid-filled basins, all work on aerators, when they are in or
near a basin, should be completed only by persons wearing Coast Guard-approved personal
floatation devices. No person should work on aerators while alone. Aerators are not made for
the purpose of supporting persons, and work should not be done by a person positioned on the
aerator. It is recommended that any aerator being serviced be removed to the edge of the

Operating troubles with the aeration system can be classed as: (1) performance related, such
as poor CBOD5 removal efficiencies; (2) environmental nuisance related, such as creation of
offensive odors; and (3) mechanical and structural related, such as creation of conditions that
endanger either structures or personnel.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-25

1. Low CBOD5 removal efficiencies may be caused by the following:

• Low ambient temperatures that are beyond the control of the operator. Removal
efficiencies will be decreased in accordance with the equations presented in the
Process Control section.

• Ice formation on the aerators could cause jamming or unbalancing of the rotor.
Consult the aerator operating manual for operation under icy conditions.

• Aerator malfunction will cause performance to suffer. Check equipment

maintenance and repair.

2. Trouble with environmental nuisance:

• Odors may occur when there are anaerobic conditions in the mixed liquor or scum.
Care should be taken to maintain aerobic conditions.

3. The manufacturer's O&M manual should be consulted for troubleshooting of the

mechanical functions of the aerators.

3.7.2 SFF Media

There are two media coupons each in Lagoons 2, 3 and 4. These coupons should be inspected
quarterly to examine the thickness, evenness and type of biological growth on the media.
These coupons will provide a representative sampling of growth on the SFF media modules and
can aid in troubleshooting. Figure 3-8 below shows an example of the desired biofilm growth. It
is not too thick, even across the coupon, and there are no signs of redworm.

Figure 3-8: Photograph of Desired Biofilm Growth

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-26

If the biofilm is too thick and/or there is evidence of redworm, it means there is more old growth
on the media, which can reduce the kinetics of nitrification (due to older bacteria having lower
uptake rates and predatory redworms reducing the population of nitrifying bacteria) resulting in
higher effluent ammonia. Check that there is sufficient delivery of air during the Air Scour Mode.
If the total air supply is within range, then the air balancing between the modules may need to
be adjusted. If the air supply and balancing are sufficient, then increasing the frequency and/or
duration of the Air Scour Mode will help maintain the thinner biomass accumulation that is
desired. If the biofilm appears uneven, it may be due to unbalanced aeration. Check leveling of
the SFF media module and adjust as necessary to ensure close to uniform air supply across the
SFF media modules. See the troubleshooting section below for additional information.

There is no scheduled inspection for the SFF media modules themselves. Visually inspect the
units for damage or tears to the BioWeb fabric only when the lagoon cells, where the SFF are
placed, are drained and the units are visible. With the lock knit construction and high break
strength of BioWeb media, any such damage indicates source investigation is needed.
Additionally, the metal frames should be visually inspected for integrity.

The Webitat integral coarse bubble diffusers do not require scheduled maintenance. Inspect
only when basins are drained. Check for broken joints and ensure integral scour is mounted

If the units are removed or left exposed to the air for more than 48 hours, it is recommended to
use a high pressure hose at a minimum distance of ~10 feet to spray the biomass off of the
BioWeb to reduce odors. If the basin is to be offline for an extended period, cover the units with
tarps to protect from UV rays.

If the BioWeb media has moved and is no longer evenly distributed along the support bars, the
BioWeb should be evenly distributed as best as possible. Excessive force or difficult
adjustments should be avoided. Some unevenness is acceptable.

If the fabric has been torn, the material can be mended by using cable ties designed for outdoor
service or 1/8-inch braided polyester rope to pull the media together. A UV-resistant black nylon
or polypropylene cable ties with at least 90 pounds of tensile strength, which are available from
a number of vendors, is recommended. Online orders can be placed at or
typical hardware stores. The BioWeb media is lock-knit, and will not unravel from tear sites.


Below are some common symptoms and procedures to follow if inspection of the system
reveals abnormal operation.

Dissolved oxygen not satisfactory or unit is not scouring

Possible Cause:

 Aeration blower not operating.

 Restriction in integral diffuser.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-27

 Actuated valve closed.

 Air line punctured or broken.

 Period of high organic loading.


 Confirm aeration blower operation. Make sure all in-line valves are open and in
operation. Check power source for blower and valves.

 Observe distribution pattern above SFF unit. If no air bubbles are present, inspect valve
operation and hose operation/condition. Hoses may be loose or broken. If a minute
amount of air bubbles are present, a portion of the diffuser may be plugged. Isolate unit
by manually adjusting valves on Human Machine Interface (HMI) such that air is forced
to unit and can blow out blockage. If these actions do not solve the problem, access
diffuser and inspect.

Thick or black biomass

Possible Cause:

● BioWeb media not completely submerged.

● Inadequate oxygen and or scour.

● Preceding systems not operating properly.


 Check Webitat module submergence.

 Check dissolved oxygen in aeration tank and in module.

 Adjust air scour frequency first. If this does not resolve the problem, adjust scour
duration and or flow rate by adjusting valve positioning on HMI.

 Check preceding lagoon surface aerator operation. Check flow, HRT, etc., and/or
preliminary treatment systems.

Failure to nitrify

Possible Cause:

 Retention time, temperature, low or inadequate dissolved oxygen.

 Inadequate nutrients.

 High organic loading.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-28


 Balance flow to lagoon to allow sufficient retention.

 Check dissolved oxygen in lagoon and or surrounding SFF units.

 Measure nutrient levels. Determine if supplemental measures are needed.

Red worms

Possible Cause:

 Low dissolved oxygen and or excessively thick biomass.


 Increase air scour rate and open valves for 24 hours.

More information on handling of the SFF modules is described within the manufacturer's O&M
manual (Section 1 in the SFF Media O&M Manual), provided separately from this manual.

3.7.3 Blowers
Each blower consists of a fan, a motor, a VFD, couplings, guards, filters, silencers, relief valves,
controls, and other accessories. Maintain the blowers to ensure that all functions work correctly
so they can supply air to the SFF media modules.

The screwed connections, intake filter, V-belts, belt pulley alignment, pressure valve, and
lubrication oil shall be checked, corrected, and replaced within the first 500 operational hours.
After that, they should be checked and replaced on a regular basis along with the drive shaft
seal, non-return valve, other pipe connection and accessories. The entire machine with spare
and wearing parts shall be also checked every 3 years. Maintenance and re-lubrication for the
drive motor shall be performed per the instructions from the motor manufacturer.

Refer to Chapter 10 Maintenance and Chapter 12 Malfunction / Possible Cause / Remedy in

Section 2 and motor maintenance in Section 5 of the Blower O&M, provided in the SFF Media
O&M Manual.

3.7.4 Actuated Valves

Each actuated valve shall be maintained to ensure proper distribution of air through each set of
SFF media modules. The actuator to valve connection, level of lubrication on stems and drive
nuts, status of actuator and enclosure, and presence of any lubricant leaks shall be checked
and repaired annually. The battery of the actuator shall be replaced at least every 5 years.

Refer to Chapter 11 Maintenance, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting in the Actuator O&M

manual, provided separately from this manual for detailed instruction.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-29

3.7.5 Dissolved Oxygen, pH, and Temperature Instruments
The following instruments were provided by the SFF supplier to monitor essential parameters
that could affect the performance of the SFF system:

 Dissolved oxygen and pH – Hach LDO dissolved oxygen probe and pH sensor with
SC200 Controller

 Temperature – Global Water temperature sensor (WQ101) with EZ100 display.

These analytical instruments shall be routinely maintained to ensure continuous monitoring and
recording the dissolved oxygen concentration and pH for Lagoon No. 1 and No. 4 effluent and
the temperature for the final plant effluent. All sensors shall be periodically cleaned (cleaning
frequency is application dependent), inspected, and calibrated as recommended by the
manufacturer and as required per the NPDES permit. Additionally, the cap of the dissolved
oxygen sensors shall be inspected during cleaning.

Refer to Section 6 through 11 provided in the SFF Media O&M Manual for detailed information
on the maintenance and troubleshooting for these instruments.

3.7.6 Air Flow Meter

A thermal mass air flow meter (Fluid Components International LLC., FCI ST50) was installed
on the common discharge media air line in the Blower Building to measure the total air flow
supplied by the blowers. The air flow meter shall be inspected, cleaned, and calibrated as
recommend by the manufacturer. Refer to Section 4 ST50 Mass Flow Meter O&M manual for
details on the maintenance and troubleshooting. Calibration interval is suggested to be at least
every 18 months. Routine inspection of the meter should involve checking wiring and
connections and examining for presence of moisture and integrity of seals.

3.7.7 Alkalinity Dosing Pumps

The peristaltic hose pumps shall be maintained to feed correct amount of alkalinity based on the
dose calculated by the Chemical Building PLC, which ensures no inhibition on nitrification due to
low pH. The pump head shall be dissembled to check the condition of the hose and shoe and
the level of the lubricant. The frequency of the maintenance will vary depending on the actual
operational hours of the pumps. If necessary, the hose or shoe shall be replaced. Refer to the
Chemical Feed Equipment O&M manual, provided separately from this manual for details on the
maintenance and troubleshooting.

3.7.8 Alkalinity Storage Tank and Mixer

The alkalinity storage tank with level sensor and switch shall be maintained to ensure the safety
of personnel and the preservation of the chemical stored. The tank mixer shall be checked for
proper operation to ensure continuous mixing condition for the stored chemical, especially for
the slurry.

The tank shall be thoroughly inspected every year. The tank first needs to be emptied and the
exterior and interior of the tank shall be checked for cracking, crazing, and brittle appearance.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-30

The tank shall be replaced if it displays these conditions. Fittings, flexible connections, and
gaskets shall be inspected for leaks and signs of general corrosion or deterioration. The
Operator shall confirm that filling of the tank from tank trucks does not cause over-

The gear drive and motor on the slurry mixer shall be maintained at regular intervals with
frequency as recommended the manufacturer. The gear drive shall be disassembled and re-
assembled during inspection following the manufacturer’s instructions and all gaskets and
o-rings should be replaced during inspection. The motor shall be kept clean, dry, and properly

Refer to the Chemical Storage Tank and Appurtenances O&M manual, provided separately
from this manual for details on the maintenance and troubleshooting.

3.7.9 Lagoons
Maintenance of the lagoons will consist of (1) equipment cleaning and lubrication of the weir and
canal gates, (2) monitoring of the dike structure, and (3) checking liner integrity for signs of
leakage or animal burrowing. General lagoon/dam information is provided under Section 3.7.4
in this Chapter.

3.7.10 Gates
Weir/canal gates can become a maintenance problem and should be cleaned frequently. At
least twice a year, all grease fittings should be checked for operation and lubricated with a small
amount of heavy duty grease. The operating stems and lift nuts must be cleaned and greased
every 6 months. To help keep stem and lift nuts clean, the use of stem covers are

Because non-rising stem and lift nuts are normally submerged in water or sewage, the stem
threads on the stem may become coated with grit. This will cause excessive wear on stem
threads and lift nut. Therefore, the stem and lift nut must be kept clean and greased and the lift
nut should be removed once a year and inspected for wear. If excessive wear is apparent, then
the lift nut should be replaced.

The manufacturer's O&M manual should be consulted for troubleshooting recommended

troubleshooting procedures for the weir/canal gates.

3.7.11 Dikes
Conditions that may jeopardize the durability of the dikes include following:

1. Dike erosion is primarily the result of the neglect of proper monitoring and maintenance.

2. Burrowing animals can potentially penetrate the liner and cause the lagoon to leak.
Evidence of burrowing animals will require measures taken to ensure that the integrity of
the liner is not threatened.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-31

Caution must be taken by the Operator during times when it is found necessary to drain or
pump into a lagoon. The Operator must not concentrate the point of discharge directly onto the
slope of the lagoon. By doing this, the lagoon side may become unstable and slump into the
lagoon causing possible damage to the liner. Below is a recommended maintenance and
inspection schedule of the dikes.

Element Frequency Description

Vegetation control Biannually Cut grass at least twice annually or more frequently to allow
for visual surveillance of the embankment surfaces.
Maximum grass height should not exceed 8 inches.
Remove small trees and brush. Do not remove trees larger
than 6 inches in diameter without advice from a professional
Control of Burrowing Animals Monthly Repair animal burrows by compacting fill into the excavated
areas. If the burrowing is extensive, seek the advice of a
qualified engineer.
Eliminate the burrowing animals to alleviate the problem for
the long term.
Maintain Crest Roadway Annually Regrade eroded areas as needed.
Maintain Crest Design Annually Maintain the design elevation of unimproved crest surfaces
Elevation by leveling and grading the crest to design specifications. Fill
any ruts or minor depressions.
Maintain Concrete Features Annually Make repairs to concrete surfaces and joints, including:
• Patching spalled areas with a bonding agent
• Strengthening areas by applying coatings or by adding
• Repairing minor cracks with an adhesive or epoxy
Keep concrete joints and surfaces frees of vegetation.
Spillway Channel Weekly Remove any obstructions or debris from the spillway
Monthly Keep drains free and clear. Periodically rod and ream
internal drains to keep them functioning.

Get assistance from Dam Safety Section before making repairs to concrete surfaces and
joints. Concrete problems may be an indication of a serious dam safety problem. Also,
report and record any new or changing (increasing or decreasing) cracks.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-32

3.8 Sludge Accumulation
Approximately 3 feet of sludge storage is available in each pond. The City will need to contract
for sludge removal and disposal when sludge accumulation approaches these levels. Sludge
removal would best be conducted during summer low wastewater flow conditions, when
individual partially mixed lagoons can be taken out of service.

The completely mixed lagoon is designed to keep solids in suspension and therefore, will have
only scattered sludge accumulations. Sludge accumulation will mainly be in Lagoon Nos. 2, 3,
and 4. The Operator can estimate the amount of in-place sludge accumulation on a dry weight
bases by measuring the depth of the sludge blanket and sample for percent solids at equally
distributed locations across the lagoon bottom. Chapter 6, Section 6.4.1, presents the sludge
sampling procedures and quantity calculations.

3.9 Safety
Operators involved in installing, operating, or maintaining equipment are advised to observe all
normal precautions to ensure their safety. As with any electrical machinery, work should be
done only by qualified personnel. Power from all sources should be disconnected and locked
out when working on the aerators. Always wear Coast Guard-approved life jackets while
working within the lagoons.

The Operators should take necessary steps to protect themselves and others from known and
unknown dangers while working in or near the headworks. As in any area where wastewater is
present, it is important to maintain good personal hygiene. Avoid smoking, eating, or drinking in
this area. Keep open wounds covered. Care should be taken whenever personnel are working
near moving equipment such as during maintenance of the aerators. Always keep the
maintenance boat clean and free of debris.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 3-33

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 6-1
Chapter 7: Electrical Power and Controls

7.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the electrical power and control components of the Snohomish WWTP.
The components include the electric service equipment, standby generator, power distribution,
motor starters, control devices, and telemetry equipment.

This chapter of the amendment includes significant updates to the control system description
regarding the SCADA system and individual equipment controls for the mechanical screen and
washer/compactor. Several new sections were also added including control system
descriptions for the Chemical Building PLC, Blower Building PLC, and Screen PLC and
individual equipment controls for the alkalinity dosing pumps, alkalinity storage tank and mixer,
media air blowers and control valves.

7.2 Power System Description

7.2.1 Electrical Services
The electric service for the Snohomish WWTP is provided from a 3-phase, 12,470 volt (V)
overhead line extending into the site from River View Road. There are two services, one is at
the northern end of the site at the Laboratory/Office Building and the other is toward the
southern end of the site near the Chlorine Building.

The primary conductors for the northern service are routed underground in PVC conduit from
the pole to the pad-mounted 750 kilovolt-ampere (kVA), 3-phase transformer. The 480 V,
3-phase secondary conductors are routed underground in PVC conduit to the current
transformer compartment in the switchboard. The switchboard is located in the Electric Room in
the Laboratory/Office Building. The service meters are mounted on the outside southern wall.

The primary conductors for the southern service are routed underground in PVC conduit from
the last pole to the pad-mounted 350 kVA, 3-phase transformer. The 480 V, 3-phase secondary
conductors are routed underground in PVC conduit to the current transformer compartment.
The service meters and current transformer compartment are both mounted on the outside
southern wall of the Chlorine Building.

7.2.2 Emergency Generator

The 350 kilowatt (kW) generator is rated at 0.8 power factor (pf) and 438 kVA, 526 amperes at
480 V, 3-phase. The diesel engine generator is located in a small building directly east of the
Laboratory/Office Building. The generator serves the emergency side of the automatic transfer
switch (ATS) in the Laboratory/Office Building Electric Room and the building ATS in the
Chlorine Building, which is provided with an emergency feeder from the Laboratory/Office

The generator is sized to serve the normal loads on the site; one 25 hp and one 100 hp screw
pump, 50 percent of the aerators in Lagoon No. 1, and 100 percent of the aerators in Lagoons
Nos. 2, 3, and 4. If the flow rate is high enough that two 100 hp screw pumps need to run

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-1

together, then the control system will shut down aerators in Lagoon No. 1 to provide the
capacity needed. The program monitors the load on the generator and will stop aerators in
Lagoon No. 1 to maintain operation of as many aerators as possible without overloading the

7.2.3 Laboratory/Office Building Motor Control Center

There are two motor control center (MCC) line-ups: one in the Laboratory/Office Building
Electric Room and one in the Chlorine Building Electric Room. Both MCCs have phase fail
protection from two redundant relays, ammeters and voltmeters, step down transformers, and
low voltage power and lighting panels.

All MCCs are 480 V, 3-phase with half (or full) bussing neutral. The normal MCCs (NMCC)
serve loads which do not require standby power and the emergency or essential MCCs (EMCC)
serve the loads which do require standby power.

The Laboratory/Office Building Service is provided with a 1,600 amp switchboard which
contains surge protection equipment. Two 100 amp circuit breakers feed the NMCC1 and
Chemical Building Power Panel, respectively. A 900 amp circuit breaker feeds the EMCC1.
The NMCC1 has a 400 amp main bus and primarily serves mechanical loads which do not need
to be on emergency power.

The EMCC1 serves the one 25 hp and two 100 hp screw pumps, the aerators in Lagoon Nos. 1
and 2, and the Chemical Building Power Distribution Panelboard (DPD). The DPD provides
power to the screen control panel which serves the multi-rake screen and the
washer/compactor, as well as the supplemental alkalinity system.

The 100 hp screw pumps have solid-state starters for reduced current when starting; the 25 hp
is full voltage (FV) started. The 100 hp pumps also have capacitors for pf correction and
reduced load on the service and generator.

The aerators in Lagoon No. 1 are all 15 hp and are FV started; the aerators in Lagoon No. 2 are
7.5 hp and are also FV started.

The multi-rake screen is variable speed driven and the washer/compactor is FV started.

7.2.4 Chlorine Building MCC

The old NMCC2 was replaced by a new NMCC2 to accommodate a new service entrance rated
breaker and provide power to the new Blower Building. The NMCC2 has a 600 amp main bus
and serves the effluent filter pumps, the filter compressor, the reject pump station, and the
Blower Building Main Distribution Panel Board (MDP). The effluent filter pumps have variable
speed drives, the other motors are all FV started.

A 300 amp circuit breaker feeds the MDP that serves the 75 hp media blowers and motorized
valves. The media blowers have variable speed drives.

The EMCC2 has a 600 amp bus and serves the 7.5 hp aerators in Lagoons Nos. 3 and No. 4,
the REDOX mixers, and the 7.5 hp scrubber. All of these motors are FV started.

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7.2.5 Panel Boards
The four different MCCs feed seven panel boards as follows:

Name Rating Location Serving

E1 150 A, 208Y/120V, 3P Lab./Office Bldg. EMCC Lighting, receptacles, miscellaneous
N1 100 A, 240/120V, 1P Lab./Office Bldg. NMCC HVAC, dishwasher
E2 100 A, 208Y/120V, 3P Chlor. Bldg. EMCC Lighting, receptacles, miscellaneous
N2 150 A, 240/120V, 1P Chlor. Bldg. NMCC HVAC
E3 100 A, 208Y/120V, 3P Gen. Bldg. Lighting, receptacles, miscellaneous
DPD 100A, 480V, 3P Chem. Bldg. Lighting panel, screen control panel,
and chemical feed pumps
MDP 400A, 480V, 3P Blower Bldg. Media blowers, motorized valves
power panel, and lighting panel

7.3 Power System Controls Description

7.3.1 Power Fail Detection and Indication System Automatic Transfer Switches (ATS)
The loss of utility power at the northern service is sensed by the undervoltaged phase fail relay
in the ATS-1. When this relay senses a utility power (normal source) failure for a set time delay,
it sends a signal to start the generator. Once the generator starts and the ATS senses full
voltage from the generator (standby source), it transfers the lead from the utility to the standby
generator. Loss of utility power at the southern service is sensed by the undervoltage and
phase fail relay in the ATS-2. When this relay senses a utility power (normal source) failure, it
checks for power from the second feeder from the north (backup source) service, and if power is
available (either from generator or from the utility), it will transfer to that source.

When power returns to the normal source, the ATS transfers the load back after a time delay to
the other (pause in neutral). This pause will cause a complete power failure of the entire system
on the service. When the power returns, either on generator or back on the utility, the
equipment starting is staggered to keep the starting load to a minimum. When the WWTP is
operating on generator power, the operator has the ability to control the return to utility power to
ensure that utility power is stable before transferring back to utility power.

There are indication lights on the front of each ATS for indication of which source is available
and to which source the switch is connected.

The adjustable time delays will be initially set up during startup of the system. See the
manufacturer’s O&M manual for specific details on these adjustments.

A generator exercise clock is provided in ATS-1, which automatically starts the generator and
runs it weekly. A switch is provided to choose whether to exercise the generator with or without
load. Maintenance (ATS)

See manufacturer’s O&M manual for maintenance instructions. Test the system every
4 months for proper operation as outlined by simulating a power outage. This can be easily

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-3

accomplished by turning OFF the 900 amp main breaker at the Laboratory/Office Building and
the 600 amp main breaker at the Chlorine Building.

7.3.2 Phase Fail Protection

EMCC1, EMCC2, and NMCC2 have phase fail relay (PFR) protection. This protection is
accomplished by two redundant PFRs on each MCC bus. Each of the PFRs have two separate
contacts, one open and one closed, which change state when there is a power disturbance
(undervoltage, phase fail, phase reversal, or power fail).

The closed contact is duplicated many times through auxiliary relays and are permissives at the
front end of all 3-phase motor control circuits to turn OFF the motor in case of a power
disturbance. The open contacts for each pair of relays are monitored by the PLC as a check
that the PFRs themselves are working properly.

If one of a pair of relays should change state without the other doing the same, then a PFR
trouble light will be energized on the main control panel (MCP). If both of a pair of relays should
change state at the same time, then the 3-phase motors will be turned OFF and the MCP will
energize a power fail light for the system that failed.

If the power fails that the PLC is fed from, then it cannot monitor anything. If the power does not
return within 60 seconds, then the ArchestrA remote response alarm notification system will
send out an alarm for plant power fail. Maintenance (PFR)

Check relays monthly for the system normal light to be energized on the front of the relay.

7.3.3 Power Factor Correction System

System Purpose

The power factor correction (PFC) system provides variable capacitance to correct the plant
power factor and reduce utility costs. The amount of capacitance used is a function of the
number of motor users currently active at the plant. Three PFC capacitors are provided as

1. Emergency Motor Control Center, EMCC 1, (Laboratory/Office Building) PFC capacitors:

 One 35 KVAR Capacitor C35

 One 75 KVAR Capacitor C75

2. Emergency Motor Control Center, EMCC2, (CL2 Building) PFC capacitors:

 One 15 KVAR Capacitor C 15

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System Operation

In HAND mode: The capacitor contactor closes.

In AUTO mode: The contactor closes depending on the number of drive motors in operation.
For the purposes of this section for counting the number of motors in operation, the 25 hp screw
pump = 1-1/2, each 15 hp aerator = 1, and each 7.5 hp aerator = 1/2. The capacitors are
placed online by the following schedule:

Motor No. Capacitor Online

02+ C15
06 - 12 C35
13 – 19 C70
20 + C35 and C70

There is a 10-second delay between all switching points and a 5-second delay between
contactor changes provided by the PLC programming. For example, if the number of motors
running changes from 12 to 13, the system will wait for 10 seconds. If after this delay, the
number of motors running has not changed back to 12 or below, then C35 will go offline and
after 5 seconds, C70 will go online. Maintenance (PFCS)

See manufacturer’s O&M manual for maintenance instructions. Check operation every
6 months to confirm the system is working, and green light is on when contactor is closed. This
can be done by switching on various combinations of motors and observing that the system
reacts as it should according to the chart given above.

The KVAR reading can be taken at the power monitor unit mounted on the EMCC at the
Laboratory/Office Building. The pf reading should be between .90 and .99.

Check that capacitors are working, once per month, by viewing the blown fuse indicator lights
on the front of the MCC.

7.3.4 Emergency Generator

The generator automatically starts from a power fail relay in the ATS-1. The generator has its
own packaged control panel with instrumentation and alarm indication. There is a common
alarm from the generator to the MCP for system trouble indication.

The generator has an outdoor aboveground dual-containment 1,000-gallon fuel tank. This
amount of fuel should provide approximately 48 hours of continuous operation of the generator
at full load. The fuel tank has a low fuel indication which informs the Operator when the tank is
approximately 40 percent full. There is also a critical low fuel alarm which shuts down the
generator prior to running out of fuel so the fuel piping should not have to be re-primed.

The generator is not sized to handle all of the loads of the plant when it is operating on
emergency power. The highest priority loads on the generator under emergency conditions are:

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-5

 Building utility loads (lighting, receptacles, etc.)

 One 100 hp screw pump

 One 25 hp screw pump

 Nine 15 hp aerators

 Nine 7.5 hp aerators

 Two 2.0 hp mixers (for CL2/SO2 equipment).

Restarting all these loads together would overwhelm the generator, so a starting sequence is
used to restart all loads after transfer to standby power or back to utility power. The screw
pumps are started first to avoid flooding the headworks structure. After one large screw pump
and the small screw pump are started, the lagoon aerators and chlorination/dechlorination
mixers listed above are started. The mixers must remain in service to ensure proper
disinfection and dechlorination and enough of the aerators need to be in service to maintain
adequate aeration and mixing to keep the lagoon process viable during an extended loss of
power. If the second 100 hp screw pump is called to run, then all of the aerators will be shut
down by the PLC.

A power monitoring unit on the main bus communicates with the PLC. The power load will be
monitored and if it exceeds the output capacity of the generator, the PLC will shut down
individual aerators in Lagoon No. 1, until the load is below the rated output of the generator. A
30-second delay is provided between the shutdowns of each aerator. Gauges are provided to

 Engine coolant temperature.

 Engine lubricating oil temperature.

 Engine lubricating oil pressure.

 Engine/generator tachometer.

 Voltmeter with phase-phase and phase-neutral selector switch with phase selector
switch. A voltage adjusting retrostart is provided.

 Ammeter.

 Frequency meter.

 Power factor meter.

Alarms that shutdown operation of the engine generator are provided with indicating lights:

 Selector switch NOT in AUTO position

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 Engine starting prohibited after three cranking cycles

 Generator run failure (a common/remote fail alarm is sent for these shutdown conditions.
A separate remote fail alarm is sent for this shutdown condition.)

 Low fuel shutdown.

Alarms that shutdown operation of the engine generator are provided with indicating lights:

 High coolant temperature

 Low coolant temperature

 Low coolant level

 Low lubricating oil pressure

 High engine speed

 High battery voltage

 Low battery voltage

 Battery charger failure

 Low fuel alarm (fuel fill).

A common remote trouble alarm is set for these conditions Maintenance (Generator)

See manufacturer’s O&M manual for maintenance instructions. The generator operation is
checked every week by exercising. Check the operation of the generator overload system
every year. Simulate a power outage at both services; call all of the aerators to run. Then start
both of the 100 hp screw pumps (by forcing the AUTO inputs into the PLC if necessary).

If the system is working properly, then when all of the aerators are called to run, only about
50 percent of the aerators in Lagoon No. 1 should operate and when the two 100 hp screw
pumps are called, more of the aerators in Lagoon No. 1 should shut down. The system should
maintain the running load on the generator below 520 amps.

7.4 Control System Description

7.4.1 General Overview
The WWTP is controlled from a plant SCADA system located in the Laboratory/Office Building.
The plant SCADA ties into the Regional SCADA Control Network through a network switch
located in the Laboratory/Office Building. The plant SCADA system connects to the Chlorine
Building PLC, Chemical Building PLC, Blower Building SFF Control Panel PLC, and Headworks
Screen Panel PLC as presented on Figure 7-1. There are two main control panels (MCP-1

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-7

located in the Laboratory/Office Building and MCP-2 located in the Chlorine Building) that
contain input/output (I/O) cards with the platform to control of most of the equipment in the plant.
There are also various local control panels for local control of some equipment.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-8

Figure 7-1: SCADA System

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7.4.2 WWTP Communications Network
The plant SCADA system is connected with the local control systems through five Ethernet
switches, each located in the Laboratory/Office Building, Chlorine Building, Chemical Building,
Blower Building, and the screen panel at the Headworks. Equipment and instruments that are
controlled via the SFF Control Panel located in the Blower Building or the Screen Control Panel
located at the Headworks are only monitored through the plant SCADA system. The remaining
equipment and instruments controlled by the PLCs in the Chlorine Building, Laboratory/Office
Building, and Chemical Building can be both controlled and monitored through the plant SCADA

7.4.3 SCADA System

A new SCADA system including a Dell server (T410, with Raid 5), monitor, printer, and tape
backup system has been installed in the Laboratory/Office Building. The old Wonderware HMI
has been upgraded to newest version of Wonderware and ArchestrA software, which enables
the monitor to display operations of various plant processes in color graphic form. The HMI
provides status and alarms of most equipment in the plant as well as control functions.

The following software is installed to support the server.

 Microsoft Server 2008 R2 Standard

 Software Toolbox OPC TOP Server

 FasTrack Programming Software

 Wonderware ArchestrA View Node

 RS Logix 5000 Standard Edition.

The SCADA system provides the following features:

 Control and monitoring for equipment and instruments through Chlorine Building PLC

 Control and monitoring for equipment and instruments through Chemical Building PLC

 Control and monitoring for equipment and instruments through Laboratory/Office

Building PLC

 Monitoring for equipment and instruments through Screen Control Panel PLC

 Monitoring for equipment and instruments through SFF Control Panel PLC.

The WWTP SCADA system is equipped with ArchestrA remote response alarm notification
system for automatically contacting plant personnel with plant and lift station alarms, when the
plant is not staffed.

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7.4.4 Laboratory/Office Building PLC
The PLC in the MCP-1 in the Laboratory/Office Building is a TI/Siemens 545 platform I/O. The
following features are included in MCP-1:PLC:

 Aerator HAND-OFF-AUTO (HOA) switches with run time meters (RTM) and run and fail
indicating lights.

 Screw pumps run and fail indicating lights

 Filter pumps run and fail indicating lights

 Alarm annunciator light box

 Two, three-pen chart recorders

 Influent wet well level indicator

 Timer Counter Access Module (TCAM)

 Master Telemetry Unit (MTU) (Rugid computer)

 Four flow rate indicators for 1) influent, 2) effluent, 3) filter, and 4) lagoon outlet

 Four flow totalizers for same as indicators above.

The alarm annunciator light boxes are for indication of alarms for all equipment in the plant.
They are typically no longer used and have been replaced by the WWTP SCADA system.

The TCAMs are used for adjusting the timers for on and off control of the aerators. They can
also be used for adjusting other set points and timers for other equipment. (See the
manufacturer’s O&M manual for instructions on how to operate the TCAMs).

The MTU is for remote communication with each of the wastewater lift stations to update status
and alarms. The MTU interface provides communication between the lift stations and the HMI.
The MTU also provides a back-up Autodialer for power fail and influent wet well high level
alarms. See Section 7.6 for details.

7.4.5 Chlorine Building PLC

The PLC in the MCP-2 in the Chlorine Building is a TI/Siemens 545 platform I/O. An Ethernet
switch is provided for communication between the Chlorine Building PLC and the plant SCADA
system and the Blower Building SFF Control Panel. The Chlorine Building PLC with the MCP-2
provides the following features:


 Alarm annunciator light box


Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-11

 Filter pumps control and indication

 Reject pumps control and indication

 Chlorine (Cl2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) mixers control and indication

 Scrubber running indication

 Compressor running indication

 Flow rate indication for 1) influent, 2) effluent, 3) filter, and 4) lagoon outlet flow

 Effluent temperature indication.

7.4.6 Chemical Building PLC

An Allen-Bradley CompactLogix PLC processor installed in a new NEMA 4 PLC panel has been
placed to provide control for the supplemental alkalinity dosing system, and communicates with
the Headwork’s Screen Panel PLC. An Ethernet switch is provided for communication with the
plant SCADA system and the Headworks Screen Panel. The Chemical Building PLC includes
the following features:

 Supplemental alkalinity feed system control and indication

 Aerator control and indication

 Screw pump control and indication

 Influent wet well level indication

 Flow rate monitoring for influent

 Headworks screen system indication.

7.4.7 Blower Building PLC and Control Panel

The SFF manufacturer provided a NEMA12 control panel (NEMA12) with an HMI and PLC
(Allen-Bradley CompactLogix). The PLC controls the media blowers with associated AFDs,
electrically-actuated butterfly valves, and SFF process instrumentation. The PLC is connected
to the plant SCADA system via an Ethernet connection, and only status and alarm conditions
are monitored through SCADA. The PLC provides the following features:

 Twenty-seven electrically-actuated valves control and indication

 Three media blowers control and indication

 Media air flow indication

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 Lagoon No. 1 effluent pH and dissolved oxygen indication

 Lagoon No. 4 effluent pH and dissolved oxygen indication.

7.4.8 Screen PLC and Control Panel

The Screen manufacturer provided a NEMA4X control panel with an HMI and PLC (Allen-
Bradley MicroLogix). The PLC controls the headworks screen, washer/compactor, and all
associated equipment. The PLC is connected to the plant SCADA system via an Ethernet
connection, and only status and alarm conditions are monitored through SCADA. The PLC
provides the following features:

 Multi-rake screen control and indication

 Washer/compactor control and indication

 High water level alarm for screen channel.

7.4.9 Alarm Annunciation

Both the MCP-1 and MCP-2 control panels are provided with identical alarm annunciator
panels. Neither of these annunciator panels are typically used anymore. They have been
replaced by the WWTP SCADA system.

When an alarm condition is detected, the PLC will set outputs to sound the appropriate audible
horn, as applicable, and display the appropriate alarm in the SCADA system. The horn and the
alarm display will persist even if the alarm condition is no longer present until the alarm is
acknowledged by the Operator. If an alarm condition exists and a new alarm occurs, the new
alarm will cause its appropriate alarm message to also display and sound the audible horn
without affecting the existing alarm. For certain critical alarms, outdoor alarm horns (one on the
Laboratory/ Office Building and one on the Chlorine Building) may also sound.

Some alarms require callout by the ArchestrA remote response alarm notification system if they
are not acknowledged. If such an alarm condition is detected and is not acknowledged within
the a specified time period, the SCADA system will initiate remote notification to contact the
Operator. See Section 7.6.2 for additional information.

7.4.10 Miscellaneous Indication and Alarms

This section addresses miscellaneous alarms that are not addressed in the other sections. The
following alarms conditions are monitored and alarmed by the PLC programming:

PLC Trouble Fail

Alarm is provided for PLC common trouble. This alarm is activated when the PLC turns off an
output that is normally energized if all is well with the PLC. PLC 1 will monitor this "heartbeat"
signal from PLC 2, and PLC 2 will monitor this signal from PLC 1. The purpose of the alarm is
to detect when one of the PLCs fail. There is no redundant programming between the PLCs.

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Phase Fail Relay Trouble

Alarm is provided for PFR trouble. PFR trouble will occur if both PFRs are not in the same state
on each bus after a time delay of 3 seconds. Three sets of PFRs are included.

Chlorine/Sulfur Dioxide Leak Detection

Alarm is provided for chlorine leak detected in the chlorine area. This alarm will not clear on
operator acknowledge and reset, but will remain active until the leak condition clears.

Maintenance (Leak Detection System)

Check the system every 2 months for proper operation and alarming. This can be done by
manually tripping each of the leak detectors. See that the alarm is indicated at both MCP-1 and
MCP-2 and that the alarm is communicated to the SCADA system. This also checks that the
PLC communication link is still operating.

Effluent Flow

Digital panel meter and chart recorder are provided for total effluent plant flow. Flow totalizer is
provided for Total Plant Flow x 1,000 gallons.

Wet Well Level

Wet well level indicators is provided for Influent Wet Well level.

7.4.11 General Alarm and Failure Programming

NOTE: This failure programming and failure modes only apply to sections that were unchanged
from the original O&M manual. They do not apply to:

• Mechanical screen and washer/compactor

• Alkalinity dosing pumps

• Alkalinity storage tank and mixer

• Media air blower and control valves.

The sections of this document which identify control strategies for individual pieces of
equipment also identify failure alarms. To simplify the description of the failure alarm
monitoring, six common failure modes have been identified that cover general equipment failure
alarms. The failure alarm detection is programmed in the PLC which will output detected alarms
to the WWTP SCADA system. The following are the common fail conditions used:

Failure Mode A:

A drive motor is called to run in HAND and its run contactor does not close and remain closed
within 5 seconds of the call to run.

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Failure Mode B:

A drive motor is called to run in AUTO and its run contactor does not close and remain closed
within 5 seconds of the call to run.

Failure Mode C:

A pump drive motor is running and the associated check valve does not open for 20 seconds of
the call to run or remain open during running.

Failure Mode D:

A drive motor is running and the associated motion detector does not operate for 20 seconds.

Failure Mode E:

High and low level alarms are set by level transmitters and/or floats.

7.5 Individual Equipment Controls

7.5.1 Influent Screw Pumps
System Purpose

The purpose of the influent screw pumps is to increase the elevation of the influent wastewater
that arrives through a 30-inch gravity sewer line for following preliminary treatment process.
Three parallel screw pumps lift the water approximately 20 feet to the upstream channel of the
mechanical screen.

Equipment List

SCP-2001 72-inch screw pump driven by 100 hp motor, 10,750 GPM capacity (15.5 MGD)
SCP-2002 42-inch screw pump driven by 25 hp motor, 2,447 GPM capacity (3.5 MGD)
SCP-2003 72-inch screw pump driven by 100 hp motor, 10,750 GPM capacity (15.5 MGD)
LIT-2001 Milltronics Multiranger Plus Level Transmitter

Status Monitoring and Alarms

2001 Screw Pump Running, Auto, Fault, Rotating

2002 Screw Pump Running, Auto, Fault, Rotating
2003 Screw Pump Running, Auto, Fault, Rotating
2004 Influent Wet Well Level Monitoring and High Alarm

Screw Pump Control Strategy

In OFF mode: The screw pump will not run.

In HAND mode: The screw pump will run.

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In AUTO mode: The pumps will be called to run according to the level in the influent wet well as
signaled by the five output relays of the Milltronics level transmitter. The 25 hp screw pump will
be the first pump called to run. If the level rises further, a 100 hp pump will be called to run and
the 25 hp pump will shut down. If the level continues to rise, then the 25 hp pump comes back
on. If the level continues to rise, the second 100 hp pump comes on and the 25 hp pump shuts
down. If the level continues to rise, the 25 hp pump is called back on so that all three pumps
will be running. When the well level is decreasing, the screw pumps shut down in reverse order
from rising level. Note that the 25 hp screw pump does not shut off in AUTO at low level.

Note that the output relays of the Milltronics level transmitter can be programmed to open or
close at independent level measurements. This feature will be used to turn the screw pumps on
and off in a manner that prevents run cycling. The following scheme is proposed for controlling
the screw pump operations through the programming of the Milltronics output relays:

Influent Wet Well Level Increasing:

Level (ft) Relay Action Pump Status Condition

4.0 All Closed All Pumps ON High Level Alarm
3.6 R5 Closes Pump 1 ON P1, P2, P3: ON
3.4 R4 Closes Pump 3 ON, Pump 1 OFF P2, P3: ON; P1 : OFF
3.2 R3 Closes Pump 1 ON P1, P2: ON, P3: OFF
2.1 R2 Closes Pump 2 ON, Pump 1 OFF P2: ON; P1, P3: OFF
1.7 R1 Closes Pump 1 ON P1: ON, P2, P3: OFF

Influent Wet Well Level Decreasing:

Level (ft) Relay Action Pump Status Condition

2.9 R5 Opens Pump 1 OFF P1: OFF, P2, P3: ON
2.4 R4 Opens Pump 3 OFF, Pump 1 ON P3: OFF; P1, P2 : ON
2.2 R3 Opens Pump 1 OFF P1, P3: OFF; P2 : ON
2.0 R2 Opens Pump 2 OFF, Pump 1 ON P2, P3: OFF, P1: ON
1.0 R1 Opens Pump 1 ON P2, P3: OFF; P1: ON
0.5 All Rn Open Pump 1 ON Low Level Alarm

P1 - 25 hp screw pump
P2 - 100 hp screw pump (LEAD)
P3 - 100 hp screw pump (LAG)
Rn - Milltronics Output Relay Number (n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

The level set points used to operate the Milltronics output relays will be tuned in the field to
provide stable operation with a minimum of run cycling. The values presented for these levels
are the initial settings proposed and are easily changed.

A flow set point is entered into the program which when the lead 72-inch screw pump is called
on based upon the level in the wet well, if the level in the wet well falls, the system will not go

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-16

back to the 42-inch screw pump if the flow is greater than 3 MGD. This is to keep the pumps
from cycling when the flows are between 4 and 10 MGD.

Pump operation as a function of relay status:

Pump Status Relay 1 Relay 2 Relay 3 Relay 4 Relay 5

P1, P2, P3: ON 1 1 1 1 1
P2, P3: ON; P1: OFF 1 1 1 1 0
P1, P2: ON; P3: OFF 1 1 1 0 0
P2: ON; P1, P3: OFF 1 1 0 0 0
P1: ON; P2, P3: OFF 1 0 0 0 0
All Screw Pumps OFF 0 0 0 0 0

Programming is provided that alternates the 100 hp pump designations of LEAD and LAG
pumps to ensure that usage is split between the two pumps. The pump roles are only switched
when the influent wet well level is low enough so that only the 25 hp screw pump is operating.
That is, the pumps switch roles only when both are off at the same time.


INPUTS: Local switch off, run, overload, over temperature, in HAND, in AUTO, rotating.

OUTPUTS: Pump fail, call to run.

ALARMS: Screw pump fail, overload, over temperature (motor or solid state starter), no motion.

FAIL LIGHTS: There are two red fail indication lights associated with the screw pumps.

1. Red light on the main control panel indicates that there is a fail to run when the pump
was called i.e., the pump was called to run and the "turning" switch did not pick up a
turning signal.

2. Red light on the front of the MCC starter bucket. This light is hard wired and indicates
either a motor over temperature or a solid state starter over temperature. It can be reset
either by turning off the bucket power or pushing the over temperature reset PB on the
local panel LCP-2001A.

The over temperature alarm indicates either over temperature of the solid-state starter or
over temperature of the motor windings. To know which over temperature tripped, check the
solid-state starter which has diagnostics that indicate if it tripped out on over temperature. If
it did not, assume that the motor over temperature tripped.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-17

Screw Pump Auxiliary Systems

Emergency Stop:

An emergency stop (ESTOP) button is located on the local control panel of the screw pumps.
A pull cord is also provided near the railing surrounding the pump screws, but it has been
disabled. When the emergency stop circuit is de-energized by the ESTOP pushbutton, the
screw pump power circuit is disconnected and the pumps stop immediately. This alarm
condition sounds two audible horns (Laboratory/Office Building and Chlorine Building), the
alarm beacon on LCP-2001b, and sets the emergency stop light on the alarm annunciators.
The pump controls are hardwired so that they must be physically reset to OFF at the local
control panel before they can be restarted. Note the outdoor horns, when activated on an
emergency stop, shall blast for 6 seconds, off for 4 seconds, and then repeat until the alarm is
acknowledged or after 20 minutes. The beacon shall stay on until the alarm is acknowledged.
This alarm is acknowledged by either pushing the ACK pushbutton on either MCP or by
resetting the ESTOP pushbutton and/or resetting all the screw pumps by turning them off.

Starting Alarm:

When a screw pump is called to start, delay starting for 15 seconds and first energize the pump
starting alarm light and sound (beep) the audible horn (1 second on and 2 seconds off). The
alarm condition will clear after the 15-second delay and requires no operator acknowledgement.

High Level Alarm:

This high level alarm is generated by a set point, with a 10-second delay, in the PLC from the
signal from the level transmitter. If the level signal reaches the set point, the Headworks High
Level (A-1) is energized and the alarm beacon on panel LCP-2001b. This alarm is Autodialed if
not acknowledged within 40 seconds.

High Level Float All Start:

If the influent wet well level reaches the high level float, then all of the screw pumps are called to
run by a hardwired circuit operating in parallel with the PLC start controls. The pumps start in
the sequence of 100 hp LEAD, 100 hp LAG, and 25 hp after adjustable time delays, currently
set at 20, 60, and 120 seconds, respectively. The PLC has a high level alarm input and shall
output the alarm condition to the SCADA system per failure mode E. The pumps will remain
running until the Operator resets them from the local control panel for the screw pumps.

Maintenance for Screw Pump System

See equipment manufacturer’s O&M manuals for maintenance instructions. Test the high level
alarm from the level transmitter every 2 weeks by turning off all three screw pumps and allowing
the level to rise to the high level point. Check for proper alarming in the SCADA system. Test
the High Level Float operation every 2 weeks for proper alarming and the Screw Pump "All
start" operation. This can be done by simply tripping the float.

Test the Screw Pump Emergency Stop system every 2 weeks by pushing the emergency stop
pushbutton and check for proper operation and alarming.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-18

Check the solid-state starters every 4 months for proper operation and for motor current draw
when starting. The motor starting current should not exceed 55 percent of the locked rotor
current. If the current exceeds 55 percent, then the ramp times may need adjustment. Also
check the running current which should not exceed the nameplate rating on the motor.

Check that the screw pump's PFC capacitors are operating. Check the blown fuse indicator
lights and check the root mean square (RMS) current upstream of the capacitors and
downstream. The current should be about 10 percent less downstream of the capacitor.

Check the screw pump motor space heaters every 6 months for operation by turning off the
screw pump and checking the current at the starter bucket to the heater circuit.

150 hp motor 144 watts 1.2 amps

25 hp motor 72 watts 0.6 amps

7.5.2 Mechanical Screen and Washer/Compactor

System Purpose

The purpose of the influent screen system is to provide preliminary treatment for the influent
wastewater from the screw pumps and an 18-inch force main before it is delivered to Lagoon
No. 1 to protect downstream equipment. A multi-rake screen removes solids particles from the
water and discharges them to a washer/ compactor. The washer/compactor washes and
dewaters the filtered solids for final disposal.

Equipment List

SCN-2006 Multi-Rake Screen

LIT-2006 Level Transmitter
LIT-2006 Level Transmitter
WC-2007 Washer/Compactor

Status Monitoring and Alarms on Screen HMI and SCADA

XI2005 Screen Running

YI2005 Screen Auto
XA2005 Screen Fail
XI2007 Washer/Compactor Running
YI2007 Washer/Compactor Auto
XA2007 Washer/Compactor Fail
LAH2006 High Level Alarm

Mechanical Screen Control Strategy

In OFF mode: The screen will not run.

In HAND mode: When the screen selector is in the Hand position, the screen will cycle on and
off with the screen “For-Off-Rev” selector.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-19

 For – If the forward direction is selected, the screen will run continuously in the forward

 Rev – If the reverse direction is selected, the screen will run in the reverse direction but
the switch will spring return from Rev to Off.

In AUTO mode: When the screen selector is in the Auto position, the screen will begin to run
due to any one of the following conditions:

 Level raised and remained above the start differential level set point for the time set in
the PLC

 Screen Off time has reached the maximum time set in PLC

 The ambient thermostat has tripped and Screen Off time has reached the maximum time
set in PLC

 System reset pushbutton pressed and held for time set in PLC.

Once a cycle is started, the screen will run continuously in the forward direction until the level
drops below the start level set point, per the time setting set in the Screen Off delay timer. Once
a cycle is started due to ambient thermostat, the screen will run continuously in the forward
direction, per the time setting set in the cold temperature Screen Off delay timer.

If the level reaches the high level set point, the screen will operate at high speed. The screen
will continue to operate at high speed until the level drops below the start level set point. This
high speed operation will only take place when operating in the forward direction.

Washer/Compactor Control Strategy

Press Modes of Operation: The wash press is controlled by an HOA selector switch.

In OFF mode: The wash press will not run.

In HAND mode: When the wash press selector is in the Hand position, the wash press will
cycle on and off with the wash press “For-Off-Rev” selector.

 For – If the forward direction is selected, the wash press will run continuously in the
forward direction.

 Rev – If the reverse direction is selected, the wash press will run in the reverse direction
but the switch will spring return from Rev to Off.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-20

In AUTO mode: When the HOA switch is in the Auto position, the press will operate in one of
two washing modes:

 Normal mode: The press will begin a normal wash cycle based on the one of the
following condition:

- The screen has run for the amount of time set in the screen run accumulation timer

- System reset pushbutton pressed and held for 3 seconds.

During a normal cycle, the press will run forward for a press normal wash run time set
and then stop and dwell for a dwell time set. These cycles will continue until the wash
cycle duration time set in the PLC has expired.

 Intermittent mode: The press will begin an intermittent wash cycle once the continuous
run time of the screen exceeds an intermittent wash cycle on-delay time set. The
intermittent cycle will continue without dwelling until the screen stops and remain off for
an intermittent off-delay time set. After each intermittent cycle, a normal wash cycle will
be completed before the press shuts off.

Press Zone Wash Modes of Operation: Controlled by an HOA selector switch.

 OFF: No wash for press zone.

 HAND: Wash runs continuously.

 AUTO: Wash will cycle on and off, only active during the normal wash cycle.

Pan Wash Modes of Operation: Controlled by an HOA selector switch.

 OFF: No wash for pan.

 HAND: Wash runs continuously.

 AUTO: Wash will begin to run once the wash cycle is complete and remain on for a time
set, only active after the normal wash cycle.

INPUTS: Screen run, in AUTO, and fail alarm, washer/compactor run, and in AUTO, and fail
alarm, high level alarm.

Screen and Washer/Compactor Auxiliary Systems

Emergency Stop:

ESTOP buttons are located on the local control panel of the screen system, screen local control
station, and washer/compactor local control station. When any of the ESTOP buttons are
pressed, the screen will stop immediately and the control power on light will be de-energize. To
reset, ensure all ESTOPs are enables and press the system reset pushbutton.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-21

High Level Light:

If the level rises above the high level set point for the time set in the PLC, the high level light will
be energized. The light will remain energized until the level drops below the set point.

Maintenance for Screen System

See Section and the equipment manufacturer’s O&M manuals. Test the high level alarm
from the level transmitter every month by turning off the screen and allowing the level to rise to
the high level set point. Check for proper alarming at the at the local control panel and through
the SCADA system. Test the Screen Emergency Stop system every month by pushing every
emergency stop pushbutton and check for proper operation and alarming.

7.5.3 Alkalinity Dosing Pumps

System Purpose

The purpose of the alkalinity dosing pumps is to feed magnesium hydroxide slurry or caustic
soda in order to maintain (1) optimal pH through the system for nitrifying microorganisms,
(2) reduce the potential for nitrite lock, and (3) maintain a neutral pH in the final effluent to
comply with the NPDES permit.

Equipment List

P-3011 Metering pump no. 1

P-3012 Metering pump no. 2
FSL3013 Metering pump flow switch
LSH3014 Slurry containment sump high level switch
DV-3005 Electrically-actuated diaphragm valve

Status and Alarms Monitoring

XA3011 & XA312 Metering pumps fault or leak alarm

XI3011 & XI3012 Metering pumps run
YI3011 & YI3012 Metering pumps auto
XC3011 & XC3012 Metering pumps start
SI3011 & SI3012 Metering pumps speed
SC3011 & SC3012 Metering pumps control
FAL3013 Metering pumps low flow alarm
LAH3014 Slurry containment sump leak alarm
ZSO3005 Diaphragm valve opened
ZSC3005 Diaphragm valve closed
ZC3005 Diaphragm valve control

Alkalinity Dosing Pumps Control

Both of the chemical feed pumps are equipped with an AFD to control the dose of supplemental
alkalinity by adjusting pump speed. Pump output is estimated using a user-defined pump curve.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-22

Each pump has an HOA switch. A flow switch on the common discharge monitors chemical

All equipment and instruments referenced in this control narrative are connected to a separate
PLC in the Chemical Building controlling the supplemental alkalinity system. This PLC is
connected to the plant’s SCADA via an Ethernet connection.

In OFF mode: The pumps will not run, even if called to start by the PLC.

In HAND mode: The pumps will run at the current speed setting continuously.

In AUTO mode: The PLC will automatically control pump start/stop and pump running speed.

Control Set Points: The following is a table of control set points and parameters that can be
entered and adjusted by the Operator within the HMI:

Parameter Units Default Value Adjustable? Delay?

Alkalinity Source (Magnesium N/A Magnesium Hydroxide Yes No
Hydroxide or Caustic Soda)
Flow Pacing On/Off N/A On Yes No
Chemical Specific Gravity N/A 1.50 (Mg[OH]2) Yes No
1.54 (NaOH)
Chemical Concentration % 60% (Mg[OH]2) Yes No
50% (NaOH)
Alkalinity Dose mg/L 100 (Mg[OH]2) Yes No
(Flow Pacing ON) 150 (NaOH)
Pumping Rate gph 6 (Mg[OH]2) Yes No
(Flow Pacing OFF) 10 (NaOH)
Minimum Influent Flow MGD 0.25 Yes Yes
Minimum Pumping Rate gph 3 Yes No
Maximum Pumping Rate gph 35 Yes No
Pump Speed Tolerance % 10 Yes Yes
Pump Cycle Time hours 168 Yes No

N/A = not applicable
Mg(OH)2 = magnesium hydroxide
NaOH = sodium hydroxide
gph = gallons per hour

Auto Control Sequence: Below is a description of how the supplemental alkalinity system will
operate when at least one pump is in Auto. At any point in time, the Operator can adjust the
control set points listed above and the change will become effective immediately once the new
set point is entered.

1. The Operator will select the source of supplemental alkalinity, either magnesium hydroxide
or caustic soda. The system is designed to allow use of either. The parameters used by the
PLC for control will depend on the selected source of supplemental alkalinity.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-23

2. When at least one chemical feed pump is in “AUTO” and flow pacing is “ON,” the PLC will
control the pumping rate to produce a consistent dose to the influent. When flow pacing is
“OFF,” the PLC will run the chemical feed pump at the entered rate.

3. If flow pacing is “ON,” the PLC will use the following equation to determine the pumping rate
necessary to maintain the desired dose:

𝑚𝑔 lb
𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 (𝑀𝐺𝐷) 𝑥 𝐷𝑜𝑠𝑒 � 𝐿 � 𝑥 8.34 � mg �
�MG • L �
= 𝑃𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 (𝑔𝑝ℎ)
𝑙𝑏 ℎ𝑟
𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐. (%) 𝑥 𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑥 8.34 � � 𝑥 24 � �
𝑔𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑎𝑦

4. A flow signal will be received from the existing main plant PLC. Dose, chemical
concentration, and specific gravity are input by the Operator.

5. The speed of the pump will be adjusted to match the calculated pumping rate by comparing
the calculated pumping rate with the entered pump curve. The Operator shall be able to
modify the pump curve in the HMI. To avoid constant adjustments, the pump speed shall be
adjusted only when the speed calculated from the entered pump curve exceeds the
allowable deviation for a user-defined duration. At a minimum, there shall be calibration flow
rate inputs for 0%, 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 90%, and 100% of full pump speed for each

6. The PLC will call only one pump to run at any time. The second pump is a backup unit only.

7. To avoid excessive chemical use, the pumps will not operate above the maximum pumping
rate set point, even if the calculated pumping rate is higher. Similarly, to avoid special
lubrication requirements for the pump hose, the pumps will not operate below the minimum
pumping rate set point, even if the calculated pumping rate is lower. However, if the influent
flow drops below the minimum influent flow set point for the user defined duration, the pump
will stop. The pump will restart only after the influent flow exceeds the minimum set point for
the user defined duration.

8. When both chemical feed pumps are in “AUTO”, the pumps will alternate between duty and
standby based on hours of operation.

9. A leak detection switch in the containment area around the pumps will send a signal to the
PLC if a leak is detected. Additionally, each pump will have a leak detection switch that will
send a signal to the PLC if a leak at the pump is detected.

10. A flow switch will be used to monitor the flow of chemical from the pumps. If no flow is
detected, the PLC will generate an alarm.

11. An electrically-actuated diaphragm valve on the suction line near the chemical storage tank
will be closed by the PLC in the event of a leak detected in the containment area around the
pumps to prevent a large spill of chemical.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-24

Alarm Conditions: The following are alarm conditions associated with the auto control sequence
described above:

1. If a leak is detected by the switch in the containment area around the pumps, the PLC will
stop the chemical feed pumps and issue a chemical leak alarm. Additionally, the
electrically-actuated diaphragm valve on the chemical feed pump suction line will close. The
pumps will remain stopped and the valve will remain closed until the alarm is cleared.

2. If a leak is detected at a chemical feed pump, the PLC will stop the pump, start the standby
pump, and issue a pump leak alarm. The pump will remain unavailable until the alarm is

3. If a chemical feed pump fails, the PLC will stop the pump, start the standby pump, and issue
a pump fail alarm. The pump will remain unavailable until the alarm is cleared.

4. If a chemical feed pump is running and a low flow signal is received from the low flow switch,
the PLC will stop the chemical feed pump, issue a low flow warning, and start the standby
pump. If the low flow condition persists after the standby pump has been running for a set
duration, the PLC will stop it also and issue a low flow alarm.

7.5.4 Alkalinity Storage Tank and Mixer

System Purpose

The purpose of the alkalinity storage tank is to store magnesium hydroxide slurry or caustic
soda safely and provide at least about 1-month supply of the magnesium hydroxide slurry or
2-week supply of the caustic soda. The purpose of the mixer is to keep the contents of the tank
mixed, especially to prevent the slurry solids from setting into a thick viscous mass.

Equipment List

M-3002 Slurry mixer with 5 hp motor

LIT3003 Slurry tank level transducer
LSH3004 Slurry leak detector

Status and Alarms Monitoring

XI3002 Slurry mixer run

XA3002 Slurry mixer fault
YI3002 Slurry mixer auto
XC3002 Slurry mixer start
LI3003 Slurry tank level
LAH3004 Slurry tank leak alarm

Alkalinity Storage Tank and Mixer Control

Level in the chemical storage tank is monitored using an ultrasonic level sensor. A mixer keeps
the contents of the tank mixed. The mixer is equipped with an HOA switch. Leak detection is

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-25

provided for both the double-contained tank and the containment area around the chemical feed

All equipment and instruments referenced in this control narrative is connected to a separate
PLC in the Chemical Building controlling the supplemental alkalinity system. This PLC is
connected to the plant’s SCADA via an Ethernet connection.

In OFF mode: The mixer will not run, even if called to start by the PLC.

In HAND mode: The mixer will run continuously.

In AUTO mode: The PLC will automatically control mixer start/stop.

Control Set Points: The following is a table of control set points and parameters that can be
entered and adjusted by the operator within the HMI:

Parameter Units Default Value Adjustable? Delay?

Minimum Tank Level feet 2.5 Yes Yes
Maximum Tank Level feet 7.5 Yes Yes
Mixer Cycle Total Duration minutes 120 Yes No
Mixer Cycle Run Duration minutes 30 Yes No
Mixer Off Level feet 2.0 Yes Yes

Auto Control Sequence

1. An ultrasonic level transducer will constantly monitor level in the chemical storage tank and
record the average value for each hour. Recorded values will be logged in the HMI. The
HMI will also continuously display the instantaneous measurement.

2. When the chemical storage tank mixer is in “AUTO,” the Operator will be able to set the
Mixer Cycle Total Duration (default setting of 120 minutes) and the Mixer Cycle Run
Duration (default setting of 30 minutes) in the HMI. At the beginning of each cycle, the PLC
will call the mixer to run. The mixer will remain running for the Mixer Cycle Run Duration,
after which the PLC will remove the call to run for the mixer. The mixer will remain off for the
remainder of the Mixer Cycle Total Duration. At the end of the total cycle time, the process
will repeat. If the level in the storage tank reaches the Mixer OFF Level set point and
remains at or below that level for a user adjusted time delay, the PLC will automatically stop
the mixer if it is running.

Alarm Conditions

1. If a leak is detected by the switch in the chemical storage tank, the PLC will issue a tank
leak warning.

2. If the mixer fails, the PLC will stop the mixer and issue a mixer fail alarm. The mixer will
remain unavailable until the alarm is cleared.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-26

3. If the signal from the level transducer is lost, the PLC will issue a loss of signal alarm.

4. If the level in the tank reaches the minimum level set point and remains at or below that
level for a user adjusted time delay, the PLC will issue a low level warning.

5. If the level in the tank reaches the high level set point and remains at or above that level for
a user adjusted time delay, the PLC will issue a high level alarm.

6. If the level in the tank reaches the Mixer OFF Level set point and remains at or below that
level for a user adjusted time delay, the PLC will stop the mixer and issue a low level alarm.

7.5.5 Surface Aerators

System Purpose

The purpose of the surface aerator systems is to agitate the water in the aeration lagoons to
increase oxygen content of the water. Each lagoon has its own set of floating aerator units that
have their own motors and agitator blades. The aerator controls are designed to provide
monitoring and alarming functions for the aerator system and to automatically turn the aerators
on and off according to an operator entered timing sequence.

Equipment List

AR-4101 through AR-41 IS Lagoon # I Aerators (18 total)

M AR-4201 through AR-4203 Lagoon #2 Aerators (3 total)
W AR-4301 through AR-4303 Lagoon #3 Aerators (3 total)
AR-4401 through AR-4403 Lagoon #4 Aerators (3 total)

Status Monitoring

● Aerator Running

● Aerator HAND Mode

● Aerator AUTO Mode


● Aerator Fail, Overload

Aerator Control Strategy

In OFF mode: The aerator does not run.

In HAND mode: The aerator runs in manual control.

In AUTO mode: The aerator is operated by the PLC on a timed basis. Each aerator is provided
with a TIME ON and TIME OFF constant that can be set by the operator. These entries are

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-27

made in minutes and will direct the PLC to run the aerator for the time duration indicated by the
TIME ON input followed by an idle period defined by the TIME OFF entry.

INPUTS: Run, overload, HAND, AUTO, time on, time off

OUTPUTS: Call to run, fail light

ALARMS: Aerator fail, overload.

Maintenance (Aerator System)

See equipment manufacturer’s O&M manuals for maintenance instructions. Check the aerator
space heaters every 12 months for operation by turning off the aerator and checking the current
at the starter bucket to the heater circuit.

15 hp aerators 69 watts 0.5 amps

7.5 hp aerators 29 watts 0.25 amps

7.5.6 Media Air Blowers and Control Valves

System Purpose

The purpose of the media air blowers and control valves is to provide and control supplemental
air for bacterial growth on the SFF media and scouring the media to remove excess biomass
and strip away trash and debris. The purpose of the control is to manage the supply of air to the
SFF media according to the selected operating mode and monitor some process parameters.

Equipment List

4011, 4012, & 4013 Media blowers, each with 75 hp motor and 800 scfm capacity
PSH4011, 4012, & 4013 Media blower high pressure switches
TSH4011, 4012, & 4013 Media blower high temperature switches
FIT4002 Media blower flow transmitter
BV-4211 through BV-4219 Lagoon #2 electrically actuated butterfly valves (9 total)
BV-4311 through BV-4319 Lagoon #3 electrically actuated butterfly valves (9 total)
BV-4411 through BV-4419 Lagoon #4 electrically actuated butterfly valves (9 total)
AIT4101 Lagoon #1 effluent pH and DO transmitter
AIT4401 Lagoon #4 effluent pH and DO transmitter

Status Monitoring on SFF HMI and SCADA

ZSO4211 through ZSO4219 Lagoon #2 actuated valves opened

ZSC4211 through ZSC4219 Lagoon #2 actuated valves closed
YI4211 through YI4219 Lagoon #2 actuated valves remote
ZI4211 through ZI4219 Lagoon #2 actuated valves position
YI4211 through YI4219 Lagoon #2 actuated valves local
ZSO4311 through ZSO4319 Lagoon #3 actuated valves opened
ZSC4311 through ZSC4319 Lagoon #3 actuated valves closed

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-28

YI4311 through YI4319 Lagoon #3 actuated valves remote
ZI4311 through ZI4319 Lagoon #3 actuated valves position
YI4311 through YI4319 Lagoon #3 actuated valves local
ZSO4411 through ZSO4419 Lagoon #4 actuated valves opened
ZSC4411 through ZSC4419 Lagoon #4 actuated valves closed
YI4411 through YI4419 Lagoon #4 actuated valves remote
ZI4411 through ZI4419 Lagoon #4 actuated valves position
YI4411 through YI4419 Lagoon #4 actuated valves local
AI4101 Lagoon #1 effluent pH
AI4102 Lagoon #1 effluent DO
AI4401 Lagoon #4 effluent pH
AI4402 Lagoon #4 effluent DO
YI4011, YI4012, & YI4013 Media blower auto
XI4011, XI4012, & XI4013 Media blower run
XC4011, XC4012, & XC4013 Media blower start
XA4011, XA4012, & XA4013 Media blower fault
SI4011, SI4012, & SI4013 Media blower speed
SC4011, SC4012, & SC4013 Media blower control
FI4002 Media blower air flow
4002 Calculated air demand

Alarms on SFF HMI and SCADA

AAL4101 Lagoon #1 effluent low pH alarm

AAH4101 Lagoon #1 effluent high pH alarm
AAL4102 Lagoon #1 effluent low DO alarm
AAH4102 Lagoon #1 effluent high DO alarm
AAL4401 Lagoon #4 effluent low pH alarm
AAH4401 Lagoon #4 effluent high pH alarm
AAL4402 Lagoon #4 effluent low DO alarm
AAH4402 Lagoon #4 effluent high DO alarm
PAH4011, PAH4012, & PAH4013 Media blower high pressure alarm
TAH4011, TAH4012, & TAH4013 Media blower high temperature alarm

Air Control Valve Control

Air supply to each pair of SFF media modules is controlled by a modulating butterfly valve
equipped with an electric actuator. Each electric actuator is equipped with a local-stop-remote
switch and local open-close switch. The electric actuator communicates open/close status,
remote status, and position to the PLC and receives open/close signals from the PLC.

In STOP mode: The valve position will remain frozen in the current position.

In LOCAL mode: The Operator will be able to adjust the valve position manually using the local
open/close selector switch.

In REMOTE mode: The PLC will automatically control the position of the electrically-actuated

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-29

SFF Media Blower Control

Each of the three media blowers are equipped with an AFD to control total air flow by adjusting
blower speed. Total air flow is measured by a thermal mass flow meter in the discharge header.
Each blower is equipped with a high pressure switch and high temperature switch for alarm
notification. Each blower also has an HOA switch.

In OFF mode: Blowers will not run, even if called to start by the PLC.

In HAND mode: The blowers will run at the current speed setting. Speed can be manually
adjusted at the AFD.

In AUTO mode: The PLC will automatically control blower start/stop, and blower running speed.

Control Set Points

The following is a table of control set points and parameters that can be entered and adjusted
by the operator within the HMI.

Parameter Units Default Value Adjustable? Delay?

Air Scour Interval Hours 168 Yes No
Air Scour Duration Minutes 20 Yes No
Lagoon #2 Full Aerobic Mode Dates June 1 to October 31 Yes No
Lagoon #2 Alternating Dates November 1 to May 31 Yes No
Anoxic/Aerobic Mode (automatically calculated
by the PLC)
Lagoon #3 Full Aerobic Mode Dates June 1 to October 31 Yes No
Lagoon #3 Alternating Dates November 1 to May 31 Yes No
Anoxic/Aerobic Mode (automatically calculated
by the PLC)
Lagoon #4 Full Aerobic Mode Dates June 1 to October 31 Yes No
Lagoon #4 Alternating Dates November 1 to May 31 Yes No
Anoxic/Aerobic Mode (automatically calculated
by the PLC)
Air Flow per Module (Air Scour scfm 60 Yes No
Mode) (45 minimum)
Air Flow per Module (Full scfm 30 Yes No
Aerobic or Alternating Mode) (25 minimum)
Alternating Anoxic/ Aerobic Minutes 60 Yes No
Cycle Time
Air Flow Dead-Band % 5 Yes Yes
Blower Restart min 15 Yes No
Blower Capacity scfm 800 Yes No
Blower Cycle Time Hours 168 Yes No
Valve Position Set Point, Each % Open N/A Yes No
Valve (Air Scour)

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-30

Parameter Units Default Value Adjustable? Delay?
Valve Position Set Point, Each % Open N/A Yes No
Valve (Full Aerobic or

Auto Control Sequence (Remote/Auto Mode)

Below is a description of how the aeration system will operate when at least one blower is in
AUTO and at least 70 percent of electrically-actuated valves are in REMOTE. If this condition is
not met, the HMI will display an indication that the Auto Control Sequence is not active and the
system must be run manually. At any point in time, the Operator can adjust the control set
points listed above and the change will become effective immediately once the new set point is

1. The PLC will operate each lagoon independently in either Full Aerobic Mode or Alternating
Anoxic/Aerobic Mode according to the calendar dates entered for each. The Operator can
set the annual start/end dates for operation in Full Aerobic Mode, and the PLC will then
automatically assign any remaining time in the calendar year to operation in Alternating
Anoxic/Aerobic Mode. If the Operator selects a start date of January 1 and end date of
December 31 for Full Aerobic Mode, then there will be no time for which that lagoon will
operate in Alternating Anoxic/Aerobic Mode.

2. When in Full Aerobic Mode, all electrically-actuated valves for that lagoon will be open to the
defined set point position (separate set point for each valve) so that air flows continuously to
each module. This status will remain for the duration of the time period set in the PLC.

3. When in Alternating Aerobic/Anoxic Mode, the PLC will have four of the nine electrically-
actuated valves in the lagoon open to the defined set point position (separate set point for
each valve) for the duration of the cycle time set point. At the end of that duration, the
remaining five valves will open and then the four valves that were open will close and the
cycle time will restart. This will repeat for the duration of the time period set in the PLC.

4. When set Air Scour interval has elapsed, the PLC will initiate air scour for the set duration.
This will be initiated by first opening four of the nine valves at each lagoon to the defined set
point position (separate set point for each valve) for Air Scour and closing the remaining five
valves. After the duration has elapsed, the five valves at each lagoon that were closed will
be opened for an equal duration (such that the total duration of the Air Scour cycle is equal
to 2 times the Air Scour duration set point) and the four valves that were open will be closed.
The time until the next interval will be reset immediately once the Air Scour sequence is

5. There will be a function that will allow the Operator to initiate an Air Scour at any time with
the push of a button. The time until the next interval will be reset immediately once the Air
Scour sequence is started.

6. The speed of the blowers will be adjusted to match the calculated air demand. When two
blowers are running, the speed of both blowers will be adjusted in tandem. The PLC will
calculate the air demand based on the operating mode of each lagoon (i.e., Full Aerobic or

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-31

Alternating Aerobic/Anoxic, which determines how many modules are aerated at a time) and
the air flow per module set point for the Full Aerobic and Alternating Aerobic/Anoxic
operating modes. For example, if Lagoon No. 4 is in Full Aerobic Mode and Lagoon Nos. 2
and 3 are in Alternating Anoxic/Aerobic Mode (36 modules being aerated at any time) and
the air flow set points for these modes is 30 scfm, then the total target air flow is 1,080 scfm.
If the measured air flow is outside an adjustable dead band for an adjustable time delay, the
PLC will adjust blower speed. Air flow will be measured by a thermal mass flow meter in the
air discharge header.

7. The air flow set point per module for full aerobic or alternating aerobic/anoxic mode shall not
be allowed to be less than 25 scfm. The air flow set point per module for air scour mode
shall not be allowed to be less than 45 scfm.

8. The number of blowers running will be determined based on the calculated air demand. If
one blower is running and the calculated air demand is greater than the set point capacity
for each blower, then a second blower will be started. If two blowers are running and the
calculated air demand is less than the set point capacity for each blower, then one blower
will be stopped. If the air flow set points are such that the calculated air demand exceeds
the capacity of two blowers, both blowers will run at full speed and a warning will be set in
the PLC. Each time a blower is started or stopped, the lead, lag, and standby designation of
each blower will be cycled. If the blower lead, lag, and standby designation have not cycled
after a user defined duration, the PLC will cycle the blowers. Only up to two blowers can run
at any time. The third blower is a backup only. The existing electrical system is not sized to
handle the additional load from a third blower.

9. After power outage, the blowers shall be re-started automatically after a user defined delay.

Alarm Conditions for SFF Aeration System

The following are alarm conditions associated with the auto control sequence described above:

1. If a valve actuator position signal is lost or a valve actuator is switched out of “REMOTE”
then the PLC will issue an alarm.

2. If a blower fails, the PLC will stop the blower, start the standby blower, issue an alarm, and
swap the blower designation with the standby blower. The failed blower will be taken out of
the cycle until the fail alarm is cleared by the Operator.

3. If the high pressure or high temperature switch for a blower is triggered, the PLC will stop
the blower, start the standby blower, issue an alarm, and swap the blower designation with
the standby blower. The blower will be taken out of the cycle until the alarm is cleared by
the Operator.

4. If the signal from the air flow meter is lost, the PLC will issue an alarm and maintain the
current speed of the blower(s) and number of blowers running.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-32

HMI Information for SFF Aeration System

The following is a list of information that will be provided through the HMI, in addition to the
control set points and alarms already discussed above:

1. Blowers: Run status, “Auto” status, running speed.

2. Air Flow: Calculated air demand, measured air flow.

3. Valve Actuators: Valve open/closed, valve position, “Local/Remote” status.

SFF Process Instrumentation Control

The SFF PLC monitors and records measurements of a number of different process parameters
including SFF media system air flow, Lagoon No. 1 effluent pH and dissolved oxygen, Lagoon
No. 4 effluent pH and dissolved oxygen.

Control Set Points for SFF Process Instrumentation

The following is a table of control set points and parameters that can be entered and adjusted
by the operator within the HMI.

Parameter Units Default Value Adjustable? Delay?

High Air Flow % +10% of calculated air demand Yes No
Low Air Flow % -10% of calculated air demand Yes No
Low Lagoon #1 pH S.U. 6.5 Yes No
High Lagoon #1 pH S.U. 8.0 Yes No
Low Lagoon #1 DO mg/L 0.5 Yes No
High Lagoon #1 DO mg/L 3.0 Yes No
Low Lagoon #4 pH S.U. 6.5 Yes No
High Lagoon #4 pH S.U. 8.0 Yes No
Low Lagoon #4 DO mg/L 0.5 Yes No
High Lagoon #4 DO mg/L 3.0 Yes No

S.U. = standard unit
DO = dissolved oxygen

Auto Control Sequence for SFF Process Instrumentation

The PLC will monitor each parameter being measured and calculate and record the average
value for each hour and the average, maximum, and minimum value for each day. Recorded
values will be logged in the HMI. The HMI will also continuously display the instantaneous

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Alarm Conditions for SFF Process Instrumentation

The following are alarm conditions associated with the auto control sequence described above.

1. If the signal from any one of the instruments is lost, the PLC will issue a loss of signal alarm
for that instrument.

2. If the measured air flow is less than the allowed tolerance for a user-defined duration, the
PLC will issue a low air flow warning.

3. If the measured air flow is more than the allowed tolerance for a user-defined duration, the
PLC will issue a high air flow warning.

4. If the measured dissolved oxygen is less than the low set point for a user-defined duration,
the PLC will issue a low dissolved oxygen warning.

5. If the measured dissolved oxygen is more than the high set point for a user-defined duration,
the PLC will issue a high dissolved oxygen warning.

6. If the measured pH is less than the low set point for a user-defined duration, the PLC will
issue a low pH warning.

7. If the measured pH is more than the high set point for a user-defined duration, the PLC will
issue a high pH warning.

HMI Information for SFF Process Instrumentation

The HMI will continuously display the instantaneous measurement for each instrument.
Additionally, the average value for each hour and the average, maximum, and minimum value
for each day will be logged in the HMI, as described above.

Maintenance for SFF Aeration System

See Sections 3.7.3 and 3.7.4 and the equipment manufacturer’s O&M manuals. Check for
proper alarming of the aeration system and process instrumentation at the SCADA.

7.5.7 Filter Pump Station

System Purpose

The purpose of the filter pump station is to divert plant effluent water from the effluent control
structure to the effluent filter where it is treated with chemicals and filtered to remove
contaminants. The pump station consists of a wet well containing two parallel 10 hp
submersible pumps operated with VFD. A diffuser inlet is provided in the wet well for air
agitation from the air compressor system. The local control panel for the filter pumps is

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-34

Equipment List

SP-7201 Effluent Filter Pump 1

SP-7202 Effluent Filter Pump 2
FIT-7101 Lagoon Effluent Flow Transmitter
FIT-7431 Total Plant Effluent Flow Transmitter
LSL-7214 Effluent Pump Wet Well Low Level Float

Status and Monitoring

HSH7201 Effluent Pump I HAND Mode

HSA7201 Effluent Pump I AUTO Mode
7201 Effluent Pump I VFD Fail
7201 Effluent Pump I Motor Fail
7201 Effluent Pump I Running
7201 Effluent Pump 1 Seal Failure
HSH7202 Effluent Pump 2 HAND Mode
HSA7202 Effluent Pump 2 AUTO Mode
7202 Effluent Pump 2 VFD Fail
7202 Effluent Pump 2 Motor Fail
7202 Effluent Pump 2 Running
7202 Effluent Pump 2 Seal Failure
FIR7101 Lagoon Effluent Flow
FIR7431 Total Plant Effluent Flow
LSL7214 Effluent Pump Wet Well Low Level Alarm


LSL7214 Effluent Pump Wet Well Low Level Alarm

7201 Effluent Pump I Fail
7201 Effluent Pump I Seal Failure Alarm
7202 Effluent Pump 2 Fail
7202 Effluent Pump 2 Seal Failure Alarm

Filter Pump Control Strategy

The filter pumps are each supplied with an HOA switch at the local control panel LCP-7101.
The control modes of the filter pumps operate as follows:

In OFF mode: The pump is disabled and will not run.

In HAND mode: The pump will run.

In AUTO mode: The PLC was programmed so that the filter pumps (one duty and one standby)
would operate only at flows in excess of 2 MGD. The speed of the operating filter pump would
be automatically adjusted to maintain the lagoon effluent flow at 2 MGD. Each filter pump has a
capacity of 0.8 MGD, such that a maximum flow of 2 MGD straight to the disinfection process
could be maintained with effluent flows up to 2.8 MGD. It is believed that the original intent of
the filters was to help remove solids at high flows, expecting that higher flows out of the lagoon

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would lead to higher concentrations of solids in the effluent. However, this has generally not
been the case. As a result, the City has instead been utilizing the filters at lower flows as well
by running the filter feed pumps in HAND mode and setting the speed of the operating filter feed
pump manually at the VFD. This has provided the benefit of improving water quality at lower
flows, in addition to high flows.

Programming is provided that toggles the LEAD/LAG pump designation between the filter
pumps whenever both pumps are not being used. This feature ensures that the runtime is
spread more evenly between the two pumps.

In addition to the filter pump controls, an HOA switch is located on the local control panel
LCP7101 that controls the purge air used to clear the sand filters. Refer to the section on Air
Compressor System for details of this control.


INPUTS : Run, VFD fail, motor fail, in HAND, in AUTO, RUN/STOP, pump seal failure, filter
pump wet well low level.

OUTPUTS: Call to run, failure light, speed set point, filter wet well low level light.

ALARMS: Filter pump fail, drive fail, filter pump seal failure, sand filter no flow.

Maintenance (Filter Pump System)

See equipment manufacturer’s O&M manuals for maintenance instructions.

7.5.8 Compressed Air System

System Purpose

The purpose of the air compressor is to provide pressurized air to agitate sediment from the
filter pump and reject pump wet wells, and to backwash the sand filters. The wet well agitation
systems used timed ON/OFF sequences for control of their agitation. The sand filter purge air
usage is controlled by local package panels.

Equipment List

AC-7301 Air Compressor

SV-7205 Sand Filter Pump Wet Well Air Solenoid Valve
SV-7505 Reject Pump Wet Well Air Solenoid Valve
SV-7201 Sand Filter #1 Purge Air Solenoid Valve
SV-7202 Sand Filter #2 Purge Air Solenoid Valve

Status Monitoring

Y17301 Air Compressor Running

HSA7301 Air Compressor in AUTO Mode
PSL-7301 Air Compressor Low Air Pressure Alarm

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HSH7205 Sand Filter Wet Well Solenoid in HAND Mode
HSA7205 Sand Filter Wet Well Solenoid in AUTO Mode
HSH7205 Reject Pump Wet Well Solenoid in HAND Mode
HSA7205 Reject Pump Wet Well Solenoid in AUTO Mode


7301 Air Compressor High Discharge Temperature

7301 Air Compressor Motor # 1 Overload Fail
7301 Air Compressor Motor #2 Overload Fail

Compressor Control Strategy

The air compressor is a duplex system with two compressor motors operating in alternation.
The compressor motors are controlled and monitored with HOA switches and indication lights
on the local packaged control panels. The control is accomplished by pressure switches
located on the compressor storage tank. When either compressor motor is running, the run
indicator light is lit on the MCP control panels.

There is an interlock from the starter contact on the air compressor to the compressor room
vent fan (EF4) which calls the fan to run whenever the compressor is running.

Wet Well Solenoid Valve Control

The solenoid valves that control air flow to the filter and reject pump wet wells are operated
manually by the Operator or on a timed basis automatically as determined by their respective
HOA switches. The HOA switch for the filter pump wet well solenoid valve is located on local
control panel LCP-7101. The HOA switch for the reject pump wet well is located on local control
panel LCP-7501.

In CLOSED mode: The solenoid valve closes.

In OPEN mode: The solenoid valve opens.

In AUTO mode: The PLC controls the solenoid valve to open. If the air compressor low
pressure alarm is active, then the AUTO mode control of the solenoid valves is disabled until the
air compressor regains pressure.

INPUTS: Valve open, closed, in AUTO, air compressor low pressure alarm.

Effluent Filter Purge Air Solenoid Valves Control

The effluent filter purge air control is provided by the manufacturer’s packaged control panel.
The control is configured to purge the effluent filters when the water level reaches a high level
float. The solenoid valve then opens for a 60-second cycle to purge the filter and lower the
water level. The PLC provides alarm indication if the purge air is on for more than 60 seconds.

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INPUTS: Ready, air solenoid valve open.

OUTPUTS: Sand filter 1 alarm light, sand filter 2 alarm light.

Maintenance (Compressed Air System)

See equipment manufacturer’s O&M manuals for maintenance instructions. Check the low
pressure alarm every 6 months by turning off both compressors and bleeding the air out of the
tank until the alarm pressure is reached. Verify correct annunciation of alarms. Also check that
the vent fan is called on with the air compressor. Check the lead lag motor operation by turning
off the lead compressor when running and the lag compressor should start.

7.5.9 Filter and Disinfection Chemical Addition Systems

System Purpose

The purpose of the chemical addition systems is to deliver measured quantities of chemicals to
the lagoon effluent to aid in the filtration and disinfection process. Four chemicals are used;
chlorine (CL2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), alum, and polymer. Each system uses a packaged control
panel provided by their respective manufacturer. In addition, the Chlorine Building PLC will
monitor the effluent temperature with the temperature instrument provided by the SFF

Equipment List

DM-7411 CL2 Chamber Mixer

DM-7421 SO2 Chamber Mixer
Alum Injection System
Polymer Injection System
Chlorinator #1 Injection System
Chlorinator #2 Injection System
TT4001 Final effluent temperature transmitter

Status Monitoring

7411 CL2 Chamber Mixer Running

7411 CL2 Chamber Mixer Fail
7411 CL2 Chamber Mixer MMU Shutdown
7421 SO2 Chamber Mixer Running
7421 SO2 Chamber Mixer Fail
7421 SO2 Chamber Mixer MMU Shutdown
PAL7213 Chlorinator #2 Low Vacuum
7213 Chlorinator #2 Loss of Flow
PAL7412 Chlorinator #1 Low Vacuum
7412 Chlorinator #1 Loss of Flow
TI4004 Plant effluent temperature

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7411 CL2 Chamber Mixer Fail

7421 SO2 Chamber Mixer Fail
PSL7213 Chlorinator #2 Low Vacuum Alarm
7213 Chlorinator #2 Loss of Flow Alarm
PAL7422 Chlorinator #1 Low Vacuum Alarm
7213 Chlorinator #1 Loss of Flow Alarm

CL2 and SO2 Addition Control Strategy

The chlorine and sulfur dioxide supply systems run in an ON/OFF control mode only and are
intended to be in continuous operation. Each unit is supplied with a motor monitoring unit
(MMU) that will shut the motor down automatically on overload or high temperature conditions.
The operator can turn the motors ON or OFF from the local control panels.


INPUTS: MIMU shutdown, run, overload, switch ON.

OUTPUTS: Run, fail.

ALARMS: CL2 mixer fail, SO2 mixer fail.

Chlorinator #2 System Control Strategy

Chlorinator #2 injects CL2 into the effluent bypass flow based on a manually set dosing rate.
The CL2 injection is handled by a packaged unit specific to the chlorinator. T he system is
monitored by the PLC.

INPUTS: Chlorinator #2 low vacuum.

ALARMS: Chlorinator #2 low vacuum.

Chlorinator #1 System Control Strategy

Chlorinator #1 is a packaged system for adjusting chlorine addition to the chlorine mixing
manhole before the effluent enters the chlorine contact tank. The injection rate is controlled by
an oxidation reduction potential (ORP) analysis of the water and the effluent bypass flow rate.
The ORP measurement is handled by a packaged analyzer system. The injection control is
handled by a packaged unit specific to the chlorinator. The PLC is programmed to output alarm
conditions based on ORP high and low alarm limits. However, the ORP controls have
historically not worked well with the seasonal variations in nitrate and nitrite concentrations and,
therefore, has generally not been used in favor of manually setting the chlorine dose.

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INPUTS: Chlorinator #1 low vacuum, analog ORP.

OUTPUTS: Effluent bypass flow (4-20 mA signal to controller).

ALARMS: ORP High/Low alarm, chlorinator #2 low vacuum.

Alum and Polymer Injection System Control Strategy

The alum and polymer injection systems are controlled by packaged control panels supplied by
their manufacturers. Both systems operate based on the flow rate diverted to the effluent filter
bypass and are configured by the HOA switches on their respective control panels.

In OFF mode: The injection system will not operate.

In HAND mode: The injection system operates.

In AUTO mode: The injection system will be called to run when the effluent filter flow meter
indicates that the flow is being diverted to the effluent filters.

INPUTS: Effluent bypass flow, in HAND, in AUTO, pump running, loss of carrier flow.

OUTPUTS: Run, fail.

ALARMS: Loss of carrier flow (no flow/motion).

Sulfonator Injector Control Strategy

The sulfonator system injects sulfur dioxide to the chlorine contact tank effluent to remove
residual chlorine. The system is controlled by a packaged control panel provided by the
manufacturer. The injection is based on an analog measurement of the water ORP and the flow
rate. The PLC is programmed to output alarm conditions based on ORP high and low alarm

INPUTS: Sulfonator low vacuum, analog ORP.

OUTPUTS: Effluent bypass flow (4-20 mA signal to controller).

ALARMS: Sulfonator low vacuum, ORP High/Low alarms.

Maintenance (Chemical System)

See equipment manufacturer’s O&M manuals for maintenance instructions.

7.5.10 Reject Pump System

System Purpose

The reject pump system takes reject water from the effluent filter and the chlorine contact tank
and returns it to the lagoon system for further treatment. The local control panel for the reject

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-40

pump system is LCP-7501. The purpose of the reject pump system controls is to control the
level of the reject pump wet well at all times and protect the pumps from operating at low tank

Equipment List

SP-7501 Lead Reject Pump

SP-7502 Lag Reject Pump
LIT-7504 Sonic Level Transmitter, Multiranger Plus
LIF-7504 High and Low Level Floats

Status Monitoring

7501 Reject Pump I Running

7501 Reject Pump I in HAND Mode
7501 Reject Pump I in AUTO Mode
7501 Reject Pump I Seal Failure Alarm
7502 Reject Pump 2 Running
7502 Reject Pump 2 in HAND Mode
7502 Reject Pump 2 in AUTO Mode
7502 Reject Pump 2 Seal Failure Alarm
LSH-7504 Reject Wet Well High Level Float
LIT-7504 Reject Wet Well Level
LSL-7504 Reject Wet Well Low Level Float


7501 Reject Pump I Fail

7502 Reject Pump 2 Fail
LSH-7504 Reject Wet Well High Level Float
LSL-7504 Reject Wet Well Low Level Float

Reject Pumps Control Strategy

The reject pumps SP-7501/7502 operate based on HOA switches located on the local control
panel LCP-7501. The solenoid valve SV-7505 also operates from an HOA switch on this panel
(see Air Compressor Systems for description). The pump controls are based on the five output
relays of the Milltronics level transmitter. The controls operate as follows:

In OFF mode: The reject pump will not run.

In HAND mode: The pump will run.

In AUTO mode: The reject pumps start and stop based on the level transmitter LIT-7504 output
relays RI - R5. These relays are turned ON or OFF when the reject wet well level passes level
set points programmed into the Milltronics Multiranger plus as follows:

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-41

Level (ft) Relay Action Pump Status Condition
16.5 R5 Closes Both Pumps ON High Level Alarm
15.5 R4 Closes Lag Pump ON Lag Pump Enable
14.5 R3 Closes Lead Pump ON Lead Pump Enable
2.0 R2 Closes Both Pumps OFF Low Level Pump Shutdown
1.0 R1 Closes Both Pumps OFF Low Level Alarm

Programming is provided that toggles the LEAD/LAG designation between the two pumps
whenever both of them are inactive. This feature ensures that the pump usage is distributed
between the two units.


INPUTS: In HAND, in AUTO, overload, pump seal failure, run, check valve limit switch, high
level, low level.

OUTPUTS: Run, fail, call to run, overload, over temperature, pump seal failure.

ALARMS: Reject pump fail, reject pump wet well level low.

Maintenance (Reject Pump System)

See equipment manufacturer’s O&M manuals for maintenance instructions. Check the high and
low level float operation every 3 months for proper operation and alarming. This high level float
can simply be tripped manually and the low level can be simulated by pumping down the wet
well in HAND.

7.5.11 Emergency Generator System

System Purpose

The generator is provided to supply backup electrical power to operate the plant when the utility
feed fails. Generator run and fail statuses are monitored through an operator display and the
SCADA system. There are separate alarms for generator fail, generator trouble, and low fuel.

Related Equipment

 Generator (located in the Generator Building)

 Diesel Fuel Tank (located just south of Generator Building)

 ATS-1 and display lights (located in the Laboratory/Office Building)

 ATS-2 and display lights (located in the Chlorine Building)

 Power Monitor and Display Unit (PMD).

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-42

Operation After Power Failure

When the power returns after a power failure, all timed and alternating sequences shall resume
from the same place they were when power failed. Also, programming is included in the PLC to
add a delay to all alarms that may trip on power up so that false alarming will not occur. When
the power fails, the PLC will shut down. When power comes back on, if the automatic transfer
switch is in the NORMAL position (utility power), the PLC will start the following motors (if in
AUTO mode and called to RUN) in the order and with the time delays shown below:

Equipment Name Delay (seconds)

AR-4101 - AR-4104 3
AR-4105 - AR-4108 3
AR-4109 - AR-4112 3
AR-4113 - AR-4118 3
AR-4201 - AR-4203 3
AR-4301 - AR-4303 3
AR-4401 - AR-4403 3

The screw pumps have hardwired delays on power fail. Bring on all equipment after a
5-second delay except for those listed in the table above. Their start is staggered according
to the time delays noted.

If, when the power comes back on, the generator is running and the automatic transfer switch is
in the emergency position (standby power), start the motors (if in AUTO and called to RUN) in
the order and with the time delays as shown below:
Equipment Name Delay
POWER BACK ON (50) Allow screw pumps to start with hardwired delays
AR-4101 - AR-4104 (3) Lagoon #1 Aerators
AR-4105 - AR-4108 (3) Lagoon #1 Aerators
AR-4109 - AR-4112 (3) Lagoon #1 Aerators
AR-4113 - AR-4118 (3) Lagoon #1 Aerators
AR-4201 - AR-4203 (3) Lagoon #2 Aerators
AR-4301 - AR-4303 (3) Lagoon #3 Aerators
AR-4401 - AR-4403 (3) Lagoon #4 Aerators

(a) Delay times are given in seconds and are additive.

Note after the initial 50-second delay, the PLC will look at the number of screw pumps that are
running and only start the appropriate amount of aerators in Lagoon No. 1 so that the generator
will not be overloaded.

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Generator Loading

The generator is not sized to handle all of the loads of the plant when it is operating on standby
power. It is preferred to operate the following loads on the generator under emergency

 Building utility loads (lighting, receptacles, etc.)

 One 100 hp screw pump

 One 25 hp screw pump

 Nine 1 5 hp aerators

 Nine 7.5 hp aerators

 Two 2.0 hp mixers (for CL2/SO2 equipment).

The amount of power usage prior to the power failure probably will still be on demand when the
power is restored and will overload the generator supply. The screw pump operation always
takes priority over other equipment and if the second 100 hp screw pump is called to run, then
seven of the 15 hp aerators will be shut down by the PLC.

Power Monitor

There is a power monitoring unit on the main bus at the Laboratory/Office Building. This unit
displays all power parameters for the plant including volts, amps, kW, kVA, kVAR, power factor,

ATS Alarms and Indication

The ATSs have indicating lights on their front doors for indication of the power system status.
ATS-1 has the following indicating lights:

 Normal (utility) power available

 Emergency (generator) power available

 Emergency power connected

 Normal power connected.

ATS-2 has the following indicating lights:

 Normal (utility) power available

 Emergency (laboratory subfeed) power available

 Emergency power connected

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 Normal power connected

 ATS-1 in normal position

 ATS-1 in emergency position

 Generator running

 Generator alarms and indication.

When the Generator Building generator running contact closes, the PLC turns on a light on the
EMCC2 ATS panel (ATS-2).

Generator Trouble Alarm

When the generator trouble alarm contact closes, an alarm is issued by using a latch and hold
to flash the "GENERATOR BUILDING" (H-3) and "GENERATOR TROUBLE" (J-2) lights on the
MCP-1/2 control panels.

Generator Fail

When the generator fail alarm contact closes, an alarm is issued by using a latch and hold to
flash the "GENERATOR BUILDING" (H-3) and "GENERATOR FAIL" (J-3) lights on the MCP-1/2
control panels.

Generator Low Fuel Alarm

The Diesel Fuel Tank has a low fuel float and a critical low fuel float integral to the tank. The
low fuel float will activate when the tank is approximately 40 percent full. When the generator
low fuel alarm contact closes, and alarm is issued by using a latch and hold to flash the
"GENERATOR BUILDING" (H-3) and "GENERATOR LOW FUEL" (J-4) lights on the MCP-1/2
control panels.

If the critical low fuel float activates, the generator will automatically shut down (this is performed
by the generator controls), a generator fall alarm will be activated, and the PLC will initiate the
appropriate alarms.

Maintenance (Generator System)

See equipment manufacturer’s O&M manuals for maintenance instructions. See the
Maintenance Section in Power System Control, Emergency Generator (above).

7.5.12 Scrubber
Maintenance (Scrubber)

See equipment manufacturer’s O&M manuals for maintenance instructions.

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Check the system every month by simulating a gas leak and verifying correct alarming and
operation. The scrubber should run. The SCADA system display a gas leak alarm and initiate
an alarm notification for remote response. The flashing beacon outside the Chlorine Building
should flash and the vent fan should shutdown.

7.5.13 Building Monitoring and Alarm Systems


Three buildings are in use at the WWTP site, the Laboratory/Office Building, Generator Building,
and Chlorine Building. The building monitoring and alarm systems provide surveillance
functions to protect these buildings from intrusion and fire, as well as monitor the specific
equipment that they contain. The following sections detail the operation of the building
monitoring and status alarms.

Intrusion system

The intrusion system consists of "door open" indicating limit switches on all of the doors in the
Laboratory/Office, Chlorine, and Generator buildings, plus keyed switch and indicating light at
the Laboratory/Office and Chlorine buildings.

System Operation

The intrusion system has three modes of operation:

1. Light de-energized - alarm active

2. Light slow flashing - alarm deactivated

3. Light fast flashing - alarm arming.

When the light is pushed and is slow flashing, the system is deactivated. When the light is
pushed again, the light will flash quickly for 60 seconds to allow personnel to exit the building
and then the system will arm. When the system arms, the light goes out. When a door switch is
activated, there is a 20-second delay to allow the personnel to push the intrusion button. If the
light is not pushed within 20 seconds, an intrusion alarm indication is displayed on the MCP-1/2
control panels. If this is not acknowledged within 10 seconds, the SCADA system will send out
an intrusion alarm.

Note: If the light is pushed to arm the system (it will flash quickly) and immediately pushed
again, it will disarm and go back to slow flash.

Maintenance (Intrusion System)

Check the system every 6 months for proper operation and alarming. Check the operation by
individually opening every door on each building.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-46

Laboratory/Office Building

Status Monitoring:

 Laboratory/Office Building Shower in Use Alarm

 Laboratory/Office Building Intrusion Alarm

 Laboratory/Office Building Smoke Detector Alarm.

Laboratory/Office Building Shower in Use Alarm

When the Laboratory/Office Building shower in use contact closes, the alarm condition is issued
by using a latch and hold condition to flash the "LAB BUILDING" (H-1) and "EMERGENCY
SHOWER IN USE" (H-6) lights on the MCP-1/2 control panels, and activating the audible horn.
A timer is used to check for the alarm acknowledge from one of the control panels. If the
acknowledgment is not received within 30 seconds, the SCADA system will send out notification
of the alarm.

Maintenance (Emergency Shower)

See equipment manufacturer’s O&M manuals for maintenance instructions. Check the shower
every 6 months for proper operation and alarming.

Laboratory/Office Building Intrusion Alarm

The alarm is issued by using a latch and hold condition to flash the "LAB BUILDING" (H-1) and
"INTRUSION DETECTED" (H-4) lights on the MCP-1/2 control panels, and activating the
audible horn. A timer is used to check for the alarm acknowledge from one of the control
panels. If the acknowledgment is not received within 10 seconds, the SCADA system will send
out notification of the alarm.

Laboratory/Office Building Smoke Detector Alarm

When the Laboratory/Office Building smoke alarm contact closes, the alarm condition is issued
by using a latch and hold condition to flash the "LAB BUILDING" (H-1) and "SMOKE
DETECTED" (H-5) lights on the MCP-1/2 control panels, and activating the audible horn. A
timer is used to check for the alarm acknowledge from one of the control panels. If the
acknowledgment is not received within 30 seconds, the SCADA system will send out notification
of the alarm.

Maintenance (Smoke Detector System)

See equipment manufacturer’s O&M manuals for maintenance instructions. Check the smoke
detector system every 6 months for proper operation and alarming.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-47

Generator Building

Status Monitoring:

 Generator Building Heat Detector Alarm

 Generator Building Generator Trouble Alarm

 Generator Building Intrusion Alarm.

Generator Building Heat Detector Alarm

When the generator trouble alarm contact closes, an alarm is issued by using a latch and hold
to flash the "GENERATOR BUILDING" (H-33) and "GENERATOR TROUBLE" (J-2) lights on
the MCP-1/2 control panels.

Generator Building Intrusion Alarm

The alarm is issued by using a latch and hold condition to flash the "GENERATOR BUILDING"
(H-3) and "INTRUSION DETECTED" (H-4) lights on the MCP-1/2 control panels, and activating
the audible horn. A timer is used to check for the alarm acknowledge from one of the control
panels. If the acknowledgment is not received within 2 minutes, the SCADA system will send
out notification of the alarm.

Chlorine Building

Status Monitoring:

 Chlorine Building Shower in Use Alarm

 Chlorine Building Intrusion Alarm

 Chlorine Building Smoke Detector Alarm.

Chlorine Building Shower in Use Alarm

When the Chlorine Building shower in use contact closes, the alarm condition is issued by using
a latch and hold condition to flash the "CHLORINE BUILDING" (H-2) and "EMERGENCY
SHOWER IN USE" (H-6) lights on the MCP-1/2 control panels, and activating the audible horn.
A timer is used to check for the alarm acknowledge from one of the control panels. If the
acknowledgment is not received within 30 seconds, the SCADA system will send out notification
of the alarm.

Maintenance (Emergency Shower)

See equipment manufacturer’s O&M manuals for maintenance instructions. Check the shower
every 6 months for proper operation and alarming.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-48

Chlorine Building Intrusion Alarm

The alarm is issued by using a latch and hold condition to flash the "CHLORINE BUILDING"
(H-2) and "INTRUSION DETECTED" (H-4) lights on the MCP-1/2 control panels, and activating
the audible horn. A timer is used to check for the alarm acknowledge from one of the control
panels. If the acknowledgment is not received within 10 seconds, the SCADA system will send
out notification of the alarm.

Chlorine Building Smoke Detector Alarm

When the Chlorine Building smoke alarm contact closes, the alarm condition is issued by using
a latch and hold condition to flash the "CHLORINE BUILDING" (H-2) and "SMOKE DETECTED"
(H-5) lights on the MCP-1/2 control panels, and activating the audible horn. A timer is used to
check for the alarm acknowledge from one of the control panels. If the acknowledgment is not
received within 30 seconds, the SCADA system will send out notification of the alarm.

7.5.14 Miscellaneous Building HVAC Operation

EF-7301 Gas Storage Room Exhaust Fan (CL2 Building)

In HAND mode: The fan runs.

In AUTO mode: The fan run request is made when the gas storage room door is opened. The
fan runs continuously while the door is open and will keep spinning for 10 minutes after the door
is closed.

EF-7302 Gas Control Room Exhaust Fan (CL2 Building)

In HAND mode: The fan runs.

In AUTO mode: The fan spin request is made when the control room door is opened. The fan
runs continuously while the door is open and will keep running for 10 minutes after the door is

7.6 Telemetry and Alarm Notification System

7.6.1 Lift Station Telemetry System
System Purpose

The purpose of the lift station (LS) telemetry system is to communicate status information from
the remote lift station sites to the WWTP so operating personnel can be alerted to potential
problems in the wastewater network. The status information consists entirely of digital flags that
signal conditions such as high wet well levels, pump failures, power failures, etc.

The LS telemetry system consists of an MTU located in the Laboratory/Office Building and a
remote telemetry unit (RTU) at each of the lift stations. The RTUs are currently RUGID6D data
acquisition and telemetry computers. The MTU is a RUGID6F. The City plans to change these
telemetry units to Vipers.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-49

Currently, the lift stations are not linked to the WWTP SCADA system, but the City is currently
planning a control systems upgrade at the WWTP to replace the old PLCs in the Chlorination
and Laboratory/Administration Buildings. As part of this upgrade, the lift stations will be
integrated into the WWTP SCADA system such that the status of the lift stations can be viewed
through SCADA.

Individual RTU data and status can be viewed at the lift stations through the LCD display
provided on their respective RUGID units. An alarm summary display is also provided at the lift
stations that logs the 20 most recent alarm condition changes reported by the unit, but currently,
the data are not archived in all pump stations except the new CSO pump station where all
alarms are logged on the message printer in the pump station. Additionally, the CSO pump
station has an auto dialer for notification when the pump station fails. The WWTP MTU allows
access to LCD displays identical to each of the lift station RTU displays, as well as displays
showing system status, system data, alarm histories, and configuration screens.

Remote Transmitter Stations

There are 13 RTU stations included in the LS telemetry network. The radios of these stations
are on the same frequency as those of the existing water system telemetry network which
already has its own unique station addresses. The following table identifies station names and
assigns their addresses:

ID Station Name Address

WS01 City Shop 01
LS11 Commercial 11
LS12 Lincoln 12
LS13 Rainier 13
LS14 Pilchuck Park 14
LS15 Stone Ridge 15
LS16 Champagne 16
LS17 Hill Park 17
LS18 Ferguson 18
LS19 Bonneville 19
LS20 Clarks Pond 20
LS21 Rainbow 21
LS22 Casino 22

Communication Study

The communications paths were found to have reliable radio links established with direct paths
between all of the remote units and the master unit. In this communication design, the remote
RTUs are passive receivers that do not initiate communications with the WWTP MTU at any
time. Monitoring of all communications is the sole responsibility of the WWTP MTU which must
detect and alarm communication failures. This design greatly simplifies the programming of the
lift station RTUs. Their primary functions are to collect data inputs, record changes in alarm
conditions, load the data values into the telemetry communication arrays, show these values on
the local LCD displays, and wait for the MTU to contact them and collect the telemetry values.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-50

Polling Procedures

Stations that have a direct line of sight to the WWTP MTU will respond quickly to
communications initiated by the MTU. The polling procedures for the LS telemetry network are
defined in this section to clarify the operating strategy of the system.

Direct polling (DP) is communication that is set up and initiated by programmed procedures
rather than by background software. The MTU and the RTU swap their receive and transmit
telemetry arrays as soon as radio contact is made by the MTU so that confirmation of the
communication is quickly determined within a short time span.

The following procedure is used by the MTU:

 Select station number for polling

 If station requires SF, check receipt flag for negative value

 If negative, clear receipt flag to zero, clear error counter, go to next station number

 Clear receipt flag to zero

 Set transmit flag to negative value

 Issue command to transmit

 If station uses DP, wait 15 seconds

 Check for negative receipt flag

 If negative, clear error counter

 If positive, increment error counter

 Repeat with next station number.

The time delay allows stations contacted through DP to respond so the communication integrity
can be checked before proceeding to the next station. When the error counter reaches a preset
number ( e.g., 3 ) a communication error is alarmed. The direct polling procedure continues
normally, but the alarm is not cleared until a successful communication is made with the station.
This mechanism allows the MTU to communicate with the eight direct-polled RTUs on a
120-second cycle so that data are no older than 2 minutes for these stations. Also,
communication errors are alarmed whenever contact is out for more than 6 minutes.

Data Transferred Between Lift Station RTUs and WWTP MTU

Each lift station RTU reports various alarm and status conditions to the MTU. One exception is
that the CSO pump station communicates to the WWTP via a fiber optic connection. The
following table summarizes the data transferred from the pump lift station RTUs to the MTU at
the wastewater treatment plant:

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-51

No. 14 Lakemount Drive
No. 13 Clarks Pond
No. 9 Stone Ridge
No. 4 Commercial

No. 7 Champagne

No. 10 14 Street

No. 11 Kla-Ha-Ya

No. 12 Rainbow
No. 8 Ferguson
No. 5 Pilchuck

No. 6 Hill Park

No. 3 Lincoln
No. 2 Rainer
No. 1 CSO

Alarms and Sensors
High Level E E E E E E E E E - E E E
Low Level E E E E E E E E E - E E E
Fiber Optic Communication

Pump No. 1 Run E E E E E E E E E - E E E

Pump No. 1 Fail E E E E E E E E E - E E E
Pump No. 2 Run E E E E E E E E E - E E E
Pump No. 2 Fail E E E E E E E E E - E E E
Pump No. 3 Run E - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pump No. 3 Fail E - - - - - - - - - - - -
Power Failure E E E E E E E E E - E E E
Water in Drywell - - - - - E - - - - - - -
Operator in Trouble E - - - - - - - - - - - -
WW Level E - - - - - - - - - - - -

E = Existing Sensors
- = None

All of these alarm conditions are digital statuses; that is, they can be communicated by simple
ON/OFF indicators. These alarms are indications only and do not require acknowledgment at
the RTU units. However, some of the conditions may require Operator acknowledgment at the
WWTP. No analog data is communicated between the lift station RTUs and the MTU.

Lift Station Data

Lift Station Output Data Range Note/Comment

RUGID POWER FAIL ALARM 0 or 1 From relay on Rudd input power leads
STATION POWER FAIL ALARM 0 or 1 Set by external relay
HIGH LEVEL ALARM 0 or 1 Set by high level float
LOW LEVEL ALARM 0 or 1 Set by low level float
WATER IN DRYWELL ALARM 0 or 1 Set by external relay
OPERATOR IN TROUBLE ALARM 0 or 1 Set by panel push-button
P 1 STARTS/HR 0 - 360 Counted by RUGID
P 1 RUNTIME/HR 0 – 60 Accumulated by RUGID
P 1 RUNNING 0 or 1 Set by motor control at lift station
PI FAIL ALARM 0 or 1 Overload or check valve + timer

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-52

Lift Station Output Data Range Note/Comment
P1 FAIL TIME 0 – 1440 Hours since midnight today
P1 FAIL DURATION 0 - 30240 Accumulated by RUGID
P2 STARTS/HR 0 - 360 Counted by RUGID
P2 RUNTIME/HR 0 – 60 Accumulated by RUGID
P2 RUNNING 0 or 1 Set by motor control at lift station
P2 FAIL ALARM 0 or 1 Overload or check valve + timer
P2 FAIL TIME 0 – 1440 Hours since midnight today
P2 FAIL DURATION 0 - 30240 Accumulated by RUGID
P3 STARTS/HR 0 - 360 Counted by RUGID
P3 RUNTIME/HR 0 – 60 Accumulated by RUGID
P3 RUNNING 0 or 1 Set by motor control at lift station
P3 FAIL ALARM 0 or 1 Overload or check valve + timer
P3 FAIL TIME 0 – 1440 Hours since midnight today
P3 FAIL DURATION 0 - 30240 Accumulated by RUGID
1 All RTU alarm conditions are time delayed for 15 seconds to prevent spurious alarms from being reported. When
an alarm input relay is set, the RUGID will start a 15-second timer. If the alarm input relay is still set when the
timer has elapsed, the alarm output fag is set and reported to the MTU.
2 The operator in trouble alarm is only available at the Rainier lift station. This alarm will be operated by a push-
button located on the lift station control panel. When the push-button is depressed to set the alarm, the RUGID
will immediately begin polling the WWTP MTU continuously. Once set, the alarm will remain active until it is reset
by the WWTP operator to ensure that the alarm is responded to by an outside source. The alarm will not reset if
the pushbutton is pulled back out after being depressed.
3 The pump running output is set after a time delayed examination of the associated check valve after the pump is
called to run. When the pump motor control center sets the call to run relay, the RUGID will set a timer. The
pump running output will be set only if the check valve is open after the timer has lapsed. Otherwise, the pump
fail output will be set.
4 The fail duration timer is started whenever the associated pump fail alarm is set. The value is incremented for
every minute the fail alarm is set to a maximum of 30240 (3 weeks). The timer is only reset when the pump
running input relay is set.

Lift Station Input Data Range Note/Comment

ALARM RESET 0 or 1 Clears all alarm flags
MTU MINUTES SINCE MIDNIGHT 0 - 1440 Used to synchronize all clocks
SPARE N/D User defined
1 The MTU minutes since midnight is used to synchronize the RTU clocks to match the MTU clock so that the fail
time timestamps are accurate. At midnight, the RTU units will adjust their internal clocks so that their minutes
since midnight match the value reported by the MTU.

Lift Station RTU Displays

All of the pump lift station RTUs are installed with a main LCD display that will be modified to
accommodate variations between individual units. The main LCD display is typically as follows:

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-53

Station Name - Pump lift station name
AD# - Pump lift station address
MSGI - ON or OFF depending on level switch status
MSG2 - RUNNTNG or FAILED depending on pump status
MSG3 - NO or ALARM depending on conditions
ST# - Pump lift station address

This display will always be shown on the LCD display of each lift station. The display includes
the station number (address) of the last successful communication source for this RUGID unit
and time stamps the received message. Communication errors are easily detected by
comparing the time stamp to the current system time which is also displayed.

The first page of the alarm summary display can be invoked from the main display by pressing
the `1' key of the RUGID input keypad. The following display will appear:

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-54

This display shows the last five changes in alarm condition states from the most recent to those
in near history. The current system time is also displayed in the lower right corner. The second
page of the alarm summary, which can be invoked by pressing `1' on the RUGID input keypad,
shows the next five errors so that a total of 10 alarm state changes are logged by the two
displays. The alarm history is only updated by a first in-last out procedure when an alarm
condition changes state. The second page of the alarm summary has an instruction to press
the `1' key on the RUGID keypad to return to the main display. No other displays are available.

Maintenance (Telemetry System)

Check the system every 3 months for proper operation and alarming. Check the operation by
individually tripping the high level alarm at each lift station and allowing the system to send a
remote alarm notification. The power fail should also be checked for proper operation. Other
status and alarms can also be checked, but high level and power fail should be the minimum.

7.6.2 Alarm Notification System Operation

The ArchestrA remote response alarm notification system is fully programmed and integrated
with the SCADA system for automatic operation. Certain alarm conditions shall cause the
program to place a call to a pre-programmed phone number, identify itself, and announce the
pre-programmed message for that alarm. The message is repeated and waits for an
acknowledgment of the message. If there is no answer or acknowledgment, the program will
call the next number of a pre-programmed list, and follow the same procedure until it receives
an answer.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-55

When the program receives an acknowledgment, there is a delay for the alarm to cease. If the
alarm still exists after this delay, the calling sequence is started again.

The following alarms are programmed into alarm notification system at the WWTP:

• Local PC/PLC Communications Failure: The PLC at the CSO pump station is not
communicating with the local PC

• Headquarter PC/PLC Communications Failure: The PLC at the CSO pump station is not
communicating with the PC at the Collections Office (CSView1)

• WWTP Communications Failure: The PLC at the CSO pump station is not
communicating with the PC at the WWTP (WWView1)

• CSO Pump Station Alarm Unacknowledged

• WWTP Alarm Unacknowledged

• Alarming and Control Functions Failure: Alarm notification system not functioning.

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP 7-56

Appendix H: NPDES Permit

Operation and Maintenance Manual Amendment, City of Snohomish WWTP H-1


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