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Skill: Listening

Lesson one: symptoms

By: Nurjannah M.Pd


Listening: 1
Symptoms 2. Listen again and tick the words you hear
1. Listen to these patients their symptoms, from this list
and match each one of them their Nouns Tick Adjectives Tick
condition. Deformity Deformed
A lump Lumpy
Bruising Bruised
Swelling Swallen ✓
Pain Painful
Numbness Numb
fever Feverish
redness Red
tiredness Tired
ache Achy
dizziness Dizzy
constipation constipated
sickness Sick
1. _________
2. _________
3. _________
3. Work with a partner. Match each phonetics spelling to one of the words on the list. How do
you say those seven words?
Phonetic spelling Words
/ˌdaɪəˈriːə/ 1 A rash
2 Bruising
3 Constipation
/ˈnɔːsiə/ 4 A cough
5 Cramp
6 Deformity
7 Dizziness
/kɒf/ 8 Fever
9 Itching
10 Diarrhea
/nʌmnəs/ 11 A lump
12 Nause
13 Numbness
14 Vomiting
/eɪkiŋ/ 15 A runny nose
16 Sickness
17 Sneezing
/ˈbruːzɪŋ/ 18 A sore throat
19 Spots
20 Swelling
21 Tiredness
/ˈtaɪə(r)nəs/ 22 aching

4. Can you remember the question that the nurse asked? Work in pairs to try to complete
them from memory, then listen again to check.
1. How........ it feel?
2. A little deformed, ............?
3. painful when you moved it?
4. .................move your toes?
5. How..........feeling?
6. .......... a sore throat?
7. ................redness?
8. .................going?
9. ............... dizzy at all?
10. When.......... sick, mostly?
11. .............................pain?

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