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Author and PDF Layout: Jeremy “BlackWingedHeaven” Puckett
Editing: Chisa Puckett and Michael Adair
Email Contact:
Playtesters: Chisa Puckett, Michael Adair, Jonathan Culler, Joe Lamothe, Rachel Collier, Chris Cansler
Cover Art: TequilaSunburn
Interior Artists: Bruno Balixa, GreenDinoXD, Ryunnosuke, Shaman’s Stockart, Storn Cook, TequilaSunburn,
TyphonArt, Velnna, Jen
Via Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Sharealike: rebirthofdougler111, ammoth, kynlo, arsfeb,
TyphonArt, Jeff Preston, Storn Cook, Filip Stojak, TT Mäkinen, kirill777.

Original Marvel Heroic Roleplaying rules by Cam Banks and Rob Donoghue. Additional rules concepts drawn
from the MWP community.

Latest Release Version: November 20, 2015


This game material references the Cortex Plus® game system, available from Margaret Weis Productions at Cortex® and Cortex Plus® and all associated logos and trademarks are solely owned by
Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd. and are used with permission. Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd. makes no
representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability of the purpose of this product.

This PDF is not an official Onyx Path or Exalted release. Exalted® and all associated logos and trademarks are
solely owned by White Wolf Publishing and Onyx Path Publishing and are used without permission. Onyx Path
makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability of the purpose of this product.

Notice: This is not a complete game!

Despite the size of this book, Exalted: Blood and Fire is almost entirely a work of rules and mechanics. There is very
little information in this book about the wild and strange world of Creation. If you want to run an Exalted
campaign, you should get one or more of the wonderful books created for the game by White Wolf or Onyx Path.
Please support the actual game line.


Introduction 5
Chapter One: Rules 9
Chapter Two: Playing the Game 23
Chapter Three: Powers, SFX, and Limits 33
Chapter Four: Specialties 53
Chapter Five: Advancement 63
Chapter Six: The Exalted 69
Chapter Seven: Running the Game 91
Chapter Eight: Antagonists 99


“If the gods are real, then why is the world so unjust?”
—Jaime Lannister, Game of Thrones, “Fire and Blood”

Originally published by White Wolf and currently makes a roll, either against an opposing character or
published by Onyx Path, Exalted is a world like no the GM’s special dice pool, the doom pool.
other. Created as a response to the Tolkien-saturated Cortex Plus Heroic was originally used for the
fantasy role-playing market, Exalted’s setting—the Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Game from Margaret Weis
world of Creation—is a place inspired more by the Productions, written by Cam Banks and Rob
classic Greek epics and Hindu scriptures, by the Donoghue. This fan work uses extensive rules
Bronze Age era of history, and by the more modern elements from both MHR and the Cortex Plus
influences of Japanese anime and Chinese wuxia. Hacker’s Guide, specifically the Fantasy Heroic rules
Exalted is a fantasy roleplaying game set in the section.
mythic prehistory of the world, a time when gods still Players familiar with Exalted in its prior
walked openly among men, the world was flat, and incarnations will recognize right away that this book
the restless dead roamed on moonless nights. Players is not a complete game. The text of Exalted: Blood and
take the role of the Exalted, heroic men and women Fire focuses on the mechanics of the Cortex Plus
granted blessings of power by the mightiest of the Heroic system and acting as a brief primer about the
gods. The Exalted can slay gods with their blades and world of Creation. This document is intended to
arrows, leap across vast canyons, master ancient and work in conjunction with the actual Exalted setting
miraculous sorcery, endure the burning heat of the books, rather than serving as a replacement for them.
desert or the killing cold of the tundra with only All three editions of Exalted have extensive world-
their natural resilience, and outwit demons using building and setting material associated with them.
their razor wit. While differences and contradictions exist between
The mightiest of the Exalted are the Solar Exalted. the editions, the major points remain the same
The Solars were once rulers of the world, but were across all three—and where contradictions exist, it
betrayed and banished for many centuries. Now their may be assumed to be the fault of in-world
power has come back into the world, imbuing men misunderstandings about distances, locations, and
and women with divine might. They are stalked by customs. Creation is vast, after all.
the Wyld Hunt and feared by gods and men for their For players and game masters interested in learning
incomparable power, which will only grow in the more about the world of Creation, the author
fullness of time. Will your characters attempt to recommends the following:
rebuild the glories of ages past, or remake the world Scavenger Sons (1st Edition): This book details the
according to a new vision? Will your power save the River Province (known as the Scavenger Lands) in
world—or destroy it? great detail as well as various other “scavenger
This is your tale. What legends will they tell of kingdoms” throughout the world. It might well be
your deeds? considered the best setting book ever made for
Cortex Plus and Exalted Games of Divinity (1st Edition): The strange
Exalted: Blood and Fire uses the dynamic Cortex cosmology of Exalted gets its best treatment in this
Plus system as its basic engine, specifically the variant book. From the nature of the Incarnae to the
known as Cortex Plus Heroic. In this system, when a mysteries of the Yozis, no game master should ignore
character wants to act he assembles a dice pool and this work.

Manacle and Coin (1st Edition): The grim ugliness Eight Nations and its Alchemical Exalted are very
of the Guild and its methods of generating profit on different from Creation, but are nonetheless
a global scale are the focus of this book. Never has fascinating.
economics been so fascinating—and so horrifying. Masters of Jade (2nd Edition): In some ways, this
Houses of the Bull God (1st Edition): For being a book revisits the material from Manacle and Coin,
book that primarily focuses on a single nation and in other ways it reinvents it. Even if you think
(Harborhead), it remains one of the most evocative you know the Guild, this book can deliver surprises.
and interesting books of the edition. As of the writing of this document, Exalted 3rd
Manual of Exalted Power: The Alchemicals and Edition has just been released, filling the world of
Compass of Celestial Directions: Autochthonia (2nd Creation with even more, even stranger inhabitants
Edition): These two books about the alien world of and locations. The progression of this edition will
Autochthonia and the Champions that serve it surely prove worthwhile to even players uninterested
provide one of the best looks at Exalted from an in the core Storyteller system. Please support the
outside point of view. The industrial world of the official releases whenever possible.


“I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break
them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.”
—Robert Heinlein

The Basics 9. The opponent then assembles a dice pool

similarly. If the action does not directly affect
another target, the opposition is the doom pool. The
The game follows the following fundamental rules.
opposition rolls a reaction, which also generates a
total and effect die.
1. Describe what you intend to do. If you are the
active player and what you want to attempt has a
10. If the action’s total equals or exceeds the
chance to fail, it is described in these rules as taking
reaction’s total, the action was a success. If the
an action.
reaction’s total is higher, the action fails.
2. When taking an action, assemble your dice pool.
11. If the reaction’s total was higher, a counterattack
may be possible (if the GM rolled an opportunity).
3. Roll the dice.
12. An opposing party can buy any opportunities
4. Set aside any dice showing 1s: they cannot be used
(anyone directly involved in the roll gets the first
in the action. These dice are called opportunities and
chance, then if they decline, others may buy them
can be triggered after the roll resolves for a variety of
instead). The GM buys player opportunities to add
effects by an opposing party.
dice to the doom pool, and players may buy GM
opportunities for stunts/resources in their next
5. Pick any two remaining dice; add their values
together for your total.
Partial Defense: If your opponent has a larger
6. Pick any one other die to use as your effect die.
effect die than you, your effect die is stepped back by
Only the size of the die matters for your effect die,
one. So if you have a d8 effect and your opponent
not what number it is showing. If you have no
has a d10, your effect die becomes a d6. This is
remaining dice for your effect die, the default is a
known as a partial defense.
single d4.
Extraordinary Success: If a total beats the
opposition’s total by more than 5, the effect die is
7. Decide if you spend Motes to add additional
stepped up. The effect die is also stepped up for
remaining dice to your total, or add another effect
every 5 above after that. Once an effect die hits d12,
die (with some restrictions). SFX and Limits may also
you get to add an additional effect die from the
allow you to modify rolls.
unused dice of your pool for every additional
difference of 5 in total. If you don’t have any more
8. Choose whether your effect die (or dice) will be
dice, you can add a d4 effect if you want.
used to inflict stress (and what kind), inflict a
complication, or create an asset.

Glossary of Terms
Dice pool: A collection of dice from various
Act: A single session of play. categories that support or help to achieve a goal.

Action: Rolling dice to achieve a desired outcome. Distinction: A trait that represents defining
Opposed by a reaction. backgrounds, personality traits, or catchphrases that
summarize important facets of the hero’s outlook
Action order: The order in which the characters act, and approach to life.
determined by the situation and then by the players.
Doom dice: Dice in the doom pool.
Action Scene: A scene focused on a conflict in some
kind in which time matters. Types of Action Scenes Doom pool: The pool of dice the GM uses in place
include Combat Scenes and Tension Scenes. of Motes to oppose the heroes and activate
additional threats, challenges, and situations.
Activate an opportunity: Spending a Mote or a
doom die to gain a benefit from an opponent’s Double: Roll two dice of the same type (such as
opportunity (roll of 1 on a die.) rolling 2d8 instead of d8).

Arc: A story spanning several sessions of play (Acts). Effect die: A die from a rolled dice pool not
included in your total, and used to create an asset,
Attack action: An action taken to inflict stress or a complication, or stress.
complication on a target character or trait. Can be
close or ranged. Essence: The die that represents the general power
level of a character. Normal mortals have no Essence
Attribute: A broad statement of a character’s die, while heroic mortals, gods, demons, and the
mental, physical, and social abilities. Exalted have increasingly higher Essence dice. For
NPCs, this die is replaced by Threat.
Asset: A beneficial effect die that can be added to a
hero’s dice pool, whose creation represented some Exalted: The Chosen of the Gods, wielders of an
kind of risk. incredible power that makes them more than
human. Each type of Exalted is affiliated with a
Categories: Sections of a character’s sheet and the particular force of reality: Solars, Lunars, Sidereals,
situation that contribute dice to a dice pool. Using Terrestrials, Abyssals, Infernals, Alchemicals,
more than one die from the same category requires Liminals, and Exigents are known types of Exalted.
spending Motes.
Experience Points (XP): Earned by hitting triggers
Character: The fictional people represented in the in Milestones, and used to unlock additional abilities
game by the players and the GM. or benefits.

Complication: A problematic effect die that is added Extraordinary success: When your action total is 5
to an opposing dice pool. or more points higher than your opponent’s reaction
Counterattack: On a successful reaction, if the
opposing side shows an opportunity, the reacting GM: Game Master; the referee of the game, whose
player can activate the opportunity for a responsibility it is to create Arcs and portray the
counterattack. On a counterattack, the reacting world of the game. Also called a Storyteller.
player inflicts stress or a complication with his effect
die, or creates an asset, as appropriate to the Grandstanding: When a GM-controlled character
narration. takes an action to directly add dice to the doom pool

by sowing havoc or wreaking destruction in the Scene: A period of time centered on a single conflict
scene. or situation. Scenes can be divided into Combat
Scenes and Transition Scenes.
Large Scale Threat: A more powerful and important
version of a threat that can challenge multiple heroes Scene Distinction: Assets and complications that
at once. can help or hinder those involved in the scene from
the environment.
Limit: Restriction on a power set that helps the
player generate Motes. Shutdown: When you can’t use a power trait or
Power Set until the recovery condition is met.
Limit Break: A condition in which an Exalted
character’s emotions overcome his reason, causing Specialty: A trait that represents skills, contacts,
him to become intemperate and dangerous. knowledge, and training beyond the level of an
average person. Each Specialty is rated at either
Milestone: A guide to the sorts of decisions the hero Expert or Master.
should make or seek out during play.
Special effects (SFX): Personalized tricks that
Mote: The currency of play, earned by investing in individualize Power Sets to suit a hero or threat.
the story or taking risks; spent to enhance your
hero’s actions, activate opportunities, and more. Step: The difference between consecutive sized dice,
such as the difference between a d4 and d6. The
NPC: Non-player character; any character difference between a d4 and a d8 is two steps, and so
represented in play by the GM. on.

Opportunity: A die that comes up a 1 in a roll; the Step back: Switch out a die for the next one with
opportunity is granted to the opposing side. fewer sides (such as from d8 to d6).

PC: Player character; a character controlled by a Step up: Switch out a die for the next one with more
player rather than by the GM. sides (such as from d8 to d10).

Player: One of the real people playing the game. Stress: Negative traits gained as a result of a conflict;
can be physical, mental, or social.
Power Set: A thematic collection of power traits,
SFX, and Limits on those powers. Stress out: When a kind of stress exceeds d12; the
character can’t take any actions until the stress is
Power trait: A trait in a Power Set that represents an recovered.
exceptional ability.
Stunt: A bonus die that’s thematically linked to a
Reaction: Rolling a dice pool in response to an hero’s Power Set or Specialty and is created by
action. spending a Mote or giving a powerful narrative
description of an action.
Recovery action: Rolling dice to attempt to recover
from stress more quickly. Team: Anywhere from two to a dozen or more
individual threats that act and behave as a group.
Resource: A bonus die linked to a Specialty
representing contacts, knowledge, or tools that come Threat: An abstract measurement of the danger of a
naturally from training. particular NPC or monster. This trait replaces
Essence for most NPCs.

Total: A measure of how much effort your hero has Each of these dice categories is explained in greater
put forward, usually the sum of two dice in your dice detail below.
Traits: Powers, significant backgrounds, abilities, This die is the most basic thing that any character
and so on. rolls when taking action. It represents their heroic
potential, mystical connection to the forces of the
Transition Scene: A scene in which the primary universe, and overall prowess. Ordinary mortals lack
focus is on the dialogue and interaction between an Essence die, but they would rarely be in a
characters, including non-violent confrontations and situation where they would need to take individual
exploration. Types of Transition Scenes include action; ordinary mortals are generally only dangerous
Exploration Scenes and Social Scenes. to more powerful characters in mobs.
Heroic mortals generally have a d6 Essence die,
Trauma: Persistent negative traits that result from while true Exalted have increasingly larger dice.
being stressed out. Dragon-Blooded characters start with a d8, Lunars
and Solars with a d10, and elder Exalted sometimes
Trigger: A specific element of a Milestone that earns reach the heights of power to possess a d12 Essence.
you XP for meeting the conditions it sets. For NPCs, the Essence die is replaced by Threat, an
abstract measurement of the NPC’s overall power
Dice Pools
Characters in Cortex Plus Heroic operate on a Characters have three Attributes: Physical, Mental,
categories system for dice. Think of each category as and Social. These represent their basic, untrained
a bucket you can pull a die out of: when you take an potential in taking various actions.
action or reaction, you assemble a dice pool using Physical is a character’s strength, speed,
one die from each category (with some exceptions). endurance, agility, toughness, and overall capacity to
A character can draw a die from each of the use his body. Combat—both close and ranged—is
following basic categories for free: usually a Physical action.
 Essence Mental is a character’s intelligence, wits, willpower,
 Attribute (Physical, Mental, or Social) and overall ability to think under pressure. Using
 Distinction (personal or scene) magic of various sorts, such as Sorcery, is usually a
 Powers (one per set, no more than two active Mental action.
sets) Social is a character’s charisma, attractiveness,
 Specialty assertiveness, and general ability to convince others
By spending 1 Mote, he can add an extra to do what he wants. Browbeating, negotiation, and
applicable die from the same category. public performance are all Social actions.
If a character does not have an applicable power or When creating a character, the player assigns
Specialty, he can always choose to default to a d6. Attributes based on being specialized or balanced. A
However, if he does so, he may not use anything else specialized character distributes d10, d8, and d6
from that category; so no SFX, no Limit for a Mote, among his three Attributes; a balanced character has
no splitting dice, etc. d8 in all three.
Additionally, a character can use one die from each
of the conditional categories: Distinctions
 Stunt Every character possesses three Distinctions; a
 Asset Distinction can be rolled as d8 or d4. Rolling a
 Resource Distinction as d4 represents that Distinction offering
 Opponent’s complication your character some sort of difficulty, and it gains
 Opponent’s stress or trauma you 1 Mote.

Your first Distinction is your Caste or Aspect (Master). The adjective descriptions are normally
Distinction, which includes your Exalted Caste or used after the Specialty name, so a character can be a
Aspect in parentheses. This should be the Combat Expert or a Mystic Master, for example.
Distinction that represents how you Exalted, or the When a character creates Resources, they are
focus of your life since Exalting. This could be generally based on the level of the character’s
something like “Undefeated of the East (Dawn),” Specialty.
“High Priest of the Unconquered Sun (Zenith),” or
“Dark Avenger (Night).” The other two Distinctions
should reference your personality, approach to life, Assets
or talents. Such Distinctions could include such An asset is a temporary dice bonus, generally
things as “Deadliest Sword in the South,” “Former created by taking an action to roll against the doom
Guildsman,” “Trained by the Grass Spiders,” and so pool. On a successful roll, an asset is generated with
on. a value equal to the creator’s effect die. This asset
Your second Distinction should be your Trouble lasts for the next roll it is used in (or next two rolls,
Distinction, something that frequently causes you at the GM’s discretion) before going away. The
problems but occasionally pays off. This should be a player can spend a Mote to make an asset last until
Distinction that you use most often as a d4 to gain a the end of the Scene. Additionally, a player can
Mote, but sometimes usable as a d8. The GM can spend 1 Mote per additional character who can use
also trigger your Trouble Distinction to increase your the asset.
limit stress.
Your final Distinction is a personal one which you
can use to highlight some piece of information about
A resource is a long-term benefit, generally created
your character, like his background, tactics, skills, or
during a Transition Scene by spending a Mote. A
personality traits.
Resource lasts until the end of the following scene
There are also Scene Distinctions, which act as
after it is created; a character may spend an
both flavor for an Action Scene and as ways of
additional Mote to keep a Resource until the end of
interacting with them in combat. A character can
the current Act. Resources are keyed off Specialties,
either use a personal Distinction or a Scene
being one step lower than the associated Specialty.
Distinction in his pool, but not both without
(So a character with War Master d10 could create a
spending Motes.
war-related Resource at d8, while a character with
Covert Expert d8 could create a covert-related
Powers Resource at d6.) A player can also create a Resource
Each character can have from zero to three power during an Action Scene by spending a Mote to
sets, though generally only two will be “active” at a activate a GM opportunity.
time; on any given dice roll, a character can use one
die from each power set that would be applicable.
Powers are generally divided into Charms (innate
Opponent’s Stress or Trauma
When making a roll against an opponent, you can
magical abilities), Panoply (gear and artifacts), and
include their stress or trauma die as a bonus to your
Martial Arts (trained skills that are usually
dice pool. This represents you exploiting their
incompatible with gear use). Powers are rated from
weakness in battle. If an opponent has more than
d6 to d12.
one of these categories of penalty, you only get the
Each power level has an adjective associated with
highest one for free. A character can also spend 1
it. So a power at d6 is “Trained,” d8 is “Enhanced,”
Mote to include his own stress or trauma in the roll,
d10 is “Superhuman,” and d12 is “Godlike.”
at the cost of stepping it up by one after the roll.

These are a character’s trained skills. They range
from d6 (Rookie) to d12 (Grandmaster). The most
common Specialty levels are d8 (Expert) and d10

Opponent’s Complication beat your opponent’s total steps up your effect die by
A complication is an adverse situation imposed on one step. This means that your opponent could have
an opponent. A character can use one complication a partial defense, stepping back your effect die,
suffered by his foe in his own dice pool. followed by your effect die stepping up again from
extraordinary success.
If you have at least three dice available after setting
Stunts aside opportunities, you must keep one of them for
A stunt represents a sudden burst of power from a
your effect die and two for your total. If you have less
character, pushing himself beyond his limits. Stunts
than three dice remaining, you use the dice you have
range from d6 to d10 and exist only for the duration
for your total, and take a single d4 as your effect die
of a single roll.
by default.
By spending 1 Mote after rolling, you can choose
to keep an additional die for your total. You may
Dice Pools and Rolling continue to spend Motes to add dice to your total as
long as you have dice to add and Motes to spend. If
All of this means that a character operating at full your opponent adds a die (either by spending a Mote
power with all possible benefits to his advantage can or a doom die), you immediately have the option to
roll as many as ten dice for his pool! A more likely do so as well.
dice pool is four to five dice (Essence, Distinction, Before rolling, you can declare that you want to
one or two Powers, and a Specialty.) Even without keep additional effect dice. Generally, this represents
any Powers or Specialties that apply to a situation, a attacking multiple foes with one attack, inflicting a
character can never roll less than two dice—his complication on an enemy as well as doing damage,
Essence and either a personal Distinction or a Scene or creating an asset for yourself at the same time as
Distinction. inflicting damage on a foe. You declare your intent
After assembling a dice pool and rolling, set aside before rolling, but you do not spend Motes until
any dice that show as 1s. These are opportunities, after you finish the roll; at that time, you can keep an
which the GM can choose to purchase from the additional effect die for each Mote you spend.
player at the cost of 1 Mote each to grow his dice Multiple effect die cannot be kept for the same
pool. If a character shows multiple 1s in the same purpose, so you can’t keep two dice to inflict stress
pool, the GM can buy them individually for d6 but you could inflict stress and create a complication
doom dice at 1 Mote each, or he can spend 1 Mote from the same roll.
to buy all of them as a single die stepped up. (So he
could buy two 1s as a d8 doom die, or three 1s as a
d10 doom die, and so on.) Essence Die
Once all 1s are removed, any two remaining dice
are added together for your total, determining
A character gains power from his Exalted soul.
whether you succeed or fail. The highest remaining
This heroic shard of destiny makes his mind quicker,
die type after this determines your effect. So, a
his body stronger, his spirit firmer. In game, this is
character could have a total of 11, with an effect of
represented by the Essence die.
d8, for example.
Every player character has an Essence die, ranging
If you succeed on your roll but your opponent’s
from d6 (Heroic Mortal) to d12 (Elder Exalted).
effect die is higher than yours, that opponent
Most player characters will have a d8 or d10 Essence
generates a partial defense and steps back your effect at character creation. Barring extremely unusual
die by one (turning a d8 into a d6, for example). The situations, a character can always use his Essence die
active character wins ties (so attacker wins ties in as part of a dice pool—this die represents his basic
combat). If your effect die is stepped back below d4, physical and mental abilities.
your action does nothing. For NPCs, Essence (and Attributes) is often
If you succeed by five or more, you achieve an replaced with Threat dice, an abstract measurement
extraordinary success. Every five points by which you of the level of danger the NPC represents to player

characters. Major NPCs will sometimes have an Heroic mortals may not advance their Essence die
Essence die and Attributes rather than Threat dice. above d6; advancing beyond that level is only
Player characters start with Essence dice based on possible by becoming partly divine (a god-blood or
their character type as follows: demon-blood, for example) or by becoming a true
 Essence d6: Heroic mortals, god-blooded, Exalted. Other characters can advance up to one die
demon-blooded, and ghost-blooded. type above their starting die, but generally only after
 Essence d8: Terrestrial Exalted (Dragon-Bloods) becoming “elders” (whatever that means for the
and Alchemical Exalted. individual character type).
 Essence d10: Celestial Exalted.
 Essence d12: The most powerful of gods and
elder Exalted can reach these lofty heights of Distinctions
A character has three Distinctions. These three
While characters can advance their Essence die short phrases act as guideposts to the character’s
through experience and meditation, there are hard behavior and abilities. The first is his High Concept
limits on the level of power it is possible to possess or Caste Distinction, demonstrating the core
for any given character type. concept of the character and the reason he was
chosen for Exaltation. The second is his Trouble
Distinction, showing a personal failing that
sometimes pays off for him. The third is a Personal
Distinction, used to highlight some aspect of his
personality, tactics, or background.
A Distinction can be included in a dice pool if
applicable. Most Distinctions should be applicable in
a wide variety of circumstances. The player uses the
Distinction at d8 if it is a benefit for him, or d4 if it
acts as a hindrance; using a Distinction at d4 gains
the player 1 Mote.
Most Scenes also have Scene Distinctions, which
the player can choose to use if none of his personal
Distinctions are applicable. As normal, a player can
only use one Distinction in his roll without spending
Motes; if a personal Distinction and a Scene
Distinction would both be applicable, he chooses
one of them to use or spends 1 Mote to include

Power Sets
In the descriptions of each Exalted type (see
Chapter Six), it gives guidelines for the appropriate
number of powers, SFX, and Specialties for a starting
character, but these are only guidelines. If a player
wishes to create a character with more or less than
the suggested number of traits, this is a matter to
work out between the GM and player.
Generally speaking, every player character has two
power sets: Charms and Panoply. A character’s

Charms are his innate magical and superhuman manipulate the dice pool, and otherwise interact
powers—the things that come from the refinement of with the system.
his personal essence into supernal ability. Every player character begins each Act with 1 Mote
Conversely, a character’s Panoply represents his gear, in his pool. Only player characters have Motes. The
servants, allies, martial arts styles, and so on— GM uses the doom pool for similar situations.
anything that grants him power but is exterior to his A character can gain Motes in the following ways:
own innate magical potential.  At the beginning of an Act, every character gains
Player characters normally start with both a 1 Mote. At the end of an Arc, a character’s Mote
Charms power set and a Panoply power set, and they pool resets to 0.
may use a die from each set in a dice pool if  Using a Distinction as a d4.
appropriate. Even if a character somehow gains more  Rolling opportunities, if the GM buys them to
than two power sets, only two can ever be “active” at add to the doom pool; if a player rolls multiple
one time. opportunities, the GM may buy them at 1 Mote
Non-player characters may have one or two power each for d6 each, or may give the player 1 Mote
sets, but again only two may contribute dice to a dice for a smaller number of stepped up dice (so
pool without outside influence. NPCs can have rolling three opportunities could be 3 Motes for
Charms power sets, Panoply power sets, or stranger 3d6, 2 Motes for d8 and d6 or 1 Mote for d10).
things still.  Invoking a Limit from a Power Set that grants
Charms power sets and Panoply power sets are Motes.
discussed in more detail in Chapter 3: Powers, SFX,  Purchasing Motes with XP (see below).
and Limits. Sample power sets for NPCs and
adversaries can be found in Chapter 8: Antagonists. Motes can normally be used in the following ways
before you roll:
 Add an extra die from a category you’re already
Specialties using (like using a second Specialty).
 Create a stunt based on one of your Power Sets
After choosing Exaltation, Power Sets, or Specialties.
Distinctions, and so on, a character should choose  Activate an SFX that requires Motes.
his Specialties. An important consideration is that  Add your own stress to an applicable roll, then
Specialties generally represent areas of intense focus step that stress up after the roll is resolved. (Your
for the character, rather than just being “known opponent cannot use that stress in his roll if you
skills,” as some other games have. A player should use this option.)
only choose a Specialty if he considers it a core
element of his character’s personality or skills, rather Motes can normally be used in the following ways
than just trying to be good at everything. A good after you roll:
starting amount of Specialties is four Specialties at  Add another die to your total.
Expert (d8), or two at Expert (d8) and one at Master  Add another effect die. Extra effect dice cannot
(d10). be used to inflict stress multiple times on the
same target in the same roll.
 Activate an SFX that requires Motes.
Motes  Activate an opponent’s opportunity to create a
d10 stunt for your next roll that follows
narratively from the attack (or a d8 if you can’t
Motes are the power that fuels an Exalt’s charms,
tie it into a Power Set or Specialty).
as well as the power of his spirit given form.
 Activate an opponent’s opportunity to create a
Everything in Creation is made of Motes, but only
resource based on one of your Specialties, which
certain beings can utilize the raw Motes present in
is stepped up and lasts until the end of the
nature for their own ends. In the context of Cortex
current Scene.
Plus, Motes are also the resource that allows a player
to activate his character’s most powerful abilities,

 If you make a successful reaction, you may healing, mental trauma represents major
activate an opponent’s opportunity by spending a psychological damage, and social trauma represents
PP to counterattack. A counterattack inflicts being disgraced and humiliated in a major way
stress or a complication on your attacker or among your peers.
creates an asset equal to your effect die. If a character’s trauma is ever increased past d12,
the character is out of the game. Having physical
Purchasing Motes with XP trauma past d12 means the character is killed.
A player can spend his gained XP on Motes to Mental trauma past that point represents someone
enhance himself. This benefit temporarily boosts his that has lost all higher mental faculties and can no
Mote pool at the cost of spending his accumulated longer think or act. Such intense social trauma
XP. A player can spend XP on a one-for-one basis to means such a complete loss of confidence,
acquire Motes at any time. These Motes are just like reputation and self-esteemed that the character no
those gained from other sources. longer has the ability to interact with others.
Complications operate similarly to stress, but bear
a specific name linked to the situation at hand. For
example, a sorcerer casting a spell to cover an area
Stress and Complications with sticky webbings inflicts a complication called
Webbed, on his targets while a brawler might inflict
Inflicting physical, mental or emotional stress on a Grappled complication on the wrestler she’s
an opponent is the most common use of an effect dueling against. Just like stress, if a target ever has a
die. The stress becomes attached to the opponent if complication that exceeds d12, that target is knocked
the action is successful. If a target would take stress out of the scene, but suffers no trauma.
and already has some, it becomes the size of the Actions can target complications in order to
effect die, if the effect die is higher; otherwise, it is decrease or remove them from play. The active player
stepped up. The stress die is added to the dice pool rolls against an appropriate pool for the opposition
of anyone opposing the stressed character if the (or the doom pool if there is no active opposition)
action or reaction described would benefit from it. plus the complication die. If the effect die equals or
Exalted: Blood and Fire uses four kinds of stress: exceeds the size of the complication, it is eliminated.
 Physical Stress. The most common type If the effect die is smaller, the complication is
represents wounds and other injuries (strains, stepped back. Complications are also removed if they
exhaustion, etc.) inflicted as part of combat. no longer make narrative sense.
 Mental Stress. Mental attacks, concentration-
disrupting effects, and attacks against sense of
self all inflict mental stress.
 Emotional Stress. When trying to convince
someone of your cause, attacking their sense of
During the first Transition Scene after an Action
well-being, intimidating them, or applying social
Scene, non-limit stress automatically steps back.
pressure, inflict emotional stress.
Heroes may also make recovery rolls to reduce them
 Limit Stress. This special form of stress cannot
further. Heroes may use their action during a
be inflicted by attacks, does not recover on its
Transition Scene to recover their own or another
own, does not stress out characters, and does not
hero’s stress. Heroes may not recover their stress
act as a penalty to a character’s rolls except in
during an Action Scene unless they have an SFX that
very specific circumstances. See the Limit Break
specifically allows it.
section for more information.
To recover stress, the hero assembles an
appropriate dice pool to recover. Heroes recovering
If stress on a target is increased past d12, the target
their own physical stress almost always use their
is considered stressed out. The target can no longer
Stamina. Heroes helping to recover another’s
act in the scene, and gains d6 trauma of that type, or
physical stress use the Medicine Specialty, along with
steps up existing trauma if it exists. Physical trauma
other applicable powers. Recovering your own or
represents long-term injuries that have difficulty

another’s mental stress may require the use of magic, action in a cool narrative way, tied to one of his
or specific kind of counseling with healing or Powers or one of his Specialties.
diplomacy. Recovering your own or another’s While all characters in Cortex Plus have to
emotional stress usually involves the use of describe how they justify their dice pool, a stunt goes
diplomacy or performance in order to rally. a step beyond this. Instead of just saying “I’m using
To roll to try and recover stress, assemble a dice my Enhanced Strength to punch him,” a player
pool as normal, opposed by the doom pool plus the might describe bull-rushing his enemy, body
stress die to be recovered. If your effect die is equal checking him, then grabbing him by the belt and
or greater than the stress, it is eliminated. If it is less, flinging him into a nearby wall.
the stress is stepped back one step (or removed if it is A character can get a push by either spending 1
d4). If the roll fails, the GM may spend a doom die Mote or giving a good description of his actions that
to step up the stress, or inflict a related complication links to his Powers or Specialties. If he does both,
for the next Scene (i.e. Ankle Sprain d8). then he gains a d8 instead.
Some SFX help recover stress during an Action A character can spend 1 Mote to activate a GM
Scene by specifying that they require a Mote and an opportunity to enhance a stunt on his next turn.
effect die. This only works on a successful action (not Since he already spent a Mote, the stunt begins at
a reaction), and the effect die you use is compared to d8; if he gives a good narration of the action, it
your existing stress as described above. Some SFX increases to d10.
only require a Mote to heal stress, without using an
Trauma steps back by one at the beginning of each
Act, and you may roll to reduce it during a
Transition Scene with appropriate care. Assemble a
recovery pool as above. If the recovery action
succeeds and the effect die is equal to or larger than
the trauma die, step it back by one. If the recovery
action succeeds but the effect die is smaller than the
trauma die, the situation remains stable. If the
recovery action fails, the trauma die is stepped up by

Stunts, Assets and Resources

Stunts, assets, and resources are all means by which

a player character can gain bonus dice for his actions.
Each of them has a different trigger condition for
gaining the bonus die, and a player character can
include one of each in his dice pool if he has them
available and if they apply to the current roll

A Stunt is an effort beyond the normal bounds of
a character’s strength, pushing himself beyond his
limits. At the lowest level, a character can always
spend 1 Mote to add d6 to his pool. This minimum-
effort stunt is called a push. A character can gain the
same benefit as a push by simply describing his

Assets control over the story of the game, as they are able to
An asset is created by using an effect die as part of define certain aspects about the situation.
your action, and represents a temporary bonus that For example, instead of a thief asking if he knows
carries a risk in making it. Examples include crafting somebody in town, he spends 1 Mote and declares
an experimental potion, summoning a demon while he has an underworld contact in town based on his
being assaulted by archers, or tossing your ally right Larceny Expert Specialty, which both grants him an
at a behemoth’s face. Once created, assets usually last opportunity to talk in character with the contact and
for one or two actions. You can, however, spend a gives a d6 resource on any related rolls.
Mote to extend their duration to the end of the Of course, that doesn’t apply for risky gambits. If
Scene. the same thief were wanted for trumped-up crimes by
When you create an asset, you decide who receives a corrupt magistrate in town, he’d have to roll to
the benefit of it. If it would be appropriate, you can create an asset in the Scene to get the same contact,
spend a Mote to apply the asset to an additional since there’s an element of risk involved (unless of
character. course, the magistrate rolls opportunities, allowing
In certain cases, the GM may rule that assets may the thief to create that resource).
be stepped up in much the same way complications Example resources are discussed in the individual
can be. In rare situations, the assets may even be Specialty descriptions (see Chapter Four: Specialties).
stepped up past d12 in a way that ends the Scene,
such as the evil cultists making a Dark Sacrifice Ritual
or the heroes Getting the Heck Out of There. All such Example of Play:
cases should be integral parts of Scenes or
established as feasible before setting up the first
The Battle for Mishaka
action roll.
Sunset is coming in the East. The walled city of
Mishaka has seen many terrors since being the site of
Resources the last—and bloodiest—conflict in the war with the
Resources are those aspects that heroes can call Realm almost two decades ago. The fragile peace and
upon to help them when they have the time, drawing slow rebuilding is now endangered by a new force of
on their training from Specialties. They represent evil: the undead armies of the Mask of Winters!
situations where the hero wants to generate a Red Lion, the Undefeated of the East, is one of the
beneficial effect, but where failure or risk doesn’t Solar Exalted, a Dawn Caste warstrider pilot and
come into play. burgeoning martial artist. He travels with his Lunar
During a Transition Scene, a hero may spend 1 mate, Venomous Spur of the No-Moon Caste, a
Mote to generate a resource from one of their genesis-crafter and social engineer. The two of them
Specialties. An Expert Specialty makes a d6 resource, wander from place to place in Red Lion’s royal
while a Master Specialty makes a d8 resource. The warstrider, The Lion’s Roar, fighting injustice and
resource lasts through the current Scene and until taking the side of the weak and innocent. Seeing
the end of the next one, and can be extended an Mishaka’s current plight, they have agreed to protect
additional scene by spending a Mote when the the city from a legion of the damned for little more
resource would run out. Resources can also be made than a bowl of rice and a grudging thank you.
during an Action Scene by activating an opponent’s Unfortunately for the side of the heroes, The Lion’s
opportunity, in which case it only lasts until the end Roar was taken out in a recent battle with a
of the current Scene. behemoth and Venomous Spur hasn’t managed to
Resources also provide information, allies, or other repair the thing yet. Red Lion is just going to have to
ways to move the adventure along. Resources rely on his raw strength and courage to carry the day
shouldn’t take the place of encounters or other against the limitless hordes of the damned—all in a
situations where the play is interesting, but instead day’s work for one of the Solar Exalted!
are an easy way for a hero to be creative with their The scene opens up with Red Lion and Venomous
abilities in a tangible way. It gives players greater Spur sallying forth at the vanguard of the armies of

Mishaka, trying to push back an attack by the as a guardian beast that protects her from harm
undead armies occupying the plains around the city. (Minions d10); she chooses to split Minions d10 to
The Clash of Armies is a Scene Distinction, as is the 2d8 because one of her SFX allows it. She has no
fact that they are facing Endless Undead Hordes. As Specialties that aid her in combat; fighting really isn’t
long as the latter Distinction remains in play, the her forte! Her total pool is 4d8+1d10; she rolls 5, 4,
GM can add a die to a zombie horde by spending a 3, 3, and 1 (total 9, effect die d8). The GM activates
doom die or create a new horde; spending d6 adds her opportunity, giving her 1 Mote to add d6 to the
d6 to a horde or creates a new “horde” of d6, while doom pool (total 3d6). The zombies manage to tag
d8 adds 2d6, d10 adds 4d6, and d12 adds 6d6. The her, but her partial defense steps back their d6 effect
GM can split this up however he likes. Clearly, die to d4 physical stress. Ven hisses at the painful
stopping the source of these dead men is a crucial but shallow cut.
step! The final Zombie Horde ravages among the
The doom pool is starting at 2d6, since this is a mortals, ripping and tearing. They don’t roll
fairly normal scene, and each of the heroes currently anything because they’re just trying to build the
has 1 Mote because of having spent most of their doom pool and no one is in a position to stop them;
energy in recent battles. they just add their best die (d8) to the doom pool
There are currently three Zombie Hordes bearing (total 3d6+1d8). The GM decides to immediately
down on the two heroes, each a Team 3d6 threat. spend 1d8 to add 1d6 to each of the hordes
Because they’re on the defensive, the GM decides attacking the heroes; they are now each Threat 4d6.
that the Zombie Hordes go first. One of them rushes The mortals slain by zombies rise to fight their
each hero while the third simply ravages the former friends!
battlefield (attempting to increase the doom pool). The GM passes the turn order to Venomous Spur,
The Zombie Hordes are basically identical; they roll who is anxious to get out of the fray and start finding
their Threat 3d6, plus d8 for being Flesh-Eating another solution to their problems. She slips away
Monsters, d8 from Enhanced Strength, and d6 for from the mob fighting her, trying to figure out why
Combat Rookie—a total dice pool of 4d6+2d8. every human that falls rises again on the side of their
The one attacking Red Lion rolls 8, 6, 4, 3, 1, 1. enemies; since she has Occult Master d10, the GM
The two 1s can’t be added for anything and they just tells her that it looks like necromancy—
would be opportunities, except that neither hero can specifically, a ritual that hangs over the battlefield
activate them. The Zombie Horde has a total of 14, like a shroud (i.e., a Scene Distinction). She decides
with an effect die of d8—a pretty good result for to try and use her basic grasp of magic to undo the
shambling corpses! Red Lion now rolls to defend cascade of restless dead.
himself. He is not about to be pushed around by Venomous Spur always has her d10 Exaltation die
mere zombies because he is The Undefeated of the and Mental d10, and in this case being a Former
East. He has a d10 Exaltation die, Physical d10, his Student of the Queen of Fangs helps her with a d8;
Distinction for d8, his Superhuman Durability d10, she is a Sorcery Adept d8 and has Occult Master
and his Close Combat Master d10 (4d10+1d8); he d10, but none of her genesis-crafted beasts can help
rolls 10, 7, 7, 6, and 3, for a total of 17 and d10 her with this. Her dice pool is 3d10+2d8, rolling
effect die. (He wants to save his Mote for later, or against the doom pool; she rolls 7, 5, 4, 3, 2 (total
otherwise he could counterattack.) Red Lion easily 12, effect die d10) versus the doom pool’s 6, 6, 5
fends off the monsters. (total 12, effect die d6). The roll is a tie, but the
The group attacking Venomous Spur rolls 6, 6, 5, acting party wins ties; her effect die is larger than the
4, 2, 2 (total 12, effect die d6). She is a Lunar Exalted size of the Scene Distinction, so she succeeds! Using
(d10 Exaltation) and Physical d8, but none of her her knowledge of geomancy and the Lunar spirit
personal Distinctions help her fight zombies. Instead arts, Venomous Spur manages to rearrange the local
she says that the Clash of Armies Scene Distinction essence flows to stop the wellspring of necromantic
allows her to lure zombies into the swords and spears energy. No more zombie hordes can be added to the
of her mortal allies, tricking them to their scene now that Endless Undead Hordes has been
destruction. She has Enhanced Durability d8, as well

removed. She passes the turn to Red Lion, who has effect die, there is no partial defense); the other loses
had enough of this. a d6 from the d10 effect die, then d6 becomes stress,
Tired of watching mortals suffer needlessly, Red another d6 steps it up and removes a die (d8 stress
Lion’s player asks the GM if it would be a good time removes a Threat die from a d6 Team), leaving
to step up his limit stress since he suffers from a behind another d6 stress. That leaves a Zombie
Compassion flaw; the GM agrees and gives Red Lion Horde 2d6 with d6 physical stress. The zombies
1 Mote to step up his limit stress to d6 (leaving him aren’t doing so well against a child of the
with 2 Motes). He immediately spends 1 Mote to Unconquered Sun.
activate his Dawn Caste SFX; this steps up the effect That was the end of the turn, so Red Lion gets to
die on any reaction roll against physical attacks and pick who goes first in the next round. He picks
on any roll including the Combat, Menace or War himself, intending to mop up the remaining zombies
Specialties. Red Lion declares his intent to strike the and win the day. But the GM has other plans and
ground with such force that the shockwave will rip spends d6 from the doom pool to interrupt Red
through the zombies all around him (Area Attack Lion’s turn. (Since Red Lion has no Reflexes powers,
SFX, which costs another Mote). He includes his d10 any die from the doom pool can be spent to
Exaltation, Physical d10, his Solar Martial Artist interrupt him. The doom pool now stands at 3d6
Distinction for d8, Superhuman Strength d10, and and a new player enters the field.
Weapon d8 from his Solar Hero Style Martial Arts With the mournful sound of a horn in the
power group, as well as his Close Combat Master distance, a black-armored deathknight takes the field,
d10; he is targeting both Zombie Hordes in his rending among the mortals and laying waste to their
immediate vicinity, so Area Attack gives him an extra hopes of an easy victory. He is adding to the doom
7d6 and lets him keep a total of eight effect dice. pool with his first action; he adds d10 (doom pool
That’s a lot of dice (4d10+2d8+7d6), so let’s cut to now stands at 1d10+3d6, so the GM effectively
the chase and say that he gets a total of 14 with effect traded a d6 and the new NPC’s first action for a
dice of d10, d8, and six d6; Red Lion rolled a single d10).
1, so the GM gives him 1 Mote to add d6 to the “I am the Mirror of Time Without Reflection!” he
doom pool (total 4d6). declares. “Deathknight in service to the Mask of
One horde gets a total of 7 with d8 effect die; the Winters! I am the reaper of the harvest and you will
other gets a total of 9 with d6 effect die. Red Lion’s fall like wheat!”
total gives him an extraordinary success over both “Who’s this idiot?” Red Lion asks his mate.
groups, so he can step up one of his effect dice “Be careful, Red Lion,” the enigmatic Lunar warns.
against each; his caste SFX allows him to step up “I’ve heard of these Abyssals before, and they’re
another (not all of them—just one of them per roll). tougher than most of your opponents.”
He chooses to step up three of the d6 effect dice (one “I look forward to the challenge!” the Dawn Caste
for each Team, plus one for the SFX), for final effect announces, ready to take his next attack.
dice of d10, four d8, three d6. One group of zombies Unfortunately, the Abyssal passes off the next action
is totally wiped out (4d8 takes out its 4d6 completely, to the remaining zombie hordes.
and since all of the dice are at least equal to their d8 The battle continues!


“The true object of all human life is play. Earth is a task garden; heaven is a playground.”
—G.K. Chesterton

Character Creation Essence

A character’s Essence die always depends on his
character type.
Character creation in Exalted: Blood and Fire is
Heroic mortals, god-blooded, ghost-blooded, and
simple. Just follow these steps:
other non-Exalted heroes have Essence d6 and
 Come up with a character concept—think about
cannot go above Essence d8.
who your hero was before Exaltation, and what
Dragon-Blooded, Alchemical Exalted, Liminal
kind of Exalted he has become.
Exalted, and other kinds of Terrestrial Exalted start
 Note your Essence die—this is generally d8 or
with Essence d8 and cannot go above Essence d10.
d10 for starting characters.
Solar Exalted, Lunar Exalted, Sidereal Exalted,
 Assign your Attributes: d10, d8, d6; or d8, d8, Abyssal Exalted, Infernal Exalted, and other kinds of
d8. Celestial Exalted start with Essence d10 and can go
 Write three Distinctions: Caste, Trouble, and up to Essence d12.
another one of your choice. Increasing Essence should always be a major
 Create a Charms power set following the decision for a character, since it usually represents an
guidelines for your Exalt type. overall and significant jump in personal power.
 Create a Panoply power set following the
guidelines for your Exalt type, if you have one at Attributes
character creation. Attribute dice are always assigned the same way: a
 Choose Specialties: this will normally be three at character can have d10, d8, and d6, or d8 in all three
Expert, or one at Master and one at Expert, but Attributes.
can be different depending on your Exalt type
and character idea. Specialties
A given character’s skill level is related to his
character type.
Character Creation in Depth Heroic mortals and other non-Exalted heroes have
3d8 to spend on Specialties. They may split 1d8 into
The general method of character creation in 2d6—and indeed are encouraged to so, since non-
Exalted: Blood and Fire might be summed up as “pick Exalted characters cannot default to d6 for a
what you think is right to play the character you Specialty die.
want, including a discussion with the GM.” Terrestrial Exalted have 4d8 to spend on
Some players and GMs find this freeform method Specialties. They may exchange 2d8 for 1d10, but
of assigning traits and abilities to be unsatisfying or they cannot start with more than one Specialty at
even confusing. This section exists to give more Master level.
specific guidelines about the numbers involved in Celestial Exalted have 5d8 to spend on Specialties.
“balanced” character creation. They may exchange 2d8 for 1d10, and they are not

limited on the number of Master Specialties they can their lives as normal humans. Most Exalted aren’t
start with. prepared for the Second Breath, and even those that
somehow are don’t necessarily deal with it that well.
Power Sets So: who were you, before you were someone
Heroic mortals and non-Exalted characters have important? Also, where do you come from?
only one power set—either Charms (for having
magical ancestry) or Panoply (for having exceptional 3. What were the circumstances of your Exaltation?
gear or special allies). They have 3d8 to spend on Exalting is the most important moment in a mortal’s
their power set, which must include one Limit. An life up to that point. It can be nearly maddening, or
SFX costs 1d8 to acquire, and they may split 1d8 sublimely comforting; violent as a storm or peaceful
into 2d6 for powers. as enlightenment. Every Exalt type has different ways
Terrestrial Exalted begin play with both a Charms of Exalting, and every individual has a slightly
power set and a Panoply power set. They have 5d8 to different way that it happened.
spend on Charms, which always includes the
Exhausted Limit. They may take one additional Limit 4. How long have you been Exalted? And how old
to add 1d8 to their power allotment. An SFX costs are you?
1d8 to acquire; they may split 1d8 into 2d6 for Solars generally haven’t been Exalted more than five
powers or exchange 2d8 for 1d10, but they cannot years at most, and it’s more likely that they’ve only
start with more than one d10 level power. had their Exaltation for a few months or a year. After
Terrestrials also have 3d8 for their Panoply group; you Exalt, though, you basically stop aging, so it’s
this power set has one Limit for each power group possible that you’re older than you look.
the player assigns.
Celestial Exalted have 8d8 to spend on their 5. How has your life been since Exalting?
Charms power set and 3d8 to spend on their The simple answer might be awesome, but it might
Panoply power set. They may split 1d8 into 2d6 or not be the most honest one. Most Exalted are
exchange 2d8 for 1d10, and they have no restriction considered Anathema in the modern world, demons
on the number of powers they may possess at d10. A pretending to be human, and even a person’s friends
Celestial may also spend 1d8 from his Charms power and family might turn on them once they start
set to add 1d8 to his Panoply power set. Like other glowing and speaking in tongues.
Exalted, they start with the Exhausted Limit as part of
their Charms power set, and they may take one 6. What motivates you?
additional Limit to gain 1d8 for their powers; they This question is about your reasons for getting up in
have one Limit per power group in Panoply. the morning, putting on your armor, and walking
out into a world that largely hates you. Do you want
to make the world a better place for others? Or just
Character Questions for yourself and your loved ones? Do you want to
rule? Or just avoid being ruled? And what grand
When making a character, answering the following plans have you laid?
questions can be very useful for you.
7. What are your goals?
1. What do you look like? What are you willing to do to get what you want?
This is pretty self-explanatory. Also note how you What would you sacrifice? What wouldn’t you?
dress, distinguishing features, etc. As a game based
heavily around anime and wuxia, being cool-looking 8. How has power changed you?
is nearly as important as actually being cool. Your character, born mortal, now commands vast
power. How have you reacted? Do you believe your
2. What was your life like before Exaltation? power gives you the right to rule those around you?
Nobody is born Exalted. Even Dragon-Bloods, whose
powers are hereditary, live the first decade or two of

9. In what do you put your faith? Generally, the difference between Action and
As the Chosen, you know that the gods are there, Transition Scenes is that Action Scenes use turn-by-
and at least one of them has a personal interest in turn dice rolls to highlight over-the-top action
you. But do you worship that god? Other gods? Or sequences, while Transition Scenes normally only
do you only have faith in your sword and strong allow each character one action involving dice rolls
right arm? during the whole scene.
One of the GM’s main powers with the doom pool
10. Who do you love, and who do you hate? is the ability to separate or reunite characters by
Do you still love a family that despises you as a spending doom dice. The GM can spend any doom
demon? Do you hate someone you’ve never even die to separate a character from the group, effectively
met? More generally, what sort of things do you like removing him from the scene, or to bring him back
and dislike? into the current scene. The GM can do this with any
number of characters at once by spending one doom
die for each character, but the GM cannot use this
Scenes and Time ability to simply end a scene (that requires spending
2d12 from the doom pool). Moving characters
between scenes must also be narratively justified
Cortex Plus Heroic divides up time in-game into
(such as a trapdoor that drops one character into an
scenes. A scene may be designated as an Action
underground tunnel, or a labyrinth of mirrors that
Scene or a Transition Scene. Action Scenes can
gradually splits the group up).
further be divided into Combat Scenes and Tension
Scenes, while Transition Scenes can be Exploration
Scenes or Social Scenes.

Action Scenes bad guy. The more heroes have to deal with at the
same time, the more exciting and intense a Scene
Action Scenes feature action-heavy moments, becomes. Battling Abyssals while the heroes must
usually against opponents trying to physically hurt dismantle a Doomsday Clock that sends earth-
your heroes. Action Scenes can also be used in times shattering shockwaves when it acts makes for an epic
when timing matters, since these scenes operate in confrontation beyond just facing armed foes.
action order. These can be Combat Scenes or
Tension Scenes, if you care to distinguish between Tension Scenes
them. Tension Scenes are like Combat Scenes in that
At the start of an Action Scene, the GM there is an action order in which the heroes and
determines who acts first depending on how the opposition are expected to take turns performing
action has begun in the Scene or other situational those actions, but those actions rarely involve any
elements. After a character has taken an action, the physical violence. A Tension Scene instead is useful
player (or GM) controlling it chooses who goes next, when time is crucial to the completion of a task, or
until every character has acted in a round. Whoever when opponents are squaring off and deciding
goes last in a round may determine who goes first in whether or not a physical battle is worth their time.
the next round (including themselves). Generally, the start of a Tension Scene involves the
Anyone can interrupt the action order by spending introduction of a timer die. This die starts off as
1 Mote (if a player) or a doom die (if the GM). When large as the smallest die in the doom pool (so usually
the GM spends a doom die to interrupt, it must be d6), but the GM can spend a higher die from the
at least as high as any Reflexes possessed by the doom pool to make the tension build faster. The
interrupted character. Only one interruption can timer die acts as the opposition to the players,
occur, and the interrupting character determines growing or shrinking as they act. The timer die has
who goes next in the action order as normal. an action order, and it cannot act first in the first
round of the Scene (though the GM can spend
Combat Scenes doom dice to interrupt players after the first action,
The GM’s job is to frame the Combat Scene. This as normal).
includes setting the Scene’s location, situation, and When the timer die “acts,” it increases a step.
everything that the heroes can see: threats like When it goes past d12 it turns into 2d12, then those
opponents, traps or tricks, and any Scene dice are added to the doom pool and the GM
Distinctions. immediately spends them to end the Scene. Any
Once that all is laid out, the action begins. As the hero can take an action to step back the timer die by
GM, you choose who acts first based on how you rolling against the doom pool plus the timer die. On
framed the scene. If the heroes got the drop on the a success, if the hero’s effect die is at least as large as
enemies, you probably select one of them to go first, the timer die, it steps back twice (minimum d4); if
especially if one hero had been scouting ahead. If the the hero’s effect die is lower, it steps back by one. On
enemies have the upper hand, choosing one of them a failure, the die is unaffected, but the GM can take
to go first is probably best. the chance to introduce trouble to the Scene.
From there, the action order continues. The GM Usually, a Tension Scene includes a goal of some
can spend doom dice to interrupt the action order sort. If the goal is simply to escape from a threat or
with one of his threats in order to keep the heroes end a static challenge, the timer die can be reduced
on their toes. Spending doom dice to introduce new to 0, removing it from play. However, a Tension
threats in the middle of the action order can also Scene usually involves a more complicated challenge,
prevent a Combat Scene from going stale. such as removing a Scene Distinction before the
Remember that not all combats need to end with timer “runs out,” or removing discrete groups of
one side dead. Other objectives in the Scene, such as NPCs from the Scene before something terrible
trying to obtain, destroy, or protect something make happens to them.
sure that there are multiple tasks to worry about
beyond just trying to unload your best attacks on the

Transition Scenes
Environmental Distinctions
Transition Scenes involve the characters moving Exploration Scenes do not usually feature
from place to place, engaging in social interaction, or monsters, NPCs, or other similar traits and
dealing with quiet moments between high drama. complications. They can have Environmental
Transition Scenes can be designated as Exploration Distinctions. Such Distinctions represent elements
Scenes or Social Scenes if you wish to do so. specific to the Scene that remain valid as long as
Generally, each character can take one action during Exploration Scenes are carried out in the same
a Transition Scene. general area. For example, an Exploration Scene set
Heroes may take the following actions during a in a dark forest could have Light Absorbing
Transition scene: Shadows. Similarly, a Scene set in a large city could
 Roll to recover your own or another’s stress or be Very Noisy.
trauma. Environmental Distinctions can only be used by
 Roll to recover a long-term complication. the GM when making rolls against the actions of
 Make a resource by spending 1 Mote. heroes. Thus, it mostly means rolling an extra d8 or
d4 with the doom pool. As usual, if the GM uses a
 Roll to create an asset for another character.
Distinction as a d4, the doom pool grows by a d6 or
its lowest die is stepped up. Heroes can’t use them in
their dice pool; they need to rely on their own
Exploration Scenes Distinctions. Like all Distinctions, the GM can only
use one per roll.
Heroes often move through uncharted territory. For example, the heroes are navigating through a
They have to cut through dangerous wilderness, desert to find the lost tomb of a long forgotten desert
navigate dark ruins or try to find the hideout of a king. The Scene has an Environmental Distinction
cult in a large city. Such events are usually run called Sandstorm. The GM could decide to either
through Exploration Scenes. Whenever the heroes add a d8 to his doom pool roll as a reaction to the
must perform some sort of journey where the explorer’s Exploration roll. Conversely, if the party
outcome has an element of uncertainty to it, you builds a Sand Sailing Ship asset to ride the
should set an Exploration Scene to handle it. What Sandstorm, the GM could choose to use the
the actual journey is can be as simple as getting Sandstorm as a d4 Distinction and add a d6 to the
around a ruined castle or as complex as catching an doom pool.
urchin thief in a crowded metropolis.
Exploration Scenes provide a simple and
straightforward way to represent characters
exploring, mapping, and possibly finding trouble on
Running Exploration Scenes
the way to the next significant scene in an adventure.
When you run an Exploration Scene, you first
They act as segues between other types of Scenes,
describe the initial situation to players and then
although they present active and dynamic challenges
identify, when possible, the expected destination or
by themselves.
objective of the Scene. If the Scene covers unspecific
In essence, an Exploration Scene requires one of
exploration to the next point of interest, like
the party’s heroes to perform an Exploration roll. If
exploring lost ruins, just tell the players that a
that roll is successful, the party gets to proceed to the
successful roll will bring them to a Scene that will
expected destination or to the discovery of the next
push the story forward in a significant way.
“interesting” element of the adventure. Additionally,
Once this is done, each hero may take one action
the successful hero gets to create an asset that will
during the entire Scene:
serve in the following Scene. If that roll leads to a
failure, the GM has the opportunity to create trouble  A hero may roll to recover from stress or do so
for the party, including sending them somewhere for another member of the party.
they weren’t expecting or planning to go to.  Make an Exploration-based asset to help another
character resolve the Exploration Scene; the roll

is made against the doom pool plus any
Environmental Distinction (see below) the GM
decides to use.
 Make an Exploration-based resource by spending
a Resource.
 Roll to resolve the Scene, see below.

The Exploration Roll

As stated above, resolving an Exploration Scene
requires a character to take lead to resolve it. That
player builds his exploration dice pool and rolls
against the doom pool plus any Environmental
Distinctions, complications, etc. you may decide to
On a success, the characters find where they must
go and (most likely) make their way there. You then
provide an initial description of the next Scene so
the lead player can use the roll’s effect die to create a
useful asset. That means the party can exploit the
situation to their advantage by gaining a particular
edge over whatever challenge awaits them in the next
Scene. As usual, that asset can be maintained from
Scene to Scene by spending 1 Mote if it makes sense
to do so, but the entire party gains the benefit of an
exploration asset if applicable (rather than just one
Examples of such assets are:
 Get the drop on any monsters awaiting at the
destination (Ambush)
 Finding Perfect Cover
 “Hey, there’s a Secret Door Here”
 Finding a Convenient Piece of Gear on the way

Of course, even the best of trackers can lead their

mates through patches of trouble on the best of days.
On a successful exploration roll, a GM is allowed to
add elements of trouble to the scene. He must,
however, spend an additional dice from the doom
pool that is at least the same size as the lead player’s
effect dice before doing so.
On a failed exploration roll, something definitively
goes wrong for the heroes. You have several options
to cause trouble. First, you get to send the heroes to
any Scene of your choice: an ambush, into the lair of
a ravenous predator, or straight into a cursed temple.
Additionally, you get to use the effect dice of your
roll do any of the following:

Inflict Stress  The hostile environment might make a hero
Heroes get hurt all the time when they explore. Dehydrated, Sunstroked, or even Delirious
You can use your effect die to inflict any kind of
stress on a hero. This stress should usually be You can also choose to inflict a complication that
physical or mental in nature, although a really bad affects the whole party. In such cases, phrase the
failure could lead to hero suffering emotional stress complication so that it clearly can affect more than
from abject humiliation once in a while. one hero. Here are examples for such complications:
You should apply that stress to the hero most likely  Any kind of repeating traps, like Dart Throwers
to be affected depending on the Scene’s context, and Essence Bolt Launchers
quite often the one who took the lead to resolve the  Beastmen snare the whole party in a net trap,
Scene. It could, however, hit a straggler or a making them Entangled
distracted hero.  The party’s lateness has caused a Major Scandal
The stress you inflict on a hero should come from in the god-king’s court.
a typical type of “fire and forget” threat. Static traps
are a good example; heroes of classic adventures fall Add Trouble to a Scene
in pit traps, get sliced by scything blades, and are hit Finally, you can also decide to assign the effect die
by runes of eldritch powers that befuddle the mind to the next Scene directly by stepping up any Scene
all the time. It can also represent getting mauled by a traits or those of monsters or NPCs that populate it.
jungle cat, becoming confused because of Don’t forget that a failed Exploration is also a great
dehydration, or suffering from massive sunstroke. Be occasion to spend a die from the doom pool to
sure to describe how heroes get hurt to properly separate the party. Thus, you could send the heroes
convey the dangers of the environment they are into two different Scenes.
trekking through.
Note that heroes can’t attempt to recover from that
stress until they start the following Scene. Social Scenes
Create Complications A hero’s life isn’t confined to the exploration of
Injuries can be the least of worries for adventurers
lost ruins, uncovering strange rituals, and battling
trying to reach their destination. Trouble can take
countless creatures. Events and schemes are afoot in
nearly endless forms and you should relish the
and outside of the dungeons that may sweep the
occasion to make the lives of the heroes harder. You
heroes up and send them into the kind of trouble
can use your effect die from a failed exploration roll
that swords and spears can’t solve in a satisfactory
to inflict a complication based on the context of the
exploration Scene. Complications are a great
From negotiations with rival factions of a decadent
channel to bring the dangers of your adventuring
city to trying to convince the king that his daughter
environment to life.
did not elope with the party’s scoundrel, Social
This type of complication comes into play at the
Scenes present challenges that require an approach
start of the next Scene.
that require leaving one’s daiklave at the door. On
You can choose to inflict the complication to a
the other hand, the mere presence of a fearsome
single hero, much like detailed above when inflicting
weapon can be a very convincing argument in some
stress. You should pick a complication that
forms of arguments.
represents the threats of the environment. Be as
Like Exploration Scenes, Social Scenes can also
evocative as you can. Here are but a few examples:
allow heroes to recuperate from the trials and
 Poisonous Bites that wrack a hero with tribulations of their adventures. Whenever heroes
excruciating pain need to recover from stress and trauma, you can
 Slowed or Partially Blinded by a magical trap stage a Social Scene where they rest and recuperate.
 Sprained Ankle (or Fractured Arm) from falling The archetypal night encampment Scene is one
in a pit such example. Similarly, such Scenes are used
whenever heroes want to tap into their Specialties in

order to create resource assets to help them face the Scene Distinctions
next challenge. Of course, much like Exploration, a
Social Scene can be staged where both recuperation
A Scene Distinction acts like a normal character
and resource/asset creation occurs.
Distinction, except that it describes the nature or
When you frame a Social Scene based on recovery
character of the scene. In the absence of a suitable
and resource creation, each hero usually gets to do
character Distinction, the player can choose to use
one action or create one resource before moving on
one of the environmental factors as a help or
to the next Scene. You may allow more if it fits the
adventure and no story elements create pressure to
For example, a martial arts duel in a Narrow
prevent that from happening.
Hallway might be useful as a d8 for a close-quarters
Social Scenes regroup all types of challenges that
grappler because his foe has nowhere to run, but a
require heroes to deal with NPCs through
warrior relying on broad, sweeping sword strokes
negotiations, arguments, duel of wits, and other
might instead choose to use it at d4 to represent his
confrontations that require tapping into social skills.
combat style being hampered by the environment.
Social Scenes can be used for many types of
Scene Distinctions can also represent factors the
challenges, for example:
GM can exploit to wreak havoc, thus increasing the
 Negotiating the surrender of a grand villain after
doom pool. If a Scene includes a suitable Distinction
her forces have been defeated
(like Helpless Prisoners or Burning Building), a
 Confront a politician or noble with proof of his villain can choose to use his action to wreak havoc,
schemes to obtain a confession thus adding his effect die directly to the doom pool.
 Perform a riveting, yet patriotic ballad to move a The GM can create a new Scene Distinction by
battle hardened army officer to tears spending at least d10 from the doom pool, or he can
 Outwit an otherworldly creature to force it to change a Scene Distinction's phrasing by spending a
reveal forbidden knowledge d8. This can alter the Oblivious Crowd of Onlookers
 Defend a fellow hero from false accusations from to a Panicked Crowd of Onlookers, or add a Hapless
a scheming merchant Bunch of Mortals Who Stumbled In.
Heroes can remove Scene Distinctions (when
Social Scenes that feature confrontations and appropriate) by making a roll against the doom pool.
Combat Scenes are similar in many aspects. Both On a success, the Scene Distinction is removed. On
type usually feature heroes trying to beat a challenge an extraordinary success, the Scene Distinction can
by stressing out opponents or inflicting sufficient be renamed by the heroes into something more
complications to take them out. In the case of Social beneficial. On a failure, however, the GM can add or
Scenes, the heroes usually do so by inflicting step up a d6 to the doom pool.
emotional stress and applying complications that A Scene Trait is essentially just an Asset that has
implicate the opposition’s status, reputation, and already been created by the GM to spice up a scene.
beliefs to name a few. Any character can use a Scene Trait, but it goes away
While a Social Scene is usually a Transition Scene after a single use. Examples of Scene Traits might
(when resting or creating resources), it can instead be include Teetering Bookshelf d6 (which can be knocked
an Action Scene, one in which the ebb and flow of onto foes), Hole in the Ground d8 (which someone can
“combat” has been replaced by social jousting and be pushed into), and so on.
verbal sparring. The GM will determine which is
more appropriate when the Scene begins.


“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.”
—Abraham Lincoln

Powers GM to determine how your powers work as well as

what they are rated at.
Power traits describe the martial, magical, and
other abilities used by heroes and GM characters.
They are added to a dice pool when they benefit or Power Sets and Power Groups
support the action being taken. Whether they’re
appropriate to the situation or not is up to the Power sets are groups of powers, SFX, and Limits
narration of the situation. If the players and GM that combine to form a picture of a character’s
agree on its usage, one can be added to an action or overall abilities and potential. Generally, no
a reaction’s dice pool. character can have more than two power sets “active”
The strength of power traits is represented by its at one time, and most characters will never have
die value, from d6 to d12. A d6 power is the weakest more than two available to pick from. Most player
power available, the Trained rank, representing the characters have the same two kinds of power sets:
human average range of power, or an unusual ability Charms and Panoply.
at a weak level. A d8 power trait is Enhanced rank, Charms represent a character’s innate magical and
distinctly above the norm for humans. A d10 power spiritual potential, manifested through their training,
is Superhuman, and few heroes and creatures possess while a character’s Panoply is the sum of his exterior
abilities more powerful than that. A d12 power is sources of power, such as gear and equipment, allies
Godlike, the topmost level of performance possible, and minions, and exterior kinds of training like
able to rival the powers of the Incarnae themselves. martial arts.
While any Exalted type can gain access to any A filled out power set should look something like
number of powers, SFX, and power sets, most this:
Exalted can be broken up into “tiers.” These tiers
define their maximum power levels, barring rare Power Set Name
exceptions. Most Dragon-Blooded characters start  Power trait dX (two to six powers)
with powers in the d6 to d8 range and rarely exceed  SFX (one to five SFX)
d10. Solars, on the other hand, often start with d8 or  Limits (one to three Limits, usually including
d10 powers, and frequently gain powers at d12, with Exhausted)
SFX that allow them to step up or double their
power dice. Even Solars have difficulty attaining the A Panoply power set has an additional
power of Primordials and Incarnae—power generally complication: power groups. A power group is like a
represented by “Large Scale Threats”—but they “mini power set” within the power set, where all the
frequently have the power to challenge and even powers listed in the group come from the same
defeat such beings when working together. source and can be shutdown or removed by a single
Powers can take many forms, even when they have action.
the same power trait; remember to work with your As an example, look at the following power set:

Panoply Power Traits
 Sword of Destiny: Enhanced Durability d8,
Weapon d8
A “power trait” is any special ability represented as
 Tiger Mount: Enhanced Speed d8, Weapon d8 a die value. Power traits can be added to dice pools
 SFX: Deadly Blade. When making an attack with for actions when appropriate. They can be modified
Sword of Destiny, add a d6 and step back the by SFX or shutdown by Limits as determined in the
highest die in your pool to step up physical stress power set.
 SFX: Pounce! Step up or double Weapon in an Attack (Blast or Weapon)
attack using Tiger Mount against a single foe. Generically speaking, an “Attack” power is any
Remove the highest rolling die and keep three power whose primary function is to inflict stress
dice for your total. rather than some other effect. Such powers can still
 Limit: Gear. Shutdown Sword of Destiny to gain be used to inflict complications or create assets, of
1 PP. Recover by taking an action against the course, but such use might require creative thinking
doom pool. on the part of a player. The major difference
 Limit: Ally. Shutdown Tiger Mount to gain 1 PP. between the two is that Blast is meant to be used at
Recover during the next Transition Scene. range, while Weapon is a close-quarters attack;
mechanically, Blast is usually used in conjunction
In this example, you can see that Sword of Destiny with Ranged Combat Specialty and Weapon is
and Tiger Mount are both things that a character normally paired with Close Combat Specialty.
could use to aid him in his dice pools. However, as Blast frequently includes a descriptor of some sort,
they are both part of the same power set (Panoply), such as Fire Blast d8, This power can also be more
only one of them can be used at a time—the player specific in its description, such as naming the
could not use both the sword’s Weapon trait and the weapon being used (i.e., Chopping Sword d6).
tiger’s Weapon trait in the same roll (unless he spent Note: Some SFX refer to “physical attacks.” This
a Mote to add an extra die from the same category). generally means any purely physical form of attack,
Narratively, the character might well be riding the such as punches, swords, and arrows; it does not
tiger while wielding the sword at the same time, but include any attack comprised of mystical energy,
mechanically only one can be used in the dice pool. elemental power, or other unusual forms of attack.
However, because they belong to different power  Attack d6: About as strong as a normal
groups, they must be shutdown separately. The mundane weapon wielded by a competent
character might be disarmed of his sword but still be mortal. Examples: Chopping Sword d6 or
able to call his tiger to fight for him, for example. Hunting Bow d6.
Because the SFX in the set refer to specific groups in  Attack d8: An exceptional weapon, finely crafted
their description, losing access to the group also loses or mildly enchanted. Examples: Short Daiklave
access to a specific SFX; if the Sword of Destiny is d8 or Fire Blast d8.
lost, the character cannot use Deadly Blade.  Attack d10: A truly powerful weapon, capable of
Minor non-player characters rarely include power slaying a man in one shot or causing extreme
groups in their writeup. Their traits will more often
damage to structures. Examples: A named
just be named descriptively, since their power traits
daiklave could be Weapon d10, while a First Age
are usually very minor, like “Sword d6” or “Plate
essence emitter could be Lightning Blast d10.
Armor d8.” Exalted NPCs will almost always have
 Attack d12: A devastating force that virtually
power groups in their Panoply to represent their
none could survive without supernatural aid.
personal gear, though their minions are generally
Examples: The Sword of the Yozis might be
represented by enemy mobs—sorry, heroes.
Weapon d12; an angry gesture from the spear of
Sol Invictus might inflict Light Blast d12.

Durability most powerful supernatural beings—those with
Durability represents being resistant to injury and magical armor, charms, and sheer luck working
harmful effects, often from armor or toughened skin in conjunction—can hope to be this tough. A
and scales, but it can also represent being able to creature this powerful might well only be able to
avoid harm through supernatural luck. This power is suffer harm from a certain type of weapon—or
used almost exclusively in reaction dice pools made even from a specific weapon.
to avoid physical stress. Avoiding mental and
emotional stress is more properly handled by a Elemental Control
Resistance power—indeed, Durability might actually Elemental Control powers represent ability to
be thought of as “Physical Resistance.” manifest or otherwise alter a specific kind of element
Supernaturally high Durability ratings—d8 and into a variety of forms. Elements may also include
above—might allow the character to simply ignore other types of forces, like nature (including plants
harm from weak attacks without the expenditure of and animals), force, necromantic energy, etc.
Motes or doom dice, at the GM’s discretion. After Common elements in Exalted include Air, Earth,
all, a farmer throwing a rock at a Lunar Exalted with Fire, Water, Wood, Light, Darkness, Weather, and
scales as thick as steel plate isn’t likely to be able to similar forces. This power can be used in action or
harm him at all; there’s simply no point rolling dice. reaction dice pools, and it is normally used to create
 Trained Durability d6: This can represent assets or inflict complications (as opposed to Blast,
mundane armor or the kind of toughness which can have the same elemental leanings but is
conferred by a lifetime of training in the mortal used to inflict stress).
martial arts.
 Enhanced Durability d8: This level of power
confers toughened skin and muscle, the ability to
withstand blunt trauma or pain, or even
resistance to the extremes of heat and cold. It can
be granted by exceptional armor, magically
reinforced flesh, or actual scales of some sort.
The GM might allow characters with this level of
toughness to ignore damage from unrated
weapons (such as a farmer throwing a rock).
 Superhuman Durability d10: Someone with this
level of Durability is essentially impervious to
normal weapons; knives and clubs swung by
merely human opponents bounce off of his skin.
Even being hurt is more an inconvenience than
anything else. This might represent fortified
magical armor, the reinforced plating on a
warstrider, supernaturally toughened scales or
shells, or magic that makes flesh as strong as
steel. The GM might make someone this tough
just immune to the effects of non-magical
 Godlike Durability d12: Only the most powerful
magical weapons even have a chance of hurting
such a juggernaut. Almost anyone with this level
of Durability probably also has the Invulnerability
SFX, though this is hardly universal. Someone
this tough can laugh off being shot at point
blank range by an essence cannon. Only the

Traditional telekinesis is uncommon in Exalted, normally used in reaction rolls to avoid physical
but when it does come up it is best represented as a attacks.
form of Element Control—specifically, Kinetic  Intangibility d6: The character can disperse his
Control or just Telekinesis at the player’s preference. physical form very slightly, reducing the impact
 Element Influence d6: This level of ability allows of physical attacks and allowing him to move
a character to perform small tricks with his slowly through highly permeable obstacles, like
powers, such as putting out all the candles in a fences or barred gates. This might also represent
room with Air Influence or starting a campfire the ability to disassemble one’s own body and
by concentration with Fire Influence. The put it back together, allowing limbs and torso to
amount of element controlled is small in scope act independently until rejoining.
(maybe the area of a room) and usually exerts  Intangibility d8: A character with this level of
about as much force as a normal person could, power can make himself essentially fluid at will—
albeit without tools or physical effort. Young or maybe his natural form is fluid. The character
Dragon-Bloods and weak spirits often have this can seep through small holes in obstacles and
level of control. reduce the impact of most physical attacks… even
 Element Control d8: Someone with this power if they seem to splatter him across the scenery.
can exert significant local control over the Water and air elementals are generally this
environment—extinguishing a burning house intangible.
with Fire Control or making it sunny on a  Intangibility d10: Characters with this rating are
specific street when it’s raining with Weather like ghosts, capable of walking right through
Control, for example. Many small gods have this solid matter, even that without seams or gaps.
level of control over elements related to their Only the most magical substances (or the
position, and Dragon-Bloods can control the five character’s personal banes) can keep him out of a
natural elements at this level with ease. location. Most ghosts possess this level of
 Element Mastery d10: Supernatural control of Intangibility when out of the Underworld,
an element to this degree lets the user act on an though they can be blocked by a simple line of
area the size of a large town or small city. The salt or iron.
character could stop a village from being swept  Intangibility d12: Someone at this level of
away in a flood with Water Control or set every Intangibility can become completely out of phase
ship in a harbor alight with Fire Control. with reality, essentially becoming non-existent for
Particularly powerful Dragon-Bloods develop this purposes of everything in Creation. Not even
level of ability, as do strong Terrestrial gods. energy or magic can impede someone this
 Element Supremacy d12: This dramatic level of ephemeral—though they might not be able to do
power grants control over the chosen element anything either, until they become solid again.
across a large city or a region. The character
could make every tree in a forest rise up and fight Intellect
with Wood Control or freeze a lake solid with Intellect is the characteristic of being particularly
Water Control. Only the most powerful and intelligent, wise, cunning, or clever. Characters with
elementally attuned Terrestrial gods could hope the Intellect power think faster than other people, as
for this level of power; generally, only Celestial well as having a greater grasp of “the big picture.”
gods demonstrate this kind of control. This power is normally used in action rolls to create
assets, though it could also be used to inflict or resist
Intangibility mental or emotional stress in certain circumstances.
A character with this power can make himself less  Trained Intellect d6: You are a highly intelligent
solid, able to pass through other matter. This can individual, someone with extensive education or
range from being slightly fluid (like a water a mind that is just naturally prone to thinking
elemental) to being genuinely incorporeal (like a deeply about the universe. You are about as
ghost or non-manifested god). This power is intelligent or insightful as a sage who is an expert
in his field.

 Enhanced Intellect d8: You are extraordinarily visible to others if they focus, he has the
clever, cunning, or smart, able to grasp new ideas equivalent of a stealth field.
quickly and understand them about as well as an  Invisibility d10: Someone with this level of
expert in far less time. You are roughly as smart Invisibility is completely concealed from standard
as a world-class thinker, someone who would be visual observation, and even difficult to notice
highly sought-after by academics; whatever your with magic. The character can move around
area of intellectual expertise, you are an expert without being noticed, leaving no trace of his
among experts. presence. Some magical abilities, such as the
 Superhuman Intellect d10: You are among the power to see essence flows or detect heat, might
great thinkers of the modern world—or perhaps be able to spot the character, depending on
all of history. You can intuitively grasp almost where his power comes from.
any intellectual pursuit and master it in virtually  Invisibility d12: This character is virtually
no time at all. You are the equivalent of any of impossible to detect with any visual sense,
the great minds of history, likely in multiple doesn’t show up to magic, and almost certainly
fields of endeavor and with far less effort than leaves no physical trace of his passage—unless he
any merely human mind. wants to.
 Godlike Intellect d12: You are literally so
intelligent and insightful that no human Mimic
comparison can matter. You can calculate faster This uncommon power allows a character to copy
than the quickest machine intelligence, solve or even steal powers from other characters. It can
scientific problems that centuries of research also represent beings who can spontaneously develop
have determined to be impossible to understand, new powers as the need arises, such as some kinds of
and intuitively grasp advanced theories that no Fae or the dreaded chimera.
one else has even considered. This power is used in action and reaction dice
pools, and it normally requires the character to
Invisibility create an asset with an action to manifest a specific
Invisibility is the power to avoid being seen, power. Depending on the exact nature of the
whether it’s an invisibility spell or an advanced form mimicry, the character might need to touch his
of stealth. This power is normally used in reaction victim or stress them out; in other cases, the
rolls or to create assets. A character with this power character can just develop a power through imitation
might be able to blend in with his background, fade or observation. Some characters with Mimic can only
from the vision or minds of others, or even to copy powers, while others can copy skills, memories,
become transparent. or even identities.
 Invisibility d6: The power blurs or obscures the Mimic’s die rating directly corresponds to the
character’s image. This is sometimes limited to ability of the character to effectively copy or steal
being obscured in mirrors or in situations where another power. Regardless of the power the character
vision is already impaired, such as nighttime or attempts to mimic or the effect die chosen, the scope
in shadows. This could also represent a mental and extent of the copied power is limited by Mimic’s
power that makes you someone else’s problem; die rating. If the character wants to copy or steal
you’re still visible, but people don’t pay attention Flight as a power and only has Mimic d8, he won’t
to you unless you do something to draw their be capable of supersonic flight; his asset to represent
notice. Flight and roll actions or reactions could be d12, but
 Invisibility d8: A person with this power is the actual speed won’t be Godlike.
concealed to a greater degree, such as with This power normally comes along with several SFX
chameleon-like blending or ghost-like and Limits to refine it. Some characters with this
transparency. This can also represent psychic power might also have other powers to support it,
misdirection, like the mental tricks used by some such as Shapeshifting.
mystical assassins. While the character is still  Mimic d6: Can copy others’ powers weakly,
gaining pale reflections of their abilities.

 Mimic d8: Can copy others’ powers competently, soldiers or five to ten minor supernatural beings,
gaining their abilities or slightly dampened such as elementals or demons.
versions.  Minions 5d8: A huge group of moderately strong
 Mimic d10: Can copy others’ powers very well, followers or a medium-sized group of strong
gaining their exact abilities or even improving on creatures. The fifty or so soldiers wandering
them. around with you could be considered a company
 Mimic d12: Can copy others’ powers and use (or small army) at this point, and dragging
them far better than their original owner. around twenty or more elementals, demons, or
Seriously, it’s kind of embarrassing when god-blooded servants makes you a force to be
someone steals your power and is this much reckoned with.
better at it than you are.  Minions 3d10: A good-sized group of powerful
beings. Your minions could be up to a dozen
Minions powerful demons, bound greater elementals, or
This power represents a group of weaker creatures soulless brass automatons.
that fight for the character, like a team threat. The  Minions 4d10: The number and power of your
value of the power is the strength and number of the minions is staggering.
Minions. Some Minions are their own separate
power set, while others are included as part of a
Panoply or Charms. Generally, a specific Minions
power set will include how the character recovers his
minions if they are taken out, but most minions can
be recovered during a transition scene or between
Because Minions are Teams, they have a different
power scale than most other powers. Lower power
levels of minions (in the d4 range) are not
recommended because they are more of a liability
than an aid, while more powerful minions (in the
d12 range) can scarcely be considered minions at all
due to their sheer power.
 Minions 3d6: A small group of weak followers,
such as a squad of five to ten ordinary mortals.
 Minions 4d6: A medium-sized group of weak
followers or a small group of moderately strong
followers. This could be ten to twenty ordinary
mortals or five to ten hardened mortal soldiers.
 Minions 5d6: A vast mob of weak followers or a
medium-sized group of moderately strong
followers. This could be up to fifty ordinary
mortals (though that might cause problems in
deploying them) or up to twenty good soldiers.
 Minions 3d8: A small group of moderately
strong followers, around five to ten elite mortal
soldiers. This can also represent a crowd of weak
supernatural beings, such as zombies or hastily-
crafted automatons.
 Minions 4d8: A medium-sized group of
moderately strong followers, or a small group of
strong minions. This might be ten to twenty elite

Movement Mind Control
Movement powers confer the ability to move This can be direct mind control, possession, or
greater than normal speed or in fashions other than mental puppetry, or it can represent charisma so
the usual for humans. Speed is ground or surface powerful that people wind up agreeing with the
travel, Flight is air travel, and other movement character whether they like it or not. This could also
modes (like Swimming) indicate how fast the be used as Emotion Control, which allows the user
creature can move in that mode. All Movement to manipulate feelings but not the target’s conscious
powers also grant the ability to survive long term in mind. This could also be refined into Plant Control
their appropriate environment. or Animal Control, the ability to compel lesser flora
Some Movement powers, like Leaping, can and fauna to act against their normal nature.
represent extraordinary ability with “mundane” Mind control is usually used in action dice pools to
methods of transport. A Swingline power could create mental or emotional stress or mind control
represent a grappling hook and cable, a spider complications. Mind control complications can be
shooting thin strands of web to dangle from, or just either resisted (with the complication opposing) or
being really good at brachiation on vines. Burrowing obeyed (so the complication doesn’t apply for the
is something that subterranean creatures can do well, roll). If the complication is stepped up above d12,
and some people might well be able to Levitate or the target can no longer resist for the remainder of
Airwalk rather than actually fly. Teleport actually the scene and effectively becomes a minion under
gets its own entry, since it doesn’t represent traveling the control of the character.
so much as crossing distances without actually  Mind Control d6: You can push your target into
moving. doing things he would already be inclined to do,
Movement powers can be used in action or such as starting a fight when angry or making
reaction dice pools. advanced on someone he’s already attracted to.
 Trained Movement d6: Someone with Speed at  Mind Control d8: You can override a target’s
this level can run as fast as the world’s fastest impulse control, remove inhibitions, or provoke
human, but can keep it up basically indefinitely. irrational behavior. You might be able to make a
Flight d6 enables someone to slowly hover brave man break and run, but not a truly fearless
around, about as fast as a human jogging. one. Your powers allow you to amplify the
 Enhanced Movement d8: A character with target’s feelings to an overwhelming degree, or to
Enhanced Speed d6 can run as fast as a horse at plant new feelings where none existed before.
full gallop, and a flying character can move about  Mind Control d10: You can cause the target to
as quickly as a soaring hawk with Enhanced act against his core beliefs for a short time,
Flight d8. though not without him being aware that he was
 Superhuman Movement d10: This incredible manipulated after the fact. More subtly, you
rate allows someone with Superhuman Speed could convince someone that less-destructive
d10 to become nearly a blur, capable of running behavior is entirely their own idea. More grossly,
at speeds of hundreds of kilometers per hour. A you could simply seize control of the target’s
character with Superhuman Flight d10 breaks motor functions and use him as a meat puppet,
the sound barrier when he takes to the sky. screaming inside but unable to defy you.
 Godlike Movement d12: The unimaginable  Mind Control d12: You can completely possess
speeds of a character with Godlike Speed d12 someone’s will, eliminating all trace of resistance
allow him to cross vast distances in very little and permanently altering beliefs and perceptions.
time, such as running from one side of the You can make someone turn against the people
Scavenger Lands to the other in less than a day. they love most, or even turn them into perfect
Someone with Godlike Flight d12 is just as fast, sleeper agents, perfectly willing to murder—or
especially considering their ability to avoid commit suicide—at a word.

Presence combat, he must spend a die at least as large as your
Presence is a character’s social influence in small Reflexes power trait.
groups or in direct one-on-one conversation. It  Trained Reflexes d6: You are slightly quicker
represents charisma, attractiveness, leadership—all than a normal person, but not really enough to
the things that make someone stand out in a crowd. be notable.
Presence is typically used in action pools, generally  Enhanced Reflexes d8: You have two or three
for actions that inflict emotional stress or times the normal human response time and
complications, or to create social assets. hand-eye coordination. Practically speaking, you
In some ways, Presence is like a less invasive Mind can hit a bulls-eye on a target at the edge of your
Control, but it still represents an unnatural level of throwing distance virtually every time. Closer
charisma. Mind Control can compel people to act than that, you can do it with distractions or
against their own nature to serve or please the without looking.
character, while Presence must be combined with  Superhuman Reflexes d10: Your reaction time is
argument or reason in order to convince the target to so fast that it seems to others that you start
act in their own interest—or to convince them that moving before anything is happening. You can
aiding the character is in their own interest. hit a bulls-eye on a target at maximum range with
 Trained Presence d6: You have advanced your eyes closed and in a raging storm. You never
training in rhetoric or speech, making you lose your balance unless something knocks you
roughly as charismatic as a local politician or down.
experienced used-car salesman.  Godlike Reflexes d12: The world around you
 Enhanced Presence d8: You are supernaturally appears to slow to a crawl when you move. You
alluring or compelling, able to sway people to have lightning-fast coordination—actually,
your cause easily. You have roughly the same lightning seems slow compared to you. When
charisma and speaking ability as a national you move, you blur or even vanish to those
politician or a top-notch con artist. without the perceptive abilities to keep up with
 Superhuman Presence d10: You have appeal something as quick as you.
that transcends culture, time, and place, making
you one of the most notable people anyone Resistance
would ever have the luck to meet. You have the Resistance power traits are almost always used in
timeless beauty of a movie star, the speaking reaction dice pools. Resistance powers grant the
power of a demagogue, or the raw charisma of a innate ability to withstand harm or other attack from
world leader—or perhaps all three. a specific type. Mystic Resistance, for example, is the
 Godlike Presence d12: No one who meets you innate ability to reject magic of all kinds, while
can fail to be moved by your appearance or Mental Resistance aids against mind control or
words. emotional influence.
The ability to resist physical harm is covered by the
Reflexes Durability power, rather than Resistance. Outright
Reflexes represent a greater response time, physical immunity to an effect is an SFX, and many
agility, and aim than the average human. The origin characters with Resistance power traits also have
of this ability can be sheer physical speed, incredible such SFX.
training, inhuman luck, or even precognition—after  Resistance d6: You have a bare minimum
all, dodging looks easy when you know where the resistance to a certain effect, but it’s more than
attack is going to be before the opponent makes it. the average person.
This power can be used in action and reaction dice  Resistance d8: Your powers can turn away most
pools. standard attacks of this type. With Poison
Many—but not all—characters with Reflexes also Resistance d8 you never get drunk unless you
have a Movement power, such as Speed. want to, and Disease Resistance d8 makes you
A side benefit of this power is that if the GM wants virtually immune to mundane sickness.
to use the doom pool to interrupt your action during

 Resistance d10: You have substantial defenses Shapeshifting is the ability to alter the way you look
against most attacks of this type. A character with or take on the form of something else you have
Poison Resistance d10 can drink arsenic and experienced, like when a Lunar Exalted shifts into a
only feel a little dizzy. bear. This might be minor feature alteration or
 Resistance d12: You are nearly invulnerable to actual metamorphosis; it can also be physical or
attacks of this type. Disease Resistance d12 illusory.
allows you to walk unscathed through the worst Without another power like Size-Changing, you
plague-ridden slaughterhouses in Creation cannot alter your basic size that much; you might
without fear. rearrange your features or physique, but you always
remain more or less the size of a normal human.
Senses  Shapeshifting d6: You can make minor changed
Senses may be used in action or reaction pools, to your facial features or physical appearance,
though they rarely are used to inflict stress without though not enough to closely mimic anyone in
working with another power trait. Senses are more particular. You might be able to change your
acute, keen, or developed than the average gender at will, grow some minor animal features,
humanoid. or just rearrange your appearance as a disguise.
Sometimes senses are just more powerful version  Shapeshifting d8: You can take on another
of the five senses, and sometimes they are specifically person’s external appearance, fooling most
described. Mystic Senses allow a character to detect onlookers and passing as the person you’re
magical energies and see essence flows, while Life imitating. You might instead be able to change
Sense could let a ghost feel the warmth of the living into animals, taking on their basic characteristics
even without being able to see a person. and outside form.
 Trained Senses d6: You likely have keen  Shapeshifting d10: You can fully shift into
mundane senses or a low-grade additional sense, another physical form, even fooling people with
like Mystic Senses d6 or Life Senses d6. You are heightened senses; magical or supernatural senses
slightly more perceptive than most people. might be able to tell you from the real thing, but
 Enhanced Senses d8: You have an extraordinary only with difficulty. This level of ability might
level of awareness, more like a predatory animal also allow you to turn yourself into an object,
than a human. You might be able to see in the plant, or small terrain feature. You can probably
dark, locate enemies by sound, or taste poison change only part of yourself, but you probably
before getting a full dose of it. can’t combine contradictory features.
 Superhuman Senses d10: Your sensory abilities  Shapeshifting d12: You can become virtually
are truly unnatural, offering incredible levels of anyone or anything you like, fooling even
awareness. You might be able to see through magical senses. For all intents and purposes, you
walls, hear whispering on the other side of a are the thing you’ve become. You can likely even
neighborhood, or determine a man’s identity become combinations or bizarre amalgamations
from footprints and a bit of dirt scuffed from his of other things.
 Godlike Senses d12: You have nearly cosmic Size-Changing
levels of perception, able to glean detailed Size-changing powers may be used in either action
information from the most minute of cues. You or reaction dice pools. These powers allow growing
might be able to unravel a person’s history from or shrinking in size, usually through magic or
their choice of clothing, see a ship at sea from a monstrous ability. They do not grant further abilities
thousand miles away, or hear your name spoken from changing in size, which may be represented
anywhere in Creation. with other power traits like Strength, Durability,
and so on.
Shapeshifting The basic Size-Changing powers are Growth,
Shapeshifting may be used in either action or allowing a character to become bigger, and
reaction dice pools, usually to create assets. Shrinking, allowing a character to become smaller.

For some beings, these powers might actually While Sorcery is primarily used to inflict
represent their permanent sizes, if being that size is complications and create assets, this can still aid in
an advantage for them; otherwise, it’s probably just dealing “direct damage” with magic. A spellcaster can
part of their description or one of their Distinctions. spend an action creating an asset (which is called
Some power sets include limits related to the ways “shaping sorcery” in-game), and then use it as part of
in which being bigger or smaller can be harmful his next dice pool for a stress-dealing attack.
(such as Huge), while some have other powers that  Sorcery Novice d6: A character with this level of
shutdown while one or the other is active. Sorcery is known as a thaumaturge and is not
 Size-Changing d6: At Growth d6, you can bulk considered a true sorcerer. You can achieve the
yourself up slightly; at Shrinking d6, you can equivalent of parlor tricks without preparation,
compress your mass tightly. This doesn’t change nothing more than conjuring floating lights,
your overall height and weight so much as it making coins vanish, or the like.
represents being able to adjust it to slip out of  Sorcery Adept d8: You are an initiate of true
bonds, fit into cramped spaces, or puff up to magic, the Terrestrial Circle of Sorcery
look more menacing. (sometimes called the Emerald Circle). You can
 Size-Changing d8: With Growth d8, you can summon and control mystic forces to create
become double the height of a normal person, constructs, commune with beings in other
growing to nearly fifteen feet tall. Shrinking d8 realms, and bend the laws of reality on a local
allows you to become the size of a doll or a scale.
 Size-Changing d10: A character with Growth
d10 can grow to the size of a building, upwards
of fifty to one hundred feet tall. With Shrinking
d10, you could become the size of a mouse or
large insect.
 Size-Changing d12: With Growth d12, you can
become truly massive, almost a geographic
formation of your own. With Shrinking d12,
you can become so small that you are virtually
undetectable, able to swim through other
creatures’ veins like a virus.

Sorcery is the trained ability to shape magical
forces into tangible magical creations, usually as an
asset or complication. The ability to channel magic
into a direct strike is covered under Magical Blast, or
some similar attack power.
Sorcery may be used in action or reaction pools,
and may not be used to inflict stress (which is often
shown in an accompanied Limit in a Power Set
including it). Almost all characters with Sorcery have
the Limit Utility Magic.
In-game, Sorcery is a powerful and complicated
magical practice that only the dedicated and
obsessive can perfect. Taking this power trait, more
than almost any other, makes certain presumptions
about a character’s personality and abilities.

 Sorcery Mastery d10: You have great mystical poison, and have almost limitless ability to
powers, being an initiate of the Celestial Circle operate at your best effort. If need be, you can go
of Sorcery (or the Sapphire Circle). You can days—maybe weeks, without sleeping.
channel your power into longer lasting constructs
or objects, dispel the magical works of lesser Strength
casters with ease, and change the laws of nature. Strength is muscular power beyond that of the
 Sorcery Supremacy d12: You are one of the rare average human. This is a common power among
masters of the Solar Circle of Sorcery (or the warriors and can represent everything from superior
Adamant Circle). You can draw on your world- physical training to artifact-enhanced musculature to
shattering mystic powers to affect far-reaching the lifting servos of a warstrider.
changes, summon powerful servitors, and As with many power traits, it’s often assumed to
empower mystical objects of frightening strength. just work if nothing is challenging the character or if
using Strength if just part of an action’s description
With rare exception, any power set including (like lifting a huge boulder to throw it at a foe).
Sorcery should include the following Limit: Having great strength in only one limb (such as
 Limit: Utility Magic. A dice pool containing having a magical golden arm) or under specific
Sorcery cannot be used to inflict stress. circumstances (like being in direct sunlight) is
covered by a character’s Limits.
Stamina Strength is almost always used in action dice pools.
Stamina represents increased endurance and  Trained Strength d6: You can burst rope bonds
staying power, as well as recuperative ability and and kick down wooden doors without breaking a
resistance to fatigue or toxins. It is not the ability to sweat.
resist physical damage, which is covered under  Enhanced Strength d8: You can shatter
Durability or Resistance. reinforced doors, burst through a wooden wall,
Stamina is almost always used in recovery dice bend iron bars, or flip a wagon with ease.
pools or in reaction pools against poison or disease-  Superhuman Strength d10: You can lift and
type effects. It can also be used in reaction dice pools throw a fully laden wagon, smash through metal
that target a hero’s endurance or staying power, such and stone, and rip through most barrier like they
as resisting paralysis, sleep, or fatigue. aren’t even there.
 Trained Stamina d6: You are slightly more  Godlike Strength d12: You can throw a stone
resistant to fatigue than usual and able to recover and hit the sky, knock over a building with a stiff
from injuries a little quicker than the average kick, or shatter a mountain with a punch.
person. Missing a night of sleep still makes you
cranky. Stretching
 Enhanced Stamina d8: You have faster than Stretching is the ability to elongate or increase the
normal healing and recuperative abilities, strong length of limbs or other body parts, often to great
resistance to minor diseases, and the ability to distances. In some cases, this is through natural
keep up your best level of effort for an hour or elasticity, while in others it can be through
more. Missing a night of sleep leaves you possessing extra-long limbs like a squid’s tentacles.
basically fine. This could also represent just being able to use one’s
 Superhuman Stamina d10: You rapidly recover limbs at great distance without physically covering
from injury, resist most common forms of the intervening distance, such as reaching through a
disease and toxins with ease, and can operate at portal to punch someone across a room.
your peak efficiency for hours if needed. You can Stretching is usually used in action dice pools.
go a couple of days without sleeping if you have  Stretching d6: You can reach across a normal
to. room or access high places. This is roughly the
 Godlike Stamina d12: You can recover from equivalent of having double a human’s usual
even near-fatal wounds and trauma with extreme reach.
speed, shrug off even mystical sickness and

 Stretching d8: You can reach across a street, up other worlds, such as the ability to cross into the
to the second or third story of a building, or Underworld from anywhere or the power to tear
down a hallway and around a corner. open a whole into Hell; travel between locations on
 Stretching d10: You can stretch to considerable Creation in such instances would be a stunt.
distance, even up to several city blocks away. You Some heroes with this power may use it to grab
can clear buildings, ravines, and rivers with your people and teleport them, either going along with
elongated limbs. you as a passenger or by making portals to send them
 Stretching d12: You can reach ridiculous away. This is represented best with SFX or by using
distances, perhaps without limit—across lakes and the power with a stunt as part of an attack.
into the clouds. Teleport may be used in action or reaction dice
Telepathy  Teleport d6: You can blink in and out of place
This can represent either the ability to read minds in a single location, crossing a room or a gap
or just a sense of others’ motivations so keen that it between buildings. You can essentially teleport as
seems like mind-reading. Telepathy might also be far as you could jump with a good running start.
used to pass messages through silent means. Line of sight is usually required, though you
This power trait is normally used for creating assets might be able to teleport to the other side of a
or helping to remove complications. door.
 Telepathy d6: You can determine another  Teleport d8: You can teleport across hundreds
person’s mood or vague intentions, albeit with of feet at once, perhaps even a mile or so. By
some difficulty, or pass on simple one-word using multiple such “jumps,” you can cover
messages to one other person at a time. distance very quickly.
 Telepathy d8: You can read another person’s  Teleport d10: You can cross leagues of distance
surface thoughts or emotional motivations with in a single use of your power, covering hundreds
ease. Depending on the way your power works, of miles in mere hours if you keep it up. You
you might also be able to share someone’s senses, might also be able to cross between Creation and
pass on secret messages to others in your area, or one of the other realms of existence, such as Yu-
link a small number of minds together for Shan or Malfeas, without needing to use an
communication. existing doorway.
 Telepathy d10: You can uncover another  Teleport d12: You can cross an entire nation in
person’s memories and deep motivations, probe a single jump, allowing you to travel across a
their minds for the answers to questions, and whole Direction in mere hours or even minutes.
create persistent communicative links among You can tear open a doorway to another realm,
large groups of people across great distances. You allowing two-way passage for as long as you
might also be able to block off or recover—or maintain the connection.
alter—a target’s memories.
 Telepathy d12: You can remain in constant Transmutation
communication with vast numbers of people, Transmutation is the ability to transmute one
skim the surface thoughts of hundreds of people substance to another, sometimes through alchemical
at a time, and implant entirely new life histories means and sometimes through monstrous abilities.
within a person’s mind. Transmutation is very powerful and, as such,
typically doesn’t confer long-lasting effects. Most
Teleport Transmutation actions create assets or complications
Teleporting is the ability to travel from one point that represent the change in quality. The power can
to another instantaneously, often by crossing be used to inflict stress, too—such as a sorcerer
through another plane of existence through magical changing a castle’s stone walls into sand or turning
means. an enemy’s blood into acid—but unless the target is
At the d10 and d12 rating, you can choose to have stressed out, the effect isn’t complete or permanent.
the power only allow travel to other dimensions or Usually, the die rating of the power also informs how

well it can alter a target with Durability or Power Set Name
Resistance.  Power trait dX. (These are the dice you can
Transmutation is usually used in action dice pools. include in your pool when utilizing your powers.)
 Transmutation d6: You can affect the integrity  SFX: Name. (This is a special effect you can call
or cohesion of a target, causing it to harden or upon when appropriate.)
soften, perhaps degrade, or take on other  Limit: Name. (This is a limitation on the use of
qualities, but not to actually change it into your powers, or a situation in which they can
another substance. You can perform the fail—often with a Mote as a reward for your
equivalent of complicated chemistry with a few hardship.)
tools or simple chemistry with none.
 Transmutation d8: You can alter the properties
of a non-living target to make it solid, liquid, or
gas, or to change it from one kind of solid,
liquid, or gas into another. You could change
In Cortex Plus Heroic, SFX (short for “special
lead into gold, but it wouldn’t last very long.
effects”) are a specialized use of a power set to create
 Transmutation d10: You can change a substance
unusual effects not represented by dice, or which
on the elemental level, altering it from one
improve a character’s power dice in specific
substance into another. You can affect living or
circumstances. Some SFX require a Mote to activate,
non-living matter, allowing you to turn a man
but most do not.
into a stone statue, turn water into wine, and so
Most Exalted characters have a Caste SFX, a special
on. You could even change one kind of jade into
ability they receive by virtue of their Exalted caste or
another, though you couldn’t turn silver into
aspect. This power is generally far more powerful
than an ordinary SFX, representing the supernal
 Transmutation d12: You can change virtually
power of the Exalted host.
any object or item into another, regardless of its
original substance, shape, or qualities, though
you might need special circumstances for General SFX
particularly powerful, valuable, or strange Players should be encouraged to create new SFX
alterations. You can refine gold into orichalcum for their characters with the GM’s oversight, but
with proper conditions, or create life from first many abilities can be represented by a general set of
principles. SFX. The following SFX are very common in Exalted
power sets.
 Absorption. On a successful reaction against a
[attack type] action, convert your opponent’s
Power Sets effect die into a [Power Set] stunt or step up a
[Power Set] power for your next action. Spend 1
A “power set” is a group of related power traits, Mote to use this SFX if your opponent’s action
SFX, and Limits that stem from the same source or succeeds.
from related sources. In the case of most player  Afflict. Add a d6 and step up your effect die
characters, they have a Charms power set which when inflicting [type] complications on a target.
represents their innate supernatural abilities and  Area Attack. Spend 1 Mote. When using [power
overall excellence, as well as a Panoply power set that trait] against multiple targets, for each additional
represents their external sources of power, such as target add a d6 and keep an additional effect die.
equipment, martial arts training, and allies or  Berserk. Remove a die from the doom pool and
minions. add it to an attack action. Step that die up and
Every character has between zero and three power return it to the doom pool when your action is
sets, but can have no more than two “active” power resolved.
sets at one time.  Boost. Shutdown your highest rated [Power Set]
Power sets take the following format:
power to step up another [Power Set] power.

Recover power by activating an opportunity or  Frenzy. At no cost, add existing [stress type] to
during a Transition Scene. any dice pool including a [Power Set] power,
 Burnout. Step up or double [power trait] for one then step up [stress type].
action, or spend 1 Mote to do both. If that  Healing. Spend 1 Mote to use an effect die to
action fails, shutdown [power trait]. Recover recover your own or another’s [stress type] or step
power by activating an opportunity or during a back your own or another’s [trauma type].
Transition Scene.  Immunity. Spend 1 Mote to ignore stress or
 Burst. Step up or double [power trait] against a complications from [specific attack type].
single target. Remove the highest rolling die and  Insight. Spend 1 Mote to allow an ally using an
add three dice for your total. asset you created to reroll all dice, stepping up
 Collateral Damage. Instead of spending 1 Mote, the asset for this roll.
add d6 to the doom pool to create a [Power Set]  Invulnerable. Spend 1 Mote to ignore [stress
stunt. type] unless caused by [specific attack type].
 Confidence. When a d6 would be added to the  Multipower. Add more than one [Power Set]
doom pool from the GM buying an opportunity, power to a dice pool. Step back all [Power Set]
spend 1 PP to make it enter the doom pool as a powers in the pool for each power included after
d4 instead. Spend 1 PP as an action during a the first.
Social or Exploration Scene to change a d6 in the  Nova. Step up or double [power trait] for the rest
doom pool to a d4. of the Scene, or spend 1 Mote to do both. Take
 Constructs. Add a d6 and step up your effect die the second-highest rolling die of each subsequent
when using [power trait] to create [type] assets. action including [power trait] as [stress type].
 Conversion. When using [power trait] in your  Reactive Power. Spend 1 Mote to add [power
reaction pool, you may change [stress type one] to trait] to another character’s dice pool before they
[stress type two] at no cost. roll a reaction. If that character takes [stress type],
 Counterattack. On a successful reaction against step up your [same or other stress type].
a [type] attack, spend 1 Mote to inflict [stress  Redirect. When you take [stress type], you may
type] with your effect die without an opportunity spend 1 Mote to suffer [other stress type] instead.
showing, or step it up with an opportunity.  Regeneration. Spend 1 Mote to use an effect die
 Danger Sense. Spend 1 Mote to reroll a reaction to recover your [stress type] stress and step back
against [attack type], adding or stepping up your [trauma type] trauma.
[power trait].  Risky. Step up or double [power trait] when
 Dangerous. When making an attack including [action type], or spend 1 Mote to do both. Add
[power trait], step back the highest die in your the second highest rolling die from that action to
dice pool to add a d6 and step up physical stress the doom pool.
inflicted.  Second Chance. Spend 1 Mote to reroll an
 Defender. Spend 1 Mote to take [stress type] action including [power trait].
intended for a nearby ally.  Second Wind. Before you make an action
 Extra Effective. When including [power trait] as including [power trait], spend 1 Mote to move
part of an attack against [target type] targets, add your [stress type] die to the doom pool and step
a d6 and step up effect die. up [power trait] for this action.
 Extra Effort. Step up or double [power trait] for  Tactician. Spend 1 Mote to remove a die from
one action, then shutdown [power trait]. Recover the doom pool and add it to a roll including a
power by activating an opportunity or during a [Power Set] power. After the roll, step back the
Transition Scene. doom die and return it to the doom pool.
 Focus. If a pool includes a [Power Set] power you  Unleashed. Step up or double [power trait] for
may replace two dice of equal size with one die at one action, or spend 1 Mote to do both. If the
one step higher. action fails, add a die to the doom pool equal to
the normal rating of your power die.

 SFX: Witty Riposte. When an opponent in a
verbal sparring match gives you the slightest
opening, you seize upon it with gusto. On a
successful reaction against an action that would
inflict emotional stress, spend 1 Mote to inflict
emotional stress with your effect die without an
opportunity showing, or step it up with an

A Limit is a limitation on a Power Set that can
cause individual powers to shutdown, the whole set
to shutdown, or create other restrictions on personal
Every power set has at least one Limit, and many
have more than one. A Limit represents a weakness
in the character’s powers, but it also frequently
represents an opportunity to generate Motes. The
player can choose to activate his character’s Limit in
exchange for the listed reward (usually 1 Mote). If
the GM can narratively justify it, he can activate the
character’s Limit instead, typically by paying the
listed reward or spending a die out of the doom
For example, most gear-based power groups have
the Limit “Shutdown this power group and gain 1
 Versatile. Before rolling, you may split [power
Mote.” If an NPC takes an action to disarm the
trait] dX into [two dice at –1 step] or [three dice
character of his daiklave and succeeds on the attack,
at –2 steps].
the GM can give the player 1 Mote in order to
activate that Limit.
Sample Unique SFX Some common Limits are listed below.
The following SFX are modeled on those above  Conscious Activation. While stressed out,
but use different descriptions in order to asleep, or unconscious, shutdown [power set].
demonstrate the ways in which SFX can be Recover [power set] when you recover that stress
personalized. or wake up. If you take [trauma type] trauma,
 SFX: Devastating Blow. Your attacks ring with the shutdown [power set] until you recover that
force of a titan. Spend 1 Mote when making an trauma.
attack action. For this attack action, you count as  Difficult Recovery. Add [power trait] die to the
a Large Scale Threat. opposing roll when you or others try to recover
 SFX: Early Warning. Your connection to the your [stress type].
Loom of Fate gives you limited precognition.  Exhausted. Shutdown any [Power Set] power and
Spend 1 Mote to reroll a reaction against a gain 1 Mote. Recover power by activating an
physical attack, adding or stepping up Senses. opportunity or during a Transition Scene.
 SFX: Take the Hit. Your martial arts training  Extinguished. Shutdown [power trait] when
focuses on the defense of those weaker than subjected to [attack type] to gain 1 Mote. Recover
yourself. Spend 1 Mote to take physical stress [power trait] by activating an opportunity or
intended for a nearby ally. during a Transition Scene.

 Gear. Shutdown [Power Group] to gain 1 Mote. The general wording of this SFX is, “Spend 1 Mote
Take an action versus the doom pool to recover. to ignore all [type] stress, unless caused by [flaw].”
 Growing Dread. Count 1s and 2s on dice as For this purpose “type” is physical, mental or
opportunities when using a [power set] power. emotional, and the flaw is a specific condition under
 Huge. Change [power] into a complication when which the SFX does not work. Not every Invulnerable
your size becomes an issue to gain 1 Mote. SFX has a flaw, but almost all of them should.
Activate an opportunity or remove the Good flaws for Invulnerability include:
complication to recover that power.  …unless caused by allies.
 Mutually Exclusive. Shutdown [power set one]  …unless caused by an enemy whose Threat die is
to activate [power set two]. Shutdown [power set equal to or larger than the character’s Essence
two] to recover [power set one]. die.
 Uncontrollable. Change [power trait] into a  …unless caused by magic.
complication to gain 1 Mote. Recover [power  …unless caused by weapons made of iron.
trait] by removing the complication or activating  …unless caused by area attacks.
an opportunity.  …unless caused by a Large scale threat.
 Vulnerability. Step up [stress type] from [attack And so on.
type] to gain 1 Mote.
The Immunity SFX also gives characters what
effectively amounts to a “perfect defense” against a
Caste SFX and NPCs very small set of effects, such as lightning, fire,
poison, disease, cold, and so on. These do not need
While player characters inevitably have a caste to have a flaw; their innate limitations make them
power as one of their SFX (attached to their Exalted flawed enough.
type and Essence die), most NPCs lack such benefits.
It is assumed that a non-player character can gain the
flavor benefits of a caste power by GM fiat (such as a Power Groups
Zenith Caste NPC turning a corpse to ash with a
touch), and the dice benefits (such as stepping up an As mentioned above, some power sets (typically
effect die) by spending dice from the doom pool. called “Panoply sets”) have sub-sets known as power
Essentially, NPCs do not get the player character groups. These groups are intended to represent “mini
ability to step up their effect die in their caste power sets” that have multiple powers coming from
specialty, since the doom pool gives them a lot more the same source, such as a magic sword, rune-
ability to just add dice to rolls. Where caste powers enhanced armor, a mystical familiar, a bound god,
can be used to gain new powers for a Mote (such as martial arts training, and so on.
the New Moon caste power that gives them Technically, each power group is a small power set
Invisibility temporarily), those powers are simply part in and of itself, with its own power traits and SFX,
of the NPC writeup. but they are all part of the Panoply power set in that
only one trait from any of them can be used in an
action pool without spending Motes.
Perfect Defenses Power groups are discussed in more detail
elsewhere, but here are a few examples of power
In the world of Exalted, the concept exists of the groups that can be used for characters. The listed
“perfect defense”—a mystical defense that essentially power traits and SFX are suggestions; a given player
negates all harm of a specific type, but which can be character might have them at higher or lower levels,
defeated through specific means. This same concept depending on how far along a martial arts path he is
exists in Cortex Plus Heroic, represented through or the powers he has unlocked from an artifact.
the Invulnerability SFX.

Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style long as a mouse-sized creature is capable of
Martial artists who learn the Dreaming Pearl reaching you.
Courtesan Style become consummate performers  SFX: Sunlit Fur Warmth. Once per Arc, as a
with charisma and grace to spare, and they can be as recovery action, spend 1 Mote to step back limit
elusive as dreams. The style emphasizes finesse and trauma. This does not count against the normal
subtle manipulation over brute power. once per Arc limitation on recovering limit
 Dreaming Pearl Form: Enhanced Reflexes d8, trauma.
Superhuman Presence d10, Weapon d8  Limit: Tiny Mouse. Shutdown Sun Mouse at the
 SFX: Demure Carp Feint. Spend 1 Mote to reroll a beginning of an Action Scene to gain 1 Mote.
reaction against a physical attack, adding or Recover Sun Mouse during the next Transition
stepping up Presence. Scene.
 SFX: Resplendent Sash. When using Weapon to
inflict grappling or entangling complications, add Rat King’s Cloak
a d6 and step up the effect die. This black cloak is woven with soulsteel threads
 Limit: Conscious Activation. Shutdown Dreaming that glitter only to the eyes of the dead. The wearer
Pearl Form while unconscious or while suffering can transform himself into a swarm of rats and back
from social trauma. Recover Dreaming Pearl again, or sink into shadows unseen.
Form when awakened or when social trauma is  Rat King’s Cloak: Enhanced Durability d8,
recovered. Intangibility d8, Invisibility d8
 SFX: Swarm Dodge. Step up or double
Moonsilver Bracers Intangibility in a reaction roll against a physical
These moonsilver coverings change shape with attack. Remove the highest rolling die and keep
their wearer. While they offer some amount of three dice for the total.
protection and improved accuracy, they are more  Limit: Tatters of the King. Turn Invisibility into a
useful for their ability to hold a hearthstone and complication to gain 1 Mote. Recover Invisibility
grant its power to the wearer. by removing the complication or activating an
 Moonsilver Bracers: Enhanced Durability d8, opportunity.
Enhanced Reflexes d8
 SFX: Snake Skin Stone. Spend 1 Mote as an action Snake Style Martial Arts
during a Transition Scene to recover your Snake Style is swift and agile, moving with the
physical stress and step back your physical speed of a striking serpent to fell stronger or better
trauma. armed foes before they even have a chance to act.
 Limit: Hearthstone. Moonsilver Bracers can only  Snake Form: Enhanced Reflexes d8, Weapon d8
have one SFX active at any time. As an action  SFX: Serpentine Evasion. Spend 1 Mote to reroll a
during a Transition Scene, shutdown Moonsilver reaction against a physical attack, adding or
Bracers hearthstone SFX to activate another stepping up Reflexes.
hearthstone SFX for a hearthstone in your  SFX: Striking Cobra Technique. Spend 1 Mote to
possession. interrupt the action order of a foe with an armor-
based power trait. Take your action, then return
Mouse of the Sun the action order to the foe you interrupted if that
Legend says that mice once saved the foe is still in the scene.
Unconquered Sun from his enemies. Ever since, the  Limit: Physical Conditioning. Shutdown Snake
sun has favored the humble mouse as his emissary. A Form and all related SFX while unconscious or
Sun Mouse is especially blessed—a white mouse with suffering from physical trauma. Recover group
a golden sunburst on its back. when awakened or when physical trauma is
 Sun Mouse: Bite d6, Light Control d6 recovered.
 SFX: Faithful Helper. You may create resources as
though you possessed Covert Expert d8, even in
situations where you are isolated or helpless, so

Volcano Cutter whenever it suffers physical stress equal to a die
This red jade daiklave was imbued with the heat of larger than its Threat (as per a minor NPC or an
a mighty magma kraken’s heart during its creation, adversary).
giving it power over fire and earth. Piloting a warstrider is typically a Physical action,
 Red Jade Daiklave: Enhanced Durability d8, Fire though some Mental or Social actions might be
Blast d8, Weapon d10 undertaken while inside a warstrider. Generally,
 SFX: Flaming Slash. Spend 1 Mote when fighting with a warstrider’s various attack modes uses
attacking multiple targets with Fire Blast. For the Close Combat or Ranged Combat Specialties as
each additional target, add a d6 and keep an normal, though fighting with the warstrider’s innate
effect die. speed and power over built-in weapons systems
 Limit: Artifact. Shutdown Volcano Cutter to gain might use the Vehicles Specialty at the GM’s
1 Mote. Recover by taking an action against the discretion.
doom pool. The use of a warstrider is incompatible with
Charm and Panoply power sets, though many
warstriders have integrated weapons and armor of
their own. Such power sets are shutdown while the
Warstriders warstrider is active. A character might learn an SFX
allowing him to use specific powers with his
Warstriders are massive mechanical suits of armor, warstrider, effectively channeling his magic through
constructed with extreme care as weapons of his armor, but this is not the default state. All
incredible power. The greatest of these were formed warstriders should allow their pilot to act as a Large
in the First Age, with lesser models constructed Scale Threat in addition to any other SFX or Limits
during the Shogunate. Currently, warstriders are they possess.
hard to come by and extremely difficult to build. The Generally, each time a Threat die is removed from
Realm and Lookshy are the only places where a warstrider due to taking physical stress, its pilot
warstriders are used with any regularity, but their steps up his own physical stress due to the battering
rarity certainly doesn't detract from their combat and damage taken by his war machine. If all of a
value. warstrider’s Threat dice are removed, it is shutdown
Warstrider pilots control the device from a central and cannot be activated again until it is affected by
chassis, using strips of the magical materials to move enough recovery actions to restore its Threat dice;
the device in a manner that vaguely resembles warstriders do not heal naturally, unlike characters.
puppeteering. Such controls are quite fatiguing to If a warstrider is taken out through a complication,
the rider, although more advanced models are the pilot might be able to shutdown the warstrider
comfortable enough to ease the fatigue. and exit it in order to keep fighting, at the GM’s
In game terms, a warstrider allows the character discretion. Generally, anything that would remove
piloting it to act as a Large Scale Threat while in the the warstrider from the scene also removes the pilot,
chassis. This protects the pilot from most harm and though exceptions might exist.
allows him to dish out massive attacks, but at the Most warstriders have two to five powers, rated
cost of any subtlety or finesse. between d8 and d12, and two to four SFX, plus an
Warstriders are most commonly used to allow SFX that makes them immune to physical stress
Exalted to fight Large Scale Threats at their own level except from other Large Scale Threats. All
with greater ease (though powerful Exalts can fight warstriders share the Big/Huge Warstrider Limit, the
such creatures with their bare hands with a fair Damaged Systems Limit, and the Large Scale Threat
chance of success). Limit.

Warstrider Mechanics Warstrider Types

While inside a warstrider, the pilot uses its Threat Warstriders come in several models: Scout,
dice in place of his own Essence die. Any physical Common, Noble, Colossus, and Royal. Common
stress targeting the character instead targets the designs are fairly simple and are effectively strong
warstrider, which has a Threat die removed

power armor. Scouts lack the striking power of the
other classes, but are faster and can be used for Noble Warstrider
longer periods without need for repair. Noble A Noble Warstrider can change the course of a
warstriders are more comfortable to use and have battle—or a war in the hands of the right pilot.
more all-around power than Common and Scout Threat: Step up and double the pilot’s Essence die.
classes. Colossus types are no taller than Noble
classes, but they are much wider and the most potent Colossus Warstrider
of the Warstriders in terms of raw physical power. Massive beyond belief, a Colossus Warstrider is
The Royal Warstriders were usually the most little more than a mobile platform for weapons. Such
powerful type. Royals frequently contained awakened vehicles are slow but devastatingly powerful.
little gods to give the device its own active Threat: Step up and triple the pilot’s Essence die.
intelligence, some of which were quite powerful in
and of themselves. These immensely powerful war Royal Warstrider
machines were vanishingly rare even in the First Age, Smaller than a Colossus, but more powerful by far,
and it is believed that no more than a score of them a Royal Warstrider can change the destiny of nations
exist in the modern world. with its might.
Threat: Step up and quadruple the pilot’s Essence
Scout Warstrider die.
A Scout Warstrider is actually little more than a
personal suit of power armor. Even such small Some specific examples of warstriders can be found
vehicles are mighty weapons, though. in Chapter 8: Antagonists. These powerful vehicles are
Threat: Double pilot’s Essence die. useful to player characters as a means of engaging
with huge, powerful foes without having their own
Common Warstrider magical powers focused on fighting Large Scale
A character in a Common Warstrider is a Threats. Plus, everyone likes giant fighting robots.
powerhouse, easily the equal of a platoon of well- Seriously.
armed soldiers.
Threat: Triple the pilot’s Essence die.


“Knowledge is not skill. Knowledge plus ten thousand times is skill.”

—Shinichi Suzuki

Specialties are skills possessed by a character, as Remember, even without a Specialty, a player
well as the manifestation of peripheral functions of character or named NPC can default to a d6 for the
those skills. category to represent general, broad knowledge of a
Not all potential skills are represented as subject.
Specialties—only those which drive the drama and
adventure of an Exalted: Blood and Fire campaign. Paragon Specialties
Additionally, not all characters need to take a lot of While Paragon (d12) Specialties exist, it should be
Specialties to be considered “skilled.” A character’s noted that their acquisition is uncommon even for
Distinctions and Powers can also represent training the mighty Exalted. A Paragon Specialty represents a
and skill. Generally, Specialties should only be taken level of skill and ability that is not just superhuman
if being very skilled in something is a core part of the but actually godlike in its manifestation.
character’s concept. Generally, only elders of the Exalted possess such
A Specialty can be taken by a player character at divine levels of skill, as well as a few gods whose
Expert (d8), Master (d10), or Paragon (d12) level. focus is in that field of endeavor. The actual god of
Specialties exist at the Rookie (d6) level as well, but war might have Close Combat d12, supplemented by
these are only taken by minor NPCs to demonstrate powers and SFX that make him unparalleled in
their limited grasp of a given skill. hand-to-hand.
When a character spends 1 Mote during a Of course, the Exalted have greater potential than
Transition Scene (or after activating a GM any god, especially the vaunted Solar Exalted. If it
opportunity), he creates a Resource by linking it to makes sense for your campaign and group, feel free
one of his Specialties; that Resource is created at one to allow a young upstart Exalt to achieve such
die step lower than the linked Specialty. Such a heights of power long before his staid elders believe
Resource lasts until the end of the next Scene; at he should be able to. Achieving the impossible and
that time, the character may choose to spend 1 Mote breaking through barriers is part of what Exalted:
to extend it until the end of the following Scene as Blood and Fire is all about, after all!
A character can create a Resource during an
Action Scene by activating an opponent’s
opportunity. Such Resources start at the level of
their linked Specialty but only last until the end of
the Scene.
When rolling a Specialty as part of a dice pool, a
character can always choose to split his Specialty into
two dice of lower size. So, a character with Covert
Master d10 could choose to roll it as d10, or 2d8, or

Specialties someone who climbs mountains without gear for
fun and runs marathons as though they were
 Acrobatics  Menace
 Athletics  Occult
 Athletics stunts include feats of raw strength or
 Bureaucracy  Performance
endurance, quickly climbing objects, lifting great
 Close Combat  Ranged Combat
weights, or outrunning a foe.
 Covert  Socialize
 Athletics resources include contacts in the sports
 Craft  Survival industry, professional athletes, or extreme
 Larceny  Trading athletes, knowledge of fitness and healthy living,
 Lore  Vehicles climbing or swimming gear, and great spots to
 Medicine  War practice or compete.

Acrobatics Bureaucracy
You’ve had training in leaping, jumping, You have extensive experience dealing with
contorting, and dodging out of the way. You’ve got a organizational structures, whether businesses or
great sense of balance and you’re not afraid of governments. You understand politics and
heights. interpersonal relations, viewing group dynamics with
 An Acrobatics Expert is the equivalent of a the same skill that someone trained in Socialize
competitive gymnast, circus performer, or understands individual people.
dancer.  A Bureaucracy Expert is roughly equal to a mid-
 An Acrobatics Master is world-class, at the level level government functionary, someone of
of the world’s greatest gymnasts and performers. significant responsibility but little real power.
 An Acrobatics Paragon is able to make the most  A Bureaucracy Master is the equivalent of a top-
difficult, seemingly impossible feats of dexterity level advisor or vizier, a true Machiavellian
and grace look positively easy. manipulator of governments and resources.
 Acrobatics stunts include amazing handsprings,  A Bureaucracy Paragon knows the ins and outs
back flips, running along tightropes or beams, or of almost every governmental and economic
squeezing into tight spaces. system throughout history and is able to make
 Acrobatics resources include contacts in the any of them work efficiently—or grind them to a
circus, gymnastics, or dancing communities, halt—virtually by himself.
knowledge of fitness and dance routines,  Bureaucracy stunts include the ability to quickly
tightrope and harness equipment, and great spots negotiate red tape, to choke one’s enemies on
to practice or compete. the same, to immediately discern someone’s
position in society, or to blend in to society other
Athletics than one’s own.
You are a skilled athlete, someone who has had  Bureaucracy resources include friends in high
extensive physical conditioning for strength and places, allies in the ministries, the ability to
endurance. You have a powerful build and are quite requisition supplies at a moment’s notice, spy
tough. You might have been a professional athlete, networks, and access to restricted areas.
or just someone who undertook athletic activities
like hiking, climbing, or swimming. Close Combat
 An Athletics Expert is the equivalent of a low- You’re good in an up-close fight and have the
level professional athlete, a sprinter, or a training and talent required to act with your fists, a
mountain climber. sword, or anything else you use in close quarters.
 An Athletics Master is world-class, at the level of  A Close Combat Expert is experienced in at least
a top-notch professional athlete, a long-distance one martial art or style of combat, and probably
marathon runner, or a free climber. others, including the use of weapons.
 An Athletics Paragon is an athlete who could
compete in virtually any sport in history and win,

 A Close Combat Master knows many, if not all, Covert
fighting styles and weapons, and is on par with Whether you’re a spy or a courtier, you’ve got the
the world’s greatest fighters. training and the skills to sneak into, infiltrate,
 A Close Combat Paragon is a veritable god of investigate, and even overthrow other organizations
war, able to mow down entire armies of lesser or locations.
foes and fight any of the world’s greatest warriors  A Covert Expert is the equivalent of a trained
to a standstill. covert operative, secret agent, or detective,
 Close Combat stunts include tricks, martial arts familiar with espionage techniques, stealth,
moves, clever parries, tactical maneuvers, and disguise, and infiltration.
using weapons in unusual ways.  A Covert Master is a highly trained professional
 Close Combat resources include contacts in the with years of experience in black ops, deep cover,
martial arts or military communities, secrets of and rendition, even if no agency would admit to
the martial arts, historical warfare, specialized using her services.
weapons, and some insight into the fighting  A Covert Paragon is so skilled in deception,
styles of famous warriors. stealth, and counter-operations that it would be
virtually impossible to determine that such a
person even exists unless he wanted someone to
 Covert stunts include stealthy techniques, single-
use spy gear, fake identities, a temporary disguise,
or a great hiding place.
 Covert resources range from espionage contacts,
unnamed sources, and classified government
records to specialized magic, safe houses, and
friends in high places.

You can use, repair, build, and invent mechanical
and even magical devices. You understand how a
crossbow works, and which gods to pray to if you
want a sword to never lose its edge. You might have a
particular field in which your expertise is focused—
such as blacksmithing, alchemy, and so on—but you
are versatile enough to understand the applications
of your field on related ones.
 A Craft Expert is able to use, build, and repair
just about any mechanical device using readily
available parts and tools, as well as working with
low-level magical craftsmanship and magitech.
He is a sorcerer-engineer, a mystic smith, or just a
world-class alchemist.
 A Craft Master is able to understand the
underlying principles of First Age engineering,
and even repair such objects. He is a world-class
builder and inventor.
 A Craft Paragon is a true savant, capable of
understanding artifacts from their first principles
and reverse engineering them. He could be

capable of creating new wonders that rival those the world’s shape and its mythic past. You have an
of the fabled First Age! understanding of the other realms of existence as
 Craft stunts include jury-rigging, retrofitting, well, such as Malfeas, Yu-Shan, and Elsewhere.
quick repairs, sudden sabotage, or seizing control  A Lore Expert is a lifelong scholar, a student of
of a magitech device from its owner. history, geography, languages, and more. He
 Craft resources include objects of almost any likely has a concentration in a particular field,
sort, theoretical knowledge, stories about famous but has a broad range of learning and scholarly
weapons, knowing prominent engineers, or information.
having connections with obscure but expert  A Lore Master is a world-class expert in his
craftsmen. chosen field—and probably a master of several
scholastic disciplines. In a world fallen to chaos
Larceny and illiteracy, he is a beacon of learning and
You have a professional understanding of the truth.
criminal underworld—either because you are a  A Lore Paragon has uncovered secrets once
criminal yourself or because you hunt them down. thought lost to time and learned truths that
You know how crooks think, you know the law (or at would blast the minds of lesser scholars. His
least its limits), and you know all the tricks of the understanding of reality itself is unparalleled.
trade.  Lore stunts include intuitive leaps, careful
 A Larceny Expert has a working knowledge of planning, improvised equipment, experiments
the laws of various lands and how to get around on the fly, and remembering relevant pieces of
those laws. He can plan or foil a criminal ancient wisdom.
operation, defend or prosecute a criminal, and  Lore resources include other scholars, specialized
pick a thief out of a crowd by the way he holds research equipment, ancient tomes, access to
himself. major libraries, knowing foreign languages, and
 A Larceny Master is a genius at criminal acquisition of laboratory space.
organization—whether as a thief or a thief-
catcher. He can plan out or foil an international Medicine
criminal syndicate, steal a king’s ransom from a You’ve had medical training. You might be a
throne room full of guards, or create a security doctor, a chiurgeon, or a shamanic healer of some
system that could foil anyone but himself. sort. You know when prayer will help, and when
 A Larceny Paragon could steal the jewels from a surgery is needed. You know which herbs will heal—
king’s scepter while he holds it, or determine a and which will kill.
criminal’s identity from a scrap of cloth caught  A Medicine Expert is the equivalent of a trained
on a nail. His potential for criminality is healer with enough knowledge of medicine to
limitless. diagnose, treat, and perform many surgical
 Larceny stunts cover classic cons, magistrate’s procedures on a patient. An Expert is
techniques, sleight of hand, lockpicking, and comfortable working in one or two fields in
thieves’ lingo. which he’s devoted his efforts.
 Larceny resources include snitches, contacts  A Medicine Master is a world-class surgeon,
among law enforcement or the criminal specialist, or medical researcher, someone with
underworld, lock-picking gear, access to criminal knowledge of the lost techniques of First Age
case files, and easy ways to dispose of pilfered medicine or cutting-edge theories developed
loot. independently.
 A Medicine Paragon knows the underlying
Lore causes of almost every disease and sickness
Creation is a world of magic and wonder, with a known to man, as well as their cures. Such a
history spanning many thousands of years. You miracle worker can turn back any ailment but
understand the mystical underpinnings of the death itself—and he can stave that off for far
world’s natural laws, as well as the rough outline of longer than anyone else could.

 Medicine stunts include specific surgical  An Occult Master has a much greater knowledge
techniques, life-saving procedures, shortcuts for of the mystic arts, gained from years of study and
first aid, and beneficial drug interactions. direct interaction with gods, demons, or
 Medicine resources include other medical elementals. He has committed dozens of wards
scholars, medical equipment, contacts within the against darkness to memory, along with rituals to
medical community, or mysterious herbal do everything from bless crops to damn souls.
remedies.  An Occult Paragon can perform feats bordering
on true sorcery with merely mortal means—or can
Menace make his knowledge of sorcery rend the very
You know what scares people. You’re familiar with walls of reality through his understanding.
how to get others to do what you want through  Occult stunts include focusing mantras, healing
force, threats, intimidation, and fear. You’re also charms, warding gestures, and quotes from
better able to resist these things yourself. Contrast it arcane tomes.
with Socialize, which is more about motivating  Occult resources include rare volumes of mystic
people with honey than with vinegar. knowledge, magical tools, experts in other mystic
 A Menace Expert is the equivalent of a drill disciplines, and helpful acolytes.
sergeant at basic training or an experienced
interrogator. Performance
 A Menace Master has either a lifetime of threats You excel at singing, dance, poetry, and other
behind him and the muscle to back it up, or the forms of entertainment. You understand how to
kind of fearful presence that makes world leaders make people laugh and cry with your performances,
recoil in terror. and have a broad understanding of the arts.
 A Menace Paragon can strike fear into the hearts  A Performance Expert is experienced with most
of the fearless and break strong men’s wills with forms of entertainment and likely a true expert
a scowl. He may not have many friends, but he in one of them.
certainly won’t be forgotten.  A Performance Master is widely hailed as a
 Menace stunts include insightful threats, tried- maestro and paragon of the performing arts.
and-tested scare tactics, or improvised  A Performance Paragon can make the stones
intimidation. weep, change the minds of gods, or shape the
 Menace resources include fear-inducing fate of nations, all through the beauty and power
equipment, associates with the ability to induce of his art.
nightmares, questionable allies, or a band of  Performance stunts can include improve
dangerous thugs. performances, sudden dance numbers, power
chords, or quoting famous poets at particularly
Occult poignant moments.
You are a student of thaumaturgy—the mystic arts.  Performance resources include books of poetry,
You have gained a basic understanding of the histories of musical performers, contacts in the
underpinnings of magical knowledge, and of the entertainment world, finely crafted musical
gods, demons, and spirits that exist in the world of instruments, or “performers” who are actually
the immaterial. Whether you are a sorcerer, a priest, something else entirely.
or simply a refined sort of scholar, you understand
the principles of mysticism. Ranged Combat
 An Occult Expert has an understanding of the You’re good with fighting at a distance. You know
workings of magic, as well as the many gods and how to use bows, slings, thrown knives, and maybe
spirits that influence human lives on a daily even more exotic weapons like flamepieces and
basis. He knows a few basic blessings or rituals, firewands.
and has the good sense to not try anything truly  A Ranged Combat Expert is experienced in at
dangerous. least style of combat, and probably others,
including the use of many weapons.

 A Ranged Combat Master knows many, if not Socialize
all, ranged fighting styles and weapons, and is on You are good with people. Whether a counselor,
par with the world’s greatest archers. confessor, confidante, actor, or consummate party
 A Ranged Combat Paragon could kill an animal, you have seen the best and worst of
armored man with a thrown straw, shoot the mankind. More importantly, you know how to elicit
wings off a fly without killing it from a hundred the responses you want with positive reinforcement
meters, or loose an arrow at target in a storm and persuasion. This Specialty is the opposite of
without hitting a single raindrop in between. Menace, which draws on fear and negative
 Ranged Combat stunts include trick shots, persuasion.
clever dodging, fallbacks, and using ranged  A Socialize Expert is a skilled negotiator,
weapons in unusual ways. interviewer, or orator. Such a person can be a
 Ranged Combat resources include contacts in courtier, a courtesan, or a philosopher of some
the military communities, secrets of the martial sort—or maybe just really good at listening.
arts, stories of famous archers, specialized  A Socialize Master understands the human mind
weapons, trick arrows, and the like. and emotions better than most people. He can
reliably assess and correct many psychological or
behavioral problems—or make them worse.

 A Socialize Paragon can mingle with members of Trading
any culture and make friends anywhere he goes. You’ve got business acumen and know your way
He can break a dynasty with a word (or six) or around economics, finances, small business, and
fast-talk his way from pauper to prince in the sales. You can talk statistics and salaries, forecasts
course of mere days. and futures, caravans and corporations.
 Socialize stunts include reflective listening,  A Trading Expert is someone who has spent
calming words, inspirational quotes, or a considerable years buying, selling, and trading
cheerful demeanor at the right moment. goods, perhaps a professional merchant or a
 Socialize resources include professional Guildsman.
counselors, psychological profiles, dream stones,  A Trading Master has the keen experience and
access to party locations, or easy availability of understanding of the world of finance that
drugs and liquor. comes out being one of the wealthiest and most
successful businessmen of his region.
Survival  A Trading Paragon understands the underlying
You are a wilderness survivalist, able to get by principles of economics to the point that he
outside of the realm of men with minimal supplies could go from penniless beggar to master of a
or gear. You might be a simple woods guide, an army vast fortune with just his wits and a few days’
scout, a tribal hunter, or maybe you were just raised time.
by wolves. You know which roots are good to eat and  Trading stunts include intuitive analysis of
which are poison, where to find shelter from the business deals, running off lists of important
weather, and how to build a concealed place to rest figures, sizing up a salesperson, predicting market
from pursuers. trends, and obscuring the truth with statistics
 A Survival Expert is the equivalent of an army and jargon.
ranger or a lifelong woodsman, full of animal  Trading resources include mercantile contacts,
lore and herbal wisdom, able to track across industry analysts, archives of trade records,
rough terrain with ease. insiders in major trade organizations, and friends
 A Survival Master is a wildlander without equal, in independent businesses.
capable of tracking a fast-moving party across
bare rock days after their passage, finding food in Vehicles
a barren wasteland, or making healing herbs out You know how to ride a horse, captain a ship, or
of poison weeds. pilota First Age warstrider. If it moves under its own
 A Survival Paragon could be dropped naked and power, you can make it work the way you want.
blindfolded in any part of the world and not just  A Vehicles Expert is a professionally trained
find a way to survive but to hunt down his operator of more than one type of vehicle or
assailants and make them pay. This character is a mount, able to maneuver and handle them in
virtual god of the wilds. dangerous conditions or under stress.
 Survival stunts include setting up ambushes,  A Vehicles Master is among the best in the
following tracks, using the terrain to your world, able to sit down at the controls of even
advantage, luring enemies into contact with the most advanced transportation and pull off
dangerous flora or fauna, or laying traps like tiger amazing feats with it.
pits or punji stakes.  A Vehicles Paragon can perform feats of
 Survival resources include being able to find vehicular mastery that would seem fanciful or
guides for specific regions, finding food in the even impossible to a lesser pilot. He can coax the
wilderness, discovering useful plants or animals, utmost efficiency from his vehicle, pushing it far
and turning those plants and animals into useful beyond the bounds of its ability.
goods.  Vehicles stunts include fancy maneuvers of all
kinds, from controlled slides to barrel rolls to

 Vehicles resources include knowing how to  A War Master is a king on the battlefield, able to
acquire any sort of vehicle, someone who can break a force many times the size of his own
build one, or the ancestry and breeding of the through careful planning, tactical brilliance, and
world’s finest mounts. the unshakeable loyalty of his troops.
 A War Paragon can use his tactical brilliance to
War utterly change the face of war when he takes the
You know how to field an army, keep it supplied, field. His grasp of tactics and strategy make him
build a chain of command, and wield military might unbeatable in an equal fight, and nearly so in
with both precision and ruthlessness. Whether you even the most unequal circumstances.
are a tactical genius, a charismatic leader of men, or  War stunts include clever small-unit tactics, use
just a bloody-minded warlord, you have a way of of the terrain for tactical advantage, careful
drawing people to your cause and convincing them planning before a battle, insight into an enemy’s
to fight—and die—for you. tactics, or the careful marshaling of existing
 A War Expert is roughly equal to the resources.
commander of a small but frequently embattled  War resources include reinforcements, contacts
army, or the general of a large but rarely fielded with other military leaders, finding caches of
one. supplies, building fortifications, or training
existing troops.


“Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him.”
—Aldous Huxley

Characters grow with their experiences. They learn, Milestones

change, adapt—and sometimes die. In Exalted: Blood
and Fire, these character changes are tracked through A Milestone is a measurement of personal
the application of XP (Experience Points), which are achievement, either through a character arc or by
primarily gained through Milestones. completing a challenge. Every Exalted character can
Unlike some other game systems, XP in Blood and hold up to two Milestone tracks at once. A Milestone
Fire is primarily used for temporary benefits—such as has a 1 XP entry, a 3 XP entry, and a 10 XP entry; a
gaining extra Motes, unlocking benefits during an character can hit their 1 XP Milestone pretty much
Arc, and so on. Permanent character advancement as often as they like (or as it comes up), their 3 XP
can be “unlocked” through XP spending, but it is Milestone once per Scene, and their 10 XP
better when negotiated between the player and GM. Milestone once per Act. Hitting the 10 XP Milestone
With the GM’s permission, a player can change his closes off the track until the player replaces it at the
character any way he wishes between Arcs; XP can be beginning of the next Act.
spent during an Arc for a quick addition to a When building a character, the player creates two
character, which can then either be made permanent Milestones: one that represents a personal goal or
later, or allowed to disappear after the current story. character arc (such as building a kingdom, reuniting
Whether through XP or fiat, any change to a with a lost love, and so on), and another that
character should involve a conversation between the represents a singular personal failing (such as
player and GM. intemperance, cruelty, anger, or reckless behavior)
called a Limit Milestone. The player is also
encouraged to replace or revise these Milestones with
Experience Points (XP) time, though one should always remain a goal or
motivation and the other should always remain a
A character’s XP (Experience Points) represent his flaw or character failing.
growth through personal experience as well as his Each Arc also has one to three Milestones
achievements and deeds. XP is gained through associated with it. A character can use one of these
completing Milestones, or through the GM inflicting Milestones in place of one of their own Milestones,
heavy punishment on the group (represented by the or simply keep both of their personal Milestones for
GM spending d12 from the doom pool). the Arc if they wish to focus on character
Whenever the GM spends d12 from the doom development.
pool, the character directly affected gains 1 XP. This
means that the GM spending 2d12 from the doom
pool to end a Scene also grants 2 XP to all characters
in the Scene.

Sample Milestones Dangerous Liaisons
You are seeking someone to love—but the life of a
Addiction hero can be dangerous for their loved ones.
You are addicted to a specific substance—or 1 XP when you profess romantic interest in a non-
perhaps just to substances in general. heroic NPC.
1 XP when you are in a situation where you are 3 XP when your heroic activities put your love
expected to partake in your substance of choice. interest in danger.
3 XP when your addiction gets you into a conflict 10 XP when your involvement with your love
you could have avoided sober. interest changes them irrevocably, or when you break
10 XP when you overindulge in your addiction to off your relationship in order to protect your love
the point where you fail in a crucial task, or you interest from harm.
forsake worldly pleasures to purify yourself.
Enemies Accumulate
Ambition You’ve left a string of old foes behind you. It’s only
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, a matter of time before one of them catches up to
and you’re laying your road one brick at a time. you.
1 XP when you research a dangerous new piece of 1 XP when you declare a named enemy as an old foe
lore or potential source of power. of yours.
3 XP when you use a dangerous source of power 3 XP when you inflict trauma on or take trauma
against the warnings of your allies. from your chosen foe.
10 XP when you reject the temptations of power 10 XP when you forgive your chosen foe and let
because of the dangers it presents, or when you them go, or they beg your forgiveness and you kill
embrace that power at significant personal cost. them anyway.

Honorable 3 XP when you suffer stress while defending your
You believe that your word is your bond. chosen people.
1 XP when you formally give your word to another 10 XP when you are stressed out while protecting
character. another character, or when you declare that your
3 XP when you suffer stress while upholding your chosen people no longer need you and refuse to
given word. protect them any longer.
10 XP when you fulfill your oath and demonstrate
your honorable nature at personal cost, or when you Trader
break your oath in order to fulfill another obligation. Others look for honor or glory, but you want
nothing more than a full purse.
Loner 1 XP when you use your Trading Specialty in a
You’re used to working on your own. conflict.
1 XP when you complain that you would be better 3 XP when you exploit another character’s resources
off without others holding you back. for your own advantage.
3 XP when you are stressed out while working with 10 XP when you seize a significant source of wealth
others. from another character for yourself, or when you
10 XP when you realize that working together is surrender your own wealth for the sake of others.
better than being alone and actively work to increase
the size of your team, or when you become disgusted Violent Temper
with the people holding you back and quit the team. You are brutal and deadly in battle, and even your
allies think that you might be too dangerous to keep
Mentor around.
You have a lot to teach the younger generation—if 1 XP when you first choose to inflict physical stress
they’ll let you. in a scene.
1 XP when you identify another character as being 3 XP when another hero rebukes you for your
in need of your wisdom and guidance. violence or you threaten an ally with violence.
3 XP when you spend a Transition Scene training or 10 XP when you kill an enemy in front of innocents,
educating your chosen ward. or when you choose to spare a foe’s life in front of
10 XP when you accept your ward as a full equal, or innocents.
when you abandon your ward at a time of need to
force them to stand on their own.
Spending XP
You think that resorting to violence is accepting
In general, the advancements from experience
points are considered to be temporary benefits,
1 XP when you posit the merits of peaceful discourse
gained during a story arc and disappearing at the end
over violence.
of that arc. Between story arcs, players can choose to
3 XP when you create an asset or resource while
make those advancements into permanent changes
trying to resolve a confrontation peacefully.
to their character, or they can “reset” their character
10 XP when you end a physical conflict with none of
to represent little lasting change occurring from the
the participants having suffered physical stress, or
events of the arc. During a break between story arcs,
when you break down and inflict physical trauma on
a player can make any changes he sees fit to his
a foe.
character, as per discussion with the GM.
Spending XP on advancing a character trait can be
taken as either as intent to permanently alter a
It’s in your nature to care for others, putting their
character’s traits, or as an act of necessity, which is
well-being ahead of your own.
why such advancements “reset” between story arcs
1 XP when you declare that another character or a
without GM and player coordination.
group of people are under your protection.

5 XP of time. Some examples of Unlockables are included
 Replace an existing Distinction with a new one. below.
 Add a new power trait at d6 to a power set.
 Unlock a minor Arc resource. Fight Then Friends [5 XP/10 XP]: After
successfully defeating an enemy but showing them
10 XP mercy, a hero can demonstrate his sincerity and the
 Train a new Specialty at Expert. righteousness of his cause.
 Upgrade an existing power trait from d6 to d8 For 5 XP, the hero converts a defeated enemy into
 Add a new SFX to one of your power sets. an ally. That NPC is now available for play as a PC
 Unlock a moderate Arc resource. (after tweaking his writeup). The player who unlocks
this redemption gets first choice of playing the newly
15 XP revealed hero.
 Upgrade an existing power trait from d8 to d10, For 10 XP, the former enemy is available for future
or create a new power trait at d8 play as a hero, plus the hero who spent the XP can
 Upgrade an Attribute from d6 to d8. bring the character along as a supporting NPC for
 Upgrade an existing Expert Specialty to Master. the next Act. He will aid the heroes in one major
 Unlock a significant Arc resource. Action Scene before departing on good terms.

20 XP Memories of a Lost Age [5 XP]: The Exalted often

recall memories of prior lifetimes, or ancestral
 Upgrade an existing power trait from d10 to d12
memories from their forebears.
 Upgrade an existing Master Specialty to Paragon.
For 5 XP, the character can narrate a past-life
 Unlock a major Arc resource.
memory that ties into the current Scene in some way,
 Upgrade an Essence die from d6 to d8.
or can ask the GM to do the same. This creates a
resource at d8, which lasts for the rest of the current
30 XP
 Upgrade an Essence die from d8 to d10.
 Upgrade an Attribute from d8 to d10. Old Debts [5 XP/10 XP]: Celestial Exalted gain
 Create a new power trait at d10. their power from the Exaltations, shards of essence
that find a new host if the current one is killed. The
50 XP bearers of Exaltations often have memories from
 Upgrade an Essence die from d10 to d12. their past lives—and immortal beings sometimes
 Upgrade an Attribute from d10 to d12. recall debts between one life and the next.
For 5 XP, you can declare that a non-mortal being
you are dealing with owes you a debt from a past life.
Unlockables This being will repay your debt by sparing your life,
giving you valuable information, or misdirecting your
Much of the use of XP in the Cortex Plus Heroic enemies.
paradigm is for temporary benefit. The changes that For 10 XP, the being will actively aid you in one
occur during an Arc from experience point Action Scene or grant you the use of a part of his
expenditure are considered temporary. Of course, personal panoply for the remainder of the Arc. You
between Arcs a player can change his character as may only buy this Unlockable once per Arc; at the
much as he and his GM agree upon, so this is hardly GM’s decision, you may not be able to use this
a penalty. Unlockable on the same being more than once.
Every Arc includes “Unlockables,” temporary
benefits gained by spending XP that represent allies, Status Quo [10 XP/15 XP]: It is one thing to be on
accolades, use of loaned items, and so on. Some friendly terms with an organization—but it’s quite
Unlockables might be present through an entire another to join their ranks as a full member.
campaign, while others come and go with the passing

For 10 XP, the character is brought into the fold of the services of more than one band of Tiger Warriors
a minor or regional organization as a member, for a major battle.
gaining all the benefits of his new rank. Joining the A character interested in having mortal followers
aristocracy of Great Forks could allow a character capable of following him into battle regularly might
access to high-ranking spirits or open up new types of also consider the special Tiger Warrior Training SFX:
resources, while gaining the trust of the Hawkriders  SFX: Tiger Warrior Training. Spend 1 Mote as a
of Metagalapa might make long-distance travel easier. Transition Scene action to step up the dice of a
For 15 XP, the character joins the ranks of a major mob of allied extra characters (so a group with
or wide-ranging organization. As a Guild factor, the Team 4d6 would become Team 4d8). This
character would enjoy increased access to trade upgrade is permanent, but may only be
goods and money, while a member of the Grass performed on a given group once. You always
Spiders could call in a veritable army of assassins for have the Tiger Warriors Unlockable available so
aid. long as friendly NPCs are present in a scene.
Generally, for 10 XP, the character is permanently
a member of an organization, and can gain a free To Sit Upon a Throne [15 XP/20 XP]: The hero
Resource or small squad of allies for one Scene has achieved mighty deeds and claimed the throne of
during the Arc. For 15 XP, it’s the same benefit, plus a kingdom for himself. For 15 XP, the character is
the character can call on a significant amount of aid acknowledged as the ruler of a nation, but only until
once during the Arc. This is the equivalent of the he leaves its boundaries. If he is absent from the
GM’s 2d12 End the Scene option, but the player nation for an entire Arc, a rival to the throne will
describes how it goes. appear or the people will grow restless, forcing him
During any future Arc, the character can buy this to return and regain the throne.
benefit again for a different group, or can “reset” his A character can safeguard his nation by spending 5
options with his original one for 5 XP. XP at the beginning of an Arc; this allows him to
safely leave his nation for the Arc without suffering
Tiger Warriors [5 XP/10 XP]: You have trained an the ire of his people. A character that is absent too
elite cadre of mortal warriors to serve under you. often might still face repercussions, at the GM’s
From time to time, you can call upon these loyal, discretion, but he will not lose his hard-fought
deadly servants to fight alongside you. They have throne just for wandering.
their own lives as well, however, and they are not
without needs. Unexpected Help [5 XP]: The heroes gain help
A character with the Tiger Warrior Training SFX from an unexpected quarter during a time of need.
can spend 5 XP to gain the services of a Tiger For 5 XP, a squad of NPC allies shows up to help the
Warrior band (see Chapter 8: Antagonists) for one heroes during an Action Scene. They expect
Scene. For 10 XP, the Tiger Warriors instead stick something in return, though. If the heroes refuse to
around for the duration of the Act to help out. help them, this Unlockable cannot be purchased
At the GM’s discretion, a character may purchase again until the next Arc.
this Unlockable more than once in an Act, gaining


“I will set up my name in the place where the names of famous men are written, and where no man’s name is written yet I will
raise a monument to the gods.”
—The Epic of Gilgamesh

The Exalted are mortals chosen by a higher power Rumor and legend have spoken of other breeds of
to serve as that being’s representative and champion Exalted since the time of the Primordial War,
in Creation. The best-known Exalted are the though such rumors have never been conclusively
Celestial Exalted, chosen of the gods of the sun, proven.
moon, and stars, who were their soldiers and leaders
during the war against the Primordials. The
Celestials ruled Creation for thousands of years Essence
before being overthrown in a great betrayal called the
A character’s Essence die is considered to be a
Beneath the power of the Celestial Exalted are the
function of his Exaltation—essentially, it is an
Terrestrial Exalted, also called the Dragon-Blooded.
abstract measure of his overall power and spiritual
Chosen by the Elemental Dragons, Terrestrials
enlightenment. Attached to the Essence die are a
possess less power than Celestials but are able to pass
special SFX and Limit. This Caste or Aspect SFX
on their power to their offspring, allowing them to
shows the powers that are unique to that type of
create great Exalted lineages and legacies. The
Exalt, while the Anima Limit acts as a means of
Dragon-Blooded were convinced to overthrow the
gaining additional power by “flaring” one’s battle
Solar and Lunar Exalted during the Usurpation by
aura, making the character more visible and the
the Sidereals. After the great betrayal, the Dragon-
situation more chaotic.
Blooded took over the rule of Creation, while the
An Essence entry on a character sheet should look
Sidereals retreated to Heaven to manipulate the
something like this:
world from the shadows.
More recently, the outcast Primordials—now called
Essence dX
the Yozis—have chosen their own mortal champions.
 SFX: Caste/Aspect Name. This is a special SFX
These so-called Primordial Exalted are the shadowy
available only to members of the character’s caste
Abyssals, the hell-bound Infernals, and the synthetic
or aspect. The SFX explains when and how it can
Alchemicals. Abyssals are the death-tainted
be used, and in what circumstances.
reflections of Solars, twisted into dark mirrors by the
 Limit: Anima Flare. Add a d6 to the doom pool
Neverborn, the ghosts of slain Primordials. Those
to gain 1 Mote. You may only activate this Limit
Yozis trapped in Malfeas captured a few Solar
during an Action Scene, and only once per
essences and warped them into hellish creations,
Scene. Your anima banner forms and cannot be
bound with demons, and called them Infernal
hidden until the end of the Scene.
Exalted. When Autochthon, the Great Maker,
departed Creation thousands of years ago, he took
NPCs do not gain doom dice from this Limit (as
many mortals with him and created the Alchemicals
NPCs do not gain Motes), but the GM should still
to safeguard them in the long exile from Creation.
have their anima banners flare when appropriate.

Exalted, while Terrestrial Exalted have aspects that
Anima Banner represent the element or force which gives them
their primary power. A way of thinking about this is
that a Dawn Caste Solar was chosen to fight, while a
A common theme among the Exalted, whether
Celestial or Terrestrial, is the battle aura known as Fire Aspect Dragon-Blooded channels the power of
an anima banner. This manifestation of an Exalt’s flame.
inner power is a visible demonstration of his might— Every Exalt has a caste or an aspect, which is
and one of the primary ways that his enemies can granted to them at the moment of their Exaltation
identify him. and which is considered an unalterable part of their
A Solar that uses his powers begins to glow with existence. Their nature generally allows them to
learn powers outside of their general focus, but their
the light of the sun, eventually manifesting his caste
primary nature will always be geared toward their
mark on his forehead, and finally filling the air
caste or aspect. A Dawn Caste Solar could learn to
around him with an iconic representation of his very
be a scholar or a Fire Aspect Dragon-Blooded can
soul. Lunars begin to shed their illusions, becoming
learn to wield water-controlling powers, but neither
more animal-like to those that view them, until their
of them will ever be as mighty in such endeavors as
totem animal appears as a glowing aura of ferocity
they would be in their own focus.
and power. Dragon-Bloods are surrounded by an
aura of raw elemental power, and Sidereals seem to
be filled with a nimbus of stars.
Solars and Lunars have particularly powerful The Solar Exalted
anima banners. At full power their anima banners
become iconic, showing a unique image that can help Solar Exalted are the highest of the Exalted,
others identify them even if their identity is Chosen of the Unconquered Sun. Sometimes
otherwise obscured. A Solar or Lunar Exalt’s iconic known as the Lawgivers, Solars were created to act as
anima is irrefutable proof of their identity, incapable generals and commanders of the Exalted army in the
of being mistaken for anything else by anyone who war against the Primordials.
has ever seen it before. Each Solar’s banner is unique Their Charm power traits ordinarily include
and personal, while a Lunar’s banner is usually a enhanced or superhuman abilities (such as strength,
phantom image of his totem animal. Infernals and reflexes, and so on), improved movement modes
Abyssals have anima banners like those of Solars, but (speed, leaping and swimming), resistances, and
twisted and mutated into horrific forms. superhuman charisma (presence or mind control).
Sidereals do not possess iconic banners, instead Starting Solars will normally have d8 to d10 power
glowing with the color of their caste and manifesting traits, but their SFX typically include means of
more powerful stellar imagery around them as their temporarily doubling or stepping up their power
power grows. Dragon-Blooded and Alchemicals traits. It is common for Solar powers to climb to d12
likewise demonstrate more powerful manifestations levels even before becoming elders.
of their element, but do not have iconic banners. A good starting range for Solar power sets is a
Regardless of the exact manifestation, all Exalted single power set for Solar Charms; this should
have an aura of power that appears when they use include two or three powers at d8 and one or two
their magical abilities. powers at d10, as well as two to four SFX and the
standard Exhausted Limit.
A starting Solar may also possess an artifact or
Caste and Aspect basic training in a supernatural martial art, which is
defined by a Panoply power set. This set will include
Depending on their divine patron, an Exalted one group with one or two powers at d8, and no
character has either a caste or an aspect. Generally, more than one power at d10 (if any), as well as one
Celestial Exalted are divided into castes that or two SFX.
demonstrate the purpose for which they were A Solar’s anima banner is often a vibrant reflection
of his identity, deeds, past lives, or talents. Animals,

plants, runes, abstract shapes, and more can all be wise. Their caste mark is a golden circle, full in the
part of a Solar’s anima banner. The only common top half and empty in the bottom half.
factor is a blazing aura in the colors of the sun at The Night Caste walk in the dark places where
their caste’s position—bright golds and oranges for others might fear to tread, bringing the justice of the
Dawn Caste, powerful yellow-white for Zenith, Unconquered Sun to the wicked in their own lairs.
melancholy reds and blues for Twilight, burnished They are spies, thieves, and even assassins, waging
purples and muted whites for Night, and searing guerilla war against the enemies of the righteous.
white auras for the Eclipse Caste. They are chosen for their subtle methods—for the
Essence Die: d10 ability to act unseen. Their caste mark is an empty
golden circle.
Solar Castes The Eclipse Caste are the goodwill ambassadors of
The Solar Exalted are chosen for their heroism—a the Unconquered Sun, traveling far to forge alliances
dedication to greatness. The Unconquered Sun and pacts with others to create a grand civilization.
chooses those who look upon impossible odds or They broker bargains between men and gods, and
impossible deeds and then commits to them anyway. negotiate with stranger beings still. They are good
Sometimes, their Exaltations comes after succeeding with people and with organizations. Members of the
despite all the odds, while in other cases it comes Eclipse Caste are chosen for being keen students of
during such an attempt, giving them the power to the human condition—for putting negotiation and
overcome their obstacles. Some Solars are chosen diplomacy ahead of warfare. Their caste mark is a
because the Unconquered Sun sees in them some disk within a circle, both of brilliant gold.
element of himself—his compassion, his courage, or
his disappointment at the current state of the world.
The Dawn Caste were warriors, champions, and
generals in the First Age. They led the armies of
Creation against its enemies, teaching them why they
should fear the coming of dawn’s first light.
Members of the Dawn Caste are chosen for their
surpassing excellence in the arts of battle—whether
personal combat or the fields of war. Their caste
mark is a golden circle surrounded by an eight-rayed
The Zenith Caste represents the glory of the
noonday sun, a light that permits no shadows. They
lead their people in prayer and righteousness, acting
as priests of the Unconquered Sun. They must be
able to walk equally among all peoples, surviving in
the harsh places between civilization to bring the
word of the gods to them. They are chosen for their
uplifting and just natures—for their desire to change
the world into a better place. The Zenith Caste mark
is a golden circle shining like the noonday sun.
The Twilight Caste are builders, sorcerers,
philosophers, great thinkers of all kinds. In the First
Age, they created the infrastructure that made that
age possible. Twilights often do the intellectual
“heavy lifting” for their circles, whether that is old
lore or new insights. Twilights are chosen for their
desire to learn—to become both knowledgeable and

Solar Caste SFX you can sanctify any oath sworn by a character
 SFX: Dawn Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate this you can touch. If the oath is broken, that
SFX. For the rest of the current scene, step up character suffers the complication Cursed d10
the effect die in any reaction roll you make until the end of the current Arc; this
against physical attacks, or any roll you make complication cannot be removed prematurely,
including the Athletics, Menace, or War and it cannot be increased by actions. The GM
Specialties. While this SFX is active, if you determines the exact nature of the curse, but it
attempt to inflict fear-based emotional stress usually manifests as extremes of bad luck or as
using the Menace Specialty, your target cannot ironic karmic retribution. This complication
spend doom dice or Motes to negate that stress. should apply on most rolls the victim makes.
 SFX: Zenith Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate this
SFX. For the rest of the current scene, step up
your effect die on any action targeting a creature The Lunar Exalted
of darkness, or any roll including the
Performance, Socialize or Survival Specialties. Sometimes called the Stewards, Lunar Exalted are
While this SFX is active, you can burn corpses the helpmates and comrades of the Solar Exalted,
with a touch to prevent them from rising as Chosen of Luna. Used in the Primordial War as
ghosts or zombies, and enemies cannot spend spies, infiltrators and saboteurs, Lunars are masters
doom dice or Motes to add additional team dice of shapechanging, illusion and disguise. Most Lunars
of undead foes to the scene. belong to a broad society of their kind known as the
 SFX: Twilight Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate this Silver Pact.
SFX. For the rest of the current scene, step up All Lunars are superlative shapechangers, and
your effect die on any roll you make including should possess the Shapeshifting power in their
the Craft, Lore, or Occult Specialties. You also Charms power set with a value of at least d8. Lunar
gain the power Mystic Senses d8 for the rest of abilities often key off of the natural world or the
the scene; if you already possess the Mystic improvement of their own bodies through tapping
Senses power, you may step up or double it for into their animal side. Enhanced and superhuman
the rest of the scene instead. While this SFX is attributes are common (especially strength, senses
active, you may spend 1 Mote and step up and stamina), as are improved movement modes and
mental stress to leave the current scene. You movement modes possessed by animals (such as
cease to exist until the end of the next scene, at swimming, swinging, and flying). Lunars have the
which point you reappear within 10 miles of same power range as Solars, but have fewer dice-
your previous location. boosting SFX.
 SFX: Night Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate this A good starting range for Lunars includes a power
SFX. For the rest of the scene, step up your effect set for Lunar Charms; this should include two or
die on any action including the Acrobatics, three powers at d8 and one or two powers at d10, as
Covert, or Larceny Specialties. You also gain the well as two to four SFX and the standard Exhausted
power Invisibility d8 for the rest of the scene; if Limit.
you already possess the Invisibility power, you A starting Lunar may also possess an artifact,
may step up or double it for the rest of the scene which is defined by a Panoply power group; this set
instead. While this SFX is active, the GM may will include one group with one or two powers at d8,
not activate your Anima Flare Limit and no one and no more than one power at d10 (if any), as well
can discern your identity by any means unless as one or two SFX and the Artifact Limit. Starting
you wish them to do so. Lunars rarely possess martial arts but may well have
 SFX: Eclipse Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate this servitor beasts or bound spirits.
SFX. For the rest of the current scene, step up A Lunar’s anima banner is normally a huge
your effect die on any roll you make including glowing version of his totem, the animal spirit that he
the Bureaucracy, Socialize, Trading, or Vehicles most associates with. Beyond their totems, a Lunar’s
Specialties. Additionally, for the rest of the scene, anima banner glows with the ever-shifting light of the

moon, typically in hues of silver, blue, white, and While Lunars once had five castes like Solars, they
grey. shed these narrow definitions long ago. Now, a
Essence Die: d10 Lunar is Exalted casteless, having a highly
metamorphic nature that can be corrosive to their
Lunar Castes psyche without containment. Many Lunars—but not
Lunars are chosen by Luna, who attends each all—take on moonsilver tattoos to fix their caste
Exaltation personally to give a few words of wisdom permanently, gaining limits on their power but also
or prophecy to her Exalted. They are generally channeling their abilities more finely.
chosen for their ability to survive impossible odds—to The Full Moon Caste rely on raw physical prowess
face certain death or defeat, only to be the last one to answer the challenges offered to them by the
standing at the end of their trial. world. They are warriors, athletes, and rugged
While the Lunar Exalted were created to be the survivors, capable of getting along in the worst
mates and partners of the Solar Exalted, the conditions in Creation. Their caste mark is a
disappearance of the Solars at the end of the First gleaming silver disk.
Age changed the Lunars. They’re still changing, in The Changing Moon Caste rely on guile, cunning,
many ways. They have a deep and abiding rage in charisma, and animal magnetism to overcome their
their souls now, a fury that compels them to shatter foes and take what they want from life. What they
the chains binding them to the past. Lunars can tap cannot overawe with sheet majesty, they can trick
into their animal side for power, essentially letting and blind with lies and misdirection. Their caste
out a monster that lives in their own soul to change mark is a glittering silver cresent.
their flesh. The No Moon Caste rely on cleverness and
wisdom to outwit their opponents. They treat the
world as a riddle to be solved, tasing power out of
the meanings of things. Their caste mark is a hollow
silver circle.

Lunar Caste SFX

 SFX: Full Moon Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate
this SFX. For the rest of the current scene, step
up the effect die for any action including the
Athletics, Acrobatics, or Survival Specialties.
Gain the power Enhanced Speed d8 for the
duration of the scene; if you already possess the
Speed power (or any other physical Movement
power), you may step up or double it for the rest
of the scene instead.
 SFX: Changing Moon Caste. Spend 1 Mote to
activate this SFX. For the rest of the current
scene, step up the effect die for any action
including the Larceny, Performance, or Socialize
Specialties. Gain the power Presence d8 for the
duration of the scene; if you already possess the
Presence power, you may step up or double it for
the rest of the scene instead.
 SFX: No Moon Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate
this SFX. For the rest of the current scene, step
up the effect die for any action including the
Covert, Craft, or Lore Specialties. Gain the
power Invisibility d8 for the duration of the

scene; if you already possess the Invisibility A good range for Sidereal power sets includes a
power, you may step up or double it for the rest power set for Sidereal Charms; this should include
of the scene instead. three or four powers at d8 and no more than one
 SFX: Casteless. Spend 1 Mote and step up your power at d10, as well as two to four SFX and the
mental stress to activate this SFX. Choose one standard Exhausted Limit.
Specialty other than Close or Ranged Combat; Almost all Sidereals have martial arts as part of
for the rest of the current scene, step up the their Panoply. Sidereal martial arts tend to have two
effect die for any action using that Specialty. Step to four powers at d8 and one or two at d10, two or
up or double your Shapeshifting power for the three SFX, and the Conscious Activation Limit.
rest of the scene. Sidereal anima banners are colorful sheets of light,
with the color depending on the Maiden the Sidereal
It is very common for Lunar Exalted to have the serves: red for Battles, purple for Endings, yellow for
ability to transform into a monstrous animal hybrid Journeys, green for Secrets, and blue for Serenity.
shape: Unlike the totemic or iconic banners of other
 SFX: Deadly Beastman Transformation. Borrow the Celestial Exalted, the Sidereal anima banner is only
highest die from the doom pool for an attack shifting colors and the occasional appearance of
action. When the action resolves, step it up and starbursts or motes of starlight.
return it to the doom pool.

Additionally, any Lunar with a fixed caste should

take the following SFX:
 SFX: Moonsilver Tattoos. Spend 1 Mote to ignore
stress or complications from a dice pool
including Transmutation or Wyld-based scene

The Sidereal Exalted

The Sidereal Exalted are the Chosen of the Five
Maidens. Numbering only one hundred strong, the
Five-Fold Fellowship is the bureaucracy that keeps
heaven functioning and Creation intact—though they
are spread thin at the best of times. Sidereal Exalted
must act in secrecy and from the shadows due to the
arcane fate they possess, a sort of mystic blindness
that wipes them from the minds of those they aid.
They can combat this in the short term with the use
of Resplendent Destinies, special resources that give
them a mortal cover identity.
Invisibility (arcane fate), teleportation (flash-
stepping), and telepathy (silently passing messages or
reading people at a glance) are common power traits
for Sidereals, as are resistances and improved
reflexes. Sidereals are especially skilled in the martial
arts, often possessing d10 or d12 power traits linked
to their martial arts power set. However, their other
powers rarely exceed the d8 level, with only the most
powerful Sidereals having powers at the d10 level.

All Sidereals have caste marks relating to their the destiny as it becomes “worn.” At any time, the
patron. When their essence flares, the symbol of character may spend 1 Mote to restore his destiny to
their Maiden blazes bright on their foreheads, its original value (if it has not been destroyed).
shedding light in their anima’s colors. The major benefit of a resplendent destiny is that it
Essence Die: d10 creates a real mortal identity for the Sidereal agent in
Creation, one that comes with support for its claims.
Resplendent Destinies If the character takes on the Destiny Imperial Guard
Due to an ancient mystical curse, Sidereals are d8, then no one will question his presence inside the
partially removed from fate even as they are its imperial palace; a Street Performer d6 can enter any bar
servants. Because of this, any mortal who interacts and just be accepted by the locals. Generally, people
with a Sidereal in his true guise suffers from the will only interfere with the Sidereal’s business if he
Exalt’s arcane fate. The simple explanation is that a begins to act “out of character” or their own goals
Sidereal’s image is gradually scrubbed from the are at cross-purposes.
memories of mortals who know him, eventually A secondary benefit is that a resplendent destiny
leaving behind nothing. The mortal attributes the allows the Sidereal’s actions to stick in a mortal’s
Sidereal’s actions to others, or forgets them entirely. memory normally. Mental and emotional stress
A resplendent destiny is a special resource that allows inflicted while wearing such a disguise linger as
a Sidereal to interact with mortals without the risk of normal, and the character is capable of maintaining
arcane fate interfering. Without a resplendent long-term relationships with mortals—though not as
destiny, any emotional or mental stress inflicted by a long-term as they might like, since resplendent
Sidereal on a mortal is stepped back twice during the destinies are inherently fragile.
next Transition Scene, and any such trauma is
stepped back as well, as the painful memories fade. Sidereal Castes
Any resources created for mortals by a destiny-free Sidereal Exalted are unusual among the Exalted in
Sidereal are abandoned, as they are quickly that their Exaltations seem to be preordained. A
forgotten. child destined to be Exalted among the Sidereals is
When a Sidereal creates a Resplendent Destiny, he often found at a young age and taken in by a mentor
spends 1 Mote and selects one of his Specialties, as to be trained in his duty. Others are missed by fate’s
usual for creating a resource. The created Destiny servants until the moment of their Exaltation, at
remains in effect for the remainder of the Act, unlike which point their fellows can find them easily.
a normal resource. Every time the Sidereal uses a Unlike many Exalted, the Sidereals have great
power trait in a roll, the destiny is degraded. If the expectations for their fellows and consider
power trait is lower than or equal to the destiny, it is themselves to all be members of a single society, the
stepped back; if it is higher than the destiny, the Five-Fold Fellowship. A Sidereal who goes
Destiny is removed and the character’s anima banner “renegade” causes great distress among his kind, and
flares. many hunt down such traitors—either in an effort to
While under the guise of a resplendent destiny, the correct their behavior and bring them home, or to
character adds his destiny resource to any roll that end their lives to allow their Exaltation to pass onto
would be supported by his disguise. For example, if a more worthy host.
the character uses his Lore Master d10 Specialty to The Chosen of Journeys were set upon the path of
create the destiny of Wandering Priest d8, then he Mercury, concerning themselves with travelers,
adds the d8 resource to any dice pool where his roads, paths, and the movement of people and forces
disguise would be relevant. throughout the world. Their role is to ensure that all
A resplendent destiny can be removed during a things arrive in their proper places at the proper
Transition Scene and “set aside,” so that the times.
character can use his powers without degrading the The Chosen of Serenity are celebrants of the ways
destiny. When he reassumes the destiny, however, he of Venus, ensuring that love, joy, and peace bind
must attempt a roll against the doom pool (including together those things which must be bound
his destiny resource in his pool); a failure steps back

together—or cleave apart those things that must be with you may spend 1 Mote to gain this benefit
set apart. for their current roll.
The Chosen of Battles are militants under the
banner of Mars. They oversee the march of armies,
the swirl of conflict, and the outcome of wars, The Dragon-Blooded
ensuring that such bloodshed furthers the needs of
the world as a whole.
More commonly known as the Dragon-Blooded,
The Chosen of Secrets are sworn to the silence of
the Terrestrial Exalted are the only members of the
Jupiter. They keep destiny’s secrets from men and
Exalted host that can pass on their power to their
gods alike, allowing that which is hidden to come to
offspring. Most Terrestrials Exalt sometime shortly
light only in the moment when fate demands that it
after puberty, though late bloomers can happen as
must be so.
late as their mid-twenties. Dragon-Blooded lineages
The Chosen of Endings are harbingers of Saturn’s
therefore work hard to ensure good breeding among
quiet footsteps. These mournful Sidereals ensure
their lines, hoping to ensure the power of their
that all things end when their fated hour arrives—be
they lives, nations, or even the vast sweep of an age.
The most formidable Dragon-Blooded force in
Creation is the Scarlet Empire, ruled by various
Sidereal Caste SFX Dragon-Blooded noble houses. Other such dynasties
 SFX: Chosen of Battles. Spend 1 Mote to activate exist, however, including the Gentes of Lookshy, the
this SFX. For the rest of the current scene, step noble houses of Port Calin, and the Forest Witches
up your effect die on reactions against physical of the Sea of Mind.
attacks or military actions. Any ally in the current Dragon-Bloods are the weakest of the Exalted, with
Scene with you may spend 1 Mote to gain this their power traits rarely exceeding d8. Many have
benefit for their current roll. supernatural abilities in the d6 range, with only the
 SFX: Chosen of Endings. Spend 1 Mote to activate most powerful of their elders reaching the d10 level
this SFX. For the rest of the current scene, step with anything except Control powers. Player
up your effect die in all actions taken to inflict characters generally represent the cream of the crop—
physical stress or to remove a complication. Any elite Dragon-Bloods from strong bloodlines. Thus,
ally in the current Scene with you may spend 1 their power traits tend toward d8 more than d6.
Mote to gain this benefit for their current roll. Unlike Celestial Exalted, Dragon-Bloods primarily
 SFX: Chosen of Journeys. Spend 1 Mote to activate have power traits reflecting their affinity with the five
this SFX. For the rest of the current scene, step elements. An Air Aspect might possess powers like
up the effect die on any roll including a air control, flight, and improved reflexes, while a Fire
Movement power. Any ally in the current Scene Aspect might possess a fire blast, fire control, and
with you may spend 1 Mote to gain this benefit improved speed. Their SFX often play to these
for their current roll. strengths as well.
 SFX: Chosen of Secrets. Spend 1 Mote to activate Keep in mind that a Dragon-Blood is not restricted
this SFX. For the rest of the current scene, step to elemental powers within his own element, but
up the effect die in all actions taken to inflict they should not have any elemental powers at a
mental stress and all reactions made to resist higher die rating than a power from their elemental
such actions. Any ally in the current Scene with focus. Thus, a Fire Aspect could have both fire
you may spend 1 Mote to gain this benefit for control and air control, but his die rating in the
their current roll. latter should not be higher than his die rating in the
 SFX: Chosen of Serenity. Spend 1 Mote to activate former.
this SFX. For the rest of the current scene, step A good starting range for Dragon-Blooded power
up the effect die when rolling to recover stress or sets is a power set for Terrestrial Charms; this should
trauma and on reactions made to resist include three to four powers at d8 and perhaps
emotional stress. Any ally in the current Scene another power at d6, as well as two to four SFX and
the standard Exhausted Limit. At the GM’s

discretion, a Dragon-Blood might start with d10 in Dragon-Blooded Aspects
his primary elemental control power. The five elements pulse in the very souls of the
Almost all Dragon-Blooded also possess multiple Dragon-Blooded. While any Dragon-Blooded can
artifacts in their Panoply power set; this set will harness the power of any of the elements, they bear
include one or two power groups with one or two an affinity for a single element above all of the
powers at d8 each, as well as one or two SFX and the others. Their personalities and talents are strongly
Artifact Limit. Dragon-Blooded sometimes learn influenced by their elemental aspect.
Terrestrial martial arts and occasionally have spirit Aspects of Air are heroes of quick thought and
familiars or elite mortal servants. learned contemplation. They are as subtle as the
A Dragon-Blood’s anima banner is a visible—and breeze and as dynamic as a thunderstorm. Their
often dangerous—manifestation of his aspect aspect makes them clever, quick, and intelligent.
element. Swirling flames, flickering lightning, chill Aspects of Earth are bastions of patience and
fog, and other physical phenomena are the realm of stability. Their resilient nature is the solid pillar that
a Terrestrial anima banner. holds up their circle, and their natures run toward
Essence Die: d8 the stolid, the staid, and the stoic.
Aspects of Fire are passion and energy incarnate,
whether on the battlefield or in the court. They are
hot-headed and sometimes intemperate, but their
convictions are deeply held.
Aspects of Water are masters of adaptability and
unusual strategies. Their spirits are as deep as the
ocean and relentless as the flood. While they are
sometimes accused of being cold, their nature is also
one of compassion.
Aspects of Wood are as beautiful as orchids and as
deadly as nightshade, possessing a powerful affinity
for the living world. Their bodies are flush with life
and health, and their personalities tend toward both
sensuality and sensitivity.

Dragon-Blooded Aspect SFX

 SFX: Air Aspect. Spend 1 Mote to activate this
SFX. For the rest of the scene, step up the effect
die when you roll to avoid ranged attacks or area
attacks. You cannot suffer physical stress from
falls while this SFX is active. While this SFX is
active, you may spend 1 Mote to ignore stress or
complications caused by air or lightning based
 SFX: Earth Aspect. Spend 1 Mote to activate this
SFX. For the rest of the scene, step up the effect
die on any roll to avoid being grappled, pinned,
restrained, or moved without your permission.
While this SFX is active, you may spend 1 Mote
to ignore stress caused by non-magical physical
 SFX: Fire Aspect. Spend 1 Mote to activate this
SFX. For the rest of the scene, you gain the
Counterattack SFX but only against close combat

foes that are vulnerable to fire. While this SFX is artifacts. Most Abyssals have artifacts in their
active, you may spend 1 Mote to ignore stress or Panoply power set with one or two power groups;
complications inflicted by fire or heat based each group will include one or two powers at d8, and
attacks. no more than one power at d10 (if any), as well as
 SFX: Water Aspect. Spend 1 Mote to activate this one or two SFX and the Artifact Limit.
SFX. For the rest of the scene, step up the effect Abyssal anima banners are like the inverse of those
die for any reaction pool when you roll to avoid of the Solar Exalted. Clouds of blackness and dark
close combat attacks or environmental harm. miasma are the normal manifestations, with the
While this SFX is active, you gain Swimming d8 appearance of skulls, bones, corpses, and other
or step up any water-based Movement power you images of the Underworld being the result of the
already possess. iconic manifestation.
 SFX: Wood Aspect. Spend 1 Mote to activate this Essence Die: d10
SFX. For the rest of the scene, step up the effect
die for any reaction pool when you are attacked
by wooden weapons or any poison based attack.
While this SFX is active, you may spend 1 Mote
to ignore stress or complications from poison
based attacks. While this SFX is active, you also
gain Plant Control d8 or step up Plant Control if
you already possess it.

The Abyssal Exalted

The Abyssal Exalted are dark mirror reflections of
the Solars. Where Solar Exalted are shining
champions of Heaven, the Abyssals are the shadowy
messiahs of the Underworld. They possess a certain
kind of code or chivalry, in which it is better to
instill despair than inflict wholesale slaughter. After
all, mass murder tends to bind people together in
necessity, building bonds of hope, while leaving
bleak survivors erodes such bonds and decays the
morale of the living.
Abyssal Charms are typically the same as those of
the Solars, but themed for darkness and death rather
than life and hope. Where a Solar learns sorcery,
Abyssals learn necromancy; where a Solar can call
the light of Sol Invictus to burn his enemies, an
Abyssal chokes his foes with the black fog of death.
Generally, Abyssals are as powerful with their
Charms as Solars—but their powers are a black
mirror of the glory of the sun.
Abyssal power sets include a power set for Abyssal
Charms; this should include two or three powers at
d8 and one or two powers at d10, as well as two to
four SFX and the standard Exhausted Limit.
Unlike Solars, Abyssals have the backing of
powerful masters who often grant them access to

Abyssal Castes
Abyssal Exalted bear caste marks identical to those Abyssal Caste SFX
of the Solar Exalted, save that their marks appear as  SFX: Dusk Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate this
black brands rather than icons of radiant glory. An SFX. For the rest of the current scene, step up
Abyssal’s caste mark sometimes seems like it is the effect die in any reaction roll you make
burned into their flesh, cracking and searing until against physical attacks, or any roll you make
dark blood wells forth. Likewise, their castes are including the Athletics, Menace or War
bleak mockeries of the stations of the Chosen of the Specialties. While this SFX is active, if you
Unconquered Sun. attempt to inflict fear-based emotional stress
An Abyssal’s Exaltation is like that of a Solar, using the Menace Specialty, your target cannot
seeking out heroic souls who are committed to great spend doom dice or Motes to negate that stress.
deeds. The leash put on the Exaltation by the forces  SFX: Midnight Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate
of the Underworld holds it back until the potential this SFX. For the rest of the current scene, step
Chosen stands on the brink of life and death. up your effect die or any roll you make including
Accepting the black power of the Abyssal Exaltation the Performance, Socialize or Survival Specialties,
means survival—at the cost of becoming an agent of or on any roll targeting a god or elemental. You
death and decay. also gain the power Minions d8 for the rest of
The Dusk Caste are vicious warriors, elegant the scene; if you already possess the Minions
duelists, or battlefield reapers fighting amidst storms power, you may step it up or double is for the
of blood and severed limbs. Their Exaltation rest of the scene instead.
typically comes on such a battlefield, in the moments  SFX: Daybreak Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate
before their last breath would bubble out around an this SFX. For the rest of the current scene, step
enemy’s blade. up your effect die on any roll you make including
The Midnight Caste are evangelists of the grave, the Craft, Lore, or Occult Specialties. You also
often speaking for the ancestor cults or the lords of gain the power Mystic Senses d8 for the rest of
the dead. They exhort the glories of death among the the scene; if you already possess the Mystic
living, offering them a taste of darkness in exchange Senses power, you may step up or double it for
for blood and prayer. They often found their the rest of the scene instead. While this SFX is
Exaltation coming when they faced death in the active, you may spend 1 Mote and step up
service of the dead in one way or another. mental stress to travel between Creation and the
The Daybreak Caste are funerists and forgers of Underworld, immediately leaving one and
souls, masters of necromancy and the forbidden lore entering the other; you leave the scene and may
of the Underworld. Their wisdom is tarnished by the not return until the end of the next scene.
touch of oblivion, but it is no less potent. A  SFX: Day Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate this
Daybreak’s Exaltation often comes when they seek SFX. For the rest of the scene, step up your effect
lore and secrets that would come at the price of their die on any action including the Acrobatics,
lives—a price they grimly and gladly pay. Covert, or Larceny Specialties. You also gain the
The Day Caste are spies and assassins whose task is power Invisibility d8 for the rest of the scene; if
to walk unseen among the living, stealing the secrets you already possess the Invisibility power, you
of Creation for the sake of the dead. They bring swift may step up or double it for the rest of the scene
and sudden death, quiet ends in dark places. Their instead. While this SFX is active, the GM may
own Exaltation likely came in such a circumstance, not activate your Anima Flare Limit and no one
as they nearly breathed their last in the shadows. can discern your identity by any means unless
The Moonshadow Caste are masters of the old you wish them to do so.
laws which bind the Underworld together. They act  SFX: Moonshadow Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate
as emissaries to the living, formalizing accords this SFX. For the rest of the current scene, step
between the living and the dead. Their Exaltations up your effect die on any roll you make including
often come when their life would be the price of a the Bureaucracy, Socialize, Trading, or Vehicles
bargain—a sacrifice to seal a pact. Specialties. Additionally, for the rest of the scene,

you can sanctify any oath sworn by a character Infernal anima banners are bright green flames,
you can touch. If the oath is broken, that burnished bronze mirrors, flickering orbs of crystal,
character suffers the complication Cursed d10 or other strange manifestations of demonic power,
until the end of the current Arc; this depending on their patron. Many Infernals also form
complication cannot be removed prematurely, phantom images of a particular sort of demon during
and it cannot be increased by actions. The GM their iconic manifestations.
determines the exact nature of the curse, but it Essence Die: d10
usually manifests as extremes of bad luck or as
ironic karmic retribution. This complication Infernal Castes
should apply on most rolls the victim makes. An Infernal Exalted is the result of one of the
Demon Princes tainting the Exaltation of a Solar
with demonic essence and their own primordial
The Infernal Exalted nature before instilling it into a human host. The
Exaltation yearns for a heroic soul to be its guide,
Created from stolen Solar Exaltations during the but the Yozis themselves are stained with their fallen
breaking of the Jade Prison, the Green Sun Princes existence and seek to Exalt only those that can be
are servants of the Primordials—the greatest enemies bound with promises of power and venal gifts.
of the Exalted. These tainted Exaltations fill their Because of this, their Exalted are often people who
hosts with the unwholesome power of Hell, twisting faced a heroic destiny—only to cast it aside because of
them into demonic mutations and megalomaniacal fear, wrath, intemperance, or other moral failings.
villains. Many Infernals begin to question the An Infernal is given a chance to serve the true
correctness of their masters, however, and a second masters of Creation in order to abate the sting of his
rebellion against the Primordials may be brewing. own failure, and to gain all the glories that he
Infernals have a similar range of power trait dice as believes should have been his all along.
Solars, though their powers tend to be more bizarre. Each Yozi has their own methods of altering an
Strange mutations are common among Infernals, Exaltation to suit their nature. The five greatest of
making them more like the demons from which they the Yozis have the lion’s share of Infernals serving
gained their power. Improved attributes are as them, but virtually every Demon Prince has at least
common as among Solars, with unusual movement one such Exalted agent. Only the most common
modes like flight and swimming more so. Mind Infernals are described herein.
control is often more brutally direct than the subtle The Slayer Caste are the chosen of Malfeas, the
but powerful persuasions of the Solar Exalted. Demon King who is both ruler of his siblings and
Infernals have a similar range of SFX as Solars, but their prison. After the surrender of the Primordials,
their Specialties tend to be more scattered. While the Solars realized the only thing powerful enough to
Solars rarely have a great number of Specialties but imprison Malfeas was himself—so they turned him
are superlative in one or two of them, Infernals are inside-out and cast all of his kind into him before
more commonly dilettantes, having more Specialties sealing him. Slayers bear his unstoppable power and
but a lesser degree of expertise in them. imperious rage. They are warriors, ruling through
Infernal power sets include a power set for Infernal their strength and the terror they inspire in others.
Charms; this should include two or three powers at Their caste mark is a pair of crossed swords, burning
d8 and one or two powers at d10, as well as two to in the green fires of hell.
four SFX and the standard Exhausted Limit. The Malefactor Caste are servants of Cecelyne, the
Unlike Solars, Infernals have the backing of Endless Desert that surrounds the Demon City of
powerful masters who often grant them access to Malfeas. They share their patron’s harsh and
artifacts. Most Infernals have artifacts in their unforgiving nature, and they are the speakers of the
Panoply power set—one or two power groups laws of demon-kind. Their charisma and leadership
including one or two powers at d8, and no more skills are turned to the cause of oppression in the
than one power at d10 (if any), as well as one or two name of order; to a Malefactor, the only justice
SFX and the Artifact Limit. someone deserves is that which they can achieve for

themselves. Their caste mark is a burnished The Fiend Caste are false diplomats, agents of the
hourglass full of shimmering silver sand. disunity and chaos preferred by their patron, the
The Defiler Caste are chosen by She Who Lives in Ebon Dragon. A Fiend’s only true loyalty is to
Her Name, picked for their willingness to put himself, though they obey their master out of
intellectual pursuits and thought experiments ahead necessity or fear, and they seek to break bonds and
of morality, compassion, or the bounds of reason. twist good things until they are nothing but
They are craftsmen and sorcerers who regard nothing bitterness. A Fiend recognizes no law other than “do
as sacred in their pursuit of knowledge—not even what you wish.” Their caste mark is a disk so black
their own flesh in many cases. Their caste mark is a that its edges seem to bleed away light, darkness so
third eye that opens to unleash baleful green fire. deep it actually sears the eye to look upon.
The Scourge Caste are the subtle knives of
Adorjan, the Silent Wind. Like their patron, many Infernal Caste SFX
of them are passionate, focused, and utterly mad,  SFX: Slayer Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate this
incapable of placing their actions in a context of SFX. For the rest of the current scene, step up
morality. They have no fear of death, either bringing the effect die in any reaction roll you make
it or suffering it, but they are less often focused on against physical attacks, or any roll you make
slaughter than on fulfilling their visceral urges in including the Athletics, Menace, or War
precise, awful ways. Their caste mark is a hollow Specialties. While this SFX is active, if you
circle of swirling blood-red light. attempt to inflict fear-based emotional stress
using the Menace Specialty, your target cannot
spend doom dice or Motes to negate that stress.
 SFX: Malefactor Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate
this SFX. For the rest of the current scene, step
up your effect die on any action targeting a god
or elemental, or any roll including the Lore,
Occult, or Survival Specialties. You also gain the
power Minions d8 for the rest of the scene; if you
already possess the Minions power, you may step
it up or double is for the rest of the scene
 SFX: Defiler Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate this
SFX. For the rest of the current scene, step up
your effect die on any roll you make including
the Craft, Medical, or Occult Specialties. You
also gain the power Mystic Senses d8 for the rest
of the scene; if you already possess the Mystic
Senses power, you may step up or double it for
the rest of the scene instead. While this SFX is
active, you may spend 1 Mote and step up
mental stress to travel between Creation and
Malfeas, immediately leaving one and entering
the other; you leave the scene and may not
return until the end of the next scene.
 SFX: Scourge Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate this
SFX. For the rest of the scene, step up your effect
die on any action including the Acrobatics,
Covert, or Larceny Specialties. You also gain the
power Invisibility d8 for the rest of the scene; if
you already possess the Invisibility power, you

may step up or double it for the rest of the scene more than one power at d10, as well as two to four
instead. While this SFX is active, the GM may SFX and the standard Exhausted Limit.
not activate your Anima Flare Limit and no one Virtually all Alchemicals have artifacts in their
can discern your identity by any means unless Panoply power set due to the vast manufacturing
you wish them to do so. abilities of their nations. Very few Alchemicals learn
 SFX: Fiend Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate this martial arts or have servants as part of their Panoply.
SFX. For the rest of the current scene, step up Such things are simply uncommon in their world of
your effect die on any roll you make including their origin due to different cultural pressures.
the Bureaucracy, Socialize, Trading, or Vehicles Alchemical anima banners are physical
Specialties. Additionally, for the rest of the scene, manifestations like those of the Dragon-Blooded,
you can sanctify any oath sworn by a character though they manifest through the six elements of
you can touch—or remove such an oath placed by Autochthonia rather than the five elements of
another character. If an oath sworn to you is Creation. Coruscating arcs of lightning, burning
broken, that character suffers the complication gouts of steam, and choking clouds of smoke are the
Cursed d10 until the end of the current Arc; this common manifestations of an Alchemical anima
complication cannot be removed prematurely, banner.
and it cannot be increased by actions. The GM Essence Die: d8
determines the exact nature of the curse, but it
usually manifests as extremes of bad luck or as
ironic karmic retribution. This complication
should apply on most rolls the victim makes. Any
creature from whom you remove a sanctified
oath becomes a creature of darkness until the
end of the current Arc (or longer at the GM's

The Alchemical Exalted

The Champions of Autochthonia are not like the
Exalted of Creation. Where the Celestial Exalted are
imbued with their power by the autonomous action
of the Exaltations, and where the Dragon-Blooded
are born into a heritage of power, the Alchemical
Exalted are created from whole cloth. A synthesis of
a heroic human soul and the magical materials are
combined by expert thaumaturges into an artificial
body rife with power and made from mystic clay.
In terms of power, Alchemicals tend to be about as
powerful as Dragon-Blooded but more versatile.
Their power traits tend to be d8 or d10, without as
many trait-boosting SFX as Solars or Abyssals. An
Alchemical’s “charms” are actually magitech
implants, giving them more freedom when it comes
to switching between powers than other Exalted
A good starting range for Alchemical power sets is
a single power set for Alchemical Charms; this
should include three to four powers at d8 and no

Alchemical Castes The Adamant Caste
The Orichalcum Caste exist to protect and serve Officially, the Adamant Caste does not exist.
the people of Autochthonia from a position of first While a few Alchemicals and a small number of
among equals. By their own excellence, they goad mortal authorities suspect the existence of a “sixth
their societies to be excellent. Through success and caste,” the vast majority of people in Autochthonia
greatness, they teach the people that anything is believe only in the existence of five castes of
possible. They possess lightning-quick minds, Alchemical Exalted.
devastating martial prowess, and instinctive political This is because the purpose of the Adamant Caste
acumen. Their anima turns them into living is to act as a check on the power of the mortal
dynamos, crackling with electrical power. authorities of Autochthonia, enforcing the will of
The Moonsilver Caste exists to protect the Great Maker himself (as dictated by the spirits
Autochthonian society from the forces that would that make up his soul hierarchy). Adamants walk a
seek to destabilize or destroy it. They utilize their lonely road, unable to reveal their true nature even
special aptitude for stealth and disguise to locate and to their allies. In many ways, they suffer the same
neutralize such threats from within, acting as a burden as Sidereals with their arcane fate.
powerful tool of state intelligence and security. Their An Adamant who reveals his true nature to a
anima gives them the flowing grace of quicksilver, mortal does them no favors. Their arcane nature
allowing them to perceive the world as if moving in gradually eats away the mortal’s memory of them in
slow motion around them. the same manner as a Sidereal’s arcane fate. Any
The Jade Caste embody strength through unity mental or emotional stress or trauma caused by the
and the humble joy of service to the state. They are Adamant remains, however, though the mortal
emblems of Autochthonia’s egalitarian ideals, attributes it to other causes if possible.
limitless fonts of morale and industriousness who An Adamant Caste with a Shapeshifting asset in
remain unafraid to dirty their hands through labor. play to assume a mundane identity can avoid this
Their anima turns their flesh into unassailable stone, issue. Supernaturally awakened beings, including
fortifying them against injury. other Exalted, are immune to this effect, so an
The Starmetal Caste are wise advisers to their Adamant who wishes to maintain his cover must be
fellows, chosen to enhance the efforts of others very careful around such beings.
through their efficiency-improving methods. They When an Adamant Caste permits his anima to
prefer to act subtly, fixing things behind the scenes flare, it sears the eyes and minds of onlookers with
and making sure that the machinery of society—both crystalline blue light. This light distorts the image of
literal and figurative—hums along without incident. the Adamant, making it nearly impossible to see
Their anima aligns them with the design of the Great him—and almost as impossible to even remember
Maker, creating a prismatic halo that trails slightly him once the light has passed.
ahead of the Alchemical like a reverse after-image.
The Soulsteel Caste are the dark shadow on the Alchemical Caste SFX
factory wall, the iron boot rattling on the catwalk.  SFX: Orichalcum Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate
They stand as Autochthonia’s secret police and this SFX. For the rest of the scene, step up the
interrogators, the final guardians of orthodoxy. They effect die on any roll including the Bureaucracy
find those things that present a threat to the stability or Craft Specialties. Additionally, you gain the
of society and eliminate them without mercy, power Lightning Control d8 for the rest of the
ruthlessness and discretion going hand in hand. scene; if you already possess the Lightning
Their anima surrounds them with a dread display of Control power, you may step up or double that
terror, filling the air with the whispers of the power for the rest of the scene instead. For the
damned. duration of this SFX, you may spend 1 Mote to
There is no Adamant Caste, whatever rumors may ignore stress or complications from electricity
exist to the contrary. based attacks.
 SFX: Moonsilver Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate
this SFX. For the rest of the scene, step up the

effect die on any roll including the Acrobatics or Other Exalted Types
Covert Specialties. Additionally, you gain the
power Enhanced Reflexes d8 for the rest of the
Several other minor types of Exalted are known to
scene; if you already possess the Reflexes power,
exist in Creation, such as the Underworld-aspected
you may step up or double that power for the
Liminals and the divinely empowered Exigents, but
rest of the scene instead. For the duration of this
little is known about these Exalts at present.
SFX, you may spend 1 Mote to reroll any
As more information about them surfaces, rules
reaction against a physical attack, adding or
for these Exalted will be implemented.
stepping up Reflexes.
 SFX: Jade Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate this
SFX. For the rest of the scene, step up the effect
die on any roll including the Athletics or Limit Break and the Great Curse
Socialize Specialties. Additionally, you gain the
power Enhanced Durability d8 for the rest of the In ancient times, the Exalted formed the armies of
scene; if you already possess the Durability the gods against the vastly powerful Primordials. The
power, you may step up or double it for the rest Solars were the heroes and generals of those armies,
of the scene instead. For the duration of this and when they slew Creation’s previous rulers, their
SFX, you may spend 1 Mote to ignore stress from fallen foes used their dying breaths to curse the
non-magical physical attacks. Exalted who had slain them. By this curse, they
 SFX: Starmetal Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate would forever be driven to wrath and immoderacy
this SFX. For the rest of the scene, step up the and hounded by treachery not unlike that which the
effect die on any roll including the Bureaucracy gods had perpetrated upon the Primordials.
or Lore Specialties. Additionally, you gain the The enemies of the gods were greater than those
power Enhanced Senses d8 for the rest of the gods, and their curse twisted even the divine souls of
scene; if you already possess the Senses power, the Solar Exalted. This curse eventually drove the
you may step up or double that power for the Dragon-Blooded to usurp the rulership of the Realm,
rest of the scene instead. For the duration of this ending the First Age. Today, it lives within the heart
SFX, you may spend 1 Mote to reroll any dice of every Exalted.
pool including Senses. In game terms, every Exalted character has a Limit
 SFX: Soulsteel Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate this Break, a situation which can cause him to lose
SFX. For the rest of the scene, step up the effect control of himself and act out his worst impulses.
die on any roll including the Menace or Larceny While the Solars bear the brunt of the Great Curse,
Specialties. Additionally, for the rest of the scene, Lunars, Sidereals, and Terrestrials suffer from it as
you are always considered to have partial defense well. Abyssals, Infernals, and Alchemicals suffer from
against any attack targeting you. For the duration their own personal demons, but mechanically they
of this SFX, you may spend 1 Mote to ignore are virtually identical to Limit Break.
stress or complications from fear based attacks. When a character is exposed to his Limit Break
 SFX: Adamant Caste. Spend 1 Mote to activate condition, the GM can give him 1 Mote to step up
this SFX. For the rest of the scene, step up the his limit stress. Some Limit Break conditions might
effect die on any roll including the Covert or also coincide with suffering physical, emotional, or
Occult Specialties. Additionally, you gain the mental stress.
power Shapeshifting d8 for the rest of the scene; Additionally, being stressed out in any other stress
if you already possess the Shapeshifting power, track steps up the character’s limit stress, as does
you may step up or double it for the rest of the hitting the 10 XP mark on his Limit Milestone. At
scene instead. While using this caste power, the the GM’s discretion, successfully resisting mind
GM may not activate your Anima Flare Limit. control or other major psyche-altering effects can
increase limit stress in exchange for granting the
player 1 Mote.

When a character’s limit stress goes past d12, he is those who rose up against Creation’s makers to
not stressed out. Instead, he gains d6 limit trauma suffer from hubris, venality, and cruelty, such that
and enters Limit Break. The GM adds d12 to the they would never truly be able to enjoy the fruits of
doom pool, which can potentially be used to end the their betrayals.
scene with the GM narrating the character’s actions This curse was made in secret and few know of its
in Limit Break. A Limit Break normally lasts for a existence. Indeed, those that learn of the “Great
scene, but it can potentially last longer if the GM Curse” often deny that it is even possible—which
spends dice from his doom pool or gives the player could be seen as one more manifestation of the
Motes to extend it. curse.
If the player spends 1 Mote upon entering Limit In truth, the Great Curse is not the origins of the
Break, he has partial control; a character in partial moral failings of the Exalted. Instead, it is the reason
control has some amount of moderation—he will not they cannot learn from their repeated mistakes. An
attack his allies or innocents, and he still clings to his Exalt’s passions and drives are the result of immense
core principles. However, he suffers his current limit power placed in the hands of once-mortal beings and
trauma as a penalty on actions as usual. given free reign. The Great Curse simply allows them
A character who gives in to his Limit Break to justify their behavior after the fact, and for others
completely has little control over himself. He pursues who suffer it to overlook their allies’ failings rather
his limit impulse to the exclusion of all else, even than attempting to moderate them.
self-destructively. However, an Exalted in Limit In essence, the Great Curse is not a mind-altering
Break is nearly unstoppable—he adds his current effect, but rather one that skews perception. Even
limit trauma to all die rolls for the rest of the scene, without the Curse, the Exalted would be prone to
rather than having it used as a penalty against him. violent outbursts, bouts of melancholy, intense
After the character’s Limit Break ends, his limit selfishness, and other personal issues, but they might
trauma remains and acts against him as normal. be more willing to learn from their mistakes.
As with a failed exploration roll, a Limit Break is a The Great Curse is a justification for pushing
good excuse for the GM to introduce trouble into a certain kinds of drama into an Exalted game, but it’s
subsequent scene. The GM can spend his doom dice hardly necessary. It helps remind players that their
to afflict the Limit Breaking character with stress, characters are not always rational actors, and are
trauma, long-term complications, or other instead beholden to the same drives and passions
difficulties. that they themselves are—but writ large and epic.
Characters cannot make recovery rolls to recover Abyssal Exalted, Infernal Exalted, and Alchemical
from limit stress; it simply accumulates until it causes Exalted do not suffer from the Great Curse. Instead,
Limit Break, then resets. Limit trauma does not each have their own personal demons.
automatically step back at the beginning of an Act Abyssals suffer limit stress from disobedience to
either. Once per Act, a character suffering from limit the will of the Neverborn in a manner known as
trauma may attempt to recover from that trauma; a Resonance. This causes their limit stress to increase
success steps back the trauma, while a failure steps when they directly disobey their deathlord, when
up the character’s limit stress. they put the interests of the living ahead of those of
This means that unlike the other three forms of the dead, or when they acknowledge their former
stress and trauma, limit stress is a persistent problem mortal lives.
for a character and limit trauma is permanent unless Infernals suffer from the bane called Torment. Like
the character takes specific steps to reduce it. Abyssals, they gain limit stress when they directly
disobey their patron Yozi. They also gain limit stress
when they act in a manner that supports the interests
The Great Curse of the gods over demons, when they put mortals
before the chosen of the Yozis, or when they are in
After their defeat, the Primordials cursed the gods situations that are too similar to the one that led
who had started the rebellion and the Exalted who them into the personal failure that brought them to
were their tools during it. This curse condemned their current state.

Alchemicals struggle with the problem of having a Limit Break and Limit Trauma
human soul without being truly human, a war they
refer to as Clarity. Alchemicals gain limit stress when All sorts of nasty things happen to Exalted who
they put their personal wants above the needs of the give into their darkest selves. Limit Breaking is never
people, when they are denied a chance for happiness good, and it can become downright unpleasant.
because of their artificial nature, or when they are Some players find that exploring the concepts of
forced to choose between logic and emotion in classical hubris and tragic heroism detracts from
dramatic fashion. their fun. If that’s the case with your group, consider
All of these alternate Limit Breaks are still oriented scaling back limit stress so that it can be ameliorated
through the Four Virtues (see below), but they with recovery actions, or that it only comes from a
manifest in somewhat different ways than in other character’s limit condition and hitting the 10 XP
Exalted. If playing one of these unusual types of mark on his Limit Milestone.
Exalted appeals to you, discuss the matter in more Also, what happens to a character that goes past
detail with your GM, but the general mechanics of d12 limit trauma? As with any other trauma, it
Limit Break remain the same for all Exalted. should make the character unplayable, though not
necessarily in a permanent fashion. Going mad,
being trapped in the Underworld, and self-exile are
all common fates in classical stories for those that
defy fate.

The Four Virtues

The Limit Break conditions and situations are

based around the concept of the Four Virtues, a
philosophical belief held by many of the peoples of
Creation. In this philosophy, there are four cardinal
virtues—compassion, conviction, temperance, and
valor—and the breaking of these virtues leads to evil
or immoral behavior.
In the context of Limit Breaks, a player should pick
what he considers his character’s primary moral
compass; when others act against his primary virtue,
or when he is forced into situations where his virtue
is tested, this causes the buildup of frustration and
self-loathing that eventually causes Limit Break.
 Compassion: Compassion is a measure of a
person’s ability to care for others—and how much
his heart is moved by injustice and suffering.
Compassion inspires heroes to fight oppression,
to overthrow tyrants, and to help those in need.
 Conviction: The balancing virtue to
Compassion, Conviction is a measure of how
easily a person endures hardship or inflicts
suffering on others. Conviction lets heroes
persevere against adversity and take difficult
measures to achieve important goals.
 Temperance: Temperance is the virtue of self-
control, allowing a person to avoid temptation or

resist striking back when insulted or threatened. Valor
Temperance allows a hero to keep a clear head in  The character is belittled, demeaned, or
trying times, and to resist giving in to his desires deliberately frustrated.
when duty calls.  The character is fighting against losing odds.
 Valor: Valor is a measure of a person’s courage  The character is challenged to single combat or
and resolve when facing danger. Valor helps otherwise has an opportunity to prove his
heroes suppress their fear in battle, and to keep courage.
their calm in the worst circumstances.  The character’s courage is questioned or
After picking a virtue, the player then picks a
condition and a situation. When the character
encounters his condition, his limit stress increases Sample Limit Break Situations
and he gains 1 Mote. When the character enters
Limit Break, he participates in his situation; Compassion
generally, this lasts for a Scene, but it might persist  Compassionate Martyrdom: Overcome with the
for the remainder of the Act in some cases. need to alleviate the suffering he witnesses, the
character throws himself into helping the victims
in the most direct and dramatic fashion possible.
Sample Limit Break Conditions If an overseer is beating slaves, the character
stands before the whip and takes the blows
Compassion meant for others. The character will not resort to
 Witnessing innocents suffer through no fault of violence—indeed, if attacked, he simply allows his
their own. foes to beat him. Partial control gives the
 Witnessing innocents suffering, with no ability to character the capacity to choose more effective
ease their pain. ways to help others—such as killing an overseer to
 Being forced into a position where the character keep him from beating his slaves.
must cause suffering to avoid a worse outcome.  Heart of Tears: Overwhelmed with grief at the
 Being tortured or abused by an enemy. sorrows of he sees, the character can only weep at
the wretched state of the world. The character
Conviction flees into solitude, attempting to avoid human
 The character is placed in a desperate situation contact and perhaps numb himself to the pain of
with seemingly no way out. existence with intoxicants. Partial control keeps
 The character is frustrated by the childish or the character from fleeing his current
selfish nature of the people around him. circumstances, but he can only react to his
 The character makes a decision that goes terribly immediate surroundings.
wrong, or is argued out of a decision because it  Red Rage of Compassion: All the suffering the
might. character has seen fills him with an unspeakable
 The character puts off a tough decision and fury. He immediately attacks the most obvious
others suffer because of it. cause of the current suffering, without
consideration for himself or the situation.
Temperance Characters without an obvious target move
 The character is confronted by his own erratically from place to place, smashing objects
inadequacies or human weaknesses. and lashing out at anyone foolish enough to
 The character is hindered by the self-indulgent interfere. With partial control, the character still
nature of others. attacks immediately, but can effectively use
 The character must forego a favorite pleasure or tactics and make decisions; without apparent
vice in order to act in a moral fashion. enemies, the character seeks out “worthy” targets.
 The character’s wants or desires are thwarted.

Conviction overindulging or behaving dishonorably. If he
 Analysis Paralysis: The character is overwhelmed sees anything remotely dishonorable or
by his various commitments and responsibilities indulgent, he attempts to intervene—even
to the point where he becomes incapable of physically. The character loudly urges those
making decisions. He can’t even decide what to around him toward a more upright way of life,
eat, and will reject any attempts to make even using his powers to further his personal
decisions on his behalf. He might resort to games crusade. Partial control indicates that he
of chance to make decisions for him, but keeps attempts to correct the ways of those he already
rejecting the outcomes. With partial control, the knows, but need not do so with strangers.
character can make decisions but only after  Overindulgence: The character’s self-control
lengthy deliberation; he might even just defer to completely fails, and he surrenders to all forms of
the will of anyone else, even strangers, to excess. The character will not listen to reason or
overcome his paralysis. postpone his debauch. He indulges in any and all
 Deliberate Cruelty: Rather than just being vices at hand, regardless of expense or
restrained and efficient in behavior, the character consequences. With partial control, the character
wholly embraces cruelty. His conscience vanishes, can be talked into performing essential duties—
and he uses terror and viciousness to accomplish but in every spare moment, he’s indulging in
his goals. He has nothing but contempt for whatever excesses are at hand.
perceived weakness, and lashes out verbally at
those he cares for in contempt of his own Valor
“weakness.” Partial control allows the character  Berserk Anger: Out of control, the character
to moderate his cruelty when necessary, but still attacks anything that moves. If it runs, he hunts
leaves him incapable of even the most basic it down and kills it. The character starts with the
kindness. nearest hostile target and continues to kill until
 Heart of Flint: The character’s heart hardens to there is no one left to kill. If there are no people
all emotion. He feels and expresses nothing, to kill, he will smash and ravage everything
lacking all empathy or compassion. The character within reach. With partial control, he can avoid
considers only efficiency when choosing his attack allies and loved ones, but everyone else
course of action. Partial control allows the remains fair game.
character to avoid doing things to which he  Foolhardy Courage: The character knows no
would normally have a strong emotional fear. He places himself in the forefront of battle,
aversion, but he still uses efficiency as his primary thoughtlessly challenges superior enemies to
motivation for choosing his actions. single combat, volunteers for dangerous
missions, and won’t retreat under any
Temperance circumstance. Partial control leaves the character
 Ascetic Drive: The character must seek out without fear—but not without common sense. He
tranquility and purification through withdrawal can retreat if tactically advisable but insists on
and meditation. He turns his back on worldly being the last off the field of battle.
affairs, however pressing, and retreats to privacy.  Pacifism: The character tires of violence and
The character is uncommunicative if disturbed death, seeking a way of peace. He refuses
and may even become violent if the disturbance aggressive actions and will attempt to flee from
continues. Partial control results in the character violence. He preaches to others about giving up
not retreating from the world, but he cannot their violent ways—which might actually provoke
accept luxuries—such as sleeping indoors or some sorts of people to violence. With partial
wearing anything but the most uncomfortable control, the character can defend himself in
and utilitarian clothing. combat, but cannot inflict physical harm to
 Contempt of the Virtuous: The character loses aggressors.
respect for the faults of those around him. He
disdains anyone he has previously witnesses


“Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.”
—Dean Karnaze

The Doom Pool of thumb for starting doom pool values in an

 2d6: Minor local threat.
The doom pool is the GM’s primary tool in Blood
 3d6: Minor but extensive threat.
and Fire, a pool of dice that acts as both standard
 4d6: Minor but widespread threat.
opposition and the fuel for NPC abilities. The GM
can manipulate the doom pool to some degree, and  2d8: Powerful but local threat.
it grows and shrinks across the course of an Arc.  3d8: Powerful and extensive threat.
The doom pool represents the ebbing and flowing  4d8: Powerful and widespread threat.
degrees of chaos and danger that cascades from the  2d10: Disastrous but local threat.
heroes’ actions in the adventure. A low number of  3d10: Disastrous and extensive threat.
doom dice in the doom pool means that the  4d10: One of Creation’s great dooms is loosed.
situation is relatively calm and the heroes can
accomplish most unopposed tasks without difficulty. The doom pool gains dice in the following ways:
A large number of doom dice (and/or large dice) in  Hero-rolled opportunities. When a hero rolls at
the doom pool means that the situation is chaotic, least one 1 on a die, the GM may add to the
possibly because of collateral damage, alerted foes, doom pool by paying that player one or more
mistakes, and dark forces at work. Motes. The more 1s rolled, the more and higher
If there is no active character to oppose a hero’s dice may be added at once. A single 1 rolled
action, the doom pool is rolled as the reaction pool. means a d6 may be added to the doom pool, or
Certain effects may also use the doom pool as an the GM may step up the lowest existing die in
attack action. the doom pool. Two 1s rolled means a d8 may be
The general rule in Cortex Plus is that the GM added to the doom pool or the GM may step up
never rolls against himself. If an NPC is attempting the lowest existing die in the doom pool by two
an action, he simply accomplishes it if no one steps, and three 1s for a d10 or three steps, and
opposes him. If the GM needs further justification four 1s for a d12 or four steps. With multiple 1s,
for such success, he can spend a doom die. NPCs the GM may split between adding multiple dice
and the doom pool never need to roll against one or stepping up multiple dice, but for each unique
another in any circumstances. die affected, the GM must pay an additional
Mote instead of just one.
 When a GM character of any kind uses a
Adding or Upgrading Doom Dice Distinction negatively to add a d4 to a dice pool,
the GM may add a d6 doom die to the doom
For most adventures, the doom pool begins most
Arcs at 2d6. The doom pool might start at a higher  A GM character, actively attempting to foment
die value, a higher number of dice, or both chaos and destruction, may use his action to add
depending on the level of threat represented by the his effect die directly to the doom pool. A hero
central plot of the Arc. Consider the following a rule may oppose this action if logical, and this can be
mitigated by the absence of Scene Distinctions

that would allow him to do so. This is sometimes  Split the party: force the group into separate
known as grandstanding. Scenes by spending a doom die per hero to be
 Many Limits on GM character Power Sets also split off into another group.
have the ability to add a doom die or alter a  Interrupt the action order: spend any size doom
doom die already in the doom pool. die to have anyone in the action order who has
not yet acted this turn act next. If you’re
Whenever the GM adds a d6 to the doom pool, he interrupting a hero with a Reflexes power, you
may choose to forfeit that die and instead step up the must spend a doom die of size equal to the
lowest die in the doom pool. This allows the GM to Reflexes power instead of any size die. After the
gradually increase the power represented by the interrupter acts, the action order returns to the
doom pool, escalating the chaos and overall danger interrupted character.
of the situation as the adventure progresses.  Activate a hero’s Limit, unless that player
At the end of any Arc, the doom pool is completely chooses to take a PP to shut it down instead.
emptied and any unused doom dice are lost. The  Spend 2d12 to end the Scene, narrating it as you
GM cannot carry over doom dice from one Arc to choose. (This grants every affected character 2 XP
the next, though he might decide that a particularly as well.)
high ending doom pool in one Arc might translate  Introduce a new threat to the Scene.
to a higher starting doom pool in the next.  Add trouble to a Scene.
 Add a Scene complication to the Scene.
 Recover stress on a GM character during a
Using Doom Dice Transition Scene.

Doom dice act like Motes for GMs. They can be

spent to achieve a number of effects similarly to how Minor and Major Characters
Motes are spent, though with some slight differences
and some additional options. When building NPCs, the GM should decide if
they are minor characters or major characters.
Before rolling, doom dice can be used to: A minor character can be taken out by stress or
 Add one or more dice to a dice pool before complications greater than his Threat die (so a
rolling. (May not be used when rolling the doom Threat d6 character can be removed by taking d8
pool as a reaction.) stress of any type or a d8 complication). A major
 Activate a GM threat SFX that requires a doom character has a normal stress track, requiring his
die. stress to be stepped past d12 in order to take him
After rolling, doom dice can be used to: Generally, minor characters have only one or two
 Add an extra die to total (must spend doom die Distinctions, while major characters have the normal
of equal size or larger as die to be added). three. Additionally, minor characters usually have
 Add an extra effect die (must spend doom die of only Threat dice, while major characters might have
equal size or larger as die to be added). Threat dice or full statistics including Essence and
 Counterattack: on successful reaction, spend a Attributes.
doom die to use reaction effect die as stress,
complication, or asset. The doom die must be at
least as big as the effect die.
 Activate a GM threat SFX that requires a doom Storytelling Basics
As the Storyteller, you take up the role of
Doom dice can be spent at other times to do the everything and everyone that isn’t directly under the
following: control of players. You populate and describe the
game world, picking exciting stories and epic

plotlines. You get to create dynamic scenes and run
them with gusto so players get excited.
As such, you have the responsibility of directing
the story through vivid description, setting a pace
that keeps players at the edge of their seats, and
cheerleading so everyone around the table feels
motivated and empowered to have characters
perform the most daring, dangerous acts we have
come to expect from the genre.
In parallel, you must act as an arbiter of the rules,
making sure everyone works within the spirit of the
game while still granting everyone the fairest possible
chance to do wild heroic feats.
While daunting at first, being a Storyteller
remains, for many, one of the most satisfying aspects
of roleplaying.
Exalted: Blood and Fire handles different styles of
play, each requiring you to run things slightly
differently. Whatever style you settle on, some basics
of GMing remain common.
The game plays out in distinct and more or less
structured Scenes. Think of a Scene as a box that
contains all the elements players get to interact with
using their characters.
Fully-fleshed Scenes contain the setup that explains
the initial situation. It has descriptions that set the
table for the players, letting them know what they see
and hear. It contains all the bits and pieces that
characters can interact or clash with, including
NPCs, monsters, and traps. Finally, a Scene details
how these elements interact with heroes and how the
Scene gets resolved, including likely outcomes.
The game’s two types of Scenes (Action and
Transition) cover all the situations where heroes are
faced with challenges and downtime. Action Scenes
cover any situation where the timing of actions is
important, including battles, social debates, tense
moments, and chases. Transition Scenes are
“downtime,” quiet moments in which the heroes can
recover, marshal their forces, and otherwise build up
their strength to face a new set of challenges.

Basics of Opposition

At the core of GMing Exalted is the following

question: is there a need to roll dice whenever a
character performs a particular action? This decision
is usually easy to make. A Dawn Caste charging a

behemoth, or a Twilight Caste creating an illusion encourage players to bring colorful descriptive
asset to cloak a gathering from discovery are clear-cut elements to a Scene through the actions they wish to
examples of such rolls. perform. Encourage them to describe what happens
In other cases, especially when characters want to up to the moment of uncertainty.
perform minor actions just to make their character Give players ample leeway to add minor objects
look cool without gaining any undue advantages, and other elements to the area where the action
rolls should not be necessary. For example, in a occurs. Notice those elements: does a character jump
social Action Scene where an outraged merchant on a table you described, does another one run
wants to confront a roguish Night Caste for not across a slippery mosaic floor, do they all grab onto
keeping his promises, the player should not have to something as they do so? Such elements become part
roll to sneak up on the merchant just so he can of the Scene, usable by both PCs and NPCs when
whisper “Why are you shouting? I’m right here.” they react to actions or perform their own.
That is, unless the player wants to establish an asset Once a player has described the attempted action,
based on surprising the angry merchant. it’s time to build the active player’s dice pool, make
As a general guideline, whenever a character wants the roll, and establish the result and effect die (or
to perform an action whose outcome is uncertain, dice). If an NPC or other GM-controlled character
establish if any NPC, monster, or other threat would opposes the roll, you describe the reaction to the
oppose that action and why. If none come up, have active character’s action.
the character roll against the doom pool. This If the action is opposed by another player’s
represents the character attempting an action whose character, have the reactive player describe things. In
outcome depends on luck, fate, and the sheer chaos such cases, take special care to ensure that both
of the character’s surroundings. players play fair with the rules and established scene
Whatever the case, always guide yourself with the traits to make the confrontation exciting and fun for
two following principles. First, make sure players tell all.
you the intent behind the actions of their characters. In the case where the roll is opposed by the doom
Literally ask players, “What is your intent here?” By pool, feel free to borrow elements from the overall
declaring intent, players focus on what they want Scene to describe things that could make the action
their characters to do instead of how they would do go awry.
it through the rules. That’s your job, not theirs. If the action was successful, describe the results.
Example: Chisa is playing Venomous Spur, a No Moon Feel free to prompt the player to provide the
Caste Lunar Exalted. She’s fighting an onslaught of description of such success. If the action is a failure,
hobgoblins that seem to be pouring out of everywhere. She then you get free rein in describing how things do
tells the GM that she wants to summon a massive cloud of not go as the character intended. Additionally, you
webs using her Sorcery, targeting all the hobgoblins. generally get the option to turn the table on the
Before letting her build her dice pool, the GM asks her active player, usually by spending a die from the
what she hopes to accomplish if her action succeeds. doom pool to apply the opposition’s effect dice from
Thinking about it, she announces that she wants to the successful reaction roll.
entangle the hobgoblin mob and block the multiple holes in When determining a counter-reaction to a failed
the cave they are pouring out from. action, be as creative with the Scene’s environment
The GM then asks her if she wants to go for two effects: as you want to inflict stress or complications. Feel
inflict a Webbed complication on the hobgoblin and free to exploit all scene traits, including assets added
target the Hobgoblin Warren d8 trick. He explains that by players! Have tables break under heroes to injure
by beating it with an effect die of d10 or more, he won’t be them, slippery floors cause sprained ankles, and any
able to add new hobgoblins to the Scene. After some more object heroes reached for turn into something they
thought, Chisa decides that she wants Venmous Spur to didn’t expect!
focus solely on the Hobgoblin Warren, leaving the others to While rolling dice is the core mechanic of this
deal with the hobgoblins. game, it only exists to power the stories that the
Secondly, once you’ve described the major characters enact. Vivid descriptions of actions,
elements of a Scene and established who goes first,

successes, and failures are what make the game shine Troubles are additional elements you add to a Scene
at its best. or an increase in power to existing threats and NPCs
through the expenditure of doom pool dice when
you start a Scene.
Adventure Creation Be sure to leave some breathing spaces in your
adventures so heroes can recover and create
resources when they need to. Also, be ready to
Exalted: Blood and Fire has inherited a structured
reorganize your adventure plan if the heroes manage
approach to adventure design from its super heroic
to shake things up so much that the next logical
predecessor. The current section describes various
Scene can’t be the one your Arc dictates. Such are
approaches to help you design exciting adventures
the joys of having players mess around with your
that will challenge the most of stalwart of heroic
best-laid plans.
The following breaks down each element of an
Regardless of the approaches taken to create your
Adventure and outlines strategies to help you create
Adventure, this game does not use a precise formula
your own Scenes.
to determine an appropriate challenge for a group of
heroes. The process lies closer to an art form than a
science. You should aim to provide enough Arcs and Acts
opposition to occupy each hero that gets involved in The Arc is the master document of your adventure.
a given Scene. It is more important to give everyone It can be as simple or as detailed as you like and can
something to do rather than balance a Scene to the take many forms depending on your favorite tools to
power level of the party. Through guesswork and manage a RPG adventure, be they paper or
experience, you will create Scenes that will run the electronic.
gamut from easily dealt with to too hard. Its function is to combine your overall notes about
Remember that the outcome of a Scene is where the adventure (plot, adventure-specific setting
you have the most power as a GM to recalibrate elements, the villain’s scheme, and so on) with a flow
where an Adventure goes. If a combat encounter is a chart that shows how each Scene you planned is
cakewalk, maybe it’s because the adventure’s villain connected to the others.
wanted to test the heroes’ strength. If an encounter At its simplest, picture a sheaf of graph paper. The
easily defeats the heroes, maybe the villain will be too first page could contain:
lax to keep the heroes imprisoned with sufficient  An adventure summary: a paragraph-long
security in the next Scene. “elevator pitch” of what the adventure is about.
 A list of the named NPCs and short, one-
sentence descriptions or outlook of each.
Structured Adventures  A list of the main locations where the action will
This is the default approach to designing and unfold, with short descriptions.
running adventures for the game. You create a story,  Anything else that you could reference during
you define the places where the action will play out, play (page references, hyperlinks, etc.).
and you pick or create various threats and NPCs that
will interact with heroes. You arrange the events and The next page(s) shows your flow chart(s), which
Scenes of the adventure in the way it is most likely to connects each Scene from start to finish. Label each
play out, in a series of connected events and Scene with the name you gave them in your notes.
locations in a flow chart-like structure called the Arc. Feel free to use specific shapes for different kinds of
You build the core Scenes of your adventures and Scenes if that helps you. Connect each Scene with
categorize them into Action or Transition Scenes. those that would logically follow, creating forked
You may want to prepare some alternate or red paths if some Scenes can have different outcomes.
herring Scenes in case the heroes get lost or go off on For example, if you want to pre-plan what happens
a tangent. should the heroes fail an exploration roll while they
You may also create lists of likely trouble you may tramp about in the Invisible Fortress, you can create
want to add to Scenes when you play them out. a dotted line connection from the Transition Scene

to an Action Scene. That would mean that the At its most basic then, an Arc is just your plan for
heroes stumbling around in the Fortress might an adventure, carried out over as many sessions as it
attract the attention of its mechanized guardians. requires to complete.
Once your flow chart is completed, you may decide An Act is a single session of play during that Arc.
to document each Scene in the plan. Alternatively, Some short Arcs will have only one Act, while some
you may decide to document those Scenes elsewhere, will require many to complete. The GM can also
either on a standard piece of paper or on index break up a session into multiple Acts if he feels that
cards. You can do the same for NPCs, monsters, and a narrative break has occurred (generally, any period
threats the adventure use. It all depends on your of rest long enough that the heroes should have
preference for preparation. recovered most or all of their resources).
If you like to use digital tools, adding hyperlinks to
your Arc lets you navigate rapidly through your plan
and other associated adventure documents so you Arc Milestones
can find what you need at the click of a mouse or the
swipe of a finger. Arc Milestones provide the heroes with a
connection to the storyline presented in the Arc.
This section lists the specific Arc Milestones and
their triggers, as well as additional information you
might need to keep in mind when presenting them.
An Arc’s Milestones should be designed to link
into the main plot or perhaps suggest interesting
subplots that crop up alongside the main plot.
Players don’t need to choose an Arc Milestone to
pursue when they play through an Arc, but it’s
strongly encouraged. A good Arc works with these
Milestones, giving players more opportunity to hit
their Milestone triggers and become a part of the
Some sample Arc Milestones might look like this:

Milestone: The Tomb of Five Corners

The legendary Tomb of Five Corners is a resting
place of the Solar Anathema. Indeed, it is where one
of your past life selves was laid to rest—along with the
riches that are your inheritance.
 1 XP when you defeat one of the Tomb’s
guardians or traps.
 3XP when you discover one of the resting places
of the Solar Anathema who were buried in the
 10 XP when you claim your rightful inheritance
from the Tomb of Five Corners, or when you
retreat from the Tomb and seal it forever so that
no one else might have what is rightfully yours.

Milestone: Liberate Thorns

The day of revolution has come at last! You have
laid the groundwork, and now you will save Thorns—
at any cost.

 1 XP when you take out an enemy or mob  3 XP when you formally announce your claim to
serving the Mask of Winters. Queen Arkasi’s hand or formally announce your
 3 XP when you take out a major foe serving the support for another character’s claim.
Mask of Winters.  10 XP when your chosen character is pledged to
 10 XP when you liberate Thorns from the Mask Queen Arkasi as her fiancée, or when you kill or
of Winters, or when you fail to do so and are politically discredit Queen Arkasi’s chosen
taken prisoner. fiancée to keep them from her side.

Milestone: Wedding Day Keep in mind that every character has two
Queen Arkasi of Rubylak must choose a spouse for Milestones during each Arc, and that finishing out
political reasons. Having her choose your candidate an Arc Milestone advances limit stress just like
will be a major boon to your ambitions. finishing out a Limit Milestone.
 1 XP when you inflict emotional stress on a rival


“What joins men together is not the sharing of bread but the sharing of enemies.”
—Cormac McCathy, Blood Meridian

Non-Player Characters Scenes. Since the players will likely never see a given
NPC’s complete writeup, feel free to do as much or
little work on fleshing out the mechanical portions
As the name implies, Non-Player Characters
of an NPC as you wish.
(NPCs) represent the whole cast of characters that
In mechanical terms, a minor NPC can generally
the GM controls and uses to interact with the
be taken out of a scene by a stress effect die
heroes. The difference between NPCs and
exceeding his largest die, while a major NPC has a
adversaries is mostly a question of semantics, since
full stress track that must exceed d12 in order to be
many NPCs can become enemies or allies of the
taken out. At the GM’s discretion, a complication
heroes as the game moves forward. In the context of
die exceeding a minor NPC’s highest die might also
this game, NPCs are considered to be those that can
take him out of the scene, or he might need a
play active roles in both Action and Transition
stepped-up d12 complication just like any other
NPCs are often divided into Minor NPCs and
Just be sure to be fair about building and altering
Major NPCs. A Minor NPC generally just has a
NPCs as you go. Adding a slew of new powers to an
name and description (if that) and no statistics to
NPC in order to “punish” your players for making a
speak of. Such characters exist as flavor and role-
choice you disagree with is at best a violation of the
playing potential, and generally only participate in
trust they have placed in you.
dice-based actions if absolutely necessary. Such
characters can also be narrative justification for
spending doom dice or act as manifestations of
another character or adversary’s powers. If a minor Threats
NPC needs dice for some reason, just assign three
dice of the same size as his entire pool to abstractly The various antagonists and hazards that a group
represent his overall power and ability. of characters might encounter over the course of a
Major NPCs are an entirely different story. Such campaign are collectively known as threats. Threats
characters should have names, personalities, and at can be divided into three broad categories:
least some amount of history attached to them. adversaries, traps and tricks.
Major NPCs will generally have full statistics, Adversaries include all kinds of hostile characters,
including Essence dice, Attributes, Specialties, creatures, constructs, and monsters. When an enemy
powers, and so on. They can be adapted from is sentient and in charge of its own agenda, it also is
Threats, expanding the statistic block for minor a non-player character.
adversaries and turning them into fully-fleshed Traps represent non-intelligent, complex
characters, or they can be written up as major NPCs contraptions and enchantments created to inflict
from the start. stress or complications on heroes in a
The significant differences between a major NPC straightforward way. A trap can act like a creature, in
and a Threat are simply how much work the GM that it can take actions and might require dice rolls
wishes to do, and whether or not the character will
be prominent in both Action Scenes and Transition

to “defeat” in order to make them stop harming the Threats cannot default to d6 when lacking a
characters. Specialty and they cannot create Resources.
Tricks are objects, enchantment, or any type of Generally speaking, when writing up a Threat, the
scene element that possess SFX with effects that can GM doesn’t need to bother including the adjective
be triggered through the expenditure doom dice. descriptors for powers or Specialties. Saying “Close
Tricks can provide beneficial effects (in the form of Combat d6” instead of “Close Combat Rookie d6”
stress recovery or creating assets for the heroes) or or “Durability d8” rather than “Enhanced Durability
negative ones (inflict stress and complications or d8” is good enough for the shorthand method of
bring in new threats to the Scene). Generally, tricks describing an adversary.
have a built-in way to end their effect, but they The Sample Adversaries section shows many
cannot take actions on their own. examples that can be used directly in your games or
adapted into new types of threats and characters.
These examples also provide many SFX and Limits
Threat Building Blocks you can use or adapt.

All Threats and NPCs share a common template

for their game stats. Like heroes, they are made of The Threat Die
traits separated in distinct categories. And like
heroes, threats’ dice pools are made by picking one Each entry has a Threat die that measures the
die from each. relative prowess of each threat. These range from d4
All threats are based on the following template: (Minion) to d12 (Epic). Unless noted otherwise,
these entries represent a solitary monster or trap. See
Threat Name below for rules on modifying any of these entries
Threat dX into a Team or a Large Scale Threat.
Distinctions: Distinctions In addition to the guidelines below, a threat’s Level
Specialties: Specialty dX die determines what level of stress is required to
Power Name: Power dX stress it out: any stress greater than a monster’s Level
 SFX: Name. Mechanics. die removes it from the scene. A Complication
 Limit: Name. Mechanics. always requires a stepped up d12 to remove a threat
from the scene.
Level is the first category and represents the overall A Level die of d4 is called a Minion Threat. They
power of a threat. Its rating ranges from d4 to d12 usually have one or two Distinctions, typically don’t
and is explained in more details below. have powers that exceed d6, and have one or two
Distinctions work exactly like they do for heroes; Specialties rated at Novice or Expert. Minion Threats
they act as background, significant features and almost always appear in Teams, and their general
quirks that can work for or against the threat. purpose is to harry and distract a group of player
Power traits should be taken or derived from the characters, rather than to present them a serious
list in the Power Traits section. SFX need to be challenge.
formulated from the GM’s perspective with the A d6 threat is deemed to be a Standard Threat.
expenditure of doom dice instead of Motes. A list of They usually have two Distinctions and often have
some examples to use and derive from is provided powers at d8. They also have two to three Expert
below. Limits, which shutdown specific Power Sets Specialties. Standard Threats are also frequently
or traits, also need to be formulated so they add or encountered in Teams, since they tend to crumple
step up dice in the doom pool. like paper in front of an Exalted character; they
Specialties are those that the threat or NPC might be appropriate individual challenges for a
possesses and can use in action. These are drawn group of heroic mortals, however.
from the list found in the Specialties section and are A d8 threat is called an Elite Threat. They usually
rated from Novice (d6) to Paragon (d12). They work have two to three Distinctions and feature a wider
just like player character Specialties, except that variety of powers including some powers at d10.

They usually have two to three Specialties, most at into a [Power Set] stunt or step up a [Power Set]
the Expert level, although some may have a Specialty power until used in an action. If your opponent’s
at the Master level. They often have specific SFX that action succeeds, spend a doom die to use this
combine well with their powers to present a more SFX.
significant threat to heroes. Standard Threats begin  Afflict: When using [power trait] to inflict [type]
to challenge heroes, albeit in a minor way, and are complications, add a d6 and step up your effect
frequently named NPCs. die.
A threat with a d10 Level die is called a Boss. It has  Area Attack: When using [power trait] against
three Distinctions, a diverse Power Set including d12 multiple targets, for each additional target add a
traits with powerful SFXs to complement them. Boss d6 and keep an additional effect die.
threats have enough Specialties at the Expert and  Berserk: Add a doom die to your next attack
Master level to deal in all the types of Scenes they action. After your action, step back the doom die
may be encountered in. The rare Boss might have a and return it to the doom pool.
single Specialty at the Paragon level.  Boost: Shutdown your highest-rated [Power Set]
Bosses are more than a match for a single hero and power to step up another [Power Set] power.
can be a challenge for a whole group if they have Spend a doom die to recover the power.
supporting minions or servants. When planning  Burst: Step up or double [power trait] against a
adventures, Bosses are big enough threats to be the single target. Remove the highest rolling die and
main villain of a session, or a series of sessions. use three dice for the total.
Bosses are meant to make an impression, and the  Counterattack: On a successful reaction against
doom pool should be used liberally to allow Boss [attack type], inflict [stress type] with your effect
Threats to survive major attacks from player die at no cost. Spend a doom die to step it up.
characters and dish out great punishment in return.  Dangerous: Step back the highest die in your
At the d12 Level, a threat is deemed Epic. Epic attack action pool to add a d6 and step up [stress
threats have three Distinctions, a multitude of type] inflicted.
powers at d10 or d12, and Specialties including  Focus: If your pool includes a [Power Set] power,
many of them at Master or Paragon. An Epic’s SFX you may replace two dice of equal size with one
should be numerous and powerful. Against the stepped up die.
Exalted, even an Epic Threat is far from devastating,  Healing: Spend a doom die as an action to
and a given group may encounter multiple Epic recover your own or another’s [stress type] or step
Threats in a campaign—or even in the same back your own or another’s [trauma type].
adventure!  Immunity: Spend a doom die to ignore stress or
Epics typically have a host of resources to insulate complications from [specific attack type].
themselves from the nuisance heroes and often hide  Invulnerable: Spend a doom die to ignore [stress
their nature from the world at large. The doom pool type] unless caused by [specific attack type].
exists to power the unbelievable abilities of epic
 Multipower: Add more than one [Power Set]
attacks and give Epics the ability to endure some of
power to a dice pool. Step back all powers in the
the heroes’ best shots.
pool for each power included after the first.
 Second Chance: If your pool includes a [Power
Set] power, spend a doom die to reroll.
Threat SFX and Limits  Second Wind: Before you make an action
including a [Power Set] power, you may spend a
The following is a list of the most common SFX doom die the same size or larger than your [stress
associated with enemy characters and foes. Feel free type] die to recover it and step up the [Power Set]
to adapt them when you create your own. You can power for this action.
rename them to something evocatively tied to your  Unleashed: Step up or double any [Power Set]
threat and tweak the effects to suit its needs. power for one action. If the action fails,
 Absorption: On a successful reaction against shutdown [Power Set]. Spend a doom die to
[attack type], convert your opponent’s effect die recover.

 Versatile: Step down and double a power for one such a type of threat, you would pick up all the
action. Threat dice at the same time in your roll, on top of
dice coming from the other threat categories like
The following is a list of common Limits associated Distinctions, Powers Sets, and Specialties. Teams
with threat and NPC Power Sets. Feel free to adapt and Large Scale Threats also have specific Limits that
them to fit your own requirements. spell out the mechanics to defeat them.
 Exhausted: Shutdown any [Power Set] power to
step up the lowest die in the doom pool or add
d6 to the doom pool. Activate an opportunity to Teams
recover the power.
 Gear: Shutdown [Power Set] to gain step up the A Team is a group of threats (usually monsters or
lowest die in the doom pool or add d6 to the NPCs) that act as one. They’re built with the Threat
doom pool. Spend a doom die to recover [Power Template with the following changes:
Set]. The Level die gets a multiplier placed in front of it.
 Growing Dread: If your pool includes a [Power That multiplier usually varies between 3 and 6
Set] power, both 1s and 2s on your dice count as depending on the threat’s Level dice and the relative
opportunities, but only 1s are excluded from power that the Team represents in a Conflict.
being used for totals or effect dice. Teams also gain the following Limit (which you
 (Origin): When affected by (origin)-specific can rename as you see fit):
complication or magic item, step up the lowest  Limit: Squad Cohesion. Stress of dX or greater
die in the doom pool or add d6 to the doom removes a Team Threat die. Team dice may be
pool. targeted individually or by area attacks.
 Mutually Exclusive: (This one is perfect
monsters with two forms) Shutdown [Power Set The dX Stress represents an effect die that’s one
A] to activate [Power Set B]. Shutdown [Power step over the Level dice of the Team. For example, a
Set B] to recover [Power Set A]. 4d6 Mob of Angry Peasants requires a d8 effect die
 Uncontrollable: Change any [Power Set] power to defeat each of its d6 Level dice. Once the fourth
into a complication to step up the lowest die in die is removed, the Team is stressed out.
the doom pool or add d6 to the doom pool. Teams should also gain one or two additional SFX
Activate an opportunity or remove the to represent their approach to fighting heroes. Teams
complication to recover. that concentrate their attacks on single targets could
 Vulnerability: Step up stress or complications have the Focus SFX. Those that swarm all over the
from [source] to add d6 to the doom pool or step party should have the Area Attack SFX. Teams that
up the lowest doom die. grapple or slow down heroes should have the Afflict
Here’s an example Team:
Teams and Large Scale Threats
Shambling Skeleton Horde
Team 6d4
Threats in this section are presented by default as
Distinctions: Boney; Mindless
singular, “average” representations of their kind. You
Specialties: Close Combat Expert d8
can, however, multiply the level of danger and
Bonehead: Grasping Hands d6, Enhanced Stamina
mayhem by making a threat into a Team or a Large
Scale Threat.
Teams and Large Scale Threats have some  SFX: Afflict: When inflicting a grappling
common mechanics, mainly having multiple Level complication on a target, add a d6 and step up
dice to represent their number or power. For your effect die.
example, a large group of vicious animals could have  SFX: Undead Immunities. Spend a doom die to
3d4 Threat dice while a single, ancient Fire Dragon ignore stress, trauma, or complications from
could have 5d10. When you perform an action with negative energy and poison.

 Limit: Squad Cohesion. Stress of d6 or higher  SFX: Shake It Off. Remove one Threat die from
removes a Team Threat die from Shambling (Threat Name) to remove a complication rated
Skeleton Horde. Team dice may be targeted d12 or less affecting it.
individually or by area attacks.
 Limit: Undead Vulnerabilities. Step up stress from Here’s an example of a Large Scale Threat:
positive energy attacks to step up the lowest die
in the doom pool or add a d6 doom die. Ice Elemental Titan
Large Scale Threat 4d10
Note that in spite of its numerous Level dice, a Distinctions: Living Iceberg; Oblivious to Smaller
Team can still be taken out of a Scene through a Beings; Restless Wanderer
complication that gets pushed past d12, because it Specialties: Close Combat Master d10, Ranged
still acts like a single character. Combat Expert d8, Occult Master d10
Dread Lord of Ice: Exceptional Strength d10,
Godlike Durability d12, Ice Blast d12, Water
Large Scale Threats Mastery d12
 SFX: Feed Me, Do You? On a successful reaction
A Large Scale Threat is a single threat (any kind) against a water-based action, convert your
that is so massive, complex or powerful, it requires opponent’s effect die into a Dread Lord of Ice
multiple effect dice to stress out. Like Teams, they stunt or step up a Dread Lord of Ice power until
possess multiple Level dice that must be removed. used in an action. If your opponent’s action
A Large Scale Threat also gains the following succeeds, spend a doom die to use this SFX.
Limit:  SFX: You Annoy Me—Dodge This! Against multiple
 Limit: Large Scale Threat. Stress of dX or greater targets, for each additional target add a d6 and
removes a Large Scale Threat die. keep an additional effect die.
 SFX: I Freeze You! When inflicting ice-based
Once again, the dX is an effect die that is at least complication on a target, add a d6 and step up
one step higher than the Large Scale Threat’s Level your effect die.
dice. If the heroes are unfortunate enough to be  SFX: That Tickles! Until Godlike Durability has
facing an Epic (d12) Large Scale Threat, they need to been shutdown, spend a doom die to cancel an
obtain both d12 effect dice and obtain extraordinary attack effect die of the same size targeting Ice
successes (win a total by 5 or more) to knock the Elemental Titan unless that attack is magic- or
Large Scale Threat’s Level dice. This is called a d12+ fire-based.
effect die.  Limit: Elemental Origins. Step up fire-based stress
Large Scale Threats should also have powerful or complications to add d6 to the doom pool.
SFXs that make them a challenge for a whole party  Limit: Large Scale Threat. Stress of d12 or greater
of heroes, including Area Attack, Absorption, removes a Team Threat die from Ice Elemental
Berserk, Immunities, and Invulnerabilities. Just be Titan.
careful not to make them absolutely undefeatable.
Thus, you may decide to make some of their SFX
conditional to having one of their powers not being Stress and Trauma Recovery for
shutdown (see example below). Monsters and NPCs
Like Teams, Large Scale Threat can be taken out of
a Scene through both stressing out and being Monsters and other threats that have recovery and
subjected to a complication stepped up past d12. If Healing powers can recover their own stress and that
you want to make such an occurrence more of their allies during Scenes according to the same
challenging for heroes, you should consider adding recovery rules heroes follow. In between Scenes,
the following SFX (or a similar one) to the threat: threats may be allowed to recover from stress and
trauma if the story calls for it and it makes sense to
do so. Significant NPCs will likely recover, but

chances are a damaged trap won’t fix itself if no one  Elite: 4-5 Powers, spread between d8 and d10, 2-
is left to tend it. 4 SFX, 1-2 Limits, 2-3 Specialties (consider non-
Between two Scenes, threat and NPC stress may be combat ones).
removed by spending a doom die equal or larger  Boss: 5-7 Powers, a few at d12, 3-4 SFX, 3-5
than the stress. It can also be stepped back by Specialties (including non-combat ones).
spending a smaller one. Once all of a threat’s stress is  Epic: 6-9 Powers, Many at d12 and d10, as many
recovered, trauma may be stepped down by spending SFX as required (including Multipower), as many
a dice of any size from the doom pool; it cannot be Specialties as required, possibly all of them.
recovered instantly by spending a dice of equal size
or more. As you add more Powers to a monster, you should
In the same vein, Teams and Large Scale Threats consider dividing them in two or three Power Sets.
may recover Level dice by spending dice of the same On top of granting larger dice pools to a monster,
size or more from the doom pool. One Level die is you can create thematic groups of powers that more
recovered for each die spent that way. Remember, developed monsters can use in various types of
unless a threat has a specific SFX to allow this, you situations. A threat’s power level should depend on
can’t spend doom dice to recover Level dice during a the relative power of the party and the number you
Scene. plan to unleash at the same time in a Scene.
For example, after a climactic confrontation, an
Ancient Dragon has lost four of its original 5d10
Level dice. The GM takes two d10 from the doom
pool and makes a note that the Dragon is now at
3d10, licking its wounds somewhere deeper in its

Creating and Adapting Threats

Creating threats (and NPCs) is a simple

mechanical process that consists of filling the
template (see “The Building Blocks of Threats”) with
traits that fit thematically together. It can, however,
be a challenging creative exercise that requires
balancing a concept with useful Distinctions, existing
power traits, and enough SFXs (basic or custom
made) to make the threat exciting without making it
unwieldy. The same also holds when you wish to
adapt threats from other games and settings.
The first concept you should consider when
making or adapting a new threat is “What category
best describes my concept?” You should then
determine what power level it should sit at. As a
reminder and a rough rule of thumb, you should
consider the following as a starting point:
 Minion: 2-3 Powers, Most at d6, 1-2 SFX, 1
Limit, 1-2 Specialties.
 Standard: 3-4 Powers, spread between d6 and d8,
1-3 SFX, 1-2 Limits, 1-2 Specialties.

Adversaries step up a die, or add additional dice to a total).
When an ability goes beyond that range, a cost is
Adversaries are your rank and file threats for your added to the ability, usually in the form of a doom
Combat Scenes. Most of the time they play a simple die of varying size (the larger the effect, the bigger the
role: fight the heroes. Thus their abilities should be die), or through the shutdown of one of the
focused on combat abilities. If you think a given adversary’s powers.
adversary stands a good chance of interacting with Very simple adversaries should not need Limits.
heroes in a more diverse manner, you should This is one case where realism can take a break and
consider making it a NPC; see “NPC Creation Tips” let verisimilitude do the same job. You don’t have to
for more details. give each Weapon power a Gear Limit. Chances are,
Adversary Distinctions should be simple and heroes won’t focus on that, and if they do, just call
straightforward. They should represent their up the Limit anyway, as though it were already
background, their general outlook, and possibly a written down.
catchphrase or a war cry that both can be role-played As adversaries grow in power, you should add
to rally them and that makes a clever reference to Limits that act as counterbalances to some of that
what the adversary is all about. power. On top of adding great flavor to adversaries,
Examples: Cultist of the Blind God, Bloodlust, Limits like Vulnerabilities provide ways for heroes to
“You Were Born My Enemy!” gather and use lore against the creature to turn the
Adversaries can have any type of power traits, but tide when things get tough.
you want to keep them as simple to play as possible. Finally, you should select Specialties that you know
Are they significantly stronger, faster, or more agile your adversaries are likely to use. Usually these will
than average? If so, consider traits like Strength, be combat skills (Close and Ranged Combat), and
Reflexes, and so on. They should either have some possibly stealth related ones (Stealth and Larceny).
form of melee weapon (Sword, Spear, Bow, Sling) or Unlike PCs and NPCs, basic adversaries cannot
natural attacks (Claws, Fangs, Pincers, etc.). Some default to a free d6 in a Specialty they lack, but you
can also have ranged attacks (Bow, Daggers, Flying can feel free to add Novice Specialties to adversaries
Spikes, or Blasts of Arbitrary Elemental Energy). You to represent basic training and experience.
should then consider what kind of protection they
have. Do they evade attacks or have ways to resist
attacks like natural defenses and armor? In such Traps
cases, consider reactive powers like Speed,
Resistance, and Durability. Traps are unintelligent threats whose function is to
You should then decide if your adversary has any hurt and hinder opponents in the most direct way
SFX. The rule of thumb is that the more powerful an possible. Traps created with the threat templates are
adversary is, the more numerous and complex its those capable of action during a Scene, performing
SFX should be. If your adversaries are mostly cannon repeated attacks, or inflicting complications more
fodder, you should limit yourself to few or no SFX. than once. These range from repeating darts,
This is especially true if you plan to have multiple scything blades, and fireball launchers to paralysis
adversaries of the same type in a Scene. If you do, runes and more somber curses. If you want to have
you should band them together as a Team and add more static traps like Pit Traps, Trip Lines, and one
one or more SFX that represents how they fight shot ensnaring lines, consider creating them with
heroes. Scene complications at the onset of a Scene.
The SFX provided in the list found above allows Traps are built exactly like adversaries but they
for a large range of effects. When you begin should be even more focused in function. Limit the
designing adversaries, use them as a base. As you number of Distinctions, powers, and Specialties to
gain experience, start experimenting with them. The an absolute minimum. Distinctions should cover
general guideline is that a SFX usually grants a free, how the trap functions and its potential features and
basic ability that would otherwise cost a die from the issues. Things like Hidden, Noisy, Slow to Reset,
doom pool (for example, grant an extra effect die, Immobile, Enruned, and Steam-Powered are all

examples you can use. As usual, try to find Tricks
Distinctions that can use both for and against the
trap. Tricks are the staples of the fantasy roleplaying
You should give traps one power set with one, or game experience. Certain objects, contraptions, and
possibly two, power traits. The main one should be locations have abilities that can help or (more often)
an active power, like a Blast, Weapon, or Control hurt heroes, usually in unexpected ways. From
power that can cause stress or create complications strange altars made of pulsating purple marble that
against heroes. The second one should be a reactive sprout tentacles to arches that teleport those that
one that represents any type of defensive systems the cross them, tricks can liven up a scene by adding
trap might possess. Magical Resistance, Invisibility, elements of mystery and wonder to the usual fare of
and Durability are good examples of such powers. exploration and conflict. In fact, powerful tricks can
The choice of SFX is where you make a trap stand become the centerpieces of some scenes, with the
out as an exciting threat. Once again, you should heroes having to deal with it above and beyond
focus on picking as few as you need that marry having to fight monsters and power-mad NPCs.
themselves to the singular function of the trap. You Tricks exist in the game to cover the wide range of
should consider Area Attack, Berserk, Boost, threats and helpful features that possess SFX capable
Berserk, and Unleashed for traps that deal stress. In of using triggers to produce unique effects. These
a similar way, if a trap creates complications, you include portals that bring new monsters to a Combat
should give it the Afflict SFX. Scene, essence-powered turbines that electrify their
In terms of defense against being disarmed, immediate surroundings and periodically send
destroyed, or dispelled, you may consider granting energy pulses to stun everyone, and even pools that
traps some forms of Counterattack (it triggers when can heal the stress of heroes if they are courageous
being tampered with), or Invulnerability or enough to bathe in them.
Immunity if they can’t be targeted by certain types of Tricks are designed exactly like traps, but they can
actions (like some forms of enchantments). have a more diverse set of functions (and therefore
Depending on the form and power of the trap, you powers and SFXs). Distinctions should play into a
might forgo the necessity of having to spend doom trick’s mysterious or hidden nature. For example, it
dice to prevent stress and complications. In such could be Non-Descript, Mundane, Alien,
cases, make sure that the trap can be acted upon by Otherworldly, Misty, or Intangible.
at least one form of attack or action. Powers are chosen like they were for monsters and
Traps can have Specialties, but they’ll likely be traps. You should, however, focus on the nature of
limited to either melee or ranged combat ones. The the trick. You need to identify the devious (or
rating of such Specialties should range from Novice beneficial) purpose it serves. Tricks that take active
(d6) to Paragon (d12) depending on craftsmanship roles in Scenes should be more focused on creating
and power. complications and assets than inflicting stress.
Like adversaries, you can make traps into Teams Elemental Control powers are perfect for tricks, as
(imagine several mechanisms or magical traps are Mimic, Size Changing, Sorcery, Teleport, and
triggering at the same time). You could even create Transmutation.
some forms of doomsday devices in the form of In most cases, the effects of such powers should be
Large Scale Threats. focused on either granting adversaries useful assets (if
Dealing with traps depends on the type. Physical the trick helps them) and/or inflict complications on
traps can be destroyed or disabled by stressing them heroes. In the case of beneficial tricks, or tricks that
out or shutting down its main attack power trait. the heroes figure out a way to exploit, they may be
Magical traps might be disrupted through targeting used to generate useful assets for them.
its trait with Sorcery or other magic-based powers. For example, an Altar of Hope trick could be
Think of a few ways the traps you designed may be found, all dusty and cracked in the once-mighty
defeated, but leave room for the creativity of your ruins of a forgotten god. As the heroes explore it, a
players. horde of beastmen pour into the room, attacking.
The heroes fan out to fight, and the group’s Zenith

Caste decides to tap into it, spending a Mote. At that Alternatively, a device could inflict complications
point, the Altar activates as an ally and generates out of turn order (like at the beginning of every turn)
blessed assets for individual heroes. Since a GM- by spending doom dice to roll the doom pool against
controlled “character” can’t roll against the doom all other heroes (for example, an Area Attack).
pool, these actions would be resisted by the Finally, a beneficial trick could have SFX that require
beastmen. the expenditure of Motes to allow heroes to recover
While tricks should have some of the basic SFX from stress or certain complications.
that help create assets (Construct) and/or All these examples are but a few possibilities of
complications (Afflict) depending on their functions, what you can do with tricks. Tricks should have the
they should all have tailor-made SFXs that require same types of limits as traps do. They can be defeated
either doom dice or Mote expenditure to trigger and targeted, once heroes figure out what they are.
particular effects. These effects can be quite varied Limits can provide some story fuel to provide lore
and a given trick might have more than one such about them when heroes make inquiries, try to recall
trigger. details about the origins of a given trick, or when
For example, a trick could bring new monsters to they create an asset to help deal with it.
the scene, either by summoning them from a portal, Generally speaking, tricks never take actions of
facilitating the arrival of reinforcements, or their own. Instead, the GM or the players take
something more exotic like giving flesh to beings of actions to activate their abilities, or they produce
shadows. Such additions should cost doom dice reactive effects based on the circumstances of the
equivalent to the Threat Level die of the monsters scene.

Persistent Complications
Most of the time, complications disappear at the
end of a scene. If you want to have threats that can
deal lasting effects on heroes that don’t involve stress
or trauma, you can use the following option.
A complication can be made persistent by
spending a doom die equivalent to the complication
to make it last until the heroes deal with it through
some action. The persistent complication remains in
play at the same rating as the doom die you spent.
This can represent a particular curse, poison, disease,
or any other form of encroaching corruption that
heroes will need to recover from.
The persistent complication can be targeted like
any other trait and may require special knowledge,
rituals, or ingredients to treat as decided by the GM.
Such complications can also be targeted by threats to
be made stronger when appropriate. If ever such
complications get pushed past d12, you may decide
that the character is taken out of play until a cure is

Sample Adversaries

This section contains a large sampling of potential Specialties: Close Combat d6, Survival d6
opponents for an Exalted: Blood and Fire campaign. Beast Hybrid: Senses d6, Speed d6, Weapon d6
Unless otherwise noted, any Threat is a minor  SFX: Savage Assault. Step up or double Weapon
character, and thus can be taken out of a scene by in an attack against a single target. Remove the
stress greater than its Threat die. So a Threat d8 highest rolling die and keep three dice for the
adversary is taken out by d10 or higher stress of any total.
sort, and so on.  Limit: Easily Cowed. Step up emotional stress
By adding the Squad Cohesion Limit or the Large from intimidation or fear to add d6 to the doom
Scale Threat Limit, a single opponent can be changed pool.
into a Team or Large Scale Threat, respectively. So a
Beastman with Threat d6 could be turned quickly Wyld zones sometimes have the consequence of
into a Beastman Pack with Team Threat 4d6 just by making men more like animals—or animals more like
increasing the dice appearing and adding the Squad men—resulting in animal-human hybrids. These
Cohesion Limit. “beastmen” are human in spirit, but very much like
Virtually any opponent could also be encountered animals in body and mind. They strongly resemble
in a slightly tougher or more dangerous form, such humanoid beasts of various sorts; wolves, goats,
as encountering a Beastman Leader d8 who needs hawks, and snakes are most common, but even
d10 stress to take him out, but is otherwise identical stranger things are known to exist.
to his Threat d6 allies, or who possesses Weapon d8
as one of his powers due to owning a fine steel
chopping sword instead of relying on his claws and
Play with the statistics until you get the result you
want, with an eye to avoid ridiculous or silly results,
like having a Peasant d12. Anyone who can get to
Threat d12 is probably no longer a peasant in any

Mortal Opponents

The following adversaries are individuals of mortal

extraction—that is, people who might have a minor
supernatural power under their control but whose
essential nature remains human. These characters
have not enlightened their essence, nor do they have
innate magical abilities. Any mystical powers they
possess are through study or scavenged relics, but
even people without supernatural abilities can be
dangerous to the unwary.

Threat d6
Distinctions: Feral Features; Semi-Civilized

Common Soldier doom die to do both. If the action fails,
Threat d6 shutdown all Thaumaturgy powers. Recover a
Distinctions: Green Recruit; Hungry for Action shutdown power by spending a doom die.
Specialties: Close Combat d6, Menace d6  Limit: Rank Amateur. A Mortal Thaumaturge’s
Arms and Armor: Chopping Sword d6, Shabby dice pool that includes Sorcery cannot use used
Armor d6 to inflict stress. Rolls of 1 or 2 in a dice pool
 SFX: Phalanx Tactics. Step up or double an Arms including Sorcery count as opportunities, though
and Armor power die in a dice pool with a single only 1s are excluded from total and effect dice.
opposing character. Remove the highest rolling
die and keep three dice for the total. Thaumaturges are sorcerers and alchemists trained
 Limit: Squad Cohesion. Team dice may be targeted in just enough magical lore to get a taste for more. If
individually or by area attacks. Stress of d8 or they’re lucky, they just wind up blowing themselves
higher removes a Team die. up. If not, they wind up blowing up all of their
Mortal soldiers are rarely capable of challenging
the Exalted individually—or in groups, honestly, but
that doesn’t stop them from trying. Tiger Warrior Band
Team Threat 4d6
Distinctions: Loyal Unto Death; Elite Warrior
Military Commander Specialties: Close Combat d8, Menace d8
Threat d8 Tiger Warrior Training: Durability d6, Stamina d6,
Distinctions: Elite Officer; Veteran of Many Strength d6, Weapon d6
Battlefields  SFX: Many Spears. Against multiple targets, for
Specialties: Close Combat d8, Menace d8, War d8 each additional target add a d6 and keep an
Mercenary Armaments: Breastplate d8, Fine Horse additional effect die.
d8, Long Bow d8, Officer’s Sword d8  SFX: Pack Tactics. Step up or double a Tiger
 SFX: Rally the Troops. Spend a doom die as an Warrior Training power against a single target.
action to restore a Team die to an allied Team Remove the highest rolling die and keep three
that has lost one or more dice. The spent doom dice for the total.
die must be at least as large as the Team die to be  Limit: Servitors. Tiger Warriors are the servants of
restored. a heroic character and cannot gain Motes on
 Limit: Gear. Shutdown any Mercenary their own, nor do their opportunities generate
Armaments power to add d6 to the doom pool. doom dice. Their master may spend Motes on
their behalf.
Soldiers for hire that live long enough to be  Limit: Squad Cohesion. Tiger Warrior Band may
considered veterans are often very deadly indeed. be targeted individually or by area attacks.
Whether they like it or not, they tend to drift into Physical stress of d8 or greater removes a die
command positions through sheer competence. from Team.

Mortals trained by Exalted are sometimes known

Mortal Thaumaturge as Tiger Warriors, and they are known for achieving
Threat d8 heights of martial prowess that few other soldiers can
Distinctions: Conjurer of Cheap Tricks; Just hope to possess.
Enough Power to be Dangerous The Tiger Warrior Band presented here are
Specialties: Lore d8, Occult d8 specifically meant to be under the control of a player
Thaumaturgy: Alchemical Blast d6, Mystic Senses character who gained their service through the Tiger
d6, Sorcery Novice d6 Warriors Unlockable (p.XX). For NPC-controlled
 SFX: Unstable Power. Step up or double any Tiger Warriors, remove the Servitors Limit.
Thaumaturgy power for one action, or spend a

Beasts and Animals having no nails. Their vast swarms often descend on
villages and towns to steal anything that isn’t nailed
These adversaries are natural creatures native to down, carrying back anything they regard as pretty to
the world of Creation. Though they can seem like line their nests.
unnatural monsters to those that fight them, they Their major threat is that their favorite food is the
possess few or no supernatural abilities. Those that bones of sorcerers. While they mostly haunt old
have such powers pass them on to their offspring ruins to scavenge such bones, they have been known
normally and require no special circumstances in to attack a traveling sorcerer en masse to rip the flesh
which to survive other than a compatible from him and gnaw what remains.
environment. Ink monkeys are almost always encountered in
Creatures that can only survive in Wyld zones or Teams.
other regions of intense magic are known as
“mutants” and are discussed in their own section.
Komodo Rat
Threat d6
Clawstrider Distinctions: Rodent of Unusual Size; Mangy
Threat d8 Scavenger
Distinctions: Clever Beast; Voracious Hunter Specialties: Covert d8, Survival d8
Specialties: Close Combat d8, Covert d8 Big Rodent: Bite d6, Burrowing d6, Durability d6,
Raptor: Claws d6, Reflexes d8, Speed d8 Reflexes d6
 SFX: Rip and Tear. When using Claws in an  SFX: Filthy. If Komodo Rat inflicts physical stress
attack action, add a d6 and step back the highest on a character, the GM can spend a doom die to
die in the pool. Step up physical stress inflicted. create a disease complication on that character
 Limit: High Metabolism. Step up cold based stress that takes effect after the end of the current
or complications to add d6 to the doom pool. scene. The complication starts at the size of the
doom die spent, and it is automatically
Ranging from half the height of a man to the size persistent.
of a small horse, clawstriders are a common form of  Limit: Recently Fed. Turn Reflexes into a
predator in the jungles of the East. They are scaled complication to add d6 to the doom pool. Spend
and feathered bipeds that look like a cross between a a doom die to recover Reflexes.
lizard and a bird. Large clawstriders sometimes serve
as mounts to brave jungle warriors, while small ones Massive scavengers and meat-eaters of the Eastern
roam in dangerous packs. forests, komodo rats normally live far from
civilization, out in the edges of the wilderness.
Almost ten feet in length, massively built, and squat
Ink Monkey to the ground like a lizard, komodo rats are actually
Threat d4 large, mangy mammals. Their filthy mouths are
Distinctions: Easily Agitated; Nimble Thief breeding grounds for all manner of disease and
Specialties: Covert d6, Larceny d6 infection, at least partly because of their extensive
Tiny Monkey: Mystic Senses d6, Reflexes d6 diet of rotting meat.
 SFX: Shiny! When taking an action to shutdown
a gear-based power set or power group, add a d6
and step up the effect die. Tyrant Lizard
 Limit: Fragile. A complication effect die of d6 or Threat d10
higher takes out Ink Monkey. Distinctions: Always Hungry; Vicious and Stupid;
Thundering Hunter
Ink monkeys are tiny primates that live in Specialties: Close Combat d8, Menace d8, Survival
gibbering hordes in the jungles of the East. They d6
stand barely a foot tall, covered in silky red hair but

Huge Theropod: Bite d8, Durability d10, Strength Demons
 SFX: Charging Smash. Step up or double Strength In the context of Creation, a “demon” is any being
in an attack against two or more targets, then native to Malfeas, the realm of the Yozis. Such
shutdown Strength. Recover Strength by creatures are innately spiritual beings, though they
spending a doom die. generally take physical form while in Creation. Due
 SFX: Crushing Chomp. Step up or double Bite to the surrender oaths sworn by their kind when the
against a single target, then shutdown Bite. Exalted triumphed over the Primordials, demons are
Recover Bite by spending a doom die. bound to respond to any sorcerer’s call and serve
 SFX: Trample. Against multiple targets, for each them while so summoned.
additional target add a d6 and keep an additional Unfortunately, while mortal sorcerers are capable
effect die. of casting the spells that call demons to Creation,
 Limit: Huge. Turn Strength into a complication they are not protected by the oaths of obedience,
to add d6 to the doom pool. Recover Strength by which are specifically to the Exalted. This means that
removing the complication or spending a doom ambitious sorcerers sometimes call demons they
die. cannot control, which usually results in the sorcerer
being devoured by his “servant” and the demon
The tyrant lizard is one of the mightiest predators going amok in Creation.
of the jungles and swamps of Creation. While it
often survives as a scavenger, its innate bloodlust
often compels it to seek out fresh prey. This Blood Ape
enormous beast—not actually a reptile, but rather a Threat d10
scaled and feathered saurian—is notable for its huge Distinctions: Monstrous Demon Primate; Red Haze
jaws and tiny forelimbs. It is almost always a Large of Violence
Scale Threat when encountered. Specialties: Close Combat d10, Menace d10
Erymanthus: Claws and Fangs d8, Durability d10,
Senses d8, Stamina d8, Strength d10
 SFX: Berserk Rampage. Add a doom die to a close
combat attack. On a successful attack, step the
die back and return it to the doom pool.
 SFX: Rip and Tear. On an attack action including
Claws and Fangs, add a d6 and step back the
highest die in the pool. Step up physical stress
 Limit: Easily Distracted. Step up mental stress or
distraction based complications to add d6 to the
doom pool.

More properly known as erymanthoi, blood apes

are the favored demons of summoners all over
Creation. An erymathus is a hulking carnivorous ape
with red fur and bone protrusions sticking through
its skin. They are powerful, violent demons useful as
shock troops and bodyguards who revel in sheer
violence and bloodshed. They typically put up only a
token resistance to being bound into service, since
they know that being called to Creation usually
means all the violence they can handle.

whatever minor physical tweaks the summoner
Neomah requests. The neomah might include a flair of her
Threat d8 own if not specifically ordered otherwise, but
Distinctions: Object of Desire; Flesh Forger nothing harmful to the child.
Specialties: Medicine Expert d8, Socialize Expert d8
Demon Courtesan: Senses d8, Shapeshifting d8,
Telepathy d6 Wyld Creatures
 SFX: Infernal Medic. Neomah adds Senses to the
dice pool when helping others recover physical Beyond the borders of Creation lies the Wyld, a
stress. Spend a doom die as an action to recover region of formless chaos and limitless potential. This
another creature’s physical stress or step back realm is anathema to the shaped reality of Creation,
another creature’s physical trauma. constantly eating away at the edges of the world in an
 SFX: Tempt. When using Shapeshifting to inflict effort to reduce all that is back to formlessness.
temptation or desire based emotional stress, add Where the Wyld washes up on the edges of
a d6 and step up the effect die. Creation, strange creatures are birthed.
 Limit: Weak Willed. Step up mental stress or Creatures born of Creation but tainted by the
complications from a dice pool including Sorcery Wyld into new forms are known as mutants, while
to step up the lowest die in the doom pool or creatures native to the Wyld that have adopted a
add a d6 doom die. fixed shape to interact with Creation are known as
faeries (or as they call themselves, “the raksha”). Both
The demon courtesans called neomah are among kinds of creatures are extraordinarily dangerous to
the most popular inhabitants of Malfeas for ordinary mortals, since their very existence is a
summoners to call upon. Part of this can be traced to perversion of the laws of nature. Thankfully, most
their amazing genitive abilities; a neomah can take mutants sicken and die if they spend too long away
flesh from any two creatures and merge it together to from the raw magic of the Wyld—unfortunately, the
produce a viable offspring. A good bit more of it is Fair Folk have no such limitations, since they can eat
because the neomah can sense a mortal’s desires and the dreams and souls of mortals to sustain
change their shape to become whatever or whoever themselves.
that mortal desires most. Technically, beastmen are a type of Wyld mutant,
In exchange for their services—medical or carnal— though their mutations are so mild that they can not
they always ask the same price: a pound of their only survive outside the Wyld but breed true among
summoner’s flesh. When not being tasked by a themselves.
summoner, a neomah unfurls the spiral brass tower
she keeps stored in her stomach, spits it out, and
climbs to the top to forge her bartered flesh into Buck Ogre
creations of her own design. Threat d8
Distinctions: Two-Headed Mutant; Primitive but
Unlockable: Cunning
Gift of the Neomah [10 XP] Specialties: Close Combat d8, Survival d8
Having a child can be a difficult experience in the Wyld Mutant: Senses d8, Stamina d8, Strength d10
world of Creation—especially for parents who are the  SFX: Double Attack. On a close combat attack,
same gender, different species, or have supernatural keep two effect dice at no cost.
problems with childbirth. A neomah can make those  Limit: Iron Vulnerability. Step up physical stress
problems vanish—for a price. from iron weapons to add d6 to the doom pool.
For 10 XP and a pound of flesh from each
participant, a neomah can spend a day and a night in These Northern mutants are minotaur-like
her spiral tower to craft a perfectly healthy infant humanoids, though they possess two elk heads, each
from the flesh of two (or possibly more) donors. This of which is crowned with a massive rack of horns.
child bears the best traits of both parents as well as Their eerie eyes with square pupils disguise

surprising amounts of intelligence—albeit a primitive Faerie Panoply: Fire Resistance d10, Glass Armor
one. Buck ogres often raid villages for human mates, d8, Glass Sword d8
metal tools, and any items they are too clumsy to  SFX: Sharp! When using Glass Sword in an attack
make. action, add a d6 and step back the highest die in
the dice pool to step up physical stress inflicted.
 Limit: Ephemera. Shutdown any Faerie Panoply
Faerie Noble power to add d6 to the doom pool. Spend a
Threat d10 doom die to recover.
Distinctions: All the World’s a Stage; Cold and
Alien Beauty Noble raksha are chimerical creatures, taking on
Specialties: Close Combat d8, Lore d8, Menace d8, the elemental aspect of the part of Creation they first
Socialize d10 entered. They are universally beautiful, though this
Elite Raksha: Mind Control d8, Presence d8, beauty can be quite alien at times. Their elaborate
Reflexes d8, Senses d8, Transmutation d10 courtly games are as much to stave off boredom as
 SFX: Alien Thoughts. Spend a doom die to ignore they are to generate the passions that provide
mind control complications or emotional stress. sustenance to the soul-eating faeries.
 SFX: Conjured Wealth. When using a doom die to
create a wealth or gear based asset, step back the
doom die and return it to the doom pool after Hobgoblin
the asset ends. Threat d6
 SFX: Seductive. When inflicting seduction based Distinctions: Petty Cruelty; Too Dumb to Be Afraid
complications or emotional stress, add a d6 and Specialties: Close Combat d6, Covert d6
step up the effect fie. Lesser Raksha: Durability d6, Senses d6, Strength d6
 Limit: Iron Vulnerability. Step up physical stress  SFX: Ball of Fangs and Claws. Step up or double
from iron weapons to add d6 to the doom pool. Strength against a single target. Remove the
highest rolling die and keep three dice for the
 Limit: Iron Vulnerability. Step up physical stress
from iron weapons to add d6 to the doom pool.

Hobgoblins are the least of the Fair Folk, ever-

present foot soldiers for the raksha. They take
hundreds of forms, though they are usually small,
feral, and twisted in some fashion. They take on the
elemental aspects of wherever they happen to dwell,
ranging from the shaggy-furred goblins of the North
to the dark, red-eyed creatures haunting Southern

Mutant Tribesman
Threat d6
Distinctions: Twisted Body, Twisted Mind;
Unhealthy Lifestyle
Specialties: Close Combat d6, Survival d6
Wyld Mutant: Stamina d8, Strength d6
 SFX: Burst of Strength. Step up or double any
Wyld Mutant power for one action, then

shutdown that power. Recover the power by of the dead as servants, raising hordes of zombies or
spending a doom die. hungry dead to ravage the living.
 Limit: Deformed. Turn any Wyld Mutant power The intelligent dead—ghosts and their ilk—often
into a complication to add d6 to the doom pool. seek out Shadowlands to dwell in. These regions,
Recover the power by spending a doom die. where the boundaries between Creation and the
Underworld are at their thinnest, allow them to
Mutations are a sad fact of life in many parts of interact with the living directly and even to assume
Creation. The Wyld has leaked in around the edges, semi-corporeal forms. Such beings hope to gain the
tainting and twisting the bodies and minds of people devotion and worship of the living, using their
unfortunate enough to get caught in such zones. prayers to sustain themselves and retain their
Many mutant tribes just want to be left alone, while memories of life rather than passing into the cycle of
others are barely-sane cannibals. It can be difficult reincarnation.
for strangers to tell one from the other before
winding up in the stew pot.
Hungry Ghost
Threat d8
Wyld Rager Distinctions: Driven by Hate; Hungry for Flesh
Threat d8 Specialties: Close Combat d8, Menace d8
Distinctions: Crazed Cannibal; Savage in More Embodied Ghost: Claws d6, Durability d8, Senses
Ways Than One d8, Strength d8
Specialties: Close Combat d8, Menace d8, Survival  SFX: Dead Man Walking. Spend a doom die to
d8 ignore stress or complications from poison,
Wyld Mutant: Durability d8, Senses d8, Strength d8 disease, or fatigue.
 SFX: Berserker. Add a doom die to a close combat  SFX: Unhallowed Flesh. Spend a doom die to
attack. On a successful attack, step the die back ignore physical stress unless inflicted by silver
and return it to the doom pool. weapons or magic.
 Limit: Deformed. Turn any Wyld Mutant power  Limit: Bane. Step up stress or complications from
into a complication to add d6 to the doom pool. attacks including silver, salt, or holy energy to
Recover the power by spending a doom die. add d6 to the doom pool.
 Limit: Sunlight Vulnerability. Step up physical
Ragers are mutants whose taint has become so stress at the end of any action spent exposed to
great that they no longer care about the difference sunlight.
between human and animal. They act like beasts,
and they are quite happy to devour the people they The dead don’t rest easy in Creation. Hungry
catch. Like all mutants, ragers suffer from severe ghosts are created when souls are unable to rest due
deformities. Their powers can be quite useful, but to some great outrage. Vengeance and hate drive
they can also cause terrible health problems. them. A hungry ghost rises the first night after a
murder, taking a physical form similar to the victim’s
living one but gruesomely marked by his violent
The Dead death and subsequent decay. Hungry ghosts roam
the living world at night, hunting their killers or
It’s just a fact of life in Creation that the dead are tearing apart anyone they encounter. They return to
restless. The souls of people who died without their corpses at dawn, their spirits sinking to the
satisfaction for a lifetime of suffering linger on in the Underworld, since the touch of daylight is corrosive
gloom of the Underworld. A small number are to their ectoplasmic bodies.
powerful enough to break through the walls between
Creation and the land of the dead, returning to
haunt the living or to guide their descendants.
Powerful necromancers can also animate the corpses

Nemissary  Limit: Bane. Step up stress or complications from
Threat d10 attacks including silver, salt, or holy energy to
Distinctions: Servant of Oblivion; Possessing Entity; add d6 to the doom pool.
Utterly Mad  Limit: Slow. Zombie cannot spend doom dice to
Specialties: Close Combat d8, Covert d10, Menace interrupt the action order.
Embodied Ghost: Flight d8, Intangibility d10, Life Zombies are mere shambling corpses, animated by
Senses d8, Mental Resistance d10, Necrotic Touch necromancy or the subtle corruption of a
d10, Mind Control d8, Strength d8 Shadowland. They possess no intelligence or volition
 SFX: Apparition. When using Menace to inflict of their own, only a vague notion that feasting on
emotional stress, add a d6 and step up the effect the flesh of the living will bring them some
die. semblance of peace.
 SFX: Dead Man Walking. Spend a doom die to
ignore stress or complications from poison,
disease, or fatigue. Gods and Elementals
 SFX: Soul-Thieving Method. When using Necrotic
Touch in a close combat attack, keep an Beings of pure spirit native to Creation are known
additional effect die and add it to the doom pool as either gods or elementals. Though comprised of
on a successful attack. The target may spend 1 essentially the same kind of essence, gods are spirits
Mote to negate this effect. empowered by the Celestial and Terrestrial
 SFX: Unhallowed Flesh. Spend a doom die to Bureaucracies while elementals are simpler entities
ignore physical stress unless inflicted by silver composed of their core elemental substance and
weapons or magic. given awareness by awakening their essence.
 Limit: Bane. Step up stress or complications from Gods can be ancient or new, though older gods
attacks including silver, salt, or holy energy to tend to be more powerful. In many cases, an
add d6 to the doom pool. elemental is created out of the raw elements through
magic on the spot, but some elementals persist for
Rare and unusual spirits, nemissaries are courted long periods of time, becoming mighty beings in
by Abyssal Exalted as valuable spies, assassins and their own right. Small gods sometimes abandon their
saboteurs. Nemissaries are ghosts with the ability to positions to seek personal power in Creation,
possess the bodies of the recently dead. Most of them something that the heavenly order considers a
are old, powerful spirits and have long lost any horrible dereliction of duty but which has become
memory of their original form and face. ever more common in the modern fallen age.
When not in a body, a nemissary is nothing more
than a chill, hissing whisper. Though the bodies they
inhabit may be decaying, nemissaries are easily Cloud Person
distinguishable from zombies by the greenish glow of Threat d6
intelligence in their eyes and by their palpable sense Distinctions: Hedonistic and Aloof; Made of Clouds
of purpose. Specialties: Lore d6, Occult d6, Performance d8
Air Elemental: Air Control d6, Flight d8,
Intangibility d8, Presence d8
Zombie  SFX: Mist Form. Step up or double Intangibility
Threat d6 in a reaction roll against a physical attack.
Distinctions: Mindless; Shambling Corpse Remove the highest rolling die and keep three
Specialties: Close Combat d6 dice for the total
Corpse Body: Durability d8, Strength d6  Limit: Semisolid. Step up stress or complications
 SFX: Dead Man Walking. Spend a doom die to from wind or electricity based attacks to add d6
ignore stress or complications from poison, to the doom pool.
disease, or fatigue.

The cloud people spend their ageless lives in aerial Still, the dogs are not fundamentally antagonistic
cities—masses of filmy structures built upon the to mortals. Folk that do not raise structures in the
largest clouds. There they indulge in all manner of wild—such as hunter-gatherer tribes and hermits—are
airy luxuries, while away the hours amid philosophy safe from their wrath, and might even forge alliances
and revelry, and study the movements of the upper with them.
air and the stars. Concerning oneself with the lands
beneath—or with the affairs of the spirit courts of
air—is deemed gauche, despite the fact that they feel Field Guardian
a strong pull toward the evanescent beauty of Threat d6
Creation. Distinctions: Protector of the Harvest; Bountiful
Cloud people resemble slender mortals made of Spirit
white cloudstuff, such that they are often mistaken Specialties: Close Combat d6, Lore d6, Survival d8
for patches of mist. Their eyes are large and bright, Small God: Durability d6, Plant Control d6, Scythe
their nebulous hair dozens of feet long, their voices d6
faint and bemused. Their foodstuffs are equally  SFX: Good Earth. When acting in a scene
insubstantial, consisting of scents, breezes, and containing a Scene Distinction related to farms,
flickers of color. fields, or harvests, step up all Small God powers.
 SFX: Towering Wheat. When using Plant Control
to inflict complications, add a d6 and step up the
Dog of the Unbroken Earth effect die.
Threat d8  Limit: Rooted. Step up slowing or warding based
Distinctions: Defender of the Wilderness; Elemental complications to add d6 to the doom pool.
Specialties: Close Combat d8, Survival d8 Arising in patches of cultivated land, field
Small God: Bite d8, Burrowing d8, Durability d8, guardians devote themselves to that land’s care. They
Senses d10, Speed d8, Stamina d10, Strength d8 send dreams to farmers instructing them in how best
 SFX: Fangs of the Hunt. When making an attack to improve crop yields, and to ward off pests and
including Bite, add a d6 and step back the blight. In exchange, they ask that a small part of the
highest die in the pool to step up physical stress field—which serves as a sanctum—remain untouched,
inflicted. and that no structures be raised in the field without
 SFX: Swift Stalking Hunter. Spend a doom die to a suitable offering of animal blood and strong drink.
ignore movement impeding complications other To violate these simple rules is to risk death, for
than being physically restrained. these spirits can slay mortals as easily as a farmer
 Limit: Beast Mind. Step up confusion or trickery reaps grain.
based mental stress to add d6 to the doom pool. Field guardians appear as hale and strong mortals,
though touched by the nature of the fields they
These night-black hounds stand as large as tigers, guard. They may have hair of leaf green or wheaten
with feral eyes blazing like emeralds or rubies. They gold, and skin peach-pink or eggplant-dark. Some are
are small gods of the wilderness; only those places beanpole-thin, others round as cabbages or sturdy as
uninhabited by mortals for a century or more lie apple trees. Spirits of grain fields may be skittish,
within their purview, and they guard their territory orchard spirits merry, or vegetable-patch spirits
jealously. Those who would carve away the wilds to phlegmatic. All wear farmer’s garb and bear
build homes, farms, or roads may seek to propitiate accouterments to match—a rake, spade, wood-axe, or
the dogs with regular sacrifices. Travelers, too, must scythe.
fear the dogs of the unbroken earth. They
particularly despise roads, and all who travel man-
made routes had best obtain the protection of a road
or caravan god.

Garda Bird becoming a single new individual—a sacrifice born
Threat d10 out of love, and thus rare indeed.
Distinctions: Ancient Fire Elemental; Great Bird of Brilliant plumage drapes their six-foot bodies and
Wisdom twenty-foot wingspans, with feathers that shed a cool
Specialties: Close Combat d8, Lore d10, Menace d8, indigo glow. They can take male or female shape, but
Occult d10, Ranged Combat d10, Socialize d8 most often appear in the so-called “Emperor” form,
Elder Firebird: Claws d8, Fire Blast d10, Fire as a gold and purple peacock with a pheasant’s head.
Control d10, Fire Resistance d10, Flight d10, When threatened, they take on the “Empress” form—
Intellect d10, Presence d10, Reflexes d10, Senses a silver pheasant with lethal claws. Rage calls forth
d10, Stamina d10, Strength d8 the “Phoenix” form: a many-armed human body with
 SFX: Aura of Absolute Terror. When inflicting fear an eagle’s head, wings, claws and tail.
based emotional stress on multiple targets, for
each additional target add a d6 and keep an
additional effect die. Storm Mother
 SFX: Fire Immunity. Spend a doom die to ignore Threat d10
fire based stress or complications. Distinctions: Jealous Sea God; Aquatic Spirit
 SFX: Flames of the Phoenix. Step up or double an Specialties: Close Combat d8, Lore d8, Menace d10,
Elder Firebird power for one action. If that Ranged Combat d8, Vehicles d8
action fails, shutdown the power. Recover the Power Set: Durability d10, Lightning Blast d8,
power by spending a doom die. Senses d8, Strength d10, Swimming d10, Weather
 SFX: Hurricane Inferno. When using Fire Blast Control d10
against multiple targets, for each additional target  SFX: Mother of Storms. When inflicting stress or
add a d6 and keep an additional effect die. complications against seafaring vehicles, add a d6
 SFX: Multipower. Add more than one Elder and step up the effect die.
Firebird power to a dice pool. Step back all  SFX: Skyfire’s Mistress. Spend a doom die to
powers in the pool for each power included after ignore air or electricity based stress or
the first. complications.
 SFX: Rise from the Flames. Before taking an action  SFX: Wrath from the Sky. When using Lightning
including an Elder Firebird power, spend a Blast to attack multiple targets, for each
doom die recover physical stress and step up that additional target add a d6 and keep an additional
power for this action. effect die.
 SFX: Sirocco Rush. Step up or double an Elder  Limit: Flattery Will Get You Everywhere. Step up
Firebird power in an attack against a single flattery or compliment based emotional stress to
target. Remove the highest rolling die and keep add d6 to the doom pool.
three dice for the total.
 SFX: Vast Destruction. When Garda Bird takes an Storm mothers are unlovely creatures, with their
action to add dice to the doom pool, add two scaly greenish skin, balding pates, and eyes like a
dice instead of one. storm-shot cloudy night. Even so, some are more
 Limit: Bird of Vast Size. Turn Strength into a inhuman and grotesque than others, exhibiting
complication to add d6 to the doom pool. hunched backs, bulging eyes, or broad mouth full of
Recover Strength by spending a doom die or jagged teeth.
removing the complication. These aquatic gods love the storms for which
they’re named, surfacing on wet, foggy evenings to
The garda birds are wise beyond reckoning. This is call down wind, rain and lightning for their own
because they are immortal beyond the agelessness pleasure. At other times they will do so on a mortal’s
common to elementals; when one dies, it is reborn behalf. When passing through a storm mother’s
nine days later in a flowering of flame. They only territory—which is wide enough to take days for a
truly perish when two garda birds unite in fire, ship to cross—islanders, merchants, and pirates pray

to the storm mothers for safe passage, or (with warstrider might well have many or all of its systems
greater success) for an enemy’s vessel to founder. rendered nonfunctional, while a fully powered
warstrider is a force to be reckoned with.
No nation in the modern world has very many
Wood Spider warstriders, and those that they do possess are
Threat d8 considered great treasures of their land—and often
Distinctions: Feral Wood Elemental; Pursuit the difference between success and failure on the
Predator battlefield. A warstrider pilot is among the most
Specialties: Acrobatics d8, Covert d8, Survival d8 valued members of any military organization, and a
Arachnid Elemental: Bite d6, Climbing d8, mercenary pilot could name his price in virtually any
Durability d8, Senses d8, Transmutation d6, land in the world.
Webbing d6 A warstrider can only be piloted by an Exalt due to
 SFX: Cocoon. When inflicting a binding or the essence needed to power the vehicle. A mortal
entrapping complication with Webbing, add a d6 could no more pilot a warstrider than he could pilot
and step up the effect die. a mountain, though there are stories of minor
 SFX: Wooden Statue. When inflicting a magical suits of armor that are similar to warstriders
petrification complication with Transmutation, and can be used by mortals. The warstriders listed as
add a d6 and step up the effect die. If a character examples below are based off a “typical” wearer,
is taken out with a petrification complication though the statistics here do not account for the
that uses this ability, spend d12 from the doom abilities of the pilot.
pool to make it persistent until removed with
 Limit: Fire Vulnerability. Step up physical stress Glorious Peregrine
from fire based attack to add d6 to the doom Large Scale Threat 2d8
pool. Distinctions: Pilot’s Distinctions; Agile Armor
Specialties: Pilot’s Specialties (typically Vehicles d8)
Wood spiders are malicious elementals that lurk in Scout Warstrider: Durability d8, Senses d8, Speed
the branches of trees overhanging roads and trails. d8, Strength d8, Weapon d8
They love nothing more than to wait for lone  SFX: Early Warning Systems. Spend a doom die to
travelers or small groups to come near and then to reroll a reaction against an attack, adding or
move through the foliage and underbrush, shifting stepping up Senses.
and changing landmarks to lead its victims astray.  SFX: Large Scale Threat. Spend a doom die to
Wood spiders will torment travelers by leading them ignore physical stress unless inflicted by a Large
deep into the woods, until those travelers lay down Scale Threat. The doom die must be at least as
to sleep or succumb to exhaustion and starvation. large as the stress effect die to be ignored.
The spiders then lower themselves on drag lines of  Limit: Big Warstrider. Turn Strength into a
woven wood, bind their victims in cocoons of wood complication to add d6 to the doom pool.
and leaves and inject their poison into them, slowly Recover Strength by removing the complication
turning their victims into living wooden statues. or spending a doom die.
 Limit: Damaged Systems. Shutdown any Scout
Warstrider power to add d6 to the doom pool.
Warstriders Recover power by spending a doom die.

Warstriders are enormous vehicles made of The Glorious Peregrine is an example of a scout
magically reinforced materials, augmented by the warstrider, a mystical suit of armor roughly twice the
essence of their pilots. A warstrider typically needs size of a man. The pilot rides in the chest of the
the insertion of one or more hearthstones—magical machine, using a special harness to control the
gems created at a locus of elemental power—in order armor’s limbs. This type of warstrider is fast and
to function at full strength. An underpowered

mobile, though still somewhat clumsy compared to  SFX: Sun Shield. Step up or double Durability in
smaller foes. a reaction against a physical attack. Remove the
highest rolling die and keep three dice for the
White Talon  Limit: Damaged Systems. Shutdown any Noble
Large Scale Threat 3d8 Warstrider power to add d6 to the doom pool.
Distinctions: Pilot’s Distinctions; Powerful War Recover power by spending a doom die.
Machine  Limit: Huge Warstrider. Turn Strength into a
Specialties: Pilot’s Specialties (typically Ranged complication to add d6 to the doom pool.
Combat d8 and Vehicles d8) Recover Strength by removing the complication
Common Warstrider: Durability d10, Essence Blast or spending a doom die.
d8, Senses d8, Speed d8, Strength d10
 SFX: Crushing Blow. Step up or double a The Sacred Temple of Honest Reflection is an example
Common Warstrider power against a single of a noble warstrider, an enormous suit of magically
target. Remove the highest rolling die and keep powered armor standing easily almost thirty feet tall.
three dice for the total. This huge war machine is armed with an equally
 SFX: Large Scale Threat. Spend a doom die to huge sword and shield, as well as a light essence
ignore physical stress unless inflicted by a Large cannon for long-range combat. Such a powerful
Scale Threat. artillery vehicle is capable of turning the tide of a
 Limit: Big Warstrider. Turn Strength into a battle even without support personnel.
complication to add d6 to the doom pool.
Recover Strength by removing the complication
or spending a doom die. Wrathful Hand of God
 Limit: Damaged Systems. Shutdown any Common Large Scale Threat 3d10
Warstrider power to add d6 to the doom pool. Distinctions: Pilot’s Distinctions; Huge Weapons
Recover power by spending a doom die. Platform
Specialties: Pilot’s Specialties (typically Ranged
The White Talon is an example of a common Combat d10 and Vehicles d10)
warstrider, a mystically hardened and powered suit of Colossus Warstrider: Durability d12, Essence Blast
armor almost three times the height of a man. The d10, Senses d10, Speed d10, Strength d12
pilot rides in a special harness in the chest cavity,  SFX: Barrage of Power. When using Essence Blast
using the warstrider’s magic to see and hear what against multiple targets, for each additional target
happens outside his protective shell. These war add a d6 and keep an additional effect die.
machines are designed to serve as heavy artillery with  SFX: Large Scale Threat. Spend a doom die to
a supporting crew of infantry to protect it from ignore physical stress unless inflicted by a Large
small, agile threats. Scale Threat.
 SFX: Maximum Burn. Spend a doom die to step
up or double any Colossus Warstrider power for
Sacred Temple of Honest Reflection the remainder of the Scene. Until the end of the
Large Scale Threat 2d10 Scene, any time that power is included in a dice
Distinctions: Pilot’s Distinctions; Mighty War pool, take the second-highest rolling die as
Machine physical stress.
Specialties: Pilot’s Specialties (typically Close  Limit: Damaged Systems. Shutdown any Colossus
Combat d8 and Vehicles d8) Warstrider power to add d6 to the doom pool.
Noble Warstrider: Durability d10, Essence Blast d8, Recover power by spending a doom die.
Senses d8, Speed d8, Strength d10, Weapon d10  Limit: Huge Warstrider. Turn Strength into a
 SFX: Large Scale Threat. Spend a doom die to complication to add d6 to the doom pool.
ignore physical stress unless inflicted by a Large Recover Strength by removing the complication
Scale Threat. or spending a doom die.

in the dice pool to step up physical stress
The Wrathful Hand of God is an example of a inflicted.
colossus warstrider, an impossible huge single-pilot  Limit: Damaged Systems. Shutdown any Royal
war machine standing nearly fifty feet tall and almost Warstrider power to add d6 to the doom pool.
as wide. Literally bristling with weapons, a colossus Recover power by spending a doom die.
warstrider is less capable of engaging in close-range  Limit: Huge Warstrider. Turn Strength into a
combat than other warstriders but makes up for that complication to add d6 to the doom pool.
with raw firepower and near-invulnerability. Recover Strength by removing the complication
or spending a doom die.

The Lion’s Roar The Lion’s Roar is an example of a royal warstrider,

Large Scale Threat 4d12 one of the most perfect machines of war ever built by
Distinctions: Pilot’s Distinctions; Unparalleled the enlightened sciences of the First Age. Though
Weapon of Mass Destruction smaller than a colossus, the royal warstrider is more
Specialties: Pilot’s Specialties (typically Close powerful in virtually every way—faster, stronger, and
Combat d10 and Vehicles d10) more durable.
Royal Warstrider: Durability d12, Essence Blast
d10, Senses d10, Speed d10, Strength d12, Weapon
d10 Other Vehicles
 SFX: Force Overpowering. Step up or double any Warstriders are not the only magically created
Royal Warstrider power in an attack against a vehicles in the world of Creation, but they are
single target, or spend a doom die to do both. among the most famous and powerful. More
Remove the highest rolling die and keep three vehicles, from skyblades to airships, will be details in
dice for the total. The Hundred Devils Manual.
 SFX: Large Scale Threat. Spend a doom die to
ignore physical stress unless inflicted by a Large
Scale Threat.
 SFX: Powerful Stroke. On an attack including
Weapon, add a d6 and step back the highest die


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