!rangkuman Tata Bahasa Inggris

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1. Parts of Speech

part of
speech function or "job" example words example sentences

Verb action or state

(to) be, have, do, like, work, sing, EnglishClub is a web site.
can, must I likeEnglishClub.
(kata kerja) (tindakan/ keadaan)

Noun thing or person This is my dog. He lives in

pen, dog, work, music, town,
my house. We live
London, teacher, John
(kata benda) (benda/orang) in London.

Adjective describes a noun

My dogs are big. I
good, big, red, well, interesting
like big dogs.
(kata sifat) (menjelaskan kata benda)

Determiner limits or "determines" a

I have two dogs
noun (membatasi / a/an, the, 2, some, many
and somerabbits.
(penentu) menentukan kata benda

Adverb describes a verb,

My dog eats quickly. When
adjective or adverb quickly, silently, well, badly, very,
he is very hungry, he
(kata (menjelaskan kata kerja, really
eats reallyquickly.
keterangan) kata sifat/adverb)

Pronoun replaces a noun

Tara is Indian. She is
(menggantikan kata I, you, he, she, some
(kata ganti) benda)

links a noun to another

word (menghubung-kan We
tion(Kata to, at, after, on, but
kata benda dg kata went to school on Monday.

joins clauses or sentences

Conjunc- I like dogs and I like cats. I like
or words
tion(kata and, but, when cats and dogs. I like
(menghubungkan klausa
hubung) dogs but I don't like cats.
atau kata)

Interjection short exclamation,

Ouch! That hurts! Hi! How are
sometimes inserted into a oh!, ouch!, hi!, well
you? Well, I don't know.
(kata seru) sentence (seruan pendek)

Decide which parts of speech are the underlined words
1. Steve can play the trumpet. Auxiliary .
2. Do you like dogs? Verb.
3. They listen to music every day. Verb.
4. She is an old lady. Adjective.
5. The group went climbing in the mountains. Noun.
6. This is a fast car. Adjective.
7. He did well in the test. Adverb.
8. My father drives carefully. Adverb.
9. Has your father ever been to Australia? Nou.
10. The play was fantastic. Nounn


1. You have to believe in yourself if you ever expect to be successful at something. Pronoun 

2. We left for the mountain just before six in the morning. Verb 
3. We first went to the store to buy a few things. Preposition 
4. We had a breakfast at a café near the rail station. Noun 
5. My friend wasn't strong enough to lift his heavy rucksack. Adjective 
6. I helped him carry it. Pronoun 
7. The weather was very cold. Adverb 
8. My friend said, "Oh! What a cold weather!" interjection 
9. We didn't spend the night there. Adverb  
10. We got back home late at night but we didn't go to sleep immediately. We were very
hungry. conjunction 

1. Remember to drive safely.  Adverb 
2. Don't talk like that.  Verb 
3. Sally and Tom are coming back soon.  Noun 
4. This is a pretty vase.  Adjective 
5. Let's do it.  Pronoun 
6. The cat is on the table.  Preposition 
7. Oh, I didn't know that.  interjection 
8. Do you want to go out or stay home?  conjunction 
9. New York is a big city.  Noun 
10. I want the blue ball.  Adjective 
11. We finished it yesterday.  Adverb 
12. What am I going to do without you?  Pronoun 
13. He will come.  Verb 
14. Wow, those are great news!  Interjection 
15. We have pens, pencil, notebooks and markers.  Conjunction 
16. They went into the hall.  Preposition

2. AFFIX(imbuhan)

1. Prefix (awalan) yang membentuk 5. Suffix (akhiran) yang membentuk

OPPOSITES (lawan kata) ADJECTIVE (kata sifat)
A- Amoral, atheistic -able/ (dapat di...) readable, moveable
Un- unbelievable, undo, -ible sensible, convertible
Non- Nonsmoker, nonconformist, -like (seperti...) childlike, tigerlike
In- Inaccessible, incomplete, -ish (ke...an) childish, yellowish
Il- Illegal, illegitimate, -less ( tanpa) legless, sleepless
Im- Immature, impatient, -ful (penuh) colorful, merciful
Ir - Irrational, irregular -most (paling) bottommost, upmost
Counter- counterproductive -al (noun + al) commercial, facial
Dis- Disconnect, dishonest -ic/ (noun + ic/ical) periodic, economic
De- Decompose, deregulate -ical periodical, economical
-y (noun + y) snowy, juicy
2. Prefix (awalan) yang membentuk -ly (noun + ly) friendly, ghostly
VERB (kata kerja) -ous (noun + ous) dangerous, nervous
Ac- (ac + noun) accompany, acclimate -ant (verb + ant) ignorant, defiant
Be- (be + noun) befriend, belittle, -ent (verb + ent) different, persistent
Im- (im + noun) imprison -ive (verb +ive) collective, adaptive
En- (en + adj.) enlarge, ensure
6. Suffix (akhiran) yang membentuk
3. Suffix (akhiran) yang membentuk Pelaku/alat (doer/agent)
VERB (kata kerja) -ee employee, trainee
-en (adj + en) whiten, soften -er trainer, employer
-en (noun + en) strengthen, lengthen -eer engineer, eauctioneer
-ise/ (adj + ise/ize) realise, stabilize -ar liar
-ize (noun + ise/ize) memorize, colonize -ard drunkard
-fy/ (adj + -fy/ify) solidify, liquify -or collector, traitor
-ify (noun + fy/ify) modify, beautify -ian/ magician, comedian
-ate (adj/noun + ate) liquidate, -cian beautician,
-ist pianist, chemist
4. Suffix yang membentuk NOUN -ive representative, executive
a. yg berasal dari verb + suffix -ant acountant,servant
-ion selection, nomination -ent president, student
-tion coronation,
-ation alteration, commercialization 7. Adjective berakhiran -Ing/-ed
-sion expansion, permission a. Noun+ed
-ance deliverance, tolerance -legged, winged (berkaki, bersayap)
-ence difference, existence
-ment agreement, government b. Verb+ed (atau verb III)
-al burial, arrival menghasilkan adjective bermakna pasif
-ry bribery, refinery -painted, amazed (dilukis, terpukau)
-ery robbery,
-age carriage, marriage c. Verb+ing
-ure departure, seizure menghasilkan adjective bermakna aktif
-ing swimming, accounting -painting, moving (melukis, bergerak)

b. yg berasal dari noun + suffix 8. Adverb

-age package, wastage -Bentuk dasar : very, quite, fast, etc.
-dom stardom, kingdom -Adjective + ly : slowly, strangely
-hood brotherhood, childhood Interestingly, boredly
-ism criticism, capitalism
-ment shipment, championship 9. Perubahan bunyi yang menghasilkan
-ry rivalry, machinery perubahan jenis kata
-ing schooling, parenting
Adjective Noun Verb
c. yg berasal dari adjective + suffix long length
-cy efficiency, frequency strong strength
-ism liberalism, fundamentalism dry draught
-ty certainty, advice advise
-ity nationality, complexity belief believe
-ness emptiness, sadness important importance
present presence/present present
Put the words in brackets in the appropriate form (use a prefixes or a suffixes):

1. He was acting in a very childish way. (child)
2. She looked unhappy .She started to cry. (happy)
3. He passed his exam. He was successful for the second time. (succeed)
4. The team that he supported were able to win the championship . (champion)
5. I couldn't find any weakness in his theory. (weak)
6. He wants to be a mathematician when he grows up. (mathematics)
7. There were only a handful of people at the match. (hand)
8. The road was too narrow, so they had to widen it. (wide)
9. I think that you should reconsider your decision. It may not be the best thing to do. (consider)
10. You need a combination of motivation, organization and hard work to realize your dreams.

1. He was sitting __________________ in his seat on the train. (comfort)
2. There was a __________________ light coming from the window. (green)
3. He was acting in a very __________________ way. (child)
4. This word is very difficult to spell, and even worse, it's __________________. (pronounce)
5. He's lost his book again. I don't know where he has __________________ it this time. (place)
6. You shouldn't have done that! It was very __________________ of you. (think)
7. He didn't pass his exam. He was __________________ for the second time. (succeed)
8. Some of the shanty towns are dreadfully __________________ . (crowd)
9. The team that he supported were able to win the__________________ . (champion)
10. There is a very high __________________ that they will be late. (likely)
11. I couldn't find any __________________ in his theory. (weak)
12. He wants to be a __________________ when he grows up. (mathematics)
13. You need to be a highly trained __________________ to understand this report. (economy)
14. There were only a __________________ of people at the match. (hand)
15. She arrived late at work because she had__________________ . (sleep)
16. The road was too narrow, so they had to __________________ it. (wide)
17. He was accused of __________________ documents. (false)
18. They had to __________________ the lion before they could catch it. (tranquil)
19. He needed to __________________ the temperature. (regular)
20. I think that you should __________________ . It may not be the best thing to do. (consider)
21. There was a three-hour __________________ because of the strike. (stop)
22. You need a _______________of motivation, organization and revision to learn English.
23. I try not to go to the supermarket at 5pm because it's __________________. (practice)
24. It is very __________________ to run air-conditioning with the door open. (economy)
25. His __________________ has been expected for the last half an hour. (arrive)
3. PREPOSITION ( Kata Depan)
PREPOSISI TUNGGAL aboard di atas (kapal) than daripada
about tentang through melalui
above di atas throughout di seluruh
across seberang till sampai
after Setelah, di blakang to untuk, ke, daripada
against berlawanan, terhadap toward Menuju, ke
along sepanjang under bawah
alongside di sisi underneath di bawah
amid di tengah-tengah until sampai
among Di antara up naik, atas
anti anti, berlawanan upon di atas
around sekitar versus lawan
as sebagai via melalui
astride mengangkang with dengan
at di within dalam
atop di atas without tanpa
barring kecuali, kalau tidak worth bernilai, layak
before Sebelum, di depan PREPOSISI JAMAK
behind di belakang according to menurut
below di bawah ahead of depan
beneath di bawah along with Bersama dengan
beside di samping apart from selaindari
besides selain as for adapun, kalau
between antara aside from selain
beyond di luar, lebih dari as per sesuai
but melainkan as to mengenai
by Oleh, pada as well as maupun
circa sekitar away from (men)jauhdari
despite meskipun because of karena
down kebawah, di bawah but for kecuali
during selama by means of lewat, dengan cara
except kecuali close to Dekat dengan
for Untuk, karena contrary to Berlawanan dg
from dari depending Bergantung pada
in di on
inside Di dalam due to Disebabkan oleh
into menjadi,di/ke dalam except for kecuali
near dekat further to Lebih lanjut
Notwith- in addition
meskipun di samping, selain
standing to
of dari in between di antara
off lepas, tidakhidup in case of Dalam konteks
on pada in face of Dalam menghadapi
onto atas in favour of mendukung
opposite Lawan, berhadapan in front of di depan
outside di luar, ke luar in lieu of Sebagai pengganti
over Lebih, di atas in spite of meskipun
past Lalu, lewat instead of alih-alih, bukannya
per Setiap in view of mengingat
plus Plus Irrespec-
tive of
pro Pro
near to dekat
re Perihal, kembali
next to sebelah
round sekitar
on account
since sejak karena

on behalf
on board di ataskapal
on top of di atas
opposite to Berlawanan dengan
other than selain
out of dari
outside of luar
owing to karena
prior to sebelum
save for Menyimpan untuk
thanks to berkat
up against melawan
up to hingga
up until sampai
Mengacu pada
reference to
with Mengenai,
regardto sehubungan dg

EXERCISE 1(in/on/at)

1.    September 11.    drugs

2.    12 o'clock 12.    the River Thames
3.    winter 13.    midnight
4.    Easter Monday 14.    the age of 21
5.    4th July, 1776 15.    Good Friday
6.    Christmas 16.    the bus
7.    Tuesday 17.    sea
8.  the weekend 18.    total
9.    my birthday 19.    TV
10.    the end of the week 20.    French

EXERCISE2 (at/by/from/for/in/on/with)
1. Where do
2. you come   ? 7. My birthday is    
3. My cousin lives       29th February.
Norway. 8. I'll see you     
4. They are walking  Christmas.
 the bridge. 9. Put the books     the
5. I don't like flying, so I went to table, please.
Paris    bus. 10. I haven't seen you     
6. You can stay   me ages.
tonight. 11. I like this house    the
EXERCISE 3 (idioms)

1. My friend is good  6. Laura dreams 

 playing chess.  living on a small island.

2. She complains  7. Andrew apologized 

 bullying.  being late.

3. They are afraid  8. I don't agree 

 losing the match.  what you are saying.

4. She doesn't feel  9. The girls insisted 

 working on it  going out with Kerry.

5. 10.Edward thinks 
We are looking forward   going out  climbing trees.

EXERCISE 4 (mixed)

I'm Peter and I live    Germany.     summer I like to travel   

 Italy, because   the weather and the people there. Last

summer I took a plane    Munich to Rome.   the airport we

went to our hotel    bus. We stopped    a small restaurant for

a quick meal. The driver parked the bus    the restaurant. Nobody could find the

bus and the driver, so we waited    the restaurant    one hour.

The driver was walking   the small park    the restaurant

which we did not know. So we were very angry    him.

4. Pronouns
A pronoun is used in place of a noun or nouns. Common pronouns include he, her, him, I, it, me, she,
them, they, us, and we. Here are some examples:
Luma is a good athlete.>She is a good athlete

Let's call Luma and ask her to join the team.

Subjective Pronouns

A subjective pronoun acts as the subject of a sentence—it performs the action of the verb.
The subjective pronouns are he, I, it, she, they, we, and you.
He spends ages looking out the window; After lunch, she and I went to the planetarium.

Objective Pronouns

An objective pronoun acts as the object of a sentence—it receives the action of the verb.
The objective pronouns are her, him, it, me, them, us, and you.
Cousin Eldred gave me a trombone; Take a picture of him, not us!

Possessive Pronouns

A possessive pronoun tells you who owns something. The possessive pronouns are hers, his, its,

mine, ours, theirs, and yours.
The red basket is mine ;Yours is on the coffee table.

Demonstrative Pronouns

A demonstrative pronoun points out a noun. The demonstrative pronouns are that, these,

this,and those.
That is a good idea. ; These are hilarious cartoons.

Interrogative Pronouns

An interrogative pronoun is used in a question. It helps to ask about something. The

interrogative pronouns are what, which, who, whom, and compound words ending in "ever," such
as whatever, whichever, whoever, and whomever.
What on earth is that?Who ate the last Fig Newton?

Indefinite Pronouns

An indefinite pronoun refers to an indefinite, or general, person or thing. Indefinite pronounsinclude all,

any, both, each, everyone, few, many, neither, none, nothing, several, some, and somebody.
Something smells good.; Many like salsa with their chips.

Relative Pronouns

A relative pronoun introduces a clause, or part of a sentence, that describes a noun. The
relative pronouns are that, which, who, and whom.
You should bring the book that you love most.;

Reflexive Pronouns

A reflexive pronoun refers back to the subject of a sentence.

I learned a lot about myself at summer camp.

Choose the right pronoun
EXERCISE 1 (OBJECT PRONOUN) 12. "Let's see the latest Spielberg movie!"
1. "Is he marrying Leila?"
"I have already seen     !"
"Yes, he is in love with        !" 13. "How are your kids? I haven't met  

2. "Your son is making a lot of noise!"  for ages!"

"I'll ask      to be quiet." 14. "Have you met Alan and Tim?"

3. "Please will you ask Robert to come in." "No, I have never met    ."

"Sorry, I don't know      ." 15. "Do you want this book?"
4. "Where are my glasses?"
"Well, take    ."
"You are wearing      !"

5. "Do you like apples?" 16. "Don't help me with this exercise! I can
"I love       !"

6. "Why is he always talking about Liza?"  by myself."

"He obviously likes       !" 17. "This fruit is poisoned! Don't eat            

7. "Where is my book? Oh, dear! I've

lost                                                           ."

 !" 18. "Take the children to bed. Don't let      

8. "Is that Nancy's new boyfriend?"
"Don't ask me, ask    !"  watch this movie. "

9. "What is the title of that article?" 19. "Why is she helping John?"
"She probably loves                                
"I'm afraid I can't remember    

10. "Look at John! He

seems so happy?"
"His friends offered  
 a guitar for
his birthday!"

11. "What are you going to

do with those old
"I'm going to
recycle    ."


Choose the right pronoun

1. "Your son is making a lot of noise!" 6. "Is that Nancy's new boyfriend?"
"I'll ask  .... to be quiet." "Don't ask me, ask .... !"

2. "Please will you ask Robert to come in." 7. "What is the title of that article?"
"Sorry, I don't know  ....  ." "I'm afraid I can't remember  ....  ."

3. "Where are my glasses?" 8. "Look at John! He seems so happy?"

"You are wearing  .... !" "His friends offered   .... a guitar for his
4. "Do you like apple?"
"I love  ....  !" 9. "What are you going to do with those
old papers?"
5. "Where is my book? "I'm going to recycle ....  ."
Oh, dear! I've lost  ....  !"
10. "How are your kids? I haven't
met ....  for ages!"

Once upon a time there was a girl called Little Red Riding Hood. Together with   
mum,   lived in a big forest.

1. One fine day, Little Red Riding Hood’s mother said, “   grandma is ill. Please go and

take this cake and a bottle of wine to  . Grandma’s house is not too far

from   house, but always keep to the path and don’t stop!”

2. So, Little Red Riding Hood made   way to Grandma’s house.

3. In the forest   met the big bad wolf.

4. Little Red Riding Hood greeted   and the wolf asked:

5. “Where are   going, Little Red Riding Hood?”

6. “To   grandma’s house.” answered Little Red Riding Hood.

7. “Can you tell   where   grandma lives?”

8. “   lives in a little cottage at the edge of the forest.”

9. “Why don’t   pick some nice flowers for  ?” asked the wolf.
10. “That’s a good idea.” said Little Red Riding Hood and began looking for flowers. Meanwhile,

the wolf was on   way to grandma’s house.

11. The house was quite small but nice and   roof was made out of straw.

12. The wolf went inside and swallowed poor old Grandma. After that   put Grandma’s

clothes on and lay down in   bed.

13. Some time later, Little Red Riding Hood came to the little cottage.   went inside and

was shocked by the sight of   grandma.

14. “Oh grandma, what big eyes, hands and mouth   have got!” Little Red Riding Hood

15. There, the wolf jumped out of bed and swallowed  , too.

16. Then   lay down again and fell asleep.

17. After a while, the hunter passed by Grandma’s house.   heard somebody snoring,
thought that there was something wrong and consequently went inside.

18. In the bedroom,   saw the wolf.

19. First, the hunter wanted to shoot  , but then   saw the wolf’s big belly.

20. So, the hunter took out   knife and cut the belly open.

21. Out came Little Red Riding Hood and   grandma.

22. “Thank you for saving  ,” whispered Little Red Riding Hood.

23. Then, all of   went to fetch some stones and put   in the wolf’s belly.

24. Soon the wolf woke up.   was very thirsty and went to the well in the garden to drink
some water.
25. When the wolf wanted to lean over



1 And dan

2 But tapi

3 Or atau

4 Nor maupun

5 For untuk

6 Yet namun

7 So jadi


1 after setelah

2 although meskipun

3 as sebagai

4 as if seolah-olah

5 as long as selama

6 as much as sebanyak

7 as soon as segerasetelah

8 as though seolah-olah

9 because karena

1 before sebelum

1 even bahkan

1 even if meskipun

1 even though meskipun


1 if jika

1 if only Seandainya

1 if when Jika saat


1 if then Jika kemudian


1 inasmuch sebab


1 in order that agar


2 just as seperti

2 lest Jangan
1 sampai

2 now sekarang

2 now since Sekarang

3 sejak

2 now that sekarang


2 now when Sekarang

5 ketika

2 once sekali

2 provided that asalkan


2 rather than daripada


2 since sejak

3 so that sehingga

3 supposing seandainya

3 than daripada

3 that bahwa

3 though meskipun

3 unless Kecuali jika


3 until sampai

3 when ketika

3 whenever Kapan saja


3 where dimana


4 whereas sedangkan

4 wherever di manapun

4 whether apakah

4 which yang
3 (benda)

4 while sementara

4 who siapa

4 whoever siapapun

4 why mengapa


1 both / and

2 not only /
but also

3 either / or

4 neither / nor

5 whether / or

6 as / as

7 such / that

8 scarcely /

9 as many /

1 no sooner /
0 than

1 rather / than

1. I like sugar in my tea,              I don't like milk in it.
2. Listen to the story              answer the questions in complete sentences.
3. Is it Thursday              Friday today?
4. He was late              the bus didn't come.
5. We were very tired              happy after our flight to Sydney.
6. They climbed the mountain              it was very windy.
7.         Lenny was watching the planes his wife was reading in the car.
8. I'll text you              I have arrived in Toronto.
9. Neither my brother              my sister own a car.
10. The sun was warm,              the wind was a bit too cool.


1. I visit the Grand Canyon _________ I go to Arizona. (once, whenever, wherever)

2. This is the place _________ we stayed last time we visited. (where, when, how)
3. _________ you win first place, you will receive a prize. (wherever, if, unless)
4. You won’t pass the test _________ you study. (when, if, unless)
5. I could not get a seat, _________ I came early. (as, though, when)
6. We are leaving Wednesday _________ or not it rains. (if, whether, though)
7. Pay attention to your work _________ you will not make mistakes. (so that, unless, or)
8. The musicians delivered a rousing performance _________ they had rehearsed often. (though,
as, once)
9. She’s honest _________ everyone trusts her. (if, so, when)
10. Write this down _________ you forget. (or, when, lest)

1. Bianca wore her rain boots; _________, her feet stayed dry during the storm. (however,
therefore, on the other hand)
2. I love the color red; _________, this shade seems a little too bright. (therefore, nonetheless, in
3. You have to be on time; _________, you’ll miss the train. (nonetheless, however, otherwise)
4. Teresa likes to read; _________, her sister Julia prefers to watch TV. (however, in contrast,
5. She really wanted to eat ice cream; _________, she had a salad. (however, likewise, instead)
6. We were working hard; _________, Jill and Jerry were lounging by the pool. (meanwhile,
instead, therefore)
7. He is a weak leader; _________, he has plenty of supporters. (otherwise, moreover,
8. She has an incredible voice; _________, she will go far in her music career. (otherwise,
undoubtedly, similarly)

9. Natalie wanted to make pie but didn’t have apples; _________, she decided to bake a cake.
(therefore, namely, in contrast)
10. We had hoped to go to Spain; _________, we ended up in France. (otherwise, instead, again)

1. Base form
Example : bad, many (bad mood, many children)

2. Noun + suffix(akhiran)
Example : cloudy, humorous(cloudy sky, humorous person)

3. Verb + ing(active)
Example : boiling, writing (boiling water, writing pad)

4. Verb + ed / verb 3(passive)

Example : boiled, written (boiled water, written letter)

5. Noun + ing
Example : schooling, coloring (schooling system, coloring book)

6. Noun + ed
Example : salted, canned (salted fish, canned food)

7. Adjective + er (Comparative degree)

Example : stronger, healthier (stronger position, healthier food)

8. Adjective + est (superlative degree)

Example : strongest, healthiest (the strongest position, the healthiest food)

 Note: adjective modifies noun (kata sifatmenerangkan kata benda)

Adverb is formed by adding ly to adjective


secondary noun

Size/ shape





A Fast and Aero- red japanese sports car

furious dynamic
A pair of expensive Small new white italian female leather jogging shoes

My four faithful big old brown german male shepherd dogs

famous big anci- grey javanese stone buddhist Temple

ent (Boro-


1. The boys play tennis   (good).

2. They are   tennis players (good).
3. Frank sings   (good).
4. Sandra speaks French   (perfect).
5. This pullover was   (expensive).
6. She looked for the purse   (careful).
7. Paul walked home   (sad).
8. Father spoke   (angry).
9. She doesn't like sports. So, she   does any sports (hard).
10. He is never   (late).
11. She phoned me once a week. But   she didn't (late).
12. They did their homework   (bad).
13. I must work   (hard).
14. I don't like her pictures. She paints   (terrible).
15. She likes the dress. It looks   (modern).


1. I was   disappointed that I didn't get the job.

2. The building was   destroyed in the fire.

3. The restaurant is     and the food is    .

4. Ann likes wearing   clothes.

5. I waited   in the waiting room.

6. Why were you so   when I you saw me yesterday.

7. Tom sounded   when I talked to him on the phone.

8. He is a very   pianist and he can play the violin     too.

9. The secretary looked at the notes  .

10. , the thief went towards the wall.

11. The company was   affected by the crisis.

12. Jacob is a   thinker.

13. Jill always speaks   about her future.

14. Where can I get a   English meal?

15. You can get a job in town   and you are   paid too.

16. He tried to stay  .

17. He   choked because he had a big piece of meat in his throat.

18. My dad says you are   good at everything you do.

19. , he tried to come down the tree.

20. He could   move.

7. Comparative/Superlative
Comparative is the name for the grammar used when comparing two things. The two basic
ways to compare are using as ..as or than. Examples of each are shown below:
 She's twice as old as her sister.
 He's not as stupid as he looks!
 I'm almost as good in maths as in science.
 This book is not as exciting as the last one.
 The cafeteria is not as crowded as usual.
 Russian is not quite as difficult as Chinese.
 This computer is better than that one.
 She's stronger at chess than I am.
 It's much colder today than it was yesterday.
 Our car is bigger than your car.
 This grammar topic is easier than most others.
 I find science more difficult than mathematics.
 Today's ESL lesson was more interesting than usual.
Note: In each of the example sentences above, the comparative form of the adjective is
shown. See the foot of this page for information about the comparison of adverbs.
When comparing with as ..as, the adjective does not change. When comparing with than,
however, some changes are necessary, depending on the number of syllables the adjective
1-syllable adjectives: add -er to the adjective
 My sister is much taller than me.†
 It's colder today than it was yesterday.

Note: If the word ends: consonant-vowel-consonant, then the last consonant is usually
doubled in the comparative. Examples: big-bigger, fat-fatter, hot-hotter.
2-syllable adjectives ending in -y: change the -y to -ier
 She's looking happier today.
 This grammar topic is easier than the last one.
 Why is everyone else luckier than me? †
Beware: Do not confuse adjectives and adverbs. 2-syllable adverbs ending in -y must be
compared with the word more. Example: I drive more quickly (quicklier) than my brother.
Other 2-syllable adjectives: use more with the unchanged adjective
 The shops are always more crowded just before Christmas.
 Is there anything more boring than reading about grammar?
 My sister is more careful with her writing than I am with mine.
Note: The comparative of some shorter 2-syllable adjectives can be formed with -er.
Examples:simple-simpler, clever-cleverer, narrow-narrower. To be sure which comparative
method to use, you will need to consult a good dictionary.
Adjectives with 3 or more syllables: use more with the unchanged adjective
 Russian grammar is more difficult than English grammar.
 My sister is much more intelligent than me.†
 I find maths lessons more enjoyable than science lessons.
 The older you get, the more irritating you become.

In the superlative you talk about one thing only and how it is the best, worst, etc. You do not
compare two things. The following guidelines apply to the superlative:
1-syllable adjectives: add -est to the adjective (plus the)
 My sister is the tallest in our family.
 Yesterday was the coldest day of the year so far.
Note: If the word ends: consonant-vowel-consonant, then the last consonant is usually
doubled in the superlative. Examples: big-biggest, fat-fattest, hot-hottest.
2-syllable adjectives ending in -y: change the -y to -iest (plus the)
 The richest people are not always the happiest.
 Which do you think is the easiest language to learn?
 She's the luckiest person I know.
Beware: Do not confuse adjectives and adverbs. 2-syllable adverbs ending in -y form their
superlative with the words the most. Example: Of all the people I know my father drives the
most quickly (quickliest).
Other 2-syllable adjectives: use the most with the unchanged adjective
 The most boring thing about ESL class is doing grammar exercises.
 My sister is the most careful person I know.
Note: The superlative of some shorter 2-syllable adjectives can be formed with -er.
Examples:simple-simplest, clever-cleverest, narrow-narrowest. To be sure which superlative
method to use, you will need to consult a good dictionary.
Adjectives with 3 or more syllables: use the most with the unchanged adjective
 Some people think that Russian is the most difficult language.

 Albert Einstein was the most intelligent person in history.
 My most enjoyable class is English.
 You are the most irritating person I have ever met!
Following are two common irregular comparative/superlative forms:
 good-better-the best
 bad-worse-the worst

The following guidelines apply to the comparative/superlative of most adverbs:

1-syllable adverbs: add -er/-est
 I can run faster than you. / I can run the fastest in my class.
 She works harder than me.† / She works the hardest of all students.
Other adverbs: use more / the most*
 She ran more quickly than me.† / Of all the students she ran the most quickly.
* In informal English it is common to hear the adjectival comparative/superlative form of two-
syllable adverbs. For example: She ran quicker than me.† | She ran the quickest.
† Many educated English speakers prefer to use the nominative plus a verb rather than the
accusative in such comparative sentences, especially in formal situations. They say, for
example,My sister is taller than I am. or She ran more quickly than I did.
The alternative, omitting the verb as in the following examples, is considered to be even more
formal and is avoided by most British English speakers: My sister is taller than I. or She ran
more quickly than I. http://esl.fis.edu



1. Apples are    than chips.  (healthy) 

2. Elephants are   (big) than bears. 

3. Gold is    than silver. (expensive) 

4. Bikes are   than cars. (slow)   

5. I am   at English than my brother .(good)  

6. My friend is   than me. (tall) 

7. Sandy is   than Tamara. (thin) 

8. My father is   than Tom's father. (strong) 

9. "Harry Potter "books are   than "The Book of the Jungle". (interesting) 

10. The tiger is   than a fox .(heavy) 

11. The weather is   than yesterday . (hot) 

12. The girls are    than the boys. (happy) 

13. Berta is   than Debby.(beautiful) 

14.French is    than English. (difficult) 

15. Tina is 5 years old. Sandra is 10 years old. Sandra is   than Tina.(old) 


1. This is a nice cat. It's much   than my friend's cat.

2. Here is Emily. She's six years old. Her brother is nine, so he is  .

3. This is a difficult exercise. But the exercise with an asterisk (*) is the   exercise
on the worksheet.

4. He has an interesting hobby, but my sister has the   hobby in the world.

5. In the last holidays I read a good book, but father gave me an even   one last

6. School is boring, but homework is   than school.

7. Skateboarding is a dangerous hobby. Bungee jumping is   than skateboarding.

8. This magazine is cheap, but that one is  .

9. We live in a small house, but my grandparents' house is even   than ours.

10. Yesterday John told me a funny joke. This joke was the   joke I've ever heard.

Konsep: Penyesuaian bentuk kata kerja (verb) terhadap waktu (tense).
1. Bentuk
Ada 16 tenses dalam bahasa Inggris yang dihasilkan dari TENSE VERB
kombinasi 5 tenses dasar di samping kanan.
Present Verb 1
Pada kombinasi 2 tenses atau lebih, jika verb telah Past Verb 2
digunakan oleh satu tense maka will, have dan be berfungsi
Future Will Verb -
menggantikan posisi verb pada tense lainnya.
Perfect Have Verb 3
Rumus? Pada dasarnya semua struktur kalimat dengan
Continuous Be Verb-ing
tense apapun sama saja (Subjek/Subject –
Predikat/Predicate – Objek/Object – *Keterangan/Modifier).
Perbedaan hanya terjadi pada posisi predikat, di mana kata kerja yang menempatinya.
Catatan : Posisi *Keterangan/Modifier dalam struktur bersifat fleksibel. Ia bisa muncul di awal, di tengah atau di akhir kalimat

Contoh 1 : Past Future Continuous Tense

Past : Verb 2

Future : Will Verb -

Perfect : have verb 3

Rumus: Subject – would have verb 3 – Object – Modifier

Contoh 2 : Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past : Verb 2

Perfect : Have Verb 3

Continuous : Be verb-ing

Rumus: Subject–had been verb-ing – Object – Modifier

2. Waktu Penggunaan
Kapan sebuah tense digunakan? Kapan kita mengombinasikan dua tense atau lebih? Nama-
nama pada 5 tenses dasar di atas telah menunjukkan kapan kita menggunakannya.
Present = Saat ini; Present digunakan untuk mengekspresikan peristiwa, keadaan, kebiasaan, fakta
yang berlaku pada saat ini
Past = Masa lalu; Past digunakan untuk mengekspresikan peristiwa, keadaan, kebiasaan, fakta
yang berlaku pada satu titik waktu di masa lalu
Future = Masa depan; Future digunakan untuk mengekspresikan peristiwa, keadaan, kebiasaan,
fakta yang akan berlaku di masa depan
Perfect = Sempurna/selesai; Perfect digunakan untuk: 1. mengekspresikan peristiwa, keadaan, fakta
yang telah selesai, tetapi waktunya tidak disebutkan, 2. Mengekspresikan peristiwa,
keadaan, fakta yang berlangsung dalam suatu rentang waktu
Continuous = Berkelanjutan; Continuous digunakan untuk mengekspresikan peristiwa yang sedang


Past Present Future


(is, am, are)

Can could - May might -

Will would - Must - -
Shall should -

REGULAR VERB (kata kerja beraturan)

- -d / -ed -d / -ed
die died died
play played played
 Untuk Regular Verb: verb 2 dan verb 3 selalu diberi akhiran –d atau –ed

1. I usually___________(go) to school by bus. It _________ (be) the third time
2. Yesterday morning I ___________ (get) up at he____________ (phone) her this evening. 
6.30. 10. It _________ (rain) now. It _________
3. We needed some money so we ___________ (begin) raining two hours ago. So it _________
(sell) our car. (rain) for two hours.
4. " ___________she ever__________ (be) to 11. _________you _________ (hear) anything
Spain?" from Tom since Christmas?
5. "What ___________Peter ___________ (do) 12. " _________it _________ (rain)?" she
now?" always _________ (ask) me.
6. Please don't make so much noise. 13. " _________ you _________ (go) out last
I ___________ (study) for my online degree.  night?"
7. Water ___________ (boil) at 100 degrees 14. New York _________ (be) one of the largest
Celsius. cities of the world.
8. Carol often ___________ (learn) with her 15. This house _________ (cost) 35,000 pounds
father. in 1980.
9. Now Ron _________phone) Jill again.

TENSES –Hello Mrs. Wood.

Mrs Wood My goodness. It's Hannah, isn't it ? I ___________ (not see) you for a long time. How are you ?
Hannah Fine , thank you .
Mrs Wood And your parents ?
Hannah They're very well. Dad ___________ (be) in Russia at the moment.
Mrs Wood Really! What___________ (he , do) there ?
Hannah He_______ (learn) Russian and at the same time he_________ (write) a book about Russian schools.
Mrs Wood How long ____________ (he, stay) there ?
Hannah He________ (be) back next week.
Mrs Wood How exciting ! And so your Mum is alone.
Hannah Yes, but she___________ (be) very busy for the last few weeks.  She___________ (work) in an office
until dad ___________ (come) back and she___________ take) a computer course in the evenings.
Mrs Wood Well, she's very energetic. And what about your brother ?
Hannah He___________ (work) for a computer firm. He___________ (be) there for about four years. When
I ________ (meet) him last week, he_______ (programme) something new. And Susie is at university.
Mrs Wood What ___________ (she, study) ?
Hannah Chemistry and physics. She ___________ (work) very hard at the moment because
she ___________ (have) some important exams next week.
Mrs.Wood And what about you ?
Hannah Well I'm unemployed at the moment, so I __________ (look) for a job.  I _________ (have) lots of job
interviews so far, but  there's nothing yet. I even _________  (talk) to my old headmaster a few days
ago .
Mrs Wood Well , I ___________ (hope) you find something soon.
Hannah Thanks.
Mrs Wood What have you got in that case ?
Hannah It's my violin. I ___________ (go) to my violin lesson.
Mrs Wood Oh, very nice. How often ___________ (you, have) lessons ?
Hannah Well, usually I ___________ (have) one once a week, but at the moment I ___________ (go) every
afternoon because I've got nothing else to do.
Mrs Wood Well, this is my stop. Give my love to your mother.
Hannah Yes, I will. Bye.
Mrs Wood Bye, Hannah.

9. Modal Verbs
Present Past Arti Keterangan

can could dapat, mungkin, boleh

may might Boleh, mungkin

will would akan

Pada kalimat negatif
Must /
Had to Harus, pasti must not = tidak boleh
have to
don’t have to = tidak perlu
shall Should / ought to Sebaiknya, akan* *)sudah jarang dipakai

Kata kerja modal berbedadari kata kerja(verb) yang normal:

1. Mereka tidak menggunakan 's' untuk orang ketiga tunggal.
2. Mereka membuat pertanyaan dengan membalik subjek-predikat (inversi)
Contoh : she can go menjadi can she go?
3.Mereka diikuti langsung olehinfinitif dari kata kerja lain (tanpa 'to').
Contoh : she can go bukan she can to go
Fungsi :
1. Possibility/impossibility (Kemungkinan/ketidakmungkinan):
It's snowing, so it must be very cold outside. (must=pasti)
I don't know where John is. He could have missed the train (could= mungkin).
This bill can'tbe right. £200 for two cups of coffee! (can’t = tidak mungkin)

2. Ability/inability (kemampuan/ketidakmampuan)
She can speak six languages. (can=bisa)
My grandfather cannot play golf anymore (cannot= tidak bisa).

3. Obligation and Advice (kewajiban dan nasehat)

Children must do their homework. (must = harus)
You should stop smoking (should = sebaiknya).

4. Permission (izin)
Could I leave early today, please? (could = boleh)
You may not use the car tonight. (may = boleh)
Can we swim in the lake? (can = boleh)

5. Habits (kebiasaan)
When we lived in Italy, we would often eat in the restaurant next to my flat (would= akan).
John will always be late! (will = akan)

6. Past modals (modals pada kalimat lampau)

I could have stayed up late, but I decided to go to bed early. (could = bisa saja)
They could have won the race, but they didn't try hard enough (could = mungkin bisa)

Catatan: Penggunaan bentuk lampau (past) dari modal verbs dalam percakapan akan terdengar
lebih sopan daripada bentuk present-nya.
Would you sit down, please terdengar lebih sopan daripada Will you sit down, please

can     could     have to     must     might     should

1. Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He   be exhausted after such a long

flight. He   prefer to stay in tonight and get some rest.

2. If you want to get a better feeling for how the city is laid out, you   walk downtown and explore
the waterfront.

3. Hiking the trail to the peak   be dangerous if you are not well prepared for dramatic weather

changes. You   research the route a little more before you attempt the ascent.

4. When you have a small child in the house, you   leave small objects lying around. Such

objects   be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.

5. Dave:   you hold your breath for more than a minute?

Nathan: No, I can't.

6. Jenny's engagement ring is enormous! It   have cost a fortune.

7. Please make sure to water my plants while I am gone. If they don't get enough water, they   

8. I   speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Egypt. But after we moved back to
Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost everything I knew as a child. Now,

I   just say a few things in the language.

9. The book is optional. My professor said we   read it if we needed extra credit. But

we   read it if we don't want to.

10. Leo: Where is the spatula? It   be in this drawer but it's not here.

Nancy: I just did a load of dishes last night and they're still in the dish washer. It   be in there.

That's the only other place it   be.

11. You   take your umbrella along with you today. The weatherman on the news said there's a

storm north of here and it   rain later on this afternoon.

12.   we pull over at the next rest stop? I really   use the bathroom and I don't know if

I   hold it until we get to Chicago. 

13. Oh no! Frank's wallet is lying on the coffee table. He   have left it here last night.
14. Ned:   I borrow your lighter for a minute?

Stephen: Sure, no problem. Actually, you   keep it if you want to. I've given up smoking.

15. I   believe she said that to Megan! She   insult her cooking in front of everyone

at the party last night. She   have just said she was full or had some salad if she didn't like the

10. Adverbial Phrases: Type, Form and Position

An adverb phrase can consist of one adverb or an adverb plus other words before it or after it.
Adverb phrases have many different meanings.In the examples, the adverb phrases are in bold. The
other words that modify the adverb are underlined.

used to give information

example type
We walked very carefully across the floor. Manner (cara) Bagaimana sesuatu terjadi
Here is where I was born.
Place (tempat) Di mana sesuatu terjadi
That’s it. Right there.
Dad got home very late. Time (waktu) Kapan sesuatu terjadi
This pill will take away the pain temporarily. Duration (lamanya) Berapa lama sesuatu terjadi
They almost never invite people to their
Frequency (frekuensi) Berapa sering sesuatu terjadi
house these days.
A:Want some sugar in your coffee? Focusing
Sesuatu yang spesifik
B:Only half a spoon, please. (menekankan)
Berapa besar kadar terjadinya
That dog behaves incredibly stupidly! Degree (kadar)
The train will probably be late. certainty or necessity Seberapa penting atau
It doesn’t necessarily mean that. (keharusan) perlunya sesuatu
Unfortunately for me, I can’t speak Italian. Evaluative (menilai) Pendapat mengenai sesuatu
Personally, I don’t see why the party has to Viewpoint (sudut Sudut pandang penutur
start so early. pandang) tentang sesuatu
It rained very heavily this
Linking Hubungan di antara
summer. Therefore, many of the vegetables
(menghubungkan) klausa/kalimat
were very small.
1. An adverbial can be an adverb:
Example : He spoke angrily; They live here.

2. or an adverb with an intensifier (penguat):

Example : He spoke really angrily; We will go quite soon.

3. or a phrase with a preposition (kata depan):

Example : He left with a smile; They live in London.

1. We normally put adverbials after the verb (kata kerja):
Example : We will go in a few minutes; Put the books on the shelf

or after the object or complement (penyerta)
Example : She left the money  on the table; You are looking tired  tonight.

2. But adverbials of frequency (how often) usually come in front of the main verb:

Example :We usually  spent our holidays there; I have never  seen William at work.

3. But if we want to emphasize an adverbial we can put it at the beginning of a clause:

Example : Last night we saw our friends; Very quietly he opened the door.

4. But if we want to emphasize an adverb of manner we can put it in front of the main verb:
Example : He quietly  opened the door; She had carefully  put the glass on the shelf.

4 macam struktur kalimat (sentence structure) dalam bahasa inggris

1.  Simple Sentence (kalimat sederhana)

A simple sentence  atau kalimat sederhana terdiri dari satu klausa independen atau independent
clause. Sebuah klausa independen atau independent clause mengandung subjek dan kata kerja dan
mengungkapkan pikiran yang lengkap.

Contoh : I like coffee.; Mary likes tea.; The earth goes round the sun; Mary did not go to the party.

 2.    Compound Sentence (kalimat majemuk setara)

A compound sentence  atau kalimat majemuk adalah dua (atau lebih) klausa independen
atau independent clause yang digabung dengan kata hubung atau conjunction. Masing-masing klausa
ini bisa membentuk kalimat saja

Contoh : I like coffee and Mary likes tea; Mary went to work but John went to the party.

Catatan: Ada 7 macam-macam  coordinating conjunctions yaitu and, but, or, nor, for, yet dan  so

 3.    Complex sentence (kalimat majemuk bertingkat)

A complex sentence atau kalimat complex merupakan sebuah kalimat yang kompleks terdiri dari
klausa independen atau independent clause ditambah klausa dependent atau dependent clause.
klausa dependent atau dependent clause dimulai dengan subordinating conjunction atau relative
pronoun (kata ganti penghubung), dan berisi subjek dan kata kerja, tetapi tidak mengungkapkan
pikiran yang lengkap.)

Contoh kalimat berikut adalah contoh dasar saja. Dalam beberapa kasus aturan lain yang mungkin
adalah klausa dependent atau dependent clause bisa treletak sebelum klausa independen
atau independent clause.

Contoh : . We missed our plane because we were late.

Our dog barks when she hears a noise.
Do you know the man who is talking to Mary?
Berikut ini adalah beberapa subordinating conjunctions yang sering digunakan : after, although, as,
because, before, how, if, once, since, than, that, though, till, until, when, where, whether dan while

Berikut ini adalah beberapa relative pronouns yang sering digunakan : that, which, who, whom, whose

 4.   Compound-Complex Sentence

A compound-complex sentence yaitu sebuah kalimat majemuk kompleks yang terdiri dari setidaknya
dua klausa independen atau independent clause dan satu atau lebih klausa dependent
atau dependent clause.

Contoh : John didn’t come because he was ill so Mary was not happy.

He left in a hurry after he got a phone call but he came back five minutes later

In English conditional sentences, the condition clause (protasis) is a dependent clause, most
commonly introduced by the conjunction if. Other conjunctions or equivalent expressions may also be
used, such as unless (meaning "if...not"), provided (that), providing (that) and as long as.

Zero conditional
"Zero conditional" refers to conditional sentences that express a factual implication, rather than
describing a hypothetical situation or potential future circumstance.

If you don't eat for a long time, you become hungry.

If the alarm went off, there's a fire somewhere in the building.

If you are going to sit an exam tomorrow, go to bed early tonight!

If aspirins will cure it, I'll take a couple tonight.

First conditional
"First conditional" or "conditional I" refers to a pattern used in predictive conditional sentences, i.e.
those that concern consequences of a possible future event (see Types of conditional sentence). In
the basic first conditional pattern, the condition is expressed using the present tense (having future
meaning in this context), and the consequence using the future construction with will (or shall):

If you make a mistake, someone will let you know.

Will you wake him if he hasn't stirred by 10 o'clock? (present perfect)

If you have been working for more than ten hours when he returns, he will take your place.

If it rains this afternoon, come round to my place! (imperative)

If it rains this afternoon, we can/could/should/may/might find somewhere to shelter. (other


If it rains this afternoon, then yesterday's weather forecast was wrong. (deduction about the

Second conditional
"Second conditional" or "conditional II" refers to a pattern used to describe hypothetical, typically
counterfactual situations with a present or future time frame (for past time frames the third
conditional is used). In the normal form of the second conditional, the condition clause is in the past
tense (although it does not have past meaning), and the consequence is expressed using the
conditional construction with the auxiliary would:

If I liked parties, I would attend more of them.

If it rained tomorrow, people would dance in the street.

Notice that in indirect speech reported in the past tense, the first conditional naturally
changes to the second:

She'll kill me if she finds out.

He said I would kill him if I found out.

Third conditional
"Third conditional" or "conditional III" is a pattern used to refer to hypothetical situations in a past
time frame, generally counterfactual (or at least presented as counterfactual, or likely to be
counterfactual). Here the condition clause is in the past perfect, and the consequence is using
the conditional perfect.

If you had called me, I would have come.

Would he have succeeded if I had helped him?

Mixed conditional
"Mixed conditional" usually refers to a mixture of the second and third conditionals (the
counterfactual patterns). Here either the condition or the consequence, but not both, has a past time
When the condition refers to the past, but the consequence to the present, the condition clause is in
the past perfect (as with the third conditional), while the main clause is in the conditional mood as in
the second conditional (i.e. simple conditional or conditional progressive, but not conditional perfect).

If you had done your job properly, we wouldn't be in this mess now.

If I hadn't married Kelly, I wouldn't be living in Scotland now.

If we were soldiers, we wouldn't have done it like that.

NOTE : Would like and could are sometimes used in condition clauses for politeness:

I'll make a pot of tea if you would like some.

Please help Mrs Brown if you could.

Inversion in condition clauses

Certain condition clauses (if-clauses) can be cast without any conjunction such as if or unless, instead
using subject–auxiliary inversion to indicate their meaning.
The principal constructions are as follows:

1. In the first conditional (where the condition clause expresses a possible future condition),

inversion can be applied to the form of the condition clause constructed using should:

If you feel hungry, ... (usual condition clause; present tense with future meaning)
If you should feel hungry, ... (should form of the condition clause)
Should you feel hungry, ... (inverted form)

2. In the second conditional (where the condition clause expresses a counterfactual

present/future condition; this may also occur in the mixed conditional), inversion is possible in
the case where the verb is were – the past subjunctive:

If she were here, ... (usual condition clause)

Were she here, ...(inverted form)

3. As a special case of the above, when a condition clause based on a different verb (normally
hypothetical future reference) is formulated using the were to construction, inversion is again
possible (provided were and not was is used):

If you shot, ... (usual condition clause; past tense)

If you were to shoot, ... (were to construction)
Were you to shoot, ... (inverted form)

4. In the third conditional (where the condition clause expresses a counterfactual past condition;

this may also occur in the mixed conditional), the condition clause formed with the
auxiliary hadcan be inverted:

If he had written, ... (usual condition clause; past perfect)

Had he written, ... (inverted form)
Would he have succeeded had I helped him?

Source : en.wikipedia. org


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