Refrigeration Cycle Simulation

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International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (2002) 597–610

Transient simulation of vapour-compression packaged

liquid chillers
M.W. Browne*, P.K. Bansal
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Auckland, New Zealand

Received 25 July 2000; received in revised form 22 June 2001; accepted 22 June 2001

This paper presents a transient simulation model that is useful for predicting the dynamic performance of vapour-
compression liquid chillers over a wide range of operating conditions. The model employs a thermal capacitance
approach for specific state variables to account for the dynamics of the chiller and ancillaries. The model accounts for
the change in heat transfer coefficients throughout the heat exchangers thereby improving both physical realism and
the accuracy of the simulation model. The model requires only a select few initial conditions (eg. the chilled water and
condenser water temperatures). A simple compressor model based on empirical regression has been employed in the
simulation. The outputs of the model include system performance variables such as the compressor electrical work
input and the coefficient of performance (COP) as well as states of the refrigerant throughout the refrigeration cycle
with respect to time. The model is validated with data from two in -situ screw chillers. Predictions are found to be
within 10%, although for one of the chillers a degree of empiricism was employed for the evaporator tube wall mass
in order to give satisfactory results for the start-up process. # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Water chiller; Packaged; Operation; Modelling; Transient performance

Refroidisseurs de liquide compacts à compression de vapeur :

simulation de régime transitoire
Mots cle´s : Refroidisseur d’eau ; Monobloc ; Fonctionnement ; Modélisation ; Régime transitoire

1. Introduction [1–5] that for the majority of the time these machines
operate under part-load conditions (away from design
Vapour-compression packaged liquid chillers are conditions) and in an unsteady manner. This generally
often employed to provide chilled water for air-con- results in a decrease in the coefficient of performance
ditioning purposes in commercial and industrial appli- (COP) and hence electrical costs are greater than neces-
cations. It is a well-known fact in the HVAC industry sary. Most of the time data from manufacturers’ cata-
logues is not ideal to predict the performance of these
chillers [6] over the wide range of conditions they are
* Corresponding author. Fax: +64-9-373-7479. subjected to during in-situ operation. A useful tool to
E-mail address: the design engineer therefore is computer simulation.
(M.W. Browne). The applications of simulation models are varied and
0140-7007/02/$22.00 # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.
PII: S0140-7007(01)00060-3
598 M.W. Browne, P.K. Bansal / International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (2002) 597–610

Nomenclature Subscripts
1 Evaporator outlet/compressor inlet
A Area (m2) 2 Compressor outlet/condenser inlet
COP Coefficient of performance 3 Saturated vapour condition in condenser
C Specific heat (kJ/kg K) 4 Saturated liquid condition in condenser
D Tube diameter (m) 5 Condenser outlet/expansion valve inlet
F Forced convection multiplier 6 Expansion valve exit/evaporator inlet
h Enthalpy (kJ/kg) 7 Saturated vapour condition in evaporator
hfg Latent heat (kJ/kg) a Ambient air
k Thermal conductivity (W/m K) ao Cooling tower air outlet temperature
Lf Effective length (m) c Condenser
m Mass flow rate (kg/s) chw Evaporator coolant water
M Mass (kg) com Compressor
Nu Nusselt number cw Condenser coolant water
Nrpm Compressor speed (revs/min) e Evaporator
p Pressure f Fluid/fin
: Prandtl number fc Forced convection component
Q Heat transfer rate g Vapour phase
Re Reynolds number i Inside
S Nucleate boiling suppression factor in Inlet
T Temperature (K) l Liquid phase
U Overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 K) load Building load
V Volume (m3) nb Nucleate boiling component
V: s Swept volume per revolution (m3) o Outside
W Rate of work input/output (W) out Outlet
x Length (m) r Refrigerant/fin root
s Isentropic
Greek sat Saturation
 Heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 K) ss Steady state condition
" Heat exchanger effectiveness tower Cooling tower/cooling tower water
 Dynamic viscosity (kg/m s) v Volumetric
 Efficiency w Wall
 Void fraction
 Density (kg/m3)
 Surface tension (N/m)

range from simple annual energy prediction, to more poorly tuned chilled water circuit may cause the chiller
detailed physical models for design purposes, to real- to swing drastically from low-to-high loads or cause the
time performance prediction for online fault detection chiller to shut-down and start-up frequently.
and diagnostics. The latter has become increasingly In this study, a transient simulation model has been
popular in the last few years. developed employing a thermal capacitance approach
Steady-state models are useful under many conditions for specific state variables to account for the dynamics
although under strongly dynamic conditions that are of the chiller and the ancillaries. Two commercial screw
often seen in real-life operation, these models can become chillers are modelled and simulated using the metho-
unacceptably inaccurate [7–9]. In order to predict the per- dology described in the following sections. The objective
formance of these chillers under all aspects of operation is to provide a basis from which the dynamics of chillers
dynamic simulation models must be developed. In a com- operating under real-life conditions can be adequately
mercial situation the two main causes of transient cooling predicted. This is important as potential applications
loads are people (i.e. building occupancy) and climatic include optimal control analysis, fault detection and
changes. These will vary over the course of the day and diagnosis, and the study of the ‘‘physics’’ of chillers
over the space of a year. The effect of these two para- under transient conditions. This is a particularly difficult
meters may also be compounded by the control system task when one considers the complexity of a typical
for the chiller(s) in a cooling system. For example, a chilling system. The dynamics of the chiller itself are
M.W. Browne, P.K. Bansal / International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (2002) 597–610 599

accounted for through thermal capacitance modelling of porator, an evaporative cooler and a cool storage unit.
the heat exchangers as are the dynamics of the chilled Open-loop tests were carried out to study the perfor-
and condenser water circuits. The model is unique for mance characteristics of the system under varied cooling
packaged liquid chillers in three ways: load and compressor speed. The model was intended to
serve as an analytical design tool and to provide a basis
a. it employs an element of physical realism through
for control analysis.
the use of detailed heat transfer relationships to
Climatic changes and building occupancy (both of
model the heat exchangers rather than empirical
which alter the building load) are fairly unpredictable on a
curve-fits to manufacturer’s or experimental data,
small time scale making it extremely difficult to predict the
b. it can simulate start-up, shutdown, and fluctuating
performance of a chilling system using physical models.
part-load operating regimes, and
Also in chilling systems there are a great many more
c. it is applied and validated against in-situ experi-
complexities due to ancillary equipment and control sys-
mental data.
tems (Lebrun and Bourdouxhe [33] provide a good review
of dynamic component models for HVAC equipment
such as ducts, heat exchangers, control mechanisms).
2. Literature review These may explain the lack of dynamic modelling research
in the area. The literature review reveals that only a few
A review of the literature reveals that there is a wealth fairly basic models have been developed and that no dis-
of information available for dynamic modelling of heat tributed dynamic models for packaged liquid chillers exist.
pumps and domestic refrigerators [10–26]. Notable The large refrigerant mass whose distribution within the
studies are the lumped parameter models of Dhar and components can greatly affect the performance of the
Soedel [10] and Chi and Didion [11] and the fully dis- chiller would suggest that distributed models may well
tributed heat pump model of MacArthur [12]. However be necessary in the future to successfully predict perfor-
less studies exist for modelling of larger scale refrigera- mance trends.
tion systems, with fewer still pertaining to commercial
(packaged) liquid chillers.
Marshall and James [27] developed a dynamic model of 3. Chilling-system description
a quick freezing plant with a two-stage refrigeration sys-
tem with the purpose of investigating capacity control. In this study, the model is based around one single-
The model was represented by 105 algebraic and 46 dif- screw chiller and one twin-screw chiller. The chillers form
ferential equations using a ‘‘lumped parameter’’ approach part of a recently commissioned commercial system of
for each section of the plant. Cleland [28] and Lovatt [29] three chillers that provides chilled water to a network of
have also developed dynamic simulation models of vary- buildings. Both chillers have flooded evaporators and
ing complexity for food storage facilities. Wong and water-cooled condensers that are of the shell-and-tube
James [30] briefly described the use of a dynamic model to type (refrigerant on the shell-side) with a single shell
study the intelligent control of multiple liquid chillers. pass and two tube passes. The tubes are arranged in a
From the simulation study it was found that the intelligent staggered layout and are made of copper with their sur-
control was significantly better than PID control in the faces having enhanced fins. They modulate their cooling
areas of safety, reliability, and efficiency. No comparisons capacity based on the chilled water flow temperature and
with experimental data were given. Wang [31] developed a can operate down to about 10% of their rated full load
simulation program for a building central chilling system capacity via a modulating slide valve in the compressors.
and also studied on-line control strategies for the chilling Typical design conditions are 6  C for the chilled water
plant. Component models were developed for centrifugal flow temperature and 26–29  C for the condenser water
chillers, heat exchangers, chilled water networks, and the inlet temperature. Each chiller has dedicated chilled and
control system. Empirical equations were employed to condenser water pumps. Two secondary chilled water
model the condenser and evaporator of the chiller. The pumps are used to distribute the chilled water through-
dynamics of the chiller were accounted for by using two out the building complex. Two cooling towers serve the
thermal storage values, with one at the cooling water inlet three chillers and these are controlled via variable speed
to the condenser and one at the chilled water inlet to the fans. The details of the two chillers are summarised in
evaporator. It was shown that dynamic simulation is a Table 1.
suitable tool for evaluating the control performance of The water and refrigerant temperatures were mea-
large central chilling systems. Jian and Zaheeruddin [32] sured with T-type thermocouples probes calibrated to
developed a dynamic model of vapour compression an accuracy of 0.25  C. An ultrasonic (transit time)
refrigeration system with cold storage where the overall mass flow meter with an accuracy of  1% was
model consisted of the following basic components: a employed to measure the mass flow rates of the con-
compressor, a condenser, an expansion valve, an eva- denser and chilled water for each chiller. A clamp-on
600 M.W. Browne, P.K. Bansal / International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (2002) 597–610

Table 1
Details of the chillers used in validating the transient model

Chiller Compressor Cooling capacity Refrigerant Evaporator water Condenser water

type (kW) type flow rate (kg/s) flow rate (kg/s)

A Single-screw 650 HCFC-22 40.6 27

B Twin-screw 300 HFC-134a 13.7 14.1

power factor/ampere meter with an accuracy of 0.5% : Nrpm

m r ¼ v 1 V s ð1Þ
was employed to determine the compressor electrical 60
work input for each chiller. Data were taken with the
chillers operating in situ (at various time intervals) using The work input to the refrigeration cycle was found by:
a dedicated PC via a National Instruments data acqui-
sition board and LABVIEW software. : : ðh2s  h1 Þ
W ¼ mr ð2Þ

4. Dynamic-model description The isentropic efficiency was expressed as a biqua-

dratic function of refrigerant flow rate and system pres-
The main assumptions of the model are: sure using a regression on experimental data. The total
calculated electrical work input to the compressor was
. The mass flow rate of the refrigerant is assumed to obtained from Eq. (2) and a constant (assumed) motor
be the same throughout the system and equal to efficiency (98%) term.
the mass flow rate through the compressor.
. The temperature of the walls does not vary through 4.2. Heat-exchanger analysis
the cross-section or along the length of the tubes.
. The refrigerant properties within each component Assuming that the refrigerant is in a quasi-steady
are assumed to be homogeneous with pressure state, the evaporator load and the energy balance can be
drops being neglected. respectively given by:
. The expansion process through the EEV/orifice :
plate was assumed to be isenthalpic. Qe ¼ ei Aei ðTchw  Twe Þ ð3Þ
The model may consist of one or more of the follow- mr ðh1  h6 Þ ¼ eo Aeo ðTwe  Te Þ ð4Þ
ing dynamic variables depending on the desired complex-
ity of the problem: (a) average evaporator tube wall Similarly, for the condenser the load and energy bal-
temperature, (b) average condenser tube wall temperature, ance on the wall and the refrigerant are given by:
(c) average chilled water temperature, (d) average con- :
denser water temperature, (e) evaporator refrigerant tem- Qc ¼ ci Aci ðTwc  Tcw Þ ð5Þ
perature, and (f) the condenser refrigerant temperature. :
The modelling of the six dynamic variables constitutes a mr ðh2  h5 Þ ¼ co Aco ðTc  Twc Þ ð6Þ
fully lumped parameter approach. The drawback of this
‘‘thermal’’ approach is that it cannot tell how well the Assuming that all of the condenser wall material is at
heat exchangers are utilised in terms of area used for the same temperature, the following equations can be
phase transition. Instead it is implicitly described by the derived from the first law of thermodynamics. During
parameters of subcooling and superheating. the ‘‘on’’ process the rate of change of condenser wall
temperature is given by:
4.1. Compressor modelling
ðMCÞwc ¼ co Aco ðTc  Twc Þ  ci Aci ðTwc  Tcw Þ
The dynamics of the compressor are neglected in this dt
study. Instead, the compression stage is modelled as a ð7Þ
steady-state process whereby the compressor reaches and during the ‘‘off’’ process this is given by:
operating speed instantaneously and the temperature of
the shell has no effect of the performance of the chiller. dTwc :
ðMCÞwc ¼ Qc ð8Þ
The mass flow rate of the refrigerant was found from: dt
M.W. Browne, P.K. Bansal / International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (2002) 597–610 601
If the condenser refrigerant thermal mass is neglected, D2o  D2r
then Eq. (12) is used to update the temperature at each Lf ¼ ð15bÞ
time step. However, if the condenser refrigerant thermal
mass is taken into account, then the rate of change may A ¼ Ar þ Af ð15cÞ
be given by:
The model, however, supports the use of other correla-
dTc : tions for the condensing process [35,36]. The heat transfer
ðMCÞc ¼ mr ðh2  h5 Þ  co Aco ðTc  Twc Þ ð9Þ
dt coefficients in the boiling region of the evaporator were
calculated using the Chen [37] forced convection boiling
Similarly, for the evaporator, the time derivative for the model given by:
wall temperature during the ‘‘on’’ process is given by:
fb ¼ Snb þ Ffc ð16Þ
ðMCÞwe ¼ ei Aei ðTchw  Twe Þ
dt The nucleate boiling component (nb) was found from
 eo Aeo ðTwe  Te Þ ð10Þ correlations for enhanced tubes as a function of the heat
flux [38–40] and the convective contribution (fc) was
found from an appropriate correlation for a single hor-
and during the ‘‘off’’ process is given by: izontal tube in crossflow [41]. The nucleate boiling sup-
pression factor and convective enhancement factor were
dTwe : used following Webb and Gupte [38]:
ðMCÞwe ¼ Qe ð11Þ
k Ffc X
As for the condenser, Eq. (10) is used to update the S¼ 1  exp where
Fhfc X k
evaporator refrigerant temperature at each time step if  0:5 ð17Þ
the evaporator refrigerant’s thermal mass is neglected. gc
X ¼ 0:041
The following equation gives the rate of change of gðl  v Þ
evaporator temperature with time if its dynamics are
considered: 1
F¼ ð18Þ
dTe :
ðMCÞe ¼ mr ðh1  h6 Þ  eo Aeo ðTwe  Te Þ ð12Þ
The heat transfer coefficient of the single-phase
The inlet and outlet water temperatures for both the refrigerant in the superheated region of the evaporator
evaporator and the condenser are found using the and the subcooled region of the condenser (desu-
following equations at each time step: perheating was neglected) was found as [41]:
Qe    0:25
Twe;in ¼ Twe þ : Nu ¼ 0:3 þ 0:62:Re0:5 Pr1=3 = 1 þ ð0:4=PrÞ2=3 ;
2mwe C
: ð13Þ Re < 104
Twe;out ¼ Twe  : ð19aÞ
2mwe C
: Nu ¼ 0:3 þ 0:62:Re0:5 Pr1=3 =
Twc;in ¼ Twc þ : 0:25  
2mwc C 1 þ ð0:4=PrÞ2=3 1 þ ðRe=282 000Þ0:5 ; ð19bÞ
: ð14Þ
Qc 4 5
Twc;out ¼ Twc þ : 10 < Re < 4  10
2mwc C
Nu ¼ 0:3 þ 0:62:Re0:5 Pr1=3 =
The appropriate Beatty and Katz correlation [34] is  0:25  4=5 
employed in this study for calculating the condensation 1 þ ð0:4=PrÞ2=3 1 þ ðRe=282 000Þ5=8 ; ð19cÞ
heat transfer coefficients for the outside of the finned 5 6
tubes as: 4  10 < Re < 5  10

   1=4   The relative areas for two-phase and single-phase heat

f f  g gk3f hfg Ar 0:25 f Af
 ¼ 0:689 Dr þ 1:3 Lf transfer in each of the heat exchangers are set by the
f ðTsat  Tw Þ A A
degree of subcooling in the condenser and superheating
ð15aÞ in the evaporator (i.e. directly proportional to the heat
602 M.W. Browne, P.K. Bansal / International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (2002) 597–610

transfer in each phase). The heat transfer relationships where

for the evaporator present a slight problem as in general :
"mcw Ccw ðTcw  Ttower Þ
they are correlated in terms of the heat flux as follows: Tao ¼ Ta þ : ð25Þ
m a Ca
: !a2
oe ¼ a1 ð20Þ 4.4. Control parameters

The control of the chiller is determined primarily by

where a1 and a2 are coefficients that depend on the fluid the chilled-water outlet temperature. This parameter is
and tube surface type. This can result in extremely low responsible for providing an input to the compressor
values of the heat transfer coefficient at and around the slide valve routine that in turn alters the displacement of
time of start-up. Therefore it was decided to calculate the screw compressor. In the model the screw compressor
both the heat transfer coefficients due to evaporation controls the chiller capacity by altering the swept volume
and those due to single-phase vapour flow and use the as a function of the leaving chilled water and building
maximum value at any time-step within the model. load as follows:
REFPROP [42] was used to calculate the refrigerant  
thermophysical properties throughout the cycle. Vs ¼ f Tchw ; Qload ð26Þ

4.3. Secondary fluid analysis and cooling-tower model

There is also an anti-recycle time that prevents the
Accounting for the load of the building the following chiller from starting up for a period of 15 min after it
equation can be derived for the time derivative of the has shutdown. To simulate the control action of the vari-
chilled water: able speed drive (VSD) fans of the cooling tower, an on/off
control strategy was employed in an attempt to maintain a
dTchw : : set-point (condenser inlet temperature) of 29  C. Fig. 1
ðMCÞchw ¼ Qload  Qe ð21Þ
dt highlights the general interactions of the component mod-
els in the simulation.
Similarly, for the change in temperature of the con-
denser water with time, the following equation can be
derived: 5. Solution methodology

dTcw : : The model requires geometrical parameters of the

ðMCÞcw ¼ Qc  Qtower ð22Þ
dt heat exchangers and compressor, the total refrigerant
: mass (known from manufacturer or supplier), and the
Where Qload could be simulated using a dynamic total mass of the condenser water and chilled water cir-
model for the cooling coils. However, in this case, it has cuits. The latter can be either estimated from complete
been chosen as an input to the simulations. It can be pipe-work dimensions or calculated by using Eqs. (20)
specified as a constant, or as a function of time, such as a and (21) with experimental data. This information is
step or ramp, or to randomly fluctuating variable. Since used to calculate the thermal capacities of the refriger-
the effect of the cooling towers is quite strong, a separate ant in each heat exchanger the tube wall mass in each
component model for the cooling tower (both cooling heat exchanger, and the chilled water and condenser
towers are modelled as a single component) has been water circuits. As refrigerant migration is neglected, the
developed. In order to maintain simplicity, the dynamics user must apportion a fraction of the total refrigerant to
of the cooling tower are assumed to be controlled by the each heat exchanger. Prediction of the refrigerant dis-
water in the sump. Therefore, the rate of change of the tribution within the cycle is a difficult task requiring
water in the cooling tower sump can be given by: accurate knowledge of the void fraction in the heat
exchangers. In particular calculating void fraction in the
dTtower : flooded evaporator is difficult. For this study, it was
ðMCÞtower ¼ "mcw Ccw ðTcw  Ttower Þ
dt assumed that 60% resides in the condenser and 40% in
: the evaporator. These values are based on modelling
 Qtower ð23Þ
studies performed by MacArthur [12] and Jacobsen [13]
and, as well as calculations, using the void fraction
where the heat rejected by the cooling tower to the models of Schrage et al. [43] and Dowlati et al. [44].
ambient air is: Initial values are also required as a starting point for the
: simulation. These include the chilled water temperature,
Qtower ¼ air Atower ðTtower  0:5ðTao  Ta ÞÞ ð24Þ condenser water temperature, the mass flow rates of
M.W. Browne, P.K. Bansal / International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (2002) 597–610 603

Fig. 1. Schematic of the component interactions used in the dynamic simulation model.
Fig. 1. Schematic of the component interactions used in the dynamic simulation model.

chilled and condenser water, the average tube-wall tem- was found that using the physical value for the eva-
peratures in the condenser and evaporator, the water porator tube wall mass resulted in the simulation
temperature in the cooling tower sump, and the ambient reaching steady-state conditions too quickly (approxi-
temperature. Other variables are also required for the mately twice as fast). This is probably due to the control
control of the simulation. These include the building load system of the chiller not being modelled accurately in
function and the set point temperatures for the chilled the model. In actuality the chiller has PID control based
water outlet and condenser water inlet temperatures. The on the chilled water outlet temperature as well as
overall model requires the solution of ordinary differ- receiving information from the building management
ential equations for each of the components considered system (e.g. total load and rate of change of building
as well as the calculation of various state variables at load). The regression was based on tuning the model to
each time step. To accomplish this task a Cash–Karp various start-up processes and minimising the error
fifth-order Runge–Kutta method was chosen because of (between predicted and actual) over the start-up period
its ability to monitor truncation errors at each time-step for a subset of data. The results in Figs. 3 and 4 are
and hence adjust the time step as necessary [45]. This is based on independent data not used in the regression
particularly important as the transients during the start- process. It can be seen that the simulation provides
up and shut down processes are much faster than those excellent results during the initial starting period up to
occurring when the machine is approaching a steady- 200 s. After this time, although the model predicts the
state condition. Fig. 2 shows a flow chart of the solution majority of points to within  10% the lack of a
process. sophisticated model for the control algorithm prevents it
from fully predicting the modulating nature of the chil-
ler. This modulation is due in part to the compressor
6. Results and discussion slide valve modulating with respect to the chilled water
outlet temperature, and also due to the effect of the vary-
The simulation results reflect the case where the con- ing condenser water inlet temperature. This varies the
denser and evaporator temperatures are taken to be pressure difference between the high- and low-pressure
dynamic variables. Figs. 3–9 show the results of the simu- sides that in turn will affect the refrigerant distribution in
lation during start-up processes for both chillers. Fig. 3 the heat exchangers (via varying flow through the
gives a comparison between the actual and the predicted expansion valve). As the expansion valve is also con-
cooling load for Chiller A. An element of empirical trolled by the degree of superheat in the evaporator, the
regression was employed in the modelling of Chiller A as it problem may be compounded under these conditions.
604 M.W. Browne, P.K. Bansal / International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (2002) 597–610

Fig. 2. Flow chart showing the solution process of the dynamic model.
M.W. Browne, P.K. Bansal / International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (2002) 597–610 605

Fig. 3. Cooling capacity versus time for the start-up process for Chiller A.
Fig. 3. Cooling capacity versus time for the start-up process for Chiller A.

Fig. 4. Actual versus predicted compressor work input for Chiller A during a start-up process.
Fig. 4. Actual versus predicted compressor work input for Chiller A during a start-up process.

Fig. 4 shows the actual versus predicted compressor here, the compressor work increases until a quasi-steady
work input for the start-up process in Fig. 3. It is seen operating condition is realised (where the agreement is
that the predicted compressor work initially rises very very good, validating the performance of the model
rapidly (as dynamics of the compressor are neglected) during steady-state conditions). This can be more
and maintains this capacity for the initial (constant) clearly seen in the predicted condenser and evaporator
swept volume. At time t=60 s, the simulation allows the temperatures shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen that the
swept volume to be adjusted according to the leaving evaporator reaches a fairly steady condition in around
chilled water temperature and the building load. From 200 s, whereas the condenser refrigerant temperature
606 M.W. Browne, P.K. Bansal / International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (2002) 597–610

Fig. 5. Predicted refrigerant temperatures in the evaporator and condenser for Chiller A during start-up.
Fig. 5. Predicted refrigerant temperatures in the evaporator and condenser for Chiller A during start-up.

Fig. 6. Comparison of predicted and actual cooling capacity during the start-up process for Chiller B.
Fig. 6. Comparison of predicted and actual cooling capacity during start-up process for Chiller B.

oscillates due to the dynamics of the condenser water Chiller B does not have continuous capacity control like
circuit and the operation of the cooling tower (see peaks Chiller A but is controlled in a series of steps, namely
at around t=350 and t=750 s). 40, 70, and 100% capacity. This makes it somewhat
Similar results can be seen for Chiller B in Fig. 6. It easier to model than Chiller A, as the control processes
can be seen that the model predicts the trends to within do not have that much of influence. A comparison of
10%. Also, it can be noted that due to its smaller actual values versus compressor work input and con-
physical size and smaller refrigerant mass that it denser water inlet temperature are shown in Fig. 7. In
responds much quicker than Chiller A during start-up. this case, Chiller B is starting up to a part-load condi-
M.W. Browne, P.K. Bansal / International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (2002) 597–610 607

Fig. 7. Results for the physical dynamic model for compressor work input and condenser water inlet temperature for Chiller B under
start-up conditions (simulation results given by solid lines, experimental data by points).
Fig. 5. Results for the physical dynamic model for compressor work input and condenser water inlet temperature for Chiller B under start-

Fig. 8. Results for the dynamic model when applied to an increase in part-load operating condition.
Fig. 8. Results for the dynamic model when applied to an increase in part-load operating condition.

tion (its lowest load condition) and hence reaches a performance of the evaporator by affecting the state of
quasi-steady condition fairly rapidly as no adjustments the refrigerant throughout the cycle.
in the swept volume of the compressor is required. A The simulated on/off control of the cooling towers
similar trend is noticed in the slight deviation between predicts the continuous control of the variable speed
actual and predicted values of the cooling capacity with drives fairly well as the temperature plot shows. It can
time (once the chiller has reached a quasi-steady oper- also be seen that this temperature variation has a direct
ating condition; see also Fig. 3). This is evidence that the effect on both the actual and the simulated compressor
fluctuating condenser water temperature is affecting the work input [43].
608 M.W. Browne, P.K. Bansal / International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (2002) 597–610

Fig. 9. Results showing actual and predicted compressor work for Chiller A during a decrease in the cooling load from 420 to 140 kW.
Fig. 9. Results showing actual and predicted compressor work for Chiller A during a decrease in the cooling load from 420 to 140 kW.

Figs. 8 and 9 show the results for the dynamic model algorithms and complex component models, in parti-
when applied to an increase and decrease in cooling load, cular those that account for refrigerant migration, are
respectively. In both cases, the load increase and decrease required to better predict the performance of chillers
was represented by a ramp function over the desired operating under in-situ conditions and to reduce the
period. It can be seen that, while the dynamic model still need for empiricism in the simulation. These more
has discrepancies (particularly with respect to short-term complex models will also provide a greater insight into
capacity modulation), it gives reasonable results with the physical processes occurring within the chillers
errors being less than 10% at most time-steps. under fluctuating conditions. These component models
for both the evaporator and condenser are currently
under development.
7. Conclusions

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