Uardian: Bludgeoned To Death

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Trinidad & Tobago $3

Tuesday, January 5, 2021 THE GUARDIAN OF DEMOCRACY No 39136

Teacher beaten with hammer at Preysal home
Male relative surrenders to police PAGE 5
Colleagues, students mourn loss of ‘beautiful soul’

House of murder victim Suzette Sylvester (inset) at Mowlah Trace Extension, Preysal. PICTURE SHASTRI BOODAN

Trini writers EBC reports

win 2020 smooth
Costa Book nomination
Awards 7 process 8 10 -
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
34-40 |3
Teacher beaten to Tsoiafatt-Angus Trump pressures
death with hammer faces immediate elections chief:
expulsion from PNM Find 11,780 votes
A 48-year-old teacher and mother
was discovered yesterday morning,
President Donald Trump pres-
bludgeoned to death at her Preysal, PNM Tobago Council former DEATHS
sured Georgia’s Republican secre-
Couva home. Police believe a male
relative beat Suzette Sylvester, a
Public Relations Officer and
councillor Dr Denise Tsoiafatt-
tary of state to “find” enough votes 127
to overturn Joe Biden’s win in the
secondary school teacher, with a Angus’ filing of nomination papers PEOPLE TESTED

state’s presidential election, re-
hammer until she was dead. A police
report states that Sylvester’s body
as an independent candidate for
January 25, 2021, THA elections,
peatedly citing disproven claims of 72,735
fraud and raising the prospect of a
was discovered by her son around 6 violates the PNM constitution and ACTIVE CASES
“criminal offense” if officials did not

News 333
am. He then raised an alarm to his she will be expelled. So said the
change the vote count, according to
grandmother and uncle who live party’s Island Council chairman
a recording of the conversation.
next door their home at Mowlah Stanford Callender. “The party’s

Trace Extension. —Page 5 constitution is clear. —Page 9
Remorseful man returns stolen sword after 40 years
Today’s A veteran returned a sword he stole The man, who Gaylord described If you or a loved one develops
stories in 14 from a statue of a Revolutionary War
general 40 years ago, telling the head
as a “great big bear of a guy,” told her
he had worked at a bar in the town
symptoms of COVID-19,
please call the hotline
capsule of the Massachusetts town’s historical while he was enrolled as a student Trinidad: 877-WELL (9355) or
Tobago: 800-HEAL (4325)
commission that he regretted taking at Westfield State University. After for further guidance.
it. a night of drinking, he and a group If the person is severely ill,

Cindy P Gaylord, the chair of of friends went to steal the sword, call the 811 (emergency hotline).
Westfield’s Historical Commission, which he said he wrenched loose
Side effects said a man contacted the city hall
saying he had the sword stolen from
with just his own strength. When they
realized what they had done the next
There are already sto- the town’s statue of Gen William morning, they were not sure how
ries of patients with heart Shepard in 1980, the Springfield to return the sword without facing
attacks being made to wait Republican reported on Sunday. consequences.
for the result of a Covid test
before being admitted to
WEATHER F CUS Gaylord agreed to give the man
anonymity if he returned the bronze
The stolen sword was replaced
with the help of a local sculptor and
hospital. sword and arranged for him to drop paid for by an anonymous donor, the
Near the end of writing MOSTLY SUNNY it off at her home along with his wife, newspaper reported. The returned
I get news that “thousands Sunny to partly cloudy skies and she said. sword is likely to be preserved by
of surgeries have been can- breezy conditions, with brisk, “He had a great deal of shame a local museum, the newspaper
celled in the public health isolated showers from the late and remorse,” Gaylord told the reported.
sector last year”, resulting in afternoon into the night. Heavier newspaper. “He is a veteran and told Shepard was born in the area in the
a “huge backlog”. rainfall to favor southern and me the fact that he did this to another 1730s and fought as a militia man and
My surgical friends eastern halves of both islands. soldier troubled him. He wants the solider in multiple wars, including the
confirm. “Massive num- story printed to remind people that Revolutionary War. The town erected
bers……real massive…. Piarco Max 32 °C Min 20 °C something you do in your youth could the bronze statue of him in 1919, the
every surgeon and junior Crown Point Max 31 °C Min 23°C haunt you for the rest of your life.” newspaper reported.
knows how bad it is.”
We need to work out
exactly what’s
going on in
the health
Google workers form new labour
union, a tech industry rarity
A group of Google engineers and
other workers announced yesterday
they have formed a union, creating
a rare foothold for the labour move-
Dr David Bratt—Page 12 ment in the tech industry.
About 225 employees at Google
and its parent company Alphabet
Quote of the Day are the first dues-paying members of
It takes 20 years to build the Alphabet Workers Union. They
a reputation and five represent a fraction of Alphabet’s
minutes to ruin it. If you workforce, far short of the threshold
think about that, you’ll do needed to get formal recognition as
things differently. a collective bargaining group in the
US. port,” said a statement from Kara Google software engineer Chewy
—Warren Buffett But the new union, which will be Silverstein, the company’s director Shaw, who has been elected to the
affiliated with the larger Communi- of people operations. ”But as we’ve new union’s executive council, said
cation Workers of America, says it always done, we’ll continue engaging he and others decided to form the
Contact us will serve as a “structure that ensures directly with all our employees.” group after seeing colleagues pushed
Port-of-Spain: Google workers can actively push Unionization campaigns haven’t out of the company for their activ-
22–24 St Vincent Street, for real changes at the company.” Its historically been able to gain much ism.
(PO Box 122)
members say they want more of a traction among elite tech work- “We want to have a counterforce
Telephone: voice not just on wages, benefits and ers, who earn big salaries and other to protect workers who are speaking
225-4465 (4GML) perks like free food and shuttle rides
Exts 4227, 4231, protections against discrimination up,” Shaw said.
4232, 4254, 4377 and harassment but also broader to work. But workplace activism at The union’s first members include
Chaguanas Sales Office: ethical questions about how Google Google and other big tech firms has engineers, as well as sales associates,
225-4465 (4GML) pursues its business ventures. grown in recent years as employers administrative assistants and the
Exts 6002, 6003 Google said yesterday that it’s tried call for better handling of workplace workers who test self-driving vehi-
San Fernando Bureau: to create a supportive and rewarding sexual harassment and discrimina- cles at Alphabet automotive division
225-4465 (4GML) workplace but suggested it won’t be tion, opposition to Trump adminis- Waymo. Many work at Google’s Sili-
Exts 6101, 6104, 6106
negotiating directly with the union. tration policies and avoiding harmful con Valley headquarters, while oth-
Tobago Bureau: “Of course our employees have uses of the products they’re helping ers are at offices in Massachusetts,
Camille McEachnie
camille.mceachnie protected labour rights that we sup- to build and sell. New York and Colorado.
4 news Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Rowley: Govt sought additional

$16B to address COVID-19
CAMILLE MCEACHNIE ing of the ANR Robinson International you are secure, you go and put some-
Airport expansion projects as evidence one in office who believes that he vex
Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley said of growth. with everybody and they believe you
last night the Government had to Dr Rowley said the latter project did not support them enough or at all
source $16 billion more than the 2020 would ensure the island is ready for and treat you the same way they treat
budgetary allocation to assist the coun- the tourism industry’s resurgence after their union members after the last
try through the COVID-19 pandemic. the pandemic. elections.” Supt (Ag) Wayne Mystar.
Dr. Rowley was addressing the audi- Speaking about the THA elections, Duke, who is also President of the PICTURE SHIRLEY BAHADUR
ence at the PNM Tobago Council’s 2021 he said people were asking for the Public Services Association (PSA), sent
campaign launch and presentation of
candidates for the January 25 THA
other parties to get the opportunity to
control Tobago.
20 PSA workers on vacation leave im-
mediately after the PSA elections last
Police: 2020 had
He said Tobago got its fair share of
“There are aspirants in Tobago say-
ing ‘give them a chance’. This is not a
Tobago Council Island leader Tracy
lowest road
the budgetary pie and attributed this
to a “smooth cooperation and associ- PNM Political Leader, Prime Minister
bingo. It is not Play Whe. It is not the
horse race track. This is the future of
Davidson-Celestine, who also spoke
at the meeting, echoed a similar sen-
deaths in 63 years
ation” between the People’s National Dr Keith Rowley speaks at the the children and all the people of Trin- timent.
launch of the PNM’s campaign for The Trinidad and Tobago Police
Movement (PNM)- led Central Govern- idad and Tobago.” She, too, did not name the PDP.
the January 25 Tobago House of Service, Traffic and Highway Patrol
ment and Executive Council in the To- Assembly elections, last night. Stopping short of naming the Pro- She said another party would “stall or
Branch said 2020 saw the lowest
bago House of Assembly (THA). gressive Democratic Patriots’ (PDP) completely derail Tobago’s recovery
number of road traffic deaths re-
“We had to go and find $16 billion He said despite the country’s finan- leader Watson Duke, Rowley ad- projects.”
corded in this country in the last
additional to the budget of last year cial constraints, Tobago’s future had dressed public servants directly. She said the PDP’s current leader-
63 years.
October to be able to fund our ar- not been “stymied ... it has been accel- “Let me say something to a lot of ship is similar to “a headless horse-
But while it recognised the ac-
rangement through a pandemic to be erated.” you people, especially public servants man.”
complishment, in a statement, the
where we are today,” the PM told his He listed the Roxborough Fire Sta- in Tobago who have a job and who be- More on the THA Elections on page
Traffic and Highway Patrol Branch
audience. tion, Roxborough Hospital, and fund- lieve this is none of your business and 9.
also once again strongly advised all
drivers to comply with the laws by
Cold weather Kamla tells party launch new ferry has six deficiencies obeying roadway speed limits and
to avoid the payment of fines and
the accrual of demerit points.

Opposition leader Kamla Persad-Bis-

It said on the last day of 2020 -
Thursday, December 31- all units of
KALAIN HOSEIN sessar has called out Government on the Highway Patrol initiated major an inspection report regarding the new enforcement and high visibility po-
Tobago ferry APT James which states licing initiative targeting dangerous
Trinbagonians woke up to an unusu- the vessel has six deficiencies, includ- and reckless drivers.
ally cold morning yesterday as tem- ing missing fire safety equipment. That exercise resulted in 269
peratures dipped below 20°C across She also wants answers on whether speeding tickets being issued to er-
several areas of Trinidad. eight people returned home with the rant drivers.
At Piarco, Monday morning’s min- Prime Minister’s daughter for Christ- Traffic Branch Senior Superin-
imum temperature came in at 20°C, mas and why the National Security tendent, Wayne Mystar, together
while at Crown Point, Tobago, a Ministry’s Permanent Secretary got with Superintendent Rampersad
milder 23°C was recorded according exemptions to leave and return to T&T instructed all Highway Patrol Units
to the Trinidad and Tobago Meteoro- last month. to elevate road policing activi-
logical Service. Persad-Bissessar spoke at last night’s The newest vessel in the national fleet of ferries, the APT James. PICTURE COURTESY ties across the nation’s highways
Weather stations across the coun- UNC meeting to launch the party’s THE NATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED NIDCO. through Speed Enforcement, DUI
try recorded temperatures between campaign for the January 25 by-elec- and Stop and Search exercises.
18°C and 20°C in Eastern, Central tion. ernment arrangement which is no She said Attorney General Faris Supt Mystar said, “Our latest fig-
and Southern Trinidad. Across She said the APT James which cost longer subject to the Procurement law. Al-Rawi’s son was also granted exemp- ures indicate that there were 96
Northern Trinidad and Tobago, tem- half a billion dollars is en route to T&T They can make these big purchases tion to leave and return. recorded traffic deaths in 2020,
peratures remained above the 20-de- but has to stop at various location and without any oversight.” “What is your policy? You have which is a historically low figure.
gree-mark. has to be inspected. Persad-Bissessar said while people stranded people out there man!” This is an astonishing achievement
The minimum recorded tempera- “When the vessel was in Malta remain stranded outside of T&T, PNM She said attorneys are looking at the because the last time Trinidad &
ture by a calibrated weather station and gone through inspections, we ex- “friends and family” were being given ministry’s policy in granting exemp- Tobago experienced a road death
was 17.63°C in Penal at 5:00 AM Mon- pected a brand-new half-a-billion-dol- exemptions to enter and leave. She tions and will also be challenging allo- figure below 100 was in 1957. Al-
day. An uncalibrated thermometer in lar vessel would have been free from claimed the National Security’s Perma- cations made to regional corporations though the TTPS welcomes the
Lengua, Barrackpore, recorded a chill- any deficiencies.” nent Secretary was granted exemption claiming there is inequity there. significant decrease in road fatali-
ing 15.0°C at the same time. “I have in my possession a copy of to leave T&T on December 19 and an- Persad-Bissessar said another per- ties, every road death was one too
One more cool night is in T&T’s an inspection document from Malta, other to return December 30. son from the Procurement board had many, consequently, we will con-
forecast before moisture returns to which states that on inspection not one “Why did he leave? No government either resigned or is about to, apart tinue to work assiduously in 2021 to
the region beginning late today and or two deficiencies were identified but business was being done outside. from deputy chairman James Chang- help reduce the road fatality figure
lingering through the remainder of a total of six deficiencies,” she said. Everyone’s using Zoom and webinars.” Kit. even further.”
the week. “Defects range from a lack of proper Persad-Bissessar alleged Security “I hail Mr Chang-Kit. He’s a true pa- The TTPS Road Safety Project
certification and documents to miss- Minister Stuart Young “lied” when he triot.” Coordinator, Sgt Brent Batson,
What caused these ing fire safety equipment and a lack of made statements on exemptions in- She said resignations weren’t added, “The TTPS plans to expand
proper structural access points to vital cluding about “first come first served” enough and banding together is the iRoadsafe education campaign,
cold temperatures? needed. which helps drivers make safer de-
areas of the ship. It was even discov- basis.
A dry and cool air mass, originating ered the electronic charts that assist “How did Miss Rowley who applied “I propose UNC join with other cisions and forms part of our injury
over North America, made its way to the navigation of the vessel was out- for an exemption in November get it in groups and have roundtable or webi- and collision prevention efforts
the Caribbean following a low-pres- dated and did not conform to current November when people were applying nar discussions on this procurement in 2021, that also includes closer
sure system in the North Atlantic. A maritime codes.” and begging March, April, May…Octo- legislation. We will not let it go! We stakeholder collaboration with the
high-pressure system pushed the air The report showed the emergency ber, November? He said ‘first come, will not give you support in the Parlia- Licensing Authority, Arrive Alive
southwestward, with strong winds system muster list was incomplete and first served’ but you have people jump- ment. You could cry and gnash your and the Insurance Association.” Sgt
also agitating our seas this weekend. fire detection/alarm system missing. ing the queue,” she alleged. teeth as much as you want, we will Batson added, “we will never know
While moisture and temperature in- “The fact these deficiencies exist at “Is it true Miss Rowley when granted isolate you!” whose lives we may have saved, but
creased on the air mass’ journey to all in what is supposed to be a brand- exemption, did she also bring eight Persad-Bissessar slammed Prime just knowing at least 25 persons are
T&T, conditions remained stable and new ferry demonstrates the lack of friends with her? Who are they? Are Minister Dr Keith Rowley’s statement still with their families because of
dry to limit cloud development and attention to detail that went into pre- they nationals? Were they in the that the worst is behind T&T. the dedicated efforts of traffic law
allow for cool temperatures from Jan- paring the ship before it was sent to queue? Did they come in at the same “Are you living in T&T? Prime Minis- enforcement officers is enough rea-
uary 1 onward. T&T. This was a Government-to-Gov- time?” ter you lie,” she said. son to double our efforts in 2021.”
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 news 5
Teacher beaten to death with hammer at home
RHONDOR DOWLATROSTANT tance Progamme will engage with
the school to provide support to staff
A 48-year-old teacher and mother and students.
was discovered yesterday morning, “The Ministry notes with great
bludgeoned to death at her Preysal, concern the events that led to this
Couva home. death and is hopeful that the perpe-
Police believe a male relative beat trator can be brought to justice,” the
Suzette Sylvester, a secondary school ministry said.
teacher, with a hammer until she was Noting the significant impact that
dead. this news can have on the loved ones
A police report states that Sylvest- and students of Sylvester, Education
er’s body was discovered by her son Minister Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly said,
around 6 am. “We mourn as a country today. We
He then raised an alarm to his mourn the loss of a life, of a woman,
grandmother and uncle who live next of an educator; in circumstances
door their home at Mowlah Trace Ex- that are sad and distressing. It is
tension. my hope that during this period of
Sylvester’s mother told police that grief the support offered can aid her
she saw the suspect leaving the com- loved ones in the ways they require.”
pound. President of the International
Police said the suspect walked into Women’s Resources Network Adri-
the Chaguanas Police Station and ana Sandrine-Rattan said domestic
alerted them to the situation. violence victims often try to save
Officers subsequently went to the School teacher Suzette Sylvester, who was allegedly beaten to death by a close male relative, with some of her the relationship and added that
scene where they met grieving rela- former students at the El Dorado West Secondary. PICTURE FACEBOOK she heard that Sylvester was one of
tives who ushered them into Sylvest- those.
er’s bedroom to where her body was, “I saw them both over the week- Why her? Why he couldn’t just school with the many challenges “She was trying to save the re-
slumped on the ground near the bed. end and they seemed very happy. leave. She was soooooooo beautiful I have faced in life, it’s because of lationship but that by themselves
Preliminary investigations revealed She was talking and laughing so and humble and everything perfect. teachers like her.” cannot be saved, but sometimes it
that Sylvester and the male relative if there was something going on I I’m sure she got up in the most per- The Ministry of Education also reaches a point where you have to
had an argument between 10.30 pm never knew and I never even sus- fect spirit to start her day with her extended condolences to Sylvest- take an exit to save your life.”
and midnight on Sunday. pected anything.” students. What about her son? This er’s family, students, colleagues and Rattan said her organization has
Police said they were told that Syl- He added that his sister was never is not fair! Suzette Sylvester I have friends. made several recommendations to
vester later went to bed at about 2.10 the type to be involved in argu- never expected to see this, never in It noted that Sylvester moved to the government to help victims of
am Monday morning. ments. “She never liked quarrelling. a million years. You were so jolly, Preysal High School in September domestic violence, including assis-
Sylvester was a Secondary School If there was any quarrel she was the always laughing. I just can’t accept 2016, after 15 years of service at the tance with housing.
Literature teacher at Preysal Second- type to end it. She was always jolly this,” one of her colleagues wrote on El Dorado West Secondary School. “We recommended that the gov-
ary School. and pleasant.” social media. In a release, the ministry said ernment look at low-cost housing
Speaking with the Guardian Media Sylvester’s death sent shockwaves A past student described her as a the education community was both for victims and their children be-
at his home, Sylvester’s brother said among her colleagues and past and “beautiful soul,”. shocked and saddened to learn of cause they would have reason not to
he was in shock over his sister’s present students. One of her col- “No one deserves to die like this the tragic circumstances surround- stay but leave and go to the low-cost
death. leagues lamented: “Suz you tried… no one. Such a beautiful soul. She ing Sylvester’s death. housing because most victims stay in
He added that if his sister was in an God knows how much you tried.” was my school mom. When people It added the Student Support Ser- abusive relationships because they
abusive relationship he never knew. “Lord I have so many questions. asked me how I made it through high vices Division and Employee Assis- have nowhere else to go.”

Deputy chairman of Office of Public Regulations resigns


The deputy chairman of the Office

Cites displeasure with recently-passed Public Procurement Bill
of Public Regulations (OPR) James Chang-Kit also took aim at the minished by the assented bill. He January 30, 2021, with the effluxion
Chang-Kit has resigned, citing frus- relative “silence and acquiescence does however want to see the com- of time. I wish him well in his future
tration with the elements of the re- of the society” and said that some pleted bill. endeavours,” the minister wrote.
cently passed Public Procurement members of the OPR board had ac- “I cannot say what was on his Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi
Bill. cepted the fatality of the bill’s pas- mind when he issued that letter,” said he found Chang-Kit’s resig-
Chang-Kit released a resignation sage. Lalchan said. nation letter to be “curious” and
letter yesterday saying the assent “Some members of our board in “Parliament has a role to play “strongly objected” to his criticisms
of the bill by President Paula-Mae accepting this sorry state of affairs in this country in terms of making of the 2016 amendment.
Weekes was the final insult to the in a fast-dwindling and bankrupt laws. Once Parliament has debated “I wish the gentleman well. I disa-
office. economy has driven me to despair those laws and passed relevant laws, gree that the previous amendments
The President assented to the bill and so it is with a heavy heart that I we as an organisation are bound by in 2015 and 2016 emasculated the
on December 27. submit my immediate resignation as law to follow through on the imple- OPR,” Al-Rawi said.
“The two prior amendments in the Deputy Chairman of the Board mentation of the laws. There is a Al-Rawi completely refuted that
2016 and 2017 had an initial damag- of Procurement Regulation,” Chang- process to follow,” he said. he sought to undermine the OPR.
ing effect on the recruitment process Kit concluded. Lalchan said that the law, as it “This was no small exercise. Every
for a Regulator and the operation of OPR chairman Moonilal Lalchan stands now with the amendments, single procurement from as small as
the parent Act and signalled the Gov- said Chang-Kit’s resignation was not still leaves the OPR in a position to a pen must be open to challenge,”
James Chang-Kit
ernment’s reluctance for proper pro- a surprise. He said his term was due review and investigate all the issues he said.
curement oversight,” Chang-Kit said. to end this month. “We never say everyone has to of Government to Government re- “Whilst Mr Chang-Kit is free to
He said there were “subsequent “I don’t know if he took this op- follow through like what is done in lationships and the whole issue of exercise publicity of his own views,
stalling and stymying” of the OPR’s portunity to say he no longer wanted Parliament and debates and so on,” the amendment of Section 5 exemp- I have of course don’t necessarily
efforts to have the necessary regu- to serve on the board. I won’t say it he said. tions. share his point of view,” Al-Rawi
lations proclaimed adding that the was surprising or I’m shocked,” Lal- “People will disagree and we have Finance Minister, Colm Imbert said.
OPR went through “interminable re- chan said. had very strong opinions on the tweeted that he had “taken note” of “I find it quite curious that his let-
views and subtle attacks brought on He said he was not sure what board which we appreciate, which Chang-Kit’s resignation. ter of resignation refers to the fact of
by the Government”. caused the strongly-worded resig- I as Chairman appreciates,” he said. “I have taken note of the public two prior amendments of 2016 and
“Via its agents in state enterprises, nation. He said that the board remains resignation of James Chang-Kit as 2017. This is the first time it has ever
Minister of Finance and Attorney “As everything else, the Board is strong despite disagreements on is- a member and deputy chairman come into the public domain and I
General both subtle and frontal, un- very democratic, we would vote and sues. of the Procurement board 26 days certainly must have a very strong ob-
derwrote its reluctance for proper let everybody ventilate,” Lalchan Moonilal said despite Chang-Kit’s before his three-year appointment jection to his statement in relation to
oversight of its spending,” he said. said. parting shot, the Board was not di- would have naturally expired on the 2016 amendment,” he said.


PICK 2:BN tQN tQN tQN 1*$,BN   tQN   tQN   tQN   CASH POT:    M: 3
6 news Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Health Minister hopes for

best after Tobago beach party
RISHARD KHAN dition to several other personnel Partygoers at No had to be placed on quarantine
Man’s Land, Tobago
on Saturday. leave with immediate effect.
Health Minister Terrence Dey- “We have word that actually five
alsingh is hoping that partygoers nurses have since tested positive
in Tobago do not infect their loved and at least three patients have
ones and kill them.  tested positive in that small unit
Over the weekend, dozens of right there and this is untenable
beachgoers gathered on No Man’s in the association’s point of view,”
Land in Tobago for a party and he said.
pictures that circulated online “It could throw a spoke in the Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley as a
showed COVID-19 protocols wer- wheel of the good work being guest of Tobago Channel 5
en’t being adhered to.  done by the Ministry of Health yesterday morning.
In response to a question from since the COVID outbreak.”
Guardian Media during yester- The Prime Minister is expected then we can review and suggest He called on the North West Re-
day’s virtual press conference,
Deyalsingh said: “It happened.
to review the current period this
coming weekend.
what can happen and should hap-
pen then,” Dr Parasram said.
gional Health Authority to address
several concerns starting with
Rowley: T&T
I am just hoping that the par-
ents and grandparents of those
However, while last week’s daily
average cases are down to eight Nurses at PoS
appointing a substantive CEO, to
regularly test all nursing staff at
to get vaccine
per day, the chances of less restric-
young persons don’t pay the ulti-
mate price, which is, dying from tive measures aren’t high. 
The Chief Medical Officer Dr Ro-
Hospital contract virus
Meanwhile, several nurses at-
least twice a month and to test all
patients who are being housed at by March
COVID.” tached to the old COSTATT build- the hospital.  CASANDRA THOMPSONFORBES
He indicated that in other coun- shan Parasram indicated that the ing at the Port-of-Spain General When contacted, acting CEO
tries this type of behaviour has low average must be taken with “a Hospital have contracted the Salisha Baksh told Guardian Media Trinidad and Tobago will be in
forced governments to enforce grain of salt” and that the ministry virus. that the outbreaks occur when line to receive COVID vaccines
harsh and strict lockdown meas- is eyeing mid-January to see the According to the president of they have asymptomatic patients within the first quarter of 2021.
ures. Gatherings in public of more effects of the recently concluded the T&T Registered Nurses Asso- who later become symptomatic In an interview on Tobago
than 10 people are currently pro- holiday season. ciation (TTRNA), Idi Stuart, this is and test positive for the virus. She, Channel 5 yesterday, Dr Rowley
hibited under the Public Health “Spikes usually show up 14 to 21 the third such outbreak to occur at however, expressed full confidence said, the Ministry of Health would
Regulations. Citizens are also man- days after any particular event so the building.  in the hospital’s infection preven- focus on those groups being ex-
dated to wear facemasks while in we have to monitor it for the most He told Guardian Media that tion and control protocols which posed the most, including health-
public, including while on the of January, see what is happening. within the past two weeks, 25 were fully initiated and resulted in care workers and the elderly who
beach.  If we are seeing the same trends members of nursing staff in ad- the quarantining of the staff.  are more susceptible, followed
by the rest of the population. He

UWI confirms COVID-19 variant not in T&T said T&T was a part of the COVAX
group among 162 countries, put-
ting this country in a much better
Research by the University of extract genetic material from that ple, what we can do is determine place to respond to the virus.
the West Indies (UWI) has con- sample and that is what they use to the particular lineage of the virus “How it was done, all the coun-
firmed that the new United King- do the PCR test to detect whether that it belongs to, and there is a tries put up money to drive the
dom and South African variants the virus is present (in that person) lot of other...inferences that we science on the understanding that
of the COVID-19 virus are not in or not,” she said. can make about the virus. (For when we find the cure, it would
circulation in T&T. “When they extract that RNA, instance) how it is spreading and be shared on a particular formula
The announcement came from they don’t need all of it for the how different lineages are con- around everybody worldwide and
professor of Molecular Biology diagnostic testing. Usually, they nected and things like that,” she we are a part of that, so our turn
and Virology, Christine Carring- have excess and that is stored in said.  will come. We are anticipating
ton. a freezer. That is where we were The new variant was discovered that given the numbers being pro-
“We have also screened other getting our material from so they to be circulating in the United duced and the availability and its
samples provided by the Trinidad would share that material with us.” Kingdom mid-December. use going forward, that we, some-
and Tobago Ministry of Health and She said they used stored sam- Although investigations are on- time March going into April, Trin-
by CARPHA for both the UK vari- ples from around the time the var- going into it, officials believe the idad and Tobago should be in line
ant and the South African variants iants were known to be circulating strain is more easily transmissi-
Prof Christine Carrington to get our share,” he said.
that are of concern. So far we have internationally as well as samples ble than others. However, early He said vaccines would be dis-
not detected...any of them in the leftover genetic material from the collected more recently. This, she indications do not indicate that it tributed on a phased basis.
Trinidad and Tobago samples,” testing process for the public was said, allows them to observe the is more deadly nor that it would “We are looking for enough
she said. used. “When swabs are taken from virus’ evolution. compromise the efficacy and ef- in the first instance to do some-
To test for these new variants, individuals for diagnostic testing, “By analysing the genetic se- fectiveness of the COVID-19 vac- where between 20 per cent and
Prof Carrington explained the the first step that happens is they quence of the virus in the sam- cines. (RK) 30 per cent of the population and
you get different tranches and

PM: Management of pandemic remains top priority

LOYSE VINCENT Faris Al-Rawi were favoured “I did not go into the depart- live abroad and who now decide
of course we also anticipate that
different suppliers can come into
the market as we go forward so it
becomes more available,” he said
above many others to come home ment and tell anybody put my that they want to come home.” Commenting on the new strain
Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley in time for Christmas, he said no daughter on a flight to come home He said originally the govern- of the virus, Dr Rowley said, peo-
says that managing the pandemic favour was shown to either. —if there is anybody who has a ment estimated that there were ple should continue to follow the
remains government’s priority as “The government had taken problem with my daughter com- between 5,000 and 7,000 people stipulated guidelines to protect
he warned that reopening the bor- a decision to bring home all ing home—I am busy they could who were surprised by the border themselves.
ders could lead to a reversal of the students abroad and all efforts keep that.” closure. He said the figure now “Biologically it is possible that a
gains made so far. were being made to bring home Dr Rowley said at the onset of stands at 9,000 people. new strain could come up which
In an interview on Tobago’s students, so Al-Rawi’s son came the pandemic the government Another area of concern, he makes the tested and approved
Channel 5 yesterday, Dr Rowley home with many other students.” sought to bring home all people said, was that the majority of vaccines impotent, so we are not
said that there are some 330,000 The Prime Minister said al- who were surprised by the bor- those people are coming from seeing that and the reports are
people holding T&T passports though his daughter wanted to der closure but that some of them countries with high levels of in- and of course the scientific in-
around the world but said man- come home a long time ago and were in countries where the bor- fection. vestigations continue worldwide
agement of the pandemic requires she was unable to, as she is based ders were closed which provided Dr Rowley said while he under- on new strains as well as the old
ensuring the country’s health sys- in New York where there was a several challenges. stands that some people abroad strains to put humans in a better
tem is not overwhelmed. high level of infection. However, “By July we thought we had may be facing difficulties, the gov- position to hold the forth. We still
Asked to comment on allega- he said she applied for exemption dealt with the majority of those ernment has provided funding to will have to do that physical thing
tions that both his daughter and in the last quarter of last year and people but then there was an- assist those who may be facing fi- which is try and avoid the virus
the son of the Attorney General she was successful. other set of people, the ones who nancial difficulties. coming to you.”
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 news 7

T&T writers win top book awards

T&T writers Monique Roffey and lege and Central St Martins. She
Ingrid Persaud have topped the taught law at King’s College, Lon-
Novel categories in the prestigious don and The Fletcher School of
Costa Book Awards for 2020. Law and Diplomacy and worked
Persaud, a UK-based writer, art- as a visual artist before becoming
ist and academic, won the Costa a writer. She has also written for
First Novel Award for Love After National Geographic.
Love, a story about Betty Ramdin, Roffey won the Novel Award for
her shy son Solo and their lodger, her seventh book, The Mermaid
Mr Chetan. of Black Conch: A Love Story. This
Written in Trinidadian prose, was her second time on the Costa
the novel was praised by judges for Novel Award shortlist—six years
“teeming with life” and being “full ago she was shortlisted with her
of unforgettable characters.” third book, House of Ashes (2014),
Persaud, winner of the 2017 based the events of the 1990 at-
Commonwealth Short Story Prize tempted coup.
and the 2018 BBC Short Story She achieved success with a dark
Award, commenting in an inter- love story that weaves together
view about the book’s title which it myth and magical realism. It is
shares with a classic Walcott poem, about a fisherman and a mermaid
said: “I borrow the title of Walcott’s based on a legend shared by indige-
poem with deference and grati- nous Caribbean people. Aycayia, a
tude. In the act of loving another, centuries-old mermaid, is drawn to Monique Roffey Ingrid Persaud
do we not often carelessly lose the singing of a fisherman, David.
sight of ourselves? I’m sure every- But her curiosity is her undoing on the Green Bicycle (2009) was writing at the Manchester Writing Poetry and Children’s Book—with
one can identify with that chal- when she is caught by American shortlisted for the Orange Prize School, Manchester Metropolitan one of the five winning books se-
lenge . . . We should all heed that tourists. David rescues her and in 2010 and the Encore Award in University, and tutor for the Nor- lected as the overall Costa Book of
famous last line where the poet di- hides her away, where she slowly, 2011. Archipelago (2012) won the wich Writers Centre. the year. Each category is judged
rects: ‘Sit. Feast on your life.’” painfully turns into a woman. OCM Bocas Award for Caribbean Launched in 1971, the Costa separately by a panel of three
Persaud, who left T&T at 18 and The judges called the novel “a Literature in 2013 and was short- Book Awards is one of the UK’s judges per category. The Costa
moved to the UK to study, began story of rare imagination” and “a listed for the Orion Award 2014. most prestigious and popular book Book of the Year is then chosen
writing in her 40s, after a success- glorious myth.” Her memoir, With the Kisses of prizes and celebrates the most en- by a nine-member panel which
ful career as a legal academic and Roffey is the author of six books, His Mouth, traces a personal jour- joyable books of the year by writ- includes representatives from the
visual artist. She read law at the five novels and a memoir. Three ney of mid-life sexual self-discov- ers resident in the UK and Ireland. original panels who are joined by
London School of Economics and of her novels are set in T&T and ery. The prize has five categories— other well-known people who love
studied fine art at Goldsmith Col- the Caribbean. The White Woman Roffey is a lecturer in creative First Novel, Novel, Biography, reading.

Smooth restart of virtual classes First aid kits for special schools Special needs schools were
BAVITA GOPAULCHAN the happy recipients of 100
first aid kits as part of the
After a three-week break over the Christmas Digicel Foundation’s ‘Pre-
season, thousands of students returned to paring You’ Programme.
virtual classrooms yesterday for the start of The kits were donated by
the second virtual term of the 2021 academic the T&T Red Cross Society
year. (TTRCS) and presented to
Even though teacher-learning engagement principals of Goodwill In-
has not officially begun for some students, the dustries, New Beginnings,
Trinidad and Tobago Unified Teachers Asso- The Memisa Centre, Na-
ciation’s (TTUTA’s) vice-president, Marlon tional Centre for Persons
Seales, believes it was a “smooth start”. with Disabilities, Wharton
In a telephone interview with Guardian Patrick and Lady Hochoy
Media, he explained, “Some principals put Digicel Foundation Board member Guy Small, left, head
Arima. of Security & Facilities Digicel, presents the Digicel
aside two or three days for planning purposes The joint initiative by
so we expect that schools may actually start a Foundation Partnership Recognition Award for FY 2019
TTRCS and the Digicel to Jill de Bourg, president of the T&T Red Cross Society
little later in the week”. Foundation comes on the (TTRCS).
Although teachers at some schools were heels of  first aid train-
wrapped up in meetings for most of the day, Education Minister Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly. grateful to the Digicel TTRCS.
PICTURE NICOLE DRAYTON ing that took place at the Foundation,” said Jill de She accepted the award
the National Primary School Principals Asso- Red Cross headquarters
ciation (NPSPA) said that there were others Bourg, President of the on behalf of the Red Cross
last month. Equipping TTRCS, “and we’re thrilled Team who facilitated the
trying to work out additional details. The minister said in-person learning could the schools with first aid
“Some schools are in the process of giving resume for students of Standard 5 as well as to be part of a programme first-aid training work-
kits ensures teachers and that builds resilience for shops, and also reminded
out devices, not many, so these are the little Forms 4 to 6 on February 8. She said a draft administrators of special
things that are going to be worked out at this policy guideline is expected to be finalised vulnerable children. Know- those in attendance of the
needs schools are not only ing that they’re better pre- V65 Emerging Designer
point in time, but my understanding is that this week. However, the Minister emphasised trained in first aid efforts,
for a number of schools classes would have that this is based on if the number of COVID- pared for a disaster eases Competition for Red Cross
but have the necessary their minds and ours.” Carnival 2021, encouraging
resumed for some students online and the 19 cases remains low. tools for emergency re-
others will start tomorrow and perhaps later Even before the physical resumption of Digicel Foundation them to spread the word
sponse. Board Member and Head amongst their peers and
on,” Lance Mottley said. classes, Dr Gadsby-Dolly noted that CXC Jan- The Red Cross has long
In a video message sent to the media yes- uary exams should begin on January 18, “and of Security & Facilities at communities.
been a valued partner and Digicel Guy Small was on Over the 2019-2020 pe-
terday afternoon, Education Minister, Dr so all arrangements are being made for those stakeholder of the Digicel
Nyan Gadsby-Dolly, assured the procurement to take place”. hand to present the first- riod, ten special needs
Foundation’s ‘Preparing aid kits to the six princi- schools have participated
of these laptops has begun. She further an- Currently, 90 schools are being repaired at You’ programme, which is
nounced, “the Learning Evaluations Commit- a cost of $74 million, according to Dr Gads- pals. He also surprised in the Foundation’s Pre-
a disaster and emergency de Bourg with the Digicel paring You programme
tee has put out a call for suppliers of E-books by-Dolly. preparedness programme
and we will be taking a closer look at what Both TTUTA and the NPSPA said they were Foundation’s 2019 Partner- and 30 principals and ad-
for persons with disabili- ship Recognition Award, in ministrators received first
digital resources can be provided for the use looking forward to the phased reopening of ties.
of our school population for the next school schools and are already engaging in consulta- acknowledgement of all aid certification from the
“Our Society is very the good work done by the Red Cross
year.” tion with the ministry on this issue.
8 news Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Local Govt/THA nomination day

Big by-election fight in Hindustan/ St Mary’s, Hollywood
‘Smooth sailing’ as candidates
file nomination papers
GAIL ALEXANDER in Hollywood (Point Fortin), Tobago House of Assembly Elec-
Hindustan/St Mary’s ( Mayaro), tions and 2021 Local Government
The by-election “fight” is in Arima central (Arima), Cunupia Bye-Elections indicate smooth
Hindustan/St Mary’s and Holly- (Chaguanas), Morne Coco/Alyce sailing as prospective candidates
wood. Glen (Diego Martin). presented themselves at their
There will be a four-way bat- A total of 32, 351 people will respective offices to file nomina-
tle for the seat of Hindustan/St vote in the five by-elections, EBC tion papers for the January 25th
Mary’s and a three-way fight for communication manager Bobbi polls.”
the Hollywood seat among the Rogers also confirmed. PNM PRO Laurel Lezama- Lee
UNC candidate Sheldon Garcia is greeted by his opposite Dr Juliet-Hilary
five by-elections taking place on In Hindustan/St Mary’s, inde- Sing said, “The PNM has duly Bernard after she filed her nominations papers at the La Horquetta Regional
January 5. pendent candidates Ariel Saun- nominated five by-election can- Complex, yesterday. PICTURE ABRAHAM DIAZ
Apart from the PNM and UNC ders and businessman Peterson didates and all five reported a
candidates contesting the by-elec- Marinus Morales are contesting smooth process and successfully
tions, several Independent can-
didates are also seeking the nod
from voters in those two areas.
against PNM’s Martina Loubon-Le
Gendre and UNC’s Tylon Farrell.
filed their nomination papers
with the respective Returning Of-
Candidates vie
This was confirmed yesterday
by the Election and Boundaries
Commission after candidates
The seat was formerly held by
UNC’s Michelle Benjamin, now
Moruga MP. The PNM initially
announced Shazam Lalloosingh
Lezama -Lee Sing said PNM’s 12
THA election candidates also suc-
cessfully submitted their nomina-
for Arima Mayor
filed nomination papers with EBC
PETER CHRISTOPHER pressure because she is offering me
for the seat in December but re- tion papers. her full support. In fact, because
Returning officers. placed him last week with Lou- UNC chairman Dave Tancoo
The EBC said there were no she has done such a wonderful job
bon- Le Gendre. The PNM hopes said, “The filing of nominations
Ushered in by a music truck and and so many people are endeared
issues yesterday and described to win the seat which it last held was a smooth process with UNC
flanked by several People’s National to her it makes it a lot easier for me
the entire process as “smooth in 2013 with Natalia Menden, candidates being easily able to
Movement stalwarts, Dr Janet Hi- going through this electoral pro-
sailing.” PNM officials said. complete the process before
lary Bernard entered the La Hor- cess,” Dr Bernard said.
A total of 13 candidates filed The party particularly wants noon.”
quetta Regional Complex yesterday The United National Congress
documents, EBC stated. the seat after it lost Moruga in the
to file her nomination papers. took a far more reserved approach
Only the PNM and the UNC August general elections.
Arima Member of Parliament
have candidates in all five elec- In Hollywood, Independent CANDIDATES Penelope Beckles, Arima Mayor
to the nomination process. Candi-
date Sheldon “Fish” Garcia arrived
toral districts. No other political candidate Christopher Wright
HOLLYWOOD—Leslie Chang Cagney Casemire, Sangre Grande not too long after the PNM and their
parties fielded candidates. (who’d screened for PNM and
Fong (PNM), Daniel John Regional Corporation Chairman entourage but opted to wait until
However, two independent was rejected) is contesting against
(UNC), Christopher Wright Terry Rondon and other members the red-clad group had left before
candidates filed papers for Hin- PNM’s Leslie Chang Fong and
(independent). of the Arima Borough Corporation approaching to file.
dustan/St. Mary’s electoral dis- UNC’s Daniel John. The seat was
were at her side as she took her There was a brief moment when
trict and one independent in the held by PNM’s Kennedy Richard-
CUNUPIA— steps towards the office of the re- the groups converged with conver-
Hollywood electoral district. son, now the Point Fortin MP. Rasheed Ali (PNM), Richard turning officer. sations being struck.
The nomination process for It will be a straight PNM/UNC Sukdeo (UNC) Former Mayor of Arima and cur- After filing, Garcia a school bus
the by-elections in Trinidad was fight in the Cunupia, Arima Cen-
rent D’Abadie/O’Meara MP Lisa driver, said his contribution to the
in addition to yesterday’s nomi- tral and Morne Coco/Alyce Glen ARIMA CENTRAL— Morris-Julian, who was the former community and the youth in Arima
nation process for candidates for seats. Dr Hillary Bernard (PNM), Sheldon local government representative for would prove decisive in the race.
the Tobago House of Assembly The electorate in each of the Garcia (UNC)
the Arima Central electoral district, “I am feeling very confident this
polls also being held January 25. five areas is as follows: Arima
HINDUSTAN/ST MARY’S— arrived shortly after Dr Bernard morning for. I know I am going to
The EBC stated 28 people filed Central (4,147), Cunupia (8,318),
Martina Loubon-Le Gendre filed her papers, and told the PNM get the job done. For years I have
nomination papers for the THA Hindustan/St Mary’s ( 8,723),
(PNM), Tylon Farrel (UNC), candidate that she was proud of been working in our area with the
polls. Hollywood ( 2,748), Morne Coco
Ariel Saunders (Independent), her. youths, mainly the youths because
The Trinidad by-elections are /Alyce Glen (8,415).
Peterson Marinus Morales This endorsement, the PNM can- I focus on the youths. They have
to fill vacancies left by councillors The EBC stated there were no
(Independent). didate said, was one of the reasons been neglected for years. When
who went on to become Members reported incidents on Nomina-
she did not feel any significant pres- I pass and I see them playing and
of Parliament (MPs) in the August tion Day. MORNE COCO/ALYCE GLEN— sure following in the former may- everything in that state I say it’s
2020 general election. “ All accounts from Returning Jinnelle Schulere- Smart (PNM), or’s footsteps. time to throw my hat into the ring
It concerns corporation seats Officers for the upcoming 2021 John Laquis ( UNC) “I certainly won’t feel that as any and get the job done,” he said.

UNC hopeful wants Diego to ‘move on’

JANNELLE BERNARD said she is aware of some of the Morne Coco / Alyce Glen will see issues facing the residents and the need for better representa-
she is hoping to build on the work tion.
Candidates for five Local Gov- that De Nobrega started, in a bid He said it’s time to move on.
ernment electoral districts, in- to resolve those issues. Laquis said, “I just could do
cluding Morne Coco/Alyce Glen, “We have some infrastructural the best I can and hope that the
filed their nominations yesterday deficiencies for example drain- people come out and support
ahead of by-elections to be held age, roadways, and so forth, water me. I will like to go in the corpo-
later this month. shortages as well, so YES we are ration because it have a lot of stuff
This after Symon De Nobrega aware that there are a couple of around here that they can do and
was elected as a member of par- issues that need to be addressed they not doing. And it’s simple it is
liament for Diego Martin Central as any other district”, she said. not million-dollar projects which
in the August general election. Meanwhile, the UNC candidate they seem to like. If anything is
PNM candidate Jinelle Schul- for the area, John Laquis, who twenty dollars or fifty dollars, nah
ere-Smart who arrived at the arrived without any fanfare, said it have to be twenty million that
Diego Martin Central Secondary while he is aware of the loyalty is what they like. Small things will
School around nine on Monday of the people of Diego Martin to be better for everybody, it will af-
morning, with a small contingent the People’s National Movement, UNC candidate for Morne Coco/Alyce Glen, John Laquis. fect people better”.
of supporters to file her papers, he is hoping that the residents of PICTURE ROBERTO CODALLO
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 news 9
Confident Tsoiafatt-Angus files papers as independent THA candidate but...
PDP wants PNM officials: Denise
to transform
Tobago faces immediate expulsion
People’s National Movement
The Progressive Democratic Pa- (PNM) Tobago Council former
triots is predicting victory in the Public Relations Officer and coun-
upcoming Tobago House of As- cillor Dr Denise Tsoiafatt-Angus’
sembly elections. The elections, filing of nomination papers as an
which are scheduled for January independent candidate for Janu-
25, will see the party presenting ary 25, 2021, Tobago House of As-
12 candidates for selection by the sembly(THA) elections, violates
Tobago electorate. After filing the PNM constitution and she will
nomination papers yesterday, be expelled.
Deputy Political Leader Farley Au- So said the party’s Island Coun-
gustine said his team is ready to cil chairman Stanford Callender.
transform Tobago’s development. “The party’s constitution is
“For far too long we have been PDP Deputy Political Leader Farley clear. Once a member of the party
stymied by people who are in- Augustine after filing his goes up against a candidate of the
terested in themselves and inter- nomination papers to contest the party selected, that is tantamount
ested in their own pockets and Parlatuvier/L’ Anse Fourmi/Speyside to automatic expulsion. The party
more interested in benefitting seat, at the John Dial Community does not have anything to do with
their friends and families. We are Centre, yesterday.
her. Dr Angus would have done it
going to bring a type of govern- to herself. It is very unfortunate,
lighted the lack of public trans-
ance that would be in the interest but that is the situation.”
port in the east by walking from
of all Tobagonians.” Speaking with reporters after
Roxborough to Scarborough and
Noticeably absent was the par- filing her nomination papers with
we brought international atten-
ty’s Political Leader Watson Duke, the Election and Boundaries(EBC)
tion to the failure of the sea bridge
who members said filed his nom- Returning Officer at Glen Road,
by undertaking the great swim— Former PNM official Dr Denise Tsoiafatt-Angus, centre, flanked by husband
ination papers earlier Monday Dr Tsoaifatt-Angus said she faced
within days they found a boat.” Dr Dwight Angus and party supporter Candice Nicholls, after filing her
and left for Trinidad on urgent a “difficult decision.’
He also shed some light on the nomination papers at the Glen Road EBC Returning Office yesterday.
business. She said as a doctor, she is
role of the party’s Political Leader PICTURES CAMILLE MCEACHNIE
Confident of victory, Augustine, trained to hear the “cries of the
should the PDP be victorious at strated that. (Winston) Gypsy She is one of four independent
who will lead the charge on the people.”
the polls, following speculation Peters was a part of the UNC. He candidates in the elections.
party’s behalf said the PDP will “...It came down to the choice
that Duke would not allow Augus- was a PNM. He ran against the The other three are Anthony
make Tobago one of the best lit- between party politics and peo-
tine to assume the role of Chief PNM. Moses Thomas, who ran Hector—Black Rock/Whim/ Spring
tle islands in existence. Augustine ple politics ...and for the people
Secretary. on a PDP (Progressive Democratic Garden, Unity of the People—Nick-
said the PDP is prepared to serve of Scarborough/ Calder Hall to get
“Mr Duke will be the Area Rep- Patriots) platform, yet he was re- ocy Phillips, and Ricardo Philip-
the island in the event they are the service they deserve and have
resentative for Belle Garden/East installed by this same executive.” Class Action Reform Movement.
unsuccessful at the polls as they been clamouring for.”
Roxborough/ Delaford and Mr Tsoiafatt-Angus failed to get the Phillip and Phillips are vying for
have been doing since the party Asked if she was upset the
Duke will continue to serve as party’s screening committee’s the Buccoo/Mt. Pleasant district.
was formed in 2016. screening committee had by-
such until the end of his tenure nod to represent the Scarbor- Twelve candidates from two po-
“Our members have always re- passed her, she replied: “I am
and Mr Duke has made it clear ough/Calder Hall seat against the litical parties-PNM and PDP- also
mained grounded whether it’s in only a human being. I think any-
and public to everyone that he incumbent Marslyn Melville-Jack, filed their nomination papers
the church community groups, one of you would have been dis-
is preparing for 2025 where he for the second consecutive time. with the Election and Boundaries
sports groups wherever, we have appointed.”
would have another bite at the op- She also did not secure their ap- Commission’s (EBC) three Return-
never lost touch with our roots be- Questioned on whether she
portunity to become a Member of proval to run for the Bacolet/ Mt. ing Officers yesterday.
cause we are Tobagonians first.” was prepared to face the conse-
Parliament for Tobago East.” St.George seat in the THA’s 2014 According to the EBC’s Chief
According to Augustine, the quences of her actions, she said
Augustine said Duke felt he elections. Her supporters staged Elections Officer, Fern Nar-
party has been making contribu- she did not know what would
would better be able to serve the a noisy protest in 2017. Last year, cis-Scope, the candidates are
tions to the island although they happen.
island at the parliamentary level they plastered leaflets across the vying for votes from an electorate
were not in office. “ I know the PNM is a very for-
in order to deliver more to the district, demanding Melville-Jack totalling 51,062.
“We are the ones who high- giving party. They have demon-
people. vacate the seat.

PM wishes defecting
candidate well
LOYSE VINCENT no one can be forced to be a ment for the facility.
member. As it relates to the
Prime Minister Dr Keith “It would be disappointing long-standing Tobago Auton-
Rowley kicked off the first of- if a member decides to go that omy Bill, Dr Rowley stressed
ficial workday of the new year way but if that is the case we that there was “no conten-
with a wide-ranging interview will still wish them well.” tion” with the bill as it is cur-
in Tobago where he addressed He also addressed a number rently before a Joint Select
a number of issues on the is- of projects including the ar- Committee, which comprises
land. rival of the new fast ferry— the members of the PNM, the
He also endorsed the can- APT James—which he said is UNC and Independent mem-
didates selected by the PNM on its way to Tobago from the bers. He warned however,
Council, who all filed nomina- Canary Islands as well as the that the PNM could only act
tion papers yesterday, as well Roxborough Hospital, which within the confines of parlia-
as the move by longstand- will be commissioned today. mentary law, as the passage
ing PNM member Dr Denise The Prime Minister said the of the bill requires opposition
Tsoifatt-Angus who would be original construction cost of support.
running as an independent the facility was $60 million, He also noted that while it is
candidate. however, the final completion nomination day in both Trini- Tobago PNM Political Leader/candidate for the Lambeau/Signal Hill Tracy Davidson-
Dr Rowley said service to cost of $80 million deals with dad and Tobago, “the UNC is Celestine is greeted by a cultural troupe to file nomination papers at the Glen Road
the party is voluntary and the cost of acquiring equip- not present in Tobago.” Community Center in Tobago yesterday. PICTURE PNM TOBAGO COUNCIL
10 news Tuesday, January 5, 2021

South candidates: It’s anybody’s game


The electoral district of Hollywood

in Point Fortin has been under the
People’s National Movement (PNM)
representation for more than two dec-
ades, however opposing forces believe
that will change on January 25 as the
party selected the wrong man for the
Point Fortin Deputy Mayor Leslie
Chang Fong is contesting the seat re-
cently vacated by former mayor Ken-
nedy Richards Jr, who won the Point Independent candidate Christopher
Fortin constituency in last August’s Wright after filing his nomination
General Elections. papers to contest the Local
Government by-election for the
Chang Fong sits in the Point Fortin district of Hollywood/Point Fortin.
Borough Corporation council as an
UNC candidate for Cunupia, Richard alderman but seeks to represent a dis- Fong said issues such as infrastructure
Sukdeo, flashes his receipt for PNM candidate Rasheed “Pato” Ali, centre, shows the V for victory sign after trict that Richards Jr and his late father and squatter regularisation would be
$2,000 after successfully filing his filing his nomination papers, with his wife Shareeza Ali and campaign oversaw. atop his agenda if he wins the elec-
nomination papers yesterday. manager Lennox Rattansingh. PICTURES SHASTRI BOODAN As candidates submitted their tions.
nominations to the Elections and In Princes Town, the Hindustan/

Tassa, music trucks for Boundaries Commission’s returning

officer yesterday, independent candi-
date Christopher Wright and United
St Mary’s district is up for grabs as
former councillor Michelle Benjamin
won the Moruga constituency in last
August’s general elections. Her fellow
National Congress (UNC) candidate

confident Cunupia candidates Daniel John said Chang Fong was un-
suitable because he does not live in
the area.
UNC colleague Tylon Farrell hopes to
fill the seat she left in the Princes Town
Regional Corporation. Farrel, a fabri-
SHASTRI BOODAN made the walk from his cam- Ali said it was high time that the Wright, a stores clerk at the Minis- cator and business owner, believes
paign offices located 100 metres PNM be given the chance to de- try of Works and Transport, screened people would elect him because he is
The battle is on for the seat of north of the office of the Return- liver to the people of Cunupia. for the PNM but was not selected. a man of the soil. 
Cunupia on the Chaguanas Bor- ing Officer a party-like atmos- Ali said he was encouraged by After seeing who the party chose, he “I am from St Mary’s, Moruga. I am
ough Corporation. Candidates phere. the people of Cunupia to get up decided to contest the elections inde- accustomed to going to the Tableland
Rasheed “Patos” Ali (PNM) and After successfully filing, Ali and do something. He said the pendently. area via sports and stuff like that and
Richard Sukdeo (UNC) filed their said he plans to put the squeeze community was not all that well “I always believe when it comes to dealing with the people who more are
nomination papers on Monday on the authorities to deliver to represented by the past MP and local government, you always get local downtrodden in the area. One of the
at the office of the Returning Of- the people. Local Government Councilor. representation from the area itself. key things I think I will win the elec-
ficer at the Southern Main Road, Ali, a 70-year-old popular He said, “We will find funds, The PNM candidate is not from the tion with is trying to revitalize the area
Cunupia. businessman from the area, said we will find a way to get things area. He does not know the people in using culture,” Farrel said.
Ali was the first to file. He Cunupia has suffered too long done.” Lennox Rattansingh, the the area. He does not know the needs He also wants to use sports to create
was escorted by a small entou- from a lack of infrastructure, campaign manager for Ali, said and the wants in the area, so it will be a positive impact on the youths in his
rage along with tassa music that bad roads and overgrown lots. Ali has already hit the ground challenging for him to work the area,” area.
running with a rigid walka- Wright said. For PNM candidate Martina Lou-
bout campaign. Rattansingh John agreed with Wright, saying that bon-Legendre, she hopes to build on
said all protocols regarding because Chang Fong does not live in the votes she got when she suffered
Covid-19 would be followed. the district,  he has not experienced defeat in the 2019 local government
Sukdeo showed up at the what residents face and could not elections. Loubon-Legendre contested
office shortly after 10 am. deliver what they need. John said the the New Grant/Tableland electoral dis-
He was accompanied by PNM was in power for a long time and trict that time but is confident of being
a music truck and support- that electing them again would only elected as the only PNM councillor in
ers. bring more of the same. the Princes Town Regional Corpora-
After filing Sukdeo came  “If you are not in the area, you can- tion council.
out flashing his receipt not really do anything for the area be- For anyone looking for an alterna-
showing the $2,000 paid to cause you do not understand the real tive to the main parties, Ariel Saun-
contest the election. needs of the area. In terms of one of ders is offering his services. Saunder
Sukdeo, 65, a retired pub- the candidates, who is an alderman, said people are fed-up of the PNM and
lic servant, said his chances you have been an alderman since be- UNC.
of winning are excellent. fore and the problems are still there,” “We are at a point in our history in
He said the UNC has rep- John said. Trinidad & Tobago where people can
resented the people of However, Chang Fong believes he no longer stomach or stand or bear
Chaguanas well at the local has the best team to win the election the burdens that come with the PNM
government level. with former Point Fortin Mayor Fran- and UNC. And so people are looking
When asked if he may be cis Bertrand and retired ACP Donald forward to something different,” Saun-
eyeing the available post of Denoon assisting his campaign. Chang ders said.
Deputy Chaguanas Mayor,
he said: “I can’t speak to
that, I am here just filing
these papers as a council-
Sukdeo said he plans to
campaign online and on the
streets while observing all
Covid-19 protocols. He said
the election day machinery
was well oiled and he was
ready to take the seat home
for the UNC. The seat be-
came vacant when Vandana
Mohit, the previous coun-
cillor gave up the post to
contest the seat Chaguanas PNM’s Leslie Chang Fong, left, and UNC candidate Daniel John give each
East seat in the last General other an elbow bounce at the Patrick Gordon Building in Point Fortin.
Election, which she won. PICTURES RISHI RAGOONATH
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 news 11
Arrests imminent in
RBC ATM heist—police
RHONDOR DOWLATROSTANT and that arrests are imminent.
   According to a police report, at
 RBC in Toronto, Canada has con- about 9 am on Sunday a manager
firmed that its Maraval Branch ATMs of RBC reported that information
were  vandalised this  weekend and was received from the Electronic
added that the police are continu- Response Officer that there was un-
ing their investigations into the $1.3 usual activity at the ATM at one of
million heist. their branches. Upon her arrival at
Difranceis Robles weeps as she Guardian Media reached out to about 10 am she opened the ATM
cuddles her stillborn baby girl Andrew Mc Grath, Director, Corpo- room and observed the two ma-
rate Communications, Caribbean chines cut open and cash trays on
and Personal and Commercial Bank- the floor. 
ing, Royal Bank of Canada and was An estimate of $1.3 million cash
told: “We can confirm that our ATMs T&T currency was missing. 
at our Maraval Branch were vandal- WPC Parks of the St Clair Po-
ised overnight between January 1 lice Station visited the scene and
and 2.” observed that entry was gained
“Police attended the scene and are through a hole on the western side
Amit Gannah shows a dress he bought for his daughter Yeximar Kimberly Gannah who died during birth at the
San Fernando General Hospital on Saturday. PICTURE RISHI RAGOONATH currently investigating,” he added. of the building. No CCTV was ob-
Guardian Media understands that tained as cameras were non-func-

Couple wants probe after

investigators have possible leads tional at that location. 

Intruder killed during home invasion

stillbirth at Sando hospital An intruder was killed, allegedly
with his own gun, by the owner of
the property during a home invasion
back into his bedroom and the in-
truder attempted to follow him but
he  slammed the door on the in-
SASCHA WILSON Robles found out she was preg- were not getting any heartbeat
yesterday morning. truder’s hand and a firearm fell to nant she joined the maternity on the baby. They wanted to
The deceased, police said, re- the floor. The homeowner said he
clinic. He said his wife had no keep she an hour again to see if
mained unidentified. grabbed the firearm, opened the
A couple’s excitement and complications and the baby was she would do a natural birth.”
According to a police report, at door and discharged several shots
happiness of starting the new healthy. Robles had two previ- He said even though he ex-
about 12.55 am the homeowner at at the intruder. As the intruder col-
year with their new bundle of ous C-sections from a previous plained to them that she was
Calcutta Settlement #2 told police lapsed, the homeowner told officers
joy were shattered on Saturday relationship and the doctors supposed to have an immediate
that he was awakened by noises. As he ran to the neighbour’s house and
when the baby was delivered told her she would have to do caesarian, he said they still did
he exited his bedroom in an attempt alerted them and contacted police. 
stillborn at the San Fernando another one. not do it.
to make checks, he was confronted Officers of the Freeport Police
General Hospital. “She went on the 14 of De- Four hours later, they took
by the intruder who was dressed in Station, Chaguanas CID and Central
Amit Gannah, 29, a load at- cember they stated it in the re- her into the theatre.
dark clothing, wearing a hoodie and Division Task Force responded, pro-
tendant, is now demanding an port and the file that she have Gannah was told that the pro-
mask. cessed the scene and are continuing
investigation as he blames his to do an immediate caesarean cedure would take about two
The homeowner said he ran investigations.  (RDR)
baby’s death on negligence by anytime she get pain or contrac- hours. “Half-past ten they took
hospital staff. tions.” her out of the operating theatre
“You done have everything He said last Tuesday while he and took her to the ward. When
prepared for when that baby was at work she began experi- they bring the baby, the baby
reach and when that baby reach
so far, to no life anymore. To
encing pain and the ambulance
took her to the hospital. At the
was already dead.” When his
wife asked him about their baby,
hold a dead baby instead of a hospital, he said, they prepped he could not answer her.
living baby is not a nice feeling, her for surgery, but the caesar- While on the ward, Gannah
it hurts a lot,” said Gannah at his ean was not done. claimed he saw other women
South Oropouche home yester- He said she was given injec- being neglected by the staff.
day. tions for the pain and discharged Gannah said he did not file
Showing the clothes that he the following day with an admis- a complaint with the hospital
would never get to dress his sion slip to return to the ward because he did not know how
baby in, Gannah said his com- on January 7. The c-section was it had to be done. But he wants
mon-law-wife, Venezuelan mi- scheduled for January 8. justice for their loss.
grant Difranceis Robles, 22, has But, on Saturday around 1 am “The length of time they leave
been crying constantly. She is she started experiencing severe the baby in her to cut her she
still being treated at the hospital pain and they called the ambu- could ah also be dead and then
after heavy blood loss. lance. He said on the way to the it would ah be more pressure.”
Gannah believes that his baby, hospital, the baby was moving. Contacted for a comment, the
whom he named Yeximar Kim-
berly Gannah, was stillborn be-
“We reach there around 1.30
in the morning. She was done
South West Regional Health Au-
thority advised that the couple
cause the doctors took too long bleeding everything for the baby makes a formal complaint, fol-
to do the caesarean section. to be born. They came about lowing which an investigation
He recalled that last May when half-past two am and said they would be launched.
Prisoner held after being released in error :HFRXOGDOZD\VFRXQWRQ\RX
A prisoner who was released that he was charged a few days brunt of the law.”
in error from the Eastern Cor- later and sent to the remand, Pulchan confirmed that
rectional Rehabilitation Centre however, prison officers re- shortly before 3 pm yesterday,
(ECRC) has been recaptured leased him in error on Decem- Delicia was recaptured in the
and is now back at the prison. ber 29 at about 4.15 pm. Central area by officers. <RXZDONZLWKXVIRUHYHU
The prisoner, Keiron Deli- Acting Commissioner of Pris- Pulchan, who is actively in-
cia was charged for larceny of ons Dennis Pulchan confirmed volved in the inquiry has as- $/:$<65(0(0%(5('%<
a motor vehicle and was re- that an inquiry is ongoing to as- sured that the Trinidad and <RXUGHDUZLIH3HDUO
manded on some warrants. Po- certain the circumstances sur- Tobago Prison Service “remains /RYLQJFKLOGUHQ+DUROG -U 1HDODQG$QG\ GHFHDVHG
lice said he was held by Central rounding the erroneous release. committed to public safety and 'DXJKWHUVLQODZ)ORUHQFHDQG.DPLOOH
Division on December 22, 2020, He also disclosed that an of- security and will engage all re- *UDQGFKLOGUHQ6XQLWD6DQMD\6DVWUL.DULQDDQG.HYDQ
and allegedly gave a wrong ficer has been appointed “to in- sources possible to have this $OVRRWKHUUHODWLYHV
name and address. vestigate what really happen... matter rectified in the shortest
Guardian Media understands those culpable will feel the full time possible.” (RDR)
12 Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Established 1917

The celebration and the pain

Across the globe these days there is little to celebrate
because of COVID-19, but for this small island state, the
celebration was doubled yesterday when two Trinidad-
born writers, Monique Roffey and Ingrid Persaud, claimed
Fill up
A man balances two empty gas
victory at the Costa Book Awards. cylinders as he searches for a
Why the big deal? Well, the award is recognised as one of refill along the Eastern Main
the UK’s most prestigious and popular book prizes. Road, Port-of-Spain, yesterday.
Trinis love to talk. We love colour and light, the beauty PICTURE ABRAHAM DIAZ
of our language makes many New Yorkers and Britons stop
to listen, and now to add to that we write the kind of books
they enjoy reading.

Side effects
Heard last week from a local
Persaud won the Costa First Novel Award for her entry colleague with many years experi-
Love After Love. Judges described it as “teeming with life” ence taking care of adult patients.
and “full of unforgettable characters.” “Boy, I have never made out so
Her work gives a captivating insight of love how it heals, many prescriptions for anti-anxi-
how it harms, the twists and torments of obsession, sex and
ety, anti-depression medications
and sleeping tablets in all my
years in practice!”
Dr David Bratt
Persaud had previously won the Commonwealth Short
Story Prize in 2017 and the BBC National Short Story Award I ask a pharmacist friend if her
in 2018. pharmacy was seeing more of a meaningful change in our lifestyle in the three months to Septem-
demand for the same drugs over until September or so. (Massachu- ber, the highest figure on record.
Monique Roffey took home top honours for her book
the past year. Her reply? settis began immunising on De- That works out to one in every ten
titled The Mermaid of a Black Conch: A Love Story. The
“Totally….that is all that’s sell- cember 30 and their Department English citizens!
novel unveils the tale of how a fisherman’s singing attracts ing. Till agents running out of
a centuries-old mermaid. The judges deemed the novel “a of Health hopes to have 80 per At the same time, access to po-
stock! It has got worse in the last cent of state residents immunised tentially life-saving talking ther-
story of rare imagination,” and a “glorious myth.” three months.” by June and they are an organ- apies has plunged during the
These two Trini authors won from a field of 700 books There does seem to be a prob- ised state). Another nine months coronavirus pandemic.
submitted for this year’s awards which recognise the most lem, quite ignored up to now by of living in fear and isolation, sur- Psychological help can be a life-
enjoyable books in five categories. the Ministry of Health and the rounded by some of the pettiest saver. The longer people wait, the
It is heartening to see the recognition which Ms media, whose focus has been COVID rules in the world? more severe and complex their
Persaud and Ms Roffey have achieved, and it is even more on COVID the disease, with little So it was not surprising to re- difficulties and their lives can be-
heartening that T&T’s literary flag is flying high. consideration on the implications ceive two publications, one from come.
There is a lesson here for our young people—believe in of the side effects of the manage- the USA, the other from the UK This may be difficult for Trinis,
yourself, reach for the stars and you can achieve anything ment of the outbreak on our life- that spoke to similar health prob- defined by their belief that “pills”
you set out to do. style, our health, our education lems but, unlike us, with statis- solve all problems, to understand.
Unfortunately, on the very day these two Trinidad-born and our economy, all of which tics. The first, from the USA, says Taking antidepressants, while
women achieved the literary heights of greatness an English impact on our mental status. that three times as many Ameri- helpful, don’t solve anything. An-
In fact the public health focus cans are now depressed than be- tidepressants and other pills must
teacher was bludgeoned to death with a hammer at her
on the COVID-19 outbreak seems fore the outbreak. go hand in hand with therapy.
home in Preysal, Couva.
to be “follow the protocols” and Traditionally about one in ten Given the rise in mental health
Suzette Sylvester, 48, who taught at the El Dorado West the media approach is “all proto-
Secondary School was bludgeoned to death by someone she Americans normally show signs medication, one wonders how
cols followed” and few seem con- of depression: feeling down or common cannabis use has be-
knew, another case of domestic violence ending in death. cerned about what’s happening hopeless, loss of interest in things come? One also wonders what
While we applaud the achievements of Persaud and with other health issues. that normally bring joy, low en- other aspects of health care are
Roffey, who have shown us that there is a lot to be proud But those other health issues ergy, trouble concentrating, or being affected? Pregnancies? Im-
of, we know there is a dark side to this country that rears its are also public health concerns thinking about self-harming. munisations? High blood pres-
head too often, and more often than not it’s our women and and the emphasis on COVID-19 In 2020 the number rose to sure? Diabetec care? Weight gain
children who suffer. has meant those concerns have almost 33 per cent and an addi- for sure. There are already sto-
Suzette’s life ended in what may have well been a love not been addressed over the last tional 25 per cent show milder ries of patients with heart attacks
story gone wrong. For Ingrid and Monique, their love year. Compounding this seems to signs of depression, eg loneliness, being made to wait for the result
stories have put them at the pinnacle of their writing game. be the scarcity of money available anxiety, trouble eating and sleep- of a Covid test before being admit-
These are three women who worked hard and focused on to the government so that we are ing and so on. ted to hospital.
what they wanted to achieve. Strength and determination seeing the nation that just some Numbers for depressions are Near the end of writing I get
and the will to achieve can get you anywhere. It is a lesson years ago had the third highest also up in the high 20’s for every news that “thousands of surgeries
GDP in the Americas, having to country analysed, Canada, Ger- have been cancelled in the public
that young women and men must learn. The answer is not
wait, cap in hand, for someone to many, the UK, France, Australia health sector last year”, resulting
give us a vaccine while countries and New Zealand. in a “huge backlog”.
The scourge of domestic violence must not continue to all over the world have started
steal our women and mothers from us. Someone has to put In the UK, a Guardian investi- My surgical friends confirm.
their vaccination programmes. gation has just found that calls “Massive numbers……real mas-
an end to it. The time for talk is over. Those in authority We might get a vaccine in March to mental health helplines and sive….every surgeon and junior
must act. We know law enforcers cannot be in our homes or April. It’ll then take months for prescriptions for antidepressants knows how bad it is.”
all the time, but the penalty for the crime must be such enough of the population to be have reached an all-time high. We need to work out exactly
that it discourages the perpetuation of this most heinous of vaccinated and immunity gained More than six million people in what’s going on in the health sec-
crimes. so we cannot look forward to any England received antidepressants tor.

Guardian on Sunday Editor: Debra Wanser Melissa Williams Sambrano Head of Commercial: Steve Dipnarine
Managing Editor: Rosemarie Sant Lead Editor, Business: Curtis Williams Production Editor: Natasha Saidwan Port-of-Spain classifieds
Lead Editor, News: Irving Ward Lead Editor, Sport: Keith Clement 22–24 St Vincent Street, (PO Box 122) Email the Editor: Telephone 225-4465, ext 4227, 4231, 4232, 4254, 4377
Newsgathering Editors Lead Editor, Content: Sampson Nanton Newsroom (daily) 225-4465, ext 2032, 2034, 2042,
Khamal Georges — 2043, 2078, 2003, 2005, 2078, 4170 (Sunday) 2030 Chaguanas Sales Office 225-4465, ext 6002, 6003
Suzanne Sheppard — Fax 225-3147-50 / San Fernando Bureau 225-4465, ext 6101, 6104, 6106
Editors: Address 22-24 St Vincent Street, Port-of-Spain
Lead Editor, Investigative: Mark Bassant Robert Alonzo Circulation Manager: Cashyap Sharma Tobago Bureau: Camille McEachnie
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 opinion 13

Abuse of power?
As a columnist, there are ethi- said about returning nationals being
cal standards I follow to protect given priority over those who reside
the integrity of this publication abroad. Unless she has quit her job
as well as my own. But I also and moved back to Trinidad, when
have a personal code that I hold she applied for the exemption it
myself to, as I believe that de- was for the purpose of a visit. That
cency and fairness are essen- exemption; that makes her a will- means she is tacitly complicit in the
tial in maintaining trust with ing participant. Furthermore, she charade being perpetrated by the
the reader(s). To that end, I do should have known that her famil- Prime Minister and the Minister of
my best to present a well-for-
mulated argument and to not
Ryan Hadeed ial relation to the Prime Minister,
as well as the convenient timing of
National Security that her case was
treated no differently to others.
be mean-spirited with my criti- the approval, would have drawn For anyone who believes that Dr
cisms. Also, if I am writing about the public’s attention. The scrutiny, Rowley-Stewart wasn’t afforded
a public figure—politicians espe- therefore, is justified; she should special consideration… well, I have
their political connections, then “disgusting behaviour”, insist-
cially—I keep the focus on them accept it along with the admonition a pitch lake in La Brea that I’d like
I have no problem subjecting ing that, “She [his daughter]
and avoid mentioning their fam- that comes with it. to sell them. It’s more than likely
them to scrutiny. That brings me didn’t get any favour, she didn’t
ilies. Dr Rowley-Stewart is not a 17-year- that the expedited approval of her
to the topic of today’s column – jump any queue.” The Minister
Case in point, when I wrote old university student who wanted exemption was because she’s the
Dr Sonel Rowley-Stewart, the of National Security echoed the
about the controversy involv- to come home to spend Christmas prime minister’s daughter. There’s
daughter of our Prime Minister, same assurance, but added the
ing the photographs of the vacation with her family. She’s an no other rational explanation, not
and the granting of her exemp- revelation that the exemption
Attorney General’s children adult and an educated professional, when her request was processed
tion to enter Trinidad. process isn’t granted on a “first
brandishing firearms (October so she should be held to that stand- in weeks while other citizens have
To be clear, I am not disput- come, first serve” basis and that
2016), I pulled no punches in ard. Unless she’s been living under been waiting for months. It’s not
ing Dr Rowley-Stewart’s right as each case is given individual
criticising Mr Al-Rawi’s feeble a rock, I don’t believe she’s ignorant only an insult to them, but to the
a citizen to enter Trinidad. But consideration based on certain
attempts to deflect the issue… to the controversy surrounding the nation’s collective intelligence. This
the expediency with which her factors. I’ll come back to this.
but I never singled out his chil- exemption process and the plight of was a flagrant abuse of power. And
exemption was granted raises Putting aside the truthfulness
dren. However, I do have an stranded nationals. How did she feel we shouldn’t be surprised at how the
serious questions as to the fair- of those claims, what about Dr
exception to that rule. If family about receiving preferential treat- Prime Minister and the Minister of
ness of the process and its lack Rowley-Stewart’s role in this
members knowingly benefit, ei- ment while her fellow citizens con- National Security tried to deny cul-
of transparency. The Prime Min- matter? After all, she submitted
ther directly or indirectly, from tinue to suffer? Is it that she simply pability, with the Prime Minister re-
ister has decried the criticism as the request and accepted the
ignored the hypocrisy? Or did her sorting to his usual boorish attitude,
desire to come home outweigh any and the Minister of National Secu-
sense of guilt? rity seemingly forgetting his own
Beyond any aspersions as to her lies – I mean – policy changes. But
thoughts, Dr Rowley-Stewart has we should be disappointed by the
her own father to blame for thrust- actions of Dr Sonel Rowley-Stewart.
ing her into the national spotlight. The granting of her exemption
Whenever asked about the fairness typifies our country’s broken and
and efficiency of the exemption pro- corrupt systems – that, by itself, is
cess, the Prime Minister repeatedly bad enough. But what’s worse is that
referred to his daughter’s situation, she accepted it, and that represents
implying that he was committed to a validation of those systems by the
putting the safety of the country citizens who benefit from them.
ahead of his concerns as a father. But Should Dr Rowley-Stewart have re-
again, unlike some citizens, Dr Row- fused it? Perhaps it’s more a ques-
ley-Stewart wasn’t stranded through tion of whether her decision ‘not
no fault of her own. Both she and to’ reflects poorly on her character.
her husband live and work in New At her job she’s a professional who
York; that’s according to information must adhere to ethical standards.
available online. It’s an important But here in Trinidad and Tobago,
point because it contradicts what she’s obviously free of such restric-
the Minister of National Security tions.

Pushing along A boy pushes his bicycle along Belmont Circular Road, Port-of-

Compliments to WASA customer service

It is with esteemed pleasure painstaking but at that time liais- perceived but not this one.
that l engage the attention of ing with Ms Kirby l found it to be COVID-19 has forced many
the Minister of Public Utilities different. She went beyond the of us to adjust to online trans-
Mr Marvin Gonzales and the call of duty utilising whichever actions instead of interfacing
Management of the Water and platform there maybe to assist. I with others and in my opinion
Sewerage Authority (WASA) am unsure of her precise desig- is more effective than endur-
with the frustrations faced by nation but such conscientious ing traffic, the long lines, or
the customer to access adequate efforts should never go unno- the lengthy wait on the archaic
pipe-borne supply and prompt ticed. phone system and extensions.
resolutions to queries and ser- I am aware of the woes WASA Lastly, I take this opportunity
vices, that amid the noise, to has endured but rarely places to thank the Honourable Minis-
come across a pleasant Cus- focus on the very “few” com- ter of Public Utilities for the as-
tomer Service Representative at mitted persons at the ground surance to the public that more
the Customer Call Centre by the level. You could tell that this is would be done to improve the
name of Ms Ancilla Kirby. I must her personality in treating the infrastructure and responsive-
say the effort and time to assist public. Her communication was ness to customers and their
was greatly appreciated. clear and her execution was ex- queries.
Usually, persons are not so tremely meticulous. I always
inclined to further engage irate cast blame on the staff for neg- R. ALI
customers. My experience with ligence and bringing the organ- Caroni
customer service is usually very isation into how negatively it is via email
14 news Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Battling the pandemic like a game of chess
“The Queen’s Gambit”, a recent to wealthier nations at warp speed.
Netflix hit, chronicles a young However, there are fears about
woman’s rise from an orphanage efficacy against new variants and
to world chess champion while false claims from antivaxxers that
battling personal demons of drug have created apprehension. It is
and alcohol addiction. unclear if this may be a seasonal
After 85 million cases and almost encounter like influenza as the

France’s go-slow coronavirus 1.9 million deaths, American

surgeon and author Dr Robert Dr JOEL DAVID TEELUCKSINGH
duration of immunity varies
and could be a stalemate rather

vaccination strategy backfires

Pearl believes that chess provides Consultant Physician/ than checkmate. The woeful
excellent insights into our COVID- Endocrinology/Diabetes unpreparedness, unscientific
19 battle. (Dr Teelucksingh hosts “Ask The fallacies, partisan politics, chronic
Doctor” on Thursdays at 8 pm on CNC3)
The title refers to an one of disease epidemic and social
PARIS — France’s cautious approach 1327 possible initial strategic challenges must be addressed for
middlegame continued to be a
to rolling out a coronavirus vac- moves or “openings”. Many future challenges.
litany of failures in much-vaunted
cination program appears to have countries like the United States In Ingmar Bergman’s classic
Westernised health systems as flaws
backfired, leaving barely 500 peo- and the United Kingdom faltered 1957 film “The Seventh Seal”, a
and inequities were cruelly exposed.
ple inoculated in the first week and at the start of the pandemic with knight returning from the crusades
Unproven therapies, psychological
rekindling anger over the govern- widespread lockdowns, failure to plays chess with Death in order to
battles, socioeconomic collapse,
ment’s handling of the pandemic. listen to medical experts, school buy time for a young family. His
antagonistic leadership and
President Emmanuel Macron closures, confusing public health final redemptive act highlights the
insidious “pandemic fatigue”
was holding a special meeting with messages and no mask mandates. human aspects of love, kindness,
ensured that those regions remain
top government officials yesterday New Zealand attacked the threat understanding, charity and hope
trapped in a tortuous spiral
to address the vaccine strategy and early and yielded positive results that are essential to the new normal
of burnt-out health workers,
other virus developments. with strict border control, initial in 2021.
Mauricette, a French 78-year-old depleted intensive care beds
The slow rollout of the vaccine lockdowns and widespread testing. Hopefully, this deadly opponent
woman, is the first to get vaccinated and overcrowded Emergency
made by Pfizer and the German South Korea’s aggressive contact will be checkmated in the New
for COVID-19 at the Rene-Muret Departments. The absence of a
firm BioNTech was blamed on hospital in Servan near Paris on tracing and quarantine campaigns Year. There has been a resurgence
clear strategy failed to work against
mismanagement, staffing short- December 27. utilised technology to identify of interest in chess as many seek,
a mystifying, relentless opponent
ages during holiday vacations and a “superspreading events” while like the protagonist in “The Queen’s
more complicated than buying a like SARS-CoV-2.
complex French consent policy de- providing a masterclass opening Gambit” a world that “I feel safe in
car,” he said on France-2 television. The endgame is in sight with
signed to accommodate unusually move in reducing transmission. it. I can control it. I can dominate it.
In France, a country of 67 million the recent approval of coronavirus
broad vaccine scepticism among the After the initial blunders, the And it’s predictable.”
people, only 516 people were vacci- vaccines that have been rolled out
French public.
Doctors, mayors and opposition nated in the first six days, according

Vaccination campaign picks

politicians pleaded yesterday for to the French Health Ministry. Ger-
speedier access to vaccines. many’s first-week total surpassed
“It’s a state scandal,” said Jean 200,000 and Italy’s was over 100,000
Rottner, president of the Grand-Est — and even those countries are
region of eastern France, where in-
fections are surging and some hos-
pitals are over capacity.
under fire for being too slow to
protect the public from a pandemic
that has killed more than 1.8 million
up speed around the world
“Getting vaccinated is becoming people worldwide. (AP) The campaign to vanquish the corona-
virus is picking up speed, with Britain
CARIBBEAN’S MOST beginning to dispense the second vac-
cine in its arsenal yesterday, and India,
AFFECTED COUNTRIES the world’s second-most populous
CONFIRMED CASES country, authorising its first shots.
Q. Does the new strain of Jamaica 13,203 In the US, meanwhile, government
Cuba 12,740 officials reported that vaccinations
Coronavirus spread more easily? have accelerated markedly after a dis-
Belize 10,938 appointingly slow start. Dr Anthony
A. Yes. Experts now think the new Haiti 10,127 Fauci, the nation’s top infectious-dis-
variant is between 50% and 74% more
transmissible than other dominant Guadeloupe 8,660 ease expert, said over the weekend that
1.5 million shots were administered in
strains, according to a study by the Bahamas 7,924
Center for Mathematical Modeling and 72 hours, bringing the total to about 4
Infectious Diseases (CMMID) that has
Trinidad & Tobago 7,178 million.
not yet been peer-reviewed. The WHO Martinique 6,091 Britain yesterday became the first
estimates this would tack on 0.4 to the nation to start using the COVID-19
basic reproductive number R, which
TOP 5 MOSTAFFECTED vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and
dictates how many people each infected COUNTRIES Oxford University, ramping up its na- 82-year-old Brian Pinker receives the Oxford University/AstraZeneca COVID-
person would spread the virus to. CONFIRMED CASES tionwide inoculation campaign amid 19 vaccine from nurse Sam Foster at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford,
Based on models of that growth, the USA 21,325,012 soaring infection rates blamed on a new England yesterday.
new variant could be responsible for 90% India 10,357,569 and seemingly more contagious variant stem the outbreak in the desperately health experts over the vaccine devel-
of all new COVID-19 cases in London and of the virus. poor country of about 1.4 billion peo- oped by India’s Bharat Biotech. They
East and South England by mid-January, Brazil 7,754,560
On Sunday, India authorised two ple. point out that clinical trials did not
that study found. Russia 3,260,138 COVID-19 vaccines — the Oxford-As- Prime Minister Narendra Modi begin until mid-November, making
Another study from the UK, published
December 27 to medrXiv and also not UK 2,713,563 traZeneca one and another developed called it a “decisive turning point to it almost impossible for the company
peer reviewed, found higher viral loads in UPDATED AT 5 PM LAST EVENING by an Indian company — paving the strengthen a spirited fight.” to have analysed and submitted data
PCR tests that are negative for the S gene. way for a huge inoculation program to But questions have been raised by showing its shots are effective.
Testing negative for the S gene means SUICIDE HELP
the virus has the 69-70 Del mutation and
so such S-gene dropouts are thus a proxy
for, but not a certain indication of, the
South Africa testing whether vaccines work against variant
lifelinett ON FACEBOOK JOHANNESBURG — Scientists in South facing us right now,” said Dr Richard will help determine the reliability of
samples coming from the B.1.1.7 variant. ALIVE (SUICIDE HOTLINE)
And a higher viral load makes it easier for 800-5588 or 866-5433 Africa are urgently testing to see if the Lessells, an infectious diseases ex- vaccines against the variant, he said.
the virus to spread. and 220-3636 vaccines for COVID-19 will be effective pert who is working on the country’s The South African variant, 501.V2,
against the country’s variant virus. genomic studies of the variant. is more infectious than the original
DOMESTIC CALL 999 OR THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS FOR ASSISTANCE: The genomic studies come as Brit- “We are urgently doing experiments COVID-19 virus and has rapidly be-
VIOLENCE is a CHILDLINE: 800-4321 (toll free) ain’s health minister, Matt Hancock, in the laboratory to test the variant,” come dominant in the country’s coastal
serious violent THE CHILDREN’S AUTHORITY HOTLINE NUMBERS and other experts in the UK have said against the blood of people with anti- areas. It is expected that the variant will
crime that 996, 800-2014 they worry that vaccines may not be bodies and against the blood of people quickly become dominant inland in Jo-
includes both PoS: 622-7273 ; San Fernando: 657-5355 effective against the South African var- who have received vaccines, Lessells hannesburg, the country’s largest city,
physical and NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE iant. told The Associated Press Monday. and the surrounding Gauteng province,
emotional abuse. 800-SAVE or 800-7283 “This is the most pressing question The tests, called neutralising assays, he said. (AP)

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Used vehicle prices to

increase by $35,000 Delta CEO Ed Bastian

said: “People will no longer pur-
chase hybrid and electric cars
Delta CEO
The President of the T&T Automo-
tive Dealers’ Association (TTADA)
because they will be much more
expensive than conventional in-
ternal combustion engine vehicles
sees some
Visham Babwah has indicated that
used car prices are set to increase
significantly if the government
and this is what we have been say-
ing, that this is not the way to go.”
Babwah said that the taxes
recovery from
implements the measures an-
nounced last year during the 2021
were only re-instated on the hy-
brid and electric vehicles and it
is 5 per cent less in custom duty
travel slump
Babwah said: “If those meas-
ures take effect car prices are
taxes when compared to that of
a conventional car with the same
later in 2021
going to increase, they’re going to engine size.
increase by between, around 40 Babwah contended: “So we are DETROIT — The leader of Delta Air
per cent.” hoping that common sense pre- Lines is telling workers that he
In terms of dollars and cents, vails and the government rescinds expects some recovery from the
Babwah estimated that a car val- this decision in terms of the taxes, coronavirus travel downturn by the
President of the T&T Automotive Dealers Association (TTADA) Visham spring.
ued at $70,000 arriving in the Babwah. PICTURE SHASTRI BOODAN maybe reduce the taxes - we don’t
country from the first of January, mind if we have to pay the duty, CEO Ed Bastian writes in a New
would pay about “$25,000 to tric and hybrid cars - the new year importing an average of the VAT, and the motor vehicle tax Year’s Day memo to employees that
$35,000 more for that same car.” taxes will be applicable from Jan- 25,000 motor vehicles, at least but one of the taxes must be ex- he expects 2021 to start with travel
That price ranging between uary 1, 2021. two-thirds of which relate to pri- cluded in order for the cars to be deeply depressed like it was last year.
$95,000 to $105,000 according to “All private motor cars that are vate motorcars. affordable for the citizens of this But as vaccines become more widely
Babwah, would be ascribed to the imported and cleared through Imbert said this has created a se- country.” available, he expects a turning point
most affordable car on the market Customs on or before December rious leakage of foreign exchange, Babwah said that the used car especially in business travel. He says
- a Toyota hybrid. 31st, 2020 will therefore be taxed adding the proposed measures to dealers have never asked the gov- Delta should generate positive cash
Finance Minister Colm Imbert and/or be subject to import duty remove all tax concessions on the ernment for any grant or subsidy flow by the spring.
advised in a release last year that at existing rates and/or enjoy the importation of private cars would and that the reason the associa- Bastian wrote that there is uncer-
the announcement made in the existing tax and import duty ex- be initiated to address this unsus- tion was set up, was to serve the tainty over what travel demand will
2021 Budget regarding an increase emptions,” Imbert said. tainable situation and suppress middle and lower income earners look like once significant numbers
of taxes and import duty on cer- In his Budget presentation, Im- demand as opposed to an outright of T&T. of people are vaccinated, and that
tain private motor cars, namely bert had revealed that T&T spends prohibition. He said: “What is happening Delta must be nimble and ready for
certain smaller engine CNG, elec- $2.5 billion (US$400 million) per Once this takes effect, Babwah now is defeating that purpose.” change.
“Just as we’ve never experienced
a global pandemic in our history,

SuperPharm records over $300m in sales for 2020 we’ve also never had to create and
execute a plan for recovery from
one,” Bastian wrote. “Our success
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, nies were significantly impacted Agostini indicated that Hanschell will depend on our collaboration,
Agostini’s Ltd has announced that by a reduction in key areas of their Inniss Ltd in Barbados also suffered our willingness to be open to new
SuperPharm was one of the Groups’ business, in particular, Peter and as the country’s economy witnessed ideas, our ability to adapt and our
best performing companies for Company in St Lucia, and Hanschell the fallout from the lack of tourism. humility in recognizing that we
2020. Inniss in Barbados.” He said Barbados’s fall in tourism won’t always know the answers.”
During the early stages of the pan- According to Agostini, Peter & added to the drying up of income Air travel is less than half of what
demic, citizens rushed to acquire Company Ltd was impacted as St. to the Government, but he posited it was in 2019, but it has recovered a
facemasks and pharmaceutical prod- Lucia’s economy was severely af- that it also had the effect of “driving bit from a staggering 96% decline in
ucts to protect themselves against fected in the second half of the finan- the unemployment rate up to 40 per mid-April of last year.
the COVID-19 virus. SuperPharm has cial year, due to severe lockdowns cent.” It’s unclear just how quickly vac-
been one of the beneficiaries of this and limited, if any, tourism (the With the winter tourism season cines will be distributed across the
increased spending. country’s largest revenue earner). also looking like it will be severely US over the past few weeks, Trump
In the Management Discussion “With the closing of restaurants less patronized, Agostini said that administration health officials had
and Analysis section of the Com- and hotels and the banning of sale group expects consumer demand to talked about a goal of shipping
pany’s Annual Report, Managing of alcoholic beverages for a couple take some time to recover in Barba- enough vaccine by the end of the
Director Anthony Agostini said: “Su- months, Peter and Company’s sales dos. He added that with months of month to inoculate 20 million Amer-
perPharm was the Group’s best per- Anthony Agostini levels were badly affected, and we, lockdown and the sale of alcoholic icans. Earlier this week, the gov-
forming Company of the Year with unfortunately, had to furlough 35 products being prohibited for sev- ernment said 14 million doses had
sales of over $300 million.” and health care companies enjoyed employees initially for three months eral weeks in the country, Hanschell been shipped, but only 2.8 million
Revenues for the Agostini’s improved sales and profitability. and then take the difficult decision Inniss’ sales and profits were nega- injections had been given. Officials
pharmaceutical and health care Agostini explained that all of the to permanently release 10 individu- tively affected. said there is a lag in reporting vacci-
companies, Smith Robertson and companies in the Group compa- als,” said Agostini. He said: “Expenses had to be cut nations, but they are still happening
SuperPharm, grew by 13 per cent to nies were considered essential and He added that profits of the com- and unfortunately, we had to reduce more slowly than expected. They ex-
$1.1 billion. operated continuously throughout pany ended at 25 per cent of expecta- our workforce by 16 persons. The pect the pace will pick up next week.
Agostini remarked: “Both com- the COVID-19 crisis with the only ex- tions as a result. Agostini continued net result was the company achiev- On Tuesday, US President-elect Joe
panies showed resilience, as health ception being Agostini Building Solu- to note that as the new financial year ing half of the prior year’s profit and Biden said the Trump administration
care became everyone’s primary tions (the construction company), begins, the situation is only margin- a quarter of its budgeted profit.” is “falling far behind” and vowed to
focus and we saw improved busi- which had to curtail operations dur- ally better and said “with a difficult Overall, Agostini’s Ltd recorded ramp up the pace once he takes of-
ness despite a reduction in business ing the lockdown. 2021 expected, skillful management 3.7 per cent in growth for the year fice on January 20. In early Decem-
hours, and other measures taken to While Agostini’s companies re- will be required to keep the com- ended September 30. 2020 as its net ber, Biden vowed to distribute 100
protect against the virus.” mained in operation its Managing pany profitable, until tourism activ- profit moved from $163 million to million shots in the first 100 days of
He added that the pharmaceutical Director said “some of our compa- ity can recover.” $169 million. —Kyron Regis his administration. (AP)
16 stocks Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Daily Report on Trading, Monday, January 4, 2021 Four stocks

5 decline
CHANGE: -7.06 CHANGE: -7.27 BOUGHT/SOLD: 112,211 BOUGHT/SOLD: 1,475,277.71

($) ($) ($) ($) VOL. ($) Overall Market activity re-
ORDINARY SHARES sulted from trading in 11 securi-
AGOSTINI’S LTD 23.99 22.25 75 23.98 837 23.99 29-12-2020 23.99 ties of which four advanced, five
ANGOSTURA HOLDINGS 16.40 16.00 15.00 15.00 13,721 16.40 26,567 15.00 04-01-2021 750 15.15 -1.25 declined and two traded firm.
ANSA MERCHANT BANK 39.97 39.00 5,000 39.95 16,785 39.97 30-12-2020 39.97 Trading activity resulted in
ANSA MCAL 53.50 53.50 35,361 55.00 3,234 53.50 24-12-2020 53.50 the following movements of the
FIRSTCARIBBEAN INT 7.04 7.00 6.25 6.26 1,000 7.05 192 6.25 04-01-2021 2,000 6.81 -0.23 TTSE Indices:
FIRST CITIZENS 43.03 42.73 42.73 42.73 11,909 43.25 4,960 42.73 04-01-2021 250 42.73 -0.30
The All T&T Index declined by
GUARDIAN HOLDINGS 20.90 21.00 20.75 20.63 6,530 21.00 45,952 21.00 04-01-2021 8,210 20.93 0.03
GRACE KENNEDY & CO 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.80 6,400 3.85 5,123 3.85 04-01-2021 180 3.85
7.06 points (0.40%) to close at
GUARDIAN MEDIA LTD 3.42 3.00 8,000 3.40 24-12-2020 3.42 1,765.55.
JMMB GROUP LTD 1.92 1.85 2,663 1.95 19,000 1.98 31-12-2020 1.92 The Composite Index declined
LJ WILLIAMS A 0.20 0.20 17-04-2019 0.20 by 7.27 points (0.55%) to close at
LJ WILLIAMS B 1.50 1.50 45,000 1.50 21-12-2020 1.50 1,315.84.
MASSY 60.99 60.99 60.99 60.61 100 60.99 4,045 60.99 04-01-2021 1,509 60.99 The Cross-Listed Index de-
NCBFG 8.13 8.13 2,444 8.50 74,864 8.13 31-12-2020 8.13
clined by 1.02 points (0.86%) to
NATIONAL ENTERPRISES LTD 3.13 3.15 9,954 3.13 31-12-2020 3.13
NATIONAL FLOUR MILLS 2.15 2.15 69,108 2.20 1,000 2.15 31-12-2020 2.15
close at 117.07.
TTNGL 17.00 17.00 15.05 15.05 3,850 17.00 18,600 17.00 04-01-2021 13,402 16.74 -0.26 The SME Index remained at
ONE CARIBBEAN MEDIA 4.84 4.79 2,000 4.85 101,913 4.85 31-12-2020 4.84 64.33.
PRESTIGE HOLDINGS 7.60 7.60 6,649 7.60 31-12-2020 7.60 Trading activity on the First-
POINT LISAS DEV 3.15 3.12 1,350 3.15 11,963 3.15 29-12-2020 3.15 Tier Market registered a volume
RFHL 134.99 134.99 31,621 135.00 15 134.99 31-12-2020 134.99 of 112,211 shares crossing the
SCOTIABANK 58.00 54.00 11,119 58.00 41 58.00 31-12-2020 58.00
10.90 10.75 29-11-2019 10.90
floor of the Exchange valued at
T’DAD CEMENT LTD 2.50 2.87 2.70 2.75 250,000 2.87 04-01-2021 63,700 2.79 0.29 $1,475,277.71.
UNILEVER CARIB LTD 16.65 16.70 16.65 16.65 2,787 16.70 14,023 16.70 04-01-2021 240 16.69 0.04 Trinidad Cement Ltd was
WEST INDIAN TOBACCO CO 35.40 35.40 35.00 34.00 29 35.00 131,095 35.00 04-01-2021 21,970 35.00 -0.40 the volume leader with 63,700
shares changing hands for a
PREFERENCE SHARES value of $177,719.00, followed
GUARDIAN MEDIA LTD 65.70 65.79 896 65.70 11-03-2020 65.70
by The West Indian Tobacco
WILLIAMS LJP 3.79 3.50 500 3.79 04-10-2019 3.79
Company Ltd with a volume of
SECOND TIER SHARES 21,970 shares being traded for
MORA VEN HOLDINGS 12.00 12.00 14-12-2018 12.00 $768,976.00.
Clico Investment Fund was
MUTUAL FUND UNITS the only active security on the
CALYPSO MACRO INDEX FUND 14.01 14.01 160 15.00 3,600 14.01 29-12-2020 14.01 Mutual Fund Market, posting a
25.25 25.26 25.26 25.26 392 25.45 1,600 25.26 04-01-2021 1,608 25.26 0.01
CLICO INVESTMENT FUND volume of 1,608 shares valued at
1.70 1.70
PRAETORIAN PROP 3.05 3.05 17-08-2017 3.05 The Second Tier Market did
not record any activity.
SME SHARES The SME Market did not re-
CINEMAONE LIMITED 4.00 3.99 950 4.00 08-12-2020 4.00 cord any activity.
ENDEAVOUR HOLDINGS LTD 12.30 12.00 1,000 12.30 23-11-2020 12.30 The USD Equity Market did
not record any activity.
MPC CARIBBEAN CLEAN ENERGY LIMITED 1.00 1.00 16-12-2020 1.00

Fiat Chrysler, Peugeot shareholders approve merger

MILAN (AP) — Shareholders of Fiat built on the promise of cost sav- as we know it.”
Chrysler and PSA Peugeot voted ings in the capital-hungry indus- While the tie-up is billed as a
Monday to merge and create the try during a technological shift merger of equals, the power ad-
world’s fourth-largest auto com- to electrified powertrains and vantage goes to PSA, with Tavares
pany which, its architects hope, autonomous driving. But what running Stellantis and holding the
can more readily take on an enor- remains to be seen is if it will be tie-breaking vote on the 11-seat
mous technological shift in the able to preserve jobs and heritage board. Tavares is set to take con-
industry. brands in a global market still suf- trol of the company early this year,
Addressing separate meetings, fering from the pandemic. possibly by the end of January.
PSA Peugeot CEO Carlos Tavares “Together we will be stronger Fiat Chrysler CEO Mike Manley
and Fiat Chrysler Chairman John than individually,″ Tavares told will head North American oper-
Elkann spoke of the “historic” a virtual gathering of sharehold- ations, which is key to Tavares’
importance of the merger, which ers. “The two companies are in long-time goal of getting a US foot-
combines car companies that good health. These two compa- hold for the French carmaker he
helped write the industrial histo- nies have strong positions in their has run since 2014, and the clear
ries of the United States, France markets.” money-maker for Fiat Chrysler.
and Italy. Tavares will run the The new company will put Manley said about 40 per cent
new company, while Elkann stays together French mass-market of the savings will come from
on as chairman. CEO of PSA Groupe Carlos Tavares arrives for the presentation of the carmakers Peugeot and Citroen, combining platforms, the under-
The only real hurdle left to clos- company’s 2019 full year results in Rueil-Malmaison, west of Paris, on top-selling Jeep, and Italian lux- pinnings of vehicles, and engines
ing the deal is listing shares of the February 26, 2020. Fiat Chrysler Shareholders of Fiat Chrysler and France’s ury and sports brands Maserati and transmissions. Another 35
new company, to be called Stel- PSA Group met yesterday to vote on a merger that will create the world’s and Alfa Romeo - pooling brands per cent of the savings will come
lantis. The companies expect it to fourth-largest automaker. The new company called Stellantis will be run by with histories spanning from 75 to from joint purchasing, especially
be finalized Jan. 16, with shares in PSA CEO Carlos Tavares, who is known for cutting vehicles or ventures that over 120 years with strong emo- with electric and high tech com-
the combined company trading don’t make money. PICTURE MICHEL EULER tional pull in their home markets. ponents, he said, while 7 per cent
on Jan. 18 in Milan and Paris and day that its stockholders as of capacity to produce 8.7 million “We are living through a pro- will come from sales, general and
Jan. 19 on the New York Stock Ex- Jan. 15 will get a special cash pay- cars a year, behind Volkswagen, found era of change in our in- administrative cost savings.
change. Fiat Chrysler shares were ment worth 1.84 euros ($2.26) per Toyota and Renault-Nissan, and dustry,” said Elkann, heir to the The companies will get the rest
up 0.2% in New York on Monday common share after the merger create 5 billion euros in annual Fiat-founding Agnelli family and of the savings from optimising
at $18.13, while Peugeot rose 1.7% closes. The payments will cost 2.9 savings. Fiat Chrysler’s biggest share- other areas including logistics,
to 22.75 euros. billion euros ($3.56 billion). The marriage of the Ital- holder. “We believe that the com- supply chain, quality and parts
Fiat Chrysler announced Mon The new company will have the ian-American and French rivals is ing decade will redefine mobility sales, he said.
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 17
Trinidad & Tobago
President Donald Trump
boards Air Force One at Palm
Beach International Airport,

Thursday, December 31,
2020, in West Palm Beach,
Florida. Trump is returning
to Washington after visiting
his Mar-a-Lago resort.

Quote of the day
forrcee because
fo b
is going to be a major
he’s both a cause and
Trump presses
of our division. And he
eavee behind him a legacy of real
isstrru real divisions, Americans
eallyy not trusting one another, not
Georgia’s official
ra adio
Ch ha
trusting institutions.”

Charlie Sykes, a conservative talk

o host-turned-Trump critic who
to ‘find’ him votes
WASHINGTON—President Don- said. “Because we won the state.” tions in Georgia that will determine
b emo
bemoaned Trump’s efforts to de-le-
ald Trump pressured Georgia’s Georgia counted its votes three political control of the US Senate.
m Biden’s election. Sykes sees
Republican secretary of state to times before certifying Biden’s win The president used the hour-
tthehe p o
potential for long-term damage
“find” enough votes to overturn Joe by a 11,779 margin, Raffensperger long conversation to tick through a
to o tru u in fundamental Democratic
Biden’s win in the state’s presiden- noted. “President Trump, we’ve had list of claims about the election in
nstiit Trump has repeatedly
tial election, repeatedly citing dis- several lawsuits, and we’ve had to Georgia, including that hundreds
b lam
m his defeat on widespread
proven claims of fraud and raising respond in court to the lawsuits and of thousands of ballots mysteriously
vo oteer fraud, despite the consensus
the prospect of a “criminal offense” the contentions,” he said on the call. appeared in Fulton County, which
off no on
nonpartisan election officials that
if officials did not change the vote We don’t agree that you have won.” includes Atlanta. Officials have said
there wasn’t any.
count, according to a recording of Audio snippets of the conversa- there is no evidence of that happen-
the conversation. tion were first posted online by The ing.
The phone call with Secretary of Washington Post. The Associated The Georgia officials on the call
State Brad Raffensperger on Satur- Press obtained the full audio of are heard repeatedly pushing back
day was the latest step in an unprec- Trump’s conversation with Georgia against the president’s assertions,
edented effort by a sitting president officials from a person on the call. telling him that he’s relying on de-
to press a state official to reverse the The AP has a policy of not ampli- bunked theories and, in one case,
outcome of a free and fair election fying disinformation and unproven selectively edited video.
that he lost. The president, who has allegations. The AP plans to post “It was pretty obvious pretty early
refused to accept his loss to Dem- the full audio as it annotates a tran- on that we’d debunked every one of
ocratic president-elect Biden, re- script with fact check material. those theories early on,” Raffen-
peatedly argued that Raffensperger Trump’s renewed intervention sperger told ABC’s “Good Morning
could change the certified results. and the persistent and unfounded America” on Monday, “but Pres-
“All I want to do is this. I just claims of fraud come nearly two ident Trump continues to believe
want to find 11,780 votes, which weeks before he leaves office and them.”
is one more than we have,” Trump two days before twin runoff elec- (AP)

The UK has ramped up a nationwide inoculation programme of the Pfizer

and German biotechnology company BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine.
PICTURE AP Republicans condemn ‘scheme’
UK first in world to start using
Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine
to undo election for Trump
WASHINGTON —The unprece-
LONDON—The UK on Monday nounced a wave of tight restrictions dented Republican effort to over-
became the first nation in the world the weekend before Christmas, says turn the presidential election has
to start using the COVID-19 vaccine even tougher regulations will be an- been condemned by an outpouring
developed by Oxford University and nounced soon. of current and former GOP officials
drugmaker AstraZeneca, ramping The UK is in the midst of an acute warning the effort to sow doubt in
up a nationwide inoculation pro- outbreak, recording more than Joe Biden’s win and keep President
gramme as rising infection rates are 50,000 new coronavirus infections a Donald Trump in office is under-
putting an unprecedented strain on day over the past six days. On Sun- mining Americans’ faith in democ-
British hospitals. day, it notched up another 54,990 racy.
Brian Pinker, an 82-year-old dial- cases and 454 more virus-related Trump has enlisted support from
ysis patient, received the first shot at deaths to take its confirmed pan- a dozen Republican senators and
7.30 am at Oxford University Hos- demic death toll total to over 75,000, up to 100 House Republicans to
pital. one of the worst in Europe. Some challenge the Electoral College vote
“The nurses, doctors and staff areas northeast of London have in- when Congress convenes in a joint
today have all been brilliant, and fection rates of over 1,000 cases per session to confirm President-elect
I can now really look forward to 100,000 people. Joe Biden’s 306-232 win. A coalition of senators and senators-elect have pledged to reject the results.
celebrating my 48th wedding anni- “If you look at the numbers, With Biden set to be inaugurated and his allies have filed challenging group of 10 senators, including Re-
versary with my wife, Shirley, later there’s no question we will have to January 20, Trump is intensifying ef- election results, nearly all have been publicans Susan Collins of Maine,
this year,” Pinker said in a statement take tougher measures and we will forts to prevent the traditional trans- dismissed or dropped. He’s also lost Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Bill Cas-
released by the National Health Ser- be announcing those in due course,” fer of power, ripping the party apart. twice at the US Supreme Court. sidy of Louisiana and Mitt Romney
vice. Johnson said Monday. Despite Trump’s claims of voter On a call disclosed Sunday, Trump of Utah.
The rollout of the new vaccine Britain has secured the rights to fraud, state officials have insisted can be heard pressuring Georgia of- The senators wrote that further
comes at a crucial moment for UK 100 million doses of the Oxford-As- the elections ran smoothly and there ficials to “find” him more votes. attempts to cast doubt on the elec-
authorities, who are battling a surge traZeneca vaccine, which is cheaper was no evidence of fraud or other But some senior lawmakers, in- tion are “contrary to the clearly ex-
in infections blamed on a new virus and easier to use than some of its ri- problems that would change the cluding prominent Republicans, are pressed will of the American people
variant that authorities have said vals. In particular, it doesn’t require outcome. The states have certified pushing back. and only serve to undermine Amer-
is much more contagious. Prime the super-cold storage needed for their results as fair and valid. Of the “The 2020 election is over,” said a icans’ confidence in the already de-
Minister Boris Johnson, who an- the Pfizer vaccine. (AP) more than 50 lawsuits the president statement Sunday from a bipartisan termined election results.” (AP)
18 Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Trinidad & Tobago

el digesto
En cada una de las audiencias que se están
celebrando en los diversos Circuitos Judiciales
penales del país se vienen cumpliendo todos los
protocolos especiales de bioseguridad e higiene.

Tribunales de Caracas celebraron

audiencias preliminares
CARACAS—Cumpliendo con las ismos de bioseguridad acordes a lo se están celebrando en los diversos
políticas impulsadas por el pres- establecido en el Estado de Alarma Circuitos Judiciales penales del país
idente del Tribunal Supremo de por el COVID-19. se vienen cumpliendo todos los
Justicia (TSJ), magistrado Maikel Producto de estas audiencias protocolos especiales de biosegu-
Moreno, para seguir garantizando donde fueron presentados 68 ci- ridad e higiene establecidos en las
el acceso a la justicia de los ciu- udadanos privados de libertad y seis resoluciones aprobadas por la
dadanos de la nación, los Tribu- ante la admisión de los hechos de Sala Plena del Tribunal Supremo de
nales de 1°, 5°, 23°, 40° de Control 48 detenidos, acordaron medidas Justicia, como consecuencia de la
Venezuela retoma cuarentena radical bajo el método 7+7 plus. Los
diferentes terminales terrestres del país se encuentran cerrados y la del Circuito Judicial Penal del Área cautelares sustitutivas de libertad, cuarentena ordenada por el Ejecu-
actividad comercial se mantendrá hasta la 1 pm. Metropolitana de Caracas, cele- privativas de libertad y privativas tivo Nacional a raíz de la pandemia
braron 48 audiencias preliminares, de libertad con pase a juicio. por el COVID-19.
Venezuela retoma cuarentena bajo el cumplimiento de los mecan- En cada una de las audiencias que —EL UNIVERSAL

radical bajo el método 7 7 plus Maduro: Vacuna no puede ser objeto del
CARACAS—A partir de este lunes 10 de enero, tal como lo dijo el presi-
4 de Enero Venezuela retoma la
cuarentena radical bajo el método
dente Nicolás Maduro es importante
mantener las medidas de prevención
mercantilismo y capitalismo salvaje
CARACAS—El presidente Nicolás mundo de mercantilizar la cura de la reclamado para que nos den los re-
7+7 Plus a fin de cortar las cadenas para evitar rebrotes de COVID-10. Maduro denunció este domingo en pandemia. “¿Tienen los pueblos del cursos y se han negado,” dijo.
de transmisión y bajar las cifras de Cabe destacar que los diferentes cadena nacional la guerra política sur de África acceso a esta vacuna? Por otra parte, el primer manda-
contagio por COVID-19, según in- terminales terrestres del país se en- que se ha orquestado en contra de la Es una gran pregunta que hacemos tario recordó que el país firmó un
formó la vicepresidenta ejecutiva cuentran cerrados al igual que el vacuna del COVID-19. desde Venezuela,” cuestionó el Ejec- contrato con Rusia para adquirir su
Delcy Rodríguez. transporte para las rutas interurba- “Denuncio esta guerra política. utivo, quien resaltó el rechazo del vacuna, la Sputnik V. “Esta semana
A través de su cuenta en la red nas y la actividad comercial man- La vacuna tiene que responder a la uso geopolítico hacia la vacuna. firmamos un contrato con Rusia
social Twiiter Rodríguez informó tendrá su restricción a partir de la accesibilidad, que sea de dominio “La vacuna no puede ser objeto para la compra de 10 millones de
“reanudamos el exitoso esquema 1:00 de la tarde. Las actividades de publico, y no se está cumpliendo del mercantilismo y capitalismo sal- vacunas, la cual será distribuida en
7+7 Plus con el inicio de la cuaren- los sectores priorizados continuaran con eso,” dijo el mandatario en el vaje,” agregó. el primer trimestre del año.”
tena radical en todo el país hasta el con normalidad. —EL UNIVERSAL marco de un balance acerca del Además, denunció que tanto Asimismo, aseguró que tanto su
COVID-19. Reino Unido como los Estados hijo como su hermana mayor ya se
Falleció niña que se encontraba Maduro, también aseveró que Unidos han congelado los recursos aplicaron la Sputnik V.
se ha exacerbado la guerra en el para acceder a la vacuna. “Hemos —EL NACIONAL
entre las víctimas de la explosión
Socías López: Apertura económica en Venezuela se
de bombonas gas en Monagas
cruza con exigencias de mayores libertades de Biden
CARACAS—Una niña que se en- Se pudo conocer que la fallecida
contraba junto a su madre du- era una de las personas que se en- Tomás Socías López reveló a través medidas que mejoren la economía” concesiones de servicios, como por
rante la explosión de bombonas contraban en primera fila cuando de un informe las alternativas que entre ellas, “dolarización del 85% en ejemplo en telecomunicaciones para
de gas que se registró en Monagas Pdvsa Gas Comunal descargaba las llevará a cabo el Gobierno Nacional el primer trimestre”. Lo que, de acu- optimizar frecuencias de bandas y ta-
el pasado 28 de diciembre, falleció bombonas frente a una vivienda, y los efectos que podrían tener sobre erdo a sus datos, estaría combinado rifas para estimular las inversiones y
este lunes 4 de enero producto de que al poco tiempo explotaron. las actividades económicas y políti- con “aperturas y facilidades para las recaudar ingresos, como se ha venido
las heridas que sufrió en el inci- Familiares de las víctimas de la cas del país. A partir del documento transacciones bancarias en moneda estableciendo en los sectores públi-
dente. explosión de gas han denunciado Económico, Político e Internacional extranjera, sin desaparecer el bolívar, cos y privados, entre ellas el aseo,
“Ha fallecido la niña que acom- que los centros de salud donde se del analista, surge la interrogante y con más penetración de otras Saime, peajes, notarías y más de 100
pañaba de la mano a su madre el 28 encuentran internadas las víctimas sobre la posibilidad de cambios len- monedas como el Euro y el Peso Co- sectores.
de diciembre en Caño de los Becer- no disponen de los medicamentos tos, pero importantes en las áreas lombiano, además del Real Brasilero, Entre las áreas con mayor aper-
ros cuando explotaron bombonas adecuados para curarlos, y otros económicas y políticas del Ejecutivo así como el impulso que tendrán el tura y participación destacan: ca-
de gas. No hay palabras para conso- insumos básicos que necesitan a venezolano y de Estados Unidos. Petro y las Cripto Monedas”. bleras, telefonía, aseo, agua, luz, gas,
lar”, informó en Twitter la diputada diario. En tal sentido, exhibió aperturas A propósito del manejo del Ejec- petróleo, obras públicas, peajes, aer-
María Hernández Del Castillo. La ONG Caritas Venezuela se en- económicas y políticas que asumirá utivo Nacional, Socías indicó que opuertos, viviendas, carreteras, dig-
La menor de edad es la segunda cuentra recibiendo donaciones en el gobierno del presidente Nicolás también se ha planteado “una mayor italización de impuestos entre otros
víctima que muere luego del sini- la iglesia de la parroquia Las Cocui- Maduro de cara al 2021, y que se cru- apertura financiera e inmobiliaria 80 Sectores.
estro en el que salieron lesionadas zas para ayudar a las personas que zarán con las políticas que el electo hacia sectores privados y de ajustes Sobre las políticas de Biden re-
47 personas, entre ellas 9 niños. aún permanecen internadas.“Se presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe en las empresas del Estado hasta lle- specto a Venezuela, desde Washing-
El pasado 1° de enero se informó requieren gasas, antibióticos, mos- Biden, tiene en el tintero para Ven- gar a acuerdos para la gerencia con la ton Socías da la primicia y maneja
del fallecimiento de Laura Figuera, quiteros y cremas de quemaduras”, ezuela, según fuentes del Ejecutivo y privada como los casos en desarrollo la información que ya se reunieron
de 28 años de edad, quien se encon- indicó la parlamentaria Hernández Washington. de Agropatria y Lácteos Los Andes, y que van 3 encuentros privados en
traba internada en el hospital Ma- Del Castillo. Detalló que el entorno contem- entre 50 adicionales en negociación”. Estados Unidos y otro en el país.
nuel Núñez Tovar de Maturín. —EL NACIONAL pla “una ligera apertura, buscando Además del establecimiento de —EL UNIVERSAL
20 rec Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Some of the KaisoKah Moko

Jumbies during rehearsal recently.

Jerusalama T&T style

INNIS FRANCIS KaisoKah MokoJumbies leader Junior
Bisnath and stilt walker Koyode Duval.
The Jerusalema challenge, inspired by the PICTURES INNIS FRANCIS
hit song released 13 months ago, has been
taken up by many groups around the world.
There is now a T&T version of the dance
challenge to the upbeat gospel-influenced
house song made popular by South African
DJ and record producer Kgaogelo Moagi,
popularly called Master KG and vocalist
The KaisoKah Moko Jumbies led by Jun-
ior Bisnath recently released a four minutes
video on social media. Bisnath said he was
encouraged to take up the challenge by Ab-
Junior Bisnath igail Hadeed of Splice Studio in Maraval and
Dr Robert Lee.
“It was Dr Lee who initiated for the Moko
Embassy of Japan: Official Car for Jumbies to do the challenge because no-
Sale body else did in Trinidad. We spent six
Mitsubishi RHD 2009 Minibus weeks putting it together and we decided
to launch it on New Year’s day, simply to
Request for Submission of Offers start the year with positive vibes. It is a
scared dance celebrating life, and it unites
the world,” Bisnath said.
For the production, the dancers were
dressed in black and white costumes with
face masks in the colours of the T&T flag
Bisnath said: “We had 20 dancers—15 on
stilts and five on the ground, ages range be-
tween nine to 55 years-old. This will bring
awareness and enhance tourism to Trin-
Mileage 117,295 km idad and Tobago. We want the world to
Dealer Maintained know that we are not just calypso and soca,
but stilt walking also.”
Please send to: Hadeed said she was looking for crea- tive ways to encourage the population and
Subject Line: Offer of Purchase for Minibus when she first heard the song and saw the
dance she felt it inspired hope and resil-
Deadline: 13th January 2021. ience.
“We thought of what we could do to make
For further information: our version different. We thought the Ka-
Embassy of Japan: 628-5991 sioKah Moko Jumbies would do justice and
Shenelle (ext 213), Khadija (ext 211) give the children an opportunity to have an
end of year brightness. Dr Lee raised funds
or check
through private entities for the project, to
offset the cost for costumes, transport, food
and stipend for their efforts. And this was
ACKNOWLEDGED. accomplished,” she said.
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 rec 21

Senate race thrusts ‘Black

America’s church’ into spotlight
ATLANTA—For decades, the red- hands of Minneapolis police in
bricked Gothic Revival church late May.
where the Rev. Martin Luther Warnock was an officiant for
King Jr. once preached has been a that service, and for the late July
monument to the history of Black funeral of civil rights icon and At-
Americans’ fight for civil rights lanta congressman John Lewis,
and the legacy of an activist icon. who was an Ebenezer member.
It took a high-stakes Senate “This church is situated at the
race and a Trump-era cultural heart of Atlanta and it’s leader-
debate to thrust Ebenezer Baptist ship has always opened its doors
Church into the center of the cur- to the community,” said Daunta
rent political debate. Long, pastor of Seed Planters
Its senior pastor, the Rev. Church of God In Christ in Mc-
Raphael Warnock, is running Donough, about 40 miles south-
for the Senate in one of two run- east of the city.
off elections that could decide Balancing pastoral duties and a
which party ultimately controls national public profile is a com-
Congress in the first years of the mon source of tension, noted
incoming administration of Pres- McDonald, the former assistant
ident-elect Joe Biden. But War- pastor. The Rev. Martin Luther
nock’s preaching has become a King Jr. was not present for the
focal point in the debate about voting rights march now known
race and justice in the election. as Bloody Sunday because he was
His opponent, Republican in- expected to preach at Ebenezer
cumbent Kelly Loeffler, has run for communion Sunday, the first
attack ads using snippets of ser- sabbath of the month, according
mons Warnock preached from to Clayborne Carson, the histo-
Ebenezer’s pulpit to accuse him rian who maintains King’s papers
of being a far left, radical social- at Stanford University.
ist who doesn’t support police Ebenezer was founded in 1886.
officers or military service mem- Its second pastor, the Rev. Adam
In this Sunday January 18, 2009 file photo, Rev. Raphael Warnock. PICTURE AP
bers. Daniel Williams, brought on his
For King’s former church, the between departments and Black sanctuary, due to the pandemic. Christ, through acts of service son-in-law, Martin Luther King.
intense spotlight isn’t new. Its residents. In a message delivered Sunday, that strive to feed the poor, liber- Sr, as assistant pastor in 1927. His
6,000 members are accustomed “I don’t care what you think Warnock seemed to allude to the ate the oppressed, welcome the son, King Jr., co-pastored from
to standing-room only Sunday about Warnock,” he said. “We’ve runoff, telling viewers that they stranger, clothe the naked, and 1960 to 1968.
services, due in large part to the got to defend our church, our are “on the verge of victory” in visit those who are sick or impris- The elder King, who served as
out-of-town visitors who flocked preaching, or prophetic tradition, their lives, if they accept that God oned,” the church said in a state- pastor of Ebenezer for more than
to the church. Still, Loeffler’s crit- our community involvement and has already equipped them with ment emailed to the AP. 40 years, continued in leadership
icisms have renewed attention on engagement. We’re going to de- the ability to win against their ad- Since before the abolition of after his son’s assassination in
a pillar of Black life in Atlanta and fend that.” versaries. slavery, the Black church has Memphis in 1968. The Rev. Joseph
a tradition of political activism it Ebenezer is “Black America’s “When God is with you, you played a role in brokering con- Roberts, Jr. became Ebenezer’s
represents. church,” McDonald added. ”It’s can defeat giants,” said Warnock, gregants’ relationship to polit- fourth pastor after King. Sr.’s re-
“The Republican attack is not bigger than any individual.” who ended the early morning ical power. It’s not uncommon tirement in 1975.
just against Warnock, it’s against Loeffler has responded, saying service by also encouraging Geor- for politicians, most often Dem- Warnock, who is Ebenezer’s
the Black church and the Black re- in a tweet last month that she gians to vote today. ocrats, to campaign from Black fifth pastor in more than 130
ligious experience,” said the Rev. isn’t attacking the Black church. “It’s so very important that church pulpits. But it’s still rela- years, was selected as Roberts’s
Timothy McDonald III, pastor of “We simply exposed your record your voice be heard in this de- tively rare for church leaders to successor in 2005.
First Iconium Baptist Church in in your own words,” she wrote in fining moment in our country,” cross over into public office. Ebenezer’s members, many
Atlanta who served as assistant a reply to Warnock. he said. “I would not be so pre- If he were elected, Warnock who support Warnock’s candi-
pastor of Ebenezer from 1978 to Commonly referred to as sumptuous as to tell you who to would be sworn into a small dacy, say they worry about losing
1984. “Martin Luther King’s church,” vote for.” group of other ministers who his leadership.
McDonald describes Warnock’s Ebenezer sits in the middle of a The church has kept some dis- have served in Congress, in- “People love him as their pas-
views as consistent with the national park dedicated to the tance from Warnock’s bid. Eben- cluding at least one other Black tor,” said Xernona Clayton, 90, a
church’s opposition to racism, civil rights icon’s life and legacy, ezer declined interview requests pastor, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver of King family confidante and mem-
police brutality, poverty and attracting hundreds of thousands for members of the pastoral staff. Missouri. ber of the church since 1963. “I
militarism. Loeffler’s attacks in- of visitors and tourists annu- Instead, it issued a statement de- Within the last year, Ebenezer think selfishly they don’t want to
clude selectively edited portions ally. Warnock’s leadership at the tailing its public ministry, includ- has been part of a few major na- lose him. They want the best of
of Warnock’s sermon in which church is his chief credential, a ing social services for the poor, tional news events. two areas: good representation in
he decries “police power show- position so prestigious some note elderly and formerly incarcerated It hosted the funeral of Ray- the political arena and a pastor in
ing up in a kind of gangster and the U.S. Senate is a step down. people and more recently, free shard Brooks, a Black man fatally the pulpit.”
thug mentality,” as a criticism of Warnock has continued to COVID-19 testing and flu shots. shot in the back by Atlanta police “I’d imagine both of those jobs
law enforcement practices that preach as he campaigns for office “Ebenezer Baptist Church in June, amid nationwide protests would be full-time,” she added.
have historically driven a wedge —albeit pre-recorded in an empty embodies the mission of Jesus over George Floyd’s death at the (AP)
22 rec Tuesday, January 5, 2021

MF Doom ‘You’ll Never Walk

dies at 49
LOS ANGELES—MF Doom, a masked rapper
who awed hip-hop fans and fellow musicians
with intricate wordplay, has died. He was 49.
Alone’ singer dies at 78
The British-born rapper rarely appeared in LONDON—Gerry Marsden, lead singer voice “accompanied our biggest nights”
public in recent years without his signature of the 1960s British group Gerry and the and that his ”anthem bonded players,
mask, modeled after the Marvel Comics vil- Pacemakers that had such hits as “Ferry staff and fans around the world, helping
lain Doctor Doom. His death was confirmed Cross the Mersey” and the song that be- create something truly special.”
Thursday by Doom’s representative, Richie came the anthem of Liverpool Football The song was embraced during the
Abbott. Jasmine Dumile said in a statement Club, “You’ll Never Walk Alone,” has outset of the coronavirus pandemic last
that her husband—whose real name is Daniel died. He was 78. spring when a cover of the song, which
Dumile—died October 31. His family said that Marsden died featured World War II veteran Tom
Sunday “after a short illness in no way Moore, reached number one. Moore had
The cause of death has not been released.
connected with COVID-19” and that his captivated the British public by walking
Jasmine Dumile posted a photo of the rap-
wife, daughters and grandchildren are 100 laps of his garden in England in the
per and a heartfelt message on his Instagram
“devastated.” run-up to his 100th birthday in April to
pag e. She called him the “greatest husband”
His friend Pete Price said on Instagram raise some 33 million pounds ($40 mil-
and father and thanked him for showing her after speaking to Marsden’s family that lion) for the National Health Service.
how not to be “afraid to love.” (AP) the singer died after a short illness re- The Cavern Club in Liverpool, the
lated to a heart infection. music venue which was the venue for
“I’m sending all the love in the world many of The Beatles’ early gigs, de-
to (his wife) Pauline and his family,” he scribed Marsden as a “legend” and a
This April 20, 2009 file photo shows Gerry
said. “You’ll Never Walk Alone.” Marsden on board the Mersey ferry. “very good friend.”
Marsden was the lead singer of the PICTURE AP In 1962, Beatles manager Brian Epstein
band that found fame in the Merseybeat signed up the band and their first three
scene in the 1960s. Though another British singles chart. releases reached No. 1 in 1963—“How
Liverpool band—The Beatles—reached It was adopted by fans of the soc- Do You Do It?” and “I Like It” as well
superstardom, Gerry and the Pacemak- cer club Liverpool and is sung with as “You’ll Never Walk Alone.” Later hits
ers will always have a place in the city’s spine-tingling passion before each home included “Ferry Cross the Mersey,” and
consciousness because of “You’ll Never game of the 19-time English champion “Don’t Let the Sun Catch You Crying.”
7KH5HSXEOLFRI7ULQLGDGDQG7REDJR Walk Alone.” —before coronavirus restrictions meant The group split in 1967 and Marsden
&ODLP1R&9 “I thought what a beautiful song. I’m many matches being played in empty pursued a solo career before reforming
going to tell my band we’re going to play stadiums. the bank a few years later.
&ODLPDQW that song,” Marsden told The Associated The song’s lyrics, showcasing unity Paul McCartney from The Beatles said
7+(1$5,9$$48$)$50&203$1</,0,7(' Press in 2018 when recalling the first and perseverance through adversity Marsden was “a mate from our early
$QG time he heard the song at the cinema. —including “When you walk through days in Liverpool” and that his group
6HFRQG'HIHQGDQW “So I went back and told my buddies a storm, Hold your head up high, And were “our biggest rivals” on the local
*(5$5':((.(6 we’re doing a ballad called ‘You’ll Never don’t be afraid of the dark”—have been scene.

7KLUG'HIHQGDQW Walk Alone.’” a rallying cry for the Liverpool faithful “His unforgettable performances of
72*(5$5':((.(6DQG&+(5</'8%2,6:((.(6ERWKRI1R5HVHUYH5RDG Marsden is best known for his band’s and the song’s title are on the Liverpool ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ and ‘Ferry
7$.( 127,&( WKDW E\ D 1RWLFH RI$SSOLFDWLRQ IRU 6XPPRQV IRU 6DOH DQG 6XSSRUWLQJ rendition of the song from “Carousel,” club crest. Cross the Mersey’ remain in many peo-
which was a 1945 Rodgers and Hammer- The song has also been adopted by ple’s hearts as reminders of a joyful time
stein musical that became a feature film supporters of Scotland’s Celtic and Ger- in British music,” he said.
in 1956. The Pacemakers’ cover version many’s Borussia Dortmund. Marsden is survived by his wife Paul-
\RXWKHIROORZLQJ was released in October 1963 and be- Liverpool tweeted alongside a video ine, whom he married in 1965. The cou-
 L ³$//$1'6,1*8/$5WKDWFHUWDLQSLHFHRUSDUFHORIODQGVLWXDWHLQWKH:DUGRI came the band’s third No. 1 hit on the of the fans in full voice that Marsden’s ple had two daughters.

Dante anniversary opens with virtual exhibit


32,1721(648$5(0(75(6EHWKHVDPHPRUHRUOHVV EHLQJSRUWLRQRIWKHODUJHU MILAN—Florence’s Uffizi Gallery is mak-
1RUWKE\D5RDG5HVHUYH ing available for viewing online 88 rarely
6RXWK (DVWE\/RW1RLQD displayed drawings of Dante’s “Divine
Comedy” to mark the 700th anniversary
in 2021 of the Italian poet’s death.
$1'$/62 7$.( 127,&( images of works by the 16th-Century
'HYLQGUD5DPSHUVDGRUGHUHGWKDW Renaissance artist Federico Zuccari will
be accessible from Friday “for free, any
hour of the day, for everyone,” said Uffizi
director Eike Schmidt.
The drawings illustrate Dante’s mas-
terpiece, “The Divine Comedy,” an epic
poem in three parts recounting a pil-
grim’s travels through hell, purgatory
and heaven.
,)<28 '(6,5( 72 '()(1' 7+,6$&7,21 \RX PXVW VWDWH WKLV ZLWKLQ WZHQW\HLJKW ther of the Italian language. A Tuscan by
birth, he died and was buried in the city
of Ravenna, a three-time ancient capital
located in the region of Emilia-Romagna.
The pencil-and-ink drawings are in This image made available on Thursday, December 31, 2020, shows Ulisse and Diomede,
WWODZFRXUWVRUJ contrasting shades of black and red. the fraudulent advisors, one of the original 88 drawings that went with Dante Alighieri’s
$1')857+(57$.(127,&(7+$7,1'()$8/7 They were completed during Zuccari’s Divine Comedy by artist Federico Zuccari. PICTURE AP
and for a specialized exhibit about Dante the stars again), a reference to the cele-
came part of the Uffizi collection in 1738.
in Abruzzo in 1993. brated last line of Dante’s “Inferno.”
The drawings have only been publicly
The drawings were originally bound Schmidt said the drawings are a “great
displayed twice previously, and then
in a volume, with each illustration oppo- resource” for Dante scholars and stu-
only a selection, owing to their fragility:
site the corresponding verse in Dante’s dents, as well as “anyone who likes to be
in Florence in 1865 to mark the 600th
epic poem. The texts and scholarly com- inspired by Dante’s pursuit of knowledge
anniversary of Dante’s birth and coincid-
ment will also be included in the virtual and virtue.”
ing with Italy’s unification as a nation,
show, titled “A riveder le stelle,” (to see (AP)
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 23

Three medical innovations

you probably missed in 2020
As we plan for 2021, we also
recollect on the tumultuous year
of 2020. From a health perspec-
tive, it has been one turned up-
side down with a deadly global
pandemic reorienting how we live
our lives and relate to others. The
COVID-19 pandemic has justifiably
dominated headlines and atten-
tion from media, policymakers,
and health officials alike.
While it is clearly the defining
public health, cultural, economic,
even political event of the year,
the pandemic shouldn’t obscure
the fact that 2020 was also a time
of great medical innovation. The
medical community made note-
worthy advances throughout
2020 even amid the COVID-19
From breakthroughs in oncol-
ogy, gene therapies, and heart
health, to the development of
COVID-19 vaccines that are now
being administered around the
world, there is a lot that the medi-
cal community can be proud of in

1. Oncology advancements:
Preventive techniques to
targeted therapies
“2020 has been a year that’s
seen cancer research push for-
ward on multiple fronts” shares
Dr Benjamin Neel, PhD, director
of the Cancer Center at NY Univer- FAAN, FAHA, shared, “All of these two decades of better control. Bluetooth-enabled pacemaker changer.
sity. advances over the past year reflect High blood pressure is one of the devices can remedy these issues
He shared technologies are in connections between seemingly most important and easily treated of disconnection between patients A look to the future:
development for early detection of disparate areas of medicine and risk factors for stroke and heart and their cardiac treatment. Used Telemedicine
cancer by way of blood tests. “It’s the fact that we are most success- disease, and so this backsliding is in conjunction with a mobile app, The COVID-19 pandemic saw an
been known for quite some time ful when we break down the barri- especially alarming,” he added. these connected devices allow increased adoption of telemedical
that tumors release DNA into the ers between fields.” patients greater insight into the practices as clinicians needed to
bloodstream, we have technology When asked if there was one Smartphone connected health data from the pacemakers conduct patient visits online. An
developing from the standpoint of particular heart health innova- Pacemaker Devices and transmit the health informa- increasingly virtual care model
monitoring tumors, conducting tion that stood out the most to Implantable devices like pace- tion to their physicians. and increased consumer adoption
sensitive tests for tumors, for tests him, Elkind said that what reso- makers and defibrillators deliver came by way of fundamental shifts
for recurrence of cancers and pro- nated with him was something electrical impulses to the heart 3. A blood test for in policy at both the government
tein-based tests,” Dr Neel shared. not tied to “fancy medications muscle chambers to contract and Alzheimer’s disease and provider level.
He also cited technology that or groundbreaking research.” He pump blood to the body. They are This year, a possible break- Since March 2020, the US state
modulates the regulatory DNA emphasised, “In order to tackle used to prevent or correct arrhyth- through in Alzheimer’s disease and federal regulators have moved
sequence patterns, which refers an issue as wide ranging as heart mias, heartbeats that are uneven, research and treatment came in quickly to reduce barriers to tele-
to the part of the DNA molecule disease, for instance, it takes an too slow or too fast. Remote moni- the form of a blood test that can health, understanding that these
that can change the way a gene interdisciplinary, comprehensive toring of these devices is an essen- diagnose this progressive form of new tools can speed access to care
expresses itself in a living thing, approach.” tial part of care. dementia. while protecting healthcare work-
to pinpoint when methylation pat- “We also learned more this Traditionally, remote moni- There are as many as five million ers and community members.
terns might point to the develop- year about the unexpected ways toring of this device takes place persons living with Alzheimer’s These measures opened the flood-
ment of cancer. in which medicines designed to through a bed-side console that disease in the US, farless for the gates for telehealth, allowing for
treat diabetes, the sodium glu- transmits the pacemaker or de- total globally, a number that will new programmes and the expan-
2. Breakthroughs in heart cose transporter 2 inhibitors, help fibrillator data to the physician. likely triple by 2060, according sion of existing networks.
disease patients with heart failure, even Though millions of patients have to the Centers for Disease Control
Recently, the American Heart those without diabetes,” he added. pacemakers and defibrillators, and Prevention (CDC). t"TESPQQFEJUTDVSUBJO 
Association released its own list of “An analysis of people from many lack a basic understanding While the news is huge, the test BOEXFXFMDPNF FYQFSUT
innovations in medical treatments. across the US showed that rates of of the device or how it functions is still in the trial phase. If ulti- are looking to a more hopeful
American Heart Association Pres- blood pressure spikes have been and adherence to remote monitor- mately approved, a simple test for ZFBS FTQFDJBMMZXJUIBHSFBUFS
ident Dr Mitchell S V Elkind, MS, increasing in the US, after almost ing has been suboptimal. the condition would be a game utilisation of Telemedicine.
24 health Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Your health resolutions for 2021

—Ready, reboot, recommit
HEALTH PLUS MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT A regular wake time and exposure to
morning sunlight will help your body ad-
The new year is an ideal time to set new just. At night, turn off electronic screens at
health resolutions, but for many of us, least 60 to 90 minutes before bedtime, light
sticking to those resolutions are troubled from monitors and devices can disrupt your
by fears and challenges. However, we are circadian rhythm.
fortunate that science is on our side, shed-
ding essential hacks on how to turn a goal 2. Reboot your diet—Don’t focus on
into action and ensuring triumph. It comes subtracting food.
down to one word: Schedules. Instead of making an ‘I want to lose
One thing is certain: “When your sched- weight’ pledge, try ‘I’m going to put more
ule changes, you can lose the regular self- fruits and vegetables on my plate’ adjusting
care routines that kept you active, eating your internal narrative, so the resolution is
right, and managing stress, habits we need a positive action that you can perform over
to maintain in fighting disease,” says Dr and over. When it’s an addition instead of
Monique Tello, Harvard Health. a takeaway, you’re more likely to repeat
Before COVID-19, the pattern of daily life it until the action becomes an automatic
was fairly regular. Dreary for many, but reg- habit.
ular. Then the pandemic inserted irregular-
ities into our daily schedules and countless Plan for snack attacks
persons are still trying to adjust. Addition- The hours between mid-afternoon and
ally, we add new year resolutions, which dinner time are when cravings kick in hard.
many struggle to maintain. In fact, research As part of your meal schedules, before
from University of Pennsylvania states, leaving for work, pack a 200-calorie pro-
“After the first week of the new year, just tein-complex carb snack. Think: hummus
77 per cent of resolution makers are still on and pita chips or almonds and a banana.
track, and after six months, only about 40 Then, when the ‘snack jones’ strikes, you
per cent will have stayed the course.” will have a go-to treat to avoid unhealthy
Why do new year resolutions fail?
Why is keeping a commitment to better 3. Recommit to an exercise regimen.
health so tough? Researchers have identi- Having activity scheduled into your day
fied several culprits such as setting a goal will make you more likely to do it. You don’t
that’s too vague (I’m going to get in shape, have to go to a gym. Try a home workout
I’m going to manage my stress) or having video, go for a walk, take regular activity
unrealistic expectations (lose 30 pounds by breaks, or get a standing desk if you work
March 1st). impairing the ability to burn calories. poses health risks. For example, if you have
Being at home all the time can disrupt Parkinson’s disease and forget to take your from home.
Essentially, it is easy to change your atti-
tude but difficult to change your behaviour. daily meal schedules, particularly for work- pill, you may experience muscle freezing
ing people. “When you’re home, you’re and be unable to move. Bite size goals—Take it a week at a time
Outsmarting the odds, means under-
standing your schedule and setting doable closer to the kitchen and it’s easy to get a It’s easier to make a plan to go running
goals (go from couch to a 5K, not a triathlon snack. Eating throughout the day means Relaxation schedules three times this week than vow to run three
just yet) and then breaking them down into your blood sugar levels and insulin will be Downtime is often lost with changes in times a week indefinitely. Make your fitness
reasonable steps. up all the time, and it’s impossible for the work or family responsibilities. But down- goals achievable week by week rather than
body to burn fat. That can lead to weight time is considered a necessary part of self- so far-reaching, you’ll have more success,
gain. You need periods of time when you’re care. Doing activities that keep you centred and that in itself is motivating.
Sleep schedules
not eating to allow your body to burn fat helps ward off stress. “Stress creates a
An inconsistent sleep schedule throws off
stores,” Dr Tello says. cascade of events in the body leading to Finally, stress!
your circadian rhythm, the body’s internal
clock. If you go to bed before your circadian inflammation, high blood sugar and high One big problem with making stress re-
sleep time, you will have difficulty falling Exercise schedules blood pressure. It can lead to cardiovascu- duction your new year’s resolution is that
asleep. Stay up too late, and you will likely Exercise habits often fall by the wayside lar disease and depression and other men- it’s so abstract. However, a solid stress man-
wake up before you are fully refreshed. when schedule changes. With work-from- tal health disorders,” Dr Tello notes. agement regimen is essential, setting spe-
Either way, an irregular schedule leads to home schedules being utilised more, your cific goals and being intentional with them.
difficulty getting sufficient sleep, causing routine may have been disrupted and you What can you do? It can be meditation, yoga, sitting outside
chronic sleep deprivation, mood and crit- may not form a new one yet. One result: Take action when you recognise imbal- in nature, or anything that helps you dis-
ical thinking problems, and an increased “We’ve been seeing more people complain- ances in your schedule. connect from stressful events or activities,
risk for heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. ing of back pain and pain radiating down pause, and reflect. It should be something
the leg,” Dr Tello says. “It’s from too much 1. Reset your sleep. you do daily, even just for 10 minutes. Be-
sitting and improper posture, which leads You sleep best when the time you sleep fore you know it, it will become a habit!
Meal schedules
to weak core muscles and pain. Too much matches your circadian rhythm. Some peo-
Circadian rhythm also affects hunger
sitting is linked to premature death.” ple are born night owls, and others are born
and metabolism, your body’s process of t-PPLPVUGPS)&"-5)1-64FWFSZ5VFTEBZ
expending energy and burning calories. early risers. Figure out which you are, then
Changes in schedules, ignoring your cir- go to sleep and wake up at the same time BSUJDMFT*GZPVIBWFBOZRVFTUJPOTPS
cadian rhythm, and you could experience A change in your activities may affect every day so it works with your rhythm. concerns regarding this topic, please email
more hunger and slower your metabolism, your ability to stick to a medication sched- Keep the focus on quality sleep, at least six
ule. But sometimes skipping even one dose to eight hours to feel rebooted.
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 quik flix 25


Italian Pinocchio takes

the puppet to its roots
The latest cinematic rendering of Geppetto and safety.
Pinocchio, from Italian director This Pinocchio is perhaps one
Matteo Garrone, is informed of the more realistic depictions
not by the friendly 1940 Walt of what a wooden puppet that’s
Disney retelling, but the original come to life might look like. His
source material. Carlo Collodi’s look is almost identical to Enrico
1883 novel The Adventures of Mazzanti’s original drawings
Pinocchio is a much darker affair and translated to this live-action
than the song-filled animated film through a combination of
version and Garrone’s film is also computer graphics and makeup
a more intense experience, even from Mark Coulier, the Oscar-
if he too has softened some of winning makeup artist behind
Collodi’s edges. The result may The Grand Budapest Hotel. It
not be suitable for all children, is a remarkable achievement in
but it is a strange, visionary special effects.
and enchanting old-world fairy The production design is
tale that any fan of Guillermo equally noteworthy, from
del Toro’s films or Wolfgang Geppetto’s workshop to the
Petersen’s The NeverEnding stunning home of the blue-
Story should give a chance. haired fairy who watches over
It’s unfortunate, though Pinocchio. Although the naturally
understandable, that the Italian beautiful Italian landscapes
film has been dubbed into threaten to upstage a lot of the
English for its North American work. Benigni is also particularly
theatrical release, making it strong in the film, although his
slightly annoying for adults but screen time is brief and just at the
ultimately more accessible to beginning and end.
children. The best you can do Pinocchio was never my
under these circumstances is to favourite as a child and I’m
just try to ignore it because, for probably not alone but there is
now, it’s the only way you can an obvious continuing appeal
experience it in the US. to the story and its lessons.
Blending realism and fantasy, And although the world was
Garrone’s film takes us back to not lacking for Pinocchio
an impoverished Tuscany where adaptations, there are still many
Roberto Benigni as Geppetto more to come. Soon we’ll have
sculpts a young boy puppet a Robert Zemeckis version with
out of an enchanted piece of Tom Hanks on Disney+ and a
wood and begs it to come to Guillermo del Toro stop-motion
life. He’s desperate for a son animated one on Netflix with
and overcome with joy when Ewan McGregor, Tilda Swinton
he gets what he wished for. But and Cate Blanchett. Before we’re
Pinocchio, played by Federico overwhelmed by such starry fare
Ielapi, does not emerge grateful: and accessible fare, however,
He is restless and naughty, which you might also make time for this
is partly naivete and partly one too. It has the makings of a
mischievousness. It’s not too stealth classic.
long before his disobedience
finds him far away from home in t1JOPDDIJP B3PBETJEF"UUSBDUJPOT
the company of less than savory SFMFBTF JTSBUFE1(CZUIF.PUJPO
characters who he is too trusting 1JDUVSF"TTPDJBUJPOPG"NFSJDBGPS
of. And Pinocchio must embark iTPNFEJTUVSCJOHJNBHFTw3VOOJOH
on a dangerous and epic odyssey UJNFNJOVUFT5ISFFTUBSTPVU
to try to find his way back to PGGPVS

26 29

26 comic relief


Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 comic relief 27
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Shake off the past and
bounce into the future with optimism. It’s time
to let go of dead weight and replace it with
Eugenia stamina and the desire to sign up for a new
adventure. Release any doubt you have and
Last concentrate on reality and what you can do
to better your life. Trust facts and experts, not
hearsay and speculative offers.

BIRTHDAY BABY You are energetic, practical and
determined. You are smart and engaging.
YOUR NUMBERS 8, 15, 21, 24, 29, 35, 44.
January Jones, 43; Bradley Cooper, 46; Carrie Ann Inaba, 53; Diane Keaton, 75.

Aries Libra
March 21-April 19 Sept 23-October 22
3 STARS Channel your energy into 3 STARS Emotional issues will surface if
gaining access to information that will you get into a discussion with some-
help you navigate your way to a better one demanding. Take a step back and
place or position. A positive change in consider what you want. Don’t give in
a meaningful relationship will unfold. to someone or agree to something that
When in doubt, ask questions. Romance may cost you financially. Work hard to

is favoured. maintain good health.

Taurus Scorpio

April 20-May 20 October 23-Nov 21

3 STARS Temptation to join someone’s 3 STARS Reconnect with people you
team instead of leading the way will miss. The suggestions you receive will
hold you back. Believe in your ability to help you perform your best. Uncertainty
get things done on your own. What you regarding a friend or relative will make
end up producing will far exceed what you think about your future and the life-
you can gain being someone’s lackey. style changes that will lead to positive
Gemini Sagittarius
May 21-June 20
Nov 22-December 21

5 STARS Someone will let you down

if you are too trusting. If you want 4 STARS You’ll discover an innovative
something done, be prepared to do it way to use your skills. Making minor
yourself. An unexpected change will adjustments will put you in the running
lead to uncertainty. Be creative when for a position that has plenty of room for

it comes to investments, contracts and growth and financial gain. Romance is

joint ventures. apparent, but so is deception. Proceed
with caution.
June 21-July 22 Capricorn
December 22-Jan 19
2 STARS An opportunity will require
your undivided attention and discipline 2 STARS Keep your distance; abide by
if you want to make a profit. Home the rules to avoid repercussions. Look
improvements will pay off and at every angle of a situation before con-

encourage you to do the work yourself sidering the best way to maintain your
to save money. Get along with others, position without offending someone
and you will make progress. who doesn’t share your beliefs.

Leo Aquarius
July 23-Aug 22 January 20-Feb 18

4 STARS Curb spending habits. Someone 5 STARS Look for unique investments
will blame you if something goes wrong. that will build equity. Accommodating
Be upfront and protect your reputation. others may be a nice gesture, but don’t
Facts matter, and sticking to the truth let anyone take advantage of you. Shar-
will benefit you in the end. A physical ing something special with someone
challenge will help ease stress. 4 stars you love is favoured.

Virgo Pisces
August 23-Sept 22 Feb 19-March 20
3 STARS You’ll encounter problems if you 3 STARS Reach out to people who share

don’t take care of yourself and the ones your vision. Working in conjunction with
you love. Problems will arise if honesty others will help you gain support as
is lacking. Engage in projects that will well as confidence. Inside information
improve your workspace. Fitness and will come your way, but before you take
proper diet are encouraged. action, consider the risk involved.
28 Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Daily puzzles
1 Strongly criticise a course of action taken by SUDOKU
team’s leader (6)
4 Rogue’s unlimited guarantee – be taken in (8)
10 Clean axe (5)
11 Sluggish? Teach girl exercises (9)
12 Bird’s extremely sharp weapon (7)
13 As one new service in heart of Greece (2,5)
14 What may be said of chess film? (4,3,3,4)
17 Fat: felt anxious, terribly uncertain as to what
should be done (2,1,5,2,4)
21 Certainly relieved, ultimately, after home covered
23 Once viewed old things in another way (2,5)
24 Aim to include Italian individual in act, without
the help of others (2,2,5)
25 Keen on catching start of record, the first few
bars (5)
26 Lead’s initial approach, first time away in play (8)
27 Fuel supplied by dear character endlessly (6)
1 One who judges fools accordingly, right? (8)
2 Boy following sailor wearing waterproof stuff (9)
3 Floor show act dancing round naked (7)
5 Similarly, purchase an identical disc on the phone
6 Do Parma when travelling? It’s a plan for the
future (4,3)
7 Protection regularly taken by American soldiers (5)
8 Difficult problem? Student’s lost heart (6)
9 Pipe to be attached to both taps? Can’t decide WORD WARP
15 Reptile having a breather after climbing a rocky
peak (9)
16 Exploit unusually large survey of voters (4,4)
18 Cato, say, first to recognise advantage being
in group (7)
19 Joyful number hugging remainder heading off
20 Roman poet’s verse, one girl translated (6)
22 Sketch includes river border (5)


1 Quill user’s accessory; pedantic (7)
5 Hint (4)
7 Colander (5)
8 Give an account of (6)
10 Full of activity (4)
11 Traveller (8)
13 Strong effect (6)
14 Provocation (3,3)
19 In addition (4)
21 Hinder (6)
22 Spacious (5)
23 Cautious (4) S A R O N G
24 Ornamental staff (7)
DOWN HOW many words can you make from the word SARONG?
You have 15 minutes to find as many as possible. Words must be
1 Drunkenness (10) at least three letters. Plurals and multiple forms of the same
2 Lively party (5-2) verb are acceptable, but proper nouns and hyphenated words
3 Finished; more than (4)
4 Usual (6) are not allowed.
5 Loss of nerve (4,4)
6 Absolute (5) 15 words - good
9 Cave dweller (10) 22 words - great
12 Room attached to a kitchen (8) 30 words or more - fantastic
15 Dismiss from consideration (4,3)
16 Tension; emphasise (6) YESTERDAY’S WORD: ERASER: are, ares, ear, ears, ease,
18 Venomous snake (5) era, eras, erase, ere, err, errs, rare, rase, rear,
20 Genuine (4) rears, sea, sear, see, seer, sera, sere.
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 29

Daily puzzles


A Mind-reader

B Photographic lens

C A telephone mes-




Across: 1 Jib, 3 Booty, (Djibouti) 6 Wow, 8 Nudge, 9 Noodles, 10 T-bone steak,
12 Nit, 15 Ruth, 17 Trio, 18 Hum, 22 Bedraggled, 25 Own goal, 26 China, 27
Fop, 28 Recap, 29 Nil.
Down: 1 Juncture, 2 Badmouth, 3 Brewer, 4 Ornate, 5 Yeoman, 6 Well, 7 Wish,
11 Kit, 13 Trillion, 14 Cold call, 16 Hub, 19 Memoir, 20 Frolic, 21 Eggcup, 23
Hoof, 24 Snap.
30 Tuesday, January 5, 2021

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34 Tuesday, January 5, 2021


Trinidad & Tobago

India, Australia
The players and staff The Tokyo Olympics hit
all test negative
Sports for COVID-19
Both the teams, their support staff
the 200-days-to-go mark
national government Saturday to

and the match officials for the TOKYO — Tick-Tock-Tick.
ongoing Test series between India The countdown clock for the declare the state of emergency after the
and Australia have tested negative postponed Tokyo Olympics hit 200 days capital saw a daily record of 1,337 new
for COVID-19. The tests were to go on Monday. cases on New Year’s Eve. That marked a
administered on Sunday and the Tick-Tock-Tick. jump of almost 400 in just a few days.
Today’s results received today (Monday), the
day the teams are scheduled to travel
Also on Monday, Japanese Prime
Minister Yoshihide Suga said he would
Yoshiro Mori, the president of the
organizing committee and a former
stories in from Melbourne to Sydney for the
third Test of the series that stands
consider calling a state of emergency as
new coronavirus cases surge to record
prime minister, again ruled out
any cancellation of the games in an
level at 1-1 after the Boxing Day Test.
capsule The SCG Test will be played in
numbers in Tokyo and neighbouring
prefectures. Japan has never had a
interview several days ago with the
Nikkan Sports newspaper. He was asked
front of 25% capacity crowds after a lockdown for COVID-19, attempting to when a decision would come about
Quote of the day COVID-19 outbreak which began juggle the economy and health risks.
Olympic rings near the New National
having local fans or fans from abroad.
Stadium in Tokyo on March 14 last
in the northern beaches region of Tick-Tock-Tick. year. PICTURE AP “Sometime from March through
Sydney and has since spread to It’s nearing deadline time for Tokyo May,” he replied. “The final deadline
other parts of the city almost forced Olympic organizers, the International people have overcome the coronavirus.” for a decision would be May, but it may
Cricket Australia to take the New Olympic Committee, and various And he said vaccine approval would come sooner.”
Year’s fixture out of its traditional Japanese government entities as they try be speeded up by a month so that Any reduction in fans will hit the
“And then he just home. This will involve a hectic to pull off the Games in the middle of a vaccinations could begin in February organizing committee budget. Tokyo
choked. It’s just process of refunding and reticketing pandemic. instead of March. has budgeted $800 million for ticket
incredible. We’ve with only three days to go to the Officials have promised to announce Japan has attributed more than sales, and any shortfall will have to be
seen Steph do so Test. concrete plans early in the new year 3,400 deaths to COVID-19, modest by made up by government entities, which
many things here “In response to the public health about how to get 15,000 Olympic and global standards for a country of 125 are footing most of the Olympic bills.
situation in New South Wales, we Paralympic athletes into Japan; about million, but worrying as new cases rise The official budget for the Tokyo
over the years, so are working closely with Venues the safety of the Athletes Village, and quickly. A poll last month by national Olympics was increased last month to
many amazing NSW and NSW Health to put hundreds of thousands of fans, media, broadcaster NHK show 63% want the $15.4 billion, an increase of $2.8 billion
nights at Oracle and appropriate biosecurity measures judges, officials, broadcasters and VIPs. Olympics postponed or cancelled. because of the delay. However, several
now here at Chase. in place for our staff, players, match The new year is here. Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike and the government audits the last few years
It’s just a privilege officials, broadcasters and fans to Suga pledged again to hold the governors of Saitama, Chiba and suggest the real number is about $25
ensure we play the third Test at the Olympics, saying it would be “proof that Kanagawa prefectures asked the billiion. (AP)
to coach him, it SCG safely,” CA’s interim CEO Nick
really is.” Hockley said. “Reducing the capacity HORSE RACING
of the venue is crucial in achieving
social-distancing requirements, and Joseph wins
we sincerely thank ticket-holders
for their patience, as we process US$75 000
refunds today, reconfigure the SCG
seating plan to deliver these social- Limehouse race
distancing measures and go back on
sale.” HALLANDALE BEACH, Florida –
The teams’ negative tests were Barbadian trainer Saffie Joseph Jr
also significant given the possible extended his success at Gulfstream Park
biosecurity bubble breach by five when his favourite Drain the Clock
India players, which is still being crushed the three-year-olds to win
investigated. On January 1, a video the US$75 000 Limehouse Stakes on
on Twitter seemed to show the five Saturday’s 11-race card.
players dining at an indoors venue in Barbadian trainer Saffie Joseph Jr.
Melbourne. The person who posted With Edgard Zayas in the saddle, the
the video also tweeted that he paid Slam Dunk Racing-owned chestnut colt
—Steve Kerr, the coach for their meals unbeknownst to the crushed the seven-horse field by over 7
of the Golden State
Warriors said the team’s
players and was rewarded with a hug
by Rishabh Pant once his act came to PHOTO lengths to return a time of one minute,
10.11 seconds going six furlongs at the
win over Portland
Trailblazers 137-122 on
be known, a claim the person later
retracted. The five players - Pant, OF THE southeastern United States racing oval.
“It was really impressive. He
Sunday night. new vice-captain Rohit Sharma,
Shubhman Gill, Navdeep Saini DAY impressed me today,” Joseph said
and Prithvi Shaw - were placed “He was always highly thought of.
Having an event? in isolation, away from the rest of Washington Football Team’s Cam Sims (89) is tackled by Philadelphia Eagles’ He was impressive in his debut. His
the contingent, pending further Blake Countess (33) during the first half of an NFL football game on Sunday in second win was more workmanlike than
Contact us @ GML Sports investigation. Philadelphia. The Eagles won 20-14. PICTURE AP impressive. Last time, it was a bit of a
225-4465, ext 2038, mishap. We got him back today and he
2071-75, 4161, 4179, showed up.” (CMC)
4228, 4367 CRICKET
email: Moeen Ali has tested positive for
Visit our website:
COVID-19 on arrival in Sri Lanka
& CNC3 facebook page England’s touring party landed in Sri the result is not a false positive,
Lanka on Sunday, ahead of their two- though Moeen is understood to be
Test series and were tested on arrival. asymptomatic at this stage.
Although the ECB initially reported He will be required to undergo
index that all results were negative, it has a 10-day period of self-isolation,
subsequently transpired that while in line with the Sri Lankan
Sports Opinion.......... 35 the lateral flow test - the quicker government’s quarantine protocols.
version of the test which takes only England are currently staying in
Horse Racing ............. 36 30-minutes or so to complete - was Hambantota, but are due to move
negative, the more accurate PCR test, to Galle on January 10 ahead of the
NBA............................ 37 which takes longer to analyse and first Test. Ali will be driven to new
was also carried out at the airport, accommodation, a private hotel not
Cricket ...................... 39 was positive. in use by the rest of the team, in
Moeen Ali The ECB have also confirmed Galle on Tuesday, January 5. Barbadian trainer Saffie Joseph Jr.
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 sports 35
Adopting to the sisu philosophy
How to be a force for good possible task (2), stand up for ceremony. Two sentences
in a world turned upside what is right despite poten- referenced Finland origi-
down by the unprecedented tial harm or even danger (3), nated word, Finnish cultural
COVID-19 pandemic. For persevere against all possible construct and mentality.
those who have lost family odds, and (4) hold on to the Therefore, the proper ac-
members and friends, or have slimmest thread of hope and knowledgement was afforded
had to battle through illness, start anew from scratch”. to the origin of the word sisu.
loss of jobs and careers, en- Sisu as a concept of posi- References to the word resil-
tire industries have been dec- tive psychology is said to be ience were made by all pre-
imated. How do you keep a closely related to grit, or pas- senters. The TTOC has not
crushing loss from crushing sion and perseverance over a undertaken any obligation Portugal-based T&T men’s volleyballer Marc-
you? How do you dig deep long periods. to promote, or credit third Anthony Honore

Honore’s SL Benfica
and tap into hidden reserves COVID-19 is the biggest parties individually or com-
of inner strength you never threat seen in this lifetime to mercially within its marquee
knew you had? I first heard both global healthcare sys- event.
the word sisu in 2006 - while
reading for an executive mas-
tems and our economy. In
the search for a way of coping
In 2021, if we want to reach
the peak of our powers we
improve to 3-0
ters degree in sport manage-
ment- from a classmate from
-Emilia Lahti has devoted
her life to promoting under-
and a structure of how to rise
above COVID -19 adversities,
have to adapt the no fear fac-
tor. Your dreams are only as
in the title playoffs
Finland but to be honest, at standing of the concept of the Finnish mindset and con- big as your vision so strive Portugal-based T&T volleyballer, Marc-An-
that time I didn’t give sisu any sisu. She asked herself after cept of Sisu are worth explor- for being the best version of thony Honore and his SL Benfica are well on the
particular study. According to going through extremely dif- ing and learning more about. yourself. Ignore the doubters. way to retaining the Portugal Men’s A-1 Division
Wikipedia Sisu is a Finnish ficult times herself- How do Dr Safeeya Mohammed, the If you have a dream don’t let title after starting the final round with a 3-0 re-
concept described as stoic humans persevere in the face chief executive officer (CEO) anyone tell you that you can’t cord before the break for the Christmas holidays.
determination, the tenacity of extreme adversity? Being of SISU Global Wellness in- do it. You have to have a sin- Multiple times winners of the domestic league
of purpose, grit, bravery, re- from Finland, she recalled troduced to Trinidad and gle-minded focus on achiev- and Super Cup crowns, SL Benfica swept past
silience, and hardiness and is the Finnish concept of Sisu Tobago the concept of SISU ing your dreams. Sporting CP 25-22, 25-20, 28-26; Viana 25-20,
held by Finns themselves to and started exploring it. Sisu and developed a holistic well- COVID-19 or no COVID- 25-22, 25-14 and Esmoriz GC 25-15, 25-22, 25-18,
express their national char- refers to extraordinary deter- ness, well being, resilience 19 back yourself, go big, go three of their main rivals for a perfect 3-0 mark
acter. mination and resoluteness and mindfulness programme brave, go all in and Be a game- and nine points on the eight-team table, three
It derives from the Finn- in the face of extreme adver- that embodies and embraces changer. ahead of SC Espinho and Esmoriz while AJF Bas-
ish root word sisus meaning sity. It is said to be a life phi- positive sisu. In these difficult “I use to love to hear the tardo has three points from one match played.
‘inner’ or ‘inside’. It’s a cul- losophy that can strengthen times embracing your inner anthem play, go onto the po- The quartet of Sporting CP (0-2), Viana (0-2),
tural construct that dates one’s resolve when tackling sisu may make a positive dif- dium and see your flag raised, Castelo de Maia (0-1) and Caldas (0-2) are yet to
back hundreds of years is extremely challenging tasks ference. I loved all of that.” - Roger Gib- pick up a win in the championship final rounds.
age-old and is said to define or tasks that might seem to be For further information, bon. Honore and his team-mates will resume action
the character of the citizens beyond one’s capacity. SISU Global Wellness is on on January 18 versus Caldsa before facing SC Es-
of the small nordic country of Lahti posits that “A person Facebook. EDITOR’S NOTE: pinho ( January 23), Castelo de Maia ( January 24)
Finland. with an action mindset will Last week in my remarks The views expressed by the and AJF Bastardo ( January 27) to end the first
According to various during the historic virtual writer are not necessarily those round.
(1) sign up for a seemingly im- of the TTOC or TTCGA.
Google search references 26th TTOC annual awards Before the start of the finals series, SL Benfica,
ended the shortened regular-season with a per-
fect 13-0 record and 39 points, nine clear of

Carter nabs second SwimSwam Sporting CP and Viana, (10-2) who both had a
match in hand.
The other qualifiers to the eight-team Cham-

‘Male Athlete of the Year’ award pionship Round-Robin series from the 15-team
league were Esmoriz GC (8-2), AJF Bastardo (7-
3), Caldas (6-6), SC Espinho (6-3), and Castelo
NIGEL SIMON de Maia (5-7) with 27, 22, 21, 18, 17 and 17 points respectively.
Combing the aborted 2019/2020 season due
T&T swimmer, Dylan Carter to the coronavirus pandemic, Benfica has now
capped off a coronavirus-hit gone 40 domestic matches in the league without
2020 season by being voted defeat after ending last year with a 24-0 win-loss
as the 2020 Central Amer- league record.
ican and Caribbean (CAC) So far this season, Benfica have already lifted
SwimSwam ‘Male Athlete of the Portugal Super Cup for a third straight sea-
the Year” awardee last month. son.
T&T swimmer Dylan Carter.
It was the second time This after they swept SC Espinho in straight
Carter copped the award after sets, 25-16, 25-17, 25-21 on November 4.
doing so in 2018, becoming The win marked the tenth time Benfica had
the second T&T swimmer to lifted the Super Cup trophy, the most in the his-
do so behind Olympic and tory of the competition.
World Championship medal On the European scale, Benfica was halted at
winner, George Bovell III, who the quarterfinal stage of the CEV Challenge Cup
took the award in 2014. after going under to Turkey’s Halkbank, 25-21,
This after Carter, a former 18-26, 16-25, 21-25.
University of Southern Cal- the 100 metres (short course leaving him with seven na- final, taking fourth overall. Over in Turkey in the Women’s Volleyball
ifornia ‘Trojans’ swim team meter) backstroke to help his tional records in short course Championship, senior women’s national team
proved to be a force for his team to a 1-2 finish. metros, and nine more in long Previous Winners: middle-blocker, Sinead Jack-Kisal and Iilbank en-
team LA Current during the Known more for his butter- course metres. dured a two-match losing streak for the Christ-
second International Swim fly and freestyle events, Carter A Commonwealth Games 2014 Swammy – George Bovell, mas weekend.
continued to surge in back- medal winner, the first-ever T&T Ilbank went under to league-leaders Vakifbank
League which was held in 2015 Swammy – (Vacant –
a ‘bubble’ at the 25m short stroke, going 23.28 seconds, for T&T in the sport of swim- 20-25, 12-25, 19-25 on December 22, and three
combined South American & CAC days later they were humbled by fourth-placed
course pool in Duna, Hungary 23.93 seconds, and 24.99 sec- ming at the last edition held Award, Thiago Pereira of Brazil
during October and Novem- onds in the 50m backstroke on the Gold Coast in Australia, Eczacibasi 14-25, 22-25, 20-25.
ber. skin race to complete a 1-2 Carter hit double-digit scor- 2016 Swammy – Marcelo Acosta, El The back-to-back defeats for Ilbank ended a
Late in the season, with a fi- sweep for LA. ing in two separate matches, Salvador run of three wins in four matches, and left the
nals playoff berth on the line, Carter would ultimately set cracking the top 150 in “Most 2017 Swammy – Mauro Castillo- club 13th on the 15-club table with a 6-17 record
the 24-year-old Carter who T&T records in the 100m back- Valuable Player” scoring Luna, Mexico and 17 points, one ahead of Can Genclik Kale
turns 25 on January 30 ex- strokes (49.91), 100m freestyle across the entire league for 2018 Swammy – Dylan Carter, T&T Spor (5-18) while Besiktas (1-22) and Beylikduzu
ploded at the regular-season (46.56) and 100 butterfly the season. His LA Current 2019 Swammy – Ricardo Vargas, Voleybol Ihtisas (0-23) occupy the three bottom
finale, going 50.11 seconds in (50.70) events this ISL season, team wound up in the league Mexico positions with 16, three and zero points respec-
2020 Swammy – Dylan Carter, T&T tively.
36 sports Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Jeffrey Ross
10.10 La Tihaty;
1.10 Heer We Go Again
3.10 Radrizzani.

‘Tahity’ to
improve and gain
winning brackets
Hollie Doyle and Tom Marquand,
our esteemed ‘Golden couple’ on the
English racing scene last year, when the
irrepressible ‘pocket rocket’ was voted
‘Sportswoman of 2020’ on the back of a
career-best total of a staggering 151 win-
ners, are engaged to be married; they
have been together since meeting up as
junior teenagers at a pony club about
ten years ago. Absolutely marvellous
and this column sends sincere congrat-
Wonderful news to emerge from the
gloom and SAD winter days which are
currently extremely cold and likely to
get worse, given we’ve been warned ‘the
beast from the east’ is due to return this
month; three years ago it was bone-chill-
ing but I still wrapped up warm and
went for long walks, forbidden now due
to total lockdown against the dreaded
killer Coronavirus disease.
It’s a bad time with Covid-19 causing
EASY WINNER abandonments and strict regulations
in the Premier Football league which is
Four-year-old, Chester Roberts also beleaguered by racist organisations
trained Manos Ariba with springing up and getting a foothold
Champion jockey Brian world-wide; we have never encountered
Boodramsingh astride easing to racism to the tenth degree during the
victory, ahead of Proud Vanessa, last thirty years, entailing more than ten
the Harold Chadee trained with long visits to the Caribbean island(s) of
champion apprentice Kimal Trinidad & Tobago, where I purchased
Santo, to win Race 4 at Santa land and property.
Rosa Park Arima on Boxing Day. It feels uncomfortable and recent
PICTURES RALPH BANWARIE bulletins from Trinidadian-born broad-
caster Rishi Persad’s ‘steering group of
diversity in racing’ have made my blood
boil; two letters (one twitter!) asking for
details of individual, transparent experi-
ences were totally ignored by him and I
fear such people will get a ‘cold shoul-
der’ in racecourse press rooms which
one frequented contentedly for decades.
WINNERS Even ‘oppressed’ multi-millionaires,
Michael ‘Whispering Death’ Holding,
Dr Altman Ragoobarsingh, second from left, his World Champions, Lewis Hamilton and
daughter Sarah Ragoobarsingh (Standing next Anthony Joshua, are continually on our
to the horse), Chester Roberts, trainer, right, TV screens preaching about injustice
and Joseph Caton, the groom and friends in the and equalisation, causing unrest. What
Winner’s Circle at Santa Rosa Park Arima after is their ultimate objective?
the horse won Race 4 on New Years Day. Anyway horse-racing ‘behind closed
doors’ continues today on Wolverhamp-

When De Mark Buss TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 2021 LAST DRAW: MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 2021 ton tapeta and Lingfield where once-
raced, top-rated La Tihaty will be
Marks Times played this year Marks Times played this year tough to beat in a ten-runner Novice
10.30am 1pm 4pm 7pm Total 10.30am 1pm 4pm 7pm Total Stakes over seven furlongs of the reliable
01 CENTIPEDE 0 1 0 0 1 19 HORSE 0 0 0 0 0 TODAY’S STAR BETS and durable polytrack.
20 DOG
5 15
02 OLD LADY 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 (Corbeau) Over course and distance a fortnight
03 CARRIAGE 0 0 0 0 0 21 MOUTH 0 0 0 0 0
04 DEAD MAN 0 0 0 0 0 22 RAT 0 0 0 0 0
14 (Money) 8 21 ago La Tihaty was beaten a length
05 PARSON MAN 1 1 0 0 2 23 HOUSE 0 0 0 0 0 18 (Water Boat) under Jack Mitchell by Irish-raider, Hol-
06 BELLY 0 0 1 0 1 24 QUEEN 0 0 0 2 2
27 (Little Snake) 10.30 am 1 (Centipede) 1 pm 35 (Big Snake) 17 31 lie Doyle-ridden Darwell Lion, with 4/7
07 HOG 0 0 0 0 0 25 MOROCOY 1 0 0 0 1 BACKUP MARKS 32
favourite a neck away in a frenetic finish,
08 TIGER 0 0 0 0 0 26 FOWL 0 0 0 0 0
5-12-13-20-31-36 achieving a half-decent time-handicap
09 CATTLE 0 0 0 0 0 27 LITTLE SNAKE 1 0 1 0 2
Under: (Last Tuesday) mark; improvement is expected because
10 MONKEY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PREFERRED LINES 10.30 am................. 16-24
11 CORBEAU 0 0 0 0 0 29 OPIUM MAN 0 0 0 0 0 1 pm ....................... 27-20
the Roger Varian-trained colt displayed
27 (Little Snake) 4 pm 24 (Queen) 7 pm 2-5-8-9 inexperience.
12 KING 0 0 0 0 0 30 HOUSE CAT 0 0 0 1 1 4 pm ....................... 31-13
13 CRAPAUD 0 0 0 0 0 31 PARSON WIFE 0 0 0 0 0 PICK FOUR 7 pm ......................... 8-19 Radrizzani, winner over course and
14 MONEY 0 0 0 0 0 32 SHRIMP 0 0 0 0 0 Under: (Last Tuesday) PICK TWO SELECTIONS distance, should supplement those gains
10.30 am 6 8 1 9
15 SICK WOMAN 0 1 0 0 1 33 SPIDER 0 0 0 0 0 10.30 am .............. 3-7-8-4 3-12 17-34 in a Novice Stakes over five furlongs
16 JAMETTE 0 0 0 0 0 34 BLIND MAN 0 0 0 0 0 1 pm 1 pm ............... 5-9-3-1
6 9 4 8 CASH POT around Dunstall Park under Danny Tud-
17 PIGEON 0 0 0 0 0 35 BIG SNAKE 0 0 0 0 0 4 pm ........... 4-9-8-1
18 WATER BOAT 0 0 0 0 0 36 DONKEY 0 0 0 0 0 SELECTIONS hope and I’m expecting Heer We Go
4 pm 9 7 2 1 7 pm .............. 0-1-0-7
5-7-11-14-16 Again to go close in the opening ‘aged’
Play Whe—Under: (Last Tuesday) PICK FOUR SELECTIONS RESULTS handicap over five furlongs.
10.30 am: 23 (House) 1 pm: 29 (Opium Man) 4 pm: 36 (Donkey) 7 pm: 23 (House) 7 pm 9 6 8 3 8-3-6-7 2-3-7-10-14 Mx3 Ludlow was abandoned.
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 sports 37

James, Davis help Lakers

beat Grizzlies, 108-94
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — LeBron James had 22 rebounds and seven assists.
points, 13 rebounds and eight assists,
Anthony Davis added 17 points and NUGGETS 124, TIMBERWOLVES 109
nine rebounds and the Los Angeles MINNEAPOLIS — Jamal Murray scored a
Lakers opened a two-game set in Mem- season-high 36 points, Nikola Jokic had
phis with a 108-94 victory over the Griz- 19 points, 12 rebounds and 12 assists for
zlies on Sunday night. his fourth triple-double of the season
James played within the offense for and Denver beat Minnesota. Former T&T women’s football
the first three quarters, then became Murray scored 26 points in the first manager Jinelle James
more aggressive to start the fourth, half, including 16 in the second quarter.
scoring the Lakers first 10 points of
the period. His 3-pointer with 2:34 left
Malik Beasley, the former Denver
draft pick traded to the Timberwolves
last season, scored a season-high 25 for
FIFA targets
made it 101-90.
Montrezl Harrell added 16 points and Minnesota.
nine rebounds to help the Lakers win The teams will complete home-and

football in T&T
their third straight. home set Tuesday night in Denver.
Kyle Anderson led Memphis with
18 points, and Jonas Valanciunas had JAZZ 130, SPURS 109
14 points and 10 rebounds. Tyus Jones SAN ANTONIO — Bojan Bogdanovic WALTER ALIBEY
Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry (30) takes a three-point shot over
also had 14 points, and rookie Des- Portland Trail Blazers center Enes Kanter (11) during the second half of an NBA scored 28 points and Utah made a sea-
mond Bane had 13. basketball game in San Francisco on Sunday. He scored 62 points. PICTURE AP son-high 21 3-pointers to beat San An-
The Lakers led 56-54 at the break tonio. Women’s football in T&T has
after both teams held advantages of Donovan Mitchell added 22 points gained the attention of the sport’s
Devin Booker led Phoenix with 25 game with at least 20.
at least nine points in the first half. and nine assists in 29 minutes. Utah world governing body- FIFA, Rob-
points, and Deandre Ayton added 24. On Friday night, Detroit beat Boston
Los Angeles took a 77-75 lead into the was 21 for 41 on 3-pointers compared to ert Hadad of the FIFA-appointed
Chris Paul, who played six seasons for 96-93 for its only victory of the season.
fourth. 6 for 19 by San Antonio. Normalisation Committee said.
the Clippers, had 15 points, nine re-
The teams will meet again Tuesday Keldon Johnson had 22 points for the Speaking to Guardian Media
bounds and six assists. They had won WIZARDS 123, NETS 122
night. Spurs. San Antonio suffered its fourth Sports on Monday, Hadad said he
four in a row and 13 of 14 dating to their NEW YORK — Bradley Beal had 27 points,
straight loss as well as its largest margin has been instructed by FIFA, to
perfect run in the NBA bubble. 10 rebounds and the assist on Thomas
CLIPPERS 112, SUNS 107 of defeat. look at women’s football, as there
Bryant’s go-ahead dunk with 14.9 sec-
PHOENIX — Paul George scored 39 has been an increased investment
CELTICS 122, PISTONS 12O onds left, leading Washington past
points and Los Angeles held on to beat BULLS 118, MAVERICKS 108 towards it. “FIFA has specifically
DETROIT — Jayson Tatum hit a fallaway Brooklyn.
Phoenix after nearly blowing a 31-point CHICAGO — Zach LaVine had 39 points said they would really like us fo-
as Blake Griffin stumbled with 2.9 sec- Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant
lead in a matchup of two of the Western and Coby White scored 21 of his 23 cusing on women’s football. They
onds left, then tied up the Detroit vet- missed jumpers on the last possession,
Conference’s top early season teams. points in the second half to lead Chi- have increased their investment
eran on the other end to help Boston dropping the Nets to 3-4.
At 5-2, the Clippers are tied with the cago past Dallas. in women’s football and they have
beat the Pistons for a weekend split. Russell Westbrook had 24 points and
Suns and Los Angeles Lakers for the Jalen Brunson, starting in place of the already started speaking to Jinelle
Jaylen Brown led Boston with 31 10 assists but only five rebounds after
West lead. injured Luka Doncic, had 31 points for James and hopefully, they will put
points. He hit a late 3-pointer and was recording triple-doubles in his first
George was 7 of 10 from 3-point the Mavericks. Doncic sat out because a plan in place for women’s foot-
13 of 16 from the field, two nights after four games with the Wizards. Bryant
range and Los Angeles was 17 of 29 of a left quadriceps contusion. He was ball as soon as possible.”
his late miss sealed a loss in the opener finished with 21 points and 14 rebounds
overall. Kawhi Leonard added 15 injured Friday night in the second quar- Only last year women’s football
in Detroit. Tatum had 24 points and 12 to help Washington win its second
points, but shot 4 of 21 from the field, ter of a home victory over Miami. provided the lone bright spark for
assists. straight after an 0-5 start.
and Luke Kennard came off the bench Otto Porter Jr. added 15 for the Bulls. the country on the field when the
Jerami Grant scored 22 points for the Irving had 30 points and 10 as-
to add 14 points. (AP) Under-20 women finished in the
Pistons, his career-best fifth straight sists, and Durant had 28 points, 11
quarterfinal round of the CONCA-

Liverpool stumbles at Southampton

CAF Under-20 Championship in
the Dominican Republic in March.
Amidst concerns about the
direction of the sport follow-
ing the election of the William
Liverpool’s Premier League title de- could ill afford to see Moussa Djenepo Wallace-led executive, which re-
fence suffered a setback as they fell to limp off after 32 minutes, during which placed the David John-Williams
a 1-0 defeat at Southampton yesterday. he had caused Trent Alexander-Arnold administration on November 24,
Danny Ings’ superb second-minute several problems down the left. 2019, the Richard Hood-coached
lob over Reds goalkeeper Alisson, from Initially, at least, they continued to team provided a smile for all, with
a James Ward-Prowse free-kick, settled play in their normal style, trying to re- wins against St Kitts/Nevis 6-0
the contest against his former club. tain possession and work the ball into and the Cayman Islands 2-0 in the
Jurgen Klopp’s Liverpool side, for promising positions out wide. group stage, which earned them
whom this was a second league loss of Nathan Tella’s curling, right-foot a place into the round of 16s, de-
the season, remain top of the table on shot, after Ings had expertly cushioned spite a heavy 0-7 defeat by Haiti in
goal difference but have taken only two the ball into his path, almost brought their third group match.
points from the last nine available. the reward of a second goal. Later the T&T girls confirmed
Both Manchester United and Man- However, after the break, it was a place in the quarters with a 5-4
chester City will leapfrog the reigning very much rearguard action from the triumph over Puerto Rico from
champions if they win their games in Saints, with Kyle Walker-Peters, Jan the penalty spot, after the game
hand. Bednarek and Jack Stephens making ended 3-3 at the end of regulation
Southampton’s first win in five Pre- seven clearances each to repel wave time. They were later booted out
mier League games sees them climb after wave of Liverpool attacks. by giants Mexico in a 0-4 loss in
to sixth. That resilience was underlined by the quarters.
And the hosts were good value for restricting the Reds to just one shot on Contacted yesterday, James
their victory, forcing the pace early on target - a Sadio Mane effort in the 75th who is the Director of Women’s
Southampton’s Danny Ings scores his team’s first goal during the English football described the initiative of
against an unfamiliar Reds backline minute.
Premier League football match between Southampton and Liverpool at St the FIFA as tremendous, saying it
containing Jordan Henderson and then Mary’s Stadium, Southampton, England, yesterday. PICTURE AP Rejigged Liverpool fail to spark
defending resolutely as the visitors Before kick-off at St Mary’s on is long overdue.
poured forward after the break. began this contest without several key home appearance since December Monday, Klopp had said he could be She said the women’s game has
While Liverpool can point to the performers. 2017. blamed if the decision to deploy Hen- been growing all over the world,
huge void at the heart of their defence Goalkeeper Alex McCarthy’s positive And with Jannik Vestergaard, Oriol derson alongside Fabinho, another so to get that additional support
and several injured stars, it should also coronavirus test meant Fraser Forster Romeu and Che Adams also injured, midfielder, in defence did not work. will help local football tremen-
be acknowledged that Southampton came in for a first Premier League Saints manager Ralph Hasenhuttl (BBC Sports) dously.
38 sports Tuesday, January 5, 2021

TTFA settles with Avec Sports Shakib to face Windies after recall
DHAKA, Bangladesh – Highly-rated all-
rounder, Shakib-al-Hasan, has been
...Hadad: New uniform agreement in the works recalled for the upcoming Test and
one-day series against West Indies,
WALTER ALIBEY 15,000 pounds to get out of the after serving a one-year ban from in- contract because obviously, the ternational cricket.
implications long-term, would The 33-year-old was slapped with
Monies owed to UK Sportswear have been a bit more.” a two-year ban in October 2019 for
supplies Avec Sports for a deal Meanwhile, with the country’s three breaches of the International
with the embattled T&T Football senior team set to begin World Cricket Council’s anti-corruption
Association (TTFA) last year that Cup and Gold Cup qualifiers in code, when he failed to report ap-
was not honoured, has been paid. March, the local football boss has proaches to engage in corrupt con-
Now discussions have started already begun his search for a uni- duct and was on a one year sentence Shakib-Al-Hasan
for a new uniform deal to out- form deal that could come from that was suspended.
fit the country’s national teams, either Adidas, Puma, or another Shakib is one of Bangladesh’s most
scheduled to come from either unknown sportswear supplier. successful cricketers and prior to the
Adidas, Puma, Joma, or a new “We are now in the process of ban, served as the country’s Test and PRELIMINARY SQUADS
company. seeking a new uniform contract, One-Day International captain.
ODIs: Tamim Iqbal (capt), Momimul
The payment of $15,000 so we have been in discussions While the ban ended a few months Haque, Taskin Ahmed, Khaled Ahmed,
pounds by the FIFA-appointed with a few uniform people. We ago, Bangladesh have not featured in Shakib Al Hasan, Hasan Mahmud,
Normalisation Committee being would all be aware that to get into international cricket because of the Najmul Hossain Shanto, Mustafizur
led by chairman Robert Hadad, a new uniform deal would require COVID-19 pandemic, and the upcom- Rahman, Mushfiqur Rahim, Mehidy
has now officially relieved the a lot of work and definitely, we’re ing tour by West Indies marks the first Hassan Miraz, Mohammad Mithun,
country’s football administrators Chairman of FIFA Normalisation looking for money.” taste of action for the south Asian na- Taijul Islam, Liton Das, Nurul Hasan,
from the burden of another legal Committee Robert Hadad “The TTFA needs some sort of tion since last March. Yasir Ali, Shadman Islam, Saif Hassan,
battle to add to the many Hadad contribution towards the TTFA Shakib is a talented middle order Nayeem Hasan, Abu Jayed, Ebadot
and his committee members that Wallace-led executive had placed and some sort of uniform deal in stroke-maker and an effective left-arm Hossain
comprise attorney Judy Daniel local football on the brink of insol- the next two years. I wouldn’t like spinner, who has emerged as one of
(deputy chairman) and business- us signing anything longer than Bangladesh’s leading lights. Tests: Momimul Haque, Taskin Ahmed,
vency and illiquidity before they
Tamim Iqbal, Khaled Ahmed, Shakib
man and former banker Nigel Ro- were removed on March 17. two years. One of the companies He averages nearly 40 with the bat Al Hasan, Hasan Mahmud, Najmul
mano, have had to cope with. The contract was signed offi- is a new one that we are talking from 56 Tests and has also taken 210 Hossain Shanto, Mustafizur Rahman,
Then TTFA president William cially in January 2020, but the to, one of them is Joma, Joma has wickets. In ODIs, Shakib has scored Mushfiqur Rahim, Mehidy Hassan Miraz,
Wallace and his general secretary country was expected to benefit an offer on the table, and we have 6 323 at an average of almost 38, and Mohammad Mithun, Taijul Islam, Liton
Ramesh Ramdhan had put pen to with its first tranch of uniforms reached out to Adidas also.” has snared 260 wickets. Das, Nurul Hasan, Yasir Ali, Shadman
paper for a $25-million contract on June 1 last year, a development “You would be mindful that be- His return will be a massive boost Islam, Saif Hassan, Nayeem Hasan, Abu
to outfit all the country’s national that led to legal action by Avec, cause of our low rankings, getting for Bangladesh which is already a for- Jayed, Ebadot Hossain
teams, from the junior to the sen- as the normalisation committee some of these people to contrib- midable side on home soil.
ior levels, with uniforms. refused to continue with that con- ute financially toward the asso- He joins the experienced likes of Bangladesh’s selectors picked a 24-
The other part of the contract tract and other deals by the Wal- ciation is where the dilemma is, Tamim Iqbal, Momimul Haque and man preliminary squad for the ODI
required the football association lace administration. so we are working through those Mushfiqur Rahim in the 20-man pro- series against West Indies later this
to sell some 7, 500 in apparel, to However, yesterday, Hadad re- companies right now. We have vision Test squad. month, and the one player they didn’t
benefit in part from the sale 80 to vealed to Guardian Media Sports also reached out to Puma, I don’t However, former captain Mashrafe pick has become the main talking
20 per cent respectively, between that they were officially out of know where we are at with that Mortaza has been omitted from the point: Mashrafe Mortaza, 37, the coun-
them (TTFA) and distributors that deal.”Directly speaking about one as yet as we haven’t gotten an 24-man provisional ODI squad, with try’s highest wicket-taker in ODIs and
Sports & Games. Avec, we have already settled with offer on the table as yet. So when selectors indicating they were looking longest-serving captain. This is the
However, the deal fell flat fol- Avec, we had a settlement figure we see the offers we will make a to the future. first time Mortaza has been dropped
lowing a decision by the sport’s from them and we have already decision, and we have to make a West Indies are scheduled to leave from the ODI squad since making his
world governing body to replace dealt with that issue, so we are decision quickly because we need the Caribbean on Friday for the Janu- debut in November 2001, though he
the T&TFA with a normalisation out of the contract with Avec of- the uniforms for March,” Hadad ary 20 to February 15 series compris- has missed a lot of cricket over the
committee on the basis that the ficially. We settled with Avec for said. ing three ODIs and two Tests. years because of injuries. (CMC)

Goolie, Kallicharan, Deyal show up to stake selection claim

GYASI MERRIQUE teammates Goolie and Kallich- aran put on 88 runs for the 5th SUMMARISED SCORES
wicket. The 2016 youth World Cup Cariah XI - 195 all out (Goolie 54,
The presence of several senior winners, each went on to score Kallicharan 57; Khan 4/40) lost
T&T cricketers who are all close to half-centuries. Goolie was the first to Pollard XI - 196/7 (Deyal 57,
full fitness is enough of a selection to be dismissed when he was on Katwaroo 36 n.o; Pierre 3/47) by
headache for T&T Red Force head 54, bowled by off-spinner Deyal. three wickets.
coach David Furlonge. Added to His knock included one boundary
that dilemma several younger and four sixes from 67 balls. Kalli-
players continue to acquit them- charan’s dismissal came when he stand-in ODI captain Jason Mo-
selves quite well in the team’s was on 57 (seven fours, one six), hammed could only must three
ongoing trial matches in prepa- caught by Rampaul from Khan’s runs before he became the second
ration for next month’s Regional bowling again. Following their wicket in a three-wicket cluster for
Super50 Cup in Antigua and Bar- departures, none of the last five Pierre who also dismissed Pollard
buda. Cariah XI batsmen could reach for 22 to reduce the Pollard XI to
Yesterday at the National Cricket double-digit scores and they were 66 for four.
Centre in Balmain, Couva former dismissed for 195 in 45.5 overs. It would take an enterprising re-
West Indies Under-19 batsmen Bowling for the Pollard XI, Khan covery launched by Deyal and Ste-
Jyd Goolie and Kirstan Kallicha- took four wickets for 40 runs in ven Katwaroo to take the Pollard
ran cracked half-centuries for the 9.5 overs and Deyal claimed two XI from 82 for five to 157 for six.
Yannic Cariah XI in a losing effort for 34 from ten overs. Deyal took the lead in that initia-
against the Kieron Pollard XI in The Pollard XI faced a similarly tive and would count seven fours
T&T cricketers from left, Darren Bravo, Kieron Pollard, Rayad Emrit and Ravi
the first practice match. Rampaul huddle up during the T&T Red Force fifth trial match played at the shaky start in their reply. Fast and one six in his knock of 57
Mark Deyal also brought him- National Cricket Centre in Balmain, Couva yesterday. PICTURE ANTHONY HARRIS bowler Jayden Seales bowled Jer- from 45 balls. They lost his wicket
self notice with an all-round Man emy Solozano for 13 with the score as well as Khan’s before the end
of the Match performance that in- paul had Kjorn Ottley caught for which left the Cariah XI on 40 for on 21 in the 9th over and left- but reached 196 for seven in 44.3
cluded a half-century of his own in five by Pollard, diving forward at two. handed spinner Khary Pierre had overs to secure victory by three
the Pollard XI’s win. short extra cover. Rampaul him- The Cariah XI could not forge Yannick Ottley caught by Bryan wickets. Katwaroo remained not
Cariah and company won the self also took a spectacular catch the type of partnerships they Charles in the next over for the out on 36, while Deyal was named
toss and chose to bat, losing a at long-off to dismiss Tion Webster wanted at the top of their innings addition of one run to the Pollard man of the match.
wicket with just 19 runs on the for 25 from the bowling of right- and were soon reduced to 66 for XI total. The next practice match will to-
board when fast bowler Ravi Ram- arm leg break bowler Imran Khan, four until former West Indies U19 Newly appointed West Indies morrow.
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 sports 39

Elgar slams 127 despite

Sri Lanka 4 quick wickets
JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Vishwa resistance as well as they even- 13th Test ton in the fifth over of
Fernando bagged his maiden tually lost their last five wickets the day and then saw Rassie van
five-wicket haul to keep South for just 61. Fernando gave the der Dussen complete his fourth
Africa down to 302 in the second visitors a breakthrough on the half-century in the next over. Sri
session on day two. The hosts, second ball of the post-Lunch Lanka dished out plenty of scor-
however, built a lead of 145 and session as he trapped Wiaan ing deliveries and also dropped
will be comfortable with the runs Mulder in front to bag his sec- the latter before Dushmantha
in the bank especially with the ond wicket. Chameera provided the break-
track starting to play tricks with Keshav Maharaj fell to Asitha through they were desperate
the odd ball kicking off from the Fernando but the big wicket for. Elgar hung his bat out at a
surface, yesterday. came in the 68th over when length delivery and was caught
Sri Lanka, though, didn’t have Temba Bavuma had a brain at slip. From 218 for 1, they soon
the perfect session they were freeze. Vishwa was trying to went to 218 for 3 with van der
hoping for as they lost Kusal bring in all his deliveries from Dussen strangled down the leg
Perera early and ended with around the wicket and the right- side. Faf du Plessis and Quinton
16 for 1 on the board. Both Di- hander decided to offer no shot. de Kock too fell soon after as
muth Karunaratne and Lahiru Bavuma tried his luck with a they hosts nosedived to 241 for
Thirimanne lived dangerously review and failed there as well. 5 before the break.(Cricbuzz)
but managed to escape unhurt Lungi Ngidi and Lutho Sipamla
in the nine overs the visitors had scored just 19 for the final wicket
to bat. but managed to frustrate Sri Brief scores
The story of the session how- Lanka for 37 deliveries. Vishwa
ever was South Africa’s collapse. completed his five-wicket haul Sri Lanka 157 (Kusal Perera 60;
From the comfort of being 218 when Sipamla’s outside edge Anrich Nortje 6-56) & 16/1 trail South Africa’s batsman Dean Elgar raises his bat and helmet to celebrate
for 1 in the opening session with landed with Dasun Shanaka at South Africa 302 (Dean Elgar 127; scoring a century during play on the second day of the second cricket test
two set batsmen, they ended the second slip. Vishwa Fernando 5-101) by 129 match against Sri Lanka at Wanderers stadium in Johannesburg, South
opening session on 256 for 5. Earlier in the opening ses- runs. Africa on Monday, Jan 4, 2021. Elgar scored 127 runs before being dismissed
There wasn’t much lower-order sion, Dean Elgar completed his by Sri Lanka’s Dushmantha Chameera. PICTURE AP

Williamson, Nicholls propel

New Zealand with record stand
CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand (AP)— Pakistan’s Nicholls was walking when the television
accurate bowling attack tied down New umpire called the front foot no ball by Af-
Zealand between lunch and tea yesterday ridi, which gave the New Zealander a very
on the second day of the second cricket Test. fortunate reprieve.
Even Kane Williamson, the New Zealand Naseem Shah later beat Nicholls with
captain who has had scores of 251 and 129 a yorker angled into the batsman which
in his last two innings, was hard-pressed to passed under the bat and grazed the off
accelerate the scoring. stump on the way to Rizwan.
However, Williamson’s brilliant unbeaten The incidents were reminiscent of the
112*, in a record 215-run unbroken part- start of Nicholl’s innings in the second test
nership for the fourth wicket with Henry against the West Indies this summer when
Nicholls, laid the groundwork as New he was dropped three times on the way to
Zealand reduced their deficit to just 11 by 50 but went on the make 174, a career-best
stumps on Day 2 of the Test series decider. score.
New Zealand added 79 runs for the loss of Even Williamson, imperious in recent
Ross Taylor’s wicket in the second session winnings, found batting difficult. The Pa-
and was 145-3 at tea. Williamson had scored kistan bowlers, especially Afridi, generated
40 in 149 minutes, Henry Nicholls scored pace and hit a relentlessly testing line. They
25 in 101 minutes and their 50 partnership stifled the back foot shots Nicholls and Wil-
spanned 105 deliveries. liamson enjoy and worked on a full length
A little flourish which brought three outside off stump which made driving per-
boundaries in the last three overs before tea ilous.
bumped the run rate up to 2.8. Pakistan kept in two gullies at times to
The first hour of the middle session pro- Williamson, who was aware of the danger
duced only 30 runs from 14 overs as Tay- and curbed his shot making outside off
lor fell for 12 to the bowling of Mohammad stump.
Abbas and Williamson and Nicholls worked The pitch at Hagley Park mostly has re-
to staunch the fall of wickets. tained its pace from the first day and the
New Zealand also lost the wickets of Tom batsmen have been wary of any movement
Blundell and Tom Latham in the half hour away from the bat.(Cricbuzz)
before lunch after the pair had shared a 52-
run opening stand. Taylor’s dismissal left
New Zealand 71-3 and under pressure as it Brief scores
replied to Pakistan’s first innings of 297.
Nicholls also seemed to have fallen soon New Zealand 286/3 (Kane Williamson
after lunch. When he was 3 and New Zea- 112*, Henry Nicholls 89*; Shaheen Afridi
land was 74-3, Nicholls edged a ball from 1-45, Mohammad Abbas 1-37) trail New Zealand captain Kane Williamson celebrates on reaching a century during play on day
Shaheen Afridi to wicketkeeper Mohammad Pakistan 297 by 11 runs. two of the second cricket Test between Pakistan and New Zealand at Hagley Oval,
Rizwan. Christchurch, New Zealand, yesterday. He scored an unbeaten 112. PICTURE AP
Sports Tuesday, January 5, 2021

AVEC BAD KIT 38 T&T swimmer, Dylan Carter,

24, capped off a coronavirus-
hit 2020 season by being
voted as the 2020 Central
American and Caribbean (CAC)

SwimSwam ‘Male Athlete of
the Year” awardee last month.
It was the second time Carter
copped the award after doing
so in 2018, becoming the
second T&T swimmer to do
so behind Olympic and World
Championship medal winner,

...TTFA eyeing Adidas, Puma or Joma

George Bovell III, who took the
award in 2014. See page 35.


“I don’t get frazzled too easily

and am very confident in who I
am as a person. As a basketball
player, there’s not going to be
anything you can say about me
or to me that’s going to affect
that. At the end of the day
that’s how I got here, and I got
a lot of people in my circle that
understand what makes me
tick, and how much I enjoy this
game. I never run from it.”
—Stephen Curry, the Golden
State Warriors point-guard
ESPN. See page 37.
January 10: West Indies arrive
January 18: One-Day warm-up
match, BKSP, Savar
January 20: 1st ODI, SBNCS,
January 22: 2nd ODI, SBNCS,
January 25: 3rd ODI, ZACS,
January 28-31: Four-Day
warm-up, MA Aziz Stadium,
February 3-7: 1st Test Match,
ZACS, Chattogram
February 11-15: 2nd Test Match,
SBNCS, Dhaka
Contact us @ GML Sports
225-4465, ext 2038, 2071-75
MORE RUNS 4161, 4179, 4228, 4367,
T&T Top-order batsman Tion Webster batting for the Yannic Cariah XI against the Kieron Pollard XI, played a scoring shot during his knock of 25 runs during
the T&T Red Force fifth trial match played at the National Cricket Centre in Balmain, Couva yesterday. PICTURE ANTHONY HARRIS
Printed and Published by Guardian Media Ltd, ANSA McAL Centre, Rodney Road, Endeavour, Chaguanas, Trinidad. Tel: 225-4465

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