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Rape dream meaning

What does it mean to be raped in a dream?


Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

Freud believed that to dream of rape for a man is
associated with a sadistic expression of sexual urges in Auntyflo
waking life. For a woman, it is about control and power.
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So you had a dream of rape? I will walk you through the

What is the general dream

interpretation of rape?
It's normal to be freaked out by a dream of rape, but believe it, or
not these kinds of dreams are more common than you might think.
The psyche often has to work on issues of power and control and Wondering what the future
when there is a situation in your waking world which needs holds? Spin my tarot wheel to
immediate resolve. Rape can appear in a range of guises in the find out.
dream. You may see the actual physical act of rape or witness
rape. This means a lack of control and direction in life. If the rape in Spin the wheel
your dream is homosexual in nature then this is connected to
feeling a loss of control with the actual masculine side of your
persona. If you encountered marital rape during the dream, and
your husband and wife raped you then this indicates that you are
losing control over a situation. Any type of forcible rape carried out
on yourself in a dream is associated with a lack of being in What does
control, normally at work. If you don't work it can mean that you
lack control in a relationship or certain area of your life. Scroll
your palm
down to understand your dream further. mean?
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If you are seeking the morning after pill due to being raped then
this is associated with releasing your psychic power in life. You are
looking to fill your magnetic love power and you will become
irresistible to a loved one. If you are abducted or kidnapped or
legally forced into rape, such as being raped during a war then
this is deemed to be associated with understanding your inner Celebrating over 10 years
desires. If we look at the words abduct and also kidnapped it comes online. The most acclaimed
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indicates a new phase of life. Oh and lastly, if tra!icking and slavery,
if featured in this dream, indicates a loss of control in waking life. Find out now
Now, we will look at specific details of being raped in a dream as
follows, so read on!

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Some users have contacted me when they have had the dream of What Does Your Eye…
rape many times. But what does this mean? Dreaming of repetitive
recurring dreams of rape is connected to feeling "violated" in
waking life. Are you feeling victimized? Any dream of sexual
assault is connected to feeling vulnerable in waking life. There is a
situation "out of control, " and it is time for you to move on in life.
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I am going to now look at some closer aspects of the details in the

dream, these might have featured in your dream. If the rapist was
wearing mask, or covered their heads then psychologically this
means you are feeling a lack of control in various aspects of your The Name of Your Angel
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spiritual message in your dream. When you dream of being raped
this is an open spiritual call that you are having control taken away
from you and now is the time to fight back. If you are dealing with a
legal battle such as custody or divorce or feeling like you are being
gravely taken advantage of then, this is not a time to try and play
nice. Remember, you should always look after number one! Now is
the time to act and demand that your personal needs are met and
that you will be given what you deserve. I am going to put it simply:
this is a kind of dream indicates that you need to gain the control in
the situation back before you are screwed. Now, you may dream of
actually liking the rape, when this happens it is normally
associated with the "dead bedroom" syndrome in that you are
feeling you are not getting enough sexual gratification. Let me turn
this dream around, it may mean that you are lacking a!ection which
a!ects your emotional well-being. If we look at this dream from a
more psychological view, the rape imagery can be connected to

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This is not to say that there you may feel depressed or that your
mental state of mind is challenged after having this dream. Rape is
quite a di!icult experience to go through. To dream of being raped
and the experience you su!ered in the dream was frightening can
be associated with challenging experiences into a more productive
area of life. To encounter violence connected to the dream
indicates that you must channel experiences into a more productive
direction in life.

What does it mean to dream of

gang rape?
A gang rape featured in a dream is an indication of somebody using
their very strong character to exert a destructive time on other
people. I am sure you will agree that this dream is focused on
aggression and in older dream analysis indicates a weakness of

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By the way, to commit rape in your dream indicates that you were
worried about sexual problems in a relationship, additionally, this
can to some degree indicate possible uncertainty in a relationship.
If we look at a more mystical interpretation which is really where I
get excited the older dream dictionaries from the Victorian era
indicate that rape is often associated with pride. In one ancient
dream account, I read from the 1920s by an author called Dr
Gregory states "if a woman dreams of being raped it indicates that
somebody close to her will threaten her pride." Even though this is
quote old-fashioned it can still have meaning today. To dream a
friend is raped indicates that goals can truly demand our best
e!orts If we focus on ourselves. The dream can also be associated
with an event of the past where we feel a lack of control.

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What can it mean to see an ex-

partner raped in a dream?
This indicates that a relationship may be stretched in the future. If
you are the rapist in a dream, then this is a desire for more control
as well. Your mind is "acting out" that you take control in a dream
state. This needs to transfer to your waking world.

Let's turn to more modern and ancient dream dictionaries in order

to interpret this dream. It has been stated that this dream is a
reflection of one’s attitude to the opposite sex. It can often suggest
a sense of resentment towards a lover and that your own self-
esteem is being challenged. Is it being challenged? How are you
feeling about yourself?

But what if you are the person

carrying out rape in the dream?
Then it is a form of power and dominance. Of course, this doesn't
mean you need to go around raping people in real life, but you
should consider ways in which you should be more assertive,
confident, or willful. Saving someone or helping someone after a
rape is a good omen for your life. While the dream can be traumatic
because you are witnessing someone being open or having to take
charge to protect others, this is a sign of positive times in your life.
Often these kinds of dreams are about someone denotes that you
are in the process of maturity.

Generally, depending on the details to dream of a man being

raped by a man is associated with forces in waking life. This dream
means that you have a "powerful will" and that you are successfully
controlling a situation with force, so well done! Dreaming of being
raped by the opposite sex is associated with success against all of
the odds. As concluded above it about taking charge of the world
around you. Rule of thumb, if you're dreaming of being raped by a
man (if you are a women) and a man dreaming of being raped by
women (if you are a man) is all about "control" in waking life. It can
indicate that you have the personality to take charge of the world
around you. At the very least, this dream has materialized in the
subconscious mind because there has been doubting over
controlling some situation through the force of your own

Next, let's look at more about the "sex" of the person carrying out
the rape, a dream of being raped by the same sex, for example,
women raping a woman, or a man raping a man holds no further
meaning than what we have already outlined. It is all about control,
and the dream signifies that it is important to understand any
contradictions that have been brought together and howled under
control. In most dream situations rape is about control. I'm glad to
have cleared this up. This is not to hide the negative undertones of
such a dream. Obviously, being raped by somebody can be
disturbing. It basically means that you need to take charge of the
world around you will control things in a much better way. Trying to
think of the rape dream as a challenge to your own control.

To dream of rape that is odd, or to have a dream that is highly weird

or crazy is associated with control and the sense that you need to
find approaches to di!iculties. Ok, this is rather disturbing but
covering it will be beneficial to some users. To dream of rape
connected to animals suggests that you need to take charge of
your own destiny. Sometimes rape dreams are a sign of pregnancy.
Weird and crazy rape dreams are common during pregnancy, and
the mind tends to be overactive due to hormones. Again, do not be
concerned with these dreams, but consider what areas of your life
need to be simplified so that you can cut down on stress.

If you were raped in a dream but you survived and fought back,
consider ways where you are overcoming your own barriers in life.
These dreams are perhaps the scariest because you feel like they
are real and you experience the rape from beginning to end, and it
can feel as if you were really violated. Often there are ways in which
you are being threatened or taken advantage of, and you feel that
perhaps you are making a big deal out of a situation. When you are
reacting this way to your dreams chances are that your own fears
about a person or situation are founded, and you should keep up
your guard.

To want to be raped in a dream indicates you wish someone to

take control of a situation you have been struggling with. To be
raped in real life and have flashbacks is perfectly natural. You need
to try to work through the trauma with a therapist and gain control
over the situation. To dream of incest or rape of family members,
this indicates that you do not trust someone close to you. It can
signify possible "trust" issues in the past.

Dreaming of being raped by a demon is a psychic dream that

indicates that your soul is trying to find ways to control someone's
inappropriate behavior in life. You have some fear or worry that
someone in waking life will take the "control" away from you. This
dream can be disturbing and is playing on your subconscious mind.
If you perform any type of magical psychic work, then it is possible
that you can be raped by a demon. There have been many accounts
that have been emailed across to me - and each time these dreams
are about the need for protection. Let's quickly review this dream.
The two main demons are incubus (male sexual demon) and
succubus (female sexual demon) at times these Demons focus on
the attack to confuse the dreamer about sexual orientation. The way
to protect yourself against "demon rape" dreams is to say "slam"
when they appear. Next time, do this and you will be surprised.

What does it mean to be sexually

abused by family members in
What a terrifying dream! Ah, the burning question is what does it
mean? To dream of being raped by a parent (such as a mother or
father) can be a shocking dream, it indicates your desire to be
rescued by others and to control people in waking life. Don't worry,
the dream itself is symbolic in nature and is just connected to your
subconscious mind so do not think about it too much. To dream and
relative raped, you indicate that you are looking for protection from
other people. The dream itself is symbolic and connects with your
relationship with that particular relative. If you have su!ered any
type of traumatic abuse in the past in waking life it is not
uncommon to have these types of repetitive dreams.

What does being forced to have

sex mean in a dream?
Dreaming of being forced to give oral sex can be associated with
sexual frustrations in life. You will find it very di!icult to express
your desires with a partner. To be raped at a party in a dream
indicates that you need to break down a person’s resistance so that
they are able to obey your commands. If the rape dream involved
murder then this can highlight that you are going to in’s people in a
work context. The murder itself represents a subconscious end to a
problem in life.

What does dreaming of rape in

jail / prison mean in a dream?
Turning to the subject of rape in jail or prison we need to address
the deeper aspects of this dream. Many men or women often face
the fear of rape in jail which is a concern. Maybe you had a dream
of being attacked in the toilet or in a communal shower? Yes, even
the thought is worrying. Rape in overcrowded prisons is common.
Sometimes assaults are not even recorded. In dreams, prison rape
is more about control in life. It is more about power. To dream of
being raped in prison is associated with awareness. Awareness is
one of the dreams basic meanings. Self-awareness is important
along with the ability to distinguish the most important aspects of

What does being sexually attacked

in a dream mean?
It can be rather disconcerting when you dream of being sexually
attacked. This could mean being raped or alternatively being
touched in an inappropriate manner during the dream. On the
whole, this is associated with your own inner confidence. It can
indicate that you are being controlled by somebody in the dream. If
you are being touched sexually in a dream then this can signify that
you need to take a break and consider whether you actually invest
any more of your time and e!ort into your projects.

If you dream about being molested then this is connected to a

blockage in life. Try to persevere with your projects. Rape dreams
are often when you feel that somebody is controlling you in waking
life. Don’t try to take things personally if you dream of being
molested by a family member in a dream. As we have already
concluded rape is associated with many di!erent feelings towards
the opposite sex. Nine times out of ten it means that you feel
violated by somebody. It may also represent an aspect of yourself
learning to recognize when you control and when you don’t.

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