May 2013 2

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(DM 21)


(Second Year)
Paper - I : Topology and Functional Analysis
Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Answer any FIVE questions selecting atleast two from each section
All questions carry equal marks


Q1) a) Let X be a second countable space. Then prove that any open base for X has a countable
subclass which is also an open base.

b) Let X be a non-empty set. Then prove that the family of all topologies on X is a complete
lattice with respect to the relation “is weaker than”. Furthermore, this lattice has a least
member and a greatest member.

Q2) a) Prove that any continuous image of a compact space is compact.

b) State and prove Tychonoff’s theorem.

Q3) a) Prove that every sequentially compact metric space is totally bounded.

b) Prove that any continuous mapping of a compact metric space into a metric space is
uniformly continuous.

Q4) State and prove the Urysohn Imbedding theorem.

Q5) a) Prove that the range of a continuous real function defined on a connected space is an

b) Prove that the product of any non-empty class of Hausdorff spaces is a Hausdorff space.

Q6) a) State and prove the Hahn-Banach theorem.

b) If N is a normed linear space and x0 is a non-zero vector in N, then prove that there exists a
functional f 0 in N* such that f 0 ( x 0 ) = x 0 and f 0 = 1.

Q7) a) If N is a normed linear space, then prove that the closed unit sphere S* in N* is a compact
Hausdorff space in the weak * topology.

b) State and prove the open mapping theorem.

Q8) a) State and prove the uniform boundedness theorem.

b) If M and N are closed linear sub spaces of a Hilbert space H such that M ⊥ N, then prove
that the linear subspace M+N is also closed.

Q9) a) If T is an operator on H for which (Tx,x) = 0 for all x, then show that T=0.
b) If N is a normal operator on H, then prove that N 2 = N .

Q10) If P is a projection on H with range M and null space N, then prove that M ⊥ N ⇔ P is
self-adjoint; and in this case, N = M ⊥

(DM 22)
(Examination at the end of Second Year)
Paper - II : Measure and Functional Analysis
Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Answer any FIVE questions

All questions carry equal marks

Q1) a) Show that inf E < sup E if and only if E ≠ φ

b) State the axiom of Archimedes. Show that between any two real numbers x and y there is a
rational number r such that x < r < y.

Q2) a) Define a measurable set. If E1 and E 2 are measurable show that E1 ∪ E2 is also

b) Let E ⊂ [0,1) be a measurable set. Then prove that for each y ∈ [0,1) the set E + y is
measurable and m( E + y ) = mE .

Q3) a) Let f and g be two measurable real valued functions defined on the same domain. Prove
that f+g and fg are also measurable.

b) Explain the concept of almost ‘everywhere’. If f is a measurable function and f = g, almost

everywhere, then show that g is also measurable.

Q4) a) State and prove Fatou’s lemma

b) State and prove Lebesgue convergence theorem.

Q5) a) Let f be a bounded function defined on [a,b]. If f is Riemann integrable on [a,b], then
b b
prove that it is measurable and R ∫ f ( x)dx = ∫ f ( x)dx .
a a

b) Let f be defined and bounded on a measurable set E with mE finite. In order show that
inf sup
f ≤ ψ ∫ ψ ( x)dx = f ≥ φ ∫ φ( x)dx for all simple functions φ and ψ , it is necessary and
E e

sufficient that f be measurable.

Q6) a) Let f be an integrable function on [a,b], and suppose that F ( x) = F (a) + ∫ f (t )dt . Then

prove that F′(x) = f (x) for almost all in [a,b].

b) Prove that a function F is an indefinite integral if and only if it is absolutely continuous.

Q7) a) State and prove Holder inequality

b) Let g be an integrable function on [0,1], and suppose that there is a constant M such that
∫ fg ≤M f p
for all bounded measurable functions. Then show that g is in L , and

g q

Q8) a) Let E be a measurable set such that 0<vE< ∞ . Then show that there is a positive set A
contained in E with vA>0.

b) State and prove Hahn decomposition theorem.

Q9) State and prove Radon-Nikodym theorem.

Q10) a) Prove with the usual notation that the class B of µ * measurable sets is a σ – algebra.

b) If µ * is a Caratheodory outer measure with respect to Γ , then show that every function Γ
is µ * - measurable.

(DM 23)
(Second Year)
Paper - III : Analytical Number Theory and Graph Theory
Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Answer any FIVE questions selecting atleast 2 from each section

All questions carry equal marks


Q1) a) Prove that the set of lattice points visible from the origin has density .
b) Show that for x ≥ 2 , we have ∑ p log p = x log x + O(x), where the sum is extended
p≤ x  
over all primes ≤ x .

3 3x
Q2) a) For x>1 prove that ∑ φ(n) = π 2 x 2 + O( x log x) and the average order of φ(n)is π 2 .
n≤ x

b) State and prove the Euler’s summation formula.

Q3) a) State and prove Abel’s identity.

b) Prove that for n ≥ 1 the nth prime p n satisfies the inequalities
1  12 
n log n < p n < 12 n log n + n log  .
6  e
1  1 
Q4) a) Prove that there is a constant A such that ∑ p = log log x + A + O log x  for all x ≥ 2 .
p≤ x  
b) State and prove Selberg’s asymptotic formula.

Q5) a) Show that a simple graph with n vertices and k components can have atmost
(n − k )(n − k + 1) edges.
b) If a graph has exactly two vertices of odd degree, then show that there must be a path
joining these two vertices.
Q6) a) Show that a connected graph G is an Euler graph if and only if it can be decomposed into
b) Discuss the Travelling-Salesman problem.

Q7) a) Define a tree. Show that a graph is a tree if and only if it is minimally connected.
b) If in a graph G there is one and only one path between every pair of vertices, then show
that G is a tree.

Q8) a) Prove that every circuit has an even number of edges in common with any cut set.
b) Prove that a vertex v in a connected graph G is a cut-vertex if and only if there exist two
vertices x and y in G such that every path between x and y passes through v.

Q9) a) Show that a connected planar graph with n vertices and e edges has e-n+2 regions.
b) Prove that any simple planar graph can be embedded in a plane such that every edge is
drawn as a straight line segment.

Q10) a) Prove that the ring sum of two circuits in a graph G is either a circuit or an edge- disjoint
union of circuits.
b) Show that the set consisting of all the circuits and the edge-disjoint unions of circuits in a
graph G is an abelian group under the ring-sum operation ⊕ .

(DM 24)
(Examination at the end of Second Year)
Paper - VI : Rings and Modules
Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Answer any FIVE questions

All questions carry equal marks

Q1) a) Show that in any distributive lattice we also have the dual distributive law
a ∨ (b ∧ c) = (a ∨ b) ∧ (a ∨ c). .
b) Show that the congruence relation on a ring form a complete lattice under inclusion.

Q2) a) If A, B and C are additive subgroups of R. Show that (AB)C = A(BC) and
AB ⊂ C ⇔ A ⊂ C : B, AB ⊂ C ⇔ B ⊂ A : C .
b) Prove that every proper (right) ideal in a ring is contained in a maximal proper (right)

Q3) a) Show that a module has a composition series if and only if it is both Artinian and
b) Show that the central idempotents of a ring R form a Boolean algebra B(R).
Q4) a) Show that every maximal ideal in a commutative ring is prime.
b) Show that the prime radical of a commutative ring R consists of all nilpotent elements of

Q5) a) If R is any commutative ring, then show that Q(R) is rationally complete.
b) Show that a Boolean algebra is isomorphic to the algebra of all subsets of a set iff it is
complete and atomic.

Q6) a) Show that a ring R is primitive if and only if there exists a faithful irreducible module AR.
b) Prove that every primitive ideal is prime.
Q7) a) Prove that the prime radical of R is the smallest ideal K such that R/K is semiprime.
b) Prove that the radical is an ideal and R / Rad R is semiprimitive.

Q8) State and prove Wedderburn-Artin theorem.

Q9) a) Show that every module is isomorphic to a factor module of a projective module.
b) Prove that every free module is projective.

Q10) a) Show that every R-module is injective iff R is completely reducible.

b) Show that M is injective if and only if every monomorphism K : M → B is direct.


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