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S E L E C T   C O L L E C T I O N

Freestyle custom
Freestyle custom

Buffet Crampon has for the first time teamed

up with young artists to personalise its high-end
clarinet cases.

Each case is a unique work of art and will ensure

the complete protection of your instrument.

This project stems from Buffet Crampon’s desire

to connect the arts, encourage creativity in all
its forms and promote the emergence of young

These cases are available in our showrooms in

Mantes-la-Ville, New York and Tokyo.

“A mix of ideas sketched out in a garage, with collage

and the tools at hand. A fabulous triptych of vibration,
pigmentation and suspension.

A Coup2Graff seasoned, spiced and sketched around

a single idea… effervescence without essence is mere

Coup2Graff, Accord en aéro-sol

“I would say the way I paint is like constructing a piece of

music using sampling: a number of sounds, a variety of
influences, all merged and mixed. Using anachronisms
to try and create something new. My objective would
be to blend stencilled graffiti and vandal graffiti (gilded

Pablo Boissel-Arrieta
Freestyle custom

If you want to buy one of these cases,

or send a personal order to one of
our artists, just write to:
Your unique customisation on:
Single and double clarinette cases
Oboe cases.

5, rue Maurice Berteaux

78 711 Mantes-la-ville - France
T: +33 (0)1 30 98 51 30 – f: +33 (0)1 34 78 79 02

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