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Discussion: Reading Material No.

Scope of Educational Management
The scope of educational management refers to the area or process covered by
educational management. The following are the scope of educational management.
1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Staffing
4. Directing
5. Coordinating
6. Innovating
7. Controlling
8. Budgeting
9. Decision making
10. Human relations
11. Communication
12. Leadership
13. Problem Solving
14. Motivation
Types of Management
1. Autocratic Type of Management
2. Democratic type of management
3. Participative Management
4. Laissez Faire type of management


 Meaning
 The word administration has been derived from a Latin word “ministiare”, which means
to serve or services rendered to other for their welfare of work dedicated to the benefits of
others. The primary objective of administration is to serve for an individual, institute,
society or the nation in such environment which may lead to their maximum growth and
 Definition
 The following simple definitions are given below to understand the concept of
 According to Shahid, “administration is machinery through which any organization or
institution is managed. It is a means of setup for a smooth and official working of
education and structure.
 a) Good’s dictionary of education defines educational administration as, “all those
techniques and procedure employed in operating the education organization in
accordance with established policies.
 b) In the words of Ryburn, “administration is not primarily concerned with arrangement
of timetable scheme of study, type of building record etc, but it is concerned with attitude
of our work and with the children with whom we work.
Educational Administration
 What is meant specifically by Educational Administration? Read the following few lines
 a) Educational administration is the process of utilizing appropriate resources in such a
way as to promote effectively the development of human qualities.
 b) Educational administration is the capacity of an individual or organization to manage
all the activities of that educational institution.
 c) Planning, organizing, directing and controlling human or material resources in an
educational setting and study of these processes are called educational administration.
 i. Nature of educational Administration
 Administration is the process of getting things done smoothly. It is the moving force to
set and keep an institution or department in motion to achieve its set targets. In other
words, it is the agency that runs the whole system by keeping the machinery in proper
order and function to achieve the optimum positive results. It also solves problem arising
in the execution of duties and activities. Poor functioning of institution or department
resulting in low output and slow progress is a sign of weak administration, while smooth
functioning with better achievement of desired targets is indicator of good administration.
 ii. Importance of educational Administration
a) Planning: Every activity or administration needs proper planning that is more useful
in achieving desire results.
b) Organization: Organization is the fundamental task in every administration through
which targets are achieved.
c) Direction: Direction represents leadership that plays significant role in administration.
d) Coordination: There is always the involvement of a number of persons or section in
every administration.
 e) Evaluation: It is the stage of formulating taking judgment by administration.
Scope of Administration
 It refers to areas or process covered by educational administration. According to Fayol
administration is a way to plan, organize, command, coordinate and to control education.
Planning is an intellectual activity which is based on facts and principles. To organize
something means the arrangement by which inter relationship along with order for
people, material, procedure and knowledge that can be done. Command is the direction
that involves the execution of plans and decision to get work from the staff. Coordination
harmonizes the team or different components of institution in a unified manner to work
properly under set program. By control one means that the system is functioning in
accordance to law, rules and regulations.

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