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Discussion: Reading Material No.

 Meaning
 It is combination of two words or parts “Super” and “Vision”. Super means over and
above while vision means look. The word means looking at a phenomena purposefully or
to look into a thing in detail and in depth. It means to supervise an activity to give
instructions and to lead someone or something.
 Definition
 a) Supervision is assistance in development of teaching learning process.
 b) Supervision is name of that discipline through which we can control the affairs of

 Educational Supervision
 Definition
a) Educational supervision is process of looking into the affairs of education system with
the purpose to know its efficiency and effectiveness.
b) According to Wiles, Educational supervision means to guide and stimulate the
activities of teacher with a view to improve them in the context of teaching as well as
instruction and promoting their professional growth.
 Since Educational supervision plays important effective role to see whether schools,
colleges and other such educational institutions are functioning properly or not. It is a
practical job that enables educators to attain targets of education in an efficient and
effective manner, and to avoid wastage, fatigue and boredom.
 Nature
 The nature of supervision refers to the way it is carried out by supervisor. Supervision is
a purposeful and positive activity. It observes measures and improves the working in
friendly manner. It always aims at the improvement of overall educational standards. It
enhances the strengths of educational activity and suggests remedial measures if there are
any limitations. It directs educational activities, ensures efficiencies, remove weakness by
suggesting remedial measure and makes research for the development of overall
educational practices.
 The nature of educational supervision is evident from the approaches used in supervision.
If supervision is made for only fault finding then it is a negative supervision. It does not
encourage creativity, enhancement and cannot motivate educator to achieve the targets of
education. On the contrary there is a positive supervision. There is identification of
limitations and suggestions for further enhancement and strengthening all positive
concepts. It always encourages and motivates for the attainment of educational targets.
There is always proper coordination and communication between the various stake-
holders of the educational phenomena. A proper well managed supervision promotes the
progress of educational organization in a proper direction.
 Importance of Supervision
 Education being purposeful activity needs supervision for the proper operation of
educational activity. Supervision removes the weakness of educational enterprise and
suggests remedial measure for overcoming 18
 these weaknesses. Being a purposeful activity education cannot achieve its targets
effectively without supervision. The following points will clearly explain the importance
of supervision.
 a) Efficiency and effectiveness
 Supervision makes activities more efficient and effective by proper utilization of
resources. It avoids wastage of time, resources and manpower by achieving targets within
the given frame work of time.
 b) Removal of Weakness
 It removes weakness at the proper time by identification of weaknesses and suggesting
remedial measures.
 c) Recommendation
 Supervision always gives recommendations and directions from time to time as a check
and for the workers.
 d) Achievement of targets
 Constant and managed supervision is effective in achieving the approved educational
objectives and targets with in proper time.
 e) Reward and Punishment
 Supervision encourages the workers through rewards and punishment in order to bring
order. In the case of teachers the rewards may include promotion, extra increment in pay,
certificate of appreciation or medal etc. The punishment for poor performance may be
stopping annual increment, adverse report in ACR, transfer, delay in confirmation and
suspension etc.
 f) Regularity and Punctuality
 Supervision ensures regularity and punctuality of the teachers, students, workers by
making the educational personal more accountable and more responsible. A record of
attendance of teachers, students or workers has to be properly maintained for this

 Type of Supervision
i. Corrective Supervision
 This concept of supervision is very old where the weaknesses and drawbacks of
subordinates are deducted and possible measures are taken to correct the system.
 ii. Preventive Supervision
 iii. Creative Supervision
iv. Lasses-faire
v. Democratic Supervision
vi. Scientific Supervision
vii. Authoritative Supervision
viii. Cooperative Supervision
ix. Inspection Supervision/ Emergency Supervision

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