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Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

Enthalpy change during hydrothermal carbonization of biomass:

a critical review
Matteo Pecchi1   · Francesco Patuzzi1   · Daniele Basso1,2 · Marco Baratieri1 

Received: 18 June 2019 / Accepted: 26 November 2019

© Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary 2019

A remarkable number of scientific papers are available in the literature about the process of hydrothermal carbonization
(HTC), also called wet or hydrous pyrolysis, applied to biomass substrates. However, the biggest share of it focuses on the
characterization of HTC products obtained from different feedstocks. Only a few works are available on the process ther-
modynamics, particularly about the determination of the enthalpy change and the related heat release or absorption during
HTC, which is a key parameter to understand the nature of the process and to evaluate the heat requirements for the design
of industrial scale HTC plants. The present review summarizes the research carried out with the aim of assessing the process
enthalpy for HTC. Two main approaches have been identified and described, and the research works are sorted into two cat-
egories: enthalpy calculation based on the direct application of the Hess’s law and enthalpy evaluation based on differential
heat measurement. The hypotheses and results obtained by the different authors are critically analysed and discussed, and
directions for further research are proposed.

Keywords  Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) · Process enthalpy · DSC · Hess’s law

List of symbols Introduction

ΔHHTC Process enthalpy of HTC ( MJ kg−1)
ΔHf,x Standard enthalpy of formation of the x chemical
Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC), also called wet or
or phase ( MJ kg−1) hydrous pyrolysis, is a thermochemical process through
ΔHcomb Standard enthalpy of combustion ( MJ kg−1)
which wet biodegradable substrates are treated to obtain
t0 Start of temperature program (s) two main products: hydrochar and process water. Hydro-
tend End of temperature program (s) char is a carbonaceous material with chemical and physi-
Preaction Power curve measured during the reaction cal characteristics similar to natural peat or lignite [1–4]
( W kg−1) that has garnered the attention of both scientific and indus-
Pblank Power curve measured during the blank ( W kg−1 trial communities for its potential applications. It has been
) investigated by several authors as a possible solid renew-
able energy carrier [5–8], as a soil improver [9–11], as
a precursor of both activated carbons [12–14] and filters
[15], and for other innovative uses [16]. Depending on the
* Matteo Pecchi feedstock and on the process conditions, different chemi- cals can be found in the process water [17, 18]. Acetic
Francesco Patuzzi acid and phenols are the chemicals usually present in the highest concentration [2, 19]. During this process, the
Daniele Basso feedstock is heated up to temperatures ranging between; 180 and 250 °C in a water environment, while the endog-
Marco Baratieri enous-developed pressure maintains water in its liquid state. Typical residence times range from several minutes
to some hours. The ratio between the masses of dry feed-
Faculty of Science and Technology, Free University
of Bozen - Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy stock and water is called biomass to water ratio (B/W),
and it typically ranges from 0.1 to 0.3 [20]. During the
HBI S.r.l, Via Volta 13/A, 39100 Bolzano, Italy

M. Pecchi et al.

process, the feedstock first undergoes hydrolysis reactions, the exothermic behaviour to the dehydration and decarbox-
and subsequently decarbonylation, decarboxylation, and ylation reactions, which are responsible for both oxygen
re-polymerization [1]. This reduces oxygen and hydrogen and hydrogen decrease within the feedstock. In the fol-
quantity in the solid phase, increasing its carbon content. lowing year, a summarizing table collecting the results of
Indeed, the first application of HTC aimed at improving articles dealing with the determination of the HTC process
the fuel characteristics and dewaterability of low-quality enthalpy for coal and biomass was reported in the sup-
coals [21, 22], but nowadays this technique is seen as a plementary data of a research article by the same authors
possible way to produce renewable solid fuels [3, 23] or [30].
valuable by-products, starting from waste or biomass feed- In another review paper published the same year by Libra
stocks [24, 25]. et al., a value of − 1.60 MJ kg−1 cellulose for the enthalpy of cel-
In recent years, the implementation and tuning of HTC lulose HTC was reported [1], based on the stoichiometric
process have been recognized as a potential way to sustain- relationship given by Bergius [31]. However, Libra et al.
ably manage wet biodegradable residues and to produce highlighted the limit of that relationship, since the liquid
valuable by-products [26]. However, the thermodynamic products originated during the process were neglected. A
nature of this process is not yet completely understood, value of − 1.00 MJ kg−1 cellulose was also reported in Ref. [1]
mainly because of the great variability in the physical and based on unpublished data by Funke et al. Those values were
chemical characteristics of the feedstocks and secondly in the same range as the ones obtained with dry pyrolysis
because of the wide range of process conditions. Indeed, (between − 0.4 and − 0.7 MJ kg−1 cellulose [32]), similar to HTC
few works have dealt with the estimation of the HTC pro- from the chemical point of view, but performed in inert
cess enthalpy, also called heat of reaction. atmosphere instead of in water environment. The review [1]
The determination of the exothermic or endothermic concerned also mild HTC, for which the authors supposed a
nature of the process (characterized by positive and nega- slight endothermic nature of the HTC process, based on the
tive heat of reaction, respectively) and of its magnitude is similarities with mild pyrolysis, on the endothermic nature
important to deeply understand the thermodynamic prin- of the hydrolysis of cellulose [33] and on the slower kinetics
ciples behind the HTC process, to evaluate its heat duty, of dehydration and decarboxylation reactions at mild condi-
and for the design of industrial reactors. Two different tions. Coronella et al. [34] supported the exothermicity of
methods to determine the enthalpy are typically applied. wood HTC, which exothermic intensity is proportional to the
In the first one, the process enthalpy change is calculated process severity. This idea was based on the results obtained
based on the direct application of the Hess’s law, relying by Funke and Ziegler [30] that used differential scanning
on the evaluation of thermal properties of both reactants calorimetry (DSC) for the measurements and reported values
and products. In the second one, the enthalpy value is around − 1.00 MJ kg−1 feedstock.
obtained directly by measuring the thermal power The aim of this work is to summarize the research regard-
exchanged by the system during the process. Another main ing the evaluation of the HTC process enthalpy change and
problem with this topic is the lack of a comprehensive and to critically analyse the two possible approaches adopted
critical analysis on the hypotheses and results obtained to fulfil this objective. Best practices in the methodologies
through the two aforementioned approaches. Numerous (direct application of the Hess’s law and calorimetric meas-
works review the main findings concerning the HTC pro- urements) are highlighted. Firstly, the theory behind these
cess in general, but among those papers, only few men- methods is described together with the main hypotheses and
tioned also the process thermodynamics. Titirici et al. [27] limitations, and then, the related research articles are pre-
described the process as spontaneous and exothermic, sented, sorted according to the two categories. In the end, a
reporting a value of − 5.78 MJ kg−1 glucose for the HTC summary and discussion of the different results are given,
ent halpy, based on the reaction trying to identify the most likely range of values and provid-
C6 H12 O6 → C6 H4 O2 + 4H2 O . This behaviour has been ing a reference for future research.
attributed to the dehydration of carbohydrates, which can
release up to one third of their energy content while water
is produced. Determination of the process enthalpy
Two years later, a literature survey by Funke et  al. change
described again the process as exothermic, asserting that
the released heat to produce coal-like materials is in the Direct application of the Hess’s law
range of 10–15% of the energy content of the feedstock
[28]. Another literature survey concerning HTC was later This approach is based on the direct application of the
published by the same authors [29]. Funke et al. attributed Hess’s law, which states that the total enthalpy change of
a multi-stage chemical reaction is equal to the sum of all

Enthalpy change during hydrothermal carbonization of biomass: a critical review

the enthalpy changes occurring during each intermediate negligible compared to the specific enthalpy of formation
stage. Then, the enthalpy of a reaction can be obtained as of the chemicals itself [35].
the difference between the standard enthalpy of formation For the gas phase, the standard enthalpy of formation is
of products and reactants for a process. evaluated as the sum of the standard enthalpy of formation
Concerning HTC, this is summarized in Eq. 1, where the of the present gas species.
enthalpy change at standard conditions ( ΔHHTC o
 ) of its sim- All these data must be obtained from chemical and
plified process reaction is equal to the difference between physical analyses on the reactants and products, and thus,
the standard enthalpy of formation of the products ( ΔHf,o prod ) a big effort is required in the development of accurate
and the standard enthalpy of formation of the reactants, i.e. experimental set-up and analysis protocols.
sum of feedstock and water enthalpies of formation An important problem is the determination of the com-
( ΔHf,o feed , ΔHf,water
). pounds solved within the liquid phase and their concen-
( ) trations. Among the chemical species that can be found
ΔHHTC = ΔHf,o prod − ΔHf,feed
o o
+ ΔHf,water (1) within the liquid phase, only few have significant concen-
trations to influence the energy balance. The identification
The standard enthalpy of formation of the products con- and quantification of these components are still a complex
sists of the sum of the standard enthalpy of formation of the matter, and important species may be neglected, since the
solid hydrochar ( ΔHf,o p.sol ), of the liquid water with the rela- literature available about this topic is not so wide. As for
tive solutes ( ΔHf,o p.liq ), and gaseous products ( ΔHf,p.gas
): the gas phase, the literature is fairly unanimous on its com-
position, being this phase mostly composed of CO2 [1,
ΔHf,prod = ΔHf,o p.sol + ΔHf,o p.liq + ΔHf,o p.gas (2) 36], with only limited concentration of other compounds.
The benefit of this approach is that the measurement
This allows obtaining the final relation for the determina- of the actual heat fluxes in the reactor is not required,
tion of the process enthalpy change ΔHHTC o
: since this value is not present in the energy balance. This
( ) avoids the problems associated with the determination of
ΔHHTC = ΔHf,o p.sol + ΔHf,o p.liq + ΔHf,o p.gas − ΔHf,feed
+ ΔHof,water
the heat losses and reactor thermal inertia, or the need to
(3) carry out a blank run to measure these losses. The only
For a solid material with known composition necessary equipment is a thermocouple to evaluate the
( Ca Hb Nc Sd Oe ), the standard enthalpy of formation can be temperature of the reactor during the measurement, when
estimated applying the Hess’s law to its combustion reaction: a reactor is used. However, one drawback of this approach
∑ is the impossibility to measure the time profile of the heat
Ca Hb Nc Sd Oe + gO2 → Xi release in the reaction, since it is based on a thermody-
namic equilibrium balance that considers only the initial
Xi are the combustion products, and g is a stoichiometric and final state of the process. It is indeed possible to cal-
factor. The higher heating value ΔHcomb o
is associated with culate the value of the enthalpy only for single values of
the reaction, and it can be determined experimentally from residence time and temperature for each test run. Thus, the
calorimetric measurements. The standard enthalpy of forma- dependence of the process enthalpy change versus time
tion of the gaseous combustion products ( ΔHf,X o
 ) can be (when for example the process temperature is fixed) can
be evaluated only with a series of experiments of different
retrieved from the literature, and the standard enthalpy of
formation of molecular oxygen is equal to zero. It is then duration at the same temperature, which would require
possible to compute the standard enthalpy of formation of considerable efforts.
the initial feedstock ( ΔHf,o C H N S O  ) using the following In summary, the main advantages of the direct applica-
a b c d e
tion of the Hess’s law for the enthalpy evaluation of the
HTC process are the possibility to adopt a simplified lay-
ΔHf,o C H N S O =
∑ � o � o out of the HTC reactor, since there is no need to measure
ΔHf,X − ΔHcomb (5)
a b c d e
products i
heat fluxes and thermal losses, and to analyse specimens
with mass in the range between 0.1 and 25  kg , avoiding
For what concerns the liquid phase, its enthalpy is cal- problems linked to the biomass dis-homogeneity. The main
culated as the sum of the enthalpy of formation of water drawback is the high number of analyses to be performed
( ΔHf,water
 ) and of solutes in it ( ΔHf,solute
 ). The enthalpy of on the solid, liquid, and gaseous phase to run enthalpy
mixing relevant to the various solutes should be taken into calculations. The liquid phase requires the biggest effort,
account, but for small concentrations of acid chemicals due to the remarkable number of dissolved chemicals that
(in the range of few percentage points, as it is the case are present in significant concentration.
with HTC process liquids), its value can be considered

M. Pecchi et al.

Differential calorimetry measurements The second method, available for both apparatuses, is the-
oretically equal to the first one, but two runs are performed
This approach relies on the direct measurement of the ther- per each measurement. The blank run consists in the thermal
mal power exchanged by the system during the process. program applied to a crucible or a reactor filled only with
There are mainly two apparatuses available to perform water, with the same mass that is added to the feedstock in
such measurements on HTC. the process run. In the process run, the biomass is added to
The first relies on the use of high-pressure crucibles in the same amount of water. In this way, the heat absorbed by
a standard differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The the water and the thermal losses of the system are recorded
DSC allows to evaluate the heat of a reaction as the differ- and can be subtracted from the original system power curve
ence in the thermal fluxes on the sample and on a reference to obtain the process enthalpy [37].
blank crucible, when the two crucibles follow the same In the third method, the system, composed of feedstock
temperature program [37, 38]. and water, is subjected to the same temperature program
The second possibility requires the construction of a twice [39]. The temperature program must be long enough
high-pressure, relatively high-temperature reactor, where to complete the process. The second run allows the meas-
the power consumption during the runs can be measured urement of the blank power curve, since no reaction takes
using a power meter. Thermocouples and pressure gauges place in it [38]. The third method differs from the previous
are required to measure the relative parameters, while two for theoretical reasons. When using pure water for the
the internal temperature is controlled by means of elec- blank curve determination, the difference in the heat capac-
trical resistances. The thermal power exchanged by the ity between free water (in the blank specimen) and bounded
system when the process takes place is recorded during water (in the sample one) is not considered [40, 41]. A
a temperature program. The thermal power exchanged by source of error that is removed using this third method is
a similar system, during the same temperature program, the difference in the position of the crucible between the run
but where no reactions take place is recorded (this run and the blank that is unavoidable using the first and second
is called “blank”). Two curves of power versus time are method [39]. In the third case, when the exhaust system is
generated ( Preaction and Pblank for the process run and blank used for the blank curve determination, the crucible is not
case, respectively). The system used for the blank run must moved between the run and the blank, and thus, the error
be as similar as possible to the target system and must be related to the position is eliminated. The difference between
subjected to the same temperature program, so that the the heat capacity of the HTC products in the blank and of the
blank case curve approximates the thermal losses of the heat capacity of the mixture of reactants and products dur-
original system for the considered temperature program. ing the first run must be accounted for during the enthalpy
The process enthalpy can then be obtained subtracting computation [39].
the power curve of the blank run from the one obtained These methodologies allow one to measure the time pro-
with the original system, by integral difference on the file of the enthalpy release or absorption. The use of a DSC
interval between the beginning of the experiment t0 and apparatus permits a very precise measurement of the process
the end of it tend: enthalpy, and several tests can be performed in the same day.
The main problem is the very small dimension of the cruci-
[ ] bles in standard DSC machines. This may create problems of
ΔHHTC = ∫ Preaction (t) − Pblank (t) dt (6)
t0 dis-homogeneity in the specimens, and even if the heat flux
measurement is very precise, it may not be representative
For the HTC process, three main possibilities are avail- of the real substrate. Furthermore, the very small sample
able for what concerns the blank case, as it is explained in mass does not allow for chemical analysis of the products,
Fig. 1, where a simplified scheme of the possible methods since sampling of the gas is not possible, and the process
for the HTC enthalpy measurement using both high-pres- yields too little quantities of liquid and solid. Some models
sure DSC and an ad hoc reactor is shown. of DSC allow to use samples of few grams, but they do not
In the first method, only available for the DSC appa- permit to perform all the analyses that a mass and energy
ratus, one single run is performed, filling the reference balance model would necessitate. These types of DSC also
cell with the same amount of filler (i.e. water) used in the require the use of very low heating rates to obtain the repro-
sample crucible [37]. The instrument measures the differ- ducible results, thus being far from typical industrial prac-
ence in the thermal power exchanged by the two crucibles, tices. Another critical issue may be the entrapment of air
and thus, the water effect is compensated by the mass in inside the empty part of the high-pressure crucible, since it
the reference cell. This option is not available for the ad is not possible to fill it completely to avoid liquid to leak out
hoc reactor, since only one operative volume is available. during the sealing procedure or to remain inside the screw-
like tread, as it would be lost as the endogenous pressure

Enthalpy change during hydrothermal carbonization of biomass: a critical review

Fig. 1  Schematics of the dif- High-pressure DSC Ad-hoc

ferential calorimetry method
for the determination of the Ref. cell Sample cell reactor
standard enthalpy of the HTC

1st Method
process using DSC and ad hoc
reactor Single

1st run

2nd Method 2nd run

1st run
3rd Method

2nd run

Water Feedstock Reacted products

develops. In this case, it is not possible to flush it out by is the possibility to accurately measure the actual heat of
means of an inert gas flux, as the crucible is tightly sealed. reaction for the whole temperature profile. On the one
Possible solutions may be the use of high filling ratios to hand, higher precisions and higher testing frequencies
reduce the air entrapped to a minimum (increasing the risk can be achieved with high-pressure DSC with respect
of mass loss during the operation and thus of discarding the to ad hoc reactors; on the other hand, the use of ad hoc
measure) or utilizing a glove box that allows to work in an reactors allows to use higher specimen masses, avoiding
inert atmosphere until the crucibles are sealed. dis-homogeneity problems, as well as the possibility to
The use of a high-pressure reactor allows to perform semi-continuously sample solid, liquid, and gas products
chemical analyses on the products. Also, air entrapment to perform further analyses. Air entrapment can also be
can be avoided by flushing an inert gas inside the reactor avoided by flushing an inert gas before the reactor sealing.
before its sealing. The main problem is a less precise heat The main disadvantages are the risk of inhomogeneity and
and power measurement with respect to the DSC apparatus, the impossibility to analyse the products when using high-
due to the larger mass and to the layout, which is usually not pressure DSC, while ad hoc reactors usually incur smaller
optimized for the power measurement. precision and long experimental time duration (due to the
In summary, the main advantage of the use of calorim- high thermal inertia).
etry to evaluate the enthalpy change of the HTC process

M. Pecchi et al.

Literature review of the state of the art 150 and 350 min. Hess’s law was directly applied to the
process, obtaining enthalpy values of − 2.53 and − 3.47
Direct application of the Hess’s law MJ kgfeedstock for 150 and 350  min, respectively. When
a 0.1  M solution of H2 SO4 was used instead of water,
The first attempt to calculate the HTC process heat for enthalpy values of − 7.84 and − 8.69 MJ kgfeedstock were
pure cellulose was based on the enthalpy balance between obtained for 150 and 350 min, respectively.
the solid feedstock and the produced char,CO2 and water The first prototype of an ad hoc reactor used to measure
[31]. The process was run at high temperature (310 °C) the standard enthalpy of HTC consisted in a 25 dm3 auto-
and long residence time (64 h), thus being more in the clave for concrete absorption test, equipped with sensors
hydrothermal liquefaction field (HTL) than in the HTC one for the power consumption measurements [50]. The same
[42]. A value of − 1.78 MJ kgcellulose was obtained, suggest- article was also published few months later in a German
ing an exothermic behaviour. However, the liquid and gas- version [51].
eous products other than CO2 were neglected in the energy In this paper, the enthalpy of the HTC process was also
calculations, as reported years later by other authors [28]. evaluated by the direct application of the Hess’s law, consid-
Similar results were obtained in other works, which used ering only the solid feedstock and char. The values obtained
peat and lignite as feedstock and obtained values of pro- were in the range from − 4.3 to − 5.7 MJ kgfeedstock . Those
cess enthalpy in the range of 0–4.3 MJ kgfeedstock [43–46]. results were compared to the ones obtained by direct meas-
Almost 50 years later, a similar approach was adopted ure of the heat consumption of the reactor during the HTC
to calculate the process enthalpy change of HTC of glu- of biomass, and during a reference run with only water, used
cose as the difference of the heating values of the products to evaluate the radiation and convection energy losses of the
and the reactants [47]. The temperature investigated was reactor. The result was − 7.0 MJ kgfeedstock , but the authors
between 300 and 350 °C, thus being in the HTL field. suggested the use of a continuously working and better insu-
Indeed, mostly gas and oil were produced and the solid lated autoclave to improve accuracy.
products, which were called char, were soluble in acetone. To try to improve the modelling of the energy content
The authors obtained enthalpy change values in the range of the liquid phase, its calorific value was computed as a
from − 1.00 to − 2.00 MJ kgfeedstock. function of its elemental analysis and ash composition [52],
One year later, Hess’s law was applied to the HTC pro- using a unified correlation for solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels
cess to evaluate its enthalpy change using loblolly pine as [53]. The enthalpy value was obtained by energy balance,
feedstock [48]. Temperatures of 200, 230, and 260 °C were based on the computed higher heating value of the solid and
investigated, and the reactor was maintained at the process liquid solutes. The gas was considered as composed of only
temperature for 5 min and then was rapidly quenched in an CO2 , and the elemental composition of the solutes in the liq-
ice bath. The liquid streams were considered in the energy uid phase was determined by mass balance. The authors con-
balance. The gas phase was modelled as being composed sidered bulk reactions for the different feedstock, and, with
of only CO2 since its percentage in the gas was measured the estimated standard enthalpies for the solid and liquid
above 90%. The volatile fatty acids in the liquid were solutes, obtained a different value for the standard enthalpy
assumed as pure acetic acid, due to its greater concen- of reaction for each different substrate. The results were
tration with respect to other chemicals. The precipitates negative in all the cases, so the reaction was characterized
formed during the process were treated as glucose for reac- as exothermic, ranging from − 0.68 to − 2.62 MJ kgfeedstock.
tion temperatures up to 200 °C, or as 5-hydroxymethylfur-
fural for higher reaction temperatures. Differential calorimetry
The authors found that the reaction was slightly endo-
thermic, with endothermicity decreasing with increased Regarding this approach, two research works must be cited
severity of the process. The enthalpy values ranged from as a reference of what has become one of the main tech-
+0.25 to +0.56 MJ kgfeedstock  , with an uncertainty from niques for the evaluation of the standard enthalpy in pres-
0.72 to 0.92 MJ kgfeedstock  . Due to the very low abso- surized processes.
lute values of process enthalpy (around 2% of the initial The first one used DSC to investigate the kinetics of cel-
heating value of the feedstock) and the very high uncer- lulose and glucose hydrolysis and the reaction heat associ-
tainty, a marked behaviour of the reaction could not be ated with it, in a pressurized and acid environment [33].
defined. These results may have been due to the very fast Even though HTC was not the objective of the research,
process performed. To verify this, a very similar experi- this article provided a useful reference for later works in the
mental design was used five years later by Cuvilas et al. HTC field.
[49], but the process temperature was maintained for The second one used DSC to investigate the energetics
of pyrolysis under pressure [32], with moisture content of

Enthalpy change during hydrothermal carbonization of biomass: a critical review

the feedstock below 26% on a mass base. Even though not dried on it. The results of the DSC analysis were very pre-
directly dealing with HTC, the main difference between this cise, with a process enthalpy change of − 0.715 MJ kgfeedstock
work and later ones lays in the amount of water in the pres- and 2% standard deviation, once two measures with arte-
surized crucible, providing again an important reference for facts were removed (out of seven measures in total). Those
later research. results were compared with the ones from the theoretical
The first article that used differential heat measurements model developed in the same article, based on the enthalpy
to determine the standard enthalpy of HTC obtained a value balance between reactants and products (Hess’s law applica-
of − 7.0 MJ kgfeedstock [50, 51]. The experimental set-up was tion). This model adopted different simplifications, and the
already described in “Direct application of the Hess’s law” authors reported the results which were different from the
section above. experimental ones, depending on the hypothesis made. The
The first work dealing exactly with DSC determination of result was − 4.45 MJ kgfeedstock when no methane production
process enthalpy for HTC was published almost two years was considered, − 2.54 MJ kgfeedstock when 23% methane was
later [30]. Glucose, cellulose, and poplar wood were used considered in the gas phase, and − 0.922 MJ kgfeedstock when
as feedstock and treated at 240 °C for around 200 min in also a fictitious molecule to account for the liquid phase
pressurized crucibles with capacity of 30 nm3 (around 4 mg was included in the calculation. However, the percentage of
of sample). The results witnessed the exothermic behaviour methane in the gas phases was based on the results obtained
of the process in all cases, with values of standard process in Ref. [58], which dealt with catalytic hydrothermal gasi-
enthalpy change of − 1.06, − 1.07, and − 0.76 MJ kgfeedstock fication, and thus, the percentage of methane for standard
for glucose, cellulose, and wood, respectively. The stand- HTC was probably overestimated. Another limitation in the
ard deviation was 0.16, 0.11, and 0.27 MJ kgfeedstock  , application of the procedure may be the model adopted for
respectively. the determination of the standard enthalpy of formation of
They also tested different conditions, i.e. higher tempera- char and liquids. At the end of the runs, the char was left to
ture and acidic environment, but no significant differences dry in the liquid phase, to allow the liquid solutes to remain
from the reference runs were found. The uncertainty related within it, and the elemental analysis was performed on the
to the DSC apparatus for long-duration experiments was dis- obtained solid mixture. In this way, the equation accounted
cussed in a later work of the same authors [54]. for a single term for char and liquid solutes. During the water
Similar results were obtained with the same material evaporation, also the light volatiles present in the liquid may
(poplar wood) at a temperature of 220 °C for 4 h [55]. The have evaporated. The water amount was then computed by
specimens contained 4 mg of wood and 20 mg of deionized mass difference, so the mass of light volatiles evaporated
water. was assimilated with the water one. The higher heating value
The mean process enthalpy change was − 0.5 MJ kgfeedstock of this mixture was then calculated as a function of its chem-
with 30% standard deviation. ical composition [53], since the char mass was insufficient to
Smaller sample masses were used for the evaluation of the evaluate it with a calorimetric bomb. The gas quantity was
process enthalpy for HTC of faecal sludge, where 8 mg of then obtained by mass balance.
as-received sludge (with 4.3% of solid content) was hydro- A specially designed reactor for the evaluation of the
thermally carbonized inside a DSC apparatus at 160, 180, standard enthalpy of the HTC process was designed by Mer-
and 200 °C for 4 h [56]. The process was exothermic with zari et al. [59]. The equipment consisted in a 2-dm3 batch
enthalpy change of − 0.20, − 0.32, and − 0.70 MJ kgfeedstock , vessel, with four thermocouples placed at different heights,
respectively (5, 9, 11% standard deviation). a pressure gauge, four electrical resistances, and an electric
To increase the dimension of the specimens, a heat flux power meter. The reactor was also thermally insulated with
DSC with bigger specimen holders was adopted in another an external layer. Temperatures of 180, 220, and 250 °C were
work, using biomass from landscape management as feed- investigated, with a constant residence time of 3 h. The bio-
stock [57]. The utilized model of DSC could host larger mass/water ratio was chosen as 10%, with a fixed filling ratio
samples volume (8.5 cm3 ), but the drawback was a very low of the reactor of 66.67% in terms of volume. The feedstocks
heating rate allowed by the machine. To avoid the problems were agave pulp and organic fraction of municipal solid
of too fast heating phases where the heat fluxes cannot be waste. To assess the reactor losses, the same temperature
measured with accuracy, the authors chose to perform the program was applied for each reaction temperature, but only
measurement of enthalpy with a constant but low heating deionized water was placed in the reactor, with the same
rate of 1 °C min−1, in the range between 100 and 291 °C. The filling ratio of the reactor in terms of volume. The power
stainless-steel high-pressure cell hosted a glass container consumption in those tests was recorded and subtracted from
with 3.2 cm3 inner volume, filled with the samples, which the power consumption of the experiment with also biomass
had a mass of 1.25 g. This allowed to perform elemental in the reactor. The results witnessed the exothermic behav-
analysis on the produced solid and liquid phases, which was iour of HTC in all the cases. For the agave pulp, the process

M. Pecchi et al.

enthalpy change was evaluated as − 1.0, − 3.1, and − 3.9 decarboxylation, aromatization, and recondensation [1].
MJ kgfeedstock,dry , for a reaction temperature of 180, 220, and Hydrolysis is the reaction with the lowest activation energy
250 °C, respectively. For the organic fraction of municipal and is endothermic [1, 33], while dehydration and decar-
solid waste, only one test at 220 °C was performed, yielding boxylation are exothermic and lower the oxygen and hydro-
an enthalpy value of − 7.3 MJ kgfeedstock,dry. gen content of the biomass during the process [29]. Thus,
Recently, to reduce the error related to the system con- for very low severity (temperatures below 180  °C) and
figuration during DSC analysis, i.e. the crucible position very short residence time, the process may show a slightly
between run and blank, the third method described in “Dif- endothermic behaviour. However, for the temperature range
ferential calorimetry measurements” section was adopted where HTC takes place (above 180 °C), dehydration, decar-
[39]. Cellulose, wood, and digestate were used as feedstock boxylation, aromatization, and recondensation dominate
and heated up to 250 °C at 5 °C min−1 and kept at 250 °C [1, 29]. The HTC process is thus exothermic. On the other
for 3 h. High-pressure crucibles with 100 μL capacity were hand, the heat of decomposition of cellulose in high-pres-
filled with around 8 mg of dry substrate and around 64 mg of sure water was theoretically derived by Rebling et al. [57],
distilled water. The temperature program was composed of based on the chemical composition of the products obtained
one constant heating and one isothermal segments, and the by Bergius [31]. The heat of the reaction was − 1.84
DSC signal was recorded during both steps. This allowed to MJ kg−1 cellulose , but this value strongly depended on the char
reduce the error related to the heating phase, which cannot composition and on the amount of CO2 and H2 O formed
be recorded using typical isothermal analyses. The blank during the process. Therefore, since the coal composition
curve was obtained performing a second run on the reacted obtained by Bergius was based on experiments performed
specimen without moving it. This approach led to stand- at extremely severe conditions (almost in the HTL field), the
ard deviations of 1.8, 8.0, and 3.5% for cellulose, wood, obtained value could be seen as an upper bound (in absolute
and digestate, respectively. The difference between the heat value) for the enthalpy change of cellulose HTC. Similar
capacity of the reactants (and forming products) in the first results, − 1.60 MJ kg−1 cellulose were proposed in another work
run and the one of the products in the blank was accounted [1], based on an approximate stoichiometric HTC reaction.
for through an iterative computation and was removed from Since the HHV (higher heating value) of cellulose is com-
the uncorrected thermal flux. Values of the enthalpy change parable to the one of the woods and greater that the one of
of −0.88, −0.64, and −0.25 MJ kg−1 were found for cellu- the residual biomasses (i.e. digestate, sludge, etc) [39], an
lose, wood, and digestate, respectively. overall enthalpy change of the HTC process smaller than
− 1.84 MJ kg−1 cellulose should be expected (in absolute value).
Summarizing, the enthalpy change of the HTC process
Critical discussion of the results applied to biomass with HHV comparable to the one of cel-
lulose should be in the exothermic range, with absolute value
A comprehensive list of all the research works dealing with below 1.84 MJ kg−1 feed.
the determination of the process enthalpy change of HTC The only positive enthalpy values that have been reported
is shown in Table 1. The available information about the in the literature are the ones from Yan et al. [48] and Sunner
uncertainty, the process conditions, the feedstock, the used et al. [46]. Taking into consideration the works of Coronella
method, and the main critical aspects of each measure are et al. [34] and Funke and Ziegler [30], the HTC endothermic
reported. When the same authors investigated different pro- behaviour evaluated can be related to the fact that the water
cess conditions, feedstock, or evaluation methods for the formation during the process was underestimated, along with
process enthalpy, all the different cases are shown. a non-precise evaluation of both liquid and gas composition.
The amount of information available is not sufficient for As for the work of Yan et al., another reason may have been
a comprehensive and exhaustive description of HTC ther- the short residence time, indeed a later work adopted a simi-
modynamics, since every author utilized different feedstock lar procedure with longer residence times [49], and obtained
and process conditions in their experiments and adopted dif- exothermic values of enthalpy.
ferent hypotheses for their models. However, even if precise Among the works that obtained enthalpy values above the
numerical values cannot be produced, some important con- theoretical threshold of − 1.84 MJ kg−1 feed (in absolute value),
sideration on the general trend can be given. the performed estimation could be affected by the difficul-
From the theoretical point of view, some constraints on ties—as confirmed by some of the authors—of closing the
the upper and lower limits for the enthalpy value of bio- mass balances for the enthalpy evaluation through direct
mass HTC can be determined. On the one hand, the HTC application of the Hess’s law [43–46, 50, 52]. In particular,
process can be described as a series of reaction taking Ramke et al. [50] compared the value calculated by direct
place in a subcritical water environment between 180 and application of the Hess’s law to the one calculated by dif-
250 °C. These reactions are mainly hydrolysis, dehydration, ferential calorimetry obtained in the same research work,

Enthalpy change during hydrothermal carbonization of biomass: a critical review

Table 1  Summary of the scientific literature about the determination of the standard enthalpy of the HTC process
ΔHHTC/MJ kgfeed Standard T/°C Time/h Feedstock Method Simplifications and limitations References

− 1.78 – 310 64 Cellulose Hess’s law Severe conditions (HTL), only [31]
solids considered
− 4.30 to 0.00 – – – Coal Hess’s law Only solids considered [43–46]
− 1.50 33 300–350 0.2–1 Glucose Hess’s law Severe conditions (HTL), HHV [47]
used instead of enthalpy
+0.56 129 200 0.01 Wood Hess’s law Simplified gas and liquids [48]
+0.53 142 230
+0.25 368 260
− 2.62 – 250 20 Solid waste Hess’s law Simplified gas and liquids, water [52]
formation neglected
− 1.19 Food waste
− 0.75 AD waste
− 0.68 Paper
− 1.06 15 240 10 Glucose Diff. Calorimetry Small samples, high st. dev. [30]
− 1.07 10 Cellulose
− 0.76 36 Wood
− 0.50 30 220 4 Wood Diff. Calorimetry Small samples, high st. dev. [55]
− 0.20 5 160 4 Faecal sludge Diff. Calorimetry Small samples, high st. dev. [56]
− 0.32 9 180
− 0.70 11 200
− 0.72 2 100–291 6 Biomass Diff. Calorimetry Tests at variable T [57]
− 4.45 – Rate = Hess’s law All gas is considered CO2
− 2.54 – 1 °C Hess’s law 23% of gas is considered CH4
− 0.92 – Hess’s law Additional liquid molecule
− 2.53 – 180 2.5 Wood Hess’s law Simplified gas and liquids [49]
− 3.47 – 180 5.8 Simplified gas and liquids
− 7.84 – 180 2.5 Simplified gas and liquids, use of
acid solution instead of water
− 8.69 – 180 5.8 Simplified gas and liquids, use of
acid solution instead of water
− 7.00 – 180 18 Maize silage + beet pulp Diff. Calorimetry No uncertainty reported [50, 51]
− 5.70 to − 4.30 Hess’s law Only solids considered
− 1.00 – 180 3 Agave pulp Diff. Calorimetry Volume balance for blank run, no [59]
uncertainty reported
− 3.10 220 Agave pulp
− 3.90 250 Agave pulp
− 7.30 220 Organic waste
− 0.88 1.8 250 3 Cellulose Diff. Calorimetry Small samples [39]
− 0.64 8.0 Wood
− 0.25 3.5 Digestate

obtaining very different results. Merzari et al. [59] used an the blank case equalled the mass of water in the process run
ad hoc reactor for the determination of the process enthalpy. plus the mass of water that occupied a volume equal to the
The choice of using the same volume of water for the blank one of the solubilized biomass. This extra mass of water
case instead of the same mass with respect to the process may have caused an overestimation of the endothermicity
run may have influenced the results. The volume of water of the blank curve, leading to overestimated exothermicity
in the blank case matched the volume of the water and the values of the process (see Eq. 6). Another issue concerning
feedstock in the process run, and thus, the mass of water in the use of laboratory-scale reactors is that, due to the large

M. Pecchi et al.

dimensions of the reactor apparatuses, thermal inertia and the purpose. The different articles have been classified based
losses may have influenced the results. Unfortunately, no on the method used to determine this enthalpy value. The
uncertainty value for any of the enthalpy measures has been two possible methods, which are the direct application of
reported in those two articles. the Hess’s law and the use of differential calorimetry, have
Concerning the articles that obtained values inside the been described in detail. The main sources of errors that
theoretical range, the majority used a DSC apparatus for the have been faced in the reviewed research papers have been
enthalpy determination. Only three articles reported stand- analysed.
ard deviations below 5%, due to the non-homogeneity of the In summary, very few works that deal with the evaluation
biomass and the small size of the crucible and the problem of the process enthalpy of HTC are available, and in these
related to its positioning between run and blank. The first works, very different feedstock and process conditions were
result with a uncertainty around 2% used 1.5 g of feedstock investigated. Based on theoretical considerations, the HTC
and used the second method (blank curve obtained with a process enthalpy change is in the range between − 1.8 and 0
run on pure water, described in “Differential calorimetry MJ kg−1feed , thus being in the exothermic field. The only works
measurements” section) with constant heating segments that obtained the results inside this range with relatively low
[57], while the other [39] used 8 mg of dry material using standard deviations used high-pressure DSC. Three meth-
the third method (blank curve obtained using the exhaust ods were used by different authors. In the first and second
specimen, described in “Differential calorimetry measure- ones, the blank curve that was subtracted to the DSC curve
ments” section). Considering the articles in this category from the experiment was obtained during a run with pure
that obtained higher values of uncertainty, the different water, while in the third method, it was obtained subtract-
authors obtained the results very similar to each other and ing the curve of a second run on the already reacted sample.
always inside the theoretical range [30, 55, 56]. Despite the theoretical differences between these methods,
Concluding, more research is needed to properly describe the results were similar and always in the range between
the enthalpy change during the HTC of different feedstock − 0.2 and − 1.1 MJ kg−1 feed , laying inside the theoretical limits
types at diverse process conditions. The process is mildly for the HTC enthalpy change.
exothermic, with enthalpy change in the range between − 0.2 Concerning the design of industrial scale HTC plant, heat
and − 1.1 MJ kg−1 feed depending on the biomass and on the recovery from the products appears to play an importantly
severity of the process. Among the method used to assess greater role with respect to the small reaction exothermicity.
this value, the use of a DSC apparatus with high-pressure
crucibles is the method that allowed to obtain the relatively Acknowledgements  The authors wish to thank prof. R. Di Maggio
(University of Trento, Italy) for the very useful discussion on the vari-
reproducible results within the theoretical range. Of the two ous DSC techniques and methodologies.
methods adopted with DSC, the subtraction of the exhaust
blank (third method described in “Differential calorimetry Funding  This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
measurements” section above) allowed to obtain higher agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
reproducibility, despite the lower sample mass, and thus, the
error related to the crucible positioning plays a very impor- Compliance with ethical standards 
tant role in this kind of analyses. The direct application of
the Hess’s law was too dependent on the assessment of the Conflict of interest  The authors declare that they have no conflict of
liquid phase composition and on the hypotheses accepted
for the modelling of the different phases, and the different
results were obtained by various authors. The use of ad hoc
reactors was probably influenced by heat losses and thermal References
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