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Present Progressive

of f ane are waiting

for The Аirhaado

Сheсk thе best odvеrtisementfor this TheАirheadэ
TV nеws show, are dropping
from Nhеokу!
П It's happеning nоwl
П It hupp"ns every day!

снARтсllEсKl AF]lRlt,lAтIvE s гAтЕIUlЕNтs NЕGAтlvE iтAтЕмЕNт5

Сhесk thе correсt BдsвЕoпм oг l Bдsв Еoпм oг
onswеr' Suв,вст Bс Vвпв + -lшс Suв,вст Br Noт |Vвпв+ .ING
Thе present am am
progтеssiveis made 'm ,m
up of two parts:
J ьe + base form is ls
He/Shе/|t ,s waiting. He/5hе/|t ,s not waiting.
c ье + base form arе arе
of vеrb + -ing Wе/You*/Тhey ,rе Wе/You/Тhey ,rе

Whiсh part сhanges *Youis both singular and plural.

with different subjeсts?
П ba.e form of
verЬ + -ing
Present Progressive r 3

сl]АRтсlIEсК2 VEs/NoQUЕsтloNs s}|oRтцNsWЕRs

Сirсlе T (Truе)or l l Bдsв Foпм
F (Folse). Bt Isuвlвст|+.llvс Aггlпмдтtvв Nвсдтlvв
т F In questions, Am you a r е . you a r е n , t .
be сomes after
the subjесt. !s snе standing? Yеs, s h е I5. No, shе isn't.

Are you I am. 'm not.

Wн. QUЕsтloNs
Wн. Woпo l 8д l 5uв,вст | вo,. Foпм + .tшс
ls 5nе standing?
are you

Сomplеtе thеsе sеntеncеswith thе prеsеnt progrеssivеform of the verbs in porenthesеs,

Whу are you leaving ? They are still performing

(lеave) (реrtorm)

* r am ж-* аrЁх р|an* t iо ns Еxamрl е s

1. Usе thе presеnt progressivе to dеsсribe r |,m standing outsidethe King Тheatеr
somеthingthat is happeningrioht now. right now.
No** stonding r Аs l,m talking to you, thе fansare gathering
in front of thе theаtеr.

2. Usе thе presеnt progrеssivе to dеsсribе Тhе Аirheаdsarе playing at thе Kiпg Тhеatеr
somеthingthat is happеningthеsedays,evеn if this weеk.
it's not hаppеningright now.
|,m studying guitarthis semеstеr.
.''tudуing g$'

3. Usдсв Noтв: Тhе сontrасted form is usually A: Bye,Jana,wе,re leaving now.

used in speесhand in informa|writing. B: Wait! |,m сoming with you.

it out!
For diffeгent forms of negative сontraсtions with bq see Appendiх 24 on page 345.
Foт spеlling тules for the present progтessive'see Appendix 19 on pagе 343.
4 r unitr

IDENтiЕYo Rеod this lеttеr.Underlinеthe presеntprogrеssivеverbs thot dеsсribe

somеthinghoppеning right now, Сirclе thе prеsеntprogrеssivevеrbs thаt describе
things thаt ore hаppening thеsedoys (but not nесеssorilyright now).


I'm sittinЕl at a desk in the Еntertainment Seсtion of thе Tribune| of couтsе I'm

still taking journalism сlasses at ni$ht as wel]..Thе job is temporaТУ-"Ioe sims,

the геЕпrlaгreporter' is taking this month off to wгite a book' This week We'rе
pгeparing to intervj'ew youг favoritr gтoup, thе Airheads' In faсt, at this vеry

moment they'гe flying lnto town by hеliсopter. They're pеrfoгming at the King
Theater all wеek. How aгe you doing? Aгe you still Writlng musiс? oops! The

сrrw is сalling me. They're leavin$ foг the theateг now. Wгitе soon!


Rеod this сonvеrsotion'Сomplеtеit with thе prеsеntprogressivеform of thе

vеrbsin porеnthеsеs.Usе сontroсtionswhеnеvеrpossiblе.
Bви Bye, Joe, I leaving
l. (|еаvе)
Joв: WЪere are you going
2. (gо)
Bвv: Running. Ann is waiting downstairs.
3. (Wаit)
Jов: Great! WЪу don't you take tlrе dоg оut with уоu?
Bвv: Whу dоn,t уou take hirn? It's yоur turn.
Joв: I сan't. I 'm working on my book.
4. (work)
Bви But you 're not doing anything right now. Yоu 're just
5 . ( n o td o )
sitting thеre.
6. (sit)
Joв: That's not true. I
'm sitting here, but I 'm also
7. (sit)
abоut my work. Can't thе dоg run with you?
8. (think)
Bвv: Nо, beсause aftеrwards wе want to go to tlre Plaza. The Airheads
're staying therе this wеek, and Ann wants to get their autographs'
9. (stаy)
You know she's a big fan of thеirs.
рresent Рrоgressive r 5

Аsl(& ANsvlER.Stеph is interviеwingthe leod singer of the Airhеods,PаuI, Writе

quеstionsusing thе words in porеnthеsеs.Givе short onswers.

Sтвpн: PaoI, are Уou in|roducinoanУ newэonoЭ on |hio t.our?

1 . ( i n t r o d u с e/ a n y n e w 5 o n g 5o n t h i s t o u r ? )

Pдur.: Yeэ, we are . We're intrоduсing some songs from our

new album ' In thе Аir

Sтвpн: Yоur fans are so exсited to sеe you after suсh a long time.
Why are you touring again?
3 . ( W h y ' 1t o u r / а g a i п ? )

Pдur,: We want to play for livе audienсes. Wе neеd that.

Sтшpн: What are you working one these days?

4 . ( W h а t / W o r k o n / t h e s ed a y s ? )

Pдur,: Some exсiting new material. But tмe'rе not talking about it yet.
Who is singing with you now?
5 . ( W h o ' / 5 i n g , ' W i t h ) , o t rn О w ? )
She has a niсe voiсе.

Pдur,: Sylvia Sylva is singing some of the songs from the album.
Sтшpн: Is she replacing Toti?
6 . ( s l r Р' г е p | а с е1 Т о t i ? )

Yes, she is
Pдur,: . Toti has a new babv. but shе'llbе baсk in
a few months.

ЕDlT. Rеod this lеttеr.Find ond сorrесt six mistokеsin thе usе of thе prеsеnt
progrеssivе.The first mistokеis olrеodу сorrеcted.

'm sleeping 'm
l.wri*eto +romm\ hordroom.euеryonе
е|5еis s|ееp,bиtI sittingherеаnd wаtching

thе oceaо.Wе,rеstауtng
аt thе P|аzлin АttanticBеаch,а0dtnе vleu/is beaиtitиl.
Ihetoцr is
going are
Ihе aцdiеncеis crazуabot,lt
goе5we||. thе nеwsongs,bцtIhе tаns is alulavsаskinqfor yoи.
Howis thе bаbt(5hе hаs а grеаluoice.Do \oцirеаching
hеrto sinqуd? Мауbеbothaflyoи

wi||comеаIongtorthе nехIIoцr|

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