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' (c) 1195-2008 MCS Electronics

' hid_generic-162.bas
' generic HID input and output sample, based on Atmels sampe
$regfile = "usb162.dat"
$crystal = 8000000
$baud = 19200

Const Mdbg = 1 ' if you want to see all USB communication turn it on but turin it off
(0) for your application since it will cost space
Const Chiddevice = 1 ' set this on for HID devices

Config Clockdiv = 1 ' we let the internal clock divider divide by 1 which will result in 8 Mhz clock
Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0

Const Vendor_id = &H16D0 ' MCS Vendor ID

Const Product_id = &H201D ' MCS product ID, you can buy a PID in the MCS shop
'specific device constants
Const Ep_control_length = 32
Const User_conf_size = 41
Const Size_of_report = 53
Const Device_class = 0
Const Device_sub_class = 0
Const Device_protocol = 0
Const Release_number = &H1000
Const Length_of_report_in = 8
Const Length_of_report_out = 8
Const Interface_nb = 0
Const Alternate = 0
Const Nb_endpoint = 2
Const Interface_class = 3 ' HID
Const Interface_sub_class = 0
Const Interface_protocol = 0
Const Interface_index = 0

'Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0

Print "USB GENERIC test"

Declare Sub Usb_user_endpoint_init

Declare Sub Hid_test_hit()
Declare Sub Hid_task()
Declare Sub Hid_task_init()

Const Usb_config_attributes_reserved = &H80

Const Usb_config_buspowered = Usb_config_attributes_reserved
Const Usb_config_selfpowered = Usb_config_attributes_reserved Or &H40
Const Usb_config_remotewakeup = Usb_config_attributes_reserved Or &H20

Const Nb_interface = 1
Const Conf_nb = 1
Const Conf_index = 0
Const Conf_attributes = Usb_config_buspowered
Const Max_power = 50 ' 100 mA

Const Interface_nb_mouse = 0
Const Alternate_mouse = 0
Const Nb_endpoint_mouse = 1
Const Interface_class_mouse = 3 ' HID Class
Const Interface_sub_class_mouse = 1 ' Sub Class is Mouse
Const Interface_protocol_mouse = 2 ' Mouse
Const Interface_index_mouse = 0

Const Nb_endpoints = 2 ' number of endpoints in the application including control endpoint
Const Ep_kbd_in = 1 ' Number of the mouse interrupt IN endpoint
Const Ep_hid_in = 1
Const Ep_hid_out = 2

Const Endpoint_nb_1 = Ep_hid_in Or &H80

Const Ep_attributes_1 = 3 ' BULK = 0x02, INTERUPT = 0x03
Const Ep_in_length_1 = 8
Const Ep_size_1 = Ep_in_length_1
Const Ep_interval_1 = 20 ' Interrupt polling interval from host

Const Endpoint_nb_2 = Ep_hid_out

Const Ep_attributes_2 = 3 ' BULK = 0x02, INTERUPT = 0x03
Const Ep_out_length = 8
Const Ep_size_2 = Ep_out_length
Const Ep_interval_2 = 20 ' interrupt polling from host

Config Usb = Device , Language = &H0409 , Manufact = "MCS" , Product = "MCSHID162" , Serial = "MC0001"

'Dim some user vars

Dim Usb_kbd_state As Byte , Usb_key As Byte , Usb_data_to_send As Byte
Dim Dummy As Byte , Dummy1 As Byte , Dummy2 As Byte

Print "task init"

Usb_task_init ' init the usb task
Hid_task_init ' init the USB task
Usb_task 'call this subroutine once in a while
Hid_task 'call this subroutine once in a while
'you can call your sub program here

'nothing needed to init

Sub Hid_task_init()
end sub

'HID task must be checked regular

Sub Hid_task()
If Usb_connected = 1 Then ' Check USB HID is enumerated
Usb_select_endpoint Ep_hid_out ' Get Data Repport From Host
If Ueintx.rxouti = 1 Then ' Is_usb_receive_out())
Dummy1 = Uedatx : Print "Got : " ; Dummy1 ' it is important that you read the same amount of bytes here as were sent by the host !
Dummy2 = Uedatx : Print "Got : " ; Dummy2
Dummy = Uedatx : Print "Got : " ; Dummy
Dummy = Uedatx : Print "Got : " ; Dummy
Dummy = Uedatx : Print "Got : " ; Dummy
Dummy = Uedatx : Print "Got : " ; Dummy
Dummy = Uedatx : Print "Got : " ; Dummy
Dummy = Uedatx : Print "Got : " ; Dummy
End If

If Dummy1 = &H55 And Dummy2 = &HAA Then ' Check if we received DFU mode command from host
Usb_detach ' Detach Actual Generic Hid Application
Waitms 500
Goto &H1800 'goto bootloader
'here you could call the bootloader then
End If

Usb_select_endpoint Ep_hid_in ' Ready to send these information to the host application
If Ueintx.txini = 1 Then ' Is_usb_in_ready())
Uedatx = 1
Uedatx = 2
Uedatx = 3
Uedatx = 4
Uedatx = 5
Uedatx = 6
Uedatx = 7
Uedatx = 8
Usb_ack_fifocon ' Send data over the USB
End If
End If
End Sub

'this function is called for user requests

Function Usb_user_read_request(type As Byte , Request As Byte) As Byte
#if Mdbg
Usb_string_type = Uedatx 'Usb_read_byte();
Usb_descriptor_type = Uedatx 'Usb_read_byte();
Usb_user_read_request = 0
Select Case Request
Case Get_descriptor:
Select Case Usb_descriptor_type
Case Report : Call Hid_get_report()
Usb_user_read_request = 1
Case Hid : Call Hid_get_hid_descriptor()
Usb_user_read_request = 1
Case Else
Usb_user_read_request = 0
End Select
Case Set_configuration:
Select Case Usb_descriptor_type
Case Set_report : Call Hid_set_report()
Usb_user_read_request = 1
Case Else
Usb_user_read_request = 0
End Select
Case Get_interface:
'// usb_hid_set_idle();
Call Usb_hid_get_interface()
Usb_user_read_request = 1
Case Else
Usb_user_read_request = 0
End Select
End Function

'This function initializes the USB device controller and
'configures the Default Control Endpoint.
Sub Usb_init_device()
#if Usbfunc
#if Usbfunc
If = 1 Then 'is it an USB device?
Uenum = Ep_control ' select USB endpoint
If Ueconx.epen = 0 Then ' usb endpoint not enabled yet
Call Usb_configure_endpoint(ep_control , Type_control , Direction_out , Size_32 , One_bank , Nyet_disabled)
End If
#if Usbfunc
End If
End Sub

'init the user endpoints

Sub Usb_user_endpoint_init(byval Nm As Byte)
Call Usb_configure_endpoint(ep_hid_in , Type_interrupt , Direction_in , Size_8 , One_bank , Nyet_enabled)
Call Usb_configure_endpoint(ep_hid_out , Type_interrupt , Direction_out , Size_8 , One_bank , Nyet_enabled)
End Sub

'the following data is all USB data

Data 18 , Device_descriptor ' size and device_descriptor
Data 0 , 2 ' Usb_write_word_enum_struc(USB_SPECIFICATION)
Data Device_class , Device_sub_class ' DEVICE_CLASS and DEVICE_SUB_CLASS
Data Device_protocol , Ep_control_length ' device protol and ep_control_length
Data Vendor_id% ' Usb_write_word_enum_struc(VENDOR_ID)
Data Product_id% ' Usb_write_word_enum_struc(PRODUCT_ID)
Data Release_number% ' Usb_write_word_enum_struc(RELEASE_NUMBER)
Data Man_index , Prod_index ' MAN_INDEX and PROD_INDEX
Data Sn_index , Nb_configuration ' SN_INDEX and NB_CONFIGURATION

Data 9 , Configuration_descriptor ' length , CONFIGURATION descriptor
Data User_conf_size% ' total length of data returned
Data Nb_interface , Conf_nb ' number of interfaces for this conf. , value for SetConfiguration resquest
Data Conf_index , Conf_attributes ' index of string descriptor , Configuration characteristics
Data Max_power ' maximum power consumption

Data 9 , Interface_descriptor ' length , INTERFACE descriptor type

Data Interface_nb , Alternate ' Number of interface , value to select alternate setting
Data Nb_endpoint , Interface_class ' Number of EP except EP 0 ,Class code assigned by the USB
Data Interface_sub_class , Interface_protocol ' Sub-class code assigned by the USB , Protocol code assigned by the USB
Data Interface_index ' Index Of String Descriptor

Data 9 , Hid_descriptor ' length , HID descriptor type

Data Hid_bdc% , 8 ' Binay Coded Decimal Spec. release , Hid_country_code
Data Hid_class_desc_nb , Hid_descriptor_type ' Number of HID class descriptors to follow , Report descriptor type
Data Size_of_report% ' HID KEYBOARD LENGTH

Data 7 , Endpoint_descriptor ' Size Of This Descriptor In Bytes , ENDPOINT descriptor type
Data Endpoint_nb_1 , Ep_attributes_1 ' Address of the endpoint ,Endpoint's attributes
Data Ep_size_1% ' Maximum packet size for this EP , Interval for polling EP in ms
Data Ep_interval_1

Data 7 , Endpoint_descriptor ' Size Of This Descriptor In Bytes , ENDPOINT descriptor type
Data Endpoint_nb_2 , Ep_attributes_2 ' Address of the endpoint , Endpoint's attributes
Data Ep_size_2% ' Maximum packet size for this EP
Data Ep_interval_2 ' Interval for polling EP in ms

Data &H06 , &HFF , &HFF ' 04|2 , Usage Page (vendordefined?)
Data &H09 , &H01 ' 08|1 , Usage (vendordefined
Data &HA1 , &H01 ' A0|1 , Collection (Application)
' // IN report
Data &H09 , &H02 ' 08|1 , Usage (vendordefined)
Data &H09 , &H03 ' 08|1 , Usage (vendordefined)
Data &H15 , &H00 ' 14|1 , Logical Minimum(0 for signed byte?)
Data &H26 , &HFF , &H00 ' 24|1 , Logical Maximum(255 for signed byte?)
Data &H75 , &H08 ' 74|1 , Report Size(8) = field size in bits = 1 byte
Data &H95 , Length_of_report_in ' 94|1:ReportCount(size) = repeat count of previous item
Data &H81 , &H02 ' 80|1: IN report (Data,Variable, Absolute)
' // OUT report
Data &H09 , &H04 ' 08|1 , Usage (vendordefined)
Data &H09 , &H05 ' 08|1 , Usage (vendordefined)
Data &H15 , &H00 ' 14|1 , Logical Minimum(0 for signed byte?)
Data &H26 , &HFF , &H00 ' 24|1 , Logical Maximum(255 for signed byte?)
Data &H75 , &H08 ' 74|1 , Report Size(8) = field size in bits = 1 byte
Data &H95 , Length_of_report_out ' 94|1:ReportCount(size) = repeat count of previous item
Data &H91 , &H02 ' 90|1: OUT report (Data,Variable, Absolute)
' // Feature report
Data &H09 , &H06 ' 08|1 , Usage (vendordefined)
Data &H09 , &H07 ' 08|1 , Usage (vendordefined)
Data &H15 , &H00 ' 14|1 , LogicalMinimum(0 for signed byte)
Data &H26 , &HFF , &H00 ' 24|1 , Logical Maximum(255 for signed byte)
Data &H75 , &H08 ' 74|1 , Report Size(8) =field size in bits = 1 byte
Data &H95 , &H04 ' 94|1:ReportCount
Data &HB1 , &H02 ' B0|1: Feature report
Data &HC0 ' C0|0 , End Collection

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