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Detailed Lesson Plan in Reading Skills

Mentee : Ily Niane H. Saludo

Myla Fe D. Jipulan
Marlon L. Sumangcad
Mentor : Levi A. Pacalioga
School : JHCSC- Laboratory Highschool, Dumingag Campus
Grade Level : 10
Subject : English

I. Objectives: Given the materials and activities, the students will be able to do the following with
at least 75%level of accuracy:
a. infer the characteristics of the father, older son and younger son in the story;
b. present an oral/written interpretations of the story; and
c. stress the importance of forgiving someone.
II. Subject Matter: The Parable of the Prodigal Son, Ref. English Across Continents
Materials: cartolina strips, pentel pens
Value Integration: Forgiveness
III. Procedure: Developmental Method
Teacher’s Activity Students Activity
Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
Everybody stand! Yes, ma’am.
Jehannie please lead the prayer.
 Greetings Good morning Ma’am! Good morning
Good morning class! classmates! Good morning!

 Checking of Attendance
I want the class secretary to check the attendance Yes ma’am

and submit to me a list afterwards.

 Passing of Assignments
Class, do you have an assignment? Yes/No, Ma’am.

I want you to pass it to the center aisle and to the

front in the count of five.
 Setting of Classroom Standards
Before we will discuss our topic this morning, I
want everyone to put cellular phones in a silent mode and
avoid going in and out during class discussions. If you
have personal necessities, raise your hand to be
recognized. Most of all, do not answer in chorus, answer
me in complete sentence and respect the answers of your Yes ma’am.
classmates. Are we clear class?
A. Preparation
1. Motivation Yes/No Ma’am.
Class, do you experienced rebellion to your parents? (students have varied answers)
What are the things that have you done? Yes ma’am. I realized that I can’t live without my
Did you realize something after that? parents.
Yes I would accept him/her because no matter
If you were the parents and your child rebel and went what happened, he/she is still my child.
away, would you accept him/her again if he/she came
Class your answers are similar to the religious story that
we are about to discuss. Yes ma’am.
Do you want to know about it?

2. Statement of the Aim

This morning, we will read and discuss “The
Parable of the Prodigal Son.” But before the discussion
proper, let us unlock first the difficult words found in
the religious story.

3. Unlocking of Difficulties
I have here ten words written in the cartolina.
Match the words with their synonymous terms posted on
the board. G
1. The younger son squandered his property. H
2. A severe famine arose in the country.
3. He was longing to be fed with the pods that the B
pigs ate. D
4. The father killed fattened calf.
5. He devoured everything.
6. The prodigal son spent all his shared wealth. I
7. His father came out and entreated him. E
8. He waste his money in reckless living. C
9. He arose and came to his father.
10. His father saw him and felt compassion. A

Word meanings/synonymous terms:

A. to begin to occur or to exist
B. a number of animals clustered together
C. not showing proper concern about the possible
bad results of your actions
D. the young of the domestic cow
E. to ask (someone) in a serious and emotional way
F. consume
G. to use (something) in a foolish or wasteful way
H. starvation
I. carelessly and foolishly spending money
J. sympathy

Reading Proper
This morning, we will discuss the story titled “The
Parable of the Prodigal Son.”
But before the discussion proper, I will divide the
class into four groups. While the assigned group is reading
their assigned bible verses, the other groups should listen
carefully because questions will be raised right after the
reading of each group. Yes, ma’am

Am I clear?
(The teacher distributes photocopies of the story) The first group read the assigned bible verses.

Group 1: Luke 15, 11-13 The characters in the story are the father, older

Who are the characters in the story? son, younger son and the servants.
The younger son asked about his shared

What did the younger son ask from his father? property.
The younger son spent it by taking a journey

How did the younger son spend what his father gave into a far country and squandering his property in

him? reckless living.

The second group read the assigned bible

Group 2: Luke 15, 14-19 verses.

The younger son thought of going back home
What made the younger son think on going back due to severe famine arose in the country where
home? he lived.
The younger son plan to treat him as one of his
What did the younger son plan in telling his father father’s hired servants.
upon his return? Group three read the assigned bible verses.
Group 3: Luke 15, 20-24 The father happily welcome his returning son
Why do you think the father happily welcome his because he thought his son was already dead and
returning son? was alive again: he was lost, and is found.
The students read the assigned bible verses.
Group 4: Luke 15, 25-32 The older son was angry and refused to go in
How did the older son react to what he saw upon the pa
coming home?
B. Post Reading The theme of the story is, “Patience, love and
 Literal good treatment towards the elderly”.
Who was served a food and ate in the wooden bowl? The wooden bowl symbolizes the patience,
simplicity, humility and the pains of the old man.
Who made a wooden bowl that will serve as a plate of
his parents? If I were the old man, I would feel the same
because they treated me like an outcast and
 Interpretation stranger despite the good things I have done to
Why did the old man cry as he sat and ate alone in the them when I am still strong.
corner? If I were the old man, I wouldn’t feel the same
Infer the traits of the daughter-in-law, grandson and because they were right that I am messy and old
grandfather. enough to be with them.
If I were the boy, I wouldn’t do the same
because they are my parents I don’t want to see
them eating in a wooden bowl while I eat in an
elegant plate.
If I were the boy, I would do the same because
this is what they are my parents did to my
grandfather and since they are my parents, I wil

 Evaluation follow their styles and ways of taking care the old

What is the author’s purpose in the writing the story? ones

Students do the activity.
What is the theme of the story?

What is the symbolism of wooden bowl?

 Application
I you were the old man, would you feel the same? Why
or why not?

If you were the boy, would you do the same?

Students do the activity.

C. Application
(RAFT Method- based on student’s readiness level.)


1. Actor Viewers Role-Play events in
the story
Listeners Storytelling event in
the story
3.Interprete Readers/ Story Important
r Listeners Interpretation event in
the story
Readers/ Reflection Theme of
4. Writer
Listeners Writing the story

Viewer/ Poster and Theme of

5. Artist
Reader Slogan the story

IV. Evaluation:
Directions: Critique the traits of the old man in the
story using the Literary Report Card below. Write letters G
if his traits are Good, S if his traits are Satisfactory and N
if he Needs Improvement. Then, site some examples that
proves to the grades you have given to the old man (write
it to the “comment” column).

Character: Old man

Area Grade Comments
during meal
with family
G - Good S - Satisfactory N – Needs Improvement

V. Assignment:
Guided with the events in the story “The Wooden
Bowl”, complete the graphic organizer below.
1. Cause-Effect – Flow Columns

Cause Effect

2. Story Face
Setting Main Characters



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