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Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 10 English

Mentee:Rubiejen C. Gapo
Mentor: Fe M.Pabingwit
School: JHCSC-Dumingag Campus, High School Laboratory
I. Objectives: Given the materials and activities, the students will be able to do the following with
at least 75% level of accuracy:
a. define subjunctive mood and know its uses;
b. present a conversation applying the subjunctive mood;
c. construct sentences using auxiliary verbs that express the subjunctive mood;and
d. appreciate the lesson by showing cooperation in class activities.

II. Subject Matter: Subjunctive Mood

Reference: Linking the World through English IV, pp. 150-151
Materials: manila paper, diagram, cartolina strips, pentelpen, power point presentation
Value Integration: Be a wise decision maker

III. Procedure: Deductive Method

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
Please lead the prayer ________ _______leads the prayer.
 Greetings
Good afternoon, class. Good afternoon, Ma’am.
How are you today? We’re fine, Ma’am.
 Checking of Attendance
Class, do we have absentees today? Class secretary There are ____ absentees, Ma’am.
how many are absent?
 Passing of Assignments
Class, do you have an assignment given by your Yes/No, Ma’am.
previous teacher?
 Setting of Classroom Standards
Class, before we are going to start our discussion, I
have here rules for you to follow: First, I want you
to seat properly. Second, I don’t want you to talk
with your seatmates and I don’t want to see anyone
roaming around or going in and out in the classroom
while the class is still going on. Third, keep your
cellular phones in silent mode. Fourth, do not
answer in chorus. If you want to answer, just raise
your right hand. Lastly, I want you to cooperate in
different activities and let us respect one another.
Am I clear class? Yes, Ma’am.
A. Preparation
1. Motivation
Class, I havehere a dialogue. All boys will read the
lines of Daniel. All girls will read the lines of Rica. Am I
understood class? Yes, Ma’am.
(Teacher presents the dialogue)
(Students read the dialogue)

Daniel: Rica, I get jealous with our classmates. They all

come from rich family.
Rica: Me, too. If I were rich like them, I would sail around
the world.
Daniel: Really? I wish I had the chance to become the
President of the Philippines, too.
Rica: How can we become like them?
Daniel: I suggest that we study. I mean, we must read
books every day.
Rica: You’re right. We must also review before
examination period.
Daniel: I demand that you be punctual, too. You always
come to school late.
Rica: If I should change my ways, would my wish come
Daniel: Probably, yes.
Rica: Then, let’s get going.

Value Integration:

What is the dialogue all about? The dialogue is all about two students talking about
their wishes and desires in life.

Do you have dreams and wishes in your life? Yes, Ma’am.

What is/are your dreams and wishes in life? My wish is to finish my high school studies and be able
to proceed to college.

What are you going to do in order to make your wishes I will study hard in school, do my assignments, answer
and dreams come true? my exams and quizzes and participate in classroom
activities so that my dreams and wishes will come true.

How important is decision making in attaining you Decision-making will help me in choosing which path
dreams and wishes in life? to take in the future. With this, I will be able to begin
planning for the things that benefit me and help me to
become successful someday.

Class, what have you observed in the dialogue? We observed that there are underlined words in the

What are the underlined words in the dialogue? The underlined words in the dialogueare were, had,
should, be, and study.
What do you call those underlined words? The underlined words are called verbs.

How does those verbs used in the dialogue? Those verbs are used in the dialogue to express how the
two speakers feel about becoming a successful man.

Class do you know the mood of the verbs used in the Yes/No, Ma’am.

2. Statement of the Aim

This afternoon we will discuss one mood of the verb
which is the Subjunctive Mood.

B. Generalization
 Mood is how the speaker feels about what is being
written or the way the thought is being expressed.
The most commonly discussed moods are
indicative, imperative, and subjunctive.
 Subjunctive Mood isthe mood of a verb expressing
wishes, stipulating demands, or making statements
contrary to fact.
 A verb is in the subjunctive mood when it is
1. To express an idea contrary to the truth in
clauses that begin with if
2. To express wishes or desires
3. To express a request, demand, proposal or
suggestion, in clauses that begin with that

Difference between verbs in the subjunctive mood and

those in the indicative mood

Verb form Indicative Subjunctive

present 3rd with –s ores without –s or –es
person verbs
with –s or –es He fights. I insist that he
Present form of is or are be
He is early. I demand that he
be early.
Be forms in the was or were were
past tense He was tense. If he were tense,
he would be
babbling a lot.
 Auxiliary verbs that express the subjunctive mood:
could, would, and should.
C. Inference
Class, I have here set of sentences. Some were taken from
the dialogue you have read a while ago. Everybody read the

1. If I were rich, I would sail around the world.

What is the underlined word in the sentence? The underlined word in the sentence is “were”.

What do you call that underlined word? The underlined word is called linking verb.

What is a linking verb? A linking verb connects the subject of a sentence with a
noun or an adjective in the predicate.

What is the mood of the verb? The mood of the verb is subjunctive mood.

What is subjunctive mood? Subjunctive Mood isthe mood of a verb expressing

wishes, stipulating demands, or making statements contrary
to fact.

What is being expressed in the sentence? The sentence expresses two ideas/statements that are
contrary to the truth/fact and begins with if.

What are the two statements that show contrary to the The two statements that show contrary to fact are “If I
truth/ fact? were rich” and “I would sail around the world”.

How many clauses in the sentence? There aretwo clauses in the sentence.

What do you call those clauses? The first statement is a dependent clause and the second
statement is an independent clause.

What is the dependent clause in the sentence? The dependent clause is “If I were rich”.

What is the independent clause in the sentence? The independent clause in the sentence is “I would sail
around the world”.

What is the form of the verb in the first statement? The verb in the first statement is in the past form.

What will happen to the verb in the second statement The verb “were” in the first statement is always used
if we are going to use the verb “were” or the past form of with “would” in the proceeding statement.
the verb in the first statement?

2. I wish I had the chance to become the President of the


What is the underlined word in the sentence? The underlined word in the sentence is “had”.

What do you call that underlined word? The underlined word is called linking verb.

What is a linking verb? A linking verb connects the subject of a sentence with a
noun or an adjective in the predicate.
What is the mood of the verb? The mood of the verb is subjunctive mood.

What is subjunctive mood? Subjunctive Mood is the mood of a verb expressing

wishes, stipulating demands, or making statements contrary
to fact.

What is being expressed in the sentence? The sentence expresses a wish.

What form of the verb will you use to express wishes In expressing wishes and desires, the verb always takes
or desires? past form of the verb.

3. I suggest that he study.

What is the underlined word in the sentence? The underlined word in the sentence is “study”.

What do you call that underlined word? The underlined word is called verb.

What is a verb? A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of


What is the mood of the verb? The mood of the verb is subjunctive mood.

Why did you say that the verb is in the subjunctive The verb is in the subjunctive mood because it expresses
mood? a suggestion.

What is subjunctive mood? Subjunctive Mood is the mood of a verb expressing

wishes, stipulating demands, or making statements contrary
to fact.

How does the verb in the sentence being used? The verb in the sentence is used to express a suggestion.

What have you observed in the verb of the sentence? I observed that the verb in the sentence is plural where
Do you think the verb agree to the subject-verb agreement? in fact the preceding word is singular.

Why does it happen? This happens because the form of the subjunctive is
present. The third person singular always takes present or
base form of the verb.

4. If I should change my ways, would my wish come true?

What is the underlined word in the sentence? The underlined word in the sentence is “should”.

What do you call that underlined word? The underlined word is called auxiliary or helping verb.

What is an auxiliary or helping verb? An auxiliary or helping verb help the main verb express
action or make a statement.

What is being expressed in the verb of the sentence? The verb of the sentence expresses ideas that are
contrary to the truth/fact.
If the verb expresses contrary to fact, what is the mood If the verb expresses contrary to fact, the mood of the
of the verb? verb is subjunctive mood.

What is subjunctive mood? Subjunctive Mood is the mood of a verb expressing

wishes, stipulating demands, or making statements contrary
to fact.

How does the verb in this sentence being used? The verb in this sentence is used to express two
ideas/statements that are contrary to the truth/fact and
begins with if.

What are the two statements that show contrary to the The two statements that show contrary to fact are “If I
truth/ fact? should change my ways” and “would my wish come true?”

How many clauses in the sentence? There aretwo clauses in the sentence.

What do you call those clauses? The first statement is a dependent clause and the second
statement is an independent clause.

What is the dependent clause in the sentence? The dependent clause in the sentence is “If I should
change my ways”.

What is the independent clause in the sentence? The independent clause in the sentence is “Would my
wish come true?”

What will happen to the verb in the second statement if The verb “should” in the first statement is always used
we are going to use the verb “could” in the first statement? with “would” in the proceeding statement.

When do you use subjunctive mood? We use subjunctive mood to:

 To express an idea contrary to the truth in clauses
that begin with if
 To express wishes or desires
 To express a request, demand, proposal or
suggestion, in clauses that begin with that
5. I demand that yoube punctual.

What is the underlined word in the sentence? The underlined word in the sentence is “be”.

What do you call that underlined word? The underlined word is called linking verb.

What is a linking verb? A linking verb connects the subject of a sentence with a
noun or an adjective in the predicate.

What is being expressed in the verb of the sentence? The verb of the sentence expresses a demand.

If the verb expresses a demand, what is the mood of If the verb expresses demand, the mood of the verb is
the verb? subjunctive.

What is subjunctive mood? Subjunctive Mood is the mood of a verb expressing

wishes, stipulating demands, or making statements contrary
to fact.
What have observed in the verb of the sentence? I observe that the sentence uses the verb “be” instead of

How does it happen? This happens because the form of the subjunctive is
present. The present form of be when used in the
subjunctive mood remains be followed by an adjective.

D. Verification
(Tiered Method – based on student’s readiness level)
Class, I have here 3 activities. Choose the activity
which suits to your ability. I want you to present a
conversation applying the subjunctive mood which verbs are
expressed into the following:

Group 1 – Present a conversation using the clause “If I

Group 2 – Present a conversation about your Christmas
Group 3–Present a conversation in a classroom meeting
using the following verbs: order, request, demand, suggest,
propose and recommend.

IV. Evaluation
A. Directions: Arrange the sentences to make it correct.
Write your answer below each number. Students answer the activity

1.knew / wish / my sister’s / I / secret. / I

1. I wish I knew my sister’s secret.
2. happier / she / be / rich? / if / Would / she / were
2. Would she be happier if she were rich?
3. students / the / be / recommend / I / that / polite.
3. I recommend that the students be polite.
4.speak / could / he / English / fluently. / He / wishes
4. He wishes he could speak English fluently.

5.demanded / The father / a traditional / have / wedding. / 5. The father demanded that his daughter have a
daughter / his / that traditional wedding.

B. Directions: Construct five sentences using auxiliary

verbs that express the subjunctive mood.
 Could (2 sentences)
 Would (2 sentences)
 Should (1 sentence)
V. Assignment
In a paragraph form, write down 5 wishes for your
upcoming birthday using the I wish I were...or If I were …
pattern. Write these in a ½ sheet of paper.

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