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Structure and actors: stakeholders of global governance

GENERAL STRUCTURES - International Governmental Organizations (IGOs)

*World Trade Organization (WTO) *UN system

The proliferation of networked global markets, revolution in global communications

technologies, the end of the Cold War and increased involvement of non-state actors in global
affairs all contribute to “globalization”. 

Global governance actors broaden the scope of activities in which they are involved and they also change the
patterns of interaction and cooperation in tackling current issues on a global level.

Current global governance arrangements favour flexibility over rigidity, prefer voluntary
measures to binding rules, choose partnerships over individual actions, and give rise to new
initiatives and ideas.

The modes of global governance vary widely, four general structures can be identified:
• International Governmental Organizations (IGOs),
• Public–Private Partnerships (PPPs),
• Private governance and
• Tripartite governance mechanisms.

International Governmental Organizations (IGOs),

• refers to an entity created by treaty, involving two or more nations, to work in good faith, on issues of
common interest.
• are organizations made up of more than one national government. The governments are the
The main purposes of IGOs were to create a mechanism for the world’s inhabitants to work more successfully
together in the areas of peace and security, and also to deal with economic and social questions. In this
current era of increasing globalization and interdependence of nations, IGOs have come to play a very
significant role in international political systems and global governance.

 IGOs influence international relations by IGOs contribute to habits of cooperation. Through IGOs, states
become socialized to regular interactions.
• IGOs often spearhead the creation and maintenance of international rules and principles. They establish
expectations about their behavior of other states.
• For states, IGOs enlarge the possibilities for foreign policy making and add to the constraints under which
states operate and especially implement foreign policy. States join IGOs to use them as instruments of
foreign policy.
• IGOs affect individuals by providing opportunities for leadership. As individuals work with or in IGOs, they,
like states, may become socialized to cooperate internationally.

 IGOs such as the World Trade Organization and the UN system are examples of existing state-centered
governance mechanisms.

• WTO is an independent multilateral organization that became responsible for trade in services, non-
tariff-related barriers to trade, and other boarder areas of trade liberalization.

• The United Nations is a public organizations of States that was established by the intergovernmental
cooperation after the end of the 2nd World War.

• Since the inception of various International Governmental Organizations (IGOs), their membership and
outside observers have come to view these as an important addition to the international architecture that
has made a valued contribution to better global governance. • Such organizations have been particularly
successful in sharing experiences and exchanging views on key global issues. • The keys to their success
have been the ability to engage in meaningful debate, frankly and informally, and a commitment to seek
consensus. • These International Governmental Organizations (IGOs), must continue to build on these
successes, since their future role will depend on the ability of their members to continue to collaborate in
an effective manner.

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