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In this assignment, Lessons for Undercover Bosses will cover Wandering Around on a
daily basis (MBWA) or Managing By Walking Around. What managers might learn from
MBWA. Employee’s point of view on the subject. The dangers of MBWA, other tools
management might explore.
What are some of the things managers can learn by walking around and having daily
contact with line employees that they might not be able to learn from looking at data and
reports? What Management can Achieve By Wandering Around on a daily basis
(MBWA) according to Mind Tools LTD, 2016:
Approachability: When your employees feels you as a person and not just a boss, they
will be more willing to let you know what’s going on.
Trust: The more your staff gets to know you better, they’ll trust you more. When you say
your going to do something make sure you follow through with it.
Business Knowledge: To gain a better understanding of the functions and processes
around you, getting out on the floor to see what’s actually happening on a daily basis.
Accountability: By interacting on a daily basis with your team, everyone is more
motivated to follow through with completed assignments.
Morale: When you create an culture within an organization with MBWA, it gives your
employees an opportunity for them to be heard, which in turn makes them feel good
about their jobs and company.
Productivity: MBWA promotes casual conversations, which can lead to brainstorming
and / or creative ideas.
In this chart below Olivier Serrat shares Managing by Walking Around, 2013.

As an employee, would you appreciate knowing your supervisor regularly spent time
with workers? Employees want honesty and integrity from their bosses, they want to be
held accountable to the same standards in fairness an...

... middle of paper ...

...MOST Analysis: Ensuring that Organizational Activities deliver your Vision of the
Future (Mind Tools LTD, 2016).
Are there any dangers in the use of a management by walking around strategy? Could
this strategy lead employees to feel they are being spied on? What actions on the part of
managers might minimize these concerns? “The dangers of this distant approach are
clear. Executives sometimes make decisions without recognizing how difficult or
impractical they are to implement. Executives can also lose sight of the primary
challenges their employees face. The managers might be seen as intruders or
micromanagers / overseers, it might counter act gathered data-based approach on making
managerial decisions and for the most part it takes them away from them doing their core
job tasks like strategic planning, coordination and analysis.” (Robbins, S., & Judge, T.,
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