He Charged The Priests With Treason and Sedition in Connection With The Uprising of The 1872 Cavite Mutiny

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The 1872 Cavite was one of the reasons why these priests were killed though they

were not guilty. It happened in the arsenal of Cavite under Sarhento La Madrid. There
are actually two views in this explanation: views of the Filipino, and the views of the
Spaniards. In the views of the Filipino, the Spaniards removed their privileges and rights
which caused their mutiny to the ruling leader. However, in the views of the Spaniards,
they already know that a mutiny is going to happen and it is not an accident mutiny but
a planned one in order to bring down the Spanish government.

Padre Burgos, Gomez, and Zamora─ back on the issue of secularization in the
Philippines─ are fighting for their rights to have a role or duty in the church as Filipino
priests. But the Spanish priests do not like this idea so they took advantage of the
mutiny in order to get rid of the three. The Spanish Governor-general of the Philippines
at that time, charged the priests with treason and sedition in connection with the uprising of the
1872 Cavite Mutiny. They used the soldiers who were also caught in the mutiny to testify
against the priests and then executed them by “garrote” or strangulation. Unfortunately,
those who testified against them were also killed.

These events were not acceptable in the eyes of the Filipino people. The death of
Gomburza awakened strong feelings of anger and resentment among the
Filipinos. They questioned Spanish authorities and demanded reforms. The
martyrdom of the three priests apparently helped to inspire the organization of the
Propaganda Movement, which aimed to seek reforms and inform Spain of the
abuses of its colonial government.

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