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Name: Jillane J.

1.Leonardo Da Vinci suggests that in achieving the principles discussed here, “a man can become a
genius”. Do you agree? Defend your answer.
Leonardo was a wise man, I believe. He was just a normal person at first, born with the capabilities to
learn just like us, one can be smart with their ambition if he tries to become better than being better, I
believe it is possible that a normal person can be a genius in a specific talent.
2.After you learned the seven Da Vincian principles, do you agree that art and science can go together?
These two major aspects have been treated different as I experienced living in this environment, but I
agree that art and science can coexist together for the reason that art is an expression to what science has
A.True or False. Determine whether the statement is true or false. Write TRUE if it is True and FALSE if
it is False. Support your answer by explaining your points in 2 sentences only (2 pts each).
___TRUE______1. The mimetic approach criticizes works as the reflection of an author’s life and times.
I’ll depend my answer by quoting the statement in module “art is an imitation, depiction or representation
of some aspect of nature or life”
___TRUE______2. The formalist approach believes that all information essential to the interpretation of
a work must be found within the work itself.
All necessary information must be contained in his work in order to understand the art. Necessary
information must not include too much biographical information of the author.
___TRUE______3. The idea of individualism is crucial to the understanding of the expressive approach.
It is a key for an expressive approach because the artist creates his work with his feeling and expression
due to that individuality of the artist is shown on his masterpiece.
__TRUE_______4. There is no subjectivity in formalist approach.
It is true that there is no subjectivity in formalist approach because this approach is based on the forms of
an art.
__TRUE_______5. The pragmatic approach believes that the very purpose of art like in literature is to
teach morality and probe philosophical issues.
Pragmatic approach emphasizes the value and to liberate art from the chains of morality, religion,
political propaganda and social reform, and sets up art as something worthy of appreciation for its own

B. Essay: Write a 5-sentence essay that answers the question: “Who decides what art means?” (10 pts)
Art is appreciated from the very tiny stroke on the painting, lowest key of the notes, smallest word of the
poem to its biggest image provided but then, who are the righteous individual to decide on the meaning of
the art? I believe that art has multiple meanings from the different perception of the eyes, every
individual is allowed to judge whether an art is amusing, nonetheless no one could tell its absolute
message besides the creator. The creator must be the person to decide the meaning of an art for it is his
own creative thinking that brought an idea to an image. Yes, we have been provided with diverse
approaches to understand an art but I do not agree that we could understand the deeper meaning of the art
without the verification of the creator. In conclusion the creator is the person to decide the reality inside
an art.
Direction: Identify what particular theory the following figures represent.

Marxism Marxism Post colonialism

Feminism Feminism Post colonialism

Deconstruction Deconstruction Queer Theory

1.What values of the T’bolis are directly stated or implied from the selection?
From the myth I have read I can conclude that these are the values of T’boli; reliability, and
thoughtfulness. I can say that they have the latter values for the reason that deities think for the good of
3.What truths about man are conveyed by the story?
From the Legend of T’boli, I believe that man was described as a being that can not be gentle and placid
in all situation, similar with the woman. On the other hand, man must become courageous in order for the
couple to live despite of the circumstances.

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