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Target KPI Accomplis Target KPI Accomplis

Area/Objectives for 2019- hed KPI for for 2020- hed KPI for
2020 2019-2020 2021 2020-2021
% of outstanding faculty per
% of faculty who have
complete attendance
No. of instructional
materials produced per
No. of faculty from each
school who enrolled in
online courses from other
foreign institution
% of faculty who are
members of their
professional organizations
no. of OJT per program
from outside the Philippines
No. of courses per school
applying blended learning
% of faculty who
participated on ICT
integration L&D
Projector installed per
% of courses that require
research output
% of students who
graduated on time
% of students who have no
failing grades
% of students passing the
post-test after the
% of schools in Biliran
Province visited to promote
BIPSU programs
No. of student outputs after
integrating Ambisbisyon
Natin 2040
No. of likes in Youube on
Ambisyon Natin 2040
No. of activities imple-
mented on sustainab-lity of
the environment
No. of documents prepared
for the application to offer
new programs
No. of established interna-
tional linkage
No. of faculty researchers
for a joint research
No. of lessons containing
international programs
No. of faculty members sent
for graduate studies
No. of students sent abroad
for international OJT
% of faculty with Master’s
% of faculty with Doctorate
% of administrative staff
who obtained at least Very
Satisfactory rating
No. of participations in
international and national
No. of faculty and
employees who attended
the QMS training
No. of the IQAs per school
% of compliance of the
findings, non-conformance,
and observations Action
Plans/Results of Monitoring
% of attendance in the
Action Plan for
management review
% compliance to all the
needed requirements on
% compliance to ISO
No. of hires Experts from
CHED Technical Committee
to review and conduct
prelim-nary assessment of
the documents
% of prepared requirements
for COD (center of dev’t.)
No. of programs to wit:
First-Time takers per-
formance of the university
surpasses the National
First-Time takers by 5% or
at least 45% passing
percentage of first-time
board examination takers.
Employability rates of
graduates in two-years prior
of each program
% of programs that are
% of Physical Performance
Achievement in the Action
% of Units who have
presented their Annual
Accomplishment Report vis-
à-vis their respective Annual
Action Plans

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